Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - City Clerk information on bond rates, proper heck preparation, and Certificates of convictions - 3/1/1955e., 0,1 micf STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC EXAMINER SAINT PAUL 1 To Town Clerks and Treasurers: Pursuant to Laws 1953, Chapter 319, the Public Examiner designed and re— commended for use a form of combination warrant —check or order —check for all levels of government. Due to this age of automation, we now find that minor changes are necessary in order to expedite the handling or processing of these instruments. In this connection the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis has the following suggestions which we present for your consideration. "In order to continue the rapid, efficient handling of checks, in the face of rising check volume, the nation's banking system has developed new methods which involve the use of electronic machinery. A "common machine language" printed in magnetic ink numbers and characters across the bottom portion of checks (see attached samples) permits the checks to be read by machines. "Under the new program all checks must be redesigned to free a 5/8" clear band extending 6" from the right edge across the bottom of checks. Within this area the magnetic ink printing of the routing symbol — A.B.A. number of the drawee bank is to be placed. Attached are samples of commonly used check forms which have been re— designed and printed according to the new requirements. "You will note that the numbers samples represent the routing information of checks. Information on this numbering par banks, can be obtained from your bank printed in the lower band on the attached now contained in the upper right hand corner pattern, which is different for par and non — or the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. "The printing of the common machine language numbers must be performed according to the specifications printed in the American Bankers Association booklet, number 147, entitled "The Common Machine Longuage". It is important that your printer be thoroughly familiar with these specifications. If the check printing is done by a local printer who has not entered the program, contact your depository bank to get the name of a qualified printer." you the We trust you will give the new program your usual fine cooperation and if have any difficulties in changing to the new check form, we suggest you contact Check Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. s very truly, Deputy Public Examiner March 15, 1961 MOODY & SPRINGSTED BOND LETTER Prepared by MOODY & SPRINGSTED, INC., Municipal Consultants, 624 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minn., CA. 4-5349 VOLUME 4 DEAR SIR: 15 CCTOBER 1960 ISSUE 10 THE SIGNAL FOR IMPROVED RATES HAS BEEN GIVEN. THE BOND BUYER'S, STAN- DARD AND POOR'S AND DOW JONES' INDICES OF MUNICIPAL RATES ALL REMAINED AT THE SAME LEVEL LAST WEEK AS FOR THE PREVIOUS WEEK. THE RULE IS NOT INFALLIBLE BUT OUR STUDIES SHOW THAT WHEN THESE INDICES STAY THE SAME THE NEXT MOVEMENT IS IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION THAN THAT PRECEDING THE LEVELING OFF. DO INTEREST RATES REALLY INFLUENCE THE VOLUME OF BUILDING? PROBABLY THEY MAKE SOME DIFFERENCE. IT SEEMS SIGNIFICANT THOUGH THAT THE VOLUME OF MUNI- CIPAL FINANCING IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR THROUGH SEPTEMBER IS NEARLY 22 