Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Property taxes; proposed city budgets; - 1/1/1936Patch T/ Transfer Patch c-T'.JIB` 1Lr,� =l •' 1•'I �'I11 • iF • 1'. NI. zIll. ii f _ ■ 1 1 • . J ] " �.. - _ .. • 1 lI 11 r. '�"1 �� I 1 = -- ,• ' - 1 i .��� t 1 t '1 .III' " A I �`II� I I �I L1 �� - • r - �. o .•p � t�. - II �111 r,•'9 I 5 11. �}. ��E - Cam. { 7. -imo' �'IV 41 : , ll((• 11 d 1, ,�wl 11 III I' I = - 1 �I...H I lr III F. _ Y - - - - .l III- : : lip I ", Vim''° t 1111' • ' . _' r 1' i +li�l �' �� �' I :�. M I. I.111I1i :1 1' • - L n 1 r I. 1 I • III 1. R10 Iy9A 1 1 1 tl _ ( Z. _ • I I '.. 1 1 J 1 �, �I '. ■= rid y '� '"'0 �I II1 ,-, • III - I�.r?" .�,-: I „`• P F 1 I - l I it " ,• }'w - p" •µ , ; �1• L 1. 1 I. I �,? — 111 .1 ° a 1 I 1 .. .1 I}��I • FF —• �,� .: L I = } 0 1 •d.` — _1- 1•q2 L 11'u i,. 11 ..IIrIr�F+ • ,• nL1 - _ :1I, , • •` it s } 4+1'• r'; �' • u1 - ,.r ICI 1 I• r „ �i ISM• y . t I. "III T/�. 1 ' r „ ' 4 } I�' L ' 1 [J .:- 1 I _ a_ 1. 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"Tr - 1-1 . • 4 it :I ' 3 teii PI- • 1h,' I'I9' • • "43 1'I +I • • 1 1 4 ._ ,- •• a , •j�Jr1" - I''j •-T� 1, I -_ RL1 I 1II i + I' - ICI *`` I♦ •1?4 I ' I111 Intl• tr • EAGAN Homeowners' tax going up 6.6 percent The average Eagan homeowner will be seeing a roughly 6.6 per- cent increase in his or her city tax bill next year under the pro- posed budget. But the south suburb still boasts one of the lowest city property taxes in the metro area, Eagan officials said. The owner of a $240,000 house, which is the average in Eagan, would pay $672 next year in city taxes. That's about $40 more than what the owner of a $224,000 house — the average value in 2004 — paid this year. The proposed tax rate for next year is 1.8 percent less than this year's, but new growth and appreciation of houses will boost the city's levy base, said Gene Vanoverbeke, director of administrative services. The roughly $23 million budget, which is expected to be approved Monday, calls for five new positions and no cuts in city services. A comparison with 17 compara- bly sized metro cities ranked Eagan third -lowest in city prop- erty taxes. More information about Eagan's taxes can be found at www.cityofeagan.com. — Laura Yuen Slr Crreil 1/16/6y City seeks to offset likely state cuts ;:. ,After no increasein:2004,:, Eagan's levy to rise by 6.5 percent for 2005 BY JOSHUA NICHOLS Sun Newspapers The complexities of property taxes were on full display Dec. 6 as the Eagan City Council con - State cuts From Page lA ducted its annual Truth.in.Taxac tion hearing to detail a 6.5 percent increase in the city's 2005 levy. However, some Eagan home- owners are seeing bigger increas- es this year as they have also watched their property values climb suddenly because of a phase out of a state program. That program previously pro- tected homeowners from big "But there needs to be some changes in the way property taxes are figured out." Under the proposed increase, Eagan's property tax levy would climb to $21.7 million, or a 6.5 percent increase over the $20.4 million 2004 levy. The increase means the owner of a home valued at $240,000, the average home valuation in Eagan, would pay $671 in city property taxes in 2005. While the city managed to keep the 2004 property tax levy at the same amount as the 2003 one, doing so for 2005 would prove impossible without drastic cutbacks in city services, said City Ad- ministrator Tom Hedges. He also pointed out that the $671 paid on a $240,000 home would break down to about $56 a month. "I think when you think of other monthly costs you pay, whether it be cable television, Internet service or other such things, this amount is proba- bly right in that category," Hedges said. Eagan officials also said the city's property tax ranks third lowest in a sur- vey of 17 other cities, including all of Eagan's neighbors in Dakota County and eight other comparably sized cities in the metro area. In that survey, Eagan ranked behind only Mendota Heights and Plymouth, which have more com- mercial property tax base per capita. While Taylor said he would rather see the system changed from homeowners paying based on property values to one iproperty.tax increases caused by large jumps in ptbperty values. The phase out began in 2002 and requires individual properties to be at full market value for tax pur- poses by 2007. "So many homeowners are not only seeing today's inflation on their property tax statements, but also catching up on previous years' inflation as well," said where they pay based on square footage, such a change would have to come from the state, the City Council members said. Eagan resident Doug Houtz com- plained that with rising property taxes, it could end up putting senior citizens who are on a limited income out of their homes. "I understand what you're saying about retirement," Eagan Mayor Pat Geagan said. "All I can say is that in Eagan we do struggle to keep taxes lower and if you want it to get even lower, there are probably some more services that can be cut." Most of the increase comes from the decision to levy for the $1.3 million Eagan will likely lose because of the state's cuts to local government aid and the market value home credit. Although that amount is tentatively scheduled for reinstatement for 2005, with the state fac- ing a budget deficit, most city officials think the aid and credit are unlikely. The city must also deal with the con- tinuing problem of having to set its bud- get on a different cycle than the state Leg- islature, Hedges said. The city has to set its budget and property tax levy by the end of the year while the Legislature won't settle its budget issues until the fol- lowing spring at the earliest. While the Legislature might end up deciding to let the reinstatement of aid to cities stand, it wouldn't affect the 2005 property tax levy, Hedges said. That's be- cause the city can't change the levy once it's been certified. However, the city could decide to hold the reinstated aid in reserve for the fol- lowing year if the Legislature decides to return it, Hedges said. Gene Van Overbeke, director of administrative services. Bob Taylor, who has been an Eagan resident since 1968, said he will see his property taxes go up by 13 percent overall. "I've always enjoyed living in Eagan and I've always enjoyed the low taxes," Taylor said. STATE CUTS: To Page 21A Councilmember Mike Maguire com- pared the situation to kitchen table eco- nomics. "If you have a wage freeze, which is what we've had from the state, and your employer promises you an increase next year but your company isn't making any money, you realize you probably aren't going to get that increase," Maguire said. The council was scheduled to vote on the final property tax levy for 2005 dur- ing its Dec. 13 meeting. In other business at the meeting: The council approved several person- nel changes in the city's Police Depart- ment as part of a larger reorganization of the' department. Jim McDoriiiif,' or- merly a captain, was made deputy chief. The position of captain is disappearing from the department's organizational chart and being replaced by the position of lieutenant. The changes are the first among sev- eral other organizational changes that will continue to take place next year, Po- lice Chief Kent Therkelsen said. Greg Johnson and Jeff Johnson, who previously were sergeants in the depart- ment, will now be lieutenants. McDonald has been a member of the Police Department since 1988 and was a captain since 1999. "I'm humbled by this opportunity," McDonald said. "This is an organization that has a lot of respect in the law en- forcement community and I'm just proud to be a part of it." s 4 Cu rre,ct a, `I el % In the Community, With the Community, For the Community City Council discusses budget Council looks to city employees for ideas PAT MOORE • SUN NEWSPAPERS While state budget issues dominate the media, Eagan and other cities are quietly absorbing the shock waves of budget and spending cuts sent down from the Capitol. Through the governor's unallotment process, which allows him to make emergency spending reductions to bal- ance out the state's budget, Eagan lost $430,000 in Local Government Aid (LGA). The unallotment, combined with reduced development and other service - related revenues resulted in a deficit in the city's budget of $780,000 for 2008. In planning the 2009 budget, the city made goals that maintain the city's "prudent and responsible budgeting approach" while working toward greater independence and self-reliance, said a staff memo. Step one, transfer the tax levy to the general fund in the amount that was lost in the Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) ($710,500). Step two, reduce expenditures by the amount of the pro- jected loss of other revenues ($592,000). By taking these two steps, the council reset the 2009 budget to $27,137,200. This also creates a projected budget of $27,933,700 for 2010. By taking this action, the loss of MVHC is impacting specific projects rather than everyday operations, which is what the city wants. Realizing the challenges in under- standing budgets, the council has sug- gested meetings to help educate the com- munity. These meetings, planned to take place in the fall, will help inform Eagan residents on how budget shifts or reduc- tions impact service delivery. "We're doing everything we can but we're just a victim of the economy like everyone else," said City Administrator Tom Hedges. The city also has looked to its employ- ees for guidance. At an all -employee meeting April 2, a survey was given for employees to anonymously share ideas on cost sav- ings, expense reductions, and revenue enhancements. Seven major themes were gathered. Managing natural resources • E-communication to save on print- ing costs • City property could still be main- tained to an acceptable standard after changing maintenance practices • Mow less often • Solicit volunteers to keep up city land Purchasing/replacing equipment • City equipment could be upgraded or replaced less frequently and still operate to the safest standards Revenue ideas • Rent out city's existing equipment to surrounding cities • Increase water/utility fees Vehicle use • Change how vehicles are used to save money • Use "right -size vehicles," size matched to the purpose of the vehicle • Police chiefs have recently traded in their Dodge Durango SUV's for a small- er, more economical fleet of Ford Focus' vehicles Work consolidation • Cross-train/share staff across departments Purchasing consolidation • Central ordering and purchasing of supplies and equipment Hours of work • Early/phased retirement • Reduced schedules/hours Appreciative of the employee's input, Councilmember Cyndee Fields said, "I think this is a good baseline and I think as we keep going we will find a lot more." The next City Council meeting is at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. Property tax hearing results in silent night By Sue Hegarty Minnesota Sun Publications Mayor Tom Egan called once, twice and then a third time Dec. 3 for anyone to step to the podi- um to discuss the city's proposed 1998 budget and property tax levy. No one came. "That's a show of confidence. By not coming forward, it shows sup- port for the staff's work and for city spending," Egan said after the re- quired Truth in Taxation hearing. The hearing was the public's opportunity to ask questions or to offer comments regarding city spending of residents' tax dollars. The final budget and tax levy amount will be adopted by the council at the Dec. 16 meeting and a copy of the documents will be filed for public inspection at the Wescott Library. TAXES: To Page 13A Apple Valley/Rosemount, Eagan Sun•CurrentJWedneaday, Deo. 40, 1997 13A Tales: Final budget will be adopted Dec. 16 From Page 1A City Administrator Tom Hedges said the city expects to levy $50,000 less than the maximum amount the state allows. Yet, the budget reflects a 3.2 percent in- crease over this year's budget ($16.46 million, compared to this year's $15.95 million). Eagan property taxes comprise $11.2 million of the general fund revenues. The rest is obtained from licenses, permits, fines, intergovernmental revenue and other sources. Finance staff calculated where each portion of a tax dollar goes in Eagan, using. School District 196 figures. The city receives 18 cents on the dollar; the county gets 22 cents and the school dis- 'That's a show of conftdence. By not coming forward, it shows support for the staff's work and for city spending' — Tom Egan Eagan mayor trict collects 56 cents. Four percent is earmarked for other expenditures, such as special taxing authorities (Transit tax and the Metropolitan Council). Spending will change slightly next year, Hedges said. The Police Depart- ment will be authorized to hire one addi- tional patrol officer and one more detec- tive. An intern also could be hired to oper- ate the Manager Information System (MIS). Two full-time positions were eliminat- ed — the financial receptionist and di- rector of planning. The council plans to increase its an- nual Major Street Fund by adding $100,000 over and above the usual desig- nation. Hedges said the council has placed a higher priority on street construc- tion and maintenance than previous years. Nov.26. 2001 9:25AM THE WALLACE GROUP No.8900 L PION FER PRESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2001 SOUTH SUBURBAN BRIEFING EAGAN Higher bond rating means cost savings Moody's Investors Service has assigned the city of Eagan its secand,highest rating for municipal debt. Eagan's bond rating, which increased by one level, w111 likely save the city more than $4 million an financ- ing a new community center. The bond rating for the city's general obligation bonds places Eagan in the top 6 percent of cities nationwide for financial strength and stability, The new rating comes from Eagan's $13.9 million general obligation bond to finance the new community center that is being developed on Pilot Knob Road. "This will significantly lower the cost of borrowing, which saves taxpayers quite a bit of money," said Eagan Mayor Pat Awada, "Furthermore, I think we should be very proud of .what we've achieved as a corn• munity, We have made this is a goal to have excellence in finan- cial management and we obvi- ously have succeeded." Moody's analysis also showed that annual increases in Eagan's economy had averaged about 10 percent over the past five years and the city's debt burden is about 3 percent, Standard & Poor's had previ- ously assigned Eagan its third - highest rating. — Mara H. Gotefftet JANUARY» 1936 SUN 3 First Quar. I & 30 Full Moon 8th 56 S 6 13 1212 13 19 20 19 20 27 2626 27 MON TUE Last Quarter 16th 7 14,. 21. 28.. DECEMBER » 1935 WED THU FRI SAT 1, 2, 3, 4. NEW YEAR'S DAY 8. 9. 1010 11., 15 „ 16. 17.18. 22„ 2323 2424 25„ 29„ 3030 31 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 » » » JANUARY FIR 31 New Moon 24th FEBRUARY » 1936 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT « « « 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 ST MONTH 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29. « « « ZJ.• #4e \4e /13,1•-t - 0 / k / -SZ2,0tae4„4" ‘1/1 i ".„24;:.1%‹....47 27 NEW AND REFUNDING ISSUES OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED OCTOBER 19, 2005 Ratings: from Standard and Poor's In the opinion of Faegre & owners thereof for federal the computation of the all imposed on individuals, tru (See "Tax Exemption" herein. Dated Date: December 1, The Series 2005A Bonds follows: 2007 $475,000 2008 $500,000 2009 $450,000 The Series 2005E follows: 2006 $720,0 The Series follows: 2007 2008 Common LLLP, Bond Co sal, der tr s im t law. flat net n law. 2005 laws re talons, rulings and de t% 1 I fo i h I r I nu Cod si 1 ntf the interest on the Bonds is no City of Eagan, Minnesota $5,155,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2005A (the "Series 2005A Bonds") $3,840,000* General Obligation Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2005E (the "Series 2005E Bonds") $1,550,000* General Obligation Improvement Refunding Bonds, Series 2005C (the "Series 2005C Bonds") (collectively referred to as the "Bonds," the "Obligations" or the "Issues") (Book Entry Only) includable in the gross income of the r as item for purposes of sofa alternative minimum fax x s imposed on corporations. will bear interest on February 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 2006, and will mature February 1 as 10 $425,000 11 $370,000 $365,000 2013 2014 2015 nterest on June 1 and Dece Proposal Bonds may contain a to mand• king fund redemption an redemp The C. $750,000 st on February 1 and elect on February 1, 2015, a par p ued interest. The Series 200 state • ma urity dates. 180,000 85,000 2016 2017 2018 r, commencing 2 schedule g for a combination of onform aturity schedule set fort 2009 ommencing 2013 2014 $305,000 $300,000 $300,000 2019 2020 2021 $290,000 $280,000 $ 75,000 June 1, 2006, a mature December 1 as $785,000 2010 $820,000 $180,000 nds and term bonds. at a price of par plus uary 1 as 000 bonds shall be subject d interest to the date of after, to prepay the Series 2ds due on or after February 1, 2016 at a price of Series 2005C Bonds will not ct to prepayment in advance of their respective The Bonds will be general obligations of the City for which the City pledges its full faith and credit and power to levy direct general ad valorem taxes. Additional sources of revenue pledged to the repayment of the Bonds are discussed herein. A separate proposal for not less than the amounts shown below must be submitted for each Issue, along with a certified or cashier's check or a Financial Surety Bond payable to the order of the City. Proposals shall specify rates in integral multiples of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1%. Rates must be in level or ascending order. Award of the Bonds will be made on the basis of True Interest Cost (TIC). The Series 2005A Bonds The Series 2005B Bonds The Series 2005C Bonds Minimum Bid $5,103,450 $3,818,000 $1,538,375 Good Faith Deposit $51,550 $38,400 $15,500 The City will designate the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Bonds will not be subject to the alternative minimum tax for individuals. The Bonds will be issued as fully registered Bonds without coupons and, when issued, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"). DTC will act as securities depository for the Bonds. Individual purchases may be made in book entry form only, in the principal amount of $5,000 and integral multiples thereof. Investors will not receive physical certificates representing their interest in the Bonds purchased. (See "Book Entry System" herein.) U.S. Bank National Association, St. Paul, Minnesota will serve as registrar for the Bonds (the "Registrar") and the City pay for registration services. Bonds will be available for delivery through DTC on or about December 1, 2005. Preliminary; subject to change. PROPOSALS RECEIVED: November 1, 2005 (Tuesday) until 12:00 Noon, Central Time AWARD: November 1, 2005 (Tuesday) at 6:30 P.M., Central Time Springsted Further information may be obtained from SPRINGSTED Incorporated, Financial Advisor to the Issuer, 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-2887 (651) 223-3000 NEWS Districts see rise in proposed levies Eagan gridders stop Kennedy 17A LIFESTYLE Volunteers manage Aliveness Project Newsstand Prlcs 75° 3 Sections EA GAN LQ1JLiLI1 September, 21, 1994 Look inside this issue for the FALL HOMES special section Vol_. 19, No. 40 City property taxes to remain the same in '95 By Lori Haugen Staff Writer Eagan residents can expect a pleasant kind of deja vu in up- coming months. Property tax bills, the city's portion at least, are expected to remain exactly Eagan will pay less to fund poorer municipalities the same as last year. City expenses went up by about 4.5 percent but Eagan res- idents will be paying the same because of state tax contribu- tions over which the city has no control. The proposed 1995 budget is $14,043,500, or about $609,000 more than 1994. But because the city's expenditure for its fiscal disparity share is smaller this year, taxes will remain the same. Fiscal disparity refers to the amount of taxes Eagan must give up to other Minnesota cities with smaller tax bases, to promote eq- uity. All that means for taxpayers is that after going up for a num- ber of years, Eagan taxes are ap- BUDGET: To page 14A 14A Apple Valley/Rosemount, Eagan Sun•Current/Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1994 Budget: New construction is not From Page lA pearing to level off. Most of the 4.5 percent budget increase is due to added person- nel including two new police offi- cers and three other positions needed to serve the growing pop-. part of proposal ulation, said Eagan City Admin- istrator Tom Hedges. "We're very labor intensive," said Hedges. "Local government is service delivery, and most of our service is labor, like police of- ficers and street maintenance workers." ear N ee111111 - E IMO ee= - NMI •111.a ear ear sIh-doo IEngineered Feriae Way You Ride. i$30000w0T0F SKI-D00 CLOTHING OR ACCESSORIES ' iFREEWITH THE PURCHASE OF A SKI-000 DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. DON'T WAIT, SUPPLIES ARE LIt.I!TFD. ONLY SKI-D00 IS ENGINEERED FOR THE WAY YOU RIDE. ' CHEROKEE //// BROOKLYN PARK 535-7164 LAKEVILLE 892-6668 I L------------ MOM Treat your weekend visitors —or yourself —to the comfort and convenience of the Radisson Hotel in Plymouth. Shop at Ridgedale Mall. Swim in our indoor pool. Enjoy fine dining in our Creekside Cafe. And full use of Fitness Center facilities including indoor pool, racquetball, weight room, whirlpool and sauna. All for a rate that's surprisingly affordable. 'Tax not included. Limited rooms available at this rate Offer not applicable to group, coupon or other discounted rotes. Present this ad upon check -in. Based upon availability. • RESERVATIONS WORLDWIDE 800-333.3333• JP Alt 'OUR NAVEL 'LANNER 3131 Campus Drive, Plymouth, MN • 559-6600 n= )M mO z-I mIXmr DCIEz znCr)z0 rn z Dm 0 Om rn rz —n cn m If the council makes no changes to the budget, a resident with an $100,000 home will pay $284, a resident with a $150,000 home will pay $505, and a resi- dent with a $250,000 home will pay $948. Hedges said an average home- owner might be paying about $9 a month for police and fire ser- vice, about $4 a month for street repair and snow removal, and about $3 a month for parks and recreation services. Some of the changes in this year's budget include: * For the first time in several years, a 13 percent increase in the mayor's and city council's salaries. * A 14 percent drop in the legal fees budget to $315,800, due to changes in the city's attor- neys payment structure. * Five -and -a -half new employ- ees needed to serve the growing population. * An almost 6-percent in- crease in the parks and recre- ation budget, accompanied by an increase in revenues that act to negate the change. Net tax capacity — the value . of all property — is up from about $56 million to $59 million, due to development and growth. About half the total property taxes collected in Eagan come from home and apartment own- ers, and the other half comes from industrial, commercial, utility and agricultural tax sources. Added to the budget is a $199,200 contingency fund that will be available in case of emer- gency, such as if the state doesn't come through with its share of payments, so the city won't have to lay off any workers, said Hedges. None of the construction planned in 1995 on the new po- lice department, the city hall re- modeling, or the new civic arena, will come out of this budget. Money for those projects City of Eagan Proposed 1995 Budget General Government 25% Public Safety 41% Public Works 15% Parks and Recreation 15% • Total budget equals $14,242,700 • Numbers are rounded • General government includes: Mayor and council, administration, legal, community development and cable TV expenses. comes from the independent Community Investment Fund. That fund was set up in the 1970s, during an early stage of Eagan's growth. At the time, the city sold municipal bonds to com- plete street, utility and other in- frastructure projects, and invest- ed the money when the bonds were sold. Because interest rates hovered around 18 percent at the time, and because it has contin- ued to add to the fund over the years, the city was able to amass $12 million in the fund. The City Council decided sev- ?ral years ago it would use the money for capital improvements that would benefit the entire city, rather than spending it on some- thing that would benefit only a handful of residents, such as res- idential street projects. Residents will be able to dis- cuss the budget with the council before they give it their final ap- proval at Truth in Taxation hear- ings on Dec. 7 and 14 at City Hall. Before that, residents should have received their Truth in Tax- ation notices detailing their city, county and school district taxes from Dakota County. KA-40-1" fiZ Community Southwest zone pages inside Schools seen as focal points of rapidly By Ellen Foley Staff Writer There is an educational revolution brewing in our quiet neighborhoods and growing subdivisions. Population shifts, some as simple as more women in the work force, are changing the way we look at our schools and the way our schools look, according to recent research by Rand Corp. demographer Kevin F. McCarthy. He predicts that in the next few years parents may leave their babies at their public school each morning for day care rather than a commer- cial center or a home. Lucrative salaries offered by indus- tries hungry for a dwindling number of entry-level workers may entice teen-agers to drop out of high school. And the baby boomers, who are moving into their late 30s and 40s, will enter their peak earning years, contributing unprecedented amounts to the tax rolls and demanding even higher -quality education in return. "I think schools will have to consider all kinds of innovations" to keep up with the population shifts, McCarthy said in a phone interview this week. "Demography does shape what's happened, and patterns are happen- ing so much more rapidly now than they have in the past." Metro area officials say demogra- phy, the study of population shifts, has become essential in the past 15 years in local school districts. It has helped officials keep a handle on enrollment declines and increases, they say, and is an essential tool in budgeting because resources are based on a per -pupil allocation from the state. 4 3 2 1 0 -1 Projections of annual population change: 1983 to 2025 in millions: rw PI •� ..:iiii....., ..., "•• Higher Low - •:!! Middle 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2025 I ---- Estimated 1 Projected ---I Source/The Center for Population Research, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development More and more, school districts are using demographics to identify fu- ture needs, as Richfield did recently when it reviewed McCarthy's find- In an article circulated among Rich- thy contends that the U.S. population ings. field school board members, McCar- has been undergoing a "virtual de- aeeett--10 Minneapolis Star and Tribune Thursday March 21 / 1985 1Y I changing society mographic revolution in the last dec- ade that will heavily affect both the schools and any reforms that are attempted." He identifies six trends that will re- sult from that revolution. Four of them appear relevant in Minnesota: the transition to zero population growth, the population's changing age structure, the changing makeup of families and households and the revolution in women's participation in the labor force. The last two, immigration and popu- lation movement from the large met- ropolitan areas to small cities and rural areas, appear to have less of an effect here than they do in other states such as California, McCarthy said. He argues that a low fertility rate will mean a profound decline in 1990s school enrollments after to- day's miniature baby boom gets through grade school. It will also mean that the baby boom- ers, the bulge of people born in the late '40s, '50s and early '60s, will be the backbone of a more mature and productive working population that will grow throughout the 1990s. Average earnings will increase be- cause a much higher fraction of the people in the work force will be in their peak earning years, and that could mean that tax revenues will jump, McCarthy said. At the same time, changing family structures including the increase of single -parent families and the in- crease in the number of women with preschool children who return to work will create new demands for services such as preschool day care. With declining enrollments further emptying school buildings, such pro- grams may become "both profitable and socially desirable," McCarthy said in his research paper. Population continued on page 16Y Comparison of municipal tax rates MI# rate ranking Assessed 1985 low (1) reaidential- mllt to high commercial Municipal Municipality (1984 pop) rate' (85) tax base tax levy Andover (10,300) 12.955 16 $44,765,461 $579,937 Anoka (15,560) 19.617 60 77,508,227 1,520,479 Apple Valley (24,990) 26.112 75 121,117,157 3,162,611 Arden Hills (8,860) 8.674 5 85,012,672 737,400 Blaine (32,810) 14.641 31 131,626,557 1,927,144 Bloomington (83,710) 17.303 47 769,881,588 13,321,261 Brooklyn Center (30,820) 16.506 39 188,643,890 3,113,756 Brooklyn Park (48,780) 20.801 63 244,468,205 5,085,183 Burnsville (38,380) 24.115 72 303,589,144 7,321,052 Champlin (10,270) 20.405 62 44,929,940 916,795 Chanhassent (7,130) 27.293 78 50,225,208 1,354,313 Chaskat (9,110) 15.035 34 44,551,247 659,382 Circle Pines (3,990) 16.656 41 16,354,843 272,406 Columbia Hts. (19,530) 16.300 37 95,066,925 1,549,591 Columbus Twp. (3,450) 13.212 18 14,021,677 185,254 Coon Rapids (40,780) 19.414 57 186,948,215 3,629,413 Corcoran (4,600) 13.938 27 25,208,912 351,362 Cottage Grovel (20,290) 24.844 73 93,439,740 2,300,291 Crystal (24,850) 17.363 49 119,455,783 2,074,111 Dayton (4,100) 17.663 50 16,939,191 299,197 Deephaven (3,670) 12.662 13 42,683,404 540,457 Eagan (26,470) 21.039 65 202,032,411 4,250,660 East Bethel (7,160) 8.422 4 27,651,416 232,880 Eden Prairie (21,250) 19.961 61 244,505,645 4,880,577 Edina (45,280) 10.342 8 629,054,883 6,505,686 Falcon Heights (5,220) 14.898 33 28,81 1,443 429,233 Farmington (4,550) 32.403 83 20,532,612 665,318 Forest Lake (5,090) 23.180 70 27,366,233 634,349 Forest Lake Twp. (5,640) 13.271 19 30,275,772 401,790 Fridley (29,750) 14.654 32 198,123,291 2,903,299 Golden Valley (22,410) 16.886 44 242,674,857 4,097,808 Grant Township (3,240) 6.357 1 24,569,886 156,191 Ham Lake (8,440) 12.805 14 33,275,004 426,C86 Hastings (13,010) 30.125 82 54,162,724 1,631,652 Hopkins (15,240) 16.770 42 121,724,650 2,041,322 Hugot (3,900) 10.709 10 19,605,397 183,424 Inver Grove Hts. (18,200) 22.561 67 91,918,030 2,073,763 Lake Elmo (5,720) 14.451 29 32,412,991 468,400 Lakeville (16,420) 22.893 68 81,972,055 1,876,586 Lino Lakes (6,030) 26.400 77 24,875,071 656,702 Linwood Twp. (3,090) Little Canada (7,590) Mahtomedi (4,050) Maple Grove (25,720) Maplewood (28,130) 16.337 38 11,611,160 189,692 23.976 71 48,188,493 1,155,367 12.643 12 23,612,221 298,529 19.523 59 164,349,147 3,208,588 19.359 56 221,710,310 4,292,090 Mendota Heights (7,620) 16.214 36 68,577,909 1,111,922 Minneapolis (364,250) 34.710 85 2,480,135,081 86,085,489 Minnetonka (40,930) 16.826 43 436,956,681 7,352,233 Minnetrista (3,330) 15.472 35 35,000,160 541,522 Mound (9,600) 17.234 46 59,084,010 1,018,254 Mounds View (12,870) 13.933 26 53,320,435 742,914 New Brighton (23,490) 11.001 11 135,624,396 1,492,004 New Hope (23,030) 13.810 23 143,148,236 1,976,877 New Scandia (3,020) 13.572 21 16,963,248 230,225 Newport (3,420) 20.915 64 21,831,295 456,602 North Oaks (3,000) 6.864 2 48,864,564 335,406 North St. Paul (12,150) 13.672 22 54,518,308 745,374 Oak Grove Twp. (4,280) 10.448 9 19,235,177 200,969 Oak Park Heights (3,190) 13.919 25 47,788,892 665,174 Oakdale (13,110) 17.186 45 60,321,826 1,036,691 Orono (6,820) 9.778 6 100,033,979 978,132 Plymouth (37,050) 14.538 30 350,870,690 5,100,958 Prior Laket (8,520) 26.404 76 50,412,862 1,316,580 Ramsey (10,860) 17.314 48 44,225,664 765,723 Richfield (37,160) 19.467 58 214,615,467 4,177,849 Robbinsdale (14,060) 25.670 74 71,443,816 1,833,963 Rosemount (5,790) 19.182 55 38,870,148 745,607 Roseville (35,770) 13.140 17 320,565,889 4,212,236 St. Anthony (5,420) 12.906 15 59,637,965 769,688 St. Louis Park (42,730) 18.497 53 363,840,462 6,729,957 St. Paul (269,240) 32.905 84 1,533,417,028 50,457,087 St. Paul Park (4,820) 18.075 51 18,353,142 331,733 Savage (5,070) 27.977 80 30,846,489 836,838 Shakopeet (10,830) 18.190 52 73,970,072 1,314,935 Shoreview (19,780) 10.265 7 138,028,537 1,416,863 Shorewood (4,750) 22.914 69 49,109,357 1,125,292 South St. Paul (20,840) 29.183 81 83,861,603 2,447,333 Spring Lake Park (6,460) 14.382 28 27,528,169 395,910 Stillwatert (12,770) 27.832 79 68,403,138 1,859,705 Vadnais Heights (7,300) 13.272 20 44,486,971 590,431 Wayzata (3,580) 16.536 40 51,441,633 850,639 West St. Paul (18,250) 21.884 66 100,267,347 2,194,251 White Bear Lk. (22,670) 13.872 24 114,483,160 1,588,110 White Bear Twp. (6,800) 7.924 3 39,928,816 316,396 Woodbury (12,660) 18.808 54 98,159,133 1,846,177 • Mill rates are municipal portion of property tax mill rates for communities of 3,000 or more people in the seven -county metropolitan area. In most cases, multiplying the mill rate times the tax base produces the levy. Mill rate, levy and tax base are adjusted due to a commercial -industrial tax base sharing law (fiscal disparities) for the seven -county metro- politan area. The law may result in a city's mill rate being raised or lowered by as much as 7 or 8 percent in Hennepin County, county tax officials said. All figures are from county auditor offices. t Mill rates are for urban parts of these cities, which also have a rural mill rate for certain areas. Tax base figures include rural and urban areas. Levies are based on total rural and urban tax base. The 1999 budget More police, increased street maintenance appcludect_3n plans . be 5S5 rw By SARA THOMALLA-BLOOD then arded to CG — — Ft o./p,r&.