03/17/2008 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved April 14, 2008 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17, 2008 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 17, 2008 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Duane Hansen, Dorothy Peterson, and Ryan Zipf. Commission Members Halverson and Pletcher were not present. Staff present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations Cherryl Mesko and Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Zipf moved, Member Bari seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 2008 Member Bari moved and Member Zipf seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of January 14, 2008 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT<UPDATE Items highlighted by Director Johnson included the May 17 Arbor Day celebration at Central Pazk in conjunction with the Minnesota Society of Arboriculture Festival of Trees. She noted that City Forester Hove is visiting elementary schools to promote this event and encouraging students to. get there posters ready for the Arbor Day poster contest. Also planned for the morning of May 17~' is the Eagan Fun Run followed by the Spring Festival at Holz Farm on Sunday May 18`x. Director Johnson mentioned the Art Exhibit at the Ring Mountain Creamery, the partnership with EAA to replace a 20-year old score board at Goat Hill and the batting tunnel planned at Faithful Shepherd School, also in partnership with EAA. It was also noted that Blue Cross Blue Shield has agreed to allow their campus to be used for soccer fields again this summer. Director Johnson stated that there is a new out reach program taking place at Black Hawk Middle School for at-risk teens using CDBG (Community Development Background) funding, in conjunction with the guidance counselor's staff at the middle school and our Teen Center staff. It is going well with 31 participants in the Extreme Sports and Games program. Director Johnson announced that Community Garden Space is in the works at Holz Farm this summer. The Holz Farm Board is doing some final preparation work on some policy and procedure questions. Director Johnson noted that the Council is still accepting applications for Commission vacancies. Members whose terms have expired will need to re-apply and applications aze available to any resident interested in applying. Advisory Parks Commission March 17, 2008 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Select Senior Living of Eagan, LLC Member Bari moved and Member Hansen seconded with all present members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to the Select Senior Living of Eagan proposal. 1. The applicant shall fulfill tree previously required tree mitigation conditions through the preservation and/or installation ofsixty-two (62) Category B trees. 2. The applicant shall protect the preserved significant woodland areas through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. 3. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up apre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing 4. Prior to the City's issuance of a Land Disturbance Permit (LDP), the developer shall submit, in addition to the information required for a Land Disturbance and Erosion Control Plan (per City Code §4.32, Subd. 2.), all plans and specifications of the combination of stormwater best management practices and low impact development strategies to be employed to meet City water quality requirements. Such supplementary information shall be deemed acceptable by City Engineering and Water Resources staffs prior to the LDP application being considered complete. 5. The developer shall implement a combination of stormwater best management practices and low impact development strategies to achieve no-net increase, compared to existing conditions, in the amount of Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) leaving the site or 50 percent TP and 80 percent TSS must be removed from stormwater runoff, whichever is more restrictive. 6. The developer shall implement a combination of stormwater best management practices and low impact development strategies to infiltrate the first one-half inch of stormwater runoff from any rainfall event from the entire site of this parcel, unless City discretionarily modifies or waives this requirement, based on consideration of any of the following: a. soil borings indicate unsuitability for infiltration; b. infiltration of the equivalent runoff volume is accomplished elsewhere within the same City sub- drainage district; c. potential of groundwater contamination exists due but not limited to such variables as: • geology that exposes aquifer vulnerability (e.g., karst, shallow bedrock, etc.); or • land use that causes high pollutant and sediment levels in stormwater (e.g., industrial areas, high vehicular traffic rights-of--way, etc.); or d. other circumstances that may affect feasible and prudent implementation. This development may be subject to cash dedications in lieu of some of the above requirements, at the City's discretion. The developer may elect to reconstruct City Pond CP-2.1, provided such a reconstruction is included among the combination of stormwater best management practices and low impact development strategies in the LDP application and provided such a reconstruction does not impact the wetland adjacent to City Pond CP- 2.1. Reconstruction of City Pond CP-2.1 may be subject to City Code § 11.67, Wetland Protection and Management Regulations. Advisory Parks Commission March 17, 2008 Page 3 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items. for the Commission to review. NEW BUSINESS Director Johnson gave a Water Resource update explaining that the Natural Resources Subcommittee has met to discuss a potential trail to Bald Lake and a potential wetland banking site in Bridle Ridge Park. This item will be scheduled for the April 14 Advisory Parks Commission meeting OTHER,BUSINESS AND REPORTS Annual Report Director Johnson gave a brief PowerPoint presentation on the Annual Report highlighting things that have happened over the last year. Member Zipf commented that there are a lot of other cities in Minnesota with Community Centers and Civic Arenas that are struggling fmancially. Zipf emphasized that Eagan is unique due to the fact that they are a little ahead or breaking even, which is a tribute to the financial management of those facilities. Director Johnson complimented staff that operates those facilities. COMMUNICATIONS Director Johnson shared a couple of thank you notes, one for the new trail that was installed at Fish Lake Park along with a thank you for one of the preschool programs and to the preschool staff at Bridle Ridge Pazk. Director Johnson also emphasized that not only does the staff out in the field go the extra mile but so does the clerical staff in Parks and Recreation. ROUND TABLE Member Dahlquist was pleased to hear that the Farmers Market is coming back to the Eagan Community Center. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Hansen seconded with all members voting in favor tq~adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Date