01/13/2005 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved February 14, 2005 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 2005 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on January 13, 2005 with the following Commission Members present: Joe Bari, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, Duane Hansen, Muhammad Lodhi, and Dorothy Peterson. Members Perry, Belfiori, Filipi, and Pletcher were not present. Staff present included Paul Olson, Supervisor of Parks; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator, and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Bari moved, Member Danner seconded with all present members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 2004 Superintendent Olson noted a clarification in the minutes requested by City Forester Hove. Hove asks that on page 3, the minutes reflect that he passed around a log that had been a breeding ground for European Bark beetles rather thanAsian Long-Homed beetles. He also asked that the last paragraph reflect the accurate methodology for managing buckthorn, cutting it down and applying a systematic herbicide, or leaving larger stemmed plants stand and applying a basal application of liquid chemicals to kill the plant standing. Chair Davis moved to approve the minutes as amended, Member Danner seconded with all present members voting to approve. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard for the month of January. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE AND DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent Olson highlighted December and early January activities of both the Recreation and Parks divisions of the Parks and Recreation Department: • Planning for the Fun Run has begun. • Spring basketball and volleyball leagues will be offered at the Community Center. Information will be available in February. • Information has been mailed regarding summer softball. • Preparations have been made for the Family Skating Extravaganza on January 30`h. • ECC hosted the Timberwolves Basketball Clinic, 75 youth attended. • Snow Daze will be held February 5d' at Trapp Farm. • Most skating rinks have been opened for use. • The ECC skating pond is open for use. • The City has renewed its contract with Lifeworks for the 14th year. • Dakota County and the City have entered into a contract for the grooming of the Trapp Farm tubing hill. • Staff attended the Minnesota Green Industries Expo at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Park Supervisors Paul Graham and Steve Taylor participated in a panel discussion. • A new Parks Maintenance position, working under the Forestry division, was approved and is expected to be advertised soon for an early April start. • Orders have begun for equipment approved in the 2005 Equipment Fund. Member Danner asked if the ice was frozen on area lakes. Olson noted there has been fishing on Fish Lake and Heine Pond. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 15, 2004 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA There were no items for the APrC to review under the Consent Agenda. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no items for the APrC to review under Development Proposals. OLD BUSINESS There were no items for the APrC to review under Old Business NEW BUSINESS There were no items for the APrC to review under New Business. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Eric Macbeth presented activities and occurrences of the Water Resources Division: • There is a good deal of ice on local lakes. • Fertilizers containing phosphorus are now banned in Minnesota, a state-wide restriction, with specific limitations based on the condition of sale. • A lawsuit is in progress in Wisconsin, challenging a City's right to ban the use of phosphorus- based fertilizers. The argument is that animal/wildlife waste puts more phosphorus into waters than fertilizers. • Staff has been analyzing data gathered over the past 10 years for seven Class I water bodies. APrC feedback is requested on how to best communicate information yielded from the analysis to the public. Chair Davis said Communications Coordinator Tom Garrison should be contacted prior to the February meeting to discuss ideas. Water Resources Division has been discussing the possibility of developing a formal Wetlands Protection Management Plan which would be equal to or better than that existing state mandates but would allow local governance. It was suggested that further information be provided to the APrC to see if this might be a viable consideration to suggest to the City Council. Coordinator Macbeth described other cities, included Rosemount, who have implemented similar plans, noting they generally take 1 - 1 1/2 years to complete. Member Peterson suggested this matter become an agenda item and be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. Chair Davis suggested that the Natural Resources Subcommittee review this issue in more detail before making a recommendation to the City Council. • Macbeth described the Stormwater Pollution SWPPP Preservation Plan, noting the City needs to re-submit the new plan by August of 2006. He noted that since this is a federal mandate it absolutely needs to be done. Chair Davis asked if this is an enforcement issue. Macbeth said that it is prevention planning, stormwater runoff, and erosion protection. He noted the City has had a good program with lots of strategies already in place. The Plan is based on legal action with the State of Minnesota and as a result cities now need to respond to State changes. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 15, 2004 Page 3 Member Peterson suggested it is time to set a Natural Resources Subcommittee meeting. Member Lodhi suggested the first week of February. Macbeth said he would contact the subcommittee about dates. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS 20/20 VISION UPDATE Chair Davis stated the 20/20 Vision Plan process began in November with 30 members of the community participating. He noted the good attendance by APrC members and reviewed the items discussed with stakeholder groups. He said the first public forum was held on January 6 with a modest attendance but good exchange of information. Member Peterson noted the need to focus on how to solicit input from the public and how to get the word out that input is needed. She reviewed the timeline for the process. Member Peterson shared the consultant's findings that all the parks they've inventoried in Eagan have been graded as a "1," a first for the consultants. Chair Davis said it is a great opportunity for Eagan to revisit the Plan and be proactive in looking forward. Member Danner said perhaps there is a need to get the word out as much as possible. Chair Davis said the group is working closely with Director of Communications Tom Garrison and the consultants to generate ideas for increased community input. Superintendent Olson said the City has been surveying other comparable communities as well, having received 15 responses out of the original 17 that had been distributed. CAPONI ART PARK UPDATE Superintendent Olson noted that the Trust for Public Land (TPL) is seeking to subdivide the Caponi property, and shared the proposed subdivision. He said the entire site will be protected by a conservation easement. He said the City Council has signed a purchase agreement for 30 acres, using City, County, and State funds, and anticipate a March closing. There will be stipulated conditions attached to the purchase. Chair Davis said he hopes there can be some closure soon. STEEPLECHASE EAW UPDATE Superintendent Olson said the City Council has reviewed the proposal, and that no EIS is necessary for the property. The developer is expected to provide a modified plan on February 1, 2005. ROUND TABLE Member Danner noted that July 0 planning has begun, and that the committee could use some help, particularly with the fundraising portion. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Peterson moved, Member Danner seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. S cretary Date Minutes transcribed by: Beth A. Wielde Part-Time Research and Special Projects