Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Corespondnce between City of Eagan and Dayton Hudson Properties re: a Target store in Eagan. - 8/23/1956Fo \-DEt� el3rG�NS Dayton Hudson Properties 777 Nicollet Mali - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 December 30, 1.974 Advisory Planning Committee CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 • Dear Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen: As a landowner and future developer in Eagan, Dayton Hudson Properties appreciates the opportunity to comment on proposed ordinance Number 52 as it relates to our plans for our property in Eagan. Very briefly, Dayton Hudson Properties proposes to develop a multi -functional, major diversified center on an approximate 610-acre site located almost exclusively in the extreme northeast corner of Eagan. We fully expect that our development will include a regional,shopping center, other convenience and general retail uses, various office uses, possible .medical uses, residential development and land for public use. Specifically, in regard to Ordinance 52, we find that the proposal to be generally an excellent work product and wish to comment only upon Subdivision 12-RSC Regional Shopping Center_ District, which we understand is the revised•zoning proposed for all property now owned by Dayton Hudson Properties. Our questions and comments are as follows: 1. While we understand and applaud Eagan's desire to have Regional Shopping Center development structured under a "planned development"process, we are unclear as to the. timing, mechanics and necessity of the procedure. Our interpretation of Subdivision 7, Planned Development District, is that it involves virtually another re -zoning. process with the incumbent petition, public hearing, notice and procedures to be followed as if the request were for a re -zoning. We feel this is unnecessary. Our experience tells us that although the master plan of our developments has-been generally closely executed there are many inev:i_table changes due to different retailing techniques, marketing advances and customer desires. Since Southdale, our centers have been "planned developments", whether labeled that or not. An City of Eagan Page 2 December 30, 1974 important point to remember is that a center as large as Dayton Iludson Properties proposes in Eagan takes from ten to -fifteen years to become _fully implemented. Although Southdale. is almost . 20 years olcl, we are constantly studying new alternatives that could serve the community and • our customers better. Our perimeter or peripheral land at Southdale is still not fully developed, although it -is in the heart of one of the most economically desirable demographic areas of the United States. Our basic concern is that we don't get "locked into" a plan that can't be living and flexible enough to adapt .to whatever new social, economic or technological opportunities occur in the next fifteen to twenty years and that the mechanics of adapting don't become so cumbersome as to discourage innovation and leadership.which we feel have traditionally characterized our developments. We have no objection to a "review process" of any and all of the major Or ancillary developments that may occur on our site. We have had a favorable experience with this type of process in Roseville, Minnesota; and we feel it has been mutually beneficial to Dayton Hudson Properties and Roseville. 