&ounty treasurer -auditor's Eagan may be able to fice Sept. as required strengthen its Police Depart- state law. ment by adding three new Clinton Cops. That was one option council members discussed as they re- viewed the 1999 budget draft Aug. 25 during a special City Council meeting. While preparing the budget, city administrative staff learned the federal program had $75,000 per officer over three years available for the city. These funds would cover about 40 percent of the salaries and benefits of the new officers for three years. Mayor Tom Egan said he had no qualms about adding the Clinton Cops to the force. "If they're in favor of increas- ing the Clinton Cops, I think we should take advantage of it," said Egan. Council members Pat Awada and Ted Wachter agreed with Egan, saying it draws the city closer to its goal of 1.1 officers per 1,000 people. By adding these three offi- cers, the ratio would be 1.06 to 1,000. The 151-page budget docu- ment calls for a 1999 general fund budget amounting to $17.2 million. This is a 4.7 percent increase from 1998's antici- pated final budget of $16.4 mil- lion. Council members will vote at the Sept. 14 regular council meeting on whether to ratify the budget as recommended by City Administrator Tom Hedges. The document will 15, the of - by Property taxes To help pay for this budget, the city is requesting a levy of about $15.5 million. This is a 3.6 percent increase from the 1998 levy. The increase is the maximum allowed for Eagan under state -imposed levy lim- its. The levy includes $1.9 mil- lion for the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. Once the proposed levy is handed over to the county, council members can only re- duce the levy, not increase it. Although the levy is increas- ing, the amount collected from property owners will drop. Be- cause there are more property owners in the city than last year to share the cost, the amount levied toward proper- ties is reduced. The average home in Eagan has a market value of $125,000. That property owner will pay a levy of $394 — $51 going to the MVTA. This is a decrease from the 1998 levy of $426. Other options The budget also calls for ad- ditional staff: a full-time Events and Recreation Pro- gram supervisor, a full-time streets maintenance worker, and an increase from half-time to full-time employment for the police property technician. An increase from half-time to (See Budget, 6A) Budget (Continued from front page) three-quarters time for a cleri- cal position in Community De- velopment, and a new two - fifths time clerical position in Parks and Recreation have also been suggested. Another significant addition to the 1999 budget draft is an expanded trail and sidewalk maintenance program at a cost of $180,200. Hedges said dur- ing the meeting that this in - dudes winter trail mainte- nance of 53 miles of city side- walks and trails. The levy also allows for a for a street construction fund amounting to $985,802, which is separate from the general operating budget. In his execu- tive summary, Hedges wrote that this increase would allow "for increasing flexibility to address at least some street maintenance, repair and re- placement issues." On the wishlist At the meeting, council members also discussed the items they would like to see changed in the 1999 city budget. Awada discussed her concern for the Management Informa- tion Services Department. Cur- rently the department employ- ees two full-time employees and a half-time intern. The department did not make a request for additional staff, but it is considering sharing a full-time intern position with the city of Burnsville. Awada said she would like to see more items available on the city's Web site such as city code, application forms for Parks and Recreation classes and building permits. Council Member Bea Blomquist suggested that voter registration forms also be available on the Web site. "The city of Eagan's public is the most technically apt people in the (Twin Cities)," said Awada. "Most of the pub- lic demands services that are easy to access... and they want to do it at home." On another subject, Blomquist expressed her con- cern regarding the number of council members budgeted to attend the National League of Cities annual and legislative conferences. Six registration are budgeted in total for both meetings. Blomquist suggested that two representatives attend each conference. Council Member Sandra Masin disagreed. She said she feels two council members could not gather all the infor- mation at the conferences ef- fectively. In other business, Masin said she wants more spent on the city's cable access channel. She said the sound is not com- ing across clearly. "(The channel) is not used at the capacity it should be," said Masin, who added that the channel is one of the best ways to communicate with the pub- lic. Eagan OKs use of tax funds for road iiN'o7ka By Jim Adams Staff Writer Eagan plans to use property tax dol- lars to improve roads so that North- west Airlines can expand its world headquarters, despite objections from the Dakota County Board. The Eagan City Council last week approved a tax increment district that will produce money to help pay for road work needed for Northwest to expand and for Cray Research to build a $10.75 million computer cen- ter in the northeast corner of the city, said City Administrator Tom Hedges. Work on the two projects is to begin by spring, Hedges said. The road improvements, including a new interchange on Interstate Hwy. 494 near Northwest's headquarters, are needed if the airline is to proceed with an expansion that could add more than 1,000 employees, said Tim Thornton, vice president and general counsel for Northwest. The first phase will be a $2.5 million, 34,000-square-foot addition to its pi- lot training building, he said. Under the tax increment plan, Eagan can sell bonds to pay for road im- provements near the two projects. The bonds would be paid off with higher taxes paid on the sites by Cray and Northwest after the projects are completed. All increased taxes, about $2 million, would be captured by Eagan over eight years to pay off the bonds, Hedges said. The county, schools and other taxing bodies would not share in the higher taxes collected until after that period, officials said. The county and other bodies would continue to get taxes that they now receive on the proper- ty's predevelopment tax base. The Dakota County Board passed a resolution this month opposing the use of tax increment financing for the project. But the board can't stop the proposal, which would be the fifth - largest of the county's 36 existing and four pending tax increment projects. The board has consistently opposed tax increment financing unless it im- proves blighted areas or helps low- income people. Officials estimate that the county would lose $93,600 annually in new property taxes for eight years under Eagan's tax district plan. The county also would have to pay part of the cost to upgrade Lone Oak Rd., a county road south of Cray's site, and possibly for upgrading Delaware Av., east of the tax district. County Commissioner Donald Chap- delaine, who represents Eagan, said that he hopes Northwest expands, but that tax increment financing is not the way to do it. "There is in - Eagan continued on page 8Y 8Y su4 Eagan Thursday/January 26/1989/Star Tribune Continued from page 1Y creased tax base to the county even- tually, but if we use that method and encourage it throughout the county, you are creating a problem," Chapde- laine said. "As you keep taking (tax revenue) chunks out of the budget, it is going to impact on other services. There is only so large a pie to di- vide." Gary Erickson, director of the coun- ty's physical development division, said Eagan is using the tax district as "a tool to reduce the private cost for public improvements. Dakota Coun- ty feels that is not the intended or desirable use." Said Thornton: "If we were the only ones that used the roads, it would be a, different matter. This will be a benefit to everybody. ... Tax incre- ment financing is a way to get the project done and serves everybody's interest." He said Northwest pays for all roads on its property. Thornton said that unless Northwest, the state's third -largest private em- ployer, can develop its property, "the expansion isn't going to happen in Eagan, and it may not happen in Minnesota." Improved roads would be needed to handle more employee vehicles to prevent excessive traffic congestion and exhaust fumes. Hedges said the city believes the road improvements would be necessary for Northwest to obtain an air quality permit required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for such a major expansion. Cray obtained its air quality permit when it bought the property, said Tom Colbert, city public works direc- tor. Thornton said Northwest's cur- rent air quality permit would allow the airline to build approximately an additional 850,000 square feet, which New tax -increment project area in Eagan 1-494 Mendota Heights 1-494 Blue Gentian Rd. Eagan 1/4th mile Lone Oak Fed. m 0 0 0 0 la Lone Oak Pkwy. O'Neil Rd. Northwest Airlines 0 Cray Research Lone Oak Rd. et/ c3J 0< Sun- fish Lake -49e is less space than the company ex- pects it will need. The city's tax increment plan says Cray will build its 140,000-square- foot computer center with or without tax increment assistance. But Cray's site was included in the small tax district in order to provide more tax dollars to make road improvements in the project area, Hedges said. He said existing roads are adequate for Cray's center and Northwest's small addition. Eagan rarely uses tax increment dis- tricts. "The City Council is only con- sidering it because of the off -site ben- efit to the whole community and the industrial park area," Hedges said. He said Eagan has only one other tax increment district, in which about $700,000 in bonds were sold to make street and utility improvements near the Unisys computer center. The $2 million that will be raised in the new tax district will be far short of the $11.5 million in transportation improvements needed to handle ex- pected development in the northeast area of the city, according to a city study. The tax increment bonds will not be sold until the rest of the mon- ey is obtained. Hedges said the addi- tional money could come from Northwest, from state or federal highway funds, or by expanding the tax increment district to include the site of Northwest's future major ex- pansion. Eagan's $3.9 million tax district is much smaller than the county's larg- est tax district, a redevelopment pro- ject in South St. Paul that has a net captured assessed value of almost $9 million, said Ken Harrington, county program manager for capital facili- ties. Tax districts in Mendota Heights, Apple Valley and Burnsville are also larger than Eagan's, he said. THIS WEEK NEWSPAPERS Volume 7, No. 31 Two Sections Sept. 30,1985 Section A SAGA Eagan council considers $6.2 By CHRISTY DeJOY Although budgetary requests exceeded $7.6 million, the Eagan City Council is considering a general operating budget for 1986 of about $1.4 million less than that figure. Requests came from 17 divi- sions funded by the city budget. Man power, capital and other ex- penditures were calculated in Ju- ly by department heads. Eagan City Administrator Tom Hedges met with department represen- tatives, reviewed programs and presented the city council with a $6.6 million budget. kN Your Community Newspaper million city budget Further reductions were made and the council is working on a $6.2 million budget. Action on the budget won't be taken by the council for a month or two. The 1985 appropriated budget was $5.1 million. According to ci- ty officials, the $1.1 million in- crease is due to the city's rapid growth. Money is allocated for additional employees, equipment and operational expenses. Some of the most significant expenditures in the 1986 budget are a $50,000 public works garage, $43,000 for a water tanker truck and more than $100,000 for eight police squad cars to replace the cars that have accumulated at least 70,000 miles. (The funds allocated for the squad cars do not take the revenues from the sale of used cars into account.) A major request that the city council decided to exclude from the 1986 budget is an upgrading plan for the two-way radio system used by public safety departments. The proposed com- munication system had three phases. The program cost at the end of the first year would be $266,530. The first phase would be the most costly. At a recent city council work session, Council member Jim Smith suggested that the new radio system be im- plemented in 1987 and that a time frame be set by the council. The police department also re- quested a $57,000 Enfors com- puter system. The council decid- ed to wait a year or so on the re- quest. The city currently uses another computer system and that same system may also fit the needs of the police department. Many other departments re- quested funds for computer equipment also. The council decided to hold off on some of these requests and wait on the ci- ty's comae;expansion until the needs of the departments are analyzed more thoroughly. A $30,000 shredder for the park department was ousted too. The shredder would grind yard materials to facilitate the city's composting program that begins this year. The council decided to see how the composting program works this year before providing funds for additional equipment. In the 1985 budget, $12,000 was allocated for a wood chipper for the composting program. The general budget fund can be divided into five major areas. The area receiving the most amount of money is public safety, with $2,760,140 allocated. Includ- ed under the heading of public safety is police, fire, protective inspections, animal control, civil defense and ambulance service. Public works, including engineering, streets and highways, will get $1,220,440 if the budget is adopted. General government is allowed $1,197,500 in funds. Specific areas are mayor and council, ad- ministration, finance, legal, plan- ning and zoning, general govern- ment buildings and cable televi- sion. Parks and recreation, which encompasses tree conservation, is to receive $720,480, if the budget remains unchanged. And $301,440 is set aside for the contingency fund. The money will be used for emergencies or ex- penses not accounted for in the budget, such as equipment that costs more than estimated. Half of the 1986 budget will be raised through taxes. Other revenues come from licenses, permits, charges for services, recreation charges, fines and forfeits, intergovernmental funds, program fees and various miscellaneous revenues. Minneapolis Star and Tribune 12B . Sat., Nov. 16, 1985 New section of 1-35 to open today in Eagan Starting today it will be possible to get on Interstate Hwy. 35 in Laredo, Texas, and drive to St. Paul's W. 7th St. neighborhood without getting off the freeway. With much fanfare, officials of Ea- gan and the Minnesota Department of Transportation are planning to open the newest part of the freeway, from Cedar Av. to Lone Oak Rd. Officials appearing at the 10 a.m. ribbon -cutting ceremony near Yan- kee Doodle Rd. are expected to in- clude Sen. Rudy Boschwitz, Sen. Dave Durenberger, State Transpor- tation Commissioner Richard Braun, District Engineer Kermit McRae, Dakota County Commissioner John Voss, Eagan Mayor Bea Blomquist and other government officials and city boosters. A parade, including antique and vin- tage cars, will follow the ceremony. A reception will be held for the pub- lic at around 11:30 a.m. at Yankee Square Inn. 3450 Washington Dr., near the intersection of Yankee Doo- dle and Pilot Knob Rds. 94 Mississippi River 35W 55 Minneapolis 494 Minnesota River 35W 1 35E [1;gun 1985 Open 1989 •• • Mendota Heights i*T*/ Eagan • Begun1984 I Open Nov. 16, 1985J • Burnsville • • • • •• • Begun 1984 Open Fall 1986 Inver Grove Heights 55 Begun 1982 Open Nov. 16, 1985 35E j Zoo Rd000 Apple Valley 1 , Begun 1985 Open 1986 Source/Minnesota Department of Transportation Rosemount The event also is part of a year -long honoring Eagan'3 125th anniversary series of community celebrations 2A—Eagan Sun•Current—Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1991 Traditional City Hall expected to take new shape in 1990s By Terrance Mencel The jury remains out on whether consolidation is the answer to cities' budget woes. But the deliberation on how many city services to con- solidate is expected to intensify as cities attempt to make up for lost state aid and address growth demands. "As we all look at the 1990s and to the turn of the century ... the traditional city hall is going to change dramatically," said Eagan City Administrator Tom Hedges dur- ing a City Council budget workshop Sept. 10. "I don't know what's going to happen ... but believe me there are going to be radical changes." Eagan already has con- solidated some of its resources through agreements with neighboring cities. Eagan and Apple Valley police depart- ments joined forces on an out- door firing range; the city has agreed to maintain parks built by School District 196; Dakota County police departments com- bined services for a drug task force; Eagan contracts with private companies for some of its snow removal. The consolidation of more city services and expanded contrac- tual agreements appear likely. Cities can no longer rely on pro- perty taxes to solve their budget problems, officials say. Services that may be considered for con- solidation include public works and police dispatchers. However, Eagan officials stress- ed discussions have been preliminary and do not necessarily reflect the city's intentions. "Is this the time to do something bold and dramatic," asked Councilmember Tim Pawlenty. Pawlenty said Eagan's budget woes won't go away with a "Bandaid" approach. Relying on property tax increases won't help. "Maybe there's not a whole lot we can do this year," Pawlenty said. This year, state lawmakers froze cities' tax levies for 1992 at 1991 levels. As apparent com- pensation to a stagnant levy authority, the state restored this years' cuts made in Eagan's homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA). Eagan can collect $8.86 million in taxes for 1992, the same as planned in 1991. But for 1992, Eagan plans to add four police positions, meet employee contract settlements, and add miscellaneous items that will in- crease the city's general fund $555,000 more than in 1991. "It just boggled my mind how we could get to that number," Hedges said. Cities are required to have a balanced budget. The proposed 1992 general fund represents a 5 percent in- crease when there are no pro- perty tax dollars to balance that increase. To offset the increase, the city's major street fund was reduced and the equipment revolving fund was eliminated. The general fund increase probably will have little impact on property taxes, Hedges said. Still, property taxpayers will see an increase in Eagan's tax por- tion because of actions by the state. City officials fear proper- ty taxpayers will blame the city for such increases. Any com- plaints should be directed to the state, they said. So how could the city's 1992 tax portion increase if it was frozen at 1991 levels? Eagan's mandated contribution to fiscal disparties increased nearly $3 million. At the same time Eagan's tax capacity has fallen because of an altered property tax formula. The tax base fell after the 1991 Legislature reduc- ed the 3 percent tax rate to 2.5 percent on homes valued more than $115,000. As a result of fiscal disparities and house tax change, the city has to levy the $8.86 million on a tax base of about $45.4 million instead of $50 million. There isn't much room to cut material costs when 70 percent of the operating budget is per- sonnel costs. Any reduction in the city's operating budget would likely come from an already pinched staff, say city officials . "I don ' t see any area . .. where we can cut those kinds of services," Egan said. The next three years of budgets don't appear any easier to balance. If no new positions are added through 1995, the city's employee benefits and health insurance will increase about 4 percent. "Unfortunately, these assumptions are extremely con- servative and not realistic if the city is to maintain the same ser- vice delivery it provided in 1990-91 in 1995," Hedges wrote in a memorandum to the council. This brings back the question on how to generate and save money to maintain services to meet Eagan's growing needs. 3) 1U` gQ9 letters Fiscal disparities called `socialism' To the editor: Your March 3 article, "Fiscal Disparities: The Great Giveaway," was an excellent ex- planation of the unfair system that confiscates Eagan's tax revenues and doles it out to other less -active metro communities. My only suggestion would be to rename the story, "Fiscal Disparities: The Great Takeaway." Fiscal disparities has been call- ed a "Robin Hood" formula, whereby the "rich" expanding cities share their new tax revenue with the "poor" stagnant cities. I don't like that analogy; it sounds too noble. There's another, less flowery word that more aptly describes this redistribution of wealth: socialism. Eagan has undergone a dramatic change over the last decade. Our population has more than doubled, and with it the cost of city services. There are more and better streets, sewers, parks and programs. All of those things cost money. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, since pro- perty taxes from new developments go to pay off the in- creased services. But for the last 11 years, fiscal disparities has been a monkey wrench thrown in- to that otherwise sensible system. As the law currently exists, 40 percent of everyone's new commercial -industrial property tax revenue is thrown into a metro -wide pool, then divided up according to population. That means the young, vibrant, active cities such as Eagan are carrying baggage for cities that either can- not or will not have commercial - industrial expansion. That's not fair. In 1986 alone, the fiscal disparities law cost our city's taxpayers $300,000, or 1.2 mills. If fiscal disparities had not been in place, the mill rate could have been less and all taxes could have been lower. It was a direct subsidy from the pockets of Eagan taxpayers to property owners in Minneapolis, St. Paul and North Oaks. During the last six months, the fiscal disparities law has receiv- ed its closest scrutiny in years, primarily because Bloomington wants an exemption for its pro- posed mega -mall. That's only fair. Dozens of major projects in Minneapolis and St. Paul have been exempted from the pool. It makes sense that Bloomington of- ficials would want to keep that 40 percent of new property tax revenue and use it to rebuyd roads adjacent to the old Met Stadium site. I'd like to see Eaganites sup- port the mega -mall exemption, because I believe it could be the straw that breaks the fiscal disparities camel's back. True, a mega -mall exemption would cut our net losses by a few dollars in the short term. But I think a break for Bloomington would spell the end for fiscal disparities, making us far better off in the long run. One last point. Proponents may argue that my opposition to fiscal disparities is self-serving, since Eagan is such a loser under the system. They're partially right. I want very much to keep Eagan's tax dollars in Eagan, paving roads, building parks and keep- ing our waters clean. But it's not accurate to imply that I'd support fiscal disparities if the shoe was on the other foot and Eagan was a winner. To the contrary, such selective socialism is repugnant, no matter how the tax ax falls. VIC ELLISON Eagan City Council Member ►5 StAin &Wen+ all,/fr UNTRY TOWN TO SPRAWLING SUBURB City focuses on fiscal impact of future maturity By Sue Hegarty Staff Writer Eagan's development boom has begun to decline, dragging down with it non -tax revenue paid to the city through permits and fees. Fortunately, the city's ability to collect taxes has steadily risen to offset any decrease in non -tax revenue. The city's tax capacity has risen in response to increas- es in individual property values and from new community devel- opment. That has helped fill the void left by a drop in non -tax rev- enue. Non -tax revenue accounts for 21 percent (or $3.2 million) of the proposed 1996 budget, said Gene VanOverbeke, Eagan's finance director. About $1 million of that is related to community develop- ment. The City Council has pro- posed no tax rate increase for 1996. Residents may still see city tax increases, though, due to increases in their property val- ues. Some residents are report- ing 6 percent to 8 percent in- creases due to raised property values. Property values are set by the county. A truth in taxation hearing was scheduled for Dec. 5, giving residents an opportunity to com- men,t or question their property taxes. The council certified a $12.6 million tax levy in August. That amount could be decreased but not increased, when the council gives its final approval Dec. 19. Besides a shift in where rev- enue is raised, there is a shift in where funds will be needed in the future. As the city nears its development maturity, focus turns toward reconstruction pro- jects in the city's older neighbor- hoods. For example, in 1990 a non - tax storm -water drainage fee was started to earn revenue for building and operating drainage systems for water runoff. Prior to 1990, funds for such projects were taken from the general tax levy, said VanOver- beke. By charging a fee, as op- posed to using tax dollars, the expenditure is more in line with other utility charges, such as water and sanitary sewer fees. Fees are based on single fam- ily units known as residential equivalency factors (REFs). A business with a large parking lot would be equal to several REFS. Since 1990, the storm -water drainage fee has increased from $4.56 per REF to $5.25. Besides taxes and fees, anoth- er source of revenue for the city is the Community Investment Fund. This fund is money the city earned by investing idle in- come from special assessments, said VanOverbeke. For example, the city purchased bonds to build roads and utilities. As residents paid their assessments, the city used enough money to pay the first bond installment and put the rest in short-term invest- ments. "We made considerable money," said VanOverbeke. City policy dictates that com- munity investment funds be used for projects that benefit a majority of the community. Some of the money has been used to build the new Civic Cen- ter Arena and for expansion of municipal offices. The balance in the community investment fund will be about $3.5 million after paying off the Municipal Center obligations, VanOverbeke said. i BRIDGING THE GAP: FROM COUNTRY TOWN TO SPRAWLING SUBURB City focuses on fiscal impact of future maturity By Sue Hegarty Staff Writer Eagan's development boom has begun to decline, dragging down with it non -tax revenue paid to the city through permits and fees. Fortunately, the city's ability to collect taxes has steadily risen to offset any decrease in non -tax revenue. The city's tax capacity has risen in response to increas- es in individual property values and from new community devel- opment. That has helped fill the void left by a drop in non -tax rev- enue. Non -tax revenue accounts for 21 percent (or $3.2 million) of the proposed 1996 budget, said Gene VanOverbeke, Eagan's finance director. About $1 million of that is related to community develop- ment. The City Council has pro- posed no tax rate increase for 1996. Residents may still see city tax increases, though, due to increases in their property val- ues. Some residents are report- ing 6 percent to 8 percent in- creases due to raised property values. Property values are set by the county. A truth in taxation hearing was scheduled for Dec. 5, giving residents an opportunity to com- ment or question their property taxes. The council certified a $12.6 million tax levy in August. That amount could be, decreased but not increased, when the council gives its final approval Dec. 19. Besides a shift in where rev- enue is raised, there is a shift in where funds will be needed in the future. As the city nears its development maturity, focus turns toward reconstruction pro- jects in the city's older neighbor- hoods. For example, in 1990 a non - tax storm -water drainage fee was started to earn revenue for building and operating drainage systems for water runoff. Prior to 1990, funds for such projects were taken from the general tax levy, said VanOver- beke. By charging a fee, as op- posed to using tax dollars, the expenditure is more in line with other utility charges, such as water and sanitary sewer fees. Fees are based on single fam- ily units known as residential equivalency factors (REFs). A business with a large parking lot would be equal to several REFs. Since 1990, the storm -water drainage fee has increased from $4.56 per REF to $5.25. Besides taxes and fees, anoth- er source of revenue for the city is the Community Investment Fund. This fund is money the city earned by investing idle in- come from special assessments, said VanOverbeke. For example, the city purchased bonds to build roads and utilities. As residents paid their assessments, the city used enough money to pay the first bond installment and put the rest in short-term invest- ments. "We made considerable money," said VanOverbeke. City policy dictates that com- munity investment funds be used for projects that benefit a majority of the community. Some of the money has been used to build the new Civic Cen- ter Arena and for expansion of municipal offices. The balance in the community investment fund will be about $3.5 million after paying off the Municipal Center obligations, VanOverbeke said. E \GAS CNtg_o\c LE 3 -V7-S( Readers Write Legislature to decide fiscal disparities To the editor: During the next few weeks, the state Legislature will decide whether to grant the Bloom- ington mega -mall an exemption from the metro -wide "fiscal disparities pool," an unfair system that confiscates Eagan's tax revenues and doles it out to other less -active communities. Fiscal disparities has been called a "Robin Hood" formula, whereby the "rich" expanding cities share their new tax revenue with the "poor" stag- nant cities. I don't like that analogy; it sounds too noble. There's another, less flowery word that more aptly describes this redistribution of wealth: socialism. Eagan has undergone a dramatic change over the last decade. Our population has more than doubled, and with it the cost of city services. There are more and better streets, sewers, parks and programs. All those things cost money. Nor- mally, that wouldn't be a pro- blem since property taxes from new developments go to pay off the increased services. But for the last 11 years, fiscal disparities has been a monkey wrench thrown into that other- wise sensible system. As the law currently exists, 40 percent of everyone's new commercial -industrial property tax revenue is thrown into a metro -wide "pool," then divided up according to population. That means the young, vibrant, active cities like Eagan are carrying baggage for cities that either cannot or will not have commercial -industrial expan- sion. That's not fair. In 1986 alone, the fiscal disparities law cost our city's taxpayers $300,000, or 1.2 mills. If fiscal disparities had not been in place, the mill rate could have been less and all taxes could have been lower. It was a direct subsidy from the pockets of Eagan taxpayers to property owners in Minneapolis, St. Paul and North Oaks. During the last six months, the fiscal disparities law has receiv- ed its closest scrutiny in years, primarily because of the propos- ed "mega -mall." Dozens of ma- jor projects in Minneapolis and St. Paul have been exempted from the pool. It's only fair that Bloomington officials would want to keep that 40 percent of new property tax revenue and use it to rebuild roads adjacent to the old Met Stadium site. I'd like to see Eaganites sup- port the mega -mall exemption, because I believe it could be the straw that breaks the fiscal disparities camel's back. True, a mega -mall exemption would cut our net losses by a few dollars in the short-term. But I think a break for Bloomington would spell the end for fiscal disparities, making us far better off in the long run. One last point. Proponents may argue that my opposition to fiscal disparities is self-serving, since Eagan is such a loser under the system. They're par- tially right. I want very much to keep Eagan's tax dollars in Eagan, paving roads, building parks and keeping our waters clean. But it's not accurate to imply that I'd support fiscal disparities if the shoe were on the other foot and Eagan were a "winner." To the contrary, such selective socialism is repugnant, no matter how the tax ax falls. Vic Ellison Eagan City Council member ft Gp C'H�`'ovlC� _ �3 i7 �Co Mayor amused, discouraged by letter To the editor: I would like to respond to the letter to the editor that was printed in the last issue written by Michael Beard. I was somewhat amused but also discouraged that he would write about the City Council actions regarding the Sperry Corp. and the use of tax -increment financ- ing because Mr. Beard has never attended a full council meeting. If he did, he might learn what goes on and learn the process of decision making at the city level. Oh, yes, Mr. Beard has shown up at meetings (about six meetings) but then only for short periods of time, not the entire meeting. His short attendance periods take in only a small por- tion of city business and discus- sion. He was not present during any of the Sperry discussion. Before the decision was made on Sperry, this item was on the agenda and was published in the newspaper. Had he been there he might have learned that as many as 700 people in the metro area would be moved, transfer- red or laid off. Other states do of- fer incentives. We do not like it but it is a fact of life that one must deal with. Must I remind him of the fact that part of Sperry is already in Pueblo, Colo., because they gave Sperry a tax incentive and St. Paul did not. Other companies such as 3M have moved divisions from Min- nesota. Had Mr. Beard attended this meeting, he would also have learned that some of the tax in- crement proceeds would be used to finance improvements that will benefit more than just Sperry, such as traffic signals. These, along with other im- provements, are very expensive, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. These costs are not usually assessed to only one user; they are shared by all those who benefit from them. It is not easy to determine who gets the benefit without being selective. Perhaps the best way to explain it to Mr. Beard, since he did not attend this council meeting, is in terms of saving 700 jobs in Minnesota, many held by our neighbors in Eagan. When it comes to using tax- payers' money for uses that would benefit the entire city, one must weigh all the facts that im- pact the city. It takes hours to come to just one decision. No one is misled if they follow the pro- cess. Although, I personally do not like the use of tax -increment financing, it is a tool provided for the city if the facts merit its use. Each case must be studied in- dividually. This time, I felt that saving jobs within the communi- ty was the humanitarian thing to do. Perhaps Mr. Beard should learn more about the city and the actual decision -making pro- cess before he finds fault with our City Council and the cor- porate system. Bea Blomquist Mayor, city of Eagan In Dakota County: s. a„...Q.,6 11, Taxesgoingout of the county By VIC OLSON Dakota County auditor Carl Onischuk had two comments for taxpayers Monday, both of them equally destined to wind up in the next session of the state legislature. The first concerned the paying over of collected taxes to the Metroplitan Council. As reported last week, time was running out on finding a legal way of withholding the funds, a threat several county and municipal officials had made when the Council was campaigning for its Metropolitan Development Guide last spring. The tax monies are being paid over, which means persons who want to fight the Council will have to do so in the interim session of the legislature. His next message concerned the effect of the redistribution of taxes under the fiscal disparities bill, which had been fought by many county and municipal officials during the session of the legislature that enacted it, and afterwards in the courts when it became law. The law, essentially, redistributes a portion of the tax increases gained from commercial and industrial development throughout the metropolitan area. The purpose of the bill was to dampen competition for such tax contributing properties. The county, he reported. sent a check to the state in June for approximately $1.1 million, which represented 50 per cent of the taxes collectible from the area wide portion of each commercial and industrial parcel of property in the county. The first of this month he received a check from the state for approximately $609,000 as its share of the total metropolitan tax pot. Thus. the county lost over a half -million dollars. That fact will certainly be picked up by area legislators and hollered loud and clear. Following is the community breakdown: ( South St. Paul and school district 6 do not presently participate because they were declared an economically depressed area after the loss of some major business. ) DAKOTA COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES Apple Valley Burnsville Castle Rock Coates Douglas Eagan Empire Eureka Farmington Greenvale Hampton Twp. Hampton Vill. Hastings Inver Grove Hts. Lakeville Vill. Lilydale Marshan Mendota Hts. Mendota Miesville New Trier Nininger Randolph Twp. Randolph Village Ravenna Rosemount Sciota So. St. Paul Sunfish Lake Vermillion Twp. Vermillion Vill. Waterford Twp. West St. Paul .SCHOOL DISTRICTS Schoo District #6 Schoo District #191 Schoo District#192 Schoo District #194 Schoo District #195 Schoo District#196 Schoo District #197 Schoo District #199 Schap District #200 Schoo District #252 Schoo District #659 Schoo District #917 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Metro Council Mosquito Abatement Watershed Transit Authority TOTALS ti Contri- ._ Distri- bution bution 215,486.89 111.125.48 6.710.57 7.005.90 42.390.95 15,136.08 24.62 63.21 9.80 10.36 3.80 101.99 21,181.33 3,613.99 68.18 150.56 0- 87.03 2,954.52 4.503.02 0- 54.33 21.69 94.46 231.72 518.86 7,590.97 20.924.24 45,037.41 7.477.30 12 673.23 6,426.00 518.59 226.31 - 322.48 296.73 5 650.31 2,139.60 539.13 164.44 118.32 43.05 0- 214.41 66.80 65.50 61.14 29.18 17.46 159.79 14.35 148.61 3,926.08 2,453.43 - 0- 21.04 0- 26.195.53 + 4.08 31.39 + 0- 180.66 0- 167,01 12.02 48.08 + 19.484.64 14,913.58 Net Effect 104.361 41 295.33 27,254.87 38.59 .56 98.19 17,567.34 82.38 87.03 1.548.50 54.33 72 77 287.14 13,333.27 37.560.11 6,247.23 292.28 25.75 3,510.71 374.69 75.27 214.41 1.30 31.96 142.33 134.26 1,472.65 21.04 26,195,53 27.31 180.66 167.01 36.06 4,571.06 0- 75.033.69 - 75,033.69 133,599.80 49,062.06 - 84,537.74 8,598.26 14,363.12 + 5,764.86 49,755.87 17,456.79 - 32.299.08 1,044.88 3,281.82 2,236.94 117,073.48 66.779.37 - 50,294.11 173,536.40 57,248.45 116.287.95 157.379.53 29,937.41 - 127,442.12 14.289.28 35,357.35 + 21,068.07 22.55 231.36 + 208.81 690.98 3,002.66 + 2.311.68 22.396.45 11,446.09 - 10,950.36 8.539.86 4,461.67 2,105.00 1,100.93 1.065.43 50.83 36.527.41 16,296.58 1.111.736.26 609,901.33 4,078,19 1,004.07 1,004.60 20,230.83 501.834.93 o z A ? < 1A41 Q N rn a O in •1 Z O < a M a C 3 • 3 a N O 3 E S 0 a M G N 3 �• 3 3 n c o 0. 