03/14/2017 - Airport Relations Commission (2)MINUTES OF THE EAGAN AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 14, 2017 A meeting of the Eagan Airport Relations Commission was held on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Charles Thorkildson, Carol Whisnant, Dan Johnson, James Waldhauser, Jeff Spartz, and Assistant City Administrator Miller. Matthew Henderson, Philippe Girard and Julie Lambert were absent. The meeting was called to order by Chair Thorkildson. AGENDA Commissioner Whisnant moved, Commissioner Waldhauser seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. All members voted in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Johnson moved, Commissioner Waldhauser seconded a motion to approve the minutes of November 9, 2016 meetings. All members voted in favor. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. OLD BUSINESS MAC Monthly Reports Assistant City Administrator Miller reviewed the MAC monthly reports for January 2017. Miller noted also included in the packet were summary pages of the November/December 2016 operations at MSP Airport. The Commission discussed the reports. Commissioner Thorkildson noted the report shows interesting flight patterns for the monitor located near McKee Road, and suggested contacting the FAA and the MAC to find out why. FAA Adjusts Converging Runway Operations (CRO) Procedures Assistant City Administrator Miller noted enclosed in the packet is an article the MAC published regarding the changes made by the FAA to adjust CRO procedures. In summary, beginning in January 2017, the FAA is now able to simultaneously use two arrival departure windows, meaning that controllers no longer need to alternate flights departing over Minneapolis and arriving over Eagan/Bloomington as they were doing throughout 2016. The Commission discussed the CRO procedures. NEW BUSINESS Next Generation and Stage V Committee Reports Assistant City Administrator Miller noted as part of the 2016-2017 ARC Work Plan, the Commission created two committees to focus on Next Generation and Stage V Aircraft. The intent is to always have Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 14, 2017 Page 2 this as a standing item and as information becomes available or committees have something to report this would be the time to do so. Miller noted both groups should plan to provide an update at the May meeting. 2040 Comprehensive Guide Plan / Aviation Chapter Assistant City Administrator Miller noted the City of Eagan is in the process of updating its 2040 Comprehensive Guide Plan, which is used as a long term planning tool for the City. Included in the packet is the section on Aviation. The Commission discussed the comprehensive guide plan. STAFF/COMMISSIONER REPORT Debrief on Community Connections Event Assistant City Administrator Miller thanked those from the Commission that helped at the Community Connections event held on March 4, 2017. Miller noted the Commission is welcome to discuss the experience and provide any feedback for improvements or adjustments for future events. The Commission provided some feedback on the event. Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) Interim Co-Chair Appointment Assistant City Administrator Miller noted she has been appointed the Interim Co-Chair of the Noise Oversight Committee through July, at which time the Communities will vote on a Chair person for the next two years. MAC Study: Steeper Glide Slope for Arrival Operations Assistant City Administrator Miller noted at the January 18, 2017 NOC meeting, MAC staff presented their findings on a study pertaining to steeper glide slopes for arrival operations. The results of the study summarized in a memo. The Commission discussed the study. Noise Program Communication Enhancement Plans Assistant City Administrator Miller noted at the January 18, 2017 NOC meeting, MAC staff presented their efforts to enhance communication with the public. The MAC staff will be hosting Listening Sessions which replace the previous “Quarterly Input Meetings” and focus on providing more opportunity for two-way engagement between MAC staff and community members. Miller noted Eagan will be hosting the April 19th Listening Session for the MAC at the Eagan Community Center at 6:00 p.m., it is open to anyone. Second Amendment to Consent Decree Finalized Assistant City Administrator Miller noted this is the settlement that was reached in the noise mitigation lawsuit back in 2007. A Second Amendment has been approved to the Consent Decree and has been Airport Relations Commission Minutes March 14, 2017 Page 3 adopted by the State Court system. The second amendment clarifies the software to be used for airport planning documents and federal environmental review. Additionally, the amendment provides an opportunity for residents who previously opted out of the mitigation program to opt back in if they now qualify for the 5dB mitigation package. Advisory Commission Appointment Process Assistant City Administrator Miller noted the City is currently accepting applications to serve on one of the four City advisory commissions. Applications are being accepted through Friday, March 24, 2017. All incumbents whose terms are expiring must reapply, but have the option of not being formally interviewed by the Council. FAA Tour of Minneapolis Center (Farmington) Assistant City Administrator Miller noted back in January the FAA cancelled the Commission’s tour due to inclement weather. Efforts are being made to reschedule the tour for July 11, 2017. ROUNDTABLE There were no roundtable items. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Whisnant, seconded by Johnson, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. All members voted in favor. __________________________ _________________________________ Date Secretary