PER CENT MORE THAN FOR THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR EVEN THOUGH THE AVERAGE RATE OF INTEREST FOR 1960 is 4.15 PER CENT COMPARED TO 3.96 PER CENT IN 1959. HIGHER RATES DO TEND TO SPREAD DEBT OUT LONGER. THROUGH SEP- TEMBER LAST YEAR THE AVERAGE MATURITY OF ISSUES WAS 13.51 YEARS. THIS YEAR IT 1S 14.09. WE ARE CONSTANTLY IMPRESSED THAT WATER AND SEWER RATES ARE IN- ADEQUATE. WHILE THERE IS JUSTIFICATION FOR LOW MINIMUMS TO AFFORD THE BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF A GOOD DRINK OF WATER AND PROPER SANITATION TO EVERYONE, BEYOND THAT A USER SHOULD EXPECT TO PAY FOR WHAT HE USES. IF HE BURNS EVERY LIGHT IN HIS HOUSE HE EXPECTS HE WILL BE BILLED FOR IT. BUT HE DOESN'T SEEM TO THINK HE SHOULD PAY FOR THE WATER WASTED BY A LEAKY FAUCET. WATER AND SEWER ARE SERVICES. THEY ARE USUALLY FURNISHED BY THE MUNICIPALITY BECAUSE THEIR COST HAS MADE IT NECESSARY FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY TO SHARE IT. THEY SHOULD AT LEAST SUPPORT THEMSELVES. THIS INCLUDES NORMAL REPLACE- MENT AND EVEN EXTENSION. HI LE IT IS CONTRARY TO OUR INTERESTS WE REGRET SEEING A COMMUNITY HAVING TO BORROW SMALL AMOUNTS FOR EXTENSIONS AND REPLACEMENTS WHEN REALISTIC RATES WOULD HAVE MADE IT UNNECESSARY. WHEN BORROWING IS NECESSARY REVENUES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT TO SUPPORT REVENUE FINANCING, THUS SAVING GENERAL OBLIGATION BORROWING. THIS WOULD HELP THE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOO. A PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION MAY BE THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM. A COMMISSION HAS ONLY ONE THING TO DEAL WITH AND USUALLY IS LESS SUBJECT TO POLITICAL PRESSURES. WE SHALL BE HAPPY TO ANALYZE YOUR SITUATION. MAYBE SOME OF THESE vvATER AND SEvvER IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT AS IMPOSSIBLE AS THEY SEEM. CORDIALLY YOURS, MOODY AND SPRINGSTED, INC. INDEXES BOND BUYER'S INDEX DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES U. S. TREASURY BILLS (91 DAYS) HIGHEST MINNESOTA MUNICI PAL BOND RATE FOR PREVIOUS 30 DAYS LOWEST MINNESOTA MUNICI PAL BOND RATE FOR PREVIOUS 30 DAYS AVERAGE SIZE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL OFFERINGS FOR PREVIOUS 30 DAYS AVERAGE RATE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL OFFERINGS FOR PREVIOUS 30 DAYS SEPTEMBER 15 OCTOBER 15 3.44 602. 69 2. 654 4.25 2.95 $350,392 3.70 3.55 596. 48 2.473 4.10 2.78 $348,440 3.58 THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF ALL MINNESOTA BOND SALES, EXCLUSIVE OF ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS AND DULUTH, FROM SEPTEMBER 15. 1960, TO DATE: MUNICIPALITY DATE SOLD TYPE MATURE; AMOUNT PATE SCHOOL SALES BROOKLYN CENTER PI PESTONE MOORHEAD ROCKFORD FERGUS FALLS SEPT 19 SEPT 22 SEPT 28 OCT. 6 OCT. 11 CITY AND VILLAGE SALES AUSTIN MOORHEAD WABASHA ROSEVILLE MAPL WOOD MAPLEWOOD EDINA HAWLEY ST. PETER HERMAN BRECKENRIDGE BRECKENRIDGE COLD SPRING ISLE NORTH ST. 'PAUL SLEEPY EYE RED WING BRAINERD NEW GERMANY COUNTY SALES BROWN COUNTY GRAND TOTAL PREVIOUS 30 DAY TOTAL SEPT 19 SEPT. 20 SEPT 22 SEPT 22 SEPT 26 SEPT 26 SEPT. 26 SEPT 26 SEPT 26 SEPT 27 OCT. 3 OCT. 3 OCT. 4 OCT. 4 OCT. 5 OCT. 4 OCT. 6 OCT. 11 OCT. 11 SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL ST.