0 O N + N n a a 3 8 00. 0. 73 M K c 0 •ni • 10 i 0 Lusaop aaueJaroi a-1Eo�ofiz2 +� Ito .. _rp`25 92_� oom t7 C C G 7.Y c m a 2 1? 7c m g t7 4 HHI,,r�0 = C 0 m ^ a- a c<-woe a a� i-ra a '--� F. fi C O - N "! h+• c" c* 6 W "f � � c` � r x m F- . c O __ �- J Cn K r.' 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NHO ., r ) D` I-, F, 8Oi VN .T .0J .O4---=v-VLT') OrG v, NV 2 v, F-�,f-'ram: rwN�• 0' Nccr�.:N w',.)••• • • • ONO..O NS: .•..0O.0v+ Tv C) O OGN ` c8' NN1-, fJ s& OGv, E L�wv,0--J'0v.v�N1 wv,I-'?.0.F, F go' �.- �C O OQGCv 0J` flop d,Loxda NTY TRIBUNE JpR>K . C,ivey 77eidtVE NOVEMBER 10, 1977 Fiscal Disparities Law ... Still Controversial After Four Years (Editor's note: The following article was printed in "Dakota Official'," a newsletter of the Dakota County League of Municipalities and Dakota Coun- ty. It was prepared by Carter/Locey and Associates.) Minnesota's much touted Fis- cal Disparities Law soon enters its fourth year of operation. And, in some parts of the metro area, it is no less controversial - or dis- liked - than when first passed by the 1971 Legislature. "Fiscal disparities" is a "buzz word" from the late sixties. The movement of industry, people and tax base from the central cities to the suburbs was quicken- ing. The competition among the so-called "have" and "have not" suburbs for new commercial and industrial tax base was becom- ing intense. The economic gap that resulted - rich getting richer and poor getting poorer - was called the "fiscal disparity." The term fiscal disparities wasn't invented here. It was im- ported from the east, as much of our recent urbanitis has been, and, of course, the problem is everywhere there is property tax. But the "solution" - the Fis- cal Disparities Act of 1971 - is home-grown stuff. It grew out of one of the most stormy com- munities the Citizens League has ever had. Ironically, two Dakota County residents were right in the middle of it. A recent article about Min- nesota's National Council for Urban Economic Development (NCUED) recalls that "in 1967 there were disparities of as much as 12-to-1 between per capita valuations in two of the metro area's taxing districts. Similarily, in 1971 the millage rate ranged from a low of 250 mills to a high of 500 mills." Besides the mill rate dif- ferences, proponents said that suburban cities were encouraged to zone out housing for low in- come people while zoning in in- dustry. Washington County Of- ficials were upset that proposals for vast metropolitan park and recreation lands would rob them of taxable land and put them at a disadvantage in the competition for industry. And, finally, there was the con- cern that the "poor" school dis- tricts, especially around Anoka, were not able to offer quality education. About this time, the Serrano vs. Priest case in California held that heavy re- liance on property taxes to `finance schools was unconstitu- Net Change In Tax Base For Cities (Difference Between Base Contributed And Base Distributed) Assessment 1974 1975 1976 District Payable 1975 Payable 1976 Payable 1977 Apple Valley 185,110 426,712 325,936 Burnsville -2,106,327 -3,118,781 -3,114,478 Coates 5,462 10,052 3,450 Eagan -2,706,615 -4,933,993 -4,903,775 Farmington 114,961 251,784 211,983 Hampton 24,649 8,534 4,648 Hastings (Pt.) 890,478 1,147,772 1,082,528 Inver Grove Heights -4,316,718 -4,474,440 -4,518,904 Lakeville -612,799 -757,580 -801,566 Lilydale -28,283 -163,794 -171,538 Mendota -33,899 -30,696 -37,904 Mendota Heights -382,121 -419,016 -444,614 Meisville -8,764 -1,411 -4,018 New Trier 31,953 44,819 40,343 Randolph 54,617 75,840 -57,332 Rosemount -104,401 -128,718 -172,366 South St. Paul 2,001,951 2,651,946 2,603,601 Sunfish Lake 8,730 13,249 12,359 Vermillion 38,975 41,464 37,964 West St. Paul -197,384 -396,640 -453,100 Source: County Auditor Department of Revenue tional. That decision added some incentive, too. A SHARING SOLUTION Most schemes for solving fiscal disparities involved sharing .tax revenue to equalize differences. A lot of people just didn't like that idea. In the Citizens League Committee, F. Warren Preeshl, a then Burnsville School Board Member, suggested sharing tax base instead. The League Com- mittee jumped on the idea. All except West St. Paulite Bob Ehlers, who as a bond expert and committee member wrote a heated minority report. The League, which works by carefully constructed concensus, was momentarily off -balance. But the idea rolled through the legislature by comfortable margins just two years after the first bill was introduced. Minnesota's Fiscal Disparities Act, while innovative, is com- plex. Simply put, 4067c of the new commercial -industrial tax base is taken from the host com- munity and put in a metro -wide pool. Then, two factors: popula- tion and per capita property value, are used to distribute the base back to the communities. The two principal objections voiced by local communities back in 1971, were that the law: A. Would be unfair to those communities that had been plan- ning for commercial -industrial development; B. Would discourage com- munities from accepting com- mercial -industrial development. Other complaints came forth about the complexity of the law, and that there were better ways Net Change In Tax Base For Townships (Difference Betwe n Base Contributed And Base Distribu ed) Assessment 1974 1975 1976 District Payable 1975 Payable 1976 Payable 1977 Castle Rock 56,093 72,648 37,385 Douglas 23,308 31,821 25,694 48,804 -3,821 -27,728 46,541 62,747 46,750 32,432 43,682 29,927 26,540 24,304 12,394 33,834 61,208 29,291 17,501 46,063 30,101 -4,952 7,241 5,218 70,100 104,821 93,247 8,236 11,019 10,127 Vermillion 44,498 51,936 32,296 Waterford 23,589 29,643 15,344 Source: County Auditor Department of Revenue Empire Eureka Greenvale Hampton Marshan Nininger Randolph Ravenna Sciota to accomplish the same result. Communities that were very aggressive bidders for com- mercial -industrial tax base in the sixties and early seventies, such as Bloomington and Eden Prairie, have prepared studies to document their grievences. They contend, the developers agree, that there is a reduced incentive for the city to seek commerc'al- industrial development. The NCUED study mentio ed above, makes some observati ns and conclusions worth noting: "One of the long-term effects ... will be to tax more and more up to 40%) of the commercial - industrial property at a single area -wide rate." "The system is complex." ple result is widespread ignorancel of how it works. "There is no 'needs' factor in the formula." This may result in misallocation of resources. The biggest contributors and the biggest receivers, undoub- tedly, will begin to experience some disinclination to attract new development." "Since the rates of growth in both population and economic de- velopement will change an- nually, it is unlikely that any one jurisdiction will always be in a 'winning' or 'losing' position..." "Tax base sharing is not totally compatible with tax increment financing." "...The real issue is the finan- cial and economic integration of suburbia and central cities. A complicated tax -base sharing system would not be needed if there were some political inte- gration within large metropolitan areas." PAGE8C 2 I I99i DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE 21% Of Dakota Countv Real Estate Is Tax Exempt lie Schools Non -pub. Schools Public Cemeteries ‘46, boG Church /27, 700 Public Hospitals Non -pub. Hoapitala Count Pubic Colleges Non -pub. .•lieges Charitable Inatitutio_ ederal State Parks Federal State Mimici. 1 Special Districts Total pple Valley 5-2c7ool .20 3, [. CC 4gC,.2G0 fl, lc9,o66 6CCOS2G 7 -) y 765" Sac 33,665",68 Burnsville /9,97z,00o 1,052,6CC 16813,39e__ 346 7a6 75OGoo , Castle Rock Twp 6/ boo /62,600 12,5'O0 3/ 50C t2,UCO 43S,441 /09,/30 I 1 25-o,93C Coates /b3, 966 ( UGC) I /c', Sol Douglas Tap. 7 9, 5-00 2 C:G I 7 q, 700 Eagan 9,729,9cc 356, 5-60 12, 900 1,343, 5- o 2 G 1, 2 00 %G 1, 2Go "3 5,2 99,5"cc, I, 36.3 ycr /,22 3Co 3, 199, 60 o iz, 6379, Svo I GS, 5- 9,7ce Empire 'rive. 1516, So 0 is, S75- 6 6 7, COG I b-2, 5-7 S Eureka Twp. 223, Soo i 4-r,, 5` o o / 5-6 ,Z 60 , 1 7, 3Op -I Sil, 7cU Farmington1E111 Greenvale Tap. 4'00 ___ !o0o f,5i3,200 2,'{96, 7oc a, z15 EGU 37 500 �0i 906 c i/6,/be, 5 5`o I21,o9/,?SC 26,zoo /b, GoU 2 , Svb / 3 360 _I Hampton Twp. goo ___-_--- ►, 7c o 1, 700 �/, 6 00 -I 1 'f8, 9a6 Hampton 73,5-00 4'0,006 2`f/,6o0 ,, 40u 32, vvo 99/,Y6o -I yo 306 Hastings i7,61`l,5" 1,5:17,6ou 7"iC,Do0 ^],562,360 k2,Goo 7,iey,bOG f 731 60 , ,, CO 1, ,v 5,`�43,2co 2,o37 Lo0 1, y,o0 00 144,3,6,zoo Inver Grove Hgt l.,$41, boo _ QZ42, Co ,al k, oco 46"- 'o0 3 223 yob 342, GGG 6 2au i (,S /,vt0 -I 9, 973, 9c0 Lakeville 1o,7o2,95-0 219,goo 3/ / 70o � Sti/ 706 , -2 S y60 , 13 Qcn 1 379 6y/ , , -I 13,087,'7'9/ Li ydale y, ioo _ i1 , 900 J6 ice Marshan Twp. ____- 320, 0Cv i I, 000 337 660 / 1 'S3121O931V3 AO NOIIVNV1dX3 NV 2103 A21O1S 9NIANVdWODDV 33S 'Al2f3dO21d 30 S3dAl NI aNV 1V1O1 NI HiO8 NMOHS 321V AJNf1OD 3H1 NI A.INf1WWOD H3V3 NI A1213dO21d'1dW3X3 XVI JO S3f11VA 13)I21VW osh`£oc.'/c, rrl'h OS£ S/,8 008'gs6 000'/s3 006 (L 9)3 o4'o8 z's r a06 h6S. S ( 907 5$9 II Ined •3S •H 5s6 oos 'L 92 srs c/z cxa'o9rl 0/L (Ph 033 Lih 9oo'or£ Oo/r/r4 026 rS /s Q06 r LS oa rL$E •dAi, piOpOZ.14 po`tIB not Ys£ 009100-, QQo'0.g 000 95 t; U01ITT11-1iA po 3'r no3 °o0'e •dam, uoTtypal( en KewunS OOL'L bl °oL III OW rcI ,0P9 SL 1 ,5LLrSRE17h 0£•' Orr'SS 006 s £ /'b -, 0°/'9r f. o29 16E4_ g 0o'h84- D o8 'Et 0o,'/5 rs h 00'09 £ o/a'is&/`S 0o/'91f t ,009'7z s r'S9L'LI Incl.& •4S •S 7 000 rS r o0 o S O oo r0r. e14013S 019S0_5'lt; DOS o/s'r ooi,'cbz_ o06`0fi 099 rS'L 099'9 vot'I9E'z o° ' L $ L Z; 0 05 ' i 96 'L 1 000' s £ i OOd'Oi, r'n ltutamitOg 0£ 6 `9h Ots ' b o/h'h F- o 0 0 `£ iuuineg Oo5 `Lffi /I o08 '/5 O0C'S' I 005'0 6 z r1 t;dlopueg Oos%Bh o°S 'L Zr"z o 0 o'9S •d*j (ldlopuuy 030181b 0o6'fi 709 As3I 95£ r£I 000 `00/ 0 0 A ' I •dam, asBuTuTH oor'91.- (X' 'Lr . 00/ . /Y f coo t 000't4. siTa,L wog 001 r5,i, 00913 / ooS /912 l 00S'17S illTntiT►d %66`5Sl'fZ Q,''1S91 OOL'LSb c71.5'LE5 cpLt''9Ss o0h 9LL r 00E'y0L'r ool, Ost'£ c�oh bb! E r 0°s's°+, a t i e o ui4 �uBT H 3 P Ooh'b9 noo'0/ oao'gz• 00/ 'IE-C 000'O0) nopu By CAROL BRAUN Staff Writer HASTINGS - - Dakota County had the sharpest percentage in- crease in the value of tax exempt property over the last six years. compared to all counties in the state. The county increase in tax- exempt property values was 116 percent -- from $160.2 million in 1968, the last time such property values were re -assessed. to $346 million in 1974. State-wide, the value of tax- exempt property rose 59 percent. The increase was from $5.6 billion in 1968 to $8.9 billion last year. In terms of dollar amount. the largest increase was in Hen- nepin County. where the value rose from $1.5 billion six years ago to $2.3 billion in 1974. Robert J. Meiers. county as- sessor. explained that the $346 million figure represents the market value of the tax-exempt property in the county. He would estimate the assessed value of such property to be about $145 million. compared to the county's total assessed valuation of about $692 million. In other words. about 21 per- cent of all assessed real estate or public utility properties in the county are tax-exempt, Meiers said. He added. however, that the $692 million estimated total figure does not include the as- sessed valuation of mobile homes. which are subject to pro- perty taxes. but counted under another category. "-According to Meiers, there are two reasons for the increase in the amount of tax exempt pro- perty in the last "six years. One, he said. is that there is more ac- tual tax exempt property in the county now, due to new construc- tion and additions. However, he said the major re- ason is that the property has been re -assessed and property values have greatly increased since 1968. He cited increases in land values and construction costs as contributing factors. On the county level, the city with the most - tax-exempt pro- perty in terms of dollar amount of market value is Eagan, with $65,559,700 worth of property off the tax rolls. Hastings follows with $49,318.200 worth and South St. Paul is next at $46,385,775 worth. Vermillion Township has the least at $2,900 worth ( see chart ). Tax-exempt property within each city can be separated into many categories. They are secondary and elementary public schools; secondary and elemen- tary non-public schools ( includes parochial and private): public academies. colleges and un- iversities; non-public academies, colleges and universities (in- cludes parochial and private): public cemeteries: and church property (sanctuaries, Sunday school facilities, parsonages, convents and service facilities). Public hospitals; non-public hospitals (church -affiliated and other private) ; charitable in- stitutions: federal and state parks, forests and wildlife re- fuges: Indian reservations: federal properties ( dams, military bases, F.A.A. centers. etc.) : state properties (highway shops, some roads, etc.) : county property (public services, law enforcement, fire, administra- tion, parks) : municipal property (same as county) and special dis- tricts (property owned by special taxing districts such as Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Watershed, Metro Airport, etc.). Dakota County had tax exempt property falling under all categories except Indian re- servations. All categories in- cluded both structures and land. Tr ICJ V r� c_J ar DAKOTA COL IN DAKOTA COUNTY -- Metro Transit Tax Levies Below are in 1972. listed the Metro Transit taxes The number in brackets next to Apple Valley Burnsville Coates Eagan Farmington Inver Grove Heigh Lakeville Lillydale Mendota Heights Mendota Rosemount South St. Paul Sunfish Lake West St. Paul County Total 1972 (1.18 mills) $23,473.05 95,792.19 336.77 48,580.72 9,630.66 is 28,331.20 18,231.07 1,361.09 25,477.35 575.32 26,438.05 63,455.92 1,573.99 52,083.94 $395,341.32 Burnsville % of County Total 24.2% levied since the levy originated the year is that year's mill rate. 1973 (1.30 mills) $35,030.50 124,744.77 468.64 68,050.88 12,088.64 46,327.16 29,346.08 1,507.07 32,436.30 690.45 32,010.29 68, 684.43 2,185.44 62,280.34 $515,850.99 v, 1974 (2.02 mills $64,647.44 234,930.73 766.18 120,435.96 19,055.06 85,769.77 51,850.91 2,592.27 55,858.08 1,212.16 31,374.74 106,860.84 3,606.78 108,783.05 $887,805.37 24.2% 26.5% Prior to the 1974 legislative session, the Metro Transit was allowed a maximum basic mill levy for general purposes and a $3,000,000 annual levy for debt service, this $3,000,000 being about .5 mill. The basic mill levy for the taxes payable in 1972 and 1973 was .97 mill, and for taxes paable in 1974 CITY OF EAGAN .OWNSNIP TWENTY SEVEN (271 RANGE TWENTY THREE (23) 1 Year or Years ION '" �t'-'a ' for wItiot Roo Tot Tans ars anI Pares) Ns. NAME OF OWNER Desori►Hm Sac. DsdiMWat ►IROy 10-00100-020-55 Albert & Cora Groth. Pt of SW i of SW 1 Corn W line 431.9 ft N of SW cor N 74D 58M E to pt 190.5 ft E of W line E 712 ft S 170.60 ft W 208.7 ft S 63.05 ft W 673.4 ft to Hgwy NW on Hgwy to Int W line Sec N on W line to beg. 5.080 Acres 1 1974 $ 172.60 10-00100-040-55 Clayton & Virginia Groth, W 208.'1 ft of E 626.1 ft of S 313.05 ft of SW V4ofSW 44 1.500 Acres 1 1974 52.46 Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Each Description When Paying These Taxes 10-00200-070-25 Thomas E Benson & Wife, E 170 ft of W 2054.37 ft N of Rd of NW 44 Ex N 358.96 Ft to State of Mn 2 1974 118.56 10-00400-040-50 George B & Elsie E Leitner, S 264 ft of N 1056ftofNW44ofSW'/48.000Acres 4 1974 105.61 10-00400-010-54 Geo B & Elsie E Leitner, S 8 A of NW 44 of SW t/4 being pt of govt lot 7 & pt Gov't lot 7 lying W of RR & lying in NE t/4 of SW 44 20.000 Acres 4 1974 422.45 10-00400-010-75 John M & Mary L Remick, W 330 ft of N 3 A of W 6 A of S 10 A of NE 44 of SE 44 1.250 Acres 4 1974 182.34 10-00700-010-76 Edwin S Elwell Jr et al, Pt L 1,2 & 3 beg 143.2 ft S & 772 ft E of mean Cor on S L Sec & W Bk Riv N 36D E 2592 ft to S Bk Riv NE on Riv to pt N 5D E from Pt 2862 ft N & 3371.3 ft E of Mean Cor S 5D W 75 ft to said pt S 34D 56M W 995 ft S 54D E 25 ft S 36D W 3272.99 ft N 54D W 25 ft S 36D 44M W 315 ft S 42D 27M W 289.20 Ft S 84D W 110 ft To S shore Riv NE on Shore to line Bear S 70D 55M W from pt of beg N 70D 55E 225 ft to beg 7 1974 359.54 10-01000-050-30 Harod W & Evelyn S Ude/Fee, Stanley & Ruth Finkelson C/P, E 218.2 ft of W 446.4 ft of S 199.63 ft of N 399.26 ft of SW 1/4 of NW 44 1.000 Acres 10 1974 614.06 10-01000-010-50 High Site Inc, High Site Center, Pt of W Vs of W 4s com at SW cor of SW '/4 of NW 1 N 116.5 ft E 253 ft S 166.5 ft W 253 ft N 50 ft to beg 1.000 Acres 10 1974 109.29 10-01300-010-51 Louis J Rechtzigel/Fee, Eagan Develop Co., S Vs of SW 44 less 3 A Hgwy & Ex com 1982 ft E of SW cor N 306 ft E 170_ it S 306 ft W 170 Ft to beg ex South Hills 1st Add 13 1974 6,127.77 10-01400-020-82 Raymond & Donna Bower/Fee, Robert G & JoAnn Mueller C/P, E 135 ft of W 1257 ft of S 645 ft of SW 44 of SE 1/4 dr. E 157 ft of W 1122 ft of N 277 ft of S 645 ft of SW 1/4 of SE 44 3.000 Acres 14 1974 138.24 10-01500-030-51 Donald D & G H Christenson, Pt of N 4z of SW 5 '4 Com 395.5 ft S of NW Cor S 630 Ft E 450 ft N 505 ft W 130 ft N 125 ft W 170 ft to beg Ex parcel 10-01500-020-51 15 1974 3,253.21 10-01800-080-79 Walter E White!!Fee, Robert & Geraldine Rondeau CIP, N 208.75 ft of S 417.5 ft of E 104.33 ft of W 208.7 ft of govt lot 7 .500 Acres 18 1974 161.72 10-01900-010-12 Victoria Helminiak, Pt of NE 1/4lying SW of St P & Shakopee Rd & W of line Com 998.13 ft E of c en sec NW 55D 34M 558.58 Ft to Cen St P & Shak Rd 5.000 Acres 19 1974 2,348.49 10-01900-010-53 Acorn Child Center Inc, N 85 Ft of S 385 Ft of E 275 ft of NE 'a of SW V4.540 Acres 19 1974 3,386.80 10-01900-020-53 Cedar Avenue Prop, N 100 Ft of S 300 Ft of E 275 ft of NE 1/s of SW V4.630 Acres . 19 1974 2,477.66 10-01900-010-57 Magnum Land Corp, Pt of SW V4 of SW 4a lying S of New STH #13 EX pt NW of Old STH #13 & Ex W 200 ft 19 1974 4,319.92 10-02000-010-51 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly CIP, S 1/s of SW 44 Ex Com SW cor E 589.20 Ft L•90D 578.61 ft L 61D 27M 48S 675.95 ft to A pt on 9' line 900 Ft N of beg S 900 ft to Beg Ex beg NW cor E on N line 688 ft S OD OM 02S E 1.17 ft N 89D 59M 58S E 60 Ft S OD OM 02S E 440 ft S 89D 59M 58S W 247.82 ft N 65D 39M 575 W 548.98 ft to W line N on W line 370.78 ft to beg 20 1974 18,270.89 10-02200-010-52 Terrance G & Susan L Sommer. W 1427.5 ftofS605ftofN 1401 ftofSW 1/4ExS 300 ft of E 726 ft there of 14.830 Acres 22 1974 3,377.79 10-02200-010-86 Raymond M Waymouth 91 Thomas J Rooney Ex, WVsofW'/sofSEV4ExN726 ft of E 300 Ft 35.000 Acres 22 1974 1,122.73 10-02400-010-77 Arrow Develop. Inc., Pt of E 4s of SE V4 ly- ing E of STH #3 24 1974 27.71 10-02500-030-25 Bert R & Fern L Eveland, W 50 Ft of E 149 Ft of N 440 Ft of N 1/2 of NW 1/4.170 Acres . 25 1974 13.14 10-02500-020-29 John H & Phyllis A Lemay, Pt of NW 44 com int S line & C/L Dodd Rd N C/L 492.77 Ft W of Rd Esmnt 1309 ft to Beg Cont on Rd Esmt 512.60 Ft S 16D 27M 21 S W 881.64 Ft Pt on S line 110 ft E of SW cor NE to pt of beg subj. to Esmnt • 5.000 Acres 25 1974 131.42 10-02600-020-53 Albert W & Karen J Carlson, W 300 Ft of S872ftofSE1/4ofSW44lying NofCen New Cliff Rdalso W 165ftofSE94ofSW 44 lying S of Ci L New Cliff Rd 4.930 Acres 26 1974 146.76 10-02700-010-27 Nancy M Andrews, W 300 Ft of E 917 Ft of N 580.5 ft of N Vs of NW 44 4.000 Acres 27 1974 328.67 (Continued to Page 3A) MARCH 20, 1975 DELINQUENT TAX LIST.. (Continued from Page 2D) 10-02700-010-50 Terry E & Sharon L Stover, Pt of S Y2 of N 4 of SW 1 Com NW cor E 419.76 ft to beg R 90D 120 ft L 118D 36M 38S 250.60 ft to N line W 220 ft to beg 27 1974 27.711 10-02700-020-50 Arnold Carlson & Rbt Tilsen, N 1 Rd of S Ys of NW Y4 Ex com NW cor E 419.76 ft to beg R 90D 16.50 ft L 90D 189.75 ft L 28D 36M 38S 34.46 ft to N line W 220 ft to Beg. 27 1974 7.3 91 10-02700-010-77 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, James M Fris- bee et al, W Yx of SE Y. Ex pt Plat as Oak Chase 1st Add & 2nd Add & 3rd Add 27 1974 2,710.71 10-02900-010-09 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly, II Pt of N 70 A of W V2 of NE 1/4 lying W of Tn Rd Ex Com Cen Rd 478.15 ft S of its int with N line Sec S on Rd 136 ft W 160 ft N 136 ft E 160 ft to beg 29 1974 606.71' 10-02900-010-12 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly, S 30 A of SW V4 of NE 1 Ex com int cen Tn Rd & N line E 426.2 ft S 220 ft W 423 ft to cen rd N on cen 220 ft to beg Ex com int Cen Tn Rd & S Line NE Y. N on Cen Rd 208.708 ft E 208.708 ft S 208.708 Ft to S line NE Y W 208.708 ft to beg. 26.910 Acres 29 1974 2,545.791 10-02900-010-26 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly C/P, W Ya of NW Y. Ex Com NE Cor W 402.07 Ft S 459.5 Ft E 402.07 ft N to beg 75.760 Acres 29 1974 20,198.75 10-02900-010-27 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly C/P, N 50 A of E Ys of NW Y4 Ex W 402.07 Ft of N 459.5 Ft 45.770 Acres 29 1974 11,541.52 10-02900-010-28 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly CIP, S 30 A of SE Y. of NW Y4 30.000 Acres 29 1974 6,983.08 10-02900-010-50 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly C/P, W Ys of SW Y4 80.000 Acres 29 1974 13,573.95 10-02900-010-51 Cliff Road Properties/Fee, Jack F Daly CIP, N 3 of E V2 of SW Y. Ex Com SE cor N 1346.2 ft L 88D 15M 765.35 ft to pt of Beg L 57D 03M 30S 213.8 ftR 90D 210 ft R 90D 300 Ft R 90D 210 ft R 90D 86.2 ft to pt of beg 58.560 Acres 29 1974 9,586.83' 10-02900-010-53 Allied Properties Inc/Fee, Cliff Road Ltd Partnership C/P, S Y. of E Ys of SW 1/4 20- 000 Acres 29 1974 643.01 10-03000-010-30 Thomas & Mary C Balkom, S 841.67 Ft of E1 of NW 1/4 25.510 Acres 30 1974 1,809.25 10-03400-020-76 Lynn D & Judith A Hansch, Pt of NW Y of SE S4 Com SW Cor NE Y. of SW Y4 N 365 Ft N 85D E 1476 Ft S 72 Ft to Pt of beg Cont S 135 Ft S 75D E.153.1 Ft N 152.69 Ft N 81D 34M W 149.5 Ft to Pt of Beg..480 Acres 34 1974 43.33 10-03600-020-27 Fred & Karoline Reinke/Fee. Cedric A & Norma J Kirchner C!P, Pt of SW Y. of NE Y4 Com NW cor S on W line 500 ft S 89D 43M 04S E 675.74 ft to beg cont S 89D 43M 04S E 179.43 ft S 33D 34M W 603.16 ft N 51D 47M 18S W 150.49 Ft N 33D 34M E 492.50 Ft to Beg Also S 343.5 ft of N 360 ft of SE Y. of NW Y4 lying E of C/L Dodd Rd 1.890 Acres 36 1974 53.68 10-03600-010-57 Rosemount Post No 9433 VFW, Pt of SE 3/4 of SWY4 com int S line & W R/W STH #3 W 415.45 ft R 103D 2M 403.55 Ft R 76D 35M 30S 410 Ft to R/W SW on R/W 406.3 ft to beg. 3.740 Acres 36 1974 131.42 10-01600-010-02 Walter Englert & Wife, NE Y4 of NE Y4 Ex Com NE Cor W 200 Ft S 460 Ft NE 208.16 Ft to Pt on E Line 400 Ft S of NE Cor N 400 Ft & Ex W 100FtofE300Ft of N 400 Ft to Beg. 37.110 Acres 16 1970 1,053.01 CITY OF EAGAN Total Tax w Forest No. NAME OF OWNFJI Dssorlptioo Let OIL Yea hastily 10.03800-010-03 Lake Area Develop Corp./Fee, John A Hat- field Sr. C/P, Auditors Subdivision No 38 Ex E 400 Ft of Lot 313.090 Acres 3 1974 2,359.40 10-13380-010-01 Eagan Develop. Co., Barringer 1st Addi- tion 1 1 1974 119.96 10-16400-110-00 Arnold A & Anna C Carlson, Carlson Acres Ex S 100 Ft of lot 11 1974 30.67 10-16701-190-08 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 2 Ex N 150 Ft of W 150 Ft 19 8 1974 1,632.73 10-16702-040-02 Dennis R & Sally Gunderson, Cedar Grove No. 3 All of 4 2 1974 444.66 10-16702-010-08 Victoria Helminiak, Cedar Grove No. 3 All of 1 8 1974 351.70 10-16702-220-08 Harry A Tierney & Wife/Fee, Wm L & Carol A Rose CIP, Cedar Grove No. 3 22 8 1974 212.43 10-16703-080-06 Michael T & Linda Sullivan, Cedar Grove No. 4 All of 8 6 1974 254.28 10-16703-120-06 Peace Reformed Church, Cedar Grove No. 4 ARof 12 6 1974 984.45 10-16704-020-12 Aimo A & Arlene Tervakoski, Cedar Grove No. 5 All of 2 12 1974 242.99 10-16706-180-02 Stephen J & Jean A Grandpre, Cedar Grove No. 7 All of ... 18 2 1974 204.72 Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Ea* I Description When Paying These Taxes 10-16707-210-06 Bernard J & Rebecca A Labbe, Cedar Grove No. 8 All of 10-16707-060-10 Mildred S & Terry Porter. Cedar No.8All of 10-16707-070-10 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No. 8 All of 10-16711-010-01 Steins Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 Allof 10-16711-020-01 Steins Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-030-01 Steins Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 10-16711-040-01 Steins Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-050-01 Steins Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-060-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-070-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10.16711-080-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-090-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allot 10-16711-100-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-110-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-120-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-130-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-140-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-150-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-160-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-170-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-180-01 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-010-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-020-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-030-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-040-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-050-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11All of 10-16711-060-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711-070-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-080-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No. 11 Allof 10-16711-090-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-100-02 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11All of 10-16711-010-03 Minn Wood Specialties Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-060-03 Minn Wood Specialties Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-070-03 Minn Wood Specialties Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-080-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No. 11 Allof 10-16711-090-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11All of 10-16711-100-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-110-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof 10-16711.120-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 All of 10-16711-130-03 Al Lindroth Masonry Const., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-140-03 Al Lindroth Masonry Const., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-150-03 Al Lindroth Masonry Const., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-160-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-170-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-180-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-190-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-200-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-210-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-220-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-230-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-240-03 M.P. Mortensen & Son Inc., Cedar Grove No. 11 All of 10-16711-250-03 Cedar Grove Const. Co., Cedar Grove No 11 Allof _ 10-18300-020-01 Sadie M Steiner Trustee, R J & Richard Steiner, Country Home Heights Allof 21 6 6 1974 741.44 10 1974 329.78 7 10 1974 370.72 1 1 1974 76.12 2 1 1974 76.12 3 1 1974 76.12 4 1 1974 76.12 5 1 1974 76.12 6 1 1974 76.12 7 1 1974 76.12 8 1 1974 65.68 9 l 1974 65.68 10 1 1974 65.68 11 1 1974 65.68 12 1 1974 65.68 13 1 1974 65.68 14 I 1974 65.68 15 1 1974 65.68 16 1 1974 65.68 17 1 1974 65.68 18 1 1974 65.68 1 2 1974 76.12 2 2 1974 76.12 3 2 1974 76.12 4 2 1974 76.12 5 2 1974 65.68 6 2 1974 65.68 7 2 1974 65.68 8 2 1974 65.68 9 2 1974 65.68 10 2 1974 65.68 1 3 1974 76.12 6 3 1974 76.12 7 3 1974 76.12 8 3 1974 76.12 9 3 1974 76.12 10 3 1974 76.12 11 3 1974 76.12 12 3 1974 76.12 13 3 1974 76.12 14 3 1974 76.12 15 3 1974 76.12 16 3 1974 65.68 17 3 1974 65.68 18 3 1974 65.68 19 3 1974 65.68 20 3 1974 65.68 21 3 1974 65.68 22 3 1974 65.68 23 3 1974 65.68 24 3 1974 65.68 25 3 1974 65.68 2 1 1974 580.95 DAKOTA COUI Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Each Description When Paying These Taxes 10-20960-010-00 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood Outlot A 1974 10-20960-020-00 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood Outlot B 1974 10-20960-040-00 Donald E & Claudia M Grant, Donnywood Outlot D 1974 4.07 10-20960-050-00 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood Outlot E 1974 4.07 10-20960-060-00 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood Park 6 1974 243.99 10-20960-010-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 1 1 1974 47.01 10-20960-020-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood AU of 2 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-030-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 3 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-050-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 5 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-060-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 6 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-070-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 7 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-080-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 8 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-110-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 11 1 1974 42.65. 