2. We feel that Subdivision 12-B-4 is too limited. The uses listed under 12-C "conditional uses" should be included under 12-B-4 as permitted uses. Section 52.09 Subdivision 4 defines the purpose of conditional use permits and states -"conditional uses include those generally not suitable in a particular zoning district but which may, under some. circumstances, be suitable. When such circumstances exist, a conditional use permit maybe issued." As a developer, we find this language too unpredictable and narrow to invest the time and capital necessary to plan a major diversified center without more liberally defined permitted land uses under the RSC zoning. We see no conflict with Tthe goals of the conditional use procedure as Section 52.09, Subdivision. 4-C states in part "if it (council) determines that.the proposed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and the purposes of the district in which the site is located and that it would not be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity." In our opinion these goals are met at our site; and, consequently, the uses listed as "conditional" should more properly City of Eagan Page 3 December 30, 1974 be included under 12-B-4 as permitted uses. • Again, we would have no objection to a specific site review process for all of the. proposals as they become active to'be reviewed by the planning commission and the city council. 3. A minor concern is over the exact interpretation of the difference between Class 1 and Class 2 restaurants and the appropriateplace for them within a major diversified center. The proposed - definition of Class 1 restaurant would seem to • preclude some of the popular kiosk and convenience. food operations at our other interior mall centers.. We would like some clarifications on this point. In addition to the past, present and future study and work the Eagan public officials, the Dayton Hudson Properties' project in Eagan will be one of the most studied projects. in the history of Minnesota by the time construction begins. Federal, state, county and local planning agencies will be involved. The National Environmental Protection Agency 'regulations that become nationally effective in two days will be followed to the letter, including a full and complete environmental impact statement. A minimum of three state agencies will review the proposal; namely, the Department:of Natural Resources, the Pollution Control Agency;. and the Environmental Quality Council. The Metropolitan Council will review the center under its "major diversified center"' category. The Metropolitan Transit Commission and the State of Minnesota and Dakota County highway departments will be continually involved.in the project. Appropriate.approvals from the Watershed District will be sought. Dayton Hudson Properties agrees with and sees the necessity for the various approvals by agencies setup to safeguard our total community from some of the oversights and planning mistakes of the` past. We will take the time and pay the price to bring the finest possible regional center to Eagan. We won't compromise with our standard of quality and leadership for center. development. In return, we ask. from Eagan the atmosphere and flexibility to enable usto achieve our goal for Dayton Hudson Properties _and Eagan. Thank you for your consideration of our request,and we are certainly most ready to meet with you at any .time regarding any part of our future plans in• Eagan. Sincerely, ck Rice irector of Environmental Development JR/cf Dayton Hudson Properties 777 Nicollet Mall - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 January 20, 1975 Mr. Paul Hauge, Attorney 3908 Sibley Mem. Hwy. St. Paul, Minn. Mr. John Voss Urban Planning & Design 4826 Chicago Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Dear John and Paul, Thank you for taking the time to meet yesterday. This letter is my understanding of what we agreed upon. The City Planning Consultant and the City Attorney will prepare and recommend to the Planning Commission and City Council the following revisions in proposed ordinance #52: 1. Subdivision 12-RSC Regional Shopping Center District will be amended to RSC-PD Regional Shopping Center Planned Development. The inten- tion is to retain the safeguards and advantages of the planned develop- ment concept without requiring the developer to virtually seek re- zoning approval through the formal planned development procedure. We understand that the same exhibits and eventual contract or agreement will be required of the developer and that the actual plan when pre- sented is subject to review by the Planning Commission and City Council. 