05/14/2007 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved June 18, 2007 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF MAY 14,:2007 At a workshop session prior to the regular Advisory Parks Commission meeting the organizational business of the commission was completed. For the 2007/08 term, the Advisory Commission elected Dorothy Peterson as Chair; Ryan Zipf as Vice-Chair and Joe Bari as Secretary. Meeting dates were set for June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 11 (Thursday), November 19, December 17, 2007, January 10 (Thursday), February 14 (Thursday), March 17, April 14 and May 19, 2008. Standing sub- committee were set with the following members serving on each: • Recreation Sub-committee: Ryan Zipf, Jennifer Dahlquist, Richard Pletcher • Natural Resources Sub-committee: Duane Hanson, Phil Belfiori, Richard Pletcher • Acquisition/Development Sub-committee: Dorothy Peterson, Joe Bari, Laurie Halverson MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARY 14, 2007 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 14, 2007 with the following Commission Members present were Joe Bari, Duane Hansen, Dorothy Peterson, Laurie Halverson, Ryan Zipf and Jessica Dahlquist. Members Belfiori, Halverson and Pletcher were not present. Staff included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cherryl Mesko; Superintendent of Parks, Paul Olson;~Campus Facility Manager, Mark Vaughan and Recording Secretary, Kathi Kamm. Member Peterson welcomed new member Jennifer Halverson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Bari moved, Member Zipf seconded, with all present members voting to approve the agenda as presented. RECOGNIZE CITIZEN LAKE MONITORING VOLUNTEERS Eric MacBeth introduced Jim Storland, Water Resources Specialist, who presented plaques to Sue Nippert for 10 years of monitoring water quality on Fish Lake and Royce Tyre for 15 years of monitoring water quality on Carlson Lake. He also recognized Tom Heplung and Steve Weston for their years as volunteers monitoring water quality on area lakes. Eric MacBeth introduced Jessica Kaley, the new Water Resources Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 16,.2007 Member Bari moved, Member Zipf seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of April 16, 2007 as presented. Member Bari questioned Member Peterson regarding the tree planting time on Arbor Day and Member Peterson stated it was 6:00 p.m. on May 17, 2007. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson provided a brief update of activities and events within Parks and Recreation including Showcase Eagan on Thursday, May 17 at the Civic Arena, Cascade Bay and Captain's Course and the Arbor Day event on May 17 with a tree planting at 6 p.m. and judging of posters submitted by elementary students. She also highlighted the Holz Farm Spring Festival event on Sunday, May 20, the Eagan Fun Run on Saturday, May 19 at Northview Park and the season opening of Captain's Course mini-golf on May 17. Other items of interest included Fall Preschool registration and the seasonal opening of restrooms at the park facilities after Memorial Day, May 28. Director Johnson congratulated Parks employees Don Buecksler and Paul Watry who recently completed their National Certification of Playground Inspectors. Director Johnson stated that although the dandelions are an obnoxious weed they are not classified as noxious and, therefore, are not routinely sprayed. CONSENT AGENDA Ryan Zipf moved and Duane Hanson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding the Marsh Cove development. 1. The proposed development shall be subject to a cash pazks dedication. 2. The proposed development shall be granted trail dedication credit subject to the installation of a trail section along Dodd Road consistent with City specifications. 3. Prior to obtaining fmal City approval, the developer shall be required to submit a revised grading plan that addresses the issue of eliminating proposed grading shown within preserved trees critical root zones and that indicted the placement of required tree protection fencing, as required by the City Tree Preservation Ordinance. Said plan revisions are to be reviewed and approved by the City Forester. 4. Storm water runoff should be treated via an onsite constructed pond. The design and construction of the pond should satisfy City standards and criteria. 5. In accordance with policies of the City's current Water Quality Management Plan (Plan; 1990), the developed shall provide additional measures so as to mitigate any increase in phosphorus loading to Marsh Lake (DNR #1900308W). Such measures shall include but not be limited to: reducing impervious area, providing infiltration, additional treatment basin construction and treatment of storm water discharge through other means. Prior to City issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall submit to the City a detailed plan that provides no increase in phosphorus loading, as determined by the City Water Resources Coordinator and City Engineering and in accordance with Plan policies and City water quality models. 6. The City Council should formally receive and affirm the wetland delineation report. 7. The developer should provide a minimum 50-foot buffer around the wetland edge of Marsh Lake. With exception of land disturbance associated only with installation of the storm sewer pipe, such buffer should be undisturbed before, during and after construction. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items for the Commission to review. NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to review. WATER RESOURCES. UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric MacBeth introduced Jane Tunseth who presented a Power Point presentation for WHEP -Wetland Health Evaluation Program. She works with a number of volunteers in conjunction with The City of Eagan, Dakota County and the Pollution Control Agency in monitoring the City's lakes for vegetation growth, insect health and general health of the lakes and ponds. Volunteers are trained to monitor the biology of the lakes and provide data regarding the health of the wetlands in the City as well as educating the public about the health of the wetlands and the importance of maintaining the wetlands. In monitoring the lakes they pay attention to the species and diversity of the invertebrates and vegetation in the lakes. The data they collect provides the City with the health of the various wetlands. The group has been monitoring Cedar Pond for the past seven years. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS CIVIC ARENA REPORT Campus Facilities Manager Mark Vaughan gave a Power Point presentation featuring the activities that take place in the Civic Arena. He shared information about the skate school managed by Carrie Sinclair and noted the skate school's high retention of skaters from year to year. Some of the events hosted at the Civic Arena are the karate tournament, judo tournament, antique arms show, job fair, dog show, lacrosse, baseball and soccer. He mentioned that the Civic Arena hosted the 8~' annual Home and Leisure Show with over 1800 attendants and 75 vendors participating. It has been judged the best show outside the Metro. Some of the non-ice services that are provided include the Esporta equipment washer, repair of hockey sticks and birthday parties. Upcoming events at the Civic Arena include Showcase Eagan, Mech Wars, Lacrosse, Arena Softball. The ice has been removed in both arenas and the West Arena will have ice as of June 11 with the East having ice on July 9. Mark Vaughan stated that they have taken steps to increase the energy efficiency in the arena by re-lamping the overhead lights, replacing the boiler system, provided more heat to the East Arena and installing energy saving controls. CdMMUNICATIONS There were no communications to be discussed. ROUND TABLE Member Hansen said he has participated in the City Tree Sale and commented on how well organized and well run the event was. Member Peterson mentioned she had attended a Trust for Public Land seminar in Chaska. The focus of this seminar was communities securing funds for open space and strategies for the future. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Halverson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Sec e Date