10-20960-120-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 12 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-130-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 13 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-140-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 14 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-170-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 17 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-180-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 18 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-190-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 19 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-200-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 20 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-210-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 21 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-220-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 22 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-230-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 23 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-240-01 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 24 1 1974 42.65 10-20960-010-02 Robert S & Marlyn Holman, Donnywood All of 1 2 1974 42.65 10-20960-040-02 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 4 2 1974 42.65 10-20960-010-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 1 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-020-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of ' 2 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-030-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 3 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-080-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 8 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-100-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 10 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-110-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 11 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-120-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 12 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-130-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 13 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-140-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 14 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-150-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 15 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-160-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 16 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-170-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 17 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-180-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 18 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-190-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 19 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-200-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 20 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-230-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 23 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-240-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 24 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-250-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood A11 of 25 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-260-04 Creative Housing Inc.,-Donnywood All of 26 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-270-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 27 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-280.04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 28 4 1974 42.65 10-20960-290-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 29 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-300-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 30 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-310-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 31 4 1974 74.98 10-20960.320-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 32 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-330-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 33 4 1974 74.98 10-20960-340-04 Creative Housing Inc., Donnywood All of 34 4 1974 74.98. 10-27500-030-02 Rothschild DeveL Co. Inc., Fox Ridge Addition All of 3 2 1974 1,499.12 10-27500-040-02 Rothschild Development Co., Fox Ridge Addition All of 4 2 1974- 4,386.25 10-27500-010-03 Rothschild Development Co., Fox Ridge Addition All of 1 3 1974 3,281.77 1041300-122.01 Kapa Co., % Ken Applebaum, Robert Karatz Addition Ex S 350 Ft & Ex beg E line 350 Ft N of SE cor N 62.5 ft W 126.5 ft S 62.5 Ft E 126.5 ft to beg & S 824.40 ft of 12 1 1974 1,663.38 10-44350-050-00 James L Flinn & John Wieber, Lakewood Hills All of 5 1974 26.28 10-44901-011-03 Dennis L & Janet M Brlguet, Letendre 2nd Addition N 122 ft of lot 1 Blk 3 Ex pt lying NE of line Beg 15 ft N of NW cor SE to pt on W line E 30 ft 15 ft S of N line & Cont same Course to E line b3346-A Siegfrid J & Theresa LeTendre, Letendre 2nd Addition Ex N 122 Ft 1 3 1974 34.98 10-44901-022-03 Marren Inc./Fee, Thomas P Restad C/P, Letendre 2nd Addition S 122 ft Ex E 30 ft of 2 3 1974 428.00 10-45000-010-01 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 1 1 1974 337.26 10-45000-020-01 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 2 1 1974 320.67 10-45000-030-01 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 3 1 197f4 329.09 1045000-040-01 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 4 1 1974 287.92 1045000-010-02 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 1 2 1974 389.86 1045000-020-02 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 2 2 1974 307.39 1045000-010-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 1 3 1974 309.95 1045000-020-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 2 3 1974 325.65 1045000-030-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 3 3 1974 347.05 1045000.040-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of 4 3 1974 311.37 1045000-050-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 5 3 1974 289.72 10-45000-060-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 6 3 1974 335.41 10-45000-070-03 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 7 3 1974 351.79 10-45000-010-04 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 1 4 1974 294.75 10-45000-020-04 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 2 4 1974 300.29 1045000-030-04 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 3 4 1974 274.98 10-45000-040-04 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 4 4 1974 267.86 10-45000-050-04 Howard H Gelb, Lexington Addition All of . 5 4 1974 302.11 10-53500-010-06 James M Frisbee etal, Oak Chase 1st Addition All of 10-53501-020-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. C; P, Oak Chase 2nd Addi- 4.37 4.37. 1 3 1974 17.49 1 6 1974 739.71 VTY TRIBUNE 10-70790-010-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-020-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-030-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-040-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-050-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-060-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition AU of 10-70790-070-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-080-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-090-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-100-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-'10-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-120-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-130.02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-140-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-70790-150-02 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10-71200-010-00 Otto J Holz Jr & Wife, South Oaks Outlot 10-71200-080-01 Allen N Jr & Linda Webster, % Webster Co. Inc., South Oaks All of 10-71200-100-01 James R Boyd, South Oaks All of 10-71200-030-02 Glenn A & Karen R Koss, South Oaks All of 10-71200-030-03 Wallace L & Barbara L Olson, South Oaks All of 10-71200-040-05 Crown Builders Inc., South Oaks All of 10-73001-020-00 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition All of Outlot 10-73001-030-02 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-040-02 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-020-04 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-050-04 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-030-06 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-050-06 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-060-06 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-040-07 Stephen ,{ & Felice J Hayden, Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attribut- able to Common area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-050-07 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-080-07 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-030-08 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-040-09 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-030-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10.73001.040-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001.360-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-070-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-080-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-090-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-100-10 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-030-11 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-040-11 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 10-73001-010-12 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 1 2 1974 106.67 2 2 1974 106.67 3 2 1974 106.67 4 2 1974 106.67 5 2 1974 106.67 6 2 1974 106.67 7 2 1974 106.67 8 2 1974 106.67 9 2 1974 106.67 10 2 1974 106.67 11 2 1974 106.67 12 2 1974 106.67 13 2 1974 106.67 14 2 1974 106.67 15 2 1974 106.34 1 1974 92.00 8 1 1974 287.22 10 1 1974 92.00' 3 2 1974 92.00 3 3 1974 46.00 4 5 1974 46.00 B 1974 13.83 3 2 1974 322.63 4 2 1974 4.60 2 4 1974 322.63 5 4 1974 4.60 3 6 1974 4.60 5 6 1974 4.60 6 6 1974 322.63 4 7 1974 4.60 5 7 1974 4.60 8 7 1974 322.63 3 8 1974 4.60 4 9 1974 322.63 3 10 1974 4.6C 4 10 1974 322.63 6 10 1974 322.63 7 10 1974 322.63 8 10 1974 4.6C 9 10 1974 4.6C 10 10 1974 4.6C 3 11 1974 4.6C 4 11 1974 4.6C 1 12 1974 322.62 non All of 2 2 1974 124.00 10-53501-070-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. C/P, Oak Chase 2nd Addi- tion All of 7 2 1974 119.84 10-53502-010-01 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. C/P, Oak Chase Third Addi- tion All of 1 1 1974 129.35 10-53502-010-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. C/P, Oak Chase Third Addi- tion All of 1 2 1974 198.64 10-53502-020-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. CIP, Oak Chase Third Addi- tion All of 2 2 1974 198.64 10-53502-040-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. C/P, Oak Chase Third Addi- tion All of 4 2 1974 129.35 10-53502-070-02 Peter & Dorothy Jurek/Fee, Timberland Develop. Corp. CIP, Oak Chase Third Addi- tion All of F 2 1974 129.35 10-53502-080-02 Karl K & Jacquelyn Pedersen, Oak Chase Third Addition All of 8 2 1974 64.67 10-55300-191-04 James H Diffenderfer & Wife, Oslund Timberline Addition E 20 ft of 19 4 1974 8.74 10-55300-200-04 James H Diffenderfer & wife, Oslund Timberline Addition W 80 ft of 20 4 1974 170.58 10-57500-010-00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st Add. Outlot A 1974 885.88 10-57500-011-00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st Add. Outlot B 1974 111.59 10-57500-012-00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights lst Addition Outlot C 1974 157.71 10-57500-014.00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st Addition Outlot E 1974 124.79 10-57500-015-00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st. Addition Outlot F 1974 15.61 10-57500-010-01 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st. Add. Lying W of Outlot G & Ext. S of W line Outlot G & pt of 1 1 1974 7,219.93 10-57501-010-01 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 2nd Addition All of 1 1 1974 1,784.76 10-57500-010-02 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 1st. Add. All of 1 2 1974 2,221.33 10-57501-010-00 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 2nd. Add. Outlot A 1974 495.04 10.57501-010-02 Pilot Knob Prop., Pilot Knob Heights 2nd Addition All of 1 2 1974 5,156.28 10-68700-060-00 Viola C Witte/Fee, Kenneth Lehman C/P, Skovdale Addition S Vs of lot 6 1974 727.87 10-69200-030-00 Donald J & Rosalyn Anderson, Slaters Acres All of 3 1974 65.71 10-69200-040-00 Donald J & Rosalyn' Anderson, Slaters Acres All of 4 1974 65.71 10-69200-100-00 Bruce L & Judy G Thesenga, Slaters Acres Pt of Lot 9 lying NE of line Com 25 ft S of Most N Cor L 9 SE to most S cor lot 10 & all of 10 1974 10-70790-010-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 1 1 1974 10-70790-020-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 2 1 1974 10-70790-030-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 3 1 1974 10-70790-040-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 4 1 1974 10-70790-050-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 5 1 1974 10-70790-060-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 6 1 1974 10-70790-070-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 7 1 1974 995.20 106.27 106.67 106.67 106.67 106.67 106.67 106.67 Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Each Description When Paying These Taxes 10-70790-080-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 8 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-090-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 9 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-100-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 10 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-110-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 11 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-120-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 12 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-130-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 13 1 1974 120.52 10-70790-140-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 14 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-150-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of ' 15 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-160-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 16 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-170-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 17 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-200-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 20 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-210-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 21 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-220-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 22 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-230-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 23 1 1974 106.67 10-70790-240-01 Gold Medallion Corp., South Hills First Addition All of 24 1 1974 106.67 • Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Each Description When Paying These Taxes 10-73001-020-12 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 2 12 1974 322.6< 10-73001-030-12 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 3 12 1974 4 6( 10-73001-040-12 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 4 12 1974 4.6( 10-73001-020-13 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 2 13 1974 4.60 10-73001-030-13 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 3 13 1974 4.60 10-73001-010.14 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 1 14 1974 322.63 10-73001-020-14 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 2 14 1974 322.63 10-73001-040-14 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 4 14 1974 322.63 10-73001-010-15 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 1 15 1974 4.60 10-73001-020-15 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 2 15 1974 4.60 Yankee Doodle Co., Robert Karatz Addi- tion Com E Line 350 Ft N of SE Cor N 62.5 Ft W 126.5 Ft S 62.5 Ft E 126.5 Ft to Beg &Pt of 12 1 1974 21.85 10-73001-030-15 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 3 15 1974 4.60 10-73001-030-16 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of 3 16 1974 4.60 10-73001-050-16 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 5 16 1974 322.63 10-73001-070-16 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 7 16 1974 322.63 10-73001-010-17 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 1 17 1974 4.60 10-73001-010-18 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 1 18 1974 322.63 10-73001-020-20 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 2 20 1974 4.60 10-73001-030-20 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 3 20 1974 4.60 10-73001-010-21 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 1 21 1974 4.60 10-73001-020-22 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & all of 2 22 1974 4.60 10-73001-030-22 Gold Medallion Corp., Surrey Heights 2nd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of lot 6 Blk 4 & 3 22 1974 327.24 10-73002-010-03 John K & Rosalie S Avery, Surrey Heights 3rd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon Area known as Outlot A & all of lot 4 Blk2&alloflot8Blk2& 1 3 1974 34.56 10-76502-010-06 Donald J & Mary M Miech, Timbershore 3rd Addition Interest Attributable to Com- mon area known as Outlot A & B & all of 1 6 1974 506.58 10-76503-040-10 Jack W & Carolyn J Hosford, Timbershore Fourth Addition All of 4 10 1974 333.14 .0-77100-060-12 Gene & Luanne Theslof, Townview First Addition, interest Attributable to Com- mon Area Known as lot 1 Blk 21 & all of 6 12 1974 327.87 10-78200-180-04 Alvin T & Karlene J Lecocq, Twin View Manor All of Lots 17 & 18 4 1974 36.67 Frank J & Mary C Landy, Valley View Pla- teau All of 6 4 1974 78.68 10-81400-070-04 Wes P & Marjorie A Sankey, Valley View Plateau All of 7 4 1974 223.53 10-81400-020-05 Loren G & Terri Beakness, Valley View Plateau All of 2 5 1974 223.53 10-83590-010-02 Land Planning & Eng. Corp., Wescott Hills Ex Pt Platted Wescott Hill 3rd Add. All of 1 2 1974 2,276.92 Land Planning & Eng. Corp., Wescott Hills 3rd Add. All of 2 1 1974 1,183.98 Land Planning & Eng. Corp., Wescott Hills 3rd Add. All of 3 1 1974 1,183.98 10-83600-040-01 Land Planning & Eng. Corp., Wescott Hills 3rd Add. All of 4 1 1974 1,106.54 10-83600-050-01 Load Planning & Eng. Co., Wescott Hills 3rd :"dd. All of 5 1 1974 1,106.54 1041300-123-01 1 10-81400.060-04 10-83600-020-01 10-83600-030-01 PAGE 3D Add $1.00 Fee To Total Tax For Each Description When Paying These Taxes 10-84350-010-00 Arnold A & Anna C Carlson, Wilderness Run lst Addition Ex pt platted as Wilder- ness Run4thAdd ofOutlot A 1974 9.23 10-84350-050-01 Gregory J & Darlene Simmer, Wilderness Run 1st Addition Pt of Lot 5 Blk 1 Beg SW cor E on S line 220 ft N OD O1M 57S W 70 Ft to N line W 220 Ft S OD OIM 57S E 70 Ft to beg of 5 1 1974 841.84 10-84350-121.01 Arnold A & Anna C Carlson, Wilderness Run 1st. Addition Ex W 80 ft of 12 1 1974 43.81 10-84350-060-02 Paul R & Mary M Keller, Wilderness Run lst. Addition Beg SE cor Lot 2 Blk 2N69D02M07SE87.55FtNODOIM 57S W 15.96 Ft N 67D 07M 49S W 101.22 Ft to NE cor L 2 S 07D 34M 24S E on W line L 6 to beg & Pt of lot 6 2 1974 4.38 10-84350-061-02 Ronald & Carolyn Henderson, Wilder- ness Run 1st. Addition Beg SW cor N 07D 34M 24S W on W line to NE cor L 3 B 2 N 69D 02M 07S E 29.32 Ft S 23D 33M 41 S W 55.17 Ft to Beg & Pt of lot 6 2 1974 8.77 10-84350-062-02 Ronald & Carolyn Henderson, Wilder- ness Run 1st. Addition Beg SW cor N 89D 58M 03S E on S line 76.47 Ft to NE Cor L4B2NODO1M57SW 71.40 Ft S 69D 02M 07S W 58.23 Ft S 23D 33M 41S W 55.17 ft tobeg & Ptof Lot 6 2 1974 4.38 10-84350-063-02 Bill S Jr & Lana S McKay, Wilderness Run 1st. Addition Beg SE cor S 89D 58M 03S W on S line 78.04 Ft to NE Cor L 4 B 2 N OD 01M 57S W 87.36 Ft S 67D 07M 49S E 82.09 Ft to E line L 6 S on E line to Beg & Pt of lot 6 2 1974 4.38 10-84350-064-02 Arnold A & Anna C Carlson, Wilderness Run 1st. Addition Lying N of line Beg NE cor lot 2 Bik 2 S 67D 07M 49S E to E line lot 6 & there Term & pt of 6 2 1974 33.90 10-84351-020-01 William R & Sara L Renwick, Wilderness Run 2nd Addition All of 2 1 1974 26.29 10-84352-050-01 Irmelee Const. Inc., Wilderness Run 3rd. Addition All of 5 1 1974 13.14 10-84352-130-01 Irmelee Const. Inc., Wilderness Run 3rd Addition All of 13 1 1974 13.14 10-84352-160-01 Thomas J Hoffman, Wilderness Run 3rd Addition All of 16 1 1974 51.42 10-88800-160-00 Donald B & Susan Taylor, Zehnder Acres All of 16 1974 771.66 ko-k_ E4 1 -i too nno-Ch 2_0 , tc3rA. PAGE 10B How Disparities Law Changes Tax Levies HASTINGS -- Figures compiled by the Dakota County auditor's office show how implementation of the Fiscal Disparities Law changes taxes that will be payable in 1975. The changes are shown for homes valued at $18,000, $24,000 and $30,000. Inver Grove Heights leads the increase, with taxpayers paying $17.38 more on an $18,000 home, an increase of $25.12 on a $24,000 home, and a $57.83 increase on a $30,000 home. Mendota residents have the next highest increase, paying $7.29 more on an $18,000 home, $19.27 on a $24,000 home and $25.19 on a $30,000 home. Eagan and Burnsville taxpayers have the next highest increases. New Trier and South St. Paul homeowners have the largest reductions in taxes. Municipality School 18,000 24,000 30,000 District Home Home Home Apple Valley 196 +$2.38 +$6.39 +$8.37 Burnsville 191 + 6.15 +15.21 + 19.89' Castle Rock Twp 192 - 1.67 - 2.42 - 5.71 Coates 196 + 2.54 + 3.66 + 8.98 Douglas Twp 200 - 2.98 - 4.49 -10.09 Eagan 197 + 6.20 + 8.96 +20.51 Empire Twp 192 - 1.72 - 2.50 - 5.91 Eureka Twp 194 + 5.77 + 8.35 +19.89 Farmington 192 + 8.80 - 6.79 - 8 87 Greenvale Twp 659 + .43 + 1.25 + 1.63 Hampton Twp 195 - 2.21 - 3.20 - 7.45 Hampton City 200 - 7.13 -10.31 -19.17 Hastings 200 - 5.73 -15.91 -20.81 Inver Grove Heights 199 +17.38 +25.12 +57.83 Lakeville 194 + 6.86 +18.10 +23.66 Lilydale 197 + 5.35 + 14.20 + 18.56 Marshan Twp 200 - 2.81 - 4.06 - 9.48 Mendota 197 + 7.29 +19.27 +25.19 Mendota Heights 197 + 5.24 +13.81 +18.05 Miesville 200 - 2.37 - 3.43 - 7.11 New Trier 200 -16.15 -23.32 -55.18 Nininger Twp 200 - 2.80 - 3.05 - 5.31 Randolph Twp 195 - 1.99 - 2.89 - 6.73 Randolph City 195 - 3.73 - 5.38 -12.75 Ravenna Twp 200 - 2.92 - 4.21 - 5.51 Rosemount 196 + 2.91 + 7.72 +10.10 Sciota Twp 195 - 2.15 - 3.11 - 7.25 So. St. Paul 6 -11.18 -27.14 -35.50 Sunfish Lake 197 + 4.64 + 6.71 +16.12 Vermillion Twp 200 - 3.03 - 4.37 -10.20 Vermillion City 200 - 4.11 - 5.93 -13.87 Waterford Twp 659 + .38 + 1.17 + 1.53 West St. Paul 197 + 5.08 +13.18 +17.24 $1 Million Eagan Bond Sale To Be July 1 ,-; By MARILEE MOERSCHEL Staff Writer EAGAN -- City bonds in the total amount of $1,035,000 will be sold July 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan City Hall. Authorization for the sale of the 15-year bonds was given by the Eagan city council at its June 3 meeting. City clerk, Alyce Bolke, told that council that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission had paid. in full, as- sessments -against the Seneca Plant in the neighborhood of $90,000. In business before the council, a variance was granted to Rauenhorst Corp. and U.S. Warehouse Co. to build additional warehouse space onto the exist- ing building. A restriction was made that a conditional use permit be required for any other use in the future. A represen- tative from the company ex- plained that the addition would be used for excess inventory and wouldn't change the number of company employees. A bid for a police car was awarded to Wilroy Ford. 'Police Chief Martin DesLauriers asked the council to consider the problem of parking near the fire station when the ball park is in use. A motion to have the matter discussed by the city engineer and park board was passed. In further action the council: GAVE APPROVAL to install sewer. water and storm sewers in the Barton-McGray develop- ment as well as approving an ex- cavation permit, subject to the engineer's approval. HELD FIVE assessment hear- ings and gave its approval to go ahead with the work involved. GAVE ,PLAT approval of the Bicentennial Shopping Center. subject to the approval of the location of roads connected to the center. DENIED a sign permit asked for by John Dwyer. The motion to c�eny was by Councilman James Smith. The problem of zoning in the Cedar Grove area, which was planned as a shopping center by Jean Parranto, has not be re- solved, according to council members. Councilman William Rydrych suggested that Parranto be 'contacted concerning his plans for the area. APPROVED Councilman Rydrych's motion to authorize the clerk to notify Kirchner Construction Co. that no more building permits would be issued in Saddlehorn Addition until the sewage problem in the area is re- solved. The action came as a re- sult of the appearance several weeks ago of homeowners in the area who asked for sewers to the area to relieve their problems of waste disposal. CONSIDERED the proposal for dedication for commercial and industrial property, but made no decision in the matter. City engineer, Robert Rosene, said he felt it should be done at the time of platting. Park com- mittee chairman, Barbara Schmidt, said a policy from the council was needed. She said that the city won't ever be able to purchase a' i the land needed for the trail sy. c;n. and can only get it by c' ':;n. Rydrych . . nesses are asked for property for a park complex, the city will be obliged to supply it. Mayor Herbert Polzin added that a firm might expect something from the city for the large amount of taxes they pay. The question had also come before the planning com- mission at a recent meeting. The council also: GAVE APPROVAL to sign an agreement for the joint use of election equipment, an electronic ballot counter. with Apple Valley and Rosemount. Inver Grove Heights and Mendota Hgights are also consideving using the machine. APPROVED A motion to offer Utley -James Inc. $5,000 for an all , steel building the company has had for sale and one the council has been discussing the possible use of for some time. APPROVED A motion to allow Rosene to make up preliminary sketches of an addition to city hall, an idea also under long- term discussion. GAVE APPROVAL to build sidewalks in the area of Rahn Road and the Metcalf Junior High. School. DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE MAY 20, 1976 DAKOTA COUNTY TRIBUNE SECTION D County Municipalities, School Districts Have $220 Million In Outstanding Bonds COUNTY AUDITOR S REPORT OF OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS OF THE GOVERNMENTAL UNITS IN DAKOTA COUNTY cities fipple Valley Burnsville Eagan Farmington Hampton Hastings Inver Grove Hts. Lakeville Lilydale Mendota Heights New Trier Rosemount South St. Paul Vermillion West St. Paul Bonds Outstanding Jan. 1.1975 $10,708,000.00 21,470,000.00 17,579,000,00 2,458,000.00 58,000.00 5,822,000.00 10,236,000.00 3,095,000.00 365,000,00 7,675,000.00 20,000,00 3,009,500.00 8,165,000.00 110,000.00 8,485,000.00 Sub Total $99,255,500.00 Bonds Issued during 1975 $3,617,000.00 5,045,000.00 1,087,000.00 1,150,000.00 - 0- 280,000.00 605,000.00 5,090,000.00 - 0- 1,585,000.00 - 0- 655,000.00 1,280,000.00 - 0- 1,080,000.00 $21,474,000.00 Bonds Paid during 1975 $ 963,000.00 3,390,000.00 1,143,000.00 205,000.00 10,000.00 417,000.00 710,000.00 170,000.00 15,000.00 765,000.00 4,000.00 502,500,00 485,000.00 5,000.00 755,000.00 $9,539,500.00 Total Bonds Outstanding Dec. 31, 1975 $ 13,362,000.00 23,125,000.00 17,523,000.00 3,403,000.00 48,000.00 5,685,000.00 10,131,000.00 8,015,000.00 350,000.00 8,495,000.00 16,000.00 3,162,000.00 8,960,000.00 105,000.00 8,810,000.00 $111,190,000.00 School Districts # 6 (So.St. Paul) # 191 (Burnsville ) # 192 (Farmington) # 194 (Lakeville) # 195 (R,ndolph) # 196 (Rosemount) # 197 (West St.Paul) # 199 (Inver Grove ) # 200 (Hastings ) # 252 (Cannon Falls) # 659 (Northfield) # 917 (Voc. Tech) Bonds Outstanding Jan.1, 1975 $ 8,305,000.00 21,115,000.00 4,620,000.00 7,630,000.00 1,223,049.31 20,138,000.00 13,500,000.00 7,518,000.00 8,715,000.00 2,665,000.00 4,825,000.00 6,430,000.00 Bonds Issued during 1975 -0- - 0- -0- - 0- - 0- $5,785,000.00 -0- -0- -0- - 0- -0- - 0- Sub Total $106,684,049.31 5,785,000.00 Empire Township 240,000.00 580,000,00 Sciota Twp -0- 17,500.00 Metro Transit 14,300,000.00 -0- Metro Council 190,321,000.00 53,970,000.00 Grand Totals $410,800,549.31 $81,826,500.00 HASTINGS -- Dakota County municipalities and school dis- tricts issued $27,856,500 in bonds during 1975, according to figures compiled by Carl Onischuk, county auditor. During the year, payments on previously-issqed bonds totaled $14,069,389.57. The total of outstanding bonds at the end ot Bonds Paid during 1975 $460,000.00 790,000.00 150,000.00 175,000.00 64,889.57 658,000.00 870,000.00 377,000.00 340,000.00 100,000.00- 225,000.00 320,000.00 4,529,889.57 -0- -0- 2,200,000.00 5,545,000.00 $21,814.389.57 Total Bonds Outstanding Dec. 31, 1975 $ 7,845,000.00 20,325,000.00 4,470,000.00 7,455,000.00 1,158,159.74 25,265,000.00 12,630,000.00 7,141,000.00 8,375,000.00 2,565,000.00 4,600,000.00 6,110,000.00 $107,939,159.74 820,000.00 17,500.00 12,100,000.00 238,746,000.00 $470,812,659.74 � ZJIZ,..C-e�) aZc .v f �� t Carl D. Onischuk, Dakota County Auditor the year was $219,966,659.74. In addition, there are $250,846,000 of metropolitan bonds outstanding in the , seven -county area. (Mane ot the school districts extend out- side of Dakota County.) County's Losses, Gains From Fiscal Disparities Law 'h Contribution Y2 Distribution Net Effect DAKOTA COUNTY 293,461.96 151,816.29 - 141,645.67 MUNICIPALITIES: Apple Valley 8,178.64 10,554.88 + 2,376.24 Burnsville 50,215.80 17,579.08 - 32,636.72 Castle Rock 45.82 103.97 + 58.15 Coates 99.68 131.89 + 32.21 Douglas .49 118.58 + 118.09 Eagan 38,663.81 5,790.67 - 32,873.14 Empire . 232.83 170.70 - 62.13 Eureka 0 107.92 + 107.92 Farmington 3,231.55 8,224.95 + 4,993.40 Greenvale 0 63.99 + 63.99 Hampton Twp 68.22 112.06 + 43.84 Hampton City 471.36 479.19 + 7.$3 Hastings 8,209.33 22,262.11 + 14,052.78 Inver Grove Heights 51,453.69 11,193.17 - 40,260.52 Lakeville 16,574.97 8,920.98 - 7,653.99 Lilydale 727.06 59.87 - 667.19 Marshan 322.21 459.16 + 136.95 Mendota Heights 7,128.10 2,978.08 - 4,150.02 Mendota 583.76 246.45 - 337.31 Miesville 75.00 49.71 - 25.29 New Trier 0 252.33 + 252.33 Nininger 37.26 108.17 + 70.91 Randolph Twp 29.48 41.00 + 11.52 Randolph City 40.93 482.66 + 441.73 Ravenna 8.31 154.06 + 145.75 Rosemount 5,084.15 3,402.17 - 1,681.98 Sciota 0 28.87 + 28.87 South St. Paul 0 31,279.70 + 31,279.70 Sunfish Lake 0 42.92 + 42.92 Vermillion Twp 48.91 258.89 + 209.98 Vermillion City 37.50 180.63 + 143.13 Waterford 23.81 60.67 + 36.86 West St. Paul 24,753.05 17,363.17 - 7,389.88 SCHOOL DISTRICTS: School District #6 0 91,695.90 + 91,695.90 School District # 191 186,272.31 65,229.71 -121,042.60 School District # 192 10,702.34 20,688.13 + 9,985.79 School District #194 58,478.69 22,191.01 - 36,287.68 School District #195 996.90 4,467.55 + 3,470.65 School District # 196 152,710.98 88,242.31 - 64,468.67 School District # 197 241,851.72 67,450.26 -174,401.46 School District # 199 141,864.24 38,619.61 -103,244.63 School District #200 21,855.17 57,804.35 + 35,949.18 School District #252 3.11 314.38 + 311.27 School District #659 1,141.03 3,582.15 + 2,441.12 School District #917 40,131.49 21,355.14 -. 