Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Transport America approved, Chelsey Freightliner and Hoovestol denied - 6/17/1999variances and conditional use permits. Neighbors had objected to the plan, saying the business would cause exhaust odors, excessive lighting, noise, safety and traffic problems along an already busy intersection. On May 20, the council denied a simi- lar request by Hoovestol Inc., which had Council denies requests/yplanned to locate on the west side of Highway 149 across from Chapel Lane. by trucking service firms Neighbors also objected to the Hoovestol project. Requests by two trucking companies The city's Advisory Planning Commis - who want to locate along Highway 149 sion is being asked by the council to study have been denied by the Eagan City Coun- where trucking firms would be appropri- cil in the past 30 days, making residents ately located within the city of Eagan. who live near the proposed sites applaud. Chapel Hill and Burr Oak residents C fj.;s iuC3 5 i 2.1C cr brought a petition before the council June 4 urging denial of the Chelsey Freightliner proposal. Chelsey seeks to operate a truck sales and service center on 16 acres at the cor- ner of Yankee Doodle Road and Highway 149. George Chelsey said the business is a truck repair facility with property for sale between his and the residents. He had offered to lower the proposed pylon sign and reduce lighting from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. The council approved the rezoning from planned development to industrial use, but denied Chelsey his requested business - • • •••••••••••••••••,.„.. ,•,,, .„,.:-....--- — - — .:.-7, ,.::::-...-,-.-t ,•,— , -,-- -- ----- • _..................40=rAwMiv, ';<72 • , PICTURED ABOVE is an artist's rendering of the new Transport Corporation of 'Amer- ica. Inc., headquarters. Located on the northeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road - and Highway 13, the building is expected to be completed by March 2000. Construction begins on new headquarters for Eagan -based business TransPoti America Construction has begun on the new national headquarters for Transport Corporation' of America, Inc., a customer - driven supplier' of transporta- tion services based in Eagan. The , 123,000 square -foot, threejstory office building will be built'on an eight -acre site at the northeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Highway 13, less than a mile away from the company s existing headquar- ters. The move to the new head- quarters is a critical step in purSuing a strategy of integrat- ing with their customers' op- erations, according to TCA President Bob Meyers. "We are pushing the enve- lope of technology, implement- ing the latest advances inthe computer industry to be able to make the transition from an asset -based business moving goods to a knowledge -.based business managing cuStomers' transportation needs," said Meyers. Kraus Anderson is, expected, to complete construction of th-p glass and concrete building by March 2000. The new head- quarters will be home to 332 employees, with room to ac- commodate TCA's expanding work force, estimated to reach 500 employees by 2006. "The site is a perfect fit for TCA's long-term goals," said - John Donnelly of. Fraherlshlih Companies, who handle-cll.:the site search. ‘"133i remaining in — Eagan, the company can main tain its highly skilled "work force, which is 'essential :be- cd'uSe of the tight labor market: throughout the entire Midwest region. "Eigan'S ,..steady .growth is attractive i to expanding com- panies like TCA.: The new headquarters ' puts 'itherii on a prime spot along the, popular IT' 494 belt line, and allows them to tap into the local :*ork- force."