11/19/2007 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved December 17, 2007 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 19, 2007 A regulaz meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:05 p.m. on November 19, 2007 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Duane Hansen, Dorothy Peterson, Richazd Pletcher and Ryan Zipf. Staff included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Pazks, Paul Olson, Campus Facilities Manager, Mazk Vaughan, Tree Inspector, Dustin Jacobson; and Recording Secretazy, Cheryl Stevenson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Bari moved, Member Zipf seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTODER 11, 2007 Member Pletcher moved and Member Halverson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of October 11, 2007 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT'UPDATE Duector Johnson noted a special event being held at the Eagan Community Center called "Chillin' Out in Eagan" from 4:30-8:00 pm. The event will provide information on fun ways to stay outside and stay active throughout the cold winter months, activities available in the indoor facilities and some other program offerings. Along with this event, will be the debut of the WiFi and the official opening of the Cyber Cafe coffee shop. Director Johnson reminded the viewers that the trails and paths that aze plowed throughout the City, including those in Central Pazk are done contractually under the guidance of the Street Department. The segments being plowed have all been approved by the Council and changes to the route can be made only through a petition process in the spring. Also, because there aze no scheduled City events, the City does not plow the Northview Pazk pazking lot. The School District is allowed to plow it for use as overflow pazking. Work has been done to the hockey rinks at Bridle Ridge and Sky Hill Pazks. If the weather cooperates, flooding of outdoor ice rinks will begin in about 3 weeks. These facilities are scheduled to open, weather permitting, on Friday, December 21. Director Johnson shazed that a Nutrition Coaching service at ECC is now available; coaches will even go grocery shopping with you and talk about healthy alternatives and food that can fit into an overall fitness plan. The Community Center has had a lot of new regulaz group renters, with about 20 groups now meeting at least once a month. CONSENT AGENDA Chair Peterson noted when working with the new water quality management plan, she would like to suggest a tutorial for the APrC to better understand the wording, ramifications, and how it works with park and/or trail dedications. Director Johnson commented that staff has also been discussing this and will set up a meeting with the water quality staff sometime in December or January. Advisory Parks Commission November 19, 2007 Page 2 Member Zipf moved, Member Peterson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to recommend the City Council approve the following recommendations pertaining to the Dakota County CDA proposal for Eagan Youth Housing 1. This proposal shall be subject to a cash parks dedication with credit towards the unit count being given for the three residential units removed from the properties. 2. This proposal shall be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. The applicant shall protect the preserved tree's critical root zones through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. 4. The applicant shall schedule a site meeting with the City of Eagan Supervisor of Forestry to finalize plans for transplanting trees to Woodhaven Park. 5. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up apre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 6. This development shall be subject to Policy 3.1, Policy 3.2, Policy 3.3 and Policy 3.4 of the City of Eagan's Water Quality and Wetland Management Plan. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items for the Commission to review. NEW BUSIlYESS There were no New Business items for the Commission to review OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Sub-committee Updates Member Belfiori and the Natural Resources Sub-committee met earlier to discuss two topics. The first topic was the fishing trail access for Bald Lake located in the east central portion of the City. They reviewed two options for trails. Member Hansen and Member Belfiori recapped one option they preferred but indicated there will be more discussion before this is brought back to a future meeting to be scheduled in January or February. Member Peterson noted the Bald Lake area near Bridle Ridge and Northview Park Road has been owned by the City for years and the plan has been to put a trail in, but the terrain is terrible, so this might be improved with the consideration of a fishing access. Member Belfiori stated that the trail would be made of wood chips. Member Pletcher discussed the trail that goes north of the lake, and the trail from the south starting at Northview Park Road. He wondered why there was no discussion to do both trails, so that it does connect the park with the trail. Member Belfiori answered that staff has discussed this and due to rough terrain with possible tree removal and environmental issues, it would be more difficult and costly. Member Hansen informed the group that if this improvement did happen then a1130 square miles of Eagan would be within one mile of a fishing pier or shoreline. The second topic discussed by the Natural Resources Sub-committee was options for wetland banking within the City of Eagan. This issue has been raised in the past to better meet the needs of the City of Eagan and developers who need to provide wetland banking. Advisory Parks Commission November 19, 2007 Page 3 Member Zipf noted that the Recreation Sub-Committee also met before this meeting to discuss potential policies that relate to photographers in pazks; more specifically, photographers taking pictures at the Eagan Community Center/Central Park and Holz Farm Park. It has been observed that in a number of cases there is a conflict when there is a private rental for a wedding or similar event and other people arrive at the pazk to take their own pictures for either casual or milestone events. This sometimes becomes disruptive to the private event when casual visitors aze infi-inging into rental space which then requires staff intervention. Holz Farm has also experienced some situations where professional photographers are capturing the backdrop of the park for their clients and at times will instruct them to pose in azeas that may not be safe. There was discussion about how there might be a reservation procedure to better control photo sessions in the two identified locations, however the sub-committee had not come to a recommendation yet. It is important that the parks remain open and accessible for people to take pictures while preserving the integrity of rentals that occur at these locations. A reservation procedure, without a fee, would allow staff to determine if the site would be available or not and avoid any conflicts. Cascade Bay 2007 Update Campus Facilities Manager Vaughan provided an update and overview of the 2007 season for Cascade Bay and Captain's Course. Vaughan provided statistics in the form of a Power Point presentation that reviewed Cascade Bay attendance, revenues, expenses and sales numbers; which were consistent with last yeaz. Vaughan stated that attendance was down in spite of the warmer weather and that staff will be focusing on 2008 to address this challenge. Manager Vaughan noted that the fees were increased in 2007; the second increase since 2003. There were some questions asked about the changing demographics, surrounding water parks and how that impacts Cascade Bay. Director Johnson stated that we have been seeing a reduction in the younger age level, but are starting to see some infill of younger families and are tracking this closely. Shade Tree Disease Report City Tree inspector, Dustin Jacobson, presented the annual Forestry Report, describing the control of Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm Disease and the Buckthorn removal assistance program. He also mentioned that this spring there was a lot of European Pine Sawflies throughout the City. The City continues to participate with the Department of Agriculture for Emerald ash bore prevention. Jacobson presented photos and charts that showed the levels of tree diseases and buckthorn growth in Eagan. Member Pletcher asked if the Buckthorn removal is reaching the point of total eradication in Eagan. Jacobson answered that we have made a lot of progress and are getting residents more involved which is helping to make it more manageable but it will remain an issue for some time. COMMUNICATIONS Director Johnson discussed a-mails received from a couple of vendors that participated in the Halloween Hodgepodge event. They both thought it was a wonderful experience and look forwazd to participating next year. ROUND TABLE There was no discussion during Round Table. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Bari seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Date