18,776.35 SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Metro Council 6,938.10 3,717.90 - 3,220.20 Mosquito Abatement 2,652.13 1,423.87 - 1,228.26 Watershed 1,291.67 54.26 - 1,237.41 Transit Authority 20,517.87 12,040.65 - 8,477.22 TOTALS 1,397,215.43 793,956.12 603,259.31 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor Hastings, Minn. 55033 E 1 t E v E PRESS RELEASE 1979 BUDGET According to Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator, the Eagan City Council approved the 1979 budget which includes all revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, and Special Auxiliary Fund. The General Fund budget approved by the City Council totaled $1,761,338. The budget was originally proposed at approximately $2,000,000, however, it was necessary to cut approximately $250,000 to balance the budget. Approximately 54% of all revenues collected for the General Government Fund are a direct result of property taxes which were certified in October, 1978 for collection in 1979. General Property taxes were increased by approximately $240,000, however, because of an increase in assessed valuation, the per capita increase is approximately $4. There were many other considerations included in the 1979 Budget which relate to general increases by departments for operations in maintenance and consideration for new equipment purchases, to create more effective and efficient services for the community. PRESS RELEASE 1978 BUDGET The Eagan City Council approved the 1978 Budget which includes all revenues and exper}ditures for the General Fund, Utility Fund and Special Auxiliary Fund. The General Fund budget approved by the City Council totaled $1,425,017. The Utility Fund is $934,935. The Budget was originally proposed at $1,753,046, however, it was necessary to cut approximately $328,000 to balance the budget. Approximately 49% of all revenues collected for the General Government Fund are a direct result of property taxes which were certified in October, 1977 for collection in 1978. The mill rate was held down to approximately a .2 - .3 of one mill increase which caused the necessity for budget cuts. Included in the 1978 Budget is the full time position of a Civil Engineer to direct the Public Works Department. There were many other considerations included in the 1978 Budget which relate to general increases by departments for operations in maintenance and consideration for new equipment purchases. ######### NEWS ITEM Proposed Use Hearing -- The City Council of the City of Eagan will hold a proposed use hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing Funds according to federal law at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 1978 in the Eagan City Ha11,3795 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN The purpose of the hearing is to review for the City of Eagan citizens the City of Eagan's allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Said allocation has been designated to be used for the construction of a new police building. DATED: September 14, 1978 City of Eagan Alyce Bolke, City Clerk PRESS RELEASE The Eagan City Council set the 1977 payable 1978 mill levy at the last regular meeting of the City Council that was held on October 4, 1977. The total mill levy for 1978 is $1,043,388 which is compared to the 1977 levy in the amount of $938,753. This represents an increase in the general levy of $58,533, these revenues are applied to the operation of General Government, Police, Fire, Inspection, Public Works, Parks and other departments. The special levy was increased by $46,102, which is used to retire bonded indebtedness and supplement the General Fund with additional revenue for the Volunteer Fireman's Relief Association, civil defense sirens and shade tree disease control. The 1977 budget is $1,130,202 and the request for manpower and equipment and new programs in addition to inflationary increases projected for 1978, resulted in the 1978 Budget to be originally projected at $1,753,046. However, after examining the impact on taxes and project revenues, the City Council cut the budget by $329,560 during the past two months. Therefore, the General Government Fund Budget proposed for 1978 is $1,423,486. Included as a part of the proposed 1978 budget is the hiring of a full time City Engineer and City Planner. The full time City Engineer will be given a title of Public Works Director and general responsibiliti e; will consist of directing all street and utility maintenance and planning new construction with the assistance of a consulting engineering firm. Three civil defense sirens will be purchased with federal assesstance. Considerations have been made by the City Council to join the Minnesota League of Municipalities. Requests by Departments for additional manpower and equipment was generally cut back by the City Council. The Shade Tree Disease Program will be increased in 1978 due to State funding that is anticipated. Eagan City Council certifies $12.6 million tax levy • Development allows tax rate to re- main unchanged from 1995. By Sue Hegarty Staff Writer 9liVf Eagan residents won't be able to blame city officials if they receive proposed tax increases on their November Truth in Taxation notices. Eagan's City Council froze taxes at 1995 levels when it certified its proposed 1996 tax levy and city budget Sept. 5. The proposed $12.6 million levy could be decreased, but not increased, when the council gives final approval Dec. 19. The city is able to offer more bang for the same buck because new development has added revenue to city tax rolls. Even before new buildings are built, new con- struction fees and permits account for a large portion of city revenue. City Administrator Tom Hedges cau- tioned the council not to rely too heavily on non -tax revenue when setting next year's $15 million budget. "There's becoming more reliance on property tax as a revenue source because we won't always have the rapid growth," Hedges said. By the year 2000 the city's reliance on property taxes for funding will increase by 8 percent, according to staff projections. Non -tax revenue sources already are decreasing in some areas, such as state aid and some city licensing and permit re- quirements. For example, animal licens- ing has dropped from every year to every other year. The city's budget is expected to in- crease by $787,000 next year. New budget items proposed for 1996 include: • An estimated $100,000 maintenance bill for the new police facility and ex- panded city offices. • Full year salaries for two police offi- cers who were added midyear in 1995, • A part-time clerical position and dis- patcher for the Police Department, • Insurance for the mayor and City Council jumped $11,000 over last year, • 1996 is an election year. The estimat- ed cost for three elections — primary, gen- eral and a parks referendum — is $51,000. No decision has been made on whether there will be a parks referendum. • Additional seasonal parks staff to meet the rise in recreation programs. The City Council may change line -item budget allocations, provided the change does not increase the overall levy. A hear- ing will be scheduled in December for res- idents who may have concerns or ques- tions about the proposed tax levy. Dakota County will use the proposed $12.6 million levy amount to issue prop- erty -specific truth -in -taxation state- ments to property owners. Notices are ex- pected to be mailed in mid -November, prior to the Dec. 5 public hearing PRESS RELEASE The City of Eagan recently sold general obligation improvements bonds in the amount of $975,000 and equipment certificates of indebtedness in the amount of $183,000. Both bonds were purchased by the First National Bank of Minneapolis at an interest rate of 4.8882% and 4.3457% respectively. According to the Eagan City Administrator, Tom Hedges, the City Council authorized a Moody's rating to determine a bond rating for the City of Eagan prior to the bond sale. Because of the increased valuation caused by commercial and residential development and the adoption of a formalized operating budget in the last year by the Eagan City Council, the City of Eagan was given an "A" bond rating which is an increase from a "B-aa" rating. According to Hedges, the new rate is saving the City of Eagan approximately $24,500 on the aforementioned bond sale. The GO bonds are paid off by the collection of special assessments for utility and street improvements. Equipment certificates cover the cost of the new 80' aerial truck and maintenance equipment to be used in the Public Works Department. ### //-77 PRESS RELEASE In official action that was taken by the Eagan City Council on Tuesday, December 20, 1977, salary increases for 1978 were approved. All positions were given a percentage increase ranging from 6.2% to approximately 16%. The City Administrator's monthly salary was increased from $2,140 to $2,350 while other salaries were as follows: City Clerk -Treasurer $1,400 ($1 285), Chief of Police $2,025 ($1,833), Assistant Chief of Police $1,880 ($1,770), Superintendent of Public Works $1 676 ($1,552), Parks sewer and water and street foremen all to receive $1,275 (1,150 - 1,177), Building Inspector $1,475 ($1.359). The City Accountant was increased to $1,275 ($1,200), while Account Clerk I is $810 ($708 -728), Account Clerk II $890 (792) and Secretary I $725 ($625). The Police Office Manager was set at $915 (840). Aria \p/Abm, /999 agan council accepts 1998 financial report By SARA THOMALLA-BLOOD ernm 1 t 1pfunds, • ent from program Eagan City Council members income and other sources, voted unanimously June 15 to • 8 percent from charges for accept and receive the city's city servies,and from licenses and Dec. 31, 1998, comprehensive • 6 pcnt annual financial report. Repre- permit fees. sentatives from the auditing Hinnenkamp said the city's firm of Kern, DeWenter, Viere revenue is "very consistent Ltd., were on hand to give an from year to year," thanks to overview of the report. federal emergency revenue re- KDV partner David Hin- ceived for the storm cleanup. nenkamp reported that the city "Building permits are not has a fund balance of slightly curtailing. There is still quite a more than $10.7 million, up bit of development in the city from $8.2 million in 1997. of Eagan," he said. City Finance Director Gene General fund expenditures VanOverbeke said in an inter amounted to slightly more than. view the fund balance is cumu- $16.3 million. The break -down lative from previous years' in expenditures is: fund balances, and the money • 42.6 is used to pay month -to -month safety, bills when the city has not re- • 21.5 ceived property -tax payments. He also said the fund balance can be viewed as a savings account where funds can be used for emergencies, such as the May 1998 storms, and for nonbudgeted spending ap- proved by the council. VanOverbeke said those funds were also used in 1998 for long-term debt service and in the city's equipment revolv- ing fund. General fund revenue amounted to slightly less than $18.86 million. The revenue break -down is: • 16 percent taxes, • 16 percent from property from intergov- percent for public percent for general government, • 17.5 percent for public works, • 15.3 percent for parks and recreation, and • 3.1 percent for government buildings and other items. Because revenue exceeds expenditures by more than $2.5 million dollars, resident Joseph Beri asked how those funds were used. Hinnenkamp and VanOver- beke said those funds are used for fees and for investments. Hinnenkamp concluded by saying the city is sound in its financial condition, and while tax capacities are decreasing, market values are rising. a co 0 C CD &9 tcI a d crq 3-3o 0 m p o p� � p o Do ap Cr 6ri ,.wc� a fiGF, a iP� a'0 p;bpom N p O0 ' m aq p o Ow .p ►tp p'allo a•p a'G m p"� tt8pG e•.O p Gaq so o 6�a2 o pp• Eo ►ti • craw o m or w° p CD +'-'-,-,-.....,,,...,a, ID . CD pet e woCDHep, p<'" wGM . w "*t w I--, a o co . aq p' o _.. —vi • a. w �.. pwWp aq h CDCw. e. 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CD �CD acyn H C o 4q C nm OnawA W? m�Darn� ���w,P° O�kg1°c'rNo'qE- rD -,- 0 CD CD M er �Cn 0 CD0' C 3 0 O' -< 0 n 0 Cr Ea er i�� CD •rcit,+G A �.� m ��� eC tt aq , as ZM H w Oc 5 - 5-Cr - y fCDn '� 'O't A CD ew. c a O w ar w a• cD' zT' m .3 �*`pta p rq oa4 a:c,D, : o o w `' e* m a? A a aq cD 'd ?,.�@mM�yaae. O om m� �co'o CD �. so T/�� ���oa��cw a w Y cC O CD 'ram' CD P '' 't Sum 01-I'4-Zuib immunity,With the Community, For the Community )m s a )ut- get Lem gan tool dis- tors Ugh Tire, dis- ;ses the rom ll 18 iE 14 ;:k Y, SPORTS Wildcat hockey still leads Lake race PAGE 18 GRANT BOELTER • SUN NEWSPAPERS Susan Smart gets in her daily workout at the Eagan Community Center Jan. 7. Smart has lost 25 pounds and brought her cholesterol to healthy levels since she started challenging herself to be healthier eight months ago. Budgets aren't the only slimming at city of Eagan Program helps employee find fitness success GRANT BOELTER • SUN NEWSPAPERS Susan Smart used to fear stepping on a bathroom scale. Now she considers the • scale and other numbers her friends. The breakthrough for Smart, a cleri- cal worker in the Eagan Police Department, was when she begrudging- ly submitted to a body -mass index (BMI) reading during the city's annual well- ness fair for workers. WELLNESS: TO PAGE 12 Wellness FROM PAGE 1 `A year ago, Marshall [Grange, Eagan Community Center Fitness Coordinator] brought out that scale," said Smart, 53. "I knew I was overweight and I needed to get a handle on that." Smart's reading came back at 39, which put her in the obese category. Now, having shed 25 pounds, she's moved to a 28, which puts her in the overweight category. - Normal weight would be a BMI read- ing of 18.5 to 24.9, and Smart will likely find herself there as she continues to move forward with her efforts. While she has been working out regularly for the past three years, she went on a Weight Watchers program in May and has noticed that everything has started to come together. She's seen her HDL, or good. cholesterol, read- ings go from 45 to 60, reducing her risk for heart disease. "Ignorance, they say, is bliss, but I really don't think it is," said Smart. "I'm not afraid to step on the scale. I feel better. I have more energy." Through it's annual wellness fair, the city encourages employees to test high blood pressure, cholesterol and body - mass index. Readings from the first two events point in the right direction. Thirty- two percent of employees tested at the first event in 2007 had high blood pres- sure. The . next year the number dropped to 12 percent. The numbers for those who had high cholesterol stayed near the 12 percent mark in both years. The numbers for 2009 are being tallied. Data- collected at the health fair is confidential — the city sees only aggre- gate numbers, not those of each employ- ee. City Administrator Tom Hedges said the wellness fair is one of the ways the city looks to encourage employee health. The benefits to the city include both more engaged and happy employees, as well as the possibility of keeping the city's health premiums in check. The city weighed the cost of adminis- tering the program with potential sav- ings and takes precautions against push- ing employees into participating. "We have to balance why we're here Vtsit tti$Itatom for videos, more photos and daily news updates SUN WELLNESS: TO NEXT PAGE City Council prepares 1998 budget, tax levy By Sue Hegarty Staff Writer More police protection and getting street repairs back on schedule are viewed by Eagan officials as major priorities for the 1998 city budget. Eagan's City Council was ex- pected to certify the proposed $16.5 million 1998 tax levy at its Sept. 2 meeting (after this issue went to press). Certification must be made on or before Sept. 15. After the proposed levy is cer- tified, the county will send resi- dents an estimate of what their property taxes will be in 1998, assuming all taxing authorities levy their proposed amounts. Notices will be mailed to proper- ty owners in November. Resi- dents will have an opportunity to voice their concerns during separate Truth in Taxation hearings for the school districts, county and city. City Administrator Tom Hedges has proposed that the city's hearing be scheduled for Dec. 3. A final property tax levy will then be adopted by the coun- cil on Dec. 16. The final levy can be less than, but not more than the original certification amount. COUNCIL: To Page 10A Council: 3.8 percent increase recommended From Page 1A At an Aug. 26 work session, Hedges outlined the upcoming year's issues and presented his recommendation to the council. The recommended levy was proposed at the maximum that is al- lowed under the state's imposed levy limits. Hedges was asking for a general fund budget increase of 3.8 percent (or $607,900), which included a $50,200 in- crease to the city's contingency fund. The contingency account is undesignat- ed funds. It's used for unforeseen ex- penses, such as liability payments. The council told Hedges to withdraw the con- tingency fund addition and to subtract it from the proposed tax levy. That would reduce the budget increase to 3.6 per- cent, he said. In the previous three years, budget in- creases have been more than 5 percent. The proposed 3.6 percent increase in 1998 incorporates added police protec- tion and maintains services at their cur- rent levels, taking into account city growth. "The spending is for the community," Hedges said. "The contingency is so if we get into a budget shortfall during the year, we don't have to take services away." Personnel accounts for 72 percent of the city's budget. Hedges proposed that two vacant positions be eliminated and that three Police Department positions — two police officers and one detective — and a Management Information Ser- vices (MIS) intern be added to the pay- roll. Council members asked him to drop one of the police positions and to reallo- cate the money to the streets depart- ment. Hedges recommended allocating $100,000 to the major street fund in order to address street maintenance, re- pair and replacement costs. The city is currently behind in its five-year street maintenance plan, said Public Works Di- rector Tom Colbert. Councilmember Bea Blomquist also viewed street maintenance as a top pri- ority. She used her own street as an ex- ample of overdue repairs. "We're going too slow. It's going to get ahead of us. I'm not advocating raising taxes, so we're going to have to reallocate taxes in my view," Blomquist said during the work session. In addition, the state Supreme Court recently ruled that one method the city had for funding street projects, the road unit charge, is an illegal tax and must be stopped. Another recent action, this one passed by the state Legislature, changed the formula for calculating in- dividual property taxes, affecting the city's overall tax capacity. The net ef- fect, said city Finance Director Gene VanOverbeke, is that while the city's market value went up slightly, its tax capacity went down 1.4 percent. Resi- dents with property valued at more than $80,000 should see a decrease on the city portion of their tax bill, assum- ing their property value remained un- changed from year to year. The higher the value of the property, the larger the savings. On the contrary, those with property values lower than $80,000 could pay more taxes, VanOverbeke said. However, in Eagan it's rare for prop- erty values to remain stagnant. "If your taxes are increasing, many times it's because the value of your home is going up. That is not a tax spending decision," VanOverbeke said. School and county taxes are sepa- rate line item estimates on proposed' tax statements. Notices will be mailed to property owners between Nov. 10- 24. Proposed '98 tax levy set by City Council Eagan's City Council set the 1998 estimat- ed budget at $16,461,800, which represents a 3.2 percent increase over this year's budget. The proposed increase is the smallest in several years. Since 1995, budget increases have totaled more than 5 percent each year over the previous year's budgets. Emphasis next year will be placed on im- proving city street conditions and adding more police officers. The preliminary tax levy, which had to be submitted to Dakota County prior to Sept. 16, is more than $50,000 below the state - mandated levy limit. The county will notify residents in No- vember of what their estimated property taxes will be in 1998 based on the prelimi- nary levy amounts submitted by city, coun- ty and school district budgets. Residents will be able to address specific issues regarding the city portion of their pro- posed tax bill during a Truth in Taxation hearing scheduled for Dec. 3. The City Coun- cil would then be expected to pass the final tax levy at its Dec. 16 meeting. The final levy can be less than, but not more than the original certification amount. Vc1odo142_ It1(08 - lq 11 sgetutie UPC 10330 No. 153L HASTINGS, MN Taxes On Homes Show Wide Variation CITY Apple Valley - 191 Apple Valley - 196 Burnsville - 191 Burnsville - 191WD Burnsville - 194 Burnsville - 196 Castle Rock - 192 Castle Rock - 195 Castle Rock - 659 Coates - 196 Douglas - 195 Douglas - 200 Douglas - 252 Eagan - 191 Eagan - 191WD Eagan - 191CG7 Eagan - 196 Eagan - 197 Eagan - 197WD Empire - 192 Empire - 196 Eureka - 192 Eureka - 194 Eureka - 659 Farmington - 192 R Farmington - 192 Greenvale - 659 Hampton - 195 Hampton - 200 Hampton - 192 Hampton - 195 Twp Hampton - 200 Twp Hampton - 195HNAg Hastings - 200 Inver Grove Heights - 196 Inver Grove Heights - 197 Inver Grove Heights - 199 Lakeville - 192 Lakeville - 194 T Lakeville - 196 Lilydale - 197 Lilydale - 197WD Marshan - 200 Mendota - 197 Mendota Heights - 197 Mendota Heights - 197WD Miesville - 200 New Trier - 200 Nininger - 200 Randolph - 195 Twp Randolph - 252 Randolph - 195 Ravenna - 200 Rosemount - 196 Rosemount - 199 Rosemount - 200 Sciota - 195 Sciota - 659 South St. Paul - 006 South St. Paul - 199 South St. Paul - 6/199 Sunfish Lake - 197 Vermillion - 200 Vermillion - 192 Vermillion - 196 Vermillion - 200 Twp Waterford - 195 Waterford - 659 West St. Paul - 197 i Computed with gross mill $30,000 $42,000 $60,000 HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE $629.04 692.86 651.35 656.48 729.94 715.17 549.65 488.24* 568.14 622.31 544.12 496.28* 524.52 583.52 588.64 646.23 647.33 543.42 548.54 567.94 563.92 565.43 576.18 583.92 791.15 904.71 578.79 665.42 617.58* 582.11 520.70 472.86* 610.95 682.41 689.84 585.93 601.91 699.49 710.25 695.47 499.50* 504.62 495.08 592.36 572.16 577.28 475.38* 534.77 457.49* 521.51 501.91 588.54 450.05* 737.28 649.34 632.06 522.11 602.01 848.13 679.49 876.27 506.43 495.88* 615.68 611.66 506.43 497.79 577.69 638.19 rate and ma $1,084.71 $1,768.20 1,179.00 1,908.22 1,117.67 1,817.15 1,125.25 1,828.40 1,233.80 1,989.58 1,211.97 1,957.17 967.39 1,594.01 876.66 1,459.28 994.71 1,634.58 1,074.76 1,753.43 959.22 1,518.88 888.54 1,476.92 930.27 1,538.88 1,017.44 1,668.32 1,025.01 1,679.56 1,110.10 1,805.91 1,111.73 1,808.33 958.18 1,580.34 965.76 1,591.58 994.42 1,634.14 998.48 1,625.32 990.71 1,628.63 1,006.59 1,652.22 1,018.03 1,669.20 1,324.24 2,123.89 1,492.04 2,373.03 1,010.46 1,657.95 1,138.46 1,848.02 1,067.78 1,743.06 1,015.36 1,665.23 924.62 1,530.50 853.94 1,425.54 1,057.98 1,728.51 1,163.56 1,885.29 1,174.55 1,901.60 1,021.00 1,673.61 1,044.61 1,708.67 1,188.30 1,922.77 1,204.69 1,946.37 1,182.86 1,913.95 893.29 1,483.98 900.86 1,495.22 886.76 1,474.28 1,030.50 1,687.72 1,000.65 1,643.40 1,008.23 1,654.6 875.65 1,431. 945.41 1,561.37 831.22 1,391.81 925.81 1,532.27 896.85 1,489.27 1,024.86 1,679.34 820.23 1,375.49 1,244.64 2,005.68 1,144.70 1,812.74 1,089.16 1,774.82 926.70 1,533.59 1,044.76 1,708.89 1,408.44 2,248.89 1,159.25 1,878.89 1,450.02 2,310.63 903.54 1,499.19 887.94 1,476.04 1,064.96 1,738.88 1,059.02 1,730.06 903.51,499.19 890.76 1. 0.2.3 1,008.82 1, 55.53 1,098.22 1,788.27 ximum $325 relief By GERRY DREWRY Staff Writer HASTINGS — Taxes paid on homes in Dakota County this year range from $450.05 to $904.71 ^,n a $30,000 homestead. and from $1,375.49 to $2,373.03 on a $60,000 homestead, according to estimated tax figures compiled by the county assessor's office. These figures are for residen- tial properties, with homestead credit, and are based on 1976 as- sessments and 1p76 mill rates. The acco,.. anying chart gives the estimate d taxes for homes with estimated market value of $30,000. $42,000 and $60,000. The taxes include city or township, school district, watershed dis- trict, county and metropolitan levies. The lowest taxes are levied in Ravenna Township, Hastings School District. The next lowest are Nininger and Hampton Townships, also with the Hast- ings School District. The highest levies are in urban Farmington and in South St. Paul. The highest percent of the tax- es is levied by the school district, followed by the city levy. For ex- ample, a Farmington breakdown shows a School District 192 levy of 62.16 mills non-ag; city levy of 37.20 mills, urban. South St. Paul School District 6 levy is 69.79 mills, non-ag; South St. Paul City levy, 23.59 mills. At the lowest end of the scale are several townships in Hast- ings School District 200, which has a levy of 51.29 mills, non-ag; 39.29 mills ag homestead. Township levies include Ravenna, 2.83 mills; Nininger, 3.57 mills; and Hampton, 5.10 mills. Farmington's city mill rate will drop 18.68% next year, said Mayor Lawrence Daily when asked about his city's top ranking in this list. The theoretical municipal average mill rate for Farmington in 1976 is 36.51 mills; for 1977 it is estimated to be 29.69 mills, he said. (Charts listing all city, township and school district levies for 1976 were printed in the April 8, 1976 Tribune.) The county assessor's office emphasizes that estimated market values are not necessarily actual market values. The office is striving for all valuations listed at 100% of market value, but some are still under that figure. The assessed value is 25% of le first $13,000 and 40% of the iance of the estimated market !ue. The maximum homestead relief granted is $325. The asterisks on the chart identify the level at which this $325 is re- ached. If there is no asterisk, the $325 relief was reached at either $24,000 or $27,000 estimatrA market value. Abbreviations use are as follows: SD WD CG7 R ...... School District ....Watershed District Cedar Grove 7th Rural HNAg Homestead, non-ag School districts are: 6 South St. Paul 191 Burnsville 192 Farmington 194 Lakeville 195 Randolph 196 Rosemount 197 West St. Paul 199 Inver Grove Heights 200 Hastings 252 Cannon Falls 659 Northfield Some Rosemount Dog Owners May Be Fined ROSEMOUNT --The animal warden at Rosemount, Joe Feilen, has requested that resi- dents of Rosemount be made aware that the city ordinance re- quires dogs must be tied in the yard of the owner, or be trained to respond at voice command. Dog violations are obvious at the present time in the communi- ty, he said. All dogs running at large will be picked up. Dog owners are also subject to fines under the dog ordinance, for hav- ing a dog running at large. Feilen said that all dogs in the city of Rosemount must be licensed. He noted that their re- cords indicate that there are dogs which are not licensed this year that were previously. "It is not fair to people who don't like dogs, to have to put up with other people's animals in their yard," he said noting the number of complaints that are now coming to his attention. The animal warden is reached through Rosemount police or by calling 423-1688. WATER METERING URGED Conservationists are pressing for the end of flat -rate water bills. To hold down on the use of water, they are urging that every home, office, and factory be metered -- and charged accord- ing to amount used. ARTHUR C. ROEMER, Commissioner of Revenue The payable 1977 property tax data has again been divided into two parts. The property tax data for the seven metropolitan counties (namely Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington) is of a nature not directly comparable to the non -metropolitan counties as a result of the Fiscal Disparities Act. Therefore, Tables I, II and III pertain to the metropolitan counties, whereas Tables IV and V pertain to the 80 non - metropolitan counties. If a city is located in two counties, one of which is metro and one non -metro, the metro portion is included in Tables I, II and III and the non - metro portion is in Tables IV and V. Effective for 1976 payable 1977 the agricultural aid was paid as a credit to the governmental subdivisions. Therefore, to compute the net taxes payable, both homestead credit and agricultural aid credit must be deducted from the gross taxes levied. The agricultural aid credit is shown on Table I for the metro cities and on Table IV for non -metro cities. Tables 1, II and III — Twin Cities Metropolitan Area There are three tables of information for each of the 86 metropolitan cities. The first table shows the population, values, gross levies, homestead credit, agricultural aid credit and net tax burden for property taxes payable in 1977. The second table compares the assessed values, taxes, mill rates and homestead credit for each of the last three years. The third table gives the 1977 tax rates in mills by governmental subdivision. The population cited for each of the 86 cities is the population estimated by the Metropolitan Council. It represents the population as of April 1, 1976. The cities in all three tables are arranged in descending population order. In the first column in Table I, the assessed value before implementation of the fiscal disparity law is shown for each city The fiscal disparity contribution is shown in the second column under valuation, while the third column shows the fiscal disparity distribution. To arrive at the taxable value in the fourth column for each city, the contribution is subtracted and the distribution is added. This taxable value is the base for the deter- mination of mill rates of the city. The levies shown under county, city, school districts and special taxing districts pertain to the levy on assessed value Tess contribution. The contribution value is taxed at the area -wide rate of 111.68 mills and cannot be broken down by taxing district. The total tax burden for the property in a city is the summation of the local mill rates on the assessed value (minus contribution) plus area -wide mill rate times the fiscal disparity contribution values. Table II compares the valuations, taxes, mill rates and homestead credit for the past three years for each of the 86 cities listed. Table III breaks down the mill rates for 1977 by governmental unit. More than one mill rate is shown if part of a city takes a different mill rate from another part. 12 Minnesota Cities I or instance, in St. Louis Park there are five different total mill rates applicable, depending on the school district and/or special district in which the property is located. In some cities property may be taxed at different mill rates. The mill rate which is most predominant is listed first. The total assessed valuation of the property in these cities rose from $6,054,795,659 in 1975 to $6,708,861,150 in 1976 to $7,256,944,002 in 1977. The percent change from 1975 to 1977 amounted to 19.85 percent. Min- neapolis' value rose 7.93 percent from 1975 to 1977, while St. Paul's values increased 11.58 percent. Total levies in the 86 cities were $725,417,246 in 1975, $736,510,416 in 1976 and $818,994,018 in 1977. The growth in tax levies from 1975 to 1977 was 12.90 percent. In Minneapolis, tax levies rose 3.20 percent while in St. Paul tax levies increased 2.05 percent from 1975 to 1977. The average mill rate for the 86 cities was 119.81 in 1975, 109.78 in 1976 and 112.86 in 1977. In 1976, for taxes payable in 1977, the highest mill rate in the 86 cities was in the city of St. Paul with 134.112 followed by Vadnais Heights with 132.252 mills, Maplewood with 131.991 mills, Little Canada with 130.622 mills and White Bear Lake with 130.359 mills. The lowest rate was in Eagan with 85.545 mills. Homestead credit rose from $109,338,772 in 1975 to $112,848,891 in 1976 and $118,639,945 in 1977 which is an 8.51 percent increase from 1975 to 1977. The net property tax burden, 1976 payable 1977 for the86 cities, was $699,456,272 or $372.67 per capita. The per capita tax burden in Minneapolis was $420.24 and in St. Paul $335.65 Tables IV and V — Non -Metropolitan Areas The population cited for each of the 110 cities in the non -metropolitan counties on Tables IV and V is the population used when calculating the 1976 payable 1977 local government levy limitations. This report lists all non -metropolitan cities which had a 1976 population of 2,000 or more. The cities are arranged in descending population order so that comparison of the data for .,iunicipalities of similar size can easily be made. Local mill rates by governmental subdivision are shown on Table IV. If there is more than one tax rate levied within a city for any governmental unit, each rate is shown separately. For example, if there are three school districts within a city, three school district rates are listed. Table V contains the various total aggregate mill rates which are levied in each city. The most predominant rate is shown first. The levies shown on Table IV are by governmental subdivision, namely county, city, school district and special taxing district. Special taxing district levies for the non -metropolitan counties include levies made by watersheds, hospitals, housing and redevelopment authorities, sanitary sewer, port authorities, park dis- tricts, transit commission and regional development commissions. The homestead tax credit amount on both tables includes the 45 percent tax credit as well as the taconite credit, where applicable. Table V which contains property tax data for the payable years 1975, 1976 and 1977 shows that the 1977 taxable valuation of real and personal property of $2,275,769,598 for the non -metro cities has increased 8.90 percent over the 1976 valuation of $2,089,767,972. The gross taxes levied for those cities of $248,721,781 has increased 7.47 percent above the 1976 levy of $231,435,654. The homestead tax credit has increased 5.36 percent over the $45,724,013 amount paid in 1976. the total average mill rate exclusive of special assessments tor payable 1977 is 109.29 which is 1.32 percent less than the 1976 mill rate of 110.75 for those specified cities. When reviewing the per capita statistics tor 1976 payable 1977, it is discovered that the average taxable value per capita is $2,584. The range is from a high of $17,326 in Monticello and $12,447 in Red Wing (due to the public utility plants in those cities) and $3,885 in Rochester to a low of $1,108 in Babbitt. The average per capita for gross taxes levied is $282 with highs of $1,582 in Monticello, $847 in Red Wing and $421 in International Falls and a low of $84 in Babbitt. The average homestead credit per capita is $55, with a high of $110 in both Chisholm and Virginia and a low of $31 in Bemidji. It should be noted, however, that the high average value in Chisholm and Virginia is due to those cities receiving both the 45 percent and the taconite homestead credit. Although the payable 1977 average mill rate for these cities is 109.29, a wide range of tax rates exists, from a high of 183.78 in Gilbert to a low of 62.02 in Mountain Iron . ■ September 1977 w�•.e_.....w+.-•....... 13 sail!) e;osauu!oi Coon Rapids 35,836 106,330,409 3,567,415 4,080,061 106,34 :_5 2,282,382 Brooklyn Center., 35,278 122.522,082 3,726,462 3,525,256 122,•::,-- 3,560,186 Brooklyn Park 34,971 118,157,591 '1,522,468 3,515,749 118 ,' --- 3,435,500 Burnsville 32,582 159,301,765 5.195,105 2,080,621 156,11',::: 2,681,456 Fridley 31,570 Crystal 29,423 Maplewood 28,581 Blaine 26,020 Anoka Ramsey )44,039,477 90,296,148 136,972,025 7,464,957 774,266 10,436,998 2,652,746 3,083,338. 1,818,555 139,227,:57 92,6:5,: 126,353,5-: 3,033,321 2,682,881 4,491,234 Municipality Population Assessed Value TABLE I ASSESSED AND TAXABLE V7LU4-17•,, TAX BURDEN, HOMESTEAD AND AG AID CREDIT, AND NET BURDEN FOR MS'R:'3L:'AN CITIES WITH POPULATION 200C AND OVER 1976 LEVY PAYABLE IN 1977 Valuations Contribution Distribution Value Value Taxable Value County Gross Burden (Becorr Deduction of Homestead Credit) School Special Tax City District District Contribution Total Levi Minneapolis St. Paul 397,421 S1,465,453,643 $ S 35,632,307 $1,501,25E,- t 39,921,888 S 71,178,549 S 73,595,082 $ 5,701,139 291,304 850,591,129 6,041,927 27.636,412 872,1 28,129,084 30,000.079 50,705,131 4,300,632 Bloomington Edina 79,179 451,913,962 18,435,90E 5,336,24E 438..:4, :- 12,990,904 5,965.525 23,357,907 2.065,564 48,325 394,825,413 11,948,475 2,208,307 385,7- .-_, 11,474,439 3,234,544 18,795.070 1,701,592 St. Louis Park47,429 228,737,018 2,734,997 845,83E 3,442,171 229,e44, 6,773,055 3,574 ,222 11,989,083 947,071 305,444 23,588, 815 3,63E ,80E Richfield 43,952 157.656,931 Minnetonka 37,84E 193,938,154 10,100,137 5,583,777 4,155,746 160,9°E,- 4,689,822 2,728,544 7,941,197 745,817 94,463 16,199,843 3,254,3E2 Roseville 36,362 777,712,397 2,730,126 186,1' 5,509,442 3,267.054 9,860,442 805,011 1,127,961 20,512,93: 2,895,5.355 3,759 2,417,547 174,6- 6,109,533 2,238,705 10,393,477 551,637 623,596 19,916.942 2,536,393 89 Homestead Agricultural Credit Credit Net 5190,396,658 $ 23,364,448 S- 674,762 113,809,68E 16,034,195 2,058,922 46,438,822 5,642,182 955 1,334,406 36,540.051 3,795,387 2,116,933 1.828,502 1,755,522 2,791,642 2,018,572 1.171,304 2,336,975 6,001,402 6,536,726 6,412,603 9,310,00E 7,527,577 4,687,367 7,856,624 333,480 525,92E 507,493 467,415 445.775 395,776 405,883 67,761,625 3,851,451 3,317,462 67,227,63E 1,479,445 881,321 3,906,276 219,C30 109.717 799 785 109,173 3,866 1,502 7,121 376 Plymouth 25,594 144,959,540 7,187,31C 1,594,764 139,366,394 4,128,896 White Bear Lake24,941 Ramsey 59,597.600 1,056,498 2,858,721 61,399,823 2,077,858 Washington 210,429 2,646 213,C'E 5,292 Golden Valley 24,548 157,616,720 6,399,716 1,435,044 152,652,045 4,531,822 So. St. Paul 24,303 69.626,799 2,603,061 72,429,86' 1,034,017 New Hope 24,23E 72,856,025 3,287,293 2,299,783 94 ,865,515 2,774,192 1,293,833 4,846,900 378,97E 367,125 9,661,02E New Brighton 23,11E 72,803,250 1,835,473 2,219,013 73,186,'95 2.518,930 1,076,297 4,603,362 262,22E 1.349,30R CWest Hgts 22,324 68,967,81E 1850,69762.860 2,355,131 70,477.253 1,351,444 1,390,271 3,219,216 227,333 204,98E 8,665,BG1 1,349 ,68E 29 Nest St. Paul 19,793 69,999,582 2,162 ,860 1,709,760 69,546,450 1,180,359 1,314,744 95,006 6,283,270 1,533,686 4,7' 3,695.066 199,440 241,548 6,631,157 1,161,319 1,426 5,46- Eagan 18,855 92,423,958 6,070,015 1,166,240 87,520,183 1,502,559 Cottage Grove 17,056 58,260,702 1,698,545 1,541,772 58,103,429 1,422,526 Inver Grove Hgts16,523 58,241.558 6,004,336 1,485,432 53,722,654 908,928 Hopkins 16,492 77,825,269 1,877,580 1,204,929 77,152,E1E 2.276,076 Apple Valley 15,744 51,702,364 1.005,067 1,331,003 52,028,355 882,133 Robbinsdale 15,610 57,223,939 671,760 1.417,683 57,969,557 1,679,891 Shoreview 14,839 48,209,024 1,430,820 1.182,360 47,965,554 1,660,346 Anoka 13,643 49,152,360 1,047,948 1,297,066 49,401,47E 954,392 398,409 416,171 393,389 580,189 833,686 86,470 1,165,604 430,130 11,132,606 12,867,493 12,504,554 15,830,710 13,858,931 9,023,798 16,256,317 2,340,771 2,298,240 1,675,65T 2.077,255 1,907,407 2,189,66E 1,768,833 6,815 31,415 9,92E 2,45E 6,856,202 1,543,229 6,939 89 12,954 32,744.6:= 1,615,930 6,761,380 588,727 802,679 13,897,612 1.703,743 50,103 12,11: '4, 93,180 34,379,363 186.403 117,990 7,701,794 1,656,217 1,594 6,74. ,373 16,065 688 25,41- 650 2,277,630 8,256,603 619,516 714,721 16,400,292 1,962,814 1,... 