2. Subdivision 12-B-3 should be amend d to allow Class II restaurants. lac,(-G--- __ eo-- c-..) / e ) -A,17,-7)..c esz-,- 3. Subdivision 12-B-4, Permitted Peripheral Uses, should be amended "to include uses already permitted under 12-B-2 (with the exception of auto accessories) and those uses included on the attached list that are pencil checked. 4. Subdivision 12-C, Conditional Uses, should be amended to include those uses included on the attached list that are both pencil checked and pen checked. 7 Page 2 January 20, 1975 I recognize that some of the language is a little out of date and some of the uses I've checked are somewhat unlikely and invite you to call me if you wish to add or detract. These are merely sugges- tions to help you. I'm happy to meet again anytime to help in any way possible and I will certainly appear before your Planning Com- mission and Council to explain why we are commenting so late in the game and answer any questions. B-� personal regards, J. ® Rice, Director En ronmental Development BGR:jn Enclosures • • • , :( 111414. ;I tit7e(1 In 1 4)4 .t.f ;void) • in one :intuit! (Tissiticalion. Such lialeel 01 in-oretiv, ilw. to inotIci liecame rucllaie 11 it.'sidt:: 111 the jilt; 11), ,:omin,•iciall\ kvill ,1,51" 4. the Ira,' use. (lilicieni liont die ,,arn..e it, inopisily and is 11 tlw t:iacinient zoninj.. iw•?1)('t1!,:' 1'91,t1•1'914,k,-` I" 1,0 :11);1111.1(>11C(1 ‘11 11,11 L•!1:-I1 1,1! Ito! ).'4)1111111:1.i'Ll:11 1S0, :1 Hill 1(1 ':C1.1,11.111,' 1,1111('Fi•111 lc It) 1(11;1111'J,', el111111ell.:1:11 IISCS ill (il 111C 11);14:CI );t1irsurnci, .„. , .;• 1,11.110.1 (111)1 5411115 111 I)I 11 IS 1111'1(.11.11C 1111: 11)Illi1);)1: 111 11115 111(111),111).. .. i.); RIC 1 I '11)Jilth Ci)liVt.11109CC. )11Vi;iis::11 (.111))C1).SIlini: ;Did ;111))'11.1111.):' 0)0 ri'11111111 VO.‘11)111,. I!V•:,1..1111u.,. forth 11) 1)111111;11•!ci„' LILO Atid c.1‘1111111W1ill owlit'cliwt \‘'illi p4.•f4;15 ki se, ve 1114. 1,111)11,, (IL:wand I.,), vice 11111 ‘..11111111('1.1:1:11 111:)1„,,. 1:11111.111:Ch:1:11,4)iSI I lc IS Requirements for the EstiiittiOrrittnit of Colornetceitt wchilwmealk 1,,01) it) Dedrici Districts. hdve licun ,11101)1ci1 41F11,•/ 4,, ...rcale iiew.,11hoillood ",..•onvenience- (hall tvot ,Wo". (‘I !.) ioncd It .,41, and ill lir., 'Hid ' •I1) ',11);) I th;1111)';' 11',111W1 ;Hid 1111),I)V 1111 1114.' j10)))11)))411.1;1)fill llii'',OW)) ; 111 11:11,1i. 11,1\ •i.1•11,1 :J1.41,111.11.1 ',1.115'11.:(.1)(1C11, (if pcp.;,)m hvilu; 1 I i 1 1' :-: II 111.111 • Hi 1 It 11,1,4 ; iol \"`I knit?. 1111ne,111):_,• I ' 1,c1111101C1 1)1,*1,01 \' .111 11111 111,111 11...1 1111,11 11:11r.1111.1 11.0 1)1'14111'1.W:1 111 .11. [11.11.111%; bet,o1 ;01,11)fed if) (wit.so lio pi,Niii,: lig ,o c„oloonolotook ciomilocockil 1111111,411:II 1.i`111(•1 iol 14111r1Co) 1114111,,111,11 1)1,11!i ! ,'I •iii,, , PIT, cir..,;(6...1 ostdioir,l000l I, ol 111C 1,111pooSc ool 10:11111q.. .11 111 pl,o1•1(1111. „I i , 1,111;itli,11111Cp,:ivr Will(' rIllp: Of r,llootk ,I11,1 WIViCe', .of 11,01 IIO(' "t:( ollVo'llICIIC,'“ ;Ind IIW ".,11i111110t, (oo ,1111,1111C.: 11:11111i: ,:iich ,L, ;11Thdorf, ' (t)) Wit. the t)rotiosed Coninierchil 1)1...iiici 1,, Ittindule and baid:ini', and Iiii.iiieial •••eivi4.:es. for ,I 'lady aica than •,ile:., in ,ilea and is t.Thillp,11(olr• o,11 I;•,,,, 111,1t, i';'•' od , mill); j,,c1 11.1SeV0111 lec.loiCilf1;11 ,11o.;1•., Ow to of,ol 1,.oi.of h (of II; 1/C6111,21e! I,‘ .111 ("1'.1i1or I Ili h1011.II 01,‘Irivl. (.)11Ice IiIlildiiir, 1),Ii1,..