06/18/2007 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved August 20, 2007 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 18, 2007 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 18, 2007 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Duane Hansen Chair Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher. Ryan Zipf was not present. Staff included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cheryl Mesko; Superintendent of Parks, Paul Olson and Water Resources Coordinator, Eric Macbeth and recording secretary, Lori Kimball. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Bari moved, Member Pletcher seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 21, 2007 Member Bari moved and Member Halverson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of May 21, 2007 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson provided a brief update of activities and events within the various divisions of Parks and Recreation, reminding viewers that the weekly Market Fest would begin on Wednesday and the annual Art Festival is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Paul Olson presented photos of the new signs being installed at Eagan parks during the next two years. Director Johnson told.the viewers that Holz Farm is now officially listed in the National Registry of Historic Places. Chair Peterson commented that she was thrilled because effort has been put towards this goal for more than eight years. CONSENT AGENDA Member Pletcher moved and Member Bari seconded, with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: Sammy Sweet Cheeks -Jeffrey Hill 1. This proposal shall be subject to a cash parks dedication 2. This proposal shall be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. This proposal shall be subject to an individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan to be submitted at the time of building permit application for Lots 2 and Lot 3. 4. This proposal shall be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site water quality ponding. Sumac Ridge -Cascade Partners, LP 1. This proposal shall be subject to a cash parks dedication 2. This proposal shall be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. The Developer shall work with the City Engineering and Parks Department to determine the exact alignment of the storm. pond overflow pipe and method of restoration. 4. The applicant shall protect the preserved tree's critical root zones through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. Advisory Parks Commission June 18, 2007 Page 2 5. The applicant shall schedule a site meeting with adjacent landowners to address actions required to protect critical root zones of off-site trees. The City of Eagan Supervisor of Forestry shall attend this meeting. 6. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up apre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 7. Stormwater runoff shall be treated primarily via an onsite constructed pond. In particular, the design, construction, and function of the proposed "infiltration basin" shall satisfy City standards and criteria, as determined by City Engineering and the City Water Resources Coordinator and in accordance with City policies and water quality models. 8. In accordance with policies of the City's current Water Quality Management Plan, the developer shall provide additional measures so as to mitigate any increase in phosphorus loading to Schwarz Lake (DNR #19-0063P). Such measures shall include but not be limited to: reducing impervious area, providing infiltration, additional treatment basin construction, and treatment of stormwater discharge through other means. 9. A cash dedication in lieu of treatment ponding should be required for the remaining developed area that will not drain to the basin. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS Commercial and Industrial Parks Dedication Chair Peterson provided background stating the City Council requested that the APrC review the Commercial and Industrial Parks Dedication formula and fees to better meet the development goals defined by the Council. In a workshop session prior to the APrC meeting, the Acquisition and Development subcommittee did review and discuss options and then further reviewed the options with the full Advisory Commission. Following brief discussion, Member Halvorson moved, Member Bari seconded with all members present voting to recommend to the City Council that the Commercial and Industrial Parks Dedication formula be changed to reduce the residence equivalency factor from .5 to .25. NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to consider. WATER;RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator, Eric Macbeth, provided a brief review of the new Water Quality Management Plan that the City Council will be considering for future implementation. Macbeth reminded the APrC that it has been two years since the City decided to update the WQMP. He noted that the plan now deals with both water quality and wetland management, listed the operating goals and policies, key elements and future considerations for the Water Quality Management Plan. Macbeth announced that next week there will be a public hearing at the Advisory Planning Commission meeting. The hearing will focus on the proposed Wetland Protection and Management regulations that have been proposed to be amended into City code; thus allowing the City to implement the portion of this plan that relates to Wetland Management. On July 10 the City Council is scheduled to make a formal decision regarding the WQMP. Advisory Parks Commission June 18, 2007 Page 3 From a list of General Administrative Activities, Macbeth identified four possible ways for the APrC to be involved with the WQMP in the future. 1. Review the Water Quality wetland policies and evaluate if they are sufficient to support City code to allow the water quality plan to be properly implement, analyze and review the existing code. 2. Develop low impact development incentive programs, looking at ways to develop the city with less of a stormwater impact than in the past 3. Establish a water quality wetland management plan implementation committee. Review the Shoreline Management code which is now 10 years old. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Community Center Report Facility Operations Coordinator, Heidi Sedlacek, reported on the growth and popularity of the Eagan Communty Center. Sedlacek provided graphs to show the increase in staff and customers. Due to increased meetings and events, improvements have been made to the rental rooms such as: drop down screens, shades, and increased audio capability in each room of the Oaks, blinds on windows in meeting spaces, and a permanent screen and white board in the Boardroom. During 2006 there have been 71 weddings, 8000 Blast Admissions, 15,000 people attending group fitness classes, 2000 children participating in preschool open gym and room rentals were nearing 800. The parks and recreation program uses space for events such as the Halloween Hodgepodge, summer camps, Senior Citizens participate in the Lone Oak Room and the adult sports program rents the gymnasiums. Member Bari commended the staff at the ECC for making it such a success, reminiscing about the close vote that approved the Community Center building. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications to share with the Commission at this time. ROUND TABLE There was no discussion during Round Table. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Bari moved, Member Halverson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Se etary Date