-AID STREET C. I's. IMPROVEMENT SAN. SEW. IMPR. STREET IMPR. SAN, SEW. IMPR. IMPROVEMENT WATER -SEWER IMP IMPROVEMENT WATER WORKS SWIMMING POOL IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT CORPORATE PURP. WATER REVENUE P, U. R. CERT'S. IMPROVEMENT FIRE EQUIP -IMP. WATER 1963-90 1963-81 1963-90 1963-82 1963-88 $ 850,000 700,000 400,000 96,000 805.000 $2,851,000 4.05 3.48 3.88 4.10 3.73 1962-77 $ 380,000 3.31 1962-71 50,000 3.17 1963-78 35,000 3.49 1961-80 1,000,000 4.08 1963-70 60,000 3.61 1963-81 400,000 3.97 1962-70 1,800,000 3.28 1962-86 150,000 4.00 1962-71 80,000 3.00 1963-79 150,000 4.07 1962-67 30,000 3.27 1963-82 248,000 3.85 1963-75 130,000 3.58 1963-72 40,000 3.84 1961-73 125,000 3.50 1961-68 200,000 3.20 1962-66 85,000 2.78 1963-69 35,000 3.02 1962-81 62,000 4.03 $5,060,000 SEPT 21 DITCH 1963-80 $ 800,000 3.24 $8,711,000 $9,811,000 MOODY AND SPRINGSTED, INC. I 1 I 1 401i4- 44Iiitogi (orsp4yqj. - CERTIFICATE OF CONVICTION or REPORT OF HEARING The undersigned hereby certifies that the defendant herein was: ❑ convicted of, ❑ forfeited bail for, lead _ guilty to, ❑ was determined to have committed the following offense, in this court, on 19 ;Pr 5 Month Day relative to the operation of motor vehicles: Amount of Fine $ 06 Amount Suspended $ Recommendation as to driver's license: ❑ None 0 Suspension for days ❑ No suspension Remarks Dated 3 — r` 19 �-3 + — Clerk, Judge or Justice of Peace If revocation is mandatory or suspension is recommended by the court, defendants driver's license m be for- warded with this certificate. (M.S. 171.16) ❑ Driver's license card forwarded with this certificate ❑ Warrant issued 19 month Day M. S. 169.95 and 171.16 require transmission within 10 days to: Minnesota Highway Deportment • State Highway Building - St. Paul 1, Minnesota CERTIFICATE OF CONVICTION or REPORT OF HEARING The undersigned hereby certifies that the defendant herein was: o convicted of, 0 forfeited bail for, t4lead guilty to, ❑ was determined to have committed the following offense, in this court, on i- 19 7 Month Day r relative to the operation of motor vehicles: Amount of Fine $ o° Amount Suspended $ Recommendation as to driver's license: ❑ None o Suspension for Remarks Dated 3 — 7— • 19� days ❑ No suspension Clerk, Judge or Justice of Peace If revocation is mandatory or suspension is recommended by the court, defendants driver's license mist -be for- warded with this certificate. (M.S. 171.16) ❑ Driver's license card forwarded with this certificate ❑ Warrant issued 19 Month Day M. S. 169.95 and 171.16 require transmission within 10 days to: Minnesota Highway Department - State Highway Building - St. Paul 1, Minnesota FUND PAY TO THE TREASURER OF This instr4 check pays WARRANT -CHECK 'hen signed by the Treasurer shall bec the order of the payee named for the amount stated. COUNTY ACCOUNT TO THE ORDER OF TO: L YOUR BANK ANYWHERE, MINN. FOR IESTO \TR Ax YO per �TIO CONS�'tjF, TxIS BAD •� AND NONY I I, FEB �-i BAN li EAPOLIS TO 0 IAOOPOT VG 1:09L2.2345': Date IP6,_ Official Signature Official Signature Official Signature DETACH: For use of payee only Period Ending Gross Pay Deductions Net Pay With yk Retirement Payable From Fund Amount PAY TO THE ORDER OF FOR TO: YOUR BANK ANYWHERE, MINN. OF Statement of earnings and deductions for period indicated ORDER CHECK This instrument when signed by the Treasurer shall become o check payable to the order of the payee named for the amount stated. TO THE TREASURER OF OF Date 91 2""" 2345i: ANYWHERE, MINN. Treasurer No. 0000 FQi 196 SLT YQUR K B ��nnll ST1� TxE • Board of Commissioners Official Signature Official Signature Form 1 LOUIS FISCHER OFFICE OF CLERK EAGAN TOWNSHIP THE JEWEL OF DAKOTA COUNTY ROUTE 1. ST. PAUL 11, MINNESOTA GL. 1-1661 fC�E.C[t1f'. hit ceQ /t��✓w,...z � �r�. t-(, ti �,Gvvtc6 /1/(ct. 7_ 19 6,4 c 04-rxe P(_a aegiAAAcJ__. , 7-6/ 77 or 3 0, 3- Yz 3 38.b7 /0` -33 G /, /.z Sy.3,33 0lf. .