•I ,,i The n1110(111(111,, sei fold, ‘vii1i 1,,,pe,,i 1,) I IiLliici (..,I 1ildir.i1i:11 I.)r„iiicL, ,,i 1.?) livi,• ,i) n),,i(, ,1„,:ics it, :i .i. ,i, ,I, III hi' lw IIIII'[!ilrei •I‘l 1,1,,vtd,.• 1,,i 1110 ,Ic\•ch,l,litellI ,,I L llial ;,,licil „1,-; A l'ILIwril 1.(mIni(.•Ici:11 1)11.ti,s1 IHill l'IatvHilTh i, ,,,,,I,,,,.,,, al dt.wi,•1 1,, ...,:ovc .1 110,1„. :otr,o 11 •••••‘01,11 C,,111' 1111'.•; Wt'lli'll /Mimi 1;',: 111,1 1,1 Iiiill,'Iili' :I iliTiii (11 —,.•1111Vi•ilii'l). ' 11))11))ili, .11))1 iThiiiiliCi- iiiiiiik .11111 i.i'I'Vli...(ii, Clililli.11Ali. hi 111;i1 .i. (;)trilifl(!ri..iiii District fifeirttlaries. -1•1!c 4.•onirnet,•:101 ,11,;,::,...,',:: .!ohnd in..ilp.. (..cillial Ilirone••., dr,•io,,,au, oi NIlm:i1,.,11..; „I si. oici 1,, lici.,Ily .,,,i;11,11,1101 And shall .1nrilier he 4livii.lei.1 P:1111 .1111)11',1111.1i. iii".1g,I1,11ell l.)FillICI (..-1 ,I)ktlii.1 ('-2. 1..)iSil'ill Mill 1.)killi:1 1 4. ,i': SliiiNVII lin Ili(' 1.41.(21;), 71.4iill).; In:11.) 0.1 ilig....:,' .. Tilt! re(IIIIIi'llienV, Vv'itli it'Tc,.'.I IL, nrThicl (...4 ;t)c ifflimdr11 \•')Ilil.fL' ,IIIII I.:,1: .111.1CIIIIIlICIII:-; IICIV:III.er Inildc lo Illic i):it;ii..,iLpli',I;,,,,:•, :19 piLNI(le li,r ;Ill WienPVC Coill1,110JCiAl 1_11,:fliift in Vdol,:11 ccolmoo ,IISC.'S are al.111)6r1Zell \.VIlidW l ',I(III ll'relll 111,1)4 inor,1 Crinn i.).,`H:1Use 11 4. s Ilerinitttr1 in (iam ;inercial i)ictrit;t. •-' ' „ '. ii,,a.s liocaii•;e Own csisierk:e iir operation exhilnis a more 1)isirict (.'•1: ititerP,ivt.! ellit on neiglikoonr, prop(.rly aml the ,,miiveiliciit use of filiblIC.SIICTIs. Iii II)(' rE,I, IIKIIIV (d. III(' lIsc,, i),L,vith.(.1 (iI) 1 rincip,11 1_1,,cs. • , .. • lOr ni the ( -4 dish ict hav(: been etnedinctetl in locations whew ; 1.-•( 1 I Itail,c'r shops. they .,IF(. detrimental to i)lilIlie safely and welidie. /11(hou1t.li vi,'.) beauty pailois. .. . necessary HP file 'Wilk, 1111.'ir ;IiiVel. eflet.1 411) SIIIIIIIIIIIiing V1.1) lio.(Ok Illil :ainionery stoics. n.iii)ei iv :111(1 SIIII91111(ling siallic move.inein is so great 111;11 the v11.1) (...atilly and ice ew)tit ,:tores. r)ul)lie sitetv and weirdo.' regimes that .,11c11 biotic w;es 14e ,,,j.5 ) Clothes 1)1t':mr, ATHI tailomir, shml,,,, cimOilicted ()illy ill I, wa i ions which -.11c CO1111111.11111111; lir v((,) 1)111g SIIIICS. ('XiStillg t.i11111):1111-111 1.1!,‘C:4 (ft MI` C.011:4111C11.'11 111 (..H11111111'1i011 v't71 I.)ry cleaning 111i.1 Itiumhy itweivwg, dild AViill II 1/131111(1.1, IIIll''graiCTI C0111111CH,1:11 1117Velt)l)Ini'Il I calling for stations, ext.dinling laiiiitleiiiig a11t.1 dry cleaning atliat:ent coirmierciiil uses 55111111 are less of a ritiisam.e. v1') Idorist'sInti)s. • ' v) Food, 1!„flicery, nits•at. fisli, 1)aktry• and delicioeei). (.1) Bet...ause the Village of Filina is 'a ial)ii.11\,. growiriti - strtres,' community, att(l 1)e..t:tiiisi! constant atIvanceinent is being ,, , „..--41()) t.-,aiden supply, t()111 arid seed still ts . .., ,.....!;:,c,.. made 'in (lie. field and study of niiiiiiipal planning, there r, a ne(k) tttprovide a procetItire fi)t iegulai it!vi(w id zoning 1.--1-11) Gift shops. will constitute. iii)tiu to ittN.sons who raircliase proporly and 113) 1.ainideict les arid dry cleaning :-!slal$11,:,111nelloi.•::•..,,;:'.7.; • ‘-t'l 2) ilartivv•ale slows. within tfw Village. "I'llt, proct•drirt.• ad(pled ill OW; oolmance The reyinements 5? luli wolf it-siteet Ite:OICI hirtv ).i ;in I kii!I,IITT )i Which prOvide automatic, sell -service I:will! tutiv Whose plope.rty is zoned foi commercial use that the zoning oi' v(14) Medical and dental clinics. such property will be revie‘ved order to deter- .,.