09/20/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApyroved as Amended October 18, 2004 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on September 20, 2004 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Joe Bari, Dorothy Peterson, Phil Belfiori, Richard Pletcher, Margo Danner, Liza Perry. Members Muhammed Lodhi and Duane Hansen were not present. Staff present included Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent, Jeff Asfahl, Recreation Superintendent, Gregg Hove, City Forester, Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator, and Cherryl Mesko, Administrative Coordinator/ Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Joe Bari moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded, with all present members voting to approve the agenda as presented. APFiIv(JVA°I., l~'R'iVCI1~7C7x'ES~OF' AOBT ~'6; 2QQ4 N. Mark Filipi moved, Joe Bari seconded, with all present members voting to approve the minutes of August 16, 2004 as presented. VISORS TOE T~~i>~EA There were no visitors in the audience that wished to address the APrC on matters not on the agenda. SiJPERINTENDEN~I"'S UPbATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPF)~F~S Recreation Division Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl presented recent events in the Recreation Division. These include: • Fall softball is in its fifth week, 79 teams participate at Northview Athletic Fields, Monday through Thursday. • Touch football started on Sept. 1, with 7 teams participating and 3 seasonal officials working on the program. • Basketball and volleyball leagues started the week of September 14. Asfahl provided a league list and team participation numbers. • Northview concessions is operational during fall softball. • Fall Girls Fastpitch State Tournament will be held at Northview Athletic Fields on October 16-17. • Program sites were listed, noting discussion towards a collaborative program at Rahn Elementary. • Fall registration is down in some areas; it might be time to review barriers. A previously cited barrier is transportation. • Glacier collaborative programming has expanded. Staff will work with low income families to ensure they are aware of programs and costs. • Youth Development is exploring program options in the Moonshine Park neighborhood, teaming with a nearby apartment complex to distribute programming literature. • The new name for the Teen Center will be celebrated at the anniversary party on September 24`x. • School visits promoting the Teen Center have begun • Fall programs include a girls' group, Chipotle card club, dodge ball, flag football, Vikings parties, middle school dances, and "Bring the Noise" • Preparations for the 2005 Film Festival are underway. Advisory Pazks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 20, 2004 Page 2 • Several public agencies have been discussion collaborative projects in teen programming. • E-TAB has conducted wireless technology survey and presented their findings to the Mazketing Director for consideration by the community task force. • E-TAB will meet on September 21 at 5:00 pm, meeting twice monthly and set the date for their annual retreat. • Applications aze being accepted for E-TAB. • Fall preschool is underway, with 329 registered children. • "Preschool Fun for Us,"anew pazendchild class, is underway at the Community Center. This is a class for parents and children. • Musical Wednesday is fully registered, rebounding from lower registration in the Spring. • Registration is being accepted for "Saturday Specials" preschool class. • Courses for home-school students are being offered at the Community Center in conjunction with ISD 196 Community Education. There are 10 students registered in each class. • Applications for Winter Recreation Leader aze currently being accepted at the Eagan Municipal Center. • Lone Oak-Days will be held at Holz Farm on September 25 and 26, hosted by Friends of the Farm. • The Annual Girls Fastpitch Softball Tournament will be featured on a segment of Fox Sports Net, to air October 11 at 3:30. • Recreation and Community Center Staff have been meeting to discuss the facility's maximum use opportunities. • Plans aze underway to improve playability of the Eagan High School baseball field. • Asfahl covered several Senior items not listed in the APrC packet. Parks Division Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson presented recent events in the Pazks Division. These include: • Two candidates have been selected for the pazk maintenance worker position. • The Streetscaoe Contract for Central Pazkway and Cedaz Grove is almost complete, save for a few punch- list items. • Staff and collaborative entities working on the Caponi project have met to review progress and refine various legal documents and reports. Staff is in the process of preparing a Resource Management Plan per County requirement. • The pazking lot in northern Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields is in the process of being converted into a public street. • Eagan High School student pazking at Northview Athletic Fields typically does not conflict with evening park programs. ISD 196 has agreed to clear the pazking lot in the winter. • CIP projects aze well underway or completed, including: - Cedar Pond Playground -Complete - Central Park Festival Area Electric Panels - - South Oaks Playground - In progress complete - Quarry Pazk Rinks -Almost complete - Wescott Shelter - On hold pending Council - Ridgecliff Tennis Courts - In progress authorization , - Central Pazk Trail Lighting -Ready to - Holz Farm Improvements -Underway, water begin systems/ sprinklers • Treatment of the Central Park pond includes battling the algae and aquatic plants that have been growing. These have been treated with herbicides. Member Danner commented that the Cedar Pond playground looks great, and mentioned the sign on the play structure. Olson said the sign was provided by the manufacturers to denote the appropriate age range for the equipment. Community Center Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson provided a brief update on happenings at the Community Center: • The Frequent Fitness Health Promotion began in July, with 68 members to date. This is a collaboration with HealthPartners. • Complimentary fitness classes drew in new participants and had been promoted in local and metro-wide newspapers. • Group fitness classes are now included in a Community Center membership, effective September 1. • Preschool Open Gym and use of the Blast began on September 14, with positive reviews. