07/19/2004 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved August 16, 2004 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUZ?ES OF'REG[JLAR MEETING f)'F JUDY 19, 2(-i A regulaz meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 19, 2004 with the following Commission Members present: Dorothy Peterson, Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Richazd Pletcher, Elizabeth Perry, Margo Danner, Muhammad Lodhi, and Duane Hansen. Staff present included Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent, Jeff Asfahl, Recreation Superintendent, Gregg .Hove, City Forester, Eric Macbeth, Water Resources, Sheila Cartney, City Planner, Coordinator, Beth Wielde, Research and Special Projects, Holly Champlin, Preschool Program Coordinator, Adam Nelson, Pazks and Recreation Intent, and Cherryl Mesko, Administrative Coordinator/ Recording Secretary. ' ~+ALA .. _. Richard Pletcher moved, Liza Perry seconded, with all present members voting to approve the agenda as presented. APPROV q ~ of MzNu~ESa o~~,rljla~ a~a; rn~a Liza Perry moved, Margo Danner seconded, with all present members voting to approve the minutes of June 14, 2004 as presented. 'VISFt'~R~~~BBA There were no visitors in the audience that wished to address the APrC on matters not on the agenda. include: Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl presented recent events in the Recreation Division. These • Summer Softball had 30 teams registered and is winding down. • Tennis program is winding down, and had 557 total registrations. • Events of the Elegant Eaganites Red Hat Society. • Events of Evenings in Central Park. • 900 participants in Summer in the Park programs. • Friends of the Farm undertaking Lone Oak Days planning (Sept 26). • Eagan Art House hosted the Art Festival at Central Pazk. • Successful July 4s` celebration. • Athletic sites have hosted at least one event every weekend sing May 1. Member Danner informed the viewing public that the Eagan Senior Board is looking for new members. She also thanked Superintendent Asfahl and Parks Supervisor Paul Graham for their efforts to make the July Fourth celebration a success. Member Peterson noted that the Red Hat Society is a great addition to the community. Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson presented recent events in the Pazks Division. These include: • Plant harvesting by the Water Resources staff. • Reminder that phosphorus-inclusive lawn fertilizers cannot be sold in the City of Eagan, and the conditions related to the sale ofphosphorus-inclusive fertilizers. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2004 Page 2 • Pied-billed grebe and its young have been spotted at Cedaz Pond Pazk. • Hockey rinks at Quarry Park aze being prepared for paving. • The Pazks Division is short staffed, but approval has been given to hire replacements. • The City was awazded the Natural and Scenic Area grant, $200,000, and is awaiting approval of the Remediation Grant ($300,000) to be applied toward the purchase of Caponi property. • An event was held at Patrick Eagan Pazk to celebration the acquisition of the Anderson pazcel. • Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt aze back, and the City's tree inspector has taken a position with the City of New York. Member Danner pointed out an article in the newspaper about the Anderson parcel. Member Lodhi asked if further prevention measures were being taken to control or mitigate tree disease. City Forester Gregg Hove said that some fungicides aze being integrated for oak diseases, but removal has been the only treatment for elm. PRESCHOOL PROGRAM UPDATE- HOLLY CHAMPLIN Preschool Program Coordinator Holly Champlin provided an overview of the preschool program from fall of 2003 to summer of 2004. She provided a Power Point presentation describing enrollment rates, locations of programs, and speuial events such as visits by Eagan Fire Fighters, a Halloween costume parade for the Eagan Seniors, a visit to the Children's Museum in St. Paul, Track and Field Day, and a Yeaz End family picnic at Blackhawk Park. A high of 360 children were registered for preschool programs, and many of the programs operated out of the Community Center. Champlin also discussed the preschool program staff, noting Judy Forde's 22 years with the program, and that there aze 11 staff people during the school year, and 15 for summer sessions. Thirteen staff people aze returning for the summer, and two new people were hired for the summer. She continued with a discussion of the Puppet Wagon, which has been operative since June 18`x, and appeared in the Fourth of July Parade. Member Lodhi said his family has benefited from the preschool programs for the past 1 % years, and compliment the program and its staff. Champlin thanked Lodhi for the compliments. SONS.` `r There were no items on the Consent Agenda for the APrC to review. DEVEIsOP11'I~NT~PRUPOS`A)LS Steeplechase of Eagan -Toll Brothers Planner Shelia Cartney provided background regarding the Steeplechase of Eagan -Toll Brothers development. She reminded the APrC that the issue had been before them in May with a different layout. She said the applicant is requesting approval for a Preliminary Subdivision to create 1121ots and a Preliminary Planned Development to create 36 single family units and 73 townhome units at the site of the former Diamond T Ranch. She described the contact with nearby residents, indicating that resident letters expressed opposition of extending Wellington Way, and that they would like to see a trail connection from the surrounding neighbors to Lebanon Hills Regional Park. Residents have expressed concern about dumping on the property and manure build- up. Residents have also expressed concern with ponding and drainage. Cartney reminded the APrC that their charge is to focus on parks dedication, trail dedication, tree preservation and mitigation, water quality, and wetlands issues. Cartney said the item is scheduled for public hearing at the July 27`~ regular meeting of the Advisory Planning Commission. It is then anticipated to be scheduled for the August 3, 2004 City Council meeting. She said it is a 120 day application. