4198 Pilot Knob Rd - Certificate of Occupancy? - ? (grr1??????? ?? ????????y (Litp of (tagan 13pvabttpltl Df glinUtg jmwPttiD11 77ris Cernfuate ircued pursuant w rhe requirements of Sedion 306 of the [I)riforrn 8uilding Code cerlifJd?tg ihat a1 ihe tiw of issucnce [Jris structure um in mmphance wilh the various ordi,runces of the G7ty regulating buikfing oonwuWoa or use For lhe foUowing. ?cwffime., RETAII. PAg. ,brz? ,,m 18188 o-a-y Tya R2 zodmg oktr;« NB Tyrec,- VN 9 POSTlMA GONSPICUOUS PLACE