1,524,373 4,470,608 649,407 7.678.405 1,586,062 Hastings 13,440 Dakota 32,478,315 567,998 1,650,52E 33,560,871 549,263 882.799 1,969,89E 6E,085 Washington 51,306 3,769 1,860 49,39' 1,19E 63,434 3,531,479 766,342 1,937 Moundsview 13,193 27,748,867 826,13C 1,607,827 28539,564 955,596 501,782 1,760,182 92 951,330 2,96E 45 421 5,95E 160 , North St. Paul12,751 28,303,169 631,829 1,473,031 28,144,3;' 982,167 493,463 1,728,621 90,363 92.262 3,403,81? 691,474 Lakeville 12,015 37,827,105 1,817.923 1,016,357 37,025,539 626.560 695.661 2,467,512 32,804 70,5634.25.563 75E 203,026 4,025 ,563 I51,2,28E 34 ,R2• 927,010 1,153,637 739,627 1.589,205 814,40] 934,593 759.163 971,709 5,206,670 3,323,096 2,982,837 4,105,411 3,416,649 2,935,002 3,017,683 2,809,297 255,961 167,986 153,577 332,864 149,050 299,197 148,634 160,188 677,899 189,693 670,564 209,68E 8,570.099 6,256.94S, 5,455,533 8,513,244 Stillwater 12,000 32,672,677 68,10E 1,257,839 Maple Grove 11,853 45,592,171 1,484,164 936,869 Oakdale 11,226 28,259,443 138,113 1,241,801 Shakopee 10,065 45,980,48E 6,737,438 745,326 33,862,4.E 45.044.876 29,363,1';'. 39,988,37` 776,641 1,321,873 707.251 1.391.623 Eden Prairie 10,017 87,718,614 4,372,736 449,654 77,795,73F 2,317,979 St. Anthony 9,582 Hennepin 26,545,176 390,210 512,1349 28,667,815 843,776 Ramsey 12,120,952 1,502 219,615 12,339,065 430,168 Mound 8,967 31.100,012 146.654 780,166 31,733,524 927,641 Woodbury 8,637 37,466,547 1.133,762 575,927 36,908,757 913,769 Andover 8,295 23,285,402 288,190 Champlin 7,749 23,528,112 143,798 Mendota Huts 7,391 36,301,835 876,405 Orono 7,735 43,085,407 894,004 835,680 431,791 385,619 23,891,215 24,219,994 35,857,22' 43,471,02E 510.768 700,805 616,402 1,291,227 629,80C 677,631 586,838 771,0E1 2,047.893 2,470.601 1,762,231 2,391,665 96,836 180,578 98,487 135,079 112,246 75.022 159,794 117,035 7,606 165,751 15,425 752,437 5,374,479 5,923,705 5,745,625' 5,012.621 3,758,77E 4,816,434 3,170,232 5,444.885 813,97: 1,104 896,565 38,059 719,912 5,375 584.34, 25,715 1,157,424 1,2E5,751 820,492 851,264 53,903 25,359 15,471 7,35- 4,9Ei• 7,65- 1,105,359 16,387 4 27: 1,352.577 1,013,356 3,171 4,724 - 892,148 419 4,1:: 2,44_ 2.444 4,E:9 1,259,26E 3,736,468 357,014 488,34E 8,159,076, 732,277 '1,959 7,174. 304,665 1,682,789 115,266 43,579 2,990,075 539,142 131,145 723,361 40,285 168 1,325,127 84,34S 424,897 1,913,877 130,004 16,376 3,412,797 651,714 754,269 2,162,892 113,533 126,619 4,071,082 606,26, 148,102 329,134 532,940 535.035 1,373,09, 1,365,644 1.929,623 2,507,237 27,923 95,735 104,509 180.959 32,1B5 16,059 97.877 2,092.076 2,507,377 3,281,351 4,514,458. 551,421 563,051 578,296 597,224 3,11' 39,447 20,505 7,147 6,849 15,379 1.24:.- 1,575. 4 1.97 2,696.1..E 3,901,?i5 • LL6L Jaywa)das TABLE 1 (cont.) ASSESSED AND TAXABLE VALOATION, TAK BURDEN, HOMESTEAD AND AG AID CREDIT, AND NET BURDEN FOR ME'R207,ITAN CITIES WITH POPULATION 2000 AND OVER 1976 LEVY PAYABLE IN 1977 Valuations • Gross Burden (Before Deduction of Homestead Credit) Assessed Contribution Distribution •cipality Population Value Value Value Taxable Value County School Special Tax City District District Contribution Total Levy Homestead Agricultural Credit Credit Net Buren Chaska 7,082 $ 23.793,119 S 2,017,394 $ 640,989 $ 22.416,714 $ 692,251 $ 299,410 $ 1,598,556 $ 62.947 $ 225,303 $ 2,878,467 $ 389.419 $ 13,527 $ 2,475,8:1 Spring Lake Park6,929 Anoka 18,572,979 256,49E 823.816 19,140,237 405,809 205,328 1,165,295 58,141 28,646 1,864,219 447,542 1,416,E77 Ramsey 334,404 252 15,997 350.149 11,860 3,746 21,847 1,154 28 38,635 9,816 28.3'9 Little Canada 6,877 23,305,358 1,398,367 625,323 22,532,314 777,567 374,610 1,334,919 61,69E 156,170 2,710,962 278,360 1,344 2,431.258 Arden Hills 6,155 32,762,68C 1,422,847 335,107 31,674,943 1.112,376 306,660 2,041,486 104,174 158,404 3,723,600 431,172 336 3,292,:32 Ham Lake 5,930 16.492,461 305,103 683,648 16,871,00E 359.521 179,518 948,984 22,313 34,074 1,544,410 359,860 15,302 1,169,:48 Chanhassen 5,926 Carver 21,233,776 256,972 472,547 21,449,551 666,854 314,625 1,403.966 65.951 28,699 2,480,095 390,597 22,039 2,067,459 Hennepin 144,013 103 2,893 146,802 4,313 2,190 6,898 671 12 14,084 650 1,013 12,421 Prior Lake 5,822 20,560,052 359,497 426.210 20,626,765 716,503 447,815 1,164,171 75,917 40,141 2,444,547 433,367 18,908 1,992,272 St. Paul Park 5,633 12,620,655 516,955 721,428 12,825.128. 304,408 256,719 710,245 35,948 57,734 1,365.054 327,378 1,037,6'6 Falcon Hgts 5,575 17,259,908 132,488 536,204 17,663,624 607,921 234,149 1.018,653 Rosemount 4,860 21,325,366 484,532 312,166 21,153.33: 362,631 458.436 1,354.246 Lake Elmo 4,843 16,749,671 213,773 405,419 16,941,317 415,878 221,749 1,043,988 East Bethel 4,720 14,086,227 207,935 496,935 14,375,227 308,236 151,689 936,994 Shorewood 4,471 22,125,258 282.922 290,423 22,132,'59 654,593 342,291 1,230,969 Farmington 4,306 12,747,977 190,418 402,401 12,959,962 217,013 353,837 889,415 Vadnais Hgts 4,216 8,798,327 323,828 497,762 8,972,261 300.794 158,727 625,452 Forest Lake 4,14E 11.986,639 421,563 407,113 11,972,189 275.480 403,506 711,020 Mahtomedi 4,130 10.826,694 95,464 380,824 11,112,054 269,888 202,411 819,227 34,807 Lino Lakes 4,109 11.167.898 362,507 463,660 11,269.051 239,988 170,185 751,567 42,977 Circle Pines 4,078 8,855,454 61.522 572.827 9,366,759 195,313 116,080 665,006 29,020 Wayzata 3,964 29,122,005 353,166 182,248 28,951.087 862,173 313.149 1,371.385 120,829 Deephaven 3,934 21,727,097 125,149 233,091 21,835,039 647,389 344,249 1,212,776 'Dayton 3,793 10,692,320 285,560 430.881 10,837,641 311,880 69,256 626,812 Savage 3,715 18,821,448 1.157,042 221,145 17,885,551 626.563 200,317 1,042,248 Hugo 3,712 10,546,514 309,372 344,614 10,581,75E 257,456 110,521 706,360 Minnetrista 3,580 15,101,076 83,326 248,096 15,265.845 450,067 346,159 928,927 Newport 3,552 13,004,492 493,625 303,072 12,813,939 298,009 331,663 734,138 "New Prague 3,120 4,522.609 88.709 205.892 4,639.793 157,273 98,833 310,644 Osseo 3,068 10.557,509 58.525 298.732 10,797,71E 314,644 118.009 589,339 Bayport 3,018 8,894,361 254.911 293,895 8,933,345 205.792 162.422 542.644 Corcoran 2.981 10,658,697 112,024 256,197 10,802,E7: 316,073 95,690 659,929 Excelsior 2,971 11,132,298 46,726 253,469 11,339,041 332,224 210,182 622,367 North Oaks 2,710 17,906.980 71.564 112,019 17.947,433 633,05E 67,810 1,185,334 Waconia 2,700 8,288,597 342,198 234,414 Medina 2.693 13,268,916 500,263 179,107 Independence 2,491 9,830,763 73,885 182,827 Lauderdale 2,470 7,298,477 231,355 12,94'.'" 9,93 7,57 Afton 2,374 10,419,177 161,546 129,00E 10.3•,. Lexington 2,177 4,140,286 67,266 348,45E 1,876,860 $ 7,256,944,002 S 170,141,398 S 164,556,99' • La7'-or is located it Hennepin and Wright rounties. The data sh0wr. pertains only to the Hetneoln county portion whose population is 3,737. 252,616 382,664 292.404 . 5,05d 232,194 182,107 78,709 72,182 69,444 85,452 f 174,606,34C 501,974 696,224 587,410 434,077 641.510 308,126 52,047 14,796 1,927,566 341,148 578 1,585.343 61,272 54,113 2.290,698 302,646 24,661 1,963,791 64,232 23,674 1,769,721 273,632 23,269 1,472,5:3 13,462 23,222 1,433,603 319,654 18,605 1,095,340 92,468 21,521 25,995 20,570 93.162 21,490 57,992 19,539 31,597 21,265 36,165 47,080 10,661 40,485 6,871 39,442 13,977 31,891 129,19E 34.551 2,351,918 1,503,051 1,147,133 1,457,656 1,336.994 1,245,202 1,012,290 2,706.978 2,311,553 1,061,329 2,056,318 1,128,427 345,903 3,693 2,002,332 248,431 9,098 1,245,822 195,199 2,887 949,:47 217,408 2,680 1,237,3E8 291,692 2,821 1,042,451 247,879 15,176 982,'47 268,010 744,230 228,822 2,818 2,475,338 333,576 548 1,977,429 216,348 22,910 822,3'1 238,864 11,546 1,805.3:5 217,103 21,108 890,2.5 32.402 9,306 1,766,861 228.002 35,757 1,503,'52 37,157 55,128 1,456,095 210,560 142 1,245,233 4,212 9,899 580,861 131,259 491 449,"1 42,983 6,536 1,071,511 175,509 8 895,334 25,659 21,779 46,559 54.041 5,880 27,030 20,287 23,71E 15.330 13,441 $ 795,070,180 $ 28,503,039 28,468 12,511 5,218 7.992 38,217 55,869 8,251 964,985 1.105,982 1,216,550 1.948.227 149,502 136 815,14' 188,365 48,650 868,367 136,844 186 1,079,3 208,848 3,318 1,736,111 1,030,881 203,158 772 826,331 1,343.894 16',194 28.664 1,148,138 987.061 180,658 45,524 760,3'9 789,029 118,398 206 670,4:5 18,041 1,002,303 7,511 504,991 179,309 20,458 802.7 100,372 404,6 3 $ 19,023,691 $ 816,994,01E S 116,639,94, ' • "'8n' to'.w- counties. The data shown t,, ton Stnttportton whose population is 2,055, E 897,801 $ 699,45(.:` '8 TABLE 11 Municipality Population COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ASSESSED VALUATION. TAX BURDEN, RATES AND IIONESTEA0 CREOIT FOR METROPOLITAN CITIES POPULATION 2000 AND OVER FOR PAYABLE YEARS 1975, 1976 AND 1977 Asse•.•.ed Value of Real A Personal Properly Total Tax Levies total lax Rotes (M111,,1 1975 - 1976 - 1977 1975 - 1976 1977- 1970 1976 1977 Homestead Credit 1915 1976 1977 Minneapolis 397,421 $1.357,831,412 $1,407,952,680 01,465,453,643 5184,499,554 5124.528,850 0190,396,658 136.153 124.003 129.888 $22,106,826 $22,195,602 $23,384.448 135.015 124.118 129.994 St. Paul 291,304 762,285.958 812,761.240 850,591.129 111,526,313 102,903,440 113,809,688 146.015 126.718 133.923 14,895,278 14,946,513 16,034,195 127.111 134.112 Bloomington 79,119 371,294,828 417,598,367 451,913,962 40,742.551 43,106,237 46,438,822 109.420 102.926 102.590 5,423,597 5,532,703 5,642,182 109.828 103.085 102.502 110.053 102.799 102.140 109.299 103.429 102.707 104.259 96.549 96.540 104.870 97.052 96.848 97.882 92.699 96.657 Edina 48,325 331,699,920 371,802,648 394,825,413 30,776,236 32,730,753 36,540.051 96.826 86.103 91.205 3,681,155 3.770,899 3.795,382 90.449 86.091 91.589 90.444 89.953 91.933 104.018 90.635 93.707 98.372 95.103 97.011 98.367 95.091 93.363 98.712 92.772 90.897 95.601 92.760 96.687 104.013 93.168 91.205 94.224 95.613 57. Louis Park... 47,429 199,386,102 215,067,241 228,737,018 21,479,153 21,542,737 23,588,875 99.099 99.933 102.980 3,428,035 3,499,260 3,636,806 112.668 99.818 102.874 112.530 101,741 103.948 107.367 101.856 104.054 107.229 92.856 98.956 106.728 100.182 Richfield 43,952 130,052,715 144,608,554 157,656,931 14,125,458 14,720,452 16,199.843 108.613 101.748 102.676 3,224,460 3.248,192 3.284,382 108.608 101.633 102.570 108.470 101.760 103.020 Minnetonka 37,846 138.110,469 165,614,723 193,938.154 15,828,046 17,223,903 20,512,932 115.150 105.578 108.217 2,756.377 2,799,852 2,890,835 115.145 104.108 105.684 115.761 104.120 106.028 115.007 103.993 99.165 115.175 104.623 99.059 115.791 105.063 107.756 108.399 97.977 106.145 108.261 98.092 105.578 Roseville 36,362 148,263,018 164,066,679 177.712.397 17.967.663 18,051,502 19,916,942 124.994 109.343 111.299 2,419,836 2.474.162 2,536,393 125.190 108.981 111.005 120.350 114.344 117.203 120.546 113.982 116.909 Coon Rapids 35,836 82,133.236 93,864,735 106,330,409 8.825,489 9,562,592 11,132,606 106.870 101.750 104.660 2,163,973 2,251,587 2,340,271 107.190 101. 12" 104. 710 Brooklyn Center35,278 99,925,585 112,160,056 122,522,082 11,146,162 11,461,548 12,867,493 111.755 103.076 105.921 2,226,391 2.252,808 2,290,240 112.591 98.684 102.148 105.724 103.845 104.936 116.011 102.152 108.188 Brooklyn Park34,971 89,820,896 105,029,975 118,157,591 9,916,210 10,796,493 12,504,504 110.554 103.490 105.843 1,578,909 1,719,459 1,875,608 111.190 99.098 108.110 104.523 102.566 102.070 Burnsville 37,592 177,946,033 148,871.676 159,301,765 13,661,544 14,632.767 15,830.710 105.720 97.150 98.117 1,767,190 1,931,377 2,077,255 112.780 97.660 98.491 111.370 104.970 105.856 106.320 103.5,.3 99.054 106.100 97.470 107.366 106.750 98.050 98.386 108.220 100.690 107.635 113.160 100.290 103.230 Fridley 31,570 114,880,362 130,234,058 144,039,477 11,809,312 12,519,076 13,858,931 101.860 94.970 94.770 1,773,531 1,849,327 1,907.407 102.060 95.330 95.070 95.790 88.950 87.380 102.000 101.750 104.040 107.720 89.310 103.740 107.920 95.060 87.680 102.200 95.420 98.520 101.390 98.820 Crystal 29,423 74,626,192 82,409,534 90,296,148 7,528,086 8,007,027 9,023.798 100.716 97.024 99.834 2,045,759 2,127,819 2,189,668 Maplerood 28.581 104,678,408 127,131,193 136,972.025 13.248,943 15,130,182 16,256,317 127.347 120.006 119.659 1,625,306 1,700,055 1,768,833 128.169 117.437 116.468 123.443 117.830 116.657 138.677 131.070 120.470 120.445 131.991 Blaine 26,020 119.613 119.470 Anoka 53,073,119 60,331,074 67,761,625 5,733,501 5,954,949 6,856,202 103.860 94.980 97.980 1,398,153 1,461,086 1.543,229 104.180 100.880 102.750 104.060 101.310 115.080 120.600 94.550 97.530 121,220 111.010 103.200 121.420 111.600 103.050 120.800 94.910 103.550 109.920 101.240 114.580 110.040 101.830 97.830 110.340 0.540 Ramsey 110,799 110,018 109.717 14,439 12,955 12,954 11130.402 117.801 118.117 ... ... Plymouth 25,594 104,215,832 126.422,998 144,959,540 10,485,605 11,671,493 13,897,612 107.035 90.487 93.487 1.444,538 1,572,170 1,703,743 104.301 90.602 93.593 97.434 92.759 98.296 100.009 96.867 100.006 White Bear Lake24,941 99.871 97.151 102.069 Ramsey Washington.... 47.559.543 53,849,562 59,597,600 6,668,052 6,926,876 7,701,794 128.887 129.060 129.548 1,564,617 1,613,189 1,656,217 140.591 129.091 129.653 140.395 128.698 129.359 141.217 118.466 130.359 221,111 233.738 210,429 29,254 29,282 129.530 118.027 25,418 132.520 125.780 120.790 650 650 650 16 Minnesota Cities Municipality Population TABLE 11 (tont.) COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ASSESSED VALUATION, TAX BURDEN, RATES AND HOMESTEAD CREDIT FOR MITROI'11111AN I I111 POPINATION 70011 AND OVFR IUH PAYAUL7 YLAR5 19/5, 19/6 AND 19// Assessed Value o/ Real 6 Personal Property Total Tax Levies 1975 Total Tax Rates (Mills) Homestead Credit 1976 1977 1975 1976 1977 1975 1976 1977 1975 1976 1977 Golden Valley 24,548 $ 130.111,558 $ 144,706,211 $ 157,616,720 1 13,823.807 $ 14.799.123 $ 16,400,292 111.595 99.409 101.485 $ 1,866,628 $ 1,906,821 $ 1,962,814 109.289 105.340 108.118 109.141 103.517 103.195 108.167 106.324 108.224 107.321 105.455 107.054 101.994 102.899 107.189 102.371 So. St. Paul 24,303 57.726,766 65,160,265 69,826,799 7,272,764 7.598,910 7.678,405 126.100 116.730 110.053 1,524,578 1,551,699 1,586,062 106.710 99.950 97.049 128.910 119.530 112.621 New Hope 24.236 81,377,608 88,873,335 95.856,025 8,189,899 8,715,611 9,661,026 99.995 97.537 100.400 1,384,772 1,403,860 1,411,2813 New Brighton 23,118 59,060,594 65,674.403 72,803.250 7.456.870 7,713,290 8.665,801 113.827 118.407 119.734 1,254,875 1.298,418 1,349,305 127.679 109.833 114.041 Columbia Hgts22,324 58,384,111 63,979,068 68,967,816 5,927,324 6.012,182 6,283,270 101.300 93.700 90.820 1,485,430 1,496,490 1.533,686 101.500 94.060 91.120 West St. Paul.... 19,793 56,862,127 64,725,723 69,999,582 6,086,261 6,236,285 6,631,157 106.650 95.840 94.191 1,072,796 1,106,242 1,161,319 Eagan 18,855 66,349,073 82,673,583 92,423,958 6,430,760 7,590,517 8,570.099 94.480 86.410 85.545 905,637 1,038,559 1,152,424 95.080 96.750 98.476 101.740 90.400 90.737 100.130 90.910 91.111 94.630 86.920 85.919 94.030 96.640 96.066 Cottage Grove17,056 43,352,402 50,926,230 58,260,202 4,764,114 5,328,489 6.256,940 105.270 105.300 107.690 1.100,482 1,185,508 1,265,751 110.590 99.840 102.510 91.650 103.720 111.420 96.970 98.260 106.240 Inver Grove Hots. 16,523 47,099,562 62,666,777 58,241,558 4,656,566 5,018,348 5,455,533 96.710 92.230 89.439 755,114 611,800 820,492 97.510 90.640 101.900 95.060 100.980 88.969 94.630 89.920 88.105 103.610 Hopkins 16,492 66.435,504 73,069,566 77,825,269 7,657,378 7.759,310 8,513,244 115.160 106.042 109.508 751,501 811.362 851,264 109.854 106.030 109.164 115.155 104.107 108.090 Apple Valley 15,744 37,666,180 45.309,928 51.702,364 3,921,406 4,583,961 5.374.479 98.440 101.280 103.805 919,742 1,019,845 1.105,359 104.090 94.930 96.066 80561nsdale 15,610 47,354,594 52,625,577 57,223.939 5,026,728 5.300,207 5.923,705 105.962 100.569 103.421 1,293,491 1,322,357 1,352,577 Shoreview 14,839 37,335.705 42,601,173 48.209,024 4,730,787 5.016,545 5.745,620 127.555 118.981 120.426 888,847 952,041 1.013.356 118.619 120.132 113.618 114.22E1 1 1 1 4:,I 1 17 Anoka 13,641 41,282,724 45,652,592 49,152,360 4.415,152 4,516,487 5,012,621 106.640 98.620 101.770 823,503 853,430 892,148 Masking, 13,440 paints 25,576,840 29,2/8,993 32,478,315 2,521,614 2,939,779 3,531,479 98.300 100.240 108.681 628,940 703.1,48 /66,342 Washington 41,511 46,Ifl0 S1. 106 4,417 4,955 5,958 106.060 1116.010 116.470 1.'1 116 160 Mounds view 13.193 21,654,449 25,167,270 27,748,867 2,797.950 3,037,183 3,403,813 129.453 121.008 123.002 625,532 657,744 691,474 North St. Paul12,751 22,430,649 25,524,970 28.303,169 2,824,507 2,967,814 3.365,377 125.962 116.363 119.023 658,930 695,444 753.592 126.784 116.802 119.834 Lakeville 12,015 29,900,688 34,849.903 37,827,105 3,190,831 3,557,439 4,025.563 101.870 103.010 106.541 670,210 709,277 751,288 107.420 101.540 105.031 106.010 101.940 108.943 Stillwater 12,000 23,860.051 27,943.365 32.672,677 2,954,893 3.134,459 3,758,776 101.720 112.230 115.400 672,664 734,579 813,972 123.900 93.730 100.830 97.110 Maple Grove 11,853 27,737,050 36,473,420 45,592,171 3.037,333 3.744,894 4,816,434 110.159 103.376 105.559 634,849 751.128 898,565 105.729 96.712 96.977 21,314,278 24,917,802 28,259,443 2,677,100 2.861,416 3.170,232 124.790 114.240 111.730 602,412 665,252 719,912 125.090 115.680 112.440 126.620 115.930 111.630 126.920 113.840 112.670 139.340 114.090 111.440 130.510 111.540 114.490 126.300 111.670 111.960 Oakdale 11,226 Shakopee 10,065 Eden Prairie 10,012 St. Anthony 9,562 Hennepin Ramsey Mound 8,967 34,171,328 41,823,879 45,980,488 3.884,478 4,865,278 5,444,885 09.720 106.370 120.030 492,692 546,780 584,340 10.250 100.220 118.670 13.810 100.980 112.800 14.340 101.490 113.160 10.220 105.860 119.670 14.310 101.980 113.690 10.180 95.340 111.800 14.260 106.860 120.560 13.730 54,699,233 68,551,773 81,718,614 5,466.823 6,503,299 8,159,075 99.113 94.472 98.847 560,781 658,605 732,287 99.499 93.969 98.730 99.724 99.119 104.864 99.970 100.577 98.642 106.305 94.128 107.053 106.946 93.842 98.280 23,372,392 25,907,165 28,545,176 2,373,195 2,608,269 2,990,075 101.439 100.427 104.570 101.243 100.7E19 104.864 12,005,239 11,629,371 12,120,952 1,308,681 1,225.233 1,325.127 108.688 105.356 109.325 25,289,450 27,799.703 31,100,012 2,999,194 3,069,018 3,412,797 118.673 110.481 109.727 526,201 50,267 581,254 534,082 68,698 615.872 539,142 84,348 651.714 September 1977 .0_111100fa -...,..0.,,.1.6 ., , ..... 17 COMPARATIVE TARII OF 0454'6FO VALUATION, rn, 4,.E N, RATES AND 8DMESTEAO CREDIT FOR METROPOLITAN CITIES POPNIcTr •, rr Vlp me PAT/dill YEARS In'-, East Bethel 4,720 Shorewood 4,471 Vadnals Hqts 4,216 Farmington 4,306 Assessed Value o1 Real 6 Personal Property lutal lax Levies Total Tax Rate•, (Mills) homestead Lredlt e„1, 1',; I'' Ponulatlon - --11/'� -- - 1077, 1077 1975 1976 1077 197S 10,6 1977 1075 19'6 1077 +5ndbur. 8.617 $ 26,176.031 S 31,894,853 $ 37,466,542 S 2,914,877 S 3,406,330 $ 4.071,082 124.260 105.980 107.750 $ 505,273 $ 561,708 $ 606,268 122.430 105.580 107.560 109.160 114.740 111.550 110.990 114.390 111.650 116.670 107.420 111.460 118.500 115.230 112.690 111.430 111.690 113.270 108.560 111.810 111.880 111.360 112.460 8,295 17.015.472 20,544,904 23,285,402 1,555,969 1,774,737 2,092,076 89.070 85.880 88.470 461,950 519,742 551,423 89.390 85.450 88.020 93.950 95.640 98.670 Champlin 7.749 17,634.117 20,457,363 23,528,112 1,879,680 2.053,081 2,507,377 106.813 100.645 106.538 490.245 526,300 563.051 Mendota 8gts 7,391 30,473,830 34,143,147 36,301.835 2,962,216 3,061,899 3,281.351 96.750 89.270 89.854 540.47P 558,958 578.296 97.350 89.780 90.228 Orono 7,235 35,101,110 39,323,823 43,085,407 3,971.830 4,066,843 4,514,458 109.470 100.851 103.714 553.308 575,723 597,224 117.309 110.017 108.418 112.017 93.546 94.138 102,694 100.517 102.729 7,082 18,751,523 23,135,281 23,793,119 2,375,509 2,737.029 2,878,467 128.090 119.860 177.160 333,211 365.123 389,419 118.390 120.310 122.570 128.670 112.100 113.650 118.970 112.550 114.060 Spring Lake Park6 529 arrka 14,969,997 16,1390,391 18,577,979 1,565,718 1,661,943 1,864.219 104.370 98.160 100.170 416,797 413,642 647,542 Ramse 104,570 98.520 100.470 Y 284,260 307,124 334,404 35,546 35,344 38.635 125.n52 115.983 119,637 9.469 9,363 9,616 e C4n4446,877 18,033,706 21,272,549 23,305,358 2,135,344 2,416,782 2,710,962 116.019 112.597 115.099 222,010 742.291 278,360 132.053 112.9E10 115.288 125.827 130.622 126.220 130.433 Orden 1111s 6,155 24.490,379 28,678,395 32,762,680 2,992,168 3,197,951 3,723,600 122.408 111.723 113.982 354,390 192,736 431,172 117.764 106.722 108.078 Ham Lake 5,930 11,565,592 14,079,754 16.497,461 1,157,889 1,277,436 1,544,410 99.260 90.970 93.120 281,758 120,195 359,860 99.580 90.540 92.670 109,670 94.490 96.200 99.460 94.060 95.750 109.990 90.900 92.970 Chanhassen 5.926 Carver 17,273,458 19,524,334 21,233,776 2,088,868 2,258,348 2,480,095 126.220 122.070 123.760 167,236 378,222 390.597 126.800 107.110 106.040 136.360 107.620 106.500 126.980 121.440 120.130 114.510 118.210 123.600 111.490 121.890 123.300 113.890 118.660 120.700 110.870 118.840 102.980 121.560 103.440 118.330 120.540 104.390 120.240 103.880 123.190 Hennepin 119,850 133,919 144,013 11.931 17,183 14,084 104.821 97.121 07.7136 650 650 650 Prior lake 5,822 11,576,326 15,916,761 70,560,052 1,182,457 1,1191,719 2,444,547 "103.730 107.410 19.540 121,318 384,0% 433,367 106.530 112.730 24.570 104,230 106.880 17.120 107.030 111.730 23.680 100.240 104.110 15.040 97.440 99.230 05.430 97.940 104.290 02.080 100.740 103.580 23.060 110.830 99.990 12.620 113.630 103.293 17.670 111.330 100.990 22.170 114,130 106.410 18.650 99.050 103.110 18.560 99.550 102.690 14.150 98.120 108.430 19.180 100.920 109.430 20.070 95.740 t. Paul Park5,633 10,230,280 11,407,249 12,620,655 1,163,920 1,176,073 1,365,054 113.360 102.650 108.010 288,379 297,162 327,378 Falcon Mots 5,575 14,493,850 15,942,060 17,259,908 1,716,176 1,749,712 1,927,566 118.388 109.727 111.670 338,091 338,626 341,148 118.584 110.089 111.964 Rosemount 4,860 17,260,800 18,984,731 21,325,366 1,818,321 1,952.878 2,290,698 107.830 105.700 109.738 260,302 285,256 302,646 99.280 96.950 97.277 85.860 95.230 104.741 Lake Elmo 4.843 11.311,155 15,214,541 16.749.671 1,489,771 1,609.626 1,769,721 114.450 105.630 105.050 248,557 261,225 273.632 116.280 107.830 107.030 117.130 109.340 105.380 129.000 108.590 104.720 108.990 106.750 103.820 110.520 107.150 104.720 113.070 1013.590 118.580 123.420 103.910 103.790 104.010 104.050 103.720 104.820 10.246.252 12.125.548 14.086,227 1,019.881 1,171.064 1,433.603 98.890 99.170 103.160 248.270 290.950 319,658 104.420 92.500 95.590 15,808.044 19.288.698 22,125,258 1,767.207 1,991.448 2,351,918 107,830 102.894 105.982 317,498 331,296 345,903 112.155 103.409 106.443 119.378 112.394 111.671 6,767.655 7,711.611 8,798.327 938.430 951.908 1,147,133 130.094 125.104 132.063 168.156 175,383 195.199 140.684 125.497 132.252 116.865 122.633 10.021,119 11,850,799 12,747,977 1,147.998 1,431,777 1,503,051 99.130 122.360 118.713 709.200 228,191 248,431 102.420 111.060 107.222 18 Minnesota Cities TABLE II (cont.) LIIMPARATIVI TABU O1 A1,SIS1,1I1 VA104110N, TAX MOWN. RA7F. AND IVeall.11Aft IPII7I1 {OP MI INOPOLIIAN (.1111 PIIPOLAIION 2000 AND (NIB FOR PAYABLE YEARS 1975, 1976 AND 1977 Assessed Value of Peal A Personal Property Total Tax levies. Total Tar Pate' I41110 Homestead Credit Municipality Population 19/5 19/6 197/ 19/5 19/6 197/ 19/', 19/1 1''7/ 19/5 I9/6 197/ rorest Lake 4,146 Mahtomedl 4,110 Lino lakes 4,109 Circle Pines 4,078 Wayzata 3,964 Deephaven 3,934 *Dayton 3,793 Savage 3,715 Hugo i 9,195,973 5 10.766,197 $ 11,9/16.639 $ 1.251,687 $ 1.282,195 $ 1,457,655 118.440 119.820 121.620 136.620 119.460 122.170 118.640 131.070 S 189,064 5 194,816 $ 217,406 8,399,771 9,712,953 10,826,694 1,093,176 1,201,905 1,336,994 131.900 125.670 125.150 261,404 276,856 291,692 126.700 120.140 119.880 126.530 120.500 120.180 176.900 121.980 120.880 125.150 120.180 9,059,485 10,0130,542 11,167,898 1,059,415 1,021,841 1,245,202 119.920 112.340 117.100 216,949 229,056 247.679 120.120 99.760 103.430 175.930 116,440 116.760 126.130 116.060 116.460 113.790 111.980 116.800 113.590 99.400 103.130 6,897,513 24,324,746 17,126.239 7.704.700 7,937,224 26,771,233 19,550,565 9,554.341 8,855,454 29,122,005 21,727,097 10,692,320 866,750 884,184 1,012,290 125.090 111.430 114.360 250,128 254,752 268,010 125.700 110.840 113,860 2,442,156 2,453,022 2,706,978 109.621 91.338 92.605 221,307 223.795 228,822 100.298 98.643 102.191 1,920,247 2,030,378 2,311,553 111.971 103.702 106.247 312,987 322,855 313,576 112.567 104.217 106.708 754,206 876,951 1,061,329 97.102 91.075 96. 993 181,274 201,548 216,346 93.852 103.815 106.023 97.938 87.745 109.717 107.412 91.999 94.726 109.563 105.730 93.973 15.341,016 16,775,051 18,821,448 1,680,597 1,818,596 2,056.318 113.000 97.080 111.390 211,295 224,682 276,864 114.340 94.150 108.770 110.810 102.910 108.410 98.030 92.700 .36,250 97.500 103.910 107.140 98.000 100. 300 107.1'" 111.390 100.790 106.610 111.420 93.640 110,130 101.470 110.660 3,712 7,737.927 9,156,846 10,546,514 8133,570 968,009 1.128,427 120.500 115.940 114.160 197,140 200,757 217,103 120.700 97.070 98.570 122.240 113.750 111.900 108.160 113.390 113.430 110.100 115.580 99.900 108.360 96.710 99.600 122.440 99.260 98.270 121.900 117.150 100.1310 122.100 117.510 113.130 103.420 99.770 113.860 105.360 101.910 100.530 103.620 99.760 192.16o Minnetrista 3,580 11,990,140 13,546,846 15,101,076 1,380,207 1,549,701 1,766,851 115,180 117.951 117.021 209,487 219,272 226,1102 111.378 110.775 116.584 118.039 114.650 118.360 117.901 117.836 116.690 109.570 113.619 116.915 117. 714 tlerpu rf 3,552 10,94/,076 17.054,164 13.004.497 1.745.5135 1,769.697 1,456,095 111.160 106.800 111.988' 1'9,414 19, ,'86 21^,560 ..New Prague 3,120 1,664,4114 4,071.141 4,522.609 400,560 508,026 580,861 132.130 115.440 128.770 121,645 121,980 111,/59 119.710 106,610 Osseo 3.068 8,767,868 9,671,865 10,557,509 929,671 962,127 1,071,511 105.726 99.195 101.436 159,019 164,246 175,534 Bayport 3.018 7,575,913 8,345,465 8,894.361 P49.926 872,494 964,9135 111.990 104,340 108.400 112,608 119,8E5 149,57: Corcoran 2.981 7,152,014 9,056.933 10.658.697 730,885 891,781 1,105,982 102.468 98.882 100.1374 147.521 172,271 168.155 98.118 110,961 109.474 99.432 100.150 101.257 104.322 94.700 97.240 113.172 86.016 88,65E Excelsior 2,971 9,909,222 10,621,615 11,132,298 1,152,623 1,129,572 1,216,550 116.314 106.324 109.271 128,201 130.934 136,844 North Oaks 2.710 13,456,546 15,635,453 17,906,980 1,590,074 1,677,045 1,948,227 117.011 106.444 107.705 '86,411 199,721 208,848 127.601 114.683 117.115 44COn is 2.700 5,734,522 7,467,299 9,2818,597 727,065 945,869 1,030,881 127.040 127.130 174.920 167,329 199,000 203,15c Medina 2,693 9,936,800 11,955.140 13,268,916 1,100,228 1.151,344 1,343,894 115,726 99.67P 103,529 159,594 161,389 167,194 114.941 92.208 93..17 105.756 99.513 103.421 105.518 104.522 108.446 111.902 92.123 114.661 120.952 115.153 91,953 independence 2,491 7,653,584 8,981,293 9,830,763 780,923 831,775 987,061 111,527 98.445 102,251 153,116 171,495 180,652 111.389 93.436 97.228 106.235 93.551 97.334 106,097 102.602 101.932 103,058 102.717 102.038 112.108 109.076 108.468 Lauderdale 2,470 6,744,163 6,562,835 7,298,477 782,94R 705,492 789,029 115,904 107.597 108.1R? 106,307 110,495 118,398 116.100 107.235 107,809 Afton 2.374 7,910,647 9,232,516 10,419,127 818,530 877,687 1.002,303 83.250 98,060 96.670 159,026 159,574 179,309 96.970 96.720 95.670 98.730 92.710 91.540 104.180 90.370 92.540 106.210 65.'90 95.270 Lerington 2,177 1,344,227 1,765,432 4,140.766 191,9116 423,184 504,991 117.150 112.400 122.140 49,172 92,664 100,172 Total 1,876,8810 56,054,798.569 56,706,861,150 S7,256,944,002 5725,417,746 5716,510.416 $818.994,018 5109,318,772 0112898,R91 S118,619,945 • Dayton is located in Hennepin and Wright counties. The data shown •r New Prague is located in Scott and LeSueur counties. The'da•a senwn pertains only to the Scott portion whose population is 2,055, Pertains only to the Hennepin county portion whose population is 3,737. September 1977 19 TABLE I11 TAX RATES (MILLS) FOR METROPOLITAN CITIES WITH POPULATION 2000 AND OVER 1976 LEVY PAYABLE IN 1977 Tax Rate (Mills1 Other Special Municipality Population County City School Units Total Minneapolis 397,421 27.242 48.571 50.220 3.855 129.888 3.961 129.994 St. Paul 291,304 33.316 35.532 60.055 5.020 133.923 5.209 134.112 Bloomington Edina 79,119 29.969 13.762 53.986 4.873 102.590 47.936 4.785 102.502 48.244 4.423 102.140 4.990 102.707 96.540 96.848 96.657 48,325 29.969 8.448 48.244 4.544 91.205 48.972 4.200 91.589 50.746 91.933 54.070 93.707 47.936 97.031 93.363 90.897 96.687 91.205 94.224 95.613 St. Louis Park 47,429 29.969 15.815 52.996 4.200 102.980 54.070 4.094 102.874 48.972 103.948 104.054 98.956 Richfield 43,952 29.969 17.436 50.746 4.525 102.676 4.419 102.570 4.869 103.020 Minnetonka 37,846 29.969 17.445 54.070 4.661 108.217 56.142 4.200 105.684 47.551 4.544 106.028 4.094 99.165 99.059 107.756 106.145 105.578 Roseville 36,362 35.494 13.006 59.475 3.324 111.299 65.379 3.030 111.005 117.203 )16.9(19 Coon Rapids 35,836 22.210 20.600 58.40U 3.450 104.660 3.000 104.210 Brooklyn Center 35,278 29.969 15.392 56.133 4.427 105.921 52.360 102.148 55.148 104.936 58.400 108.188 Brooklyn Park 34,971 29.969 15.314 56.133 4.427 105.843 58.400 108.110 52.360 102.070 Burnsville 32,582 17.400 18.115 59.662 3.314 98.117 67.401 2.940 98.491 60.599 105.856 68.911 99.054 59.931 107.366 69.180 98.386 64.775 107.635 103.230 Fridley Crystal Maplewood 31,570 22.210 14.780 54.650 47.260 63.620 58.400 3.130 3.430 94.770 95.070 87.380 104.040 103.740 87.680 98.520 98.820 .29,423 29.969 13.084 52.360 4.421 99.834 28,581 35.494 18.469 62.477 3.219 119.659 59.475 3.030 116.468 74.809 4.030 116.657 120.470 131.991 119.470 Tax Rate (Mills) other Special Municipality Population County City School Unit Total Blaine Anoka 26,020 22.210 13.790 58.400 3.580 63.629 3.130 75.650 3.430 75.150 Ramsey 35.494 13.790 65.379 3.454 Plymouth 25,594 29.969 11.729 47.551 4.238 52.360 4.344 54.070 56.133 97.980 102.750 115.080 97.530 103.200 103.050 103.550 114.580 97.830 118.117 93.487 93.593 98.296 100.006 102.069 White Bear Lake ..• 24,941 Ramsey 35.494 16.025 74.819 3.210 129.548 62.4'7 3.324 129.653 3.030 129.359 4.030 130.359 118.027 Washington 25.150 16.030 76.340 3.270 120.790 Golden Valley 24,548 29.969 15.062 52.360 4.094 101 485 58.993 4.200 108.118 54.070 103.195 57.929 108.224 58.064 107.054 107.189 South St. Paul 24,303 15.693 23.135 67.944 3.281 110.053 54.940 97.049 70.512 112.621 New Hope 24,236 29.969 13.977 52.360 4.094 100.400 New Brighton 23,118 35.494 15.166 65.379 3.695 119.734 59.686 114.041 Columbia Heights . . 22,324 19.840 20.410 47.260 3.310 90.820 3.610 91.120 West St. Paul 19,793 17.400 19.381 54.470 2.940 94.191 5a900 18,855 17.400 10.735 54.470 2.940 85.545 67.401 3.314 98.476 59.662 90.737 64.991 91.111 85.919 96.066 Cottage Grove 17,056 25.150 20.890 58.680 2.970 107.690 15.710 62.410 102.510 111.420 106.240 Inver Grove Heights, 16,523 17.400 14.159 54.940 2.940 89.439 67.401 101.900 54.470 88.969 53.606 88.105 Hopkins 16,492 29.969 20.925 54.070 4.544 109.508 52.996 4.200 109.164 108.090 Apple Valley 15,744 17.400 16.064 67.401 2.940 103.80c 59.662 96.06E Robbinsdale 15,610 29.969 16.673 52.360 4.419 103.421 Shoreview 14,839 35.494 16.229 65.379 3.324 120.426 59.475 3.030 120.132 114.228 114.522 Anoka 13,643 19.840 20.200 58.400 3.330 101.770 Hastings 13,440 Dakota 17.400 27.966 62.404 .911 108.681 Washington 25.150 27.970 62.410 .940 116.470 Moundsview 13,193 35.494 18.675 65.379 3.454 123.002 North St. Paul 12,751 35.494 17.833 62.477 3.219 119.023 4.030 119.834 Lakeville 12,015 17.400 19.319 68.911 .911 106.541 67.401 105.031 71.313 108.943 20 Minnesota Cities TABLE 111 TAX RATES (MILLS) FOR METROPOLITAN CITIES WITH POPULATION 2000 AND WO 1976 LEVY PAYABLE 1N 197/ Tax Rate Mills Other Tlx Rate Mills Municipality Population County City School Special Other Units Total Municipality looulatton unt sat_ Specialits Stillwater -mil Units Total 12,000 23.820 25.800 62.810 2.970 115.400 Chanhassen 5,926 11.230 100.830 Carver 31.790 15.220 73.410 7.510 97.110 3.340 106.040 4aple Grove 12.160 56.150 2.880 106.040 11,853 29.969 15.363 56.133 4.094 105.559 2.770 106.500 47.551 96.977 3.180 123.190 120.130 Jakdale 11,226 25.150 20.840 62.480 3.160 111.730 123.600 21.070 62.580 3.970 112.440 123.300 76.340 2.970 111.630 103.700 112.670 102.980 111.440 120,540 111.540 10.540 126.300 Hennepin 29.969 15.220 47.936 4.661 120.240 111.670 97.786 111.960 Prior Lake 5,822 35.470 22.680 57.52D Shakopee 3.870 119.540 10,065 35.470 19.990 61.040 3.530 120.030 27.710 61.040 2.980 124.570 13.120 59.680 3.170 118.670 18.180 117.120 4.060 112.800 20.260 123.680 115.040 113.160 8.5 70 f540 119.670 5.220 105.a30 113.690 15.760 102.380 111.800 23.210 123.060 120.560 112.620 117.670 Eden prairie 10,012 29.969 16.281 47.936 4.661 98.847 122.170 54.070 4.544 98.730 118.650 56.142 4.456 104.864 118.560 4.094 98.642 - 114.150 107.053 119.180 St. Anthonyg 582 98.280 120.070 Hennepin 68 58.0 St. Paul Park 29.969 10.821 59.686 4.094 104.570 5,633 25.150 21.2102.970 108.010 Ramsey 4.388 104.864 Falcon Heights 5,575 35.494 13.671 35.494 10.821 59.686 3.324 109.325 59.475 3.030 111.670 Mound 3.324 111.964 8,967 29.969 13.727 61.831 4.200 109.727 Rosemount Woodbury 4,860 17.400 21.997 67.401 2.940 109.738 8,637 25.150 20.760 58.680 3.160 107.750 54.940 97.277 62.580 2.970 107.560 62.404 104.741 62.480 3.970 111.550 Lake Elmo 4,843 25.150 13.120 62.810 111.650 15.10C 63.3.970 107.030 111.460 63.140 0 2.970 107.030 112.690 62.480 3.160 105.380 1.690 62.580 11104-720 111 .56U 76.34'J 10 +.7,,l H17 104.:o 111.H 111.360 118.580 11:.460 103.910 Andover 8,295 22.210 6.440 58.400 104.010 1.420 gg.470 104.050 69.050 .970 88.020 103.72^ 98.670 East Bethel 104.820 Champlin 7.749 29.969 14.075 58.400 4,720 22.210 10.930 4.094 106.538 .970 103 16" Mendota Heights 61.480 o_ 69.050 9 �_. 