-d u 4.i ✓71 rt ,173 97- , 3 , / 2. /,5Sa //,03 27 7777- ,g �r4:L (73).,1 4,„.1L „94,--eag a-4 .3" y83.07 6(6,,,29 //,03 Stf 200 -4'e7 Zell /a .231.2s ' Z 'rt kj DUv-a Classification of Disbursements Schedule 3 'n Classification of Disbursements Schedule 3 • STREET AND BRIDGE FUND (15) Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks, Etc. (15.1) Maintenance (list by names of employees and vendors) (30) Capital Outlays (30.15) Street, alley, or sidewalk construction or new equipment (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) Total Street and Bridge Fund SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND (30) Capital Outlays (30.16) Sanitary or 'storm sewer construction (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) (29) Interest Payments (29.1) On outstanding bonds (list by name •of bondholder or fiscal agent) (56) Debt Redemption (56.1) Bond paid (identify issue) (list by name of bondholder or fiscal agent) (5S) Refunds Paid (specify) (list payees) Total Special Assessment Fund LIQUOR FUND $ 2,199.65 2,800.45 $ 5,000.10 $ 703.02 1,218.64 6,216.00 50.50 $ 8,218.16 (51) Merchandise Purchased (list by names of vendors) $32,100.85 (52) Operating Expense (52.1) Selling expense (list by names of employees and vendors)$2,536.10 (52.2) Overhead expense (list by names of employees and vendors) 983.30 (52.3) Administrative expense (list by names of employees and vendors) 2,451.10 Total Operating Expense 6,020.50 (30) Capital Outlays (equipment, etc.) (list by names of vendors) 1,057.56 (58) Refunds Paid (specify) XXXXX (75) Contributions and Transfers Out To general fund- $9,925.00 To fund XXXXx To fund XXXXX Total Transfers Out 9,925.00 Total Liquor Fund - $49,143.91 . 18 �\Ai ek, 4- WATER FUND 1 (52) Operation and Maintenance (52.1) Pumping expense (list by names of employees and vendors)$1,040.10 (52.2) Distribution expense (list by names of employees and vendors) 239.98 (52.3) Meter reading expense (list by names of employees and vendors) 961.50 (52.4) General administrative expense (list by names of employees and vendors) 2,210.62 Total Operation and Maintenance Expense. $ 4,452.20 (29) Interest Payments _ • (29.1) On Outstanding bonds (list by name of bondholder or fiscal agent) $ xxxxx (29.2) On revenue certificates (list by name of certificate holder or fiscal agent) (29.3) On outstanding orders - (list by name of person holding order).. xxxxx Total Interest Payments (80) Capital Outlays (lands, buildings, equipment, etc.) (list by names -of -contractors or vendors) (56) Debt Redemption (56.1) Bonds paid (list by name of bondholder or fiscal agent) (58) (69) (65) (75) (56.2) Revenue certificates paid (list by name of certificate holder or fiscal agent) Total Debt Redemption Refunds Paid (specify) (list payees) • Purchase of Investments (list payees) Return of Customers' Deposits (list payees) Contributions and Transfers Out 5 XXXXX XXXXX To general fund $1,000.00 To fund xxxxx To fund xxxxx Total Transfers Out Total Water Fund_ Total Disbursements and Transfers —All Funds" 1,000.00 $ 5,452.20 $30,401.62 'For light