(-15) Newsstands. mine whethei the existing zoning is consistent with climiged L-CIO) f)ffices, including both business proicssional.- circumstances, whethei the zoning wa., hasc'd upon tiroi and . 117) Repair stores Ind ''fix-it7 shops which plovide whether the toping is consistent with the public welfare This services for the. repair of home, garden, yalLI anti per:401AI 1/NO pioceilme Will also give propei tv owners ;1 reasonable }Martin- appliances. ice of the stability id the z.oning ordinances as set forth. . therein, ,„/,(18) 1(estatirants, ex. chiding "diiYe-ins'„. .. . . • . . \.,-( (9) Shoe lepair and hat repair stOtes.--; . . • lJ ('e,) There:FS :I need III 1111111 cOituriercial develOPittent It) .. t.4.:20) 'Fohaceo shops. .,, ,.. ,,,,•:.:.„.,','.;,,,„';'•••,... ."-• , ,plarttied and, integrated (ontrnereill 'enters, unless the poi: • :vir-21) Variety, gift, notiOnlind milt good sti.ires: :,..:...,....,.. • posed commercial district is rtierely ah idilitiiiit to air Oxistirig . ..•!:.,e,(2.,): Vending inachines*Itich ale,'i-.!,ottliiicard oitt.q.;.afci.i • . • „ • .;••; (6) Accessory Uses. (1) Business signs. (2) Off-street parking facilities. ' (3) )f•f-street loading facilities. (4) Storage of. merchandise, solely intended to be • retailed by a related and established principal use. (5) Telephone booths. (6) Bus or taxi loading and unloading facilities. (7) Dwelling units subject to the regulations of rite•R-6 Multiple Residence District, and subject further - to such dwelling units being an incidental part or portion of a structure housing a principal use. District C-2: (a) Principal Uses: (1) Any principal use permitted in District. C-1. •%'('2) Amusement and recreation establishments such as Commercial bowling alleys, pool halls, swimming pools, and skating rinks. .13) Animal hospitals and kennels, excluding establish- ments with outside runs. r,.(4) Antique shops. %,('5) Art galleries. `.4(.i) Art studios. ,/�(7) • Automotive accessory stores. t/-(8) Bakeries, provided the room or rooms 'containing the preparation and -baking process shall not have a gross floor 'area in excess of 2,400 square feet" „(4) Financial •insiitulions including accessory "drive-in" facilities. 1,(10) Bicycle stores including rental, repair and sales" l.(l 1 ) Blueprinting and pltotostating establishments. \,t'l2) Business machine •ales :rId. Servla' sharps. %,(l,) Camera and photographic supply stores. Catering establishments. J'15) Clothing shires. -11 ) Club and lodge halls which are chartered and • operated wholly as a non-profit organization. 41.7)•,Coin and philatelic stores. r.4i8) Department stores not exceeding 40,000 square feet of gross floor area. \.,(19) Dry cleaning establishments provided the room or rooms containing the cleaning and pressing process shall not. have a gross floor area in excess of 2,400 square feet. t,,(20) Dry good stores. 1,.(21) Electrical and household appliance stores, includ- ing radio and television sales and service. t.('2'2) Employment agencies. (23) Extern inating offices. t,(-?4) Fabric stores. (25) Frozen ford stores, including the rental of lockers in conjunction therewith. '.('26) Furniture stores, including upholstering when con- ducted as an incidental part of the principal use. %.