7,391 17.400 15.044 54.470 2.940 89.854 Shorewood 4,471 29,969 15.671 56.1,2 4.200 10. 3.314 90.228 Orono 7,235 29.969 12.418 57.127 4.200 103.714 61.83' 4.661 la5 11] ' 61.831 108.418 Farmington 4,306 47.551 17.400 29.089 71.313 .911 118.113 .138 17.598 56.142 102.729 94107.22, Chaska Vadnais Heights 4,216 7,082 31.790 14.190 73.410 2.770 122.160 35.494 16.730 74.809 3.030 132.063 5.680 3.180 122.570 65•379 3.219 132.252 113.650 Forest Lake 122.633 114.060 4,146 23.820 34.890 61.480 1.630 12/.820 Spring Lake Park ... 6,929 Anoka 1.930 22.210 11.210 63.620 3.130 100.170 Mahtomedi 122.120 Ramsey 3.430 100.470 4.130 25.150 20.390 76.345 3.270 125.150 35.494 11.270 65.379 3.454 115.537 15.420 Little Canada2.970 119.880 6.877 35.494 17.100 59.475 3.030 115.099 3.970 120.180 74.809 3.219 115.288 120.88G 130.622 125.150 130.433 Lino Lakes 120.180 Arder Hills 6,155 4,109 35.494 9.785 65.379 3.324 113.982 59.475 108.078 Ham Lake 5.930 22.210 11.090 58.400 1.420 61.480 93.170 .970 92.670 1.270 96.200 95.750 92.970 September 1977 Circle Pines Wayzata Deephaven 22.210 15.750 75.150 61.480 74.810 3.990 3.690 117.10C 103.430 116.760 116.460 116.80C 103.130 4,078 22.210 13.200 75.650 3.300 114.360 75.150 113.860 3,964 29.969 10.885 47.55' 4.200 92.605 57.127 102.181 3,934 29.969 15.936 56.142 4.200 106.247 4.661 106.708 27 ID 18111 1 III TAX RATES (MILLS) FOR METROPOLITAN CITIES WITH POPULATION 2000 AND OVER 1976 LEVY PAYABLE IN 1977 Tax Rate (Mills) _ _ Tax Rate Mills Other Other Special Special Municipality Population County City School Units Total Municipality Population unt City School its Total *Dayton 3,793 29.969 6.559 58.400 2.065 96.993 Bayport 3,018 23.820 18.800 62.810 2.970 108.4 8.253 69.430 108.023 56.133 109.717 Corcoran 2,981 29.969 9.073 59.76' 2.065 100.87 55.380 94.726 68.367 109.47 93.973 62.150 103.25 56.133 97.24 Savage 3,715 35.470 10.280 59.680 3.340 111.390 47.551 88.6 12.900 57.520 2.980 108.770 54.020 3.870 108.410 Excelsior 2,971 29.969 18.960 56.142 4.200 109.2r 61.040 106.250 107.140 North Oaks 2,710 35.494 3.802 65.379 3.030 107.7R 103.110 74.809 117.135 106.610 110.130 Waconia 2,700 31.790 29.220 63.170 .740 124.92: 110.660 Medina 2,693 29.969 14.262 57.127 2.171 103.52( Hugo 3,712 25.150 12.270 74.810 1.930 114.160 47.551 2.065 93.8E 10.010 61.480 1.630 98.570 62.150 103.4C 76.340 111.900 68.367 108.40 62.810 113.430 114.6C 99.900 99.600 93.9,. 98.270 Independence 2,491 29.969 8.067 62.150 2.065 102.25E 100.830 57.127 2.171 97.228 113.130 61.831 97,93i 113.860 68.367 101.93: 100.530 102 038 102.160 108 464 Minnetrista 3,580 29.969 23.050 61.831 2.171 117.021 Lauderdale 2,470 35.494 9.890 59.475 3.324 108.183 61.500 2.065 116.584 3.030 107.889 63.170 118.360 62.150 116.690 Afton 2,374 25.150 6.770 62.810 1.940 96.67C 116.915 58.680 .940 95.670 117.234 62.410 91.540 92.540 Newport 3,552 23.820 26.510 58.680 2.970 111.980 95.270 **New Prague 3,120 35.470 22.290 70.060 .950 128.770 Lexington 2,177 22.210 20.980 75.650 3.300 122.140 Osseo 3,068 29.969 11.240 56.133 4.094 101.436 * Dayton is located in Hennepin and Wright Counties. The data shown pertains only to the Hennepin County portion whose population is 3737. ** New Prague is located in Scott and LeSueur Counties. The data shown per only to the Scott County portion whose population is 2055. JUNE 9. 1977 Taxes On $40,000 Homestead Range From $597 To $1,228 Estimated Taxes on $40,000 Homestead, 1977 Communities Over 2,500 Population in Metro Area Change from 1976 includes 10% inflation factor in value of house) $ incr % increase sales ratio sales ratio Community end School 1977 rank 1(high) from 1976 from 1976 1977 total 1976 total (texas pay- hakes pay - District Number est. tax to 87 (low) to 1977 to 1977 mill rate mill rate able in 1977) able in 1976) Andover(11) $ 753 78 $120 19.0% 88.02 85.45 88.7% 89.4° Anoka (111 909 36 150 19.7 101.77 98.62 88.0 88.0 Apple Valley (196) 803 67 83 11.6 103.81 101.28 80.1 83.3 Arden Hills(621) 724 81 47 7.0 113.98 111.72 69.7 74.0 Bayport(834) 740 79 130 21.3 108.40 104.34 73.6 74.0 Belle Plaine(716) 994 16 218 28.1 128.55 126.10 76.3 72.4 Blaine (16) 921 33 119 14.8 102.75 100.88 88.0 89.2 Bloomington(271) 970 22 116 13.6 102.14 102.80 91.4 91.2 Brooklyn Center (286) 924 30 118 14.6 104.94 103.85 86.6 87.3 Brooklyn Park(279) 1010 10 151 17.6 105.84 103.49 91.0 91.0 Burnsville (191) 779 74 79 11.3 98.12 97.15 82.5 84.9 Champlin (111 1015 8 189 22.9 106.54 100.65 90.8 91.0 Chanhassen(112) 982 18 35 3.7 123.19 121.44 78.5 84.4 Chaska(112) 1045 4 24 2.4 122.16 119.86 82.3 89.6 Circle Pines(121 1062 3 154 16.9 113.56 110.48 88.5 89.1 Columbia Heights(13) 784 73 55 7.5 90.82 93.70 88.5 89.7 Columbus Twp.(8311 772 75 158 25.8 93.29 89.25 85.7 84.7 Coon Rapids(111 '1017 7 179 21.4 104.21 101.32 92.7 91.3 Corcoran (8771 976 21 167 20.7 100.87 98.88 92.8 91.2 Cottage Grove (833) 926 29 157 20.4 107.69 105.30 84.8 83.8 Crystal(281) 876 45 152 21.1 99.83 97.02 87.4 86.7 Dayton (11) 923 31 137 17.5 96.99 91.08 92.6 96.2 Deephaven (276) 937 27 122 15.0 106.25 103.70 86.4 87.9 Eagan(197) 607 86 56 10.1 85.55 86.41 80.3 82.1 East Bethel (15) 997 15 246 32.7 103.16 92.50 92.3 92.4 Eden Prairie (272) 908 37 142 18.5 98.28 93.84 90.6 92.3 Edina(273) 887 41 192 27.7 91.93 86.10 94.6 93.8 Excelsior(276) 999 14 202 25.4 109.27 106.32 87.9 84.9 Falcon Heights(623) 828 62 137 19.9 111.67 109.73 76.7 76.0 Farmington(192) 912 35 60 7.0 118.71 122.36 77.3 78.5 Forest Lake(831) 810 64 145 21.9 121.82 119.46 70.4 69.3 Forest Lake Twp. (8311 644 83 104 19.3 98.60 96.92 73.6 73.7 Fridley (14) 850 56 124 17.0 94.77 94.97 89.7 88.5 Golden Valley (275) 1006 12 153 18.0 108.12 105.34 89.1 89.2 Ham Lake (111 845 57 142 20.3 92.67 90.54 91.1 90.4 ilastings(200) 818 63 164 25.1 108.68 100.24 77.9 79.5 Hopkins(274) 1014 9 160 18.7 109.06 105.92 88.9 88.9 Hugo(624) 858 53 81 10.4 113.86 115.58 77.1 77.9 Inver Grove Heights1199) 620 85 41 7.2 89.44 92.23 78.2 79.7 Lake Elmo(834) 761 76 49 6.9 107.03 107.83 75.6 78.5 Lakeville (194) 809 66 142 21.2 106.54 103.01 78.7 78.6 Lino Lakes(12) 1081 2 197 22.2 116.80 111.98 87.4 86.6 Little Canada (623) 878 44 174 24.7 115.10 112.59 77.5 75.2 Mahtomedi (832) 864 50 144 20.0 124.85 125.31 71.7 69.7 Maple Grove(279) 1008 11 147 17.1 105.56 103.38 91.1 91.2 Maplewood (622) 874 46 125 16.7 119.47 119.61 74.9 74.1 Medina 1278) 963 23 209 27.7 103.42 99.51 90.0 86.9 Mendota Heights(197) 597 87 36 6.4 89.85 89.27 76.3 80.6 Minneapolis(1) 1228 1 192 18.6 129.89 124.00 86.9 87.8 Minnetonka (276) 1003 13 143 16.7 107.65 104.95 89.3 90.0 Minnetrista (277) 1030 5 44 4.5 116.92 117.87 84.6 88.8 Mound (277) 976 20 108 12.5 109.73 110.48 86.3 86.6 Mounds View (621) 897 39 141 18.7 123.00 121.01 74.3 73.8 New Brighton(621) 922 32 172 23.0 119.73 118.41 77.3 74.8 New Hope (281) 976 19 167 20.7 100.40 97.54 93.2 92.3 Newport(833) 795 70 111 16.3 111.98 106.80 74.7 77.3 North Oaks1621) 639 84 88 16.1 107.71 106.44 68.1 68.9 North St. Pau( (622) 757 77 118 18.5 119.02 116.36 69.0 69.3 0akdale(622) 898 38 89 11.0 111.44 113.84 80.8 80.9 Oak Grove Twp. )15) 799 68 181 29.2 95.44 91.85 85.8 83.0 Orono (278) 895 40 137 18.1 103.71 100.85 85.7 86.2 Osseo(279) 990 17 216 28.0 101.44 99.20 93.2 88.5 Plymouth 1284) 860 52 143 20.0 93.49 90.49 91.4 91.5 Prior Lake (719) 912 34 200 28.1 123.68 123.73 74.7 70.0 Rarrsey1110 796 &; 21; 37.5 .52.28 95.79 88.1 84.8 Richfield(280) 931 28 129 16.1 102.57 101.63 88.7 88.6 Robbinsdale(281) 956 25 140 17.1 . 103.42 100.57 89.6 90.4 Rosemount (196) 853 54 179 26.5 109.74 105.70 79.3 77.4 Roseville (623) 844 58 130 18.2 111.01 108.98 78.0 77.9 St. Anthony (282) 962 24 156 19.3 104.57 100,43 89.1 89.8 St. Louis Park (283) 954 26 164 20.7 102.87 19.82 89.9 89.2 St. Paul (625) 1023 6 194 23.4 133.92 126.72 75.1 75.0 St. Paul Park (833) 838 60 207 32.8 108.01 102.66 79.5 76.4 Savage(191) 835 61 121 16.9 '111.03 108.57 77.5 78.2 Shakopee(720) 864 49 4 .5 119.67 118.37 74.3 81.2 Shoreview (621) 844 59 133 18.7 120.13 118.62 73.0 72.4 Shorewood (276) 872 48 130 17.5 105.98 102.89 82.8 83.7 South St. Paul (6) 873 47 51 6.2 110.05 116.73 80.2 79.9 Spring Lake Park (16) 885 43 126 16.6 100.17 98.16 87.7 88.3 Stillwater(834) 851 55 89 11.6 115.40 112.23 75.9 79.0 Vadnais Heights (624) 861 51 177 25.9 132.06 125.10 68.3 67.8 Waconia(110) 793 71 0 .2 124.92 127.13 68.1 72.8 Wayzata(284) 792 72 178 28.9 92.61 91.34 87.6 83.1 West St. Paul (197) 698 82 90 14.9 94.19 95.84 80.1 79.3 White Bear Lake(624) 886 42 117 15.3 129.36 128.70 70.7 70.8 White Bear Twp. 1624) 726 80 . 142 24.3 120.49 114.00 66.7 67.2 Woodbury(8331 809 65 74 10.1 107.56 105.58 78.1 81.4 CITIZENS LEAGUE report shows estimated taxes, payable in 1977, on a $40,000 homestead in communities with more than 2,500 population in the metropolitan area. The 1976 taxes are on a homestead selling at $36,364. This allows for the 10% increase in selling price of housing in the year. (See story, front.) City 80 Acre Farm Resi_ance H NH H NH Classification Rate: 1st $13,000 20% 33 1/3% 25% 40% Remainder 33 1/3% 33 1/3% 40% 40% Assessed Value Business 43% • 43% 11,600 13,333 14,050 16,000 17,200 H_=STINGS -- School Dist.S200 Fiscal Disparities Ratio - - - .079558 Assessed Value -- Local - - - 15,382 Area wide value - - - - 1,368 Mill Rates : General 104.958 104.958 104.958 104.958 104.958 Debt 3.723 3.723 3.723 3.723 3.723 Area -wide - - - 111.680 Property Tax: General Tax 1217.51 1399.41 1474.66 1679.33 1614.46 - State Paid Ag Credit 139.20 133.33 - - - Homestead Credit 325.00 - 325.00 - Net General Tax .753:31 1266.08 1149.66 1679,33 1614.46 Debt Tax 43.19 49.64 52.31 59.57 57.27 Local Tax Payable 796.50 1315.72 1201.97 1738.90 1671.73 Area -wide tax - - - - 152.78 Total Tax Payable 1824.51 Tax as % of Market Value 1.99% 3.29% 3.00% 4.35% 4.56% 3'.R' SS'ILLE -- School Dist. k191 Fiscal Disparities Ratio - .098439 Assessed Value -- Local - - - 15,507 Area -wide value - - 1,693 Mill Rates : General 98.117 98.117 98.117 98.117 98.117 Debt 5.346 5.346 5.346 5.346 5.346 Area -wide - - 111.680 Property Tax: General Tax 1138.16 1308.19 1378.54 1569.87 1521.50 - State Paid Ag Credit 139.20 133.33 - - - - - Homestead Credit 325.00 - 325.00 Net General Tax 673.96 1174.86 1053.54 1569.87 1521.50 Debt Tax 62.01 71.28 75.11 85.54 82.90 Local Tax Payable 735.97 1246.14 1128.65 1655.41 1604.40 Area -wide tax - - - 189.07 Total Tax Payable 1793.47 Tax as % of Market Value 1.84% 3.11% 2.82% 4.14% 4.48% • DAKOTA COUNTY TAXING DISTRICT TAX LEVIES BY YSLL RATE LEVIF.S Taxing District Area-Wide(1) Local(2) Total County 289,290 11,515,857 11,805,147 Municipalities Cities 272,587 11,153,651 11,426,238 Townships 2,676 200,7S6 203,462 Total Municipalities 275,263 11,354,437 11,629,700 School Districts 939,208 43,049,970 43,989,178 Special Districts 33,217 1,727.346 1,760,563 GRAND TOTAL 1,536,978 67,647,610 69,184,588 1. The area -wide portion of the total levy is raised by the area -wide mill rate of 111.680 on a portion of all commercial - industrial assessed value in the 7 county metropolitan area consisting of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties. 2. The remaining portion of the levy is raised by the regular local mill rates applied to all property in the county and to the remaining or local portion of the commercial -industrial assessed value in the county. SPECIAL DISTRICTS 2.55 `io DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERT02NT PURPOSE Revenue Road & Bridge Welfare County Building County Fair Mental Health Parks County Library Library Building TOTAL GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVIES BY PURPOSE BY MILL RATE LEVIES Area-wide(1) 89,181.63 54,256.00 85,883.09 1,236.95 4,074.66 7,906.77 42.403.14 4,347.84 8289,290.08 Local(2) 3,855,965.37 2,345,744.00 3,714,116.91 Local Total Mill Rate 3,945,147.00 2,400,000.00 3,800,000.00 53,763.05 55,000.00 175,925.34 180,000.00 342,093.23 350,000.00 932,596.86 975,000.00 95,652.16 100,000,00 S11,515,856.92 S11,805,147.00 5.769 3.510 5.557 .081 .264 .512 1,548 .159 17.400 15.693 So.St.P. 1. The areaowide portion of the total levy is raised by the area -wide mill rate of 111.680 on a portion of all commercial -industrial assessed value in the 7 county metropolitan area consisting of Anoka, Carver, Dakota Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties. 2. The remaining portion of the levyis raised by the regular local mill rates applied to all property in the county and to the remaining or local portion of the commercial -industrial assessed value in the county. MENTAL HEALTH 1.52 FAIR .47 WELFARE 32.19 PARKS 2.96 14 LIBRARY 9.11ek ROAD a BRIDGE 20.33 % REVENUE 33.42 % • Marshall Mendota Mendota Hts. Mendota Hts. Miesville New Trier Nininger Randolph City Randolph Twp. Randolph Twp. Ravenna Rosemount Rosemount Rosemount Sciota Sciota South St. Paul South St. Paul South St. Paul Sunfish Lake Vermillion City Vermillion Twp. Vermillion Tw; , Vermillion Twp. Waterford Waterford West St. Paul 200 17.400 6.882 62.404 .911 197 17.400 16.433 54.470 2.940 197 17.400 15.044 54.470 2.940 197 W-D 17.400 15.044 54.470 3.314 200 17.400 4.571 62.404 .911 200 17.400 8.586 62.404 .911 200 17.400 2.309 62.404 .911 195 17.400 10.379 64.817 .911 195 17.400 5.510 64.817 .911 252 17.400 5.510 54.020 .911 200 17.400 3.791 62.404 .911 196 17.400 21.997 67.401 2.940 199 17.400 21.997 54.940 2.940 200 17.400 21.997 62.404 2.940 195 17.400 5.449 64.817 .911 659 17.400 5.449 62.910 .911 6 15.693 23.476 67.944 2.940 199 15.693 23.476 54.940 2.940 6/199 15.693 23.476 70.512 2.940 197 17.400 8.620 54.470 2.940 200 17.400 7.622 62.404 .911 192 17.400 6.973 71.313 .911 196 17.400 6.973 67.401 .911 200 17.400 6.973 62.404 .911 195 17.400 2.504 64.817 .911 659 17.400 2.504 62.910 .,911 197 17.400 19.381 54.470 2.940 * Includes Voc-Tech No. 917 -- 3.225 mills ** See Special rates that are applicable EXAMPLES OF PROPERTY TAX COMPLTATIONS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROPERTY WITH A LIMITED MARKET VALUE OF $40,000. Classification Rate: 1st $13,000 Remainder Assessed Value APPLE VALLEY -- School Dist.#196 Fiscal Disparities Ratio Assessed value -- Local Area wide value Mill Rates : General Debt Area -wide Property Tax: General Tax -State Paid Ag Credit -Homestead Credit Net General Tax Debt Tax Local Tax Payable Area -wide Tax Total Tax Payable Tax as % of Market Value 80 Acre Farm H NH H NH 20% 33 1/3% 25% 407. 33 1/3% 331/3% 40% 40% City Residence 11,600 13,333 14,050 16,000 99.564 4.241 1154.94 139.20 325.00 99.564 4.241 1327.49 133.33 99.564 4.241 1398.87 325.00 690.74 1194.16 1073.87 49.20 56.55, 59.59 739.94 1250.71 1133.46 99.564 4.241 1593.02 1593.02 67.86 1660.88 87.597 91.243 89.854 90.228 85.256 89.301 83.024 93.507 88.638 77.841 84,506 109.738 97.277 104.741 88.577 86.670 110.053 97.049 112.621 83.430 • 88.337 . 96.5517 92.655 87.645 85.672 83.725 94.191 Business 43% 43% 17,200 .163281 14,392 • 2,808 Y9.564 4.241 111.680 1432.93 1432.93 61.04 1493.97 313.60 1E07. 57 1.85% 3.13% 2.84% 4.16% 4.52% Basically, Assessed value times mill rate equals property tax. The property sax statement indicates the value of the property. Assessed Value The assessed value ranges from 5 percent to 43 percent of limited market value depend_.ig upon the classification of the property. Differences occur between Homestead and Non Homestead, Agriculture and Non Agricultural and Commercial -Industrial properties. MILL RATE A mill rate represents the dollar amount of tax per $1,000 of assessed value. Thus a mill rate of 100.24 is a tax of $100.24 for each $1,000 of assessed value. Separate mill rates are established for bonded indebtedness purposes (debt) and for general operation purposes (general). The distinction between debt and general mill rates is required only for the calculation of taxes on homesteaded property which received a credit to reduce the property tax liability. The homestead credit is 45 percent of the "general tax" (excluding non -school debt). SCHEDULE OF MILL RATES FOR PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 1977 Municipality Sc?:.Dist. County Municipality * School Sp@cial Dist. Total-- ** Apple Valley 191 17.400 16.064 59.662 2.940 96.066 Apple Valley 196 17.400 16.064 67.401 2.940 103.805 Burnsville 191 17.400 18.115 59.662 2.940 98.117 Burnsville 191 11-0 17.400 18.115 59.662 3.314 98.491 Burnsville 194 17.400 18.115 68.911 2.940 107.366 Burnsville 196 17.400 18.115 67.401 2.940 105.856 Burnsville 191-R-0 17.400 18.115 59.931 2.940 98.386 Burnsville 191 RON 17.400 18.115 60.599 2.940 99.054 Burnsville 194 OS 17.400 18.115 64.775 2.940 103.230 Burnsville 194 MI 17.400 18.115 69.180 2.940 107.635 Castle Rock 192 17.400 2.330 71.313 .911 91.95, Castle Rock 195 17.400 2.330 64.817 .911 85.458 Castle Rock 659 17.400 2.330 62.910 .911 83.551 Coates 196 17.400 9.532 67.401 .911 95.244 DoLglas 195 17.400 6.527 64.817 .911 89.655 Lougiat. 200 17.400 6.527 62.404 .911 87.242 Douglas 252 17.400 6.527 54.020 .911 78.858 Eagan 191 17.400 10.735 59.662 2.940 90.737 Fagan 191 11-0 17.400 10.735 59.662 3.314 91.111 Eagan 196 17.400 10.735 67.401 2.940 98.476 Eagan 197 17.400 10.735 54.470 2.940 85.545 Eagan 197 W-D 17.400 10.735 54.470 3.314 85.919 Eagan 191 CG7 17.400 10.735 64.991 2.940 96.066 • Empira 192 17.400 5.606 71.313 .911 95.230 Empire 196 17.400 5.606 67.401 .911 91.318 Eureka 192 17.400 3.817 71.313 .911 93.441 Eureka 194 17.400 3.817 68.911 .911 91.039 Eureka 659 17.400 3.817 62.910 .911 85.038 Farmington -Rural 192 17.400 17.598 71.313 .911 107.222 Farmington -Urban 192 17.400 29.089 71.313 .911 118.713 Greenvale 659 17.400 2.611 62.910 .911 83.832 Hampton City 195 17.400 16.682 64.817 .911 99.810 Hampton City 200 17.400 16.682 62.404 .911 97.397 Hampton Twp. 192 17.400 4.571 71.313 .911 94.195 Hampton Twp. 195 17.400 4.571 64.817 .911 87.699 Hampton Twp. 200 17.400 4.571 62.404 .911 85.286 Hampton Twp. 195-11 17.400 4.571 73.309 .911 96.191 Hastings 200 17.400 27.966 62.404 .911 108.681 Inver Grove Fits. 196 17.400 14.159 67.401 2.940 101.900 Inver Grove Hts. 197 17.400 14.159 54.470 2.940 88.969 Inver Grove Hts. 199 17.400 14.159 54.940 2.940 89.439 Inver Grove Hts. 196/197 17.400 14.159 53.606 2.940 88.105 Lakeville 192 17.400 19.319 71.313 .911 108.943 Lakeville 194 17.400 19.319 68.911 .911 106.541 Lakeville 196 17.400 19.319 67.401 .911 105.031 Lilydale 197 17.400 5.292 54.470 2.940 80.102 Lilydale 197 11-0 17.400 5.292 54.470 3.314 80.476 DAKOTA COUNTY GENERAL INFORMATION Dakota County Incorporated October 27, 1859 Area in square miles 570.61 sq. miles Population 1970 census 1976 estimate 139,808 184,113 County Seat Hastings Governing Body-- Board of 5 County Commissioners Judicial District 1st Congressional Districts: Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Eureka Farmington, and Lakeville 2nd Balance of County Number of Legislative Districts: Number of Municipalities Cities Townships Number of School Districts: 1st 12 20 13 11 1976 Assessed Value for taxes payable 1977 Real Property 671,516,714 Personal Property 21.948.844 Total 693,465,558 Area -wide adjustments' Contribution -24,981,965 Distribution +15,079.352 Taxable Value 683,:62,945 Number of General Property Assessments Homestead 38,850 Non Homestead 21,260 Number of Mobile Home Assessments 2,800 Number of Personal Property Assessments 280 Total Taxable Parcels 62,990 General Debt Total Lakeville, Miesoille, Nininger, Randolph T. Randolph C. Ravenna, sciota, Vermillion T. Vermillion C. & Waterford Minnesota River Watershed .374 (applies `n portions of Burnsvill., Eagan, Lilydale and Mendota Heights Vocational Technical school 017 2,411 Cates included in all school districts except Dist.#252 & 655 .374 :812 1.225 MILL RATES TAKING DISTRICTS Cities General Debt Total Apple Valley 12.536 3.528 16.064 Burnsville 13,482 4.633 18.115 Coates 9.532 9.532 Eagan 8.252 2.483 10.735 Farmington(Rural) 3,831 13,767 17.598 Farmington(balance) 15.322 13.767 29.089 Hampton 1.658 15.024 16.682 Hastings 24.450 3.516 27.966 Inver Grove Heights 11.759 2.400 14.159 Lakeville 17.137 2.182 19.319 Lil_:dale 5.292 5.292 Mendota 16.433 Mendota Heights 13.099 1.9- 45 15.044 Miesviile 4.571 - 4.571 New Trier 8.586 - 8.586 Randolph 10.379 - 10.379 Rosemount 14.012 7.985 21.997 South St. Paul 12:211 11.265 23.i76 Sunfish Lake 8.620 - Vermillion 7.622 7.622 West St. Paul 9.381 14.029 5.352 19.381 To:.^vships Castle Roc.t 2,330 - 2.330 Douglas 6.527 - 6.527 Empire 4.159 1.447 5.606 Eureka 3.817 3.817 Greenvale 2.611 Hampton 4.571 4.571 6.882 Marsh 6.882 - Sinirger 2.309 2.309 5.510 Randolph 5.510 510 Ravenna3.791 3.791.791 Sciota 5.449 Vermillion 6.973 6.9 Waterford 2.5074 3 2.504 2.504 METROPOLITAN AREA -WIDE MILL RATE 111.680 County With Library 17.400 Without Librarv(So.St.Paul) 15.693 Schools 4 6 3 191 f 192 # 194 • 195 S 196 197 4 199 4 200 4 252 • 659 Special 54.185 45.388 52.675 49.055 54.780 45.289 44.090 38.320 . 48.844 43.770 53.410 - 17.400 - 15.693 13.759 67.944 14.274 59.662 18.638 71.313 19.856 63.911 10.037 64.817 22,112 67.401 10.380 54.470 16.620 54.940 13.560 62.404 10.250 54.020 9.500 62.910 Metropolitan Council .301 .207 .508 (applies to all municipalities) Mosquito Control .178 .178 (applies to all. municipalities) Metro Transit Taxing District 1.748 .506 2.254 applies to Apl Vly, Burnsville, Eagan, Inv. Gr. Hts, Liiydale, ;.end. Hts. Mendota, Rosemount, So.St. Paul,Sunfish Lake & West St. Paul Metro Transit Taxing Area .225 .225 (applies to -astle Rock,Coates, Doug l.is,F.mpire,Eureka, Fnntn, Greenvale,Hampton T..Hanpton C., '. DAKOTA COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 1977 Schedule of Mill Rates Examples of Property Tax Calculations Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go Property Tax Levies This pamphlet has been prepared to provide you with some general information about your county and your property taxes payable in 1977. Compiled by Carl D. Onischuk, County Auditor Courthouse Phone -- 437-3191, Ext. 244 80 Acre Farm H NH City Residence H NH Business DAKOTA COUNTY TAXING DISTRICT TAX LEVIES BY MILL RATE LEVIES Classification Rate: 1st $13,000 Remainder Assessed Value HASTINGS -- School Dist.#200 Fiscal Disparities Ratio Assessed Value -- Local Area wide value Mill Rates : General Debt Area -vide Property Tax: General Tax - State Paid Ag Credit - Homestead Credit Net General Tax Debt Tax Local Tax Payable Area -wide tax Total Tax Payable Tax as-% of Market Value BL"RNSVILLE -- School Dist.1E191 Fiscal Disparities Ratio Assessed Value -- Local Area -wide value Mill Rates : General Debt Area -wide Property Tax: General Tax -State Paid Ag Credit -Homestead Credit Net General Tax Debt Tax Local Tax Payable Area -wide tax Total Tax Payable 20% 33 1/3% 33 1/3% 33 1/3% 25% 40% 40% 40% 43% 43% 11,600 13,333 14,050 16,000 17,200 .079558 15,382 1,368 104- .958 104.- 958 104.- 958 104.958 104.958 3.723 3.723 3.723 3.723 3.723 111.680 1217.51 1399.41 1474.- 66 1679.33 1614.46 139.20 133.33 - - - 325.00 - 325.00 753:31 1266.08 1149.66 1679,33 1614.46 43.19 49.64 52.31 59.57 57.27 796.50 1315.72 1201.97 1738.90 1671.73 - - - - 152.78 1824.51 1.99% 3.29% 3.00% 4.35% 4.56% 98.- 117 5.346 1138.- 16 139.20 325.00 673.96 62.01 735.97 98.117 5.346 1308.1- 9 133.33 1174.86 71.28 1246.14 .098439 15,507 1,693 98.11- 7 98.117 98.117 5.346 5.346 5.346 11:.. 680 1378.5- 4 1569.87 1521.50 325.00 1053.54 1569.87 1521.50 75.11 85.54 82.90 1128.65 1655.41 1604.40 - - 189.07 1793.47 Tax as % of Market Value 1.84% 3.11% 2.82% 4.14% 4.48% Taxi. District Area-Wide(1) Local(2) Total County 289,290 11,515,857 11,805,147 Municipalities Cities 272,587 11,153,651 11,426,238 Townships 2,676 200,786 203,462 Total Municipalities 275,263 11,354,437 11,629,700 School Districts 939,208 43,049,970 43,989,178 Special Districts 33.217 1,727,346 1,760.563 GRAND TOTAL 1,536,978 67,647,610 69,184,588 1. The area -wide portion of the total levy is raised by the area -wide mill rate of 111.680 on a portion of all commercial - industrial assessed value in the 7 county metropolitan area consisting of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties. 2. The remaining portion of the levy is raised by the regular local mill rates applied to all property in the county and to the remaining or local portion of the commercial -industrial assessed value in the county. SPECIAL DISTRICTS 2.55 DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVIES BY PURPOSE BY MILL RATE PURPOSE • LEVIES Revenue Road & Bridge Welfare County Building County Fair Mental Health Parks County Library Library Building TOTAL Area-wide(1) 89,181.63 54,256.00 85,883.09 1,236.95 4,074.66 7,906.77 42,403.14 4,347.84 $289,290.08 Local(2) 3,855,965.37 2,345,744.00 3,714,116.91 53,763.05 175,925.34 342,093.23 932,596.86 95,652.16 $11,515,856.92 Local Total Mill Rate 3,945,147.00 5.769 2,400,000.00 3.510 3,800,000.00 5.557 55,000.00 180,000.00 350,000.00 975,000.00 100.000.00 $11,805,147.00 .081 ' .264 .512 1,548 .159 17.400 15.693 So.St.P. 1. The area=wide portion of the total levy is raised by the area -wide mill rate of 111.680 on a portion of all commercial -industrial assessed value in the 7 county metropolitan area consisting of Anoka, Carver, Dakota Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington counties. 2. The remaining portion of the levy is raised by the regular local mill rates applied to all property in the county and to the remaining or local portion of the commercial -industrial assessed value in the county. MENTAL HEALTH 1.52 % FAIR .47 WELFARE 32.19 70 PARKS 2.96 LIBRARY 9.11 ROAD a BRIDGE 20.33 REVENUE 33.42 % Marshan Mendota Mendota Hts. Mendota Hts. Miesville New Trier Nininger Randolph City Randolph Twp. Randolph Twp. Ravenna Rosemount Rosemount Rosemount Sciota Sciota South St. Paul South St. Paul South St. Paul Sunfish. Lake Vermillion City Vermillion Twp. 192 Vermillion Twp. 196 Vermillion Twp. 200 Waterford 195 Waterford 659 West St. Paul 197 200 17.400 6.882 62.404 .911 87.597 197 17.400 16.433 54.470 2.940 91.243 197 17.400 15.044 54.470 2.940 89.854 197 W-D 17.400 15.044 54.470 3.314 90.228 200 17.400 4.571 62.404 .911 85.286 200 17.400 8.586 62.404 .911 89.301 200 17.400 2.309 62.404 .911 83.024 195 17.400 10.379 64.817 .911 93.507 195 17.400 5.510 64.817 .911 88.638 252 17.400 5.510 54.020 .911 77.841 200 17.400 3.791 62.404 .911 84.506 196 17.400 21.997 67.401 2.940 109.738 199 17.400 21.997 54.940 2.940 97.277 200 17.400 21.997 62.404 2.940 104.741 195 17.400 5.449 64.817 .911 88.577 659 17.400 5.449 62.910 .911 86.670 6 15.693 23.476 67.944 2.940 110.053 199 15.693 23.476 54.940 2.940 97.049 6/199 15.693 23.476 70.512 2.940 112.621 197 17.400 8.620 54.470 2.940 83.430 200 17.400 7.622 62.404 .911 88.337 17.400 6.973 71.313 .911 96.597 17.400 6.973 67.401 .911 92.685 17.400 6.973 62.404 .911 87.668 17.400 2.504 64.817 .911 85.632 17.400 2.504 62.910 ..911 83.725 17.400 19.381 54.470 2.940 94.191 * Includes Voc-Tech No. 917 -- 3.225 mills ** See Special rates that are applicable EXAMPLES OF PROPERTY TAX COMPUTATIONS FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROPERTY WITH A LIMITED MARKET VALUE OF S40,000. Classification Rate: 1st $13,000 Remainder Assessed Value APPLE VALLEY -- School Dist.#196 Fiscal Disparities Ratio Assessed value -- Local Area wide value Mill Rates : General Debt Area -wide Property Tax: General Tax - State Paid Ag Credit - Homestead Credit Net General Tax Debt Tax Local Tax Payable Area -wide Tax Total Tax Payable Tax as % of Market Value City 80 Acre Farm Residence H NH H NH 20% 33 1/:' 25% 40% 33 1/3% 331/3% 40% 40% 11,600 13,333 14,050 16,000 99.- 564 4.241 1154- .94 139.20 325.00 690.74 49.20 739.94 99.564 4.241 1327.49 133.33 99.564 4.241 1398.8- 7 325.00 99.564 4.241 1593.- 02 1194.16 1073.87 1593.02 56.55, 59.59 67.86 1250.71 1133.46 1660.88 B'',siness 43% 43% 17,200 .163281 14,392 2,808 99.564 4.241 111.680 1432.93 1432.93 61.04 1493.97 313.60 1807.57 1.85% 3.13% 2.84% 4.16% 4.52% _ Assessed Value Dakota County Incorporated The assessed value ranges from 5 percent to 43 percent of limited market value depending upon the classification of the property. Differences occur between Homestead and Non Homestead, Agriculture and Non Agricultural and Commercial -Industrial properties. MILL RATE A mill rate represents the dollar amount of tax per $1,000 of assessed value. Thus a mill rate of 100.24 is a tax of S100.24 for each $1,000 of asseseed value. Separate mill rates are established for bonded indebtedness purposes (debt) and for general operation purposes (general). The distinction between debt and general mill rates is required only for the calculation of taxes on homesteaded property which received a credit to reduce the property tax liability. The homestead credit is 45 percent of the "general tax" (excluding non -school debt). SCHEDULE OF MILL RATES FOR PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 1977 Municipality Sch.Dist. County Municipality * School Sp!cial Dist. Total-- ** Apple Valley 191 17.400 16.064 59.662 2.940 96.066 Apple Valley 196 17.400 16.064 67.401 2.940 103.805 Burnsville 191 17.400 18.115 59.662 2.940 98.117 Burnsville 191 W-D 17.400 18.115 59.662 3.314 98.491 Burnsville 194 17.400 18.115 68.911 2.940 107.366 Burnsville 196 17.400 18.115 67.401 2.940 105.856 Burnsville 191-R-0 17.400 18.115 59.931 2.940 98.386 Burnsville 191 RON 17.400 18.115 60.599 2.940 99.054 Burnsville 194 OS 17.400 18.115 64.775 2.940 103.230 Burnsville 194 MI 17.400 18.115 69.180 2.940 107.635 Castle Rock 192 17.400 2.330 71.313 .911 91.954 Castle Rock 195 17.400 2.330 64.817 .911 85.458 Castle Rock 659 17.400 2.330 62.910 .911 83.551 Coates 196 17.400 9.532 67.401 .911 95.244 Douglas 195 17.400 6.527 64.817 .911 89.655 Douglas 200 17.400 6.527 62.404 .911 87.242 Douglas 252 17.400 6.527 54.020 .911 78.858 Eagan 191 17.400 10.735 59.662 2.940 90.737 Eagan 191 W-D 17.400 10.735 59.662 3.314 91.111 Eagan 196 17.400 10.735 67.401 2.940 98.476 Eagan 197 17.400 10.735 54.470 2.940 85.545 Eagan 197 W-D 17.400 10.735 54.470 3.314 85.919 Eagan 191 CG7 17.400 10.735 64.991 2.940 96.066 Empire 192 17.400 5.606 71.313 .911 95.230 Empire 196 17_400 5.606 67.401 .911 91.318 Eureka 192 17.400 3.817 71.313 .911 93.441 Eureka 194 17.400 3.817 68.911 .91I 91.039 Eureka 659 17.400 3.817 62.910 .911 85.038 Farmington-Rura1 192 17.400 17.598 71.313 .911 107.222 Farmington -Urban 192 17.400 29.089 71.313 .911 118.713 Greenvale 659 17.400 2.611 62.910 .911 83.832 Hampton City 195 17.400 16.682 64.817 .911 99.810 Hampton City 200 17.400 16.682 62.404 .911 97.397 Hampton Twp. 192 17.400 4.571 71.313 .911 94.195 Hampton Twp. 195 17.400 4.571 64.817 .911 87.699 Hampton Twp. 200 17.400 4.571 62.404 .911 85.286 Hampton Twp. 195-H 17.400 4.571 73.309 .911 96.191 Hastings 200 17.400 27.966 62.404 .911 108.681 Inver Grove Hts. 196 17.400 14.159 67.401 2.940 101.900 Inver Grove Hts. 197 17.400 14.159 54.470 2.940 88.969 Inver Grove Hts. 199 17.400 14.159 54.940 2.940 89.439 Inver Grove Hts. 196/197 17.400 14.159 53.606 2.940 88.105 Lakeville 192 17.400 19.319 71.313 .911 108.943 Lakeville 194 17.400 19.319 68.911 .911 106.541 Lakeville 196 17.400 19.319 67.401 .911 105.031 Lilydale 197 17.400 5.292 54.470 2.940 80.102 Lilydale 197 W-D 17.400 5.292 54.470 3.314 80.476 Area in square miles Population 1970 census 1976 estimate 0ctobrr 27, 1859 570.61 sq. miles 139,808 184,113 County Seat Hastings Governing Body-- Board of 5 County Commissioners Judicial District 1st Congressional Districts: Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Eureka Farmington, and Lakeville 2nd Balance of County Number of Legislative Districts: Number of Municipalities Cities Townships Numl.r of School Districts: 1976 Assessed Value for taxes payable 1977 Real Property Personal Property Total 1st 12 20 13 11 671,516,714 21.948.844 693,465,558 Area -wide adjustments Contribution -24,981,965 Distribution +15.079.352 Taxable Value 683,562,945 Number of General Property Assessments Homestead 38,850 Non Homestead 21,260 Number of Mobile Home Assessments 2,800 Number of Personal Property Assessments 280 Total Taxable Parcels 62,990 General Debt Total Lakeville, Miesoille, Nininger, Randolph T. Randolph C. Ravenna, Sciota, Vermillion T. Vermillion C. & Waterford Minnesota River Watershed .374 .374 (applies to portions of Burnsville, Eagan, Lilydale and Mendota Heights Vocational Technical School #917 2.413 .812 3.225 rates included in all school districts except Dist.#252 & 659 KILL RATES TAXING DISTRICTS Cities General Debt Total Apple Valley 12.536 3.528 16.064 Burnsville 13,482 4.633 18.115 Coates 9.532 - 9.532 Eagan 8.252 2.483 10.735 Farmington(Rural) 3,831 13,767 17.598 Farmington(balance) 15.322 13.767 29.089 Hampton 1.658 15.024 16.682 Hastings 24.450 3.516 27.966 Inver Grove Heights 11.759 2.400 14.159 Lakeville 17.137 2.182 19.319 Lilydale 5.292 - 5.292 Mendata 16.433 - 16.433 Mendota weights 13.099 '1.945 15.044 Miesville 4.571 - 4.571 New Trier 8.586 - 8.586 Randolph 10.379 - 10.379 Rosemount 14.012 7.985 21.997 South St. Paul 12:211 11.265 23.476 Sunfish Lake 8.620 - 8.620 Vermillion 7.622 - 7.622 West St. Paul 14.029 5.352 19.381 Tavnsh ios Castle Rock 2.330 - 2.330 Douglas 6.527 - 6.527 Empire 4.159 1.447 5.606 Eureka 3.817 - 3.817 Greenvale 2.611 2.611 Hampton 4.571 4.571 . arsh_. 6.882 6.882 ':Grainger 2.309 2.309 Randolph 5.510 5.510 Ravenna 3.791 3.791 Sciota 5.449 - 5.449 Vermillion 6.973 6.973 W'aterford2.504 2.504 METROPOLITAN AREA -WIDE MILL RATE 111.680 County With Library 17.400 - 17.400 Without Library•(So.St.Paul) 15.693 15.693 Schools 4 6 4 191 :r 192 i` 194 4 195 4 196 • 197 t 199 O 200 ,52 • 659 54.185 45.388 52.675 49.055 54.780 45.289 44.090 38.320 . 48.844 43.770 53.410 13.759 67.944 14.274 59.662 18.638 71.313 19.856 68.911 10.037 64.817 22.112 67.401 10.380 54.470 16.620 54.940 13.560 62.404 10.250 54.020 9.500 62.910 Special Metropolitan Council .301 .207 .508 (applies to all municipalities) Mosquito Control .178 .178 (applies to all municipalities) Metro Transit Taxing District 1.748 .506 2.254 applies to .Apl V1y, Burnsville, Eagan. Inv. Gr. Hts, Lilydale, Mend. Hts. Mendota, Rosemount, So.St. Paul,Sunfish Lake .4 West St. Paul Metro Transit Taxing Area .225 .225 (applies to iastle Rock,Coates, Douglas,E:rpire,Eureka, Frmtn, Greenvale,Hampton T..Hampton C., DAKOTA COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 1977 Schedule of Mill Rates Examples of Property Tax Calculations Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go Property Tax Levies This pamphlet has been prepared to provide you with some general information about your county and your property taxes payable in 1977. Compiled by Carl D. Onischuk, County Auditor Courthouse Phone -- 437-3191, Ext. 244 UNICIPALITY OF a REAL ESTATE FINAL 19 COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS EST NATED MARKET VALUE: $ 4., f 0275 9) 3 6 , LThIUD MARKET: Land Buildings /, % 5l5 Machinery v7_ 7ga Q76. TOTAL L.M. :,266', ,3113377 Real Estate Assessed Value: $ ?.3 07O 0,3 / Personal Prop. Assessed: $ 7„?. 