fund use same classifications as for water fund except that the classifications, "production expense" or "elect, icity purchased for resale," should be used in place of "pumping expense" (52.1). **The total shown here must equal the combined total of the Disbursements anct Transfers Out columns shown in Schedule 1. Note: Where the village has funds other than those listed, e.g., library, poor, or band, the classification of receipts and disbursements to be used will be the applicable items shown in the general fund illustrated above. 19 Classification of Disbursements GENERAL FUND (1) Mayor and Trustees (1.1) Salaries V. 2. Jones, Mayor $ 30.00 A. O. Smith, Trustee 20.00 J. A. Williams, Trustee 20.00 William Brown, Trustee 20.00 (1.2) Publishing ordinances and proceedings The Weekly Press 128.35 (list any other vendors) (1.3) Any other expense -travel, etc. V. E. Jones 55.00 (list any other names) Total Mayor and Trustees (2) Justice of the Peace or Municipal Court - (2.1) Salaries E. C. Franke, Justice $ xxxxx (2.2) Other expense • The Stationery Supply Co. -record bookxxxxx (list any other vendors) Total Justice of the Peace or Municipal Court (3) Elections (3.1) Salaries Judges - Frank Owens $ 12.00 N. C. Fox 6.30 G. R. White 8.90 Clerks Ed Olson 13.00 W. R. Sternman 16.00 Dick Anderson 7.70 (3.2) Other expense The Stationery Supply Co. -ballots 4.50 (list any other vendors) Schedule 3 Total Elections (4) Treasurer (4.1) Salaries E. G. Stearns $ 100.00 (list any other names) (4.2) Other expense (list names of vendors and amounts paid each) xxxxx Total Treasurer (5) Assessor (5.1) Salaries (list by names) (5.2) Other expense (list by vendors) Total Assessor $ 283.00 XXXXx $ 273.35 (6) Attorney and Other Legal Services (6.1) Salaries and fees (list by names) $ 100.00 • (6.2) Other expense (list by vendors) xXXXX Total Attorney (7) Clerk (7.1) Salaries (list by names) $ 310.00 (7.2) Other expense (list by vendors) 13.57 100.00 Total Clerk 328.57 14 63.40 100.00 Classification of Disbursements GENERAL FUND -Continued (8) Publishing Financial Statement (name of publisher) (9) Post Audit Expense (Public Examiner or name of certified public accountant) (10) Village I-Iall (10.1) Salaries and wages L10.00 (list by names) $ (10.2). Other expense (list by vendors) 59.50 Total Village I-Iall (11) Undistributed General Expense (11.1) League. of Municipalities dues $ 30.00 (11.2) Any other expense -specify • 2.00 American City -subscription. Total Undistributed (12) Police Protection (12.1) Salary of marshal or policemen 1,250.00 (list by names) $ (12.2) Other expense (list names of vendors) 13.60 Total Police Protection (13) Fire Protection (13.1) Salaries and wages -all firemen 15.00 (list by names) $ (13.2) Other expense 22.00 (list by vendors) Total Fire Protection Schedule 3 (14) Other Protection (14.1) Armory Council appropriation $ 250.00 (14.2) Public scales (list by Payees) xxxxx (14.3) Dog pounds 8.00 (list by payees) (14.4) Any other specify (list by payees) xxxxx Total Other Protection (15) Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks, etc. (15.1) Maintenance (list names of employees and vendors)$ • (15.2) Snow removal (list names of employees and vendors) (15.3) Dust prevention (list names of employees and vendors).... (15.4) Other miscellaneous street expense (list names of employees and vendors) (15.5) Street Lighting (name of distributor) Total Street, Alleys, Sidewalks, etc. 