-C '27) Fraternal, philanthropic and charitable institution offices and assembly hall. t,(:28) Furrier shops, including the storage and condition- ing of furs when conducted as an incidental part .of the • principal use. - -T 6: A, ✓ .429) Garages for the storage, repair and servicing of motor vehicles of not more than two ton capacity, excluding body repair or painting. • (30) Greenhouses. ,..4.3.1) Hobby shops for the sale of goods to be assembled and usedpff the premises. • ✓ 5) Flame repair, maintenance and remodeling stores and shops. t-(3) Household furnishings, fixtures and accessory stores. - • 4.) Hotels and motels. (35) •Interiordecorating stores and shops. .v(36) Jewelry sty• 417) .Laboratori, .edical and dental. (38) Laundries, provided the room or rooms containing the laundering process including washing, drying, ironing and wrapping processes shall not have a gross floor area in excess of 2,400,.square feet. v('i 1) Leather goods and luggage stores. ,("40)- Liquor stores, municipal' owned off sale. Locksmith shops. 4.'42) Musical instrument stores and rep;iir shops.' ,.(43) Optical stores. (44 ) Office supply stores. ) Orthopedic and medical appliance stores excluding • the manufacturing or assembly of appliances or goods. ,1(4'6) Paint and wallpaper stores (47) Parking bits and g;uages other than those accessory to a principal use for the parking and storage of private passenger automobiles only. (4$.) Pawn shops. ,,(4(.,) Personal apparel stores. t4.50) Pet shops. 1(.5'f) Phonograph, record and sheet music stores.. (52) Photography studios. vx",(53) Physical culture and health serhices, reducing salons and masseurs. r'rrv- .i, 4,4-54) Picture framing and picture stdrres. ;,(5'5) Post offices. (56) Public utility service stores. (57) Rental agencies for the rental Only of clothing, . appliances, automobiles, .cartage trailers, and household fix tures, furnishings and accessories. �(5S) Schools for teaching music, dance and business vocations. • (59) Second hand stores and rummage shops, temporary use only, viz.: such use to be made for not more than 30 days• , in any period of 12 consecutive months. 1,t60) Sporting and camping goods stores. Lk(i L) Tailor shops. tt2 ) Taverns serving non -intoxicating malt beverages. (6 3) Taxidermist shops. (64) Telegraph offices. • ,,(65) Theaters excluding outdoor or "drive-in" facilities. (66) Ticket agencies, amusement. ;,(67) 'Toy shops. ,,.468) Trading stamp redemption stores. ,„;(69) Travel bureaus and transportation ticket offices. v.('701 Undertaking and funeral home establishments. (b) Accessory Uses. (I) Any accessory use permitted in District C-I District C-3: (a) Principal Uses. ( I ) Any principal use permitted in District C-2. �.-V) Automobile agencies selling or displaying new, unused, vehicles. v(41- Boat and marine stores or agencies selling or displaying new, unused boats. (4) Department stores exceeding 40,000 square feet of, gross floor area. (5) Garages for the storage, repair and servicing .of motor vehicles of not over two ton capacity. (b) Accessory Uses. (1) Any accessory use permitted in District C-2.. _`2) Automobile and/or boat arid marine stores or, agencies, used, provided (a) such accessory. use is incidental to a related principal use and (b) ,the totalsite •and floor area::: devoted to the accessory . use does no( .exceed that of the • principal use. 162 District C-4: (:))Principal Uses. �t. ;;,���,) Automobile service stations. 1/' ) Automobile car wash establishruents- 13) Dtivc-in reslauranls. (1)1 Accessory Uses. • ( I) Any accessory use. permitted in District C_3 except clt', ellin)!. (c) When any property is zoned as a Planned Commercial District to include oiie of the foregoing C'-i uses, the District. :;Ball be referred to as a Planned Coinnu:rcial District IC:I(4), ) or PC-3(4 )- ?. Special Limitations and Conditions on Uses. All uses perniiticd in Commercial Districts shall be subject to special jirMiations and ,.a•,ndilions with respect to each as follows: District C-I : • (a) Dwelling units and rooming units shall not he per- mitted below the second floor and principal uses shall not be permitted on airy floor above the ground floor. except in those buildings or structures where dwelling units arc not establish- , c l . : (, (b) All business establishments shall be retail or service :. 