09/19/2005 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved on October 17, 2005 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF S)~PTEMBER 19, 2005 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on September 19, 2005 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Mark Filipi, Duane Hansen, Ryan Zipf, Dorothy Peterson and Richard Pletcher. Mohammed Lodhi was not in attendance. Staff included Juli Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Operations; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; and Lori Kimball, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Two additions to the agenda were I) approval of the minutes for the special meeting of September 19~'. 2) Added to Item K -The Holz Farm Request for Quotations. Member Filipi moved, Member Peterson seconded; with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 2005 Member Danner moved and Member Bari seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of August 15, 2005 as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 Member Danner moved and Member Hansen seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of September 1, 2005 as presented. VISITORS Tf~ BE HEARD Superintendent Asfahl introduced Pat Marsh, Director of EAA Travel Baseball and Lynn Estes, Director of Facilities for EAA Travel Baseball. Marsh thanked the City for funding improvements and repairs to the fields that accommodate 600 EAA travel games each year. Marsh and Estes told the commission the success of the EAA Travel Baseball program is due to the partnership they have with Eagan Parks and Recreation. SUPERINTENDENT'SUPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Juli Johnson, the new Director of Parks and Recreation, addressed the APrC saying she has learned Parks and Recreation has an incredible staff in place. Superintendents Asfahl, Mesko, and Olson, each provided an update and overview of their Division. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items to review under Consent Agenda. • D1EVEL~FMENT PROPOSALS There were no items to review under Development Proposals. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 19, 2005 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS There were no items to review under Old Business. NEW BUSINESS T-Mobile Director Johnson introduced this item noting that T-Mobile requested City approval to install cellular antennas, and ground based equipment cabinets on an existing Excel Energy transmission tower in the Highline Trail Corridor. She continued that because this location is within a park the APrC is being asked to review and act upon the request for the City to negotiate a lease. Superintendent Olson shared pictures of the tower in the Highline Trail corridor, immediately east of Johnny Cake Ridge Road. The request before the Commission was for the use of a ground space area to mount equipment cabinets. Olson continued that as with other similar locations, the ground area would be secured by a chain link fence. A minimal amount of vegetation would be disturbed as a result of the installation, and the installer would be held responsible for any restoration deemed necessary by the City. The most visible comparison to the proposal is the installation at Rahn Park, located immediately to the north of the hockey rinks on another Excel tower. Approved in 2000, there have been no conflicts or concerns related to the project or its subsequent operation. The 2005 lease rate for this type installation is $4705.97 per year subject to annual increase of approximately 6% per year. The lease revenues, as approved by the City Council, are currently allocated as follows (2005): • $19,000; ongoing improvements to Historic Holz Farm • $292,000; estimated subsidy to the Eagan Community Center (projected $141,000 for 2006) • Balance; Utility Fund for Water and Sewer ALTERNATIVES FOR COMMISSION CONSIDERATION: Member Peterson moved and Member Pletcher seconded with all present members voting in favor to make the freeway recommendation to the City Council: • Recommend proceeding with negotiations for the lease request made by T-Mobile for the use of City Park property in conjunction with the installation of cellular antennas on Excel Pole # 147, described as 1689 Highline Trail, all to be consistent with the terms and conditions of the appropriate City telecommunications lease and pending review of the City telecommunications consultant. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth, provided an update for the Water Quality Management Plan stating that 15 residents had applied for three openings on the task force that will be appointed by the City Council. The first meeting will occur on October 5~'. Macbeth stated that the process has begun for identifying wetlands and rating their functions and value. Macbeth presented information on porous asphalt and concrete, explaining how these products can make a positive impact on storm water quality. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 19, 2005 Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Superintendent Asfahl provided an update of the Recreation Subcommittee and a written summary of the meeting, which included a draft of the Holz Farm Barn rental guidelines. In response to a resident letter requesting that a Peace Pole be placed at Central Park, Chair Davis suggested a subcommittee be formed to clarify the request and consider the issues involved. Members Peterson, Pletcher, Danner and Bari volunteered to form the subcommittee and will report back to the Commission. The Commission also discussed a resident request to extend the date that restrooms are open in various park buildings. Superintendent Olson clarified that pavilion restrooms are open all day from Memorial Day thru Labor Day but at other times of the year are opened during scheduled rental time. When asked about placing satellite toilets along walking trails, Olson clarified that it is not feasible to place satellites in isolated areas because they are not accessible for maintenance and they tend to be vandalized. Staff and Commission members determined that signage is needed to direct people from the buildings to the nearest satellite toilets. Chair Davis acknowledged a complimentary letter from a resident thanking City staff for the support received during their family reunion at Blackhawk Park. Superintendent Asfahl presented the annual softball evaluation results stating 203 teams and 2500 individuals participated in Eagan Softball Leagues. Superintendent Asfahl updated the Commission regarding Holz Farm RFQ's from consulting firms fo the a National Historical Application. Four proposals have been received, and will be reviewed. ROT:TND TABLE Member Danner welcomed Director Juli Johnson to her first APrC meeting. Chair Davis and Member Danner stated they had attended the Greenway concert at Caponi Art Park and it appeared to be a successful event. Director Johnson reminded everyone of the City Services open house to be held at the Community Center later in the month. ADJ(O>L~I2NMENT With no further business to conduct, Chair Davis moved, Member Zipf seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. a ~~,~ Secretary Date