11/14/2005 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved as amended December 19, 2005 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 2005 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on November 14, 2005 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Mark Filipi, Duane Hansen, Muhammad Lodhi, Ryan Zipf, Dorothy Peterson and Richard Pletcher. Member Belfiori was not present. Staff included Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Operations; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Changes to the agenda were the removal of Agenda Item H-1; Peace Pole Request Update and I-2b; PA Equipment Rental. The 20/20 Vision Update was also moved to Old Business. Member Bari moved, Member Filipi seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER, 2005 It was noted that Les Boechman's name was misspelled and should be corrected. Member Peterson moved and Member Danner seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve, the minutes of October 17, 2005 as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD EAGAN ART HOUSE Director Johnson introduced Mike Holmdahl and Betty Undis, representatives of the Eagan Art House. Holmdahl and Undis stated the Art House is growing, increasing from 2052 participants in 2004 to 3049 in 2005. They told the commission they have run out of space and are on the move, using other locations such as Dakota County Library and Eagan facilities such as the Ice Arena, Community Center and Band Shell, and Eagan Chamber of Commerce Gallery. Undis said the Art House is preparing to meet the demand for space. She informed the commission that the Board of Directors has completed a financial development plan, a Facility Committee has been formed, a market analysis for expanded programming has begun and the board participated in the Eagan 20/20 Vision Plan. Holmdahl identified a set of core values for expansion, including that the partnership with the City of Eagan is extremely helpful. He shared principles for the expansion such as joint planning with APrC and joint fundraising. Undis noted the desire to formalize a partnership between the Art House and the City to allow the Art house to move forward with fundraising. A vision for the future of the Art House was described as more gallery space, adaptable class room spaces, expansion of the ceramic program and pottery studio and possibly a village concept. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 19, 2005 Page 2 • DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson provided a brief overview of recent department activities for the parks, recreation and facilities divisions. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items to review under Consent Agenda DEVELOPIViENT PROPOSALS There were no items to review under Development Proposals OLD BUSINESS 20/20 VISION PLAN C Direction Johnson provided a power point presentation highlighting the final summary of the 20/20 Vision Plan. Chair Davis opined this was a worthwhile project because it produced interest and involvement by the community. The Plan showed that Eagan citizens believe the City has a great park system and staff. The Parks and Recreation department will continue to work over the next 15 years to continue this level of service to the citizens. Currently 14% of Eagan's population is above 55 years old. In the next 15 years the amount will increase to 32% so Eagan needs to adapt programs and facilities to accommodate the needs for an older population. Member Peterson moved and Chair Davis seconded with all members recommending the City Council accept the 20/20 Vision. NEW BUSINESS 2006 PARK AND TRAIL DEDICATION FEES The Advisory Parks Commission previously reviewed options for park and trail dedication fees at a workshop session in October. In addition the commission met with the City Council on November 7 to follow up with their thoughts and ideas about how to approach setting the 2006 fees. Member Peterson motioned, Member Filipi moved and Member Pletcher seconded, with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council approve the 2006 park and trail dedication fees as follows: Park Ded. Single Family $3,278, per unit Duplex 3,206 " Th/Quad 3,178 " Apt/M 3,070 " Commercial $5,790 per net acre Industrial 4,868 " Trail Ded. Est 06 Land Value Equivalent $238 per unit $ 81,404 238 80,150 238 134,535 238 142,755 $1,251 per net acre $ 91,887 1,251 $ 78,813 Commercial or industrial properties platted prior to January 1, 1983 will be charged $2,493 per net acre Approved as amended December 19, 2005 HOLZ FARM BARN RENTAL FEE Director Johnson provided background regarding the rental of the Holz Farm barn. At the August 1 S, 2005 APrC meeting, the commission was presented with the idea of renting the barn at Holz farm for private rentals. The APrC was favorable to the concept, but asked the recreation subcommittee to research areas of concern such as capacity, risk, charges, code enforcement and wear and tear on the site. Staff and the recreation subcommittee held two consecutive meetings to discuss findings of the areas of these concern. As a result the following conditions will be imposed as part of the permit. • Groups will be limited in size to 80. • Dancing will not be permitted due to safety concerns. • The provision of a handicapped toilet is required and will be included as part of the fee. • All other park and pavilion use policies will apply. • A staff attendant will be required. • Rentals will only be permitted during the months June through August. • The program will be promoted in the spring and summer editions of the "Discover" activities brochure. • The rental fees recommended are: Resident $230 per day - plus an additional $10 per hour staff attendant fee. Non-resident $280 per day -plus an additional $10 per hour staff attendant fee. $150 deposit will be required for all renatals Member Peterson moved and Member Bari seconded, with all members voting in favor to Recommend that the City Council approve the Barn Rental Policy for addition to the 2006 fee schedule. OTHER BUSINESS' AND REPORTS FORESTRY DIVISION TREE DISEASE REPORT City Forester Hove provided his annual report about tree diseases and the impact on the health of the city's tree inventory. Hove informed the commission that Eagan's tree ordinance is often modeled by other cities. Volunteer projects occurring in Eagan include Buckthorn Removal at Trapp Farm Park and Wescott Station, a Woodland Prairie Restoration project occurred at Thomas Lake Park, receiving 804 prairie plugs and 123 native woodland shrubs. A third project is a rain pond that was installed at the Eagan Community Center. Adam Gerber, Tree Inspector for summer of 2005, was introduced by Hove. Gruber presented the shade tree disease report which included information on Oak Wilt, Dutch Elm and Buckthorn. Gruber discussed disease management, identification, treatment, re-inspection and proper disposal. The number of infected trees in 2004 consisted of 220 Red Oak and S 1 White Oak. The numbers for 2005 are 197 Red Oak and 54 White Oak Gruber talked about the cost share program. Reports of Dutch Elm infections in Eagan were: 2005 - 440 2004 - 688 2003 - 198 Superintendent Olson suggested viewers use the City's website for tree disease information if they have concerns. The website is extensive and sometimes phone calls are more than city staff can respond too. • Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 19, 2005 Page 4 • SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES The Water Quality Management Plan update will be presented at the December APrC meeting. Chair Davis asked commission members to provide their input to Member Belfiori by the end of the week. ROUNDTABLE Member Pletcher stated pottery made by instructors and students would be sold at the Eagan Art House on November 19 and 20. Chair Davis reminded members of the upcoming Recreation Subcommittee meeting. Member Peterson said the annual report for Friends of the Farm would soon be distributed to APrC members. ADJUURivMENT J With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Pletcher seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ~i ~a/~~ Secretary Date