04/17/2006 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionAdvisory Parks Commission Approved as amended May 15, 2006 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 17, 2006 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 17, 2006 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Phil Belfiori, Margo Danner, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Duane Hansen,, Dorothy Peterson, Richard Pletcher and Ryan Zipf. Muhammed Lodhi was not present. Staff included Director of Parks and Recreation, Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cherryl Mesko; Superintendent of Parks, Paul Olson; Forestry Supervisor Gregg Hove and Recording Secretary Lori Kimball. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Filipi recommended that Item VI-C, Waters Annex, be moved from the Consent Agenda to Development Proposals for further discussion. Member Filipi moved, Chair Davis seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 2006 Chair Peterson noted that Chair Peterson moved and Member Danner seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of April 17, 2006 as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson provided a brief overview of department activities for the past month, including an award received by City Forester Gregg Hove from the MN Shade Tree Advisory Committee. Member Peterson presented a plaque to Chair Davis in recognition for nine years of outstanding service and leadership for the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. Member Danner also thanked Chair Davis for being an adversary for trees and water quality. Chair Davis responded by saying he enjoyed working with the commission because of their strong convictions and wanting to do the right thing for Parks and Recreation. He thanked the City staff for being supportive and helpful when the commission met new challenges. Forestry Supervisor, Gregg Hove, provided information regarding the City's annual Arbor Day celebration which will take place on May 20`h from 9-12 at City Hall. Volunteers will be planting flowers on the City campus and planting a tree donated by Dakota Electric. In honor of the 5th anniversary of moving the Grandfather Tree, Kay Gustafson will read her book "Aunt Gussie and Grandfather Tree". The winner of this year's poster contest will also be announced and the celebration will end with a picnic lunch. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 17, 2006 Page 2 Supervisor Hove shared a copy of Department of Natural Resources Volunteer Magazine, noting an article that designates a dollar value on trees based on what they provide, such as absorbing carbon dioxide, shading, storm water management, etc. Hove provided other brochures that discussed forestry challenges such as Dutch elm disease, the Asian Longhorn Beetle and the Emerald Ash Bore. Hove informed the commission that a large percentage of the trees in Northern Minnesota and Eagan are Ash trees that are vulnerable to this insect. He added there is a nationwide effort to prevent and control the Emerald Ash Bore. Hove informed the commission that he and Director Johnson attended the April meeting of the Minnesota Shade Tree Advisory Committee where the City of Eagan was presented with an Outstanding Media Award in recognition of the City of Eagan Forestry Web Site. Hove said about half the 100 attendees said they had used the City's website. Hove shared the award that was presented. Recreation Supervisor Colleen Callahan presented the quarterly update for the Recreation Supervisory Staff. Callahan shared information on Adult Sports, Community Events, Preschool, Senior Programs, and Teen Programming as well as Youth and Family events. Supervisor Callahan concluded with information on winter programs and new programming for the upcoming summer. CONSENT AGENDA Member moved and Member seconded, with all present members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council the following: Arbor Day Proclamation 1. Acknowledge the resolution setting May 20, 2006 as Arbor day and May as Arbor Month in the City of Eagan. Oak Hills Church 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash park dedication. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trail dedication. 3. Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit application for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1. 4. A cash dedication in lieu of on-site water quality ponding should be required for this development. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS WATERS ANNEX Member Filipi introduced this item, saying that Waters Annex was reviewed by the Commission at a previous workshop. Commission members determined that a change in wording is needed in Alternatives for Consideration, Item 6. The addition is as follows: "apply wetland buffer protections according to preliminary standards of the Water Quality Task Force to the extent such standards are reasonable and practical on this site". The developer was present at the meeting and acknowledged that he was in agreement with the change to the recommendation. Member Filipi moved and Member Pletcher seconded, with all present members voting to recommend to the City Council the following: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash park dedication. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trail dedication. Advisory Parks Commission Approved as amended May 15, 2006 3. The applicant shall be required to contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre- construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing, 4. Approve updated wetland delineation report, pending its acceptability to water resources coordinator. 5. Approve handling of storm water by constructing three treatment ponds and by reducing runoff through disconnected rooftops, infiltration areas, filtration swales, and proof of parking areas. 6. Apply wetland buffer protections according to preliminary standards of the Water Quality Task Force to the extent such standards are reasonable and practical on this site. OLD BUSINESS There were no items to review under Old Business NEW BUSINESS Eagan Art House-Request to Place Art in Public Space Member Peterson moved to open the Public Comment Period, inviting the public to review and comment on a proposal by the Eagan Art House that asks to place Art in Public Spaces. The review and comment period is designated for 30 days and will end on May 17. The proposal can be reviewed at the Eagan Municipal Center in the Parks and Recreation Department and written comments received at the Parks and Recreation office Upon completion of the 30 day comment period, the item will be referred to an APrC subcommittee. Upon the completion of the Patrick Eagan Park Master Plan and approval by the City Council, a determination on this request for public art will be made. Chair Davis seconded, with all present members voting in favor to open the Public Comment Period. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Water Quality Management Plan Update Member Belfiori provided an updated on the Water Quality Management Plan, stating that the committee has been reviewing valuable information, such as how to classify the quality of wetlands, how to assign buffers and spot regulate areas that are most valued rather than assign a "one size fits all" buffer. Belfiori said the consultant discussed how to define and assign a quantitative value to the water bodies in the city so it will express where the city needs to improve what they are doing and which water bodies are doing well. The next phase will be implementation strategy which will focus on resources and money that will make a difference in the next 20 years. Belfiori said there are two more meetings scheduled. ROUND TABLE Chair Davis shared a survey from Dakota County Parks and Recreation. Member Filipi handed out an article about rain gardens and encouraged members to view the website and it links. Member Pletcher said that a story on the news that evening discussed rain gardens being used for storm water management. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 17, 2006 Page 4 Member Hansen informed the group that Wil Steger, Minnesota native and North Pole dog sled explorer will be at St. John Neumann church on April 29 to discuss global warming. Member Peterson announced that on May 6 there will be and Spring Cleanup with the Friends of the Farm, May 13 the Eagan Garden Club will have their annual plant sale at Holz Farm and on May 21 there will be a Holz Farm Spring Festival. If any Scout Troops are interested in helping, their leader should call 675-5500 so the coordinators may consider what jobs to give the troops. Commission members wished Chair Davis well; each saying it was an honor to work with him and thanked him for the time he spent on their Advisory Parks Commission. All agreed Davis would be greatly missed. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Chair Davis moved, Member Peterson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. X ? 1 11113L nvlo Secretary Date