07/18/2005 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved Au~ttst 15, 2005 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES'OF ~RE~UI.AR MEETING OF JULY 18, 200'5 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 18, 2005 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Mark Filipi, Duane Hansen, Muhammad Lodhi, Dorothy Peterson and Ryan Zipf. Member Pletcher was not present. Staff included Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Cherryl Mesko, Administrative Coordinator and Lori Kimball, Recording Secretary. ~~~'X~~L (~~' ANNA Superintendent Olson informed the commission the Water Resources update would be given by during Department Happenings. Chair Davis moved, Member Bari seconded; with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL ~~F'MINIT`P)~fi"O'F J~JNE 20, 2b05 Member Filipi moved and Member Danner seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of June 20, 2005 as amended. Jack Conrad invited the commission members to a benefit for Friends of the Core Greenway that will be held September 18 at 2:00 at the Caponi Art Park theater. ~... Superintendent of Recreation, Jeff Asfahl, recognized Les Bachman for 250 hours of volunteer time spent working with Friends of the Farm. Asfahl said Bachman is considered the woodshop specialist, the curator of the virtual Holstein and calf and is a great help to the Friends of the Farm. Bachman said working on the 1940's farm is a great pleasure for him because it reminds him of his youth. Asfahl said Bachman will have his name engraved on a gold plate and put on display at Holz farm. SI~~INTENI)~r'1'~~'~~U'A~E~:~~ ° . ~s ~~ME11': ~ ' I. ,, Superintendent of Parks, Paul Olson, and Superintendent of Recreation, Jeff Asfahl, provided an update and overview of items in the parks, recreation and facilities divisions. Olson gave the Water Quality Plan update, saying the RFP's from consultants will soon go to City Council for selection. Member Danner informed the commission that Karen Jensen, a member of the Senior Advisory Board, passed away. Karen was active member of the Lone Oak Rockers and the lead,advocate for the Bingo tent to be part of the Fourth of July festivities. Member Danner thanked the Eagan Teen Advisory Board for continuing to organize the Bingo Tent in Karen's absence. Asfahl and Danner QUARTERLY RECREATION PROGRAM UPDATE Program and Events Supervisor, Cathy Bolduc, addressed the Commission and provided a power point presentation outlining the various spring and summer recreation programs. Ms. Bolduc discussed the teamwork involved to produce and support Parks and Recreation's Adult Sports, Community Events, Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 18, 2005 Page 2 Preschool, Senior, Teen, Youth and Family events. Ms. Bolduc credited the planning and implementation of these programs to the teamwork between coworkers; volunteers; Eagan's fire department and recreation resource programs that collaborate with Eagan Parks and Recreation staff. Bolduc concluded her presentation with an invitation for commission members to ask questions. CfINSENT AfNDA There were no items to review under Consent Agenda There were no items to review under Development Proposals ~~~ There were no items to review under Old Business. PUBLIC HEARING 20/20 VISION MASTER PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN Superintendent Olson presented each commission member with a copy of the "Public Comment Draft" of the 20/20 Vision. A copy of this draft is also available at the Eagan Community Center, Wescott Library and on the city's website for residents to review and provide their written comments for consideration. Superintendent Olson stated that on September 19 at the APrC the commission will adopt the 20/20 Vision plan, if they are so moved. On September 27 the APrC and City Council will meet to jointly discuss the plan. A meeting will be scheduled in October for the APrC and City Council to take action on the 20/20 plan. Harvey Feldman, a representative from the CEHP, announced the official start of the next phase of the 20/20 plan. Feldman said this report includes input from stakeholders and community forums that were conducted during the past seven months. The report features information about open space issues and challenges, using trails and connections to create a greater sense of community and the importance of building partnerships with other agencies. Feldman, said that he had worked with the City of Eagan thirty years ago when a group of citizens wanted to start a parks system. He followed this by exclaiming, "Wow, you've come a long way, Baby!" adding that it was wonderful to see everything that has been done to make Eagan what it is today. Member Peterson motioned for Public Comment to be accepted through September 1, 2005. Member Bari seconded with all present members voting in favor to approve the Public Comment Date. Member Danner thanked the consultants for the effort, new ideas, and foood for thought. ~'VA,TIH3R}'~~~'U~CL`5 Ui~~~'I'L+` There were no items to review under Water Resources Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 18, 2005 Page 3 OTHER' BUSINESS AND REPORTS I~QUND TABU Superintendent Olson discussed the selection of the new Parks and Recreation director and suggested those interested go to the website of Coralville, Iowa to read minutes of the past APrC meetings. Member Peterson shared that long time resident and Eagan Parks staff member, Jim McGufee, had passed away. Member Hansen commented that his family had attended the Arts Festival held at the Community Center and was impressed with what it offered his family.Member Danner announced an Ice Cream Social that would be held on August 21 at the Eagan Art House from 1-4. Member Bari thanked Cherryl Mesko for the use of her convertible so the APrC were able to ride in the parade. With no further business to conduct, Chair Davis moved, Member Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. 1! ao bb Secr ary Date