1 >.Itu>ents whitli deal directly With the customer for iho ;roods Or services arc Ill/ nidled. I:.;i_•h business establishment shall be r>perated as a u:: ' and distinct business entity. and each shall he limited maximum gross floor :Ire:) of 12.000 ,uart feet. Each ;i•:,,i c establishment shall be physically separated from any establishment by solid walls, partitions or windows .ihh:iuub nothing in this paragraph is intended to prevent :0irlier common ownership or free pedestrian movement from one business establishment to another through either an area commonly owned or leased by all adjoining establishments or through' direct doorway connections. All business establish- ments shall he accessible from the exterior of the building in which they are located by either a direct door to the exterior i>r by direct access to a "c0nunon area" which in turn has adequate access to the exterior of the building without passing through another business establishment. (d) Establishments of the "drive-in" type, selling, serving or io)ffcring goods or services directly to customers either .+'adroit. in parked vehicles or to customers who return to their vehicles to consume or use the goods or services while on the premises of the principal use, shall not be permitted. le1 Parking of trucks used in the conduct of a permitted principal use, other,than delivery trucks parked for not more twi.) consecutive hours, shall be limited to vehicles of not in re ih:ui one ton capacity. Districl C-2 and District (-3: (a) l)wclling units and rooming units Other than those IOc:lied in a transient' hotel or motel shall not be permitted in L)i trii:t C-3 and Shall be permitted only below the second �_.. Hoot, in 1)islrict ( CQ .))r.l._,t. rt: i -c`..J --4i4f �. 4--.rh ,. $it LV / O • (b) Establishment's of •the "drive-in" type, selling', serving` or offering goods or services dircc'tly to customers either waiting in parked motor vehicles dr to customers who return • to their vehicles to consume or use rite goods or services. while on the pr'nuses of the principal use, shall nut be permitted ttnl�'s, spccdrellly aulhurized as a permitted piut�ipal use 1:)i'sttict (:'-t: (a) Automobile Service Stations. (I) No, buildings or structures, perni;uient Or temporary; driveway ,surfaces, parking areas ur ()titer similar site improve- ments except driveways traversing a public read boulevard Shall. be located within I I0 feet of any part of a Single Faritily Dwelling or Multiple Residence District site which is separated from the automobile service station site by a'public road • right-of-way or within 50) feet of a Single family Dwelling or Multiple Residence District site if they are not separated by a public road right-of-way. (2) Automobile service station sites shallop' have- less than 150 feet of frontage to or from which access or egress at Iwo or more locations is possible or not less than 120 feet if there is only one or no point of access. Total site area shall be not less than 20,000 square feet plus 5.000 square feet for each service bay in excess of three. but not more than 60,000 square feet. ..- . . (3) Pump islands shall be set back not less than 15 feet from any street right-of-way line and not less than 25 'feet '. from any non -street property line and not less than 50 feet from any non -Commercial District boundary. (.4) Hydraulic hoists, pits, and all lubrication, greasing, washing- repair and diagnostic equipment shall he used and enclosed within a building. (5) Interior curbs of not less than six inches in height shall be constructed to .separate driving surfaces from side- walks, landscaped areas and street travelled ways. (6) No automobile service station on a site contiguous to any Single Family Dwelling or Multiple Residence District shall he operated between the hours of I I P.M. and 6 A.M. of the following day. (7) All driving surfaces shall be constructed and main - tamed in the same manner ,as prescribed hereinafter for parking lot. (b) Automobile Car Wash Establishments.. (I) Automobile car wash establishments shall be subject to the same limitations and conditions as are specified heretofore in subparagraphs (1), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) for Automobile Service Stations.