12/19/2005 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionAdvisory Parks Commission Approved as amended, January 12, 2006 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 19, 2005 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on December 19, 2005 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Mark Filipi, ,Muhammad Lodhi, Ryan Zipf, and Dorothy Peterson. Members Hansen and Pletcher were not present. Staff included Director Juli Syedell Johnson, Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson, Superintendent of Operations Cherryl Mesko, and Superintendent of Recreation Jeff Asfahl,. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Agenda Item I-3, Adopt 2006 CIP, was added under New Business. Member Danner moved, Member Bari seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14, 2005 Corrections were made to Page 2, Paragraph one under 20/20 Vision Plan to read, " In the next 15 years the percentage of Eagan's population above the age of 55 will be 32%." Clarification was requested on Page 2, last sentence under 2006 Park and Trail Dedication Fees to include, "Commercial and industrial properties platted prior to January 1, 1983 will be charged a park dedication fee of $2,493 per net acre." The final correction was the inclusion of the $150 damage deposit requirement as part of the Holz Farm barn rental fee. Member Peterson moved and Member Filipi seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of November 14, 2005 as amended. VISITORS TO $E HEARD TRAILS PLAN/TRAILS CIP REPORT FROM ENGINEERING Director Johnson introduced this item and Traffic Engineer Plath who provided an overview of the trail components included within specific sections of the Comprehensive Guide Plan for the City of Eagan. Mr. Plath reviewed the background of the Community Transportation Trail System Policy that gives staff direction on prioritizing trail construction of the uncompleted remaining portion of the Transportation Trail System and Park Trail System. He also provided an overview of the draft 5-year CIP that would implement the policy. Member Davis asked how the 20/20 Vision was considered in the overall planning of the comprehensive plan and CIP. Engineer Plath responded that the 20/20 Vision was taken into consideration during this review and prioritization. Member Peterson asked if Engineer Plath could provide the commission with a breakdown of how dedicated trail funds are being used as a source of funding for transportation trails. She asked for this clarification since dollars collected for trail dedication are administered by Engineering through the overall trail system plan. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 19, 2005 Page 2 DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson provided a brief overview of recent department activities for the parks, recreation and facilities divisions. She also noted that the manner in which the information was provided by the various divisions reflects an effort to share events and activities that specifically meet targeted goals for enhanced services and opportunities to the community. CONSENT AGENDA Member Filipi moved, Member Danner seconded with all present members voting to make a recommendation to the City Council to approve the Eagan Place 2°d Addition proposal as presented. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL There were no items to review under Development Proposals OLD BUSINESS BAND SHELL AND PA SYSTEM RENTAL FEE Director Johnson introduced this item noting that the Eagan Rotary Band Shell has primarily been used for Parks and Recreation sponsored events or as part of ECC wedding rentals. As the interest in the use of this facility increases a fee structure is needed to respond to the requests. Director Johnson reviewed the fee structure and responded to questions from commission members. It was clarified that the half day and full day designation would be consistent with existing pavilion reservations. After further brief review, Member Peterson moved, Member Bari seconded with all present members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the following fees be included in the fee structure: Rental of the Bans Shell only: Half day Full day • Resident $340.00 $ 640.00 • Non-resident 425.00 800.00 Rental of Band Shell w/sound system* • Resident $540.00 $1000.00 • Non-resident 675.00 1250.00 *Required staff technician at $20/hour NSW BUSINESS CAPONI ART PARK BOARD REQUEST Director Johnson introduced this item noting that the Caponi Art Park Board is requesting that the fence currently installed in the Diffley Road pedestrian tunnel be removed to allow for transport of their equipment through the tunnel and to allow better pedestrian access when the Art Park is open for public events. She provided brief background information regarding the initial installation of the fence which runs down the middle of the walkway for the full length of the tunnel to allow for public pedestrian crossing of Diffley Road from the boulevard trails while prohibiting access to the private Art Park. While the request from the Art Park Board only addresses the issue of removing the fence from the tunnel it has been noted that there is an interest in changing the park's boundary fences to fully surround the tunnel and prohibit public access except when the Caponi Art Park is open to the public. Advisory Parks Commission Approved as amended, January 12, 2006 Tony and Cheryl Caponi, 1205 Diffley Road, provided an extensive overview and additional historical background regarding the initial installation of the tunnel that was constructed under Diffley Road. They expressed their concern for transporting maintenance equipment from one side of the park to the other. In addition they shared concern that the public half of the underpass had become a gathering place for people involved in questionable activities and is littered with broken bottles and other trash. They opined that the underpass is seldom used and it is the only place in the city that has an underpass to get from one side of the street to the other. Mr. Caponi continued that his main interest was to maintain the integrity and security of the park now that it is becoming more heavily used and attended. Member Danner asked about the main reason for the tunnel. Mr. Caponi responded that it was intended to get people from the north property of the Art Park to the south property. When asked about where the boundary fence might be relocated, Mr. Caponi explained that they would prefer that people enter and exit the park in one location; near the amphitheater. Member Peterson opined that although she had little concern for removing the fence from the middle of the tunnel she was more concerned about people continuing to have access to Patrick Eagan Park and that the access off Diffley Road needs to remain open. Director Johnson reiterated that the tunnel provides the pedestrian crossing for general trail users and provides amid-point crossing on Diffley Road between Pilot Knob and Lexington. Members Belfiori and Davis expressed an interest in obtaining more information since there seemed to be several unanswered questions. Member Peterson asked who currently owns the parcel with the amphitheater. Mr. Caponi responded that the park is a single entity so it would be wrong to say who owns what. Member Peterson responded that if it is all one park that access becomes even