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 20, 2004 Page 3 • The City of Eagan Employee Recognition Picnic was held at the Community Center for the first time. All five Council members attended as well. • There were eight wedding receptions at the Oaks in August, one group held the wedding ceremony there as well. None reception groups are scheduled for September, with four holding the wedding on-site. Three of these weddings will be outdoor ceremonies. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items to review under the Consent Agenda. D E V ~`' 1 ~` lam' ~ A~ 8 Cedarstone of Wescott - Alliant Engineering, Inc. Superintendent Paul Olson provided background for the Cedarstone of Wescott development. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from Agricultural to Planned Development, and a Preliminary Planned Development to create 14 twin homes ins a Preliminary Subdivision to create 8 lots on five acres at 1055 Wescott Road. The property is not currently platted. The property had previously been reviewed; Council asked the developer to resubmit a plan and have the plan reviewed according to process so Council could make a more informed decision. The site is heavily wooded, with an existing single family home and pole barn. There is a large pond in the middle of the site. City Forester Gregg Hove shared an aerial photo of the site. He noted the 245 significant trees on the site, with large willows around the pond that will be preserved during construction. The developer is proposing to remove 44.9%, (110 significant trees), which is below the City's ordinance threshold of 47.5% removal. Thus, no required tree mitigation is required for the site. Hove reviewed the recommendations for the APrC to consider. Water Quality Coordinator Eric Macbeth described the drainage pattern for the development; 50% of the stormwater draining to a treatment pond proposed to be constructed next to the 0.9-acre wetland in the middle of the parcel. Runoff from 1.6 acres of the development will drain offsite. The 1.6 acres draining off site will be subject to a cash dedication. There aze four wetlands on the site. 2 small wetlands, less than 500 square feet, wiI1 be filled. None of the wetlands are designated public water wetlands by the Minnesota DNR. Fill up to 2,000 squaee feet is allowed, thus no mitigation is required. Member Belfiori asked what percentage of the water moves to the property to the north. Macbeth said the numbers were not available at the moment. Belfiori commented that half the site drains to the north, directly onto property yards on the lots to the north. Macbeth showed drainage plans to a pond east of the site. Alliant Engineering representative Church addressed Belfiori's question, stating units 6A/B and 7A/B would flow to the north and then drain back into the wetland. The development proposes a Swale on the westerly boundazy. Chair Davis noted that runoff is typically an engineering matter rather than a water quality issue. Member Belfiori said he would like to see more grading on the site to preclude potential drainage into the northerly lots. Chair Davis said water quantity matters would be addressed by the Advisory Planning Commission, since it is not a water quality matter. Member Danner asked about the road off of Wescott, and whether there is another outlet from the property. Chair Davis said it is a private road. Church said there aze no plans to connect elsewhere. Member Belfiori asked about feedback from the neighborhood about proposed plantings. Church said there was a neighborhood meeting in April, but would not have more detail until the Advisory Pazks Commission meeting. Chair Davis noted the effort that had been made to protect the trees on site. N. Mark Filipi moved, Margo Danner seconded. Member Peterson requested to add another condition to the proposed alternatives before the Commission, that there be a 30' buffer around the wetland. All present members voted to approve. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 20, 2004 Page 4 OLD. BUSINESS There was no new business for the Advisory Parks Commission to discuss under this agenda item. NEW $[TSINESS There were no items under New Business for the APrC to review. WATIII~SO~IRCI!;S UPDA Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth said the division was working on the Central Park pond cattail invasion, and will continue to work on this problem. He also noted that the Gun Club Lake WMO donated $5,000 to help with interpretive efforts on the Moonshine Park Lakeshore restoration project. (i1I~~I1VE5~5=AS SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee meetings held since the last update. PARK SYSTEMS PLAN UPDATE Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson said 13 furns have received the RFP, and the consultants were complimentary about the RFP. Olson reviewed the timeline for the responses. Chair Davis said a list was being generated to identify members for the large participant group. He is looking for APrC members to participate in this process. Members Filipi, Bari, Lodhi, and Danner volunteered to participate. NORTHEAST EAGAN LAND USE STUDY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Superintendent Olson provided background on the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study to determine whether the City's current Comprehensive Plan `office service' designation is the best possible designation, or if another such as mixed residential and retail might be more appropriate. The group would meet once a month from October to March. Members Pletcher and Perry volunteered to participate. COMMUNICATION Superintendent Olson said the comment period on wetlands issues for the Sycamore Place has caused some concern since it ran past the September 7`~ Council meeting, and that the meeting was changed. Olson provided an update on the Steeplechase of Eagan (formerly the Diamond T site) proposal, giving an update on the EAW process taking place. Davis thanked him for providing the information. Member Danner thanked Chair Davis and City staff for the quick response. Chair Davis thanked Liza for suggesting ways to help residents. ROIIND` TABLE Superintendent Olson reminded the APrC about the bus tour on October 7m. Chair Davis reminded the APrC about the `Walkable Communities' all-day workshop on September 7s'. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 20, 2004 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Dorothy Peterson moved, Chair Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. 1l-ao-bb ecretary Date Minutes drafted by: Beth Wielde, Part-time Research and Special Projects.