12/20/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved as Amended January 13.2005 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 20, 2004 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on December 20, 2004 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Duane Hansen, Muhammad Lodhi, Dorothy Peterson and Richard Pletcher. Member Perry was not present. Staff present included Paul Olson, Supervisor of Parks; ,Gregg Hove, City Forester; Colleen Calahan, Youth Development Coordinator and Lori Kimball, Recording Secretary. A'ROVAL OF AGENDA Member Danner moved, Member Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. Al?~PR®VA'I,°(~F11~IP+i~1'+'Nt~ .-,' Member Pletcher asked that Page 2, Paragraph 2 of the minutes be amended to state that although he agreed that workspace and class size are limited at the Art House he did not necessarily agree that an out building for the kiln is appropriate. Member Danner also asked that the minutes include questions she asked Cherryl Mesko regarding Cascade Bay and volunteer recognition. Member Pletcher moved, Member Filipi seconded, with all present members voting to approve the November 15, 2004 minutes as amended. VISI~'O1~S `°B~~HEA;itb There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission. SUPERINTFjNDEN€I°'~S UI'Ilk~i'-I~E AND `DEPA.I~TIVMENT IfiA~'~il Superintendent Paul Olson provided an overview of activities in the Parks and Recreation divisions and informed the audience that paved hockey rinks at Goat Hill, Rahn, Quarry and Sky Hill Park will open for ice skating on December 23. Superintendent Olson reminded viewers that snowmobiling in City parks is not allowed. Member Bari asked for clarification of the city ordinance regarding citywide snowmobile use. Olson clarified the general policies pertaining to snowmobile use within city limits. ~~~~ ~~ Prior to discussing consent agenda items, Superintendent Olson shared information about a developer who deserved recognition for choosing to leave green space. Olson described Cedar Bluffs as a two-office warehouse. City code allows 354 parking stalls but the developer chose to develop only 197 now and leave the rest as green space, with the option to add 160 more spaces if needed. On behalf of the APrC, Chair Davis praised the developers of Cedar Bluffs for their choice. Davis referred to efforts made by the APrC and Planning Commission to revise the statue that would encourage developers to make this type of choice. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 20, 2004 Page 2 Member Peterson moved, member Pletcher seconded with all present members voting to make the following recommendations to the City Council: • Wings Addition 1. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication. 2. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. 3. The pond should have a minimum treatment volume of 0.39 acre-feet and a minimum surface area of 0.20 acres. The pond should be designed using NURP standards including a 10:1 aquatic bench from the normal water level and an outlet structure acceptable to City Engineering. • Cedar Bluffs Business Pazk 1. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication. 2. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. 3. The applicant shall fulfill required tree preservation mitigation through the installation of forty- eight (48) Category B trees, or an equivalent combination of Category B and Category C trees. 4. The stormwater pond should be constructed with a minimum wet-pond volume of 1.8 acre-feet and a minimum area of 0.50 acres. It should have a 10:1 aquatic bench and outlet skimmer according to City design standards. DEVELOPMEN~i`~1tOPOS'AIS There was no information to shaze regarding development proposals at this time. OI~D'BUSIN)H3SS There were no items for the APrC to review under Old Business i"w' BUS There were no items for the APrC to review under New Business. WATE12 RESOURCES UPD~r,"I'E Water Resources update was presented as part of Department Happenings OTI~EER'BUSINESS AND REPORTS QUARTERLY RECREATION DIVISION REPORT Youth Development Coordinator Colleen Callahan presented a quarterly update for Adults Sports, Community Events, Preschool, Seniors, Youth and Family, and Teens. Callahan stated the philosophy for the Parks and Recreation department is "Come Out and Play". She presented photos and statistics as noted in the Quarterly Recreation Division Report. Callahan discussed how The Oasis in Eagan and other teen centers cross promote each other by sharing trips and providing information to kids about other city's teen centers. Discussion revolved azound the desire of the teens to have a coffee bar in the teen center. Member Peterson asked if this was permissible with City Council. Callahan answered that the Teens were still investigating the cost and feasibility of having a coffee bar. Member Danner asked how this would be funded. Callahan responded that if it is determined feasible there are adults in the community who aze willing to work with the teens on grant opportunities. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 20, 2004 Page 3 Chair Davis noted that many of the programs based out of the Eagan Community Center could not have been offered before. Benefits of the Community Center were discussed, including more hours for Senior and Teen gatherings. Callahan asked for feedback from the APrC regarding the new format of the Quarterly Recreation update. Previous updates involved all recreation supervisors being present. Callahan presented for all other supervisors and the supervisors plan for each to take a turn representing the others. Member Peterson replied she appreciated seeing the activity on the photos rather than just hearing numbers and statistics. Chair Davis agreed the format was more comfortable. Superintendent Olson said that additional comments from commission members could be emailed to Superintendent Asfahl or Colleen Callahan. SHADE TREE DISEASE PROGRAM UP City Forester, Gregg Hove an annual overview and education of Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm disease, which are the main challenges for trees in Eagan. Hove said the main goal is to keep the disease problem manageable. Hove cited that three pests are on the increase in the U.S. that will harm or destroy trees. These pests are usually brought in on ships or pallets shipped in from other areas. Gypsy moths, Asian Longhorn Beetle and Emerald Ash Borer are not active in Eagan at this time but have been found in other states. Hove passed around a piece of wood that had been a nesting area for European Bark beetles, pointing out that one tree can house tens of thousands of these pests. Hove presented photos of groups of trees, showing an area infected with Oak Wilt. Discussion evolved around the symptoms, transfer of disease and growth of infected trees. Hove also discussed buckthorn, telling the audience that buckthorn should be cut down and apply a systematic herbicide, or leaving larger stemmed plants stand and applying a basal application of liquid chemicals to kill the plant standing. He also said the "tin can method" works. By placing a tin can over the plant it will. die due to lack of sun. ROLtND'1<lBLT update. Superintendent Olson gave an update of the Park Site fund, explaining the dollar figures as listed in the It was noted that the next APrC meeting will take place on Thursday, January 13 at 5:30 due to the offices being closed on Martin Luther King day on the regularly scheduled meeting day. ADSdI1RI~IGI~N°T With no further business to conduct, Member Danner moved, Chair Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Secretary Il~ao~bb Date Minutes drafted by Lori Kimball