more important to the public. Mrs. Caponi responded that anyone using the tunnel can access the Art Park whenever it's open but that there is almost no general use of the tunnel. Member Danner asked the Caponis to identify where the new fence line might be located. Although a specific location was not clearly defined the intention was to close off the north entrance of the tunnel and incorporate it into the Art Park northerly property. The Caponis opined that this option would provide a higher level of security but would not impact access to Patrick Eagan Park from Diffley Road. Mr. Caponi added that it was their hope that this could move forward quickly so that there is no further delay to this request. Members Zipf and Lodhi reiterated other commission members' concerns regarding the need for more thorough information. Member Lodhi commented that the tunnel serves a purpose to pedestrians and was concerned that moving the fence would restrict that use. After further extensive discussion, Member Peterson moved, Member Davis seconded with all present members voting in favor to table the discussion pending receipt of the following information: • Have the Caponi Art Park and Learning Center Board of Director provide an illustration of where the fence outside the tunnel would be proposed to be located. • Obtain an opinion from the Engineering Department regarding the impact to pedestrian traffic if the fence is moved. • Bring the above information back to the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee for further review and consideration before bringing the issue back to the whole Advisory Commission. • Input regarding the County's plan for Diffley Road over the next 10 years was also requested for this review. COMMERCIAL USE RENTAL POLICY Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 19, 2005 Page 4 Director Johnson introduced this item noting requests from large events/groups and fund raising groups asking to use public facilities to host their sales and fund raising efforts are increasing. At this time there is no policy or fee schedule in place to give consistent guidelines for these events. This item was discussed at a November 14 workshop and then referred to the Recreation Subcommittee, which met November 29 for further discussion. Member Davis noted that the subcommittee had met several times to review this issue and come to a recommendation that they felt was in the best interest of the city. Member Danner asked for a clarification of the term "large group". Director Johnson responded for discussion purposes this was defined as 50-100 depending upon the applicable threshold for the facility or park being reserved. Fee considerations were reviewed for the use of parks, trails or open space for a large group event and the use of parks, pavilions and Moonshine Retreat Center for fund raising or commercial profit generating activities. Director Johnson posed the question of the appropriateness of charging a 15% additional fee to non-profit 501 (c) 3 groups. Member Danner expressed concern and did not agree to extra fees being charged non-profits for their fund raising activities. Member Peterson opined that these groups require the same level of city services that afor-profit or residential group would require. Member Davis reiterated that the intent of this review was to consider the appropriateness for a private or non-profit group to use tax funded, publicly owned resources and facilities to raise money for their cause or business. Following additional discussion, Member Peterson moved, Member Davis seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council that the newly established fees as presented below be included into the fee schedule to address the use of parks, trails or open space for large group events as well as fund raising or commercial profit generating activities. Those voting aye included Members Bari, Belfiori, Davis, Filipi, Lodhi, Peterson and Zip£ Member Danner voted nay. The motion passed. 1. Use of Parks, Trails or Open Space for Lar eg GroueEvent: All groups wishing to use a City of Eagan park or open space for a large group event must apply for a permit and pay permit fee in advance of their event. This fee is in addition to the rental of pavilion if the group will be using a substantial portion of park grounds or trail. Activities will only be allowed if they are not in conflict with existing City programs/services. Fee considerations are: • $60 for ahalf--day event (10 am - 4 pm or 5 pm - 10 pm) • $90 for full day (10 am - 10 pm) (includes city staff present to support event through set-up, clean up and garbage removal) • Fee for additional services will be charged based on current city rate schedule and includes portable toilets, additional tables, additional waste barrels, etc. 2. Use of Parks Pavilions and Moonshine Retreat Center for Fund Raising or Commercial Profit Generating Activities: Groups wishing to use a park, pavilion or Moonshine Retreat Center for a fund raising or commercial profit generating activity will be charged a rate that is higher than the public rental. Fee considerations are: • Fee would be 15% more for commercial profit or fund raising activities. • Group(s) may not use the City's name as an endorsement of the event. • Businesses would pay resident or non-resident fee based on the location of their business rather than the address of the person making the reservation. • Revenue facilities (Cascade Bay, Civic Arena and Eagan Community Center) are not subject to this change since their rental fees are set to cover full costs and do not include a tax subsidy. ADOPT 2006 CIP Advisory Parks Commission Approved as amended, January 12, 2006 Director Johnson explained that the Advisory Commission reviewed the proposed CIP in the workshop prior to the regular meeting. Chairman Davis reminded the APrC that a workshop is set with the Council to review the CIP on January 10. Member Davis moved, Member Bari seconded with all present members voting in favor to present the 2006 CIP to the City Council at a January 10 workshop. It was noted that the CIP would again be for only one year in preparation for the implementation of the 20/20 Vision. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth provided an update and overview of the Water Quality Management Plan update. He noted that the new plan will provide for a locally controlled program and will provide a more proactive approach to water quality and wetland preservation. Member Davis asked how long the city has been monitoring its lakes. Macbeth responded that it began in 1990. Member Belfiori added that the extensive experience and knowledge of the task force will certainly help to ensure a positive outcome for the plan. Coordinator Macbeth added that this document will help with potential future re-development considerations. That is such a new consideration that many communities are interested to see how this will be addressed by the City of Eagan. ROUND TABI:,E Member Belfiori shared his enjoyment serving on the Water Quality Management Plan Update task force. Member Peterson distributed a 2006 calendar from Friends of the Farm depicting many scenes from Holz Farm. She invited the public to stop at City Hall to pickup a free copy for the new year. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Peterson moved, Member Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. J Secretary Date