• .(2) Sufficient off-street area to provide space for not Tess than 40 automobiles waiting to be serviced shall be provided. A space 20 feet by 9 feet shall be deemed adequate for each such required space. (3) All wash water disposal facilities including sludge, grit removal and disposal equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer and shall conform with all • . Village ordinances 'regarding sewerage and health, and shall he designed so as not to affect detrimentally the Village sewer system. (4) .Not more than one point of ingress and one point of egress shall be allowed between an • automobile car wash site and any One` public: stet. • re (5)1 gtal site.area shall tint,excParl sin inn I 64.15vula.4 atJi Sagiso ‘,0(c. 42.4J1 Se5±1:1) 5 -0Z) - m,sr Cat_Cave., _A-46,0;,t) (Sal01.4) latvi-44) trtii (eg-a-o /I I 1 2 SCHWAY AND NEMER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 302 MINNESOTA BLDG. ST. PAUL 1. MINNESOTA CAPITAL 2-8401 August 23, 1956 EUGENE J. SCHWAY STANLEY NEMER Town Board Eagan Township c/o Mr. A. F. Rahn, Town Clerk Route #1 St. Paul 11, Minnesota Gentlemen: Following the meeting with you of Mr. Art Freeman, Mr, Tousignant and the author hereof, concerning the following described property: All that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (W2 of NW* of - NW*) of Section Two (2), Township Twenty-seven.''` (27), Range Twenty.three'(23) West, formerly platted as Kavanagh'&i Dawson Suburban Acre `Lots described as'folloWs: "All of Block Seventeen (17) and Block Twenty (20) and all that part of Block Twenty-one (21)lying-North of the Blue Gentian' Road as now opened and .travelled, excepting"from the above described' tract those parts ther-eof,taken and used for highway'purposes in said Kavanagh -and Dawson Suburban'Acre Lots, Containing Seventeen (17) acres, more or lees, in -Dakota County, Minnesota; we are writing to confirm our request. We would like to,,have the property we have described.zoned'or acted upon by appropriate resolution or other recordable instrument to allow the::proposed.- purchasers of this property.. to : construct. upon these premises , . Aa shopping center with attendant parking facilities in whatA.s ordinarily considered commercial..zoning. As we explained to you, the purchasers. propose, .,upon obtaining such documents from.:you, to proceed to :obtain -the necessary tenants under lease; To .justify proceeding:'for-such EUGENE J. SCHWAY STANLEY NEMER SCHWAY AND NEMER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 302 MINNESOTA BLDG. ST. PAUL 1. MINNESOTA CAPITAL 2-8401 Page 2, August 23, 1956 development since such development and the obtaining of such leases is a very expensive matter, we have made the request for your action. You can appreciate the difficulties in obtaining such leasing arrangements notknowing for certain that it would be possi- ble to construct upon these premises the type of structure util- ized in a shopping center. Thank you for your kind consideration, and after your Planning Board and you have met, I would appreciate hearing from you. I will be pleased to answer any questions you may direct to me and to have any of us appear again if you require it. Very ruly yours, ugene EJS:bh Schway FoLI) Efk tN bS