238.00 (16) Sanitary and Storm Sewers -Operations and Maintenance (16.1) Labor 47 99 (list by names) $ (16.2) Repairs, materials and supplies S.29 (list by vendors) Total Sanitary and Storm Sewers (17) Sewage Disposal Plant -Operation and Maintenance (17.1) Labor 4.50 (list by names) (17.2) Repairs, materials and supplies _ (list by vendors) 25.00 Total Sewage Disposal Plant 15 XXXXx XXXXX 199.50 32.00 1,263.60 37.00 258.00 40.68 56.28 29.50 Classification of Disbursements G1 NERA L FUND -Continued (1S) Itefuse Collection and Disposal (include dump) (list by names of employees and vendors) (19) Noxious Weed Eradication (list by names of employees and vendors) (20) Public Rest Room (list by names of employees and vendors) (21) Health Officer -all expense (list by names of employees and vendors) (22) I-Iospitals (22.1) Salaries (list by names) (22.2) Other expense (list by vendors) Total Ilospitals (23) Charities (23.1) Direct relief payments •(names of recipients or vendors) $ 27.81 (23.2) Work projects -not allocable to specific - activities (list by names of employees and vendors) xxxxx (23.3) Administrative expense (list by names of exployees and vendors) xxxxx (23.4) Other charities expense (list by names of exployees and vendors) xxxxx Total Charities (25) Libraries (25.1) Salaries and wages (list by names) $.1,130.00 (25.2) Other expense (include books purchased) (list by vendors) Total Libraries (26) Recreation Activities (26.1) Supervision (list by names) $ xxxxx (26.2) Community buildings -all expense (list by names of exployees and vendors) xxxxx (26.3) Play areas (play grounds, beaches, etc.) (list by names of exployees and vendors) xxxxx (26.4) Musical entertainment (bands, etc.) (list by names of employees and vendors) 125.00 (26.5) Christmas decorations (list by names of employees and vendors) xxxxx (26.6) Tourist camps (list by names of exployees and vendors) xxxxx Total Recreation Activities $ xxxxx xxxxx S6.40 (27) Parks (27.1) Labor (list by names) 53.71 (27.2) Materials and supplies $ (list by vendors) 10.00 Total Parks (23) Miscellaneous (23.1) Judgments and losses paid (list by names) $ xxxxx (28.2) Workmen's compensation (include insur- ance premiums (list by names of employees and vendors) 87.46 (28.3) Cemetery -all expense (list by naines of employees and vendors) xxxxx (28.4) Airport -all expense (list by names of employees and vendors) xxxxx (23.5) Any other -specify (list by names) XXXXX Total Miscellaneous 16 Schedule 3 XXXXX 27.81 1,266.40 125.00 63.71 37.46 1 I Classification of Disbursements Schedule 3 GENERAL FUND -Continued (29) Interest Payments (29.1) On outstanding bonds (list by name of bondholder or fiscal agent) (29.2) On certificates of indebtedness (list by name of certificate holder or fiscal agent) (29.3) On outstanding orders (list by name of person holding order) xxxxx XXXXX Total Interest Payments Total Current Expense (30) Capital Outlays (construction, improvements, new equipment (30.01) General government (new equipment for council, treasurer, clerk, etc.) -specify purpose - (list by names of vendors) $ (30.10) Village hall -construction, etc. (list by names of contractors or vendors) xxxxx (30.12) Police building or new equipment (list by names of contractors or vendors) xxxxx (30.13) Fire hall or new equipment (list by names of contractors or vendors) 3,405.00 (30.15) Street, alley or sidewalk construction (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) (30.1G) Sanitary or storm sewer construction (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) 195.37 (30.17) Sewage disposal plant construction (list by names of contractors or vendors) xxxxx (30.22) Ilospital construction or new equipment (list by names of contractors or vendors) xxxxx (30.25) Library outlays (list by names of contractors or vendors) xxxxx (30.26) Recreation outlays (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) (30.27) Park outlays (list by names of employees, contractors and vendors) (30.23) Miscellaneous (airport, etc., specify) (list by contractors or vendors) 1,722.52 Total Capital Outlays (56) Debt Redemption (56.1) Bonds paid (identify issue) (list by name of bondholder or fiscal agent) (56.2) Certificate of indebtedness paid (list by name of certificate holder or fiscal agent) xxxxx Total Debt Redemption (58) Refunds Paid (specify), (list payees) (59) Investment Purchases (list payees) (60) Payments of Money Collected for Other Units (list payees) (61) Private Trust Fund Disbursments (list payees) XXXXX Total Disbursements (75) Contributions and Transfers Out To road and bridge fund 62 500.00 xxxxx xxxxx To fund To fund Total Transfers Out Total General Fund 17 5 4,764.36 5,322.39 XXXXX xxxxx XXXXX XXXXX xxxxx $10,037.25 2,500.00 $12,587.25 Schedule 1 0 O c1 ,n C0 C) O 'N 00 co of Ci (A' C> P1 co N Co r. v! C) 000'1 0 00 C ' O N 0 00O '." . ri N C1 01, 0,00 .-400N 0 O N 0 0 o O n 0 N O 0 0 Ci CV 0) 0w : G,; .0 U 0 A 1n0 0 .-+0 N , CO O H 1-1 to O O N N to VJ c- 'N co 0 0 0 Cn o N O o 10 O N 0 N ti y 0. 01 0 U O U v CO w O N 'r C) O ^ oc. N 1.3 v 0 0 m H 00 M.10 N N N 00 1n ri f7 w C- 0 U 0 k G 10 10 w ED cd a U c 0 0 w iD c 02 k�0(1 G 00 a a less orders outstanding,. '! Schedule 2 Classification of Receipts GENERAL FUND (101) General Property Taxes $ 4,408.92. (102) Special Assessments 406.10 (105) Licenses and Permits (105.01) Liquor ' $ xxxxx (105.02) Leer ` 250.00 (105.03) Pool hall or bowling alley 15.00 (105.04) Theatre 10.00 (105.05) Show (carnival -circus) 10.00 (105.06) Pinball and other coin operated machines . 25.00 (105.07) Cigarette 114.00 (105.08) Peddler xxxxx (105.09) Dog 90.00 (705 T0) Plumber 32.00 (105.11) Total Licenses and Permits 626.00 (106) Justice of the Peace or Municipal Court -fines, forfeits, etc. (107) Revenue From Use of Money and Property (107.01) Interest earnings -on bank deposits$ xxxxx (107.02) Interest earnings -on investments xxxxx (107.03) Rent of municipal property xxxxx Total Revenue From Use of Money and ' Property (110) Revenue Prom Other Agencies (110.01) State 2% fire insurance premium tax$ xxxxx. (110.02) Other State shared taxes -gross earn- ings, etc. xxxxx (110.03) State grants -specify purpose xxxxx (110.04) County poor relief reimbursement xxxxx (110.05) County quarantine reimbursement xxxxx (110.06) Other county aids -specify purpose xxxxx (110.07) Donations from private parties xxxxx (110.03) Unclaimed money - include canceled orders of previous years xxxxx (110.09) State cigarette tax xxxxx (110.10) State liquor tax xxxxx XXXXX Total Revenue From Other Agencies xxxxx (112) Departmental Fees and Service Charges • (112.01) Filing fees $ 3.00 (112.02) Rent of village hall xxxxx (112.03) Police department charges xxxxx (112:04) Fire department charges 36.67 (112.05) Fees from scales, dog pounds, etc. xxxxx (112.06) Charges resulting from street work (other than special assessments) xxxxx (112.07) Sewer rental charges xxxxx (112.08) Garbage collection or dump chargesxxxxx (112.09) Health officers fees and charges -sale of virus 5.04 (112.10) Hospital charges xxxxx (112.11) Relief reimbursements from clients xxxxx (112.12) Library fines and rentals xxxxx (112.13) Park and recreation fees, sales, rentals xxxxx (112.14) Cemetery receipts -sale of lots, etcxxxxx (112.15) Airport rental or concession chargesxxxxx (112.16) Any other fees and charges -specifyxxxxx Total Fees and Service Charges (114) Sale or Compensation for Loss of Property (114.01) Sale of land, buildings or other property -specify 01d wagon $ 10.00 .Manhole frame 8.20 (114.02) Insurance loss settlements -specify xxxxx Total Sale or Compensation for Loss of Property 44.71 13.20 Schedule 2 Classification of Receipts Schedule Classification of Receipts GENERAL FUND —Continued (156) Borrowing (156.01) Sale of bonds 1. Purpose of issue 2. Amount of principal $ xxxxx 3. Premium (+) or discount (—) xxxxx 156.02) Certificates 1. Purpose of issue 2. Amount of principal xxxxx 3. Premium (+) or discount (—) xxxxx Total Borrowing (.158) Refunds Received —specify Insurance refund (159) Sale of Investments (160) Money Collected to 13e Turned Over to State or County (161) Private Funds held in Trust (175) Contributions and Transfers In From liquor fund $9,925.00 From water fund 1,000.00 From fund xxxxx Total Transfers In Total General Fund STREET AND BRIDGE FUN 10,925.00 316,435.02 (101) General Property Taxes $ 2,608.09 (175) Transfers In From general fund 2,500.00 Total Street and Bridge Fund SPECIAL .ASSESSMENT FUND (102) Special Assessments (102.1) Collected by county (102.11) Paving, sidewalk, curb and gutter $2,436.01 (102.12) Watermain xxxxx (102.13) Sewer 6,053.77 (102.14) Other —specify xxxxx (102.2) Collected by village (102.21) Paving, sidewalk, curb and gutter xxxxx (102.22) Watermain xxxxx (102.23) Sewer 571.20 (102.24) Other —specify xxxxx (15S) Total Special Assessments Refunds Received —insurance refund Total Special Assessment Fund WATER FUND (150) Sales to Consumers - $ 6,443.40 (151) Sale to Village xxxxx (152) Merchandising and Jobbing xxxxx (153) Service Connections xxxxx (154) Other Miscellaneous Sales xxxxx (155) Interest Earnings xxxxx (156) Borrowing ' (156.01) Sale of bonds 1. Purpose of issue 2. Amount of principal 3. Premium (+) or discount (156.02) Certificates 1. Purpose of issue 2. Amount of principal :3. Premium (+) or discount (—) xxxxx xXXXX xxxxx XXXxX Total Borrowing xxxxx (158) Refunds Received —specify xxxxx (159) Sale of Investments xxxxx (165) Customers' Deposits 82.00 (175) Contributions and Transfers In From fund $ xxxxx From fund xxxxx Total Transfers In Total Water Fund $ 6,525.40 Total Receipts and Transfers —All Funds'.... $90,297.83 $ 5,103.09 °Tho total shown here must equal the combined total of the Receipts and Transfers In columns shown in Schedule 1. $ 9,310.98 11.20 $ 9,822.18 LIQUOR FUND (150) Sales to Consumers $52,102.14 (154) Other Miscellaneous Sales ommissions coin operated machines 255.10 Total Liquor Fund 12 $52,357.14 13 >)fr.rel /7 Oka Xspst e.ob 3 O7.si /731..fti 971411, 4/ 30-7.44/ /o V -6 .60 / /.Ss .3, ") /Ow-J''�!% ro ,02/6,/3 L � �4440'4.36 r {!/ / .,,c /iq, .. 3 ..,44.-ez",4444102r, �.�lgd.sz a.¢�.. 3 $'.2, / e y -,,1 7i76. 3 .004g* -74-S'A" /1-.1,1i OS. -04.-eAre 91 3, 3 404 .4001M (orpoyq54 Fo La) EK ..N IDS