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2004 Page 3 Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson described the nearby parks that would serve the Steeplechase residents, all within'h to'/< of a mile from the development, specifically George Ohmann Park, Walden Heights Park, and Lebanon Hills Regional Park. He said that the developer is providing a `village green' or common area, but due to the private nature of the space, no dedication credit could be given. Because the underlying fee title for the property would remain as part of the development, no credit would be given. Olsen then discussed the conservation easement that has been proposed. He noted that easements over the more sensitive slopes, pond buffers, and the quality of woodlands of a site are very common. Olson showed an exhibit delineating the conservation easements proposed. He said there are 2 acres of proposed conservation easement. Olson then discussed trail location and trail dedication issues, saying that an 8' paved trail connection will be provided into Lebanon Hills Regional Park, under the street via tunnel. He described how this trail connects to amenities within Lebanon Hills Regional Park, including a mountain bike area and hiking trails..Dakota County has indicated preliminary acceptance of the trail connection, which includes access from the transportation trails along Pilot Knob Road. Should the connector trail be installed, the development would be given trail credit using a City formula. Member Pletcher asked whether the trails in Lebanon Hills Regional Park were paved or not, and to clarify that the trail within the development would-be paved. Olson said the trail in the development would be paved, trails in Lebanon Hills Park are not. He explained that the paved trail would prevent washout of the trail. City Forester Gregg Hove first corrected information contained in the packet, clarifying that the tree inventory tally was 755 trees as written, not 769 as stated in parenthesis. Hove reviewed the allowable removal standards, noting that the property was calculated based one two formulas;'single family formula for the northern portion (single-family lots) and the southern portion, which is dominated by multiple family dwellings. He reviewed the condition of the trees on site, stating there is a good mix of trees in the mitigation plan. Member Pletcher asked how Hove could guarantee conditions related to Forestry shown in the alternatives, prevention of encroachment on the Critical Root Zone and tree protective measures at the drip line, would be met. Hove said regular field meetings and communication between staff and the developer.are crucial in this process. Member Danner asked about tree preservation in the proposed conservation easement. Olson responded that the conservation easement would ensure tree preservation perpetually. Member Lodhi recalled mention of the possibility of more trees being removed, and asked if it was known how many and where these trees might be located. Hove said the developer would have to address that as the issue arises during the actual development process. Member Hansen asked for a clarification of the tree classifications. Hove described the diameter and species requirements to meet Category A, B, or C classification, noting that this is a system the City developed to aid developers in tree mitigation calculations. Olson said the County is interested in a buffered area adjacent to Lebanon Hills Regional Park, and the developer is working with the County on this. Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth reviewed stormwater routes for each section of the property, and details of proposed drainage patterns. He said staff is comfortable with the stormwater plan. Member Peterson asked whether existing ponds would be excavated, and Macbeth said no. Member Danner asked about changes to the plan since the last APrC review. Macbeth said there was actually very little that had changed, aside from some of the drainage areas near the existing developed residential areas that had become smaller. Macbeth then described the wetland issues pertaining to the site. He said the Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel (WTEP) met on June 3 and July 6 and has completed its review of the development proposal. After studying historical wetland coverage in the area, WTEP noted that certain areas that lie under water aren't under jurisdiction of state wetland conservation laws. Macbeth then reviewed the Wetland Replacement Plan and indicated the WTEP recommended its approval Member Peterson asked about the manure issue. Olson said the manure issue is under Dakota County's jurisdiction, and pointed out a letter included in their packet stating that the manure may be managed by spreading it on farm fields. George Kinney, Dakota County Environmental Supervisor said that the County will ensure that it will be removed and spread. Lodhi asked if they know how much is there. Kinney responded that there had been some work done, thought the exact amount is not yet known, but it will be moved before the first bulldozer is let in. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2004 Page 4 Macbeth addressed runoff into County property, and noted the County has requested the developer to model phosphorus levels in runoff from the site. Member Pletcher asked about off-site wetland banking. Macbeth explained how state wetland banking works, and the developers may buy replacement wetland credit from astate- registered bank account. Member Belfiori asked if sequencing flexibility was considered. Macbeth indicated that flexibility was not specifically applied. Belfiori asked if the wetlands could be placed within a conservation easement. Olson responded that additional wetland placement would impact the trees that aze within the conservation easement proposed. Member Danner asked whether, once the manure is removed, if it would change the topography of the site. Olson said that there should be no significant impact. Joey Zorn of Toll Brothers discussed some of the processes that Toll Brothers has undertaken in this development; APrC and APC review, DRAP, CCP, Phase I and II environmental assessments, VIC program, VPIC program. He said they will be taking precautions to preserve natural resources on this property and make it a positive addition to the City. Steve Schwanke explained that there are excess trees in the mitigation plan, to err on the side of caution. He said Toll Brothers will work closely with the County to adequately remove manure and any other foreign substance. He said off-site mitigation for the wetlands may preserve more trees on the site. He noted that Toll Brothers reduced the number of proposed unites by 10, 9 townhouse units and 1 single family. He showed the azeas where the changes were made to preserve tree stands. He showed a townhome unit that had moved farther north from Lebanon Hills Regional Park to increase the buffer area. He also showed that rather than a through street connection to Wellington Way, there would instead be two cul-de-sacs with an emergency access easement and trail connection. Member Bari asked if the `village green' concept had changed. Schwazke said it shrunk a little. Pletcher asked how faz apart the cul-de-sacs were. Schwazke responded, indicating a gated azea on the west of the property. Bari asked whether there would be testing of the manure to see if there are contaminants. Schwazke said they haven't, as of yet, found problematic contaminants associated with the manure. Danner asked how children would get from Wellington Way to the pazks. Schwarke said it should be a problem with all the trails proposed. Mary Brogden of 1519 Wellington Way expressed concern that the neighborhood questions aze not being answers. Her concerns particular to the Parks Commission are tree replacement, such as where new trees will be placed on the north portion of the parcel, and why the current owners azen't being asked to clean up the site. She also expressed concern about an asphalt trail being selected because of potential wash-out, and whether this same wash-out might impact adjacent houses. She also was concerned about wetland banking, and not knowing where this would be coming from. Tom Ferber, 1518 Wellington Way expressed concern about how this development would be compatible with surrounding azeas. He said the City needs to be cognizant of the stormwater issues. He feels cleanup should be done by the owners rather than making more money for the developer. He requested the City consider removal of manure and demolition debris, maximum survival of natural trees, removal and disposal of damaged trees, stormwater issues handled carefully, pond LP2 be protected, and to ensure that there is no flooding to the neighborhood. Liza Perry asked about the percentage of impervious surface as compazed to the previous plan. Toll Brothers responded that creating the cul-de-sac created about 800'X 20' of roadway savings and 10 units at 28' by 50' per unit, and that no new asphalt was added. Member Lodhi asked if manure removal would impact the underlying soil, and if this is a County issue. Olson responded that it is a solid waste issue that will be handled by Dakota County. Belfiori asked to what extend the results would be reviewed, and if there would be some good modeling available to the public. Member Danner asked about land banking, and whether it would be restored within Eagan, expressing her hope to keep the baked azea within the City of Eagan. She also expressed concerns for the impact of water into Lebanon Hills Regional Pazk, and felt that more information was needed. Member Peterson noted that there were protections built into alternative thirteen (City water resources staff shall be involved in an on-site pre-construction, pre-grading meeting to review and coordinate approved plans). Advisory Pazks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2004 Page 5 Liza Perry moved, Dorothy Peterson seconded, with members Bari, Perry, Pletcher, Lodhi, Hansen, Belfiori, and Peterson voting to approve recommendation. Member Danner voted `nay.' OLD' BUSINI~SS There was no new business for the Advisory Pazks Commission to discuss under this agenda item. NEW Bi;JS1NESS There were no items under New Business for the APrC to review. WA~TI~°I0T3ItCE~':~Ll~~l Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth discussed plant harvesting on local lakes, with 200+ truckloads of plant material removed. He also discussed phosphorus-free fertilizer. He showed a picture of a new Cedar Pond resident, the pied-billed grebe and its young. Member Danner asked about plans at Cedaz Pond. Macbeth said he has met with the Eagan Garden Club to do fall clean-up of the rainwater gardens, a cooperative effort. O~~$I~SISfi ~'Al SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Acting Chair Peterson asked if there had been any subcommittee meetings recently. There had not been any. NATURAL AND SCENIC AREA GRANT NOTIFICATION Beth Wielde, Reseazch and Special Projects, provided context to the recent grant award, noting that the $200,000 awazded to the City represents 25% of the total funding allocation for the program. She also noted that should the Remediation Grant be awarded, it would represent 40% of that total funding allocation, and that the City was ranked highly on that awazd recommendation. EVERGREEN ENCLAVE UPDATE Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson provided an update on the status of the project, showing an updated property sketch that illustrated how the lots were laid out. DIRECTOR POSITION STATUS Staff updated the Commission on the status of the Director position, noting that the City is undergoing an organizational review, and has decided to hold off on the search for a director until it is more clear how the director will function within this change. FtC1~D.BI~~ Acting Chair Peterson noted a meeting about the Park System Plan update on August 5 at 5:30. She also noted the departure of Reseazcher Wielde, who has accepted a faculty position at MN State University in Mankato, and had kind words to say about her work for the City. ADJOURIVIVIENT Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2004 Page 6 With no further business to conduct, Dorothy Peterson moved, Richazd Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Secr 11-ao - bb Date Minutes drafted by Beth Wielde