7-51 TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE--1977 :$ �.76'� Rerrrks: REAL. ESTATE -- VALUES AS OF — / for 19 7 Q ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: $ LIMITED MARKET: Land 7 35 () g �' Buildings c?// 7 /O Machinery ,=? 40, TOTAL L.M. ?7 ,30' T Real Estate Assessed Value: $ .77 lv..j(, / Personal Prop. Assessed: $ ' 97.E CYO EST. TOTAL EST. ASSESSED VALUE -- 19 DAKOTA COUNTY MILL RATES COMPARISON OF 1975 -- 1976 ,i Carl Onischuck County Auditor Seymour B. Olson County Assessor SCH. DIST. 1975 GROSS HSTD. HSTD RATE RELIEF RATE 197A 90.11 191NA 98.44 196A 95.76 196NA 104.09 191 A 97.39 191 NA 105.72 191A/WD 97.99 191NA/WD106.32 191A/Ro 97.77 191NA/Ro106.10 191A/Ron 98.42 191NA/Ron106.75 194A 104.45 194NA 112.78 194NA/OS 108.22 194NA/MI 113.16 196A 103.04 196NA 111.37 192A 76.21 192NA 84.54 195A 72.98 195NA 81.31 659A 91.25 659NA 99.59 196A 83.16 196NA 91.49 195A 79.90 195NA 88.23 200A 65.30 200NA 73.63 252A 80.18 252NA 88.52 '77d GROSS RATE AG. HSTD. HSTD. RELIEF RATE. RATE APPLE VALJEY 39.02 51.09 84.93'N) 82.9300 35.39 42.77 55.67 94.93 40.79 41.57 54.19 91.28(N) 89.28�H,38.25 45.32 58.77 101.28 43.65 39.39 43.14 39.66 43.41 39.57 43.31 39.86 43.61 42.57 46.32 44.27 46.49 41.94 45.69 34.08 37.83 32.63 44.93 40.85 44.60 37.02 40.77 35.74 39.49 29.17 32.92 35,87 39.62 BURNSVILLE 58.00 87.15�N� 62.58 97.15(N) 58.33 87.66 62.91 97.66 58.20 --- 62.79 97.47 98.05 94.97(N) 104.97 100.69 105.29 93.50�N� 103.50 58.56 63.14 61.88 66.46 63.95 66.67 61.10 65.68 7 .7 7 - CASTLE ROCK 42.13 77.03(N) 46.71 87.03 40.35 70.92�N� 36.38 50.40 54.99. COATES 46.14 50.72 DOUGLAS 44.16 48.74 36.13 40.71 44.31 48.90 80,92 78.87�N� 88.87 85.15(H)35.89 41.29 85.66(H)36.12 41.52 41.43 41.69 92.970039.41 44.81 42.88 �H�44.95 91.50 38.75 44.15 75.03(H)33.69 (H)39.09 68.92 30.94 (H)36.34 76,87 34,51 39.91 84.26(N) 82.26(H)36.95 94.26 42.35 76.48(N) 74.48(H)33.44 86,48 38 84 71.72�Nj 69.72�H,31.29 81.72 36.69 74.53'N, 72.53'H)32.56 84.53 37.96 1975 SCH. GROSS DIST. RATE 197A 98.32 197NA 106.65 HSTD. HSTD. RELIEF RATE AG. GROSS HSTD. RATE RATE HSTD. RFT.TF.F RATE WEST ST . PAU�L, 40.97 57.35 85.84kN'83.84(H) 34.80 44.72 61.93 95.84 40.20 DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER - 437-3191 Dakota County Goveiument Center Phone Extensions Administrator Assessor Auditor Attorney Clerk of Court Register of Deeds Sheriff Treasurer 277-278-279 251-252-253 241-242-243 221-222-223 291-292-293 261-262-263-264 314 232-233-234-235 SCH. DTST. 1975 lPt:. GROSS HSTD. HSTD, GROSS RATE RELIEF RATE RATE 196A 99.50 196NA 107.83 199A 90.95 199NA 99.28 200A 77.53 200NA 85.86 195A 76.49 195NA 84.82 659A 94.76 659NA 103.10 6 126.10 6/199 128.91 199A 98.38 199NA 106.71 42.55 46.30 38.70 42.45 32.66 36.41 ROSEMOUNT 56.95 95.70(N) 61.53 52.25 56.83 44.87 49.45 105.70 86.95 96.95 85.23 95.23 AG HSTD. 1975 it 7% AG HSTD HSTD, RELIEF RATE RATE 93.70(H)39.16 44.56 84.95 35.22 40.62 83.23 34.44 39.84 SCIOTA TWP. 34.21 42.28 74.29(N) 72.29(H)32.46 37.96 46.86 84.29 37.86 42.43 52.33 82.24 80.24 36.03 46.18 56.92 92.24 41.43 52.15 53.42 39.68 43.43 197A 82.55 36.74 197NA 90.88 40.49 192A 82.73 192NA 91.06 196A 86.87 196NA 95.20 200A 64.90 200NA 73.23 37.01 40.76 38.88 42.63 28.99 32.74 200A 65.35 29.20 200NA 73.68 32.95 195A 74.64 195NA 82.97 659A 92.91 659NA 101.25 SOUTH ST. PAUL 73.95 116.73 75.49 119.53 58.70 --- 63.28 99.95 SUNFISH LAKE CITY 45.81 72.73(N) 50.39 82.73 VERMILLION TWP 45.72 83.60�N) 50.30 93.60 47.99 52.57 35.91 40.49 83.20 93.20 72.73 82.73 47.26 48.52 39.71 70.73(H)31.60 37.00 81.60(H)36.65 42.05 81.20 36.47 41.87 70.73 31.75 37.15 VER;IILLION CITY (H ) 36.15 71.68 69.68 31.28 40.73 81.68 36.68 • WATERFORD TWP. 33.38 41.26 71.87(N) 69.87(H)31.37 37.13 45.84 81.87 36.77 41.60 51,31 79.82 77.82 34.94 45.35 55.90 89.82 40.34 ' SCH. GROSS HSTD, HSTD, GROSS HSTD. RELIEF DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE RATE RELIEF RATE 191A 86.15 191NA 94.48 191AWD 86.75 191NAWD95,08 1910G7101, 74 196A 91.80 196NA 100.13 197A 85.70 197NA 94.03 197AWD 86.30 197NAWD94.63 192A 78.76 192NA 87.09 196A 82.90 196NA 91.23 192A 78.35 192NA 86.68 194A 83.90 194NA 92.23 659A 93.39 659NA 101.73 192AR 94.09 192NAR 302 , 42 192A 107.40 192NA 115.73 659A 93.00 659NA 101.34 195A 99.00 195NA 107.33 200A 84.40 200NA 92.73 EAGAN CITY 37.19 48.96 80.40(N)78.40(H) 33.93 40.94 53.54 90.40 39.33 37.46 49.29 80.91 78.91 34.16 41.21 53.87 90.91 39.56 44.21 57.53 96.64 42.14 39.74 52.06 86.75 84.75 36.79 43.49 56.64 96.75- 42.19 36.99 48.71 76.41 74.41 32.13 40.74 53.29 86.41- 37.53 37.26 49.04 76.92 74.92 32.36 41.01 53.62 86.92 37.76 EMPIRE TWP. (N) (H) 35.23 43.53 78.85 76.85 34.51 38.98 48.11 88.85 39.91 37.10 45.80 78.45 76.45 34.33 40.85 50.38 88.45 39.73 35.04 38.79 37.54 41.29 41.81 45.56 EUREKA TTP. 43.31 78.60(N)76.60(H) 34.40 47.89 88.60 46.36 79.67 77.67 50.94 89.67 51.58 80.44 78.44 56.17 90.44 39.80 34.88 40.28 35.22 40.62 FARMINGTON CITY 36.85 57.24 101.06(N)99.06(H) 34.55 40.60 61.82 111.06 39.95 42.84 64.56 112.36 110.36 39.63 46.59 69.14 122.36 45.03 GREENVALE TWP. 41.64 51.36 79.93(N)77.93(H) 34.99 45.39 55.95 89.93 40.39 HAMPTON CI 36.59 62.41 88.55 40.34 66.99 98.55 30.02 54.38 83.79 33.77 58.96 93.79 )86.55(H) 31.95 37.35 81.79 29.80 35.20 1975 C7 e AG. HSTD, SCH. DIST. GROSS HSTD. HSTD. GROSS HSTD. RELIEF RATE RELIEF RATE RATE RATE RATE 192A 80.60 192NA 88.93 195A 77.37 195NA 85.70 200A 62.77 200NA 71.10 195HAg 88.45 19 5HNAg 200A 89.97 200NA 98.30 196A 95.28 196NA 103.61 197A 89.18 197NA 97.51 197/196NA96.71 199A 86.73 199NA 95.06 192A 93.54 192NA 101.87 194A/T 99.09 194NA/T 107.42 194A/V 194'_`A/V 196A 97.68 196NA 106.01 197A 89.72 197NA 98.05 197A/WD 90.32 197NA/WD 98.65 HAMPTON TOWNSHIP N) (H) 36,06 _ 44.54 80.26 78.26 35.15 39.81 49.12 90.26 40.55 34.61 42.76 74.15 72.15 32.40 38.36 47.34 84.15 37.80 28.04 34.73 69.39 67.39 30.25 31.79 39.31 79.39 35.65 39.60 48.85 81.13 36.44 93.13 41.84 HASTINGS 39.25 50.72 90.24(N) 88.24(H)38.51 43.00 55.30 100.24 43.91 INVER GROVE FIGHTS 41.28 54.00 90.98(N) 88.98(H)38.59 45.03 58.58 100.98 43.99 38.53 50.65 80.64 78.64 33.93 42.48 55.23 90.64 39.33 41,92 54.79 89.92 39.01 37.43 49.30 82.23 80.23 34.65 41.18 53.88 92.23 40.05 LAKEVILLE CITY(N) (H) 41.46 52,08 91.94 89.94 40.11 45.21 56.66 101,94 45.51 43.96 55,13 93.01 91.01 40.59 47.71 59.71 103.01 45.99 43.33 54.35 91.54(N) 89.54(H)39.93 47.08 58.93 101.54 45.33 LILYDALE CITY 39.97 49.75 72.04(N) 70.04(H)31.29 43.72 54.33 82.04 36.69 40.24 50.08 72.55 70.55 31.52 43.99 54.66 82.55 36.92 • 1975 SCH . GROSS DIST. RATE 200A 63.11 200NA 71.44 197NA 101.17 197A 88.42 197NA 96.75 197A/WD89.02 197NA/WD97.35 200A 62.76 200NA 71.09 A7 74 AG. HSTD. HSTD. GROSS HSTD. RELIEF RATE RATE RATE HSTD. RELIEF RATE MARSHAN TWP. 28.19 34.92 71.60(N)69.60(H) 31.24 31.94 39.50 81.60 36.64 MENDOTA CITY 45.12 56.05 91,28 40.84 38.86 42.61 39.13 42.88 MENDOTA I-IGHTS CITY 49.56 79.27(N)77.27(H) 54.14 89.27 49.89 79.78 77.78 54.47 89.78 MIESVILLE CITY 28.03 34.73 69.64(N)67.64(H) 31.78 39.31 79.64 200A 70.20 31.38 200NA 78.53 35.13 ' 200A 59.97 26.78 200NA 68.30 30.53 195A 76.92 195NA 85.25 252A 77,20 252NA 85,54 195A 76.78 195NA 85.11 200A 60.79 200NA 69.12 NEW TRIER CITY 38.82 75.55(N)73.55(H) 43.40 85.55 NININGER TIP 33.19 67.86(N)6586(H) 37.77 77.86 33.64 39.04 33.87 39.27 30.36 35.76 33.02 38.42 29.56 34.96 RANDOLPH TWP 34.40 42.52 74.23(l)72.23(H) 32.43 38.15 47.10 84.23 37.83 34.53 42.67 72.28 70.28 31.55 38.28 47.26 82.28 36.95 RANDOLPH CITY 34.34 42,44 80.90(N)78.90(H) 35.43 38.09 47.02 90.90 40.83 RAVENNA TWP 27.14 33.65 67.12tN)65.12(H) 29.22 30.89 38.23 77,12 34.62 MUNICIPALITY OF REAL ESTATE -- FINAL 19)40, ESTILATED MARKET VALUE: $ / LINIT U MARKET: Land Buildings COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS / 77,9?7520 Machinery a? 4/0 moo TOTAL L.M. • Real Estate Assessed Value: Personal Prop. Assessed: .-.?1l 8 le,, ad/7 $ 8(1 7io)?-73 $ 2/3 v 9S— TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE--19 7 (,.: $ I., et02 �3 p Remarks: REAL ESTATE -- VALUES AS OF ,5'4;1O for 1977. ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: $ LIMITED MARKET: Land 670 6s;?ac Buildings /97, J % 5 7.Sr Machinery 1/0, ,� a TOTAL L.M. 67'/7/a Real Estate Assessed Value: Personal Prop. Assessed: $ qR as3to9 $ '? 7/3 oao EST. , TOTAL EST. ASSESSED VALUE -- 1972 $ /d o -474 1972 1973 1972 1973 SCH. • GROSS HSTD. IST. RATE RELIEF 192A 217.83 192N: 242.83 195A 219.34 195K'. 244.34 200A 236.19 200NA 261.19 200A 309.90 200NA 334.90 196A 285.05 1?tNA 110,05 197A 258.32 197NA • 283.32 197/196A 258,19 197/196NA 283.19 199A 261.99 199NA - 286.99 .192A 192NA - 194A/ T 194NA/T 194A/V 194NA/V 196A • 196NA 239.26 264.26 283.31 308.31 298.17 323.17 287.17 312.17 197A 250,51 197NA • 275.51 197A/WD 252.51 197NA/WD 277.51 89.88• 98.63• .70.75 79.50 73,20• 81. 95 73,20 81.95 65.91 74.66 75.96. 84.71 75.33, 84.08 75.33 84.08 71.50 80.25 68.67 - 77.42 60.33 68.78 65.53 74.28 • HSTD, I GROSS RATE RATE HAMPTON T0WNSHI.P 149.161 63.5i 165,411 71.86 . 5'; 3 1 S 7 175.56 170.66 ! 64,a1 186.91 72.94 • EASTINGE'.' 22C.02 1 88,40 236.27 l 96.73 H: TD. !ELITE PATE 21.46 24•� 20.57 1 IN ER GRCVE HEIGHTS ,.14-.30 . L ..5. 70 21,73 23 3. 55 1 �,-, 09 2- 6» 135.12 1 83.73 1:2,1 ,2 201.37 1 92.'Ju 16.23 184.99 I 83.59 2.3,32 201.24 91.92 26.23 196.08 75.31 19.09 212.33 83.64 22.01 `8.61 54.02 53.79 4.6‘95 2s,7,3 A,40 LAKEVILLE 163.30 • 179.55 207.98 224.23 222.84 239.09 215.67 231.92 VILLAGE 71.07 79.40 81.34 89.67 83.02 91.35 88.38 96.•71 LILYDALE VILLAGE 70.47 180.04 82.82 79.22 196.•29 91.•15 71.17 181.•34 83.49 79,92 197,59 91.82 17.16 20.08 22.63 25.55 22.63 25.55 22,75 25.66 64.03 69.45 66.41 65.83 60.27 65.69 56.22 61.63 53.91 59.32 58.71 64.12 60.39 65.80 65.63 71.05 23.37 59.45 26,28 64.87 23.60 59.89 26.51 65.31 SC L, GROSS DIST. RATE HSTD. HSTD. GROSS HSTD. HSTD. . RELIEF RATE RATE RELIEF RATE 200A , 242.8.7 67.87 200NA.. 267.8.7 76.62 197NA 261.17 74.20 197A 266.28 73.98 197NA, 291.28 82.73 197A/WD 268..28 74.68 197NA/WD293..28 83.43 200A 232.33 64.18 2JONA. 257.33. 72.93 200A 254.90 72.08 200NA 279.90 80.83 200A 226.1.4 62.01 200NA 251.14 70.76 • 195A• 216.02 58.87 195NA 241.02 67.62 252A. 195.00 60.02 252NA 220.00 68.77 f 195A 208.07 56.09 195NA. 233.07 64.84 • 200A 238.97 66.50 200NA. 263.97 75.25 MARSHAN TWP. 175.00 65.37 . 17.93. 47.44 191.25 73.70 . 20,84 52.86 MENDOTA VILLAGE . 186.97 89.76. 25.79. MENDOTA HEIGHTS VILLAGE 192.30 87.09 24.01 208.55 95.42 . 26.92• 193.60 87.76 . 24.24 209.85 96.09 27.15 • 63.97 63.08 68.50 63.52 68.94 MIESVILLE VILLAGE 168.15 63.05 17.12 45.93 184.40 71.38 20.01 51.35 NEW TRIER VILLAGE • 182.82 70.09 • 19.58 50.51 199.07 78.42 22.49 55.93 NININGER TWP. 164.13 60.86 . 16.35 44.51 180.38 69.19 19.26 49.93 RANDOLPH TWP.- 157.15 74.36 173.40 82.69 • 134.98 71.04 151.23 79.38 21.15• 24.06 19.08 21.99• RANDOLPH VILLAGE 151.98 69.59 19.48 168.23 77.92 22.39• RAVENNA TWP. 172.47 64.81 17.73 168.72 73.14 • 20.64 53.21 58.63 51.96 57.39 50.11 55.53 47.08 52.50 TT HE-+ Oa C4 g13 CO CV 4VC00.O01Ul r4MUlr- onr.r--1-4Ch01 r`r-lr1If • o • o 0 0 N r` N 00 .D -t Cl O .D 1-1 .0 .D '.D .D .D N .D .D .O 'D .D .D .D'r-•Cl•O'r,•Ul•.O - u'1-r--o0 o o r- O O r"- -4 M CD C. N r 1 •• 0 0 • 0 0 • • 0 0 N LnC).DinOM N-tNUl N N N N Cr N N N N N N 00 1-4 111 00 M 00 rl Ul 00 N Ul rA Ln CO r4 r, r, r4 r,O-I'r- e o 0 o e e • o 0 0 Ln c) Ul .f N- M N r♦ M r-I 00 Cl00ClOo0C1CoClC0 CT 0 .C) O Lr .C) Cl '4 r1 .D ,--I .0 A ,�• CJI. O• N• r•-•'.0• co,In t`-00•0 •-: • ram 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • o Lrl •* C.) '.O N CV :- l r--N oo on CD0^1 C'J.1 1.-1C_lCV rIN00C\000 7r1 � l•� N N N CV 4a 1^,' .71 _1 • ^ M r- 0 r-1 r/l a`V11 CO Q r/) C/) W E-1 � =-i C!J g CA 01 at VID O r- ri r-N004 .4U1U1.0 .r-0"VIDN N rn.Du1 � y• o 0 • . •D CA N 1-4 1-4 r4 N C1NOM CD ,f • o • • r-r CT 00 .D .D .D r, 00 C 1 Cl Ci . r1 '0 1/4471 .O r4 r' l .D Ul O ,f' r . . -1• CCr' rl' * r-r (0 ' r1 U1 • C. 1 ^ -' 1-1. CT• r� of • un non rl1`iin 0 0 0 onVDLnri0 ,.7',Cl .fir-,.-)r- r. r VDN. - n ,- ,• ,' r-I 'Jl 0 0 r� r-- r- M r1 r-I• r-I' • ON r-I• r- M M• Cri • ▪ 0 o lc) e • o e • o .0 C1 -' r1 O 0 .0 1- CT ,t r-I r` r-OODM-I-r-O-tr-rnN N M CV ��--�11 01 CA 01 CA CV CV r4 1-4 rr .0 VO r- 01 CI CT CA CT CT CIOICA0ICI rl r-I r-I r-1 r--I rl r-♦ r--I r-♦ 1 1 r-I r f CV .4 rA N.'.D ' .D000N CA VD • a 0 0 0 0 • 01010001 • .OUIUI -f Ul on • on 0 .D in .t O Mr-,CD r- CD N N r-i N r-1 N ,] r-{ .O CI OCQ r4 F4O01Ul00 V,11 'NO1-IC\ Ln qi • NU1OOis) [� CilC1r-O rAoo O rn 0 0 0 0 • F-{ O -1 00 M 0 r-1 r, Ci (2a' O r--r CO O l- 00 (1) N N 1--I N r---I ri r- I.Or-NMCO CA CA 01 1-4 n N 000• 00 M 1-1o0r--'M .O r- Ul .0 .D r- 0001NNC'ciM U] r-4 r-I r A rl .D .O rV/Oj]E-ll U)O Nr�LnC Egg .O Cl * .O 01 VD U` CV N N N N CV r4 01 VID Mr- CA VD CA ,t C T U1 LCl .D .D U1 CT 1-4 o • V] 1 1 r4.00T N N N N O • M-tr- .0'4000 r- coo" CA .• CT M 00 r--1 O r, 00 r-.D.4 Ul.0r-00 VD .D r, r- . C n Cl CV. Cal 1-4 .D CN r-i M Ul 00 N N N N U1.0U1aVDoo r`LO.0 MLr1 0 1-4UN. 00 CI .0 CD CA 01N .O co f� r-r Ul 0 10 N� o 0 0 0 0 • • • o . o 0 r, 01 N00CJ00 r- NUI CD Nr- ra��4.0, -4 in in in VD .0 Ul .D .D r` .D .D CA Cl r4r4.01, in -4 an CT Ul-f ,t n C. N Ul 00 r{ r-1 rl N CA N ISO r�1 0l'17r-1 p • M P. .D CD CA 'J N O 00 VD E-i .D r, r-- co o0 CS O Ul 00 M O Ul CD C\I VD Ch CV .4. .0CJO.OMCA 4 VD CT0CTO 1-4 r4 r4 N 1-'1 N 01,MOrn.O. .D Ul .D Ul Ul ,t .D�.O nr-o0 ,r-I M ram, Cl Ill r, CX) O • 00 �'.D•O Cl 'O'Cl• CT CO ri0 O 0 • . • • x o e W t r- On r1 in r- O M r- O' CD r4 rl r CJ CA N N N r-4 N 0 1 r-ONUI CA 01 -t r� r4 ▪ 0 Y' CV r- oo 00 C\ 00MU10 . O..O r-i Cl CO r-, Ln .o r-000N r4 111 ♦ e r, Ul Cf3 CT 1 • N. • VO ON 0 1-1 N O 111 'n N r co r` 00 o cn • • r C1 CT000cO r4 VD ri rl'0 r-- , r,1 •D N O N rl M N N N N r-CV r-N oD .r M • , v • mo VD r-r+NNNN ��1',--Ir-1 r---ram �'Ci'v0" .GIC.'OQ.-Irl 101000 C.. .O.G'T • • • • • o • 0 i • d i ▪ • • , o Nr-r, NC1�7' CXl C,'1100 U1O c.'r�CT' ' r--1 M In CO .D CI � t\ C1 N .3 0\ '�: 00 � 0 CV CV N NNN N NN C'1 NN NNC 01 � QQz•+' � CVip , . g- CV N 1 CI CI • Ul dCD CT Cl Ol Cl C1 CA CA Cl Ul U1 Cl Cl Cl C1 U1 10 C 1 O CD • 1-4r4 ri rr-4 rl 1-4 .D r1 1-4 r-1 1-1 .D .O r{ r4N CA LnOUl.O r 1 O N .D e o 0 • M.DOUl CAClr`r-- ('VNU1r- O 0LID U1 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r-1 N00 CDr-0OM.1' C/) N N N N N rI r, r, CV000000 r- r- O In .Ot,ON 01 M M M rA M Cl O r-I M M In 0.4 CAr,O,t.0O -'C. O Ln Nr,004 Ul U) U1 Ul .D .0 4 Ul .4 10 N .• rA CA VID ` -t M' 00 n -4 C'1 in -4 O M U1 00 r-1 4 00 r-1 N N r4 r-1 N N r1 N w -4 •- 0 0 N CVr0, M. 0 N r-4 VD 0 r-1 'f' rr Ln • ,t M r4 r- In .Dr,opCA.DV, Cl .4..0. r-♦ C1 -t N M ,t r` Ul 00 e o 0 0 0 • U ) r4 r, M .D N Lnt� 0co0,0l H 1-4 N N ri 1-4 .O r♦OUINr, o0.O4r-1r,4 1--1 O .O CID r-- r-- 00 VID r, VO r- U1 U1 .D .0 14 r4 Cl Cl 00 00 01 0/ .D • r-I 4 C A Ul O N 1.11 r- CT ,t r, N N N CV N N N N U1 CT 0 0 Ln r- oo CD oo M 00 O 0 e O r� N r` . at. Ul Cl r-I O 0 0 0 O M Ul 00 (4 CA N N a H OI.CV r- H 10 • 00 - -4 Ul U1 Cl 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 00.O E-1re) 14r-u1 .Dn a)00C1 01..4 GOci 01..4 .t C. M .D CWW., CA N CD CV 0000 CV CID E-1 01 O r4 r, 00 CA Q Lnr-0')O r-1 r' r-♦ r- 4 r -1 Ul O 00 .D ri O r` 00 -4.4 N CV .4 ON Ul r- CA N .D r-I Ln CD r0C,r,U, r, Ul -41- M Ln .D r` co O ,0 Q VD 0000 CI CTCACT 00 r4r41-4r4NN ¢ ¢ CA Cl CA Ul Ln r-I 1-4 .D .D Cl CA r-I C\ CT ON VD � . ch CA 1-i Cl CA mn VD CD g 0" 0') 0') 0') 0)0 rA rl 1-4 r-1 N N 00 00 N N 110 L1 CA 01 Cl CA U'1 In r--I 1--1 .O .O " 172 1973 1972 1973 ":A IEF • 191A 2 `'.. 98 + 74,57 19i1 . 114,93 33.32 2:'6.34 69.54 a S iNA 311. `;=. 1A 191NA 191A/WD 191NA/WD 191A/ c 191NA/Ro 1(3?A/Ron 12.3 /:ion 194NA 194NA/OS 194NA/:I 196A 196NA 29?..13 317.15 294.15 319:15 294.15 319.13 297.83 285.25 310.25 347.06 312.25 289.11 314,11 '9.76 39 2' 79.76 32,31 82,31 82.3. 63.73 78.48 192A 206.29 64.63 192NA 231.29 73.38 195A 207.80 55.99 195NA 232.80 64.74 659A 262.44 73.58 659NA 287.44 82.33 196A 261.92 62,66 196NA 286.92 71.41 195A 226.34 62.48 195NA 251.34 71.23 200A 243.19 67.98 200NA 268.19 76.73 252A 205.32 63.63 252NA 230.32 72.38 HSTD. I GROSS RATE RATE . .APPLE,. VALLEY 210.41 87.37 2='6.66 95.70 2. 1'. r, •36.+ 2.33.6) )5,'' BURNSVILL2: 212.39 228.64 213.69 229.94 214.39 230..64 218.07 23+,3Z 227"). 229.94 2 .9. '-8 233.53 99.64 91.98 100.31 91.81 100.14 92.71 J.03.04 83.37 92.20 111.. r4•2 92.7u 90.91 99,2A CASTLE ROCK 141.66 59.62 157.91 57,95 151.81 71.34 168.06 79.67 188.86 85.72 205.11 94.06 COATES 199.26 78.67 215.51 87.00 DOUGLAS 163.86 80.60 180.11 175.21 191,46 141.69 157.94 HSTD, HSTD. RELIEF RATE 24.29 63.08 27.20 68.50 21.88 65.09 24.79 70.51 24.68 27.59 24.91 27.82 24.68 27.59 24.68 27.59 22.15 25.07 25.07 25.07 22.27 25.18 13.55 16.47 20.09 23.00 24.54 27.46 66.63 7 2:05 67.07 72.49 67.13 72.55 68,03 73.45' 61.72 67.13 76.35 67.63 68.64 1'4. 06 46.07 51.48 51.25 56.67 61.18 66.60 19.62 59.05 22.53 64.47 23.33 57.27 88.93 26.24 62.69 69.96 19.53 50.43 78.29 22.44 55.85 77.28 21.26 56.02 85.62 24.17 61.45 1 SCH. GROSS HSTD, HSTD. DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE GROSS HSTD. HSTD. RATE RELIEF RATE WEST ST.PAUL 197A 295.03 80.76 214.27 95.80 25.36 70.44 197NA 320.03 39.51 230.52 104.13 28.27 75.86 Court House Phone Number 437-3191 Dakota County Court House Phone Extensions Admi nistrator Assessor Auditor Attorney Clerk of Court Register of Deeds Sheriff Treasurer 46 and 58 21, 38 and 57 44 and 41 22 23 and 24 34, 35 and 20 48 53 and 54 1 • • * * * * * -,%•• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * i•C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * •e'c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * •;'c * * * * * *.• * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * ..;tc * * * * * * * ;•'t * * * * * DAKOTA. COUNTY MILL RATES • * * * •:`c * * * * . . * COMPARISON OF 1972 1973 * * * * * * * * * * * * • ,• • * * Carl Onischuck County Auditor Robert J. Meiers County Assessor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7.7C * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7.c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1973 Non Ag. 195 Ag. Non Ag. 196 Ag. Non Ag. Watershed Transit -. Mosquito Control - Metro Council COUNTY Revenue - 5.47 Road & Bridge - 3.70 Welfare - 6.73 - Co. Bldg. 1.57 Dak. Co. Ag (Fair) .10 Mental Health •29 Parks (2M) .30 .67 Co. Library --- 1.19 1.36- Co. Library Bldg. --- •32 .16 19.67 .21 So. St. Paul Total ----- 18.16 ,, CITIES & VILLAGES Apple Valley Burnsville Coates Eagan Farmington (Rural) ---- 12.80 Farmington (Balance)--- 25.25 Hampton 22.48 Hastings 29.45 Inver Grove Hts. 9.28 Lakeville (Part) 13.58 Lilydale 8.37 Mendota - 6.98 Mendota Heights 12.64 Miesville - 4.10 New Trier 11.14 Randolph - -0- Rosemount - 5.53 South St. Paul - 27.38 Sunfish Lake -0- Vermillion 9.58 West St. Paul 21.35 10.49 14.43 2.19 8.30 Vermillion Waterford TOWNSHIPS Castle Rock _ 1.75 Douglas 11.01 Empire 3.22 Eureka 4.50 Greenvale 3.21 Hampton ---- 5.66 Lakeville (Part) 11.90 Marshan 6.42 Nininger 1.91 Randolph - 4.77 Ravenna- - 5.86 Sciota - 6.46 8.24 3.60 6 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 197 Ag. 53.11 79.96 Non Ag. 61.44 /A, 3 191 Ag. A- 55.54 65.54 199 Ag. 44.69 Non192 Ag. g - 37.83��!'C i Non Ag. - 53.02 Non Ag. - 46.16 200 Ag. 38.91 194 Ag. - 48.10 Non Ag 47.24 - 56.43 252 Ag - 46.23 - 49.55 Non Ag - 54.57 55.14 .Ag - 563.93 - 659 ,72.27 63.47//".; f/l/ Non Ag Apple Valley Burnsville Coates Eagan Farmington TRANSIT COMMUNITIES Inver Grove Heights Lakeville L ilydale Mendota Hts. Mendota Rosemount So. St. Paul Sunfish Lake West St. Paul PERSONAL PROPERTY Class 4 TOTAL PEAL ESTATE Land 1'ui ]dings Machinery TOTAL TOTAL: REMARKS: COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT OF —� 1973 Equalized Valuation 1974 Assessor's Valuation MARKET VALUE /.. /32)_3 no MARKET VALUE 1/6/<2'/ ASSESSED VALUE /!`1>36) ? 7� /?�0 S76, ASSESSED VALUE , /.5 9 / 7 5,2 - `1 EST. MARKET VALUE ASSESSED VATU '7) 0 /n 7n 0 41 4.c) 1;..0( EST. MARKET VALUE ASSESSED VAT-UE 3?) 'l 9/ ` J ,'7 / 4.÷,0 c)3 l 71V-7(r. ( :4j1( Estimated 1974 Pipelines (not yet reported from State of Minn)-- / `�,j� <.,Z %`J assessed F'F'F'N 10 10 1/40 .D 'a a .O CO .0 CO OnODOIV 1D U7 W VD O V F. CO W 4+ W W •D W 10 W CA F. W .D N V U7 .PN U7 4s WOOWOo e • • • U1 10 F. 01 F. W.0F' 10 10 10 W 00 0 00 10 CN W O V LnNlJ1N r H HyF.� FC F. F. F . F. F . F . F. F. F. F. F . F. F. F. F. 10 .D .D .0 1/40 10 .D 10 .0 .D .D .D .0 .D .D < C H H CA vDCoF'VD h'10mD1O 4+OAOU1 O W.DF. e F. e e 0 V W• .On W COS O VNOO\UIN.O W CO o e • 0 0 • • e F. WN.(\N-.4- Oh 0 In vD .D O In lJl U7 Ln 117 l.TI U1 U1 N0000O\1.U10 0 0 • • 0 • • 0 ONVDF.-4+01N Ps H CD 1/40 01 V O CN F. CO 0 10 0 .0 V .0 � W • .4+OCOU1 N 10 V 4- W O W .D V W V W Ln F. • o • • • e • • .D ., N V CO W F' CN F' O\ La Ln Ln U1 Ln U1 U1 U1 Ln P-O-P-1/40 00 .DInO.N e • • • • • O\ O W V 10 W 0\ OD W U1 W Ln F. W c\ 00 N N CD 0 HH O4 • e e • 1/40 Cm CO In W O W 0 01 CN CO 1n W N Woo Coo o O1 .O O N10 Co W V W O U1 In O W V Ca Ln CO V In O\ • F. V F.CD 0 H WNHF. In U1 .D .D NJ NJ Ln 00 V 00 V .0 W In • • • • 0h W .D O. O• N F-4 Co V .D CO .D CO ON.DONON • 0 Q e e • Coln. V .DO. mDCACD W O CA W W W W W W W In F. VD .D O\ .D O\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �VUi0DF-'10N O.H10.0-4--Co W 4:- 4> In U1 4?- 01 .> In0000\00m • 0 • • 0 • • - F`OO�OONJ 10 W W In V U1 V v1 V .D Co .O 1/40 CO F. .D U1 0h 0\ V .D W In OV V LnF.O'N O'WF'E- COF.0o W P.P. W e VF�N• •• N4>.0NU1QN co W N CO W W CO U1 4> U1 In 0l In In La Ln0 CO 0 CO W V Ni 0' U1 O CO CD VD WlnCo0 7d H cn N N O O o Co mo Ln V • e H 0 W F-� V V VD F. Oh U1- W.D • VF--' U1 V .O CO CO .D H 6 F.NNF+F. F+F' rJ] 1/40 0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Ln cD CD Ln Ln NJ NJ oQ CO 01CN00V 0000 • 0 0 0 0•0 N 10 U1 CO U1 4N 1-1 V O V CO U1..C1\ W N WNUJW 4+W 1/40 N V V W O O\ • NON WU1NU1 V F.ChCD nCNF' . W W LID 4s 4s e • 0 0 0 • • CD CO WCnONO� CD vD F.Co00N CO ONOOV CO CO CO F. N U1 V CO O o 0 • 0 • • • • W.0 N V V W.0 O' O V 01 0 0 -1 W O F\W WI.JNWWWW W 1/40 .0 0F. CO CO .D O\ ON O1V OW0ICOO CDln O.0O'F-' NO' U1U1 4W W..4>P.,4?- U1 0 CO •D -� V N .D .� o • s e o W V CO W V W V F. U7 ON Ln F-' Lo CN NJ No NJ NJ NJ NJ NJ F- HH1-' H ram 00 00 0 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 00 01In V O' M0. 6 CA.000 •D CA 0' 01 V W U1 .D O .0 In W -. V .D F' • • e • • • W • • • • 0 • 1-4 W0 J� 0001 VU1.00\ .D nW 00 W W W W NJ NJ La NJ La NJ 4>Lo Lo La NJ vD Ln V4:- vD Ln La vD F. V 00'00' W V • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 • V V O U1 V F-..� O W V .D .+ 0' 0' N U1 U100oW CD Ln Ohl. .0F.014>.0 O 0h1-' OOWO�H M F. In F. N 01 Co CO V CO V In V U1 0' • • • • In N N l0 4sCU7 W Ni W W W W W W O V Co - Co Co 0 • • • 0 • CO CD Lo NJ ln H 1/40 -? .0 .> Co W U1 W W 00 W N O\ Wln V N O 4s N . � V N V N • • 0 • 0h V O N O W CN F, O In CN 01 Co 10 O V O In 1-1 ln vD F. W HA tr1VV CO CD F-j In N W W N Co Co O O\ U1 F. • e • • Ln 'V F. W W CO W CO H 7d H t=] ro W W V W v V 0' e o� O %AD O1 W N F. CO V Co W Ln Ln La Co N 00 V 10 Ln .0 00 10 CO vD Ch CO 01 N 01 N W W N 1D N 0o CO F. CN CD CO La CN U1 1/40 V F. O F. • F-' V 3 1 W la CO W NM ON V 0' F. W Lo NJ In F. CO • o • N lH0 WW 4>W WW U14>U7- In Lo co V W W CO .0.4 .0-.0 01 .D.� o • • 0 • • o • e • V F. .F-- 00 W V CO F. U1 O U1 10 V.O ON F. W +1.0�CM U1 ON 0 z 1-4 ro -3 0 ri cn F;n Yj • 7 H • Pi) +n x H d • H H a L?l UI w r, o W Ch rA N r/1 co GO H C7 U1 n on r-I r` 0' r--1 on up cl • EA Q <l 0 Q 0 G�rrr A H P4 cdo to W O dH z GY c5 FA U 'O - ON on VD ,A CN ,t C4 M '-4 O oo r-I cN \O oo r- 01 VIN00ill O\DI,NOVD U1r-Ico01 010001CN 1-1 • e • o • • • • e • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 00010101r,NW GOMOIM MOOUlC 01 r, VDOr-1\p • U1 ,' UI UI UI U1 ,t U1 - Ul -t -t "4. 111 st "t UI UI UI 01,tVDr-1 r-I- ChCN mDr-4 C100OU1 ,t01'4-01r4 VD r-101-' N Nl--'Ol[-NO N01r-100 Of,UINGOUI • a. • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • o 0 0 0 r'- O N- r-I -t 01 M VD O r- rA Ul 00 N. O Ul 00 r- rl rA U1 M,f 01 "t i on-4-o .4 on4- MMM.' M MM-t-4--4- Lc100U1O0MOMOM •\001OM r-I r, O t- CO r-I r-O CM 10 p.r r- O on cm • • . • • 0 0 • • • • • • 0 • VD -t 1D Ul rA rA O N 10 4- 00 n N rA 00 01 CO a1 O o1 O 00 01 00 01 r, 00 00 01 r 1 r—I (s] t!1 CI N. U1 4- on M U1 M r, on 4CD �M on cm -I OD rA O o • • e Ul0 U104vo mr3O'Or- Lt Ulnt on on4'vI4- Ul.tUl M00O on r-O -1-oir r.N r� 00 -1• r-I U1 r- Ul r, - o r, 1D"tszt N on on r4 Mt,0U1 OOM00M ,tCArACN • 0. • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • ,t n ,t co r--I -4 00 -' 00 ,t 00 U" ) O1 cl lD co on on M-3't"' on on on ono1 MMMM •U100OMO1M Mmoo1 NMr- CO1DM CA 01 r- 00 CO 01 01 O r-I N O-t NOOr, O V00 mD,-Ir, ,t CO U10100N U O N 00 147 r 4 U1 k.0 .0 10 U1O-to\ 00 1/40 00 Ul VD O N 10 CN CA CD on O-4-tt� -' Nr,U1 01 O O r--r r4 r 1 r-i N Or-1O1 CD VDU)O -t 00 rA VD U1 Ul VD .o N r, VD rI M 00 Oo M rA V0 o n 00 mD r-I N. 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M t., 00 VD M N N 00 M o1 • o e • N VD N VD ,t,tVI U1 Ul O1 0 00 O1,tr-N • • • MU100M r,r,U1 MD r4 VD M 00 in N 00 M N O>,f,A r4,4-10-' -dnN VD N01O101 0101,',t U1U1M,t 01NM0O "t00r, rA rn -1-000 O n -4 -4 rn , trn n ,t 10 0 M ,t O r1 NOrnr. r-101 r,M01U1o1-t • 0 0 0 U'1Or-NUIO .fUl,tUlV1,t rIIDCOMO\,t O r. CO 1/40 c N- r,0coN00 N 01 MDr,OOM r,O00NO1 N CA rAl001-t M 00010001V0 r, U IMMr-I,' N 01 Ul r-1 r- MO N • 0 o o • • U1 O M r, O1 • D -d -d on on GO H U 0 aaH r-� VDU/ 0101 r^1 U1 Ul UI N r-1 • Ul U1 O O 00 O1 N M r,r4 r, r'3 • VD U1 00 rn d runI n M -• 4 O Ul N 01 01 N N M U'1 CO on m0 Ul M VD n on Ch M M r'3Ol00 1/40 -t O\M O1 N mD 00 tD 10 on on o1-tNr, • 01 CD r`, • • • • 1/4D O O M Cl ,t 01 M • NUDM r, M O VD r41D"t 00 VD VDUIUI .t01U1O VOMMr-I • o • • U1Olo1M M M N CO 00 r-1 O M t- LID rl r-I O\ O 00 o1 r-t • OO CN • o- oo rA r-{ N N N • OOM01 1-4 • U1 rA UI -• -t U1 U1 00MOUl c'M r M0 M • :•• •t) ( -t -t ,t r, ri U1 V0 01 01 N • • ,.t (NI N r I n c001O r-I01O1OO O1,tVON O 0 • • 01"tr,N M ,t ,' Ul 01 "4' r-- CA 01 MD r-I on 00 N -t r- N t l O r-1 1D r-I \O ID rA 01 00 r, N '4' 01 '.0-1 r101r.-t -1-N00111 0 4 14-) Mr-1 '.OMMOMr-I N. VD'dOr- O 0 0 0 • o • • • o • • 0 • • e • 0 • 0 0 0 0 ,t00Oon r--I C1r-0101 01 ,t ,t (0 CA VD r-rAU10100 N 00 CV N MD01 N MMMMNM MMM-t LIIll MM 01 01 01,t01MNM NM MMM.' Cr N::UI OO on 00 O .t0MV001 01r-01 M r--I r- 00 t0 r-'0 r, U1o0O-' M'OU700 0000 • N 00 VD r` oo Oo o x t0 '.D 01 01 O O ill LtD C Q1 r -1 01 01 U O101O 0 00 0101UDU1 HC)01 Cr) r-{ ,A rl r-i N CV r-I r1 '.O 10 V0 10 rA rA Cr) N M n • o N O r-- co d 10014t O on on004n0M O 0 0 0 0 0 01 r4 CO VD 01 r4 000lN-00 VD r- OD • rA M N VD 1- 00 r-I M r, UI o1 r-- 0 o • 0 0 N O mO U1 • 00oorn sV cm w\0 o 0 o 0 on on rn o 01 01 01 01 0 O 0 0 01 O1 U1 Ul rA rA r'3 r-I N N N CV rA r3 VD VD 1974 1975 1974 1975 SCH. DIST. GROSS HSTD, HSTD. RATE RELIEF RATE 191A 84.52 191NA 92.85 196A 85.98 196NA 94.31 191A 86.30 191NA 94.63 191A/WD 86.89 191NA/WD95.22 191A/Ro 86.73 191NA/Ro95.06 191A/Ron87.48 191NA/Ron95.81 194A 94.74 194NA. 103.07 194NA/0S97.98 194NA/M1103.50 196A 87.76 196NA 96.09 192A 192NA 195A 195NA 659A 659NA 77.36 85.69 70.78 79.11 84.93 93.27 196A 72.91 196NA 81.24 195A 195NA 200A 200NA 252A 252NA 79.07 87.40 65.09 73.42 82.78 91.12 36.34 40.09 37.00 40.75 36.17 39.92 36.44 40.19 36.36 40.11 36.70 40.45 39.97 43.72 41.43 43.91 36.83 40.58 34.82 38.57 31.86 35.61 38.23 41.98 GROSS HSTD. HSTD. RATE RELIEF RATE APPLE VALLEY 48.18 90.11 52.76 98.44 48.98 95.76 53.56 104.09 BURNSVILLE 50,13 97.39 54.71 50.45 55.03 50.37 54.95 50.78 55.36 54.77 59.35 56.55 59.59 50.93 55.51 105.72 97.99 106.32 97.77 106.10 98.42 106.75 104.45 112.78 108.22 113.16 103.04 111.37 CASTLE ROCK 42.54 76.21 47.12 38.92 43.50 46.70 51.29 84.54 72.98 81.31 91.25 99.59 39.02 51.09 42.77 55.67 41.57 54.19 45.32 58.77 39.39 43.14 39.66 43.41 39.57 43.31 39.86 43.61 42.57 46.32 44.27 46.49 41.94 45.69 34.08 37.83 32.63 44.93 40.85 44.60 58.00 62.58 58.33 62.91 58.20 62.79 58.56 63.14 61.88 66.46 63.95 66.67 61.10 65.68 42.13 46.71 40.35 36.38 50.40 54.99 COATES 32.59 40.32 83.16 37.02 46.14 36.34 44.90 91.49 40.77 50.72 35.59 39.34 29.30 33.05 37.26 41.01 t DOUGLAS 43.48 79.90 48.06 35.79 40.37 45.52 50.11 35.74 44.16 88.23 39. 48.74 65.30 29.17 36.13 73.63 32.92 40.71 80.18 35.87 4LL.31, 88.52 39.62 r SCH. GROSS HSTD. HSTD. DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE 197A 92.70 197NA 101.03 WEST 38.83 53,87 42.58 58.45 GROSS HSTD. HSTD. RATE RELIEF RATE ST. PAUL 98.32 40.97 57.35 106.65 44.72 61.93 Court House Phone Number 437-3191 Dakota County Goveirnuent Center Phone Extensions Administrator Assessor Auditor Attorney Clerk of Court Register of Deeds Sheriff Treasurer 277-278-279 251-252-253 241-242-243 221-222-223 291-292-293 261-262-263-264 314 232-233-234-235 $$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ '$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ .$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ T$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ DAKOTA COUNTY MILL RATES COMPARISON OF 1974 -- 1975 Carl Onischuck County Auditor Robert J. Meiers County Assessor 5 $$$$$1i $$$$M: $$$$$$; $$$$$$: $$$$$$4 $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$$$: $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$$$ti $$$$$$; $$$$$$` $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$$$; $$$$$$: $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$M JA$�$$$$$$1y; $$$$M $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$M $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$M $$$$M $$$$$$, $$$$$$; $$$$M $$$$M $$$$M $$$$$$; $$$$$$; $$$$$$; $$$$$$` $$$$M $$$$$$' $$$$$$$ti $$[�.$$$[[CCs� s.sss Dakota County Tax Rates For the Year 1975 County Watershed Transit Mosquito Control Metro Council Cities & Apple Valley Burnsville Coates Eagan Farmington Farmington Hampton Hastings Inver Grove Lakeville Lilydale Mendota Mendota Heights Miesville New Trier Randolph Rosemount South St. Paul Sunfish Lake Vermillion West St. Paul 6 191 Ag. Non Ag. 192 Ag. Non Ag. 194 Ag. Non Ag. 195 Ag. Non Ag. 196 Ag. Non Ag. .60 3.41 .19 .77 Villages 13.60 20.88 1.00 9.64 (Rural) 16.07 (Balance) 29.38 27.62 33.19 Heights 13.12 15.52 13.66 16.78 12.36 5.98 13.42 5.40 17.34 26.17 6.49 8.57 22.26 Revenue Road & bridge Welf are Co. Building Dak. Co. Ag. (Fair) Mental Health Parks Co. Library Co. Library Building So. St. Paul Total Townships Castle Rock Douglas Empire Eureka Greenvale Hampton Marsh an Nininger Randolph Ravenna Sciota Vermillion Waterford 7.04 3.93 5.98 .43 .08 .30 .26 1.30 .10 19.42. 18.02 1.60 8.52 4.15 3.74 3.35 5.99 6.33 3.19 5.54 4.01 5.11 8.12 3.26 77.54 52.72 61.05 54.23 62.56 59.78 68.11 51.00 59.33 58.37 66.7o School Districts 197 Ag. Non 199 Ag. Non 200 Ag. Non Ag. 252 Ag. Non Ag. 659 Ag. Non Ag. Ag• Ag. 52.27 60.60 49.82 58.15 36.40 44.73 51.28 59.62 69.27 77.61 Transit Communities Apple Valley Inver Grove Heights Rosemount Burnsville Lakeville South St. Paul Coates Lilydale Sunfish Lake Eagan Mendota Heights Vilest St. Paul Farmington Mendota How Your Tax is Determined The County Assessor establishes the value of your property, the Auditor computes the tax rate and applies it against the taxable assessed value to determine the amount of your individual tax. The County Treasurer sends you a bill and collects the current tax. Delinquent taxes are paid to the County Auditor. Example of Tax Computation Property taxes on $20,000.00 home in a typical community, would cost the homeowner $342.86. This computation was made as follows: Assessed Value $6,200.00 Mill Rates: School District 1. ,.73 County 19.42 City 33.19 Misc. .96 Total Mill Rate 98.30 $6,200 X 98.30 $609.46 Gross $6,200 X 43.00 $266.60 Homestead Credit $342.86 Net *45% of General Revenue portion of property tax including school debt. Debt retirement portion, excluding school debt, is computed without credit MUNICIPALITY OF Ect-ga,J COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS REAL ESTATE -- FINAL 19 75 r n EST]NATED MARKET VALUE: $ �-02 4 Y� f (0 1,63 LIMIIt u MARKET: Land Buildings Machinery 5 7, \.3q (n i 5 a ci 15,�510�9 �.35a ig2 TOTAL L.M. c / 7 l 1()30 Real Estate Assessed Value: Personal Prop. Assessed: $ �(� B� 7L,5- $ 1 Pio8i ) TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE--19 ? 5:$ Z 73 593 Remarks: REAL ESTATE -- VALUES AS OF ESTIMA1ED MARKET VALUE: $ 61,2 for 19 7 LIMITED MARKET: Land Buildings Machinery TOTAL L.M. Real Estate Assessed Value: $ 2 9_ 706, 1 Personal Prop. Assessed: $ N g )0 h n ci EST. TOTAL EST. ASSESSED VALUE -- 9J $ o1 ! 517 .3 4- 1 y SCH GROSS DIST. RATE 192A 63,53 192NA 71.86 195A 75.25 195NA 83.58 200A 64.61 200NA 72.94 195 HAg 200A 88.40 200NA 96.73 196A 85.76 196NA 94.09 197A 83.73 197NA 92.06 197/196A 83.59 197/196NA91.92 199A 75.31 199NA 83.64 192A 192NA 194A/T 194NA/T 194A/V 194NA/V 196A 196NA 197A 197NA 197A/WD 197NA/WD 71.07 79.40 81.34 89.67 83.02 91.35 88.38 96.71 82.82 91.15 83.49 91.82 1973 HSTD. HSTD. GROSS RELIEF RATE RATE 14.92 17.84 21.46 24.37 17.66 20.57 82.88 60.57 68.90 87.27 HASTINGS 25.42 62.98 87.13 37.96 28.33 68.40 95.46 41.71 1974 HSTD. HSTD. RELIEF RATE 21.73 24.64 23.32 26.23 23.32 26.23 19.09 22.01 17.16 20.08 22.63 25.55 22.63 25.55 22.75 25.66 23.37 26.28 23.60 26.51 HAMPTON TOWNSHIP 48.61 81.13 36.51 54.02 89.46 40.26 53.79 74.55 33.55 59.21 46.95 52.37 37.30 27.26 31.01 39.27 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS 64.03 82.60 36.23 69.45 90.93 39.98 60.41 82.41 36.14 65.83 90.74 39.89 60.27 65.69 90.06 39.59 56.22 72.56 31.71 61.63 80.89 35.46 LAKEVILLE VILLAGE 53.91 91.49 40.65 59.32 99.82 44.40 58.71 93.35 41.49 64.12 101.68 45.24 60.39 95.90 41.49 65.80 104.23 45.24 65.63 86.37 38.35 71.05 94.70 42.10 LILYDALE VILLAGE 59.45 87.98 39.37 64.87 96.31 43.12 59.89 88.57 39.64 65.31 96.90 43.39 44.62 49.20 41.00 45.58 33.31 37.89 48.00 49.17 53.75 46.37 50.95 46.27 50.85 50.47 40.85 45.43 50.84 55.42 51.86 56.44 54.41 58.99 48.02 52.60 48.61 53.19 48.93 53.51 .1 1973 1974 SCH. GROSS HSTD. HSTD. 1 GROSS HSTD. HSTD. DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE J RATE RELIEF RATE 200A 65.37 200NA 73.70 197NA 89.67 197A 87.09 197NA 95.42 197A/WD87.76 197NA/WD96.09 200A 63.05 200NA 71.38 200A 70.09 200NA 78.42 200A 60.86 200NA 69.19 195A 74.36 195NA 82.69 252A . 71.04 252NA 79.38 17.93 20.84 MARSHAN TWP. 47.44 61.13 27.51 33.62 52.86 69.46 31.26 38.20 MENDOTA VILLAGE 25.79 63.97 I 97.39 43.60 MENDOTA HEIGHTS VILLAGE 24,01 63.08 ' 84.86 36.69 26.92 68.50 93.19 40.44 24.24 63.52 85.45 36.96 27.15 68.94 93.78 40.71 53.79 48.17 52.75 48.49 53.07 MIESVILLE VILLAGE 17.12 45.93 60.75 27.34 33.41 20.03 51.35 69.08 31.09 37.99 NEW TRIER VILLAGE 19.58 50.51 65.34 29.41 35.93 22.49 55.93 73.67 33.16 40.51 NININGER TWP. 16.35 44.51 57.20 25.75 31.45 19.26 49.93 65.53 29.50 36.03 21.15 24.06 19.08 21.99 195A 69.59 19.48 195NA 77.92 22.39 200A 64.81 17.73 200NA 73.14 20.64 RANDOLPH TWP. 53.21 58.63 51.96 57.39 75.61 34.03 83.94 37.78 79.32 35.70 87.66 39.45 41.58 46.16 43.62 48.21 RANDOLPH VILLAGE 50.11 74.10 33.35 40.75 55.53 82.43 37.10 45.33 RAVENNA TWP. 47.08 59.65 26.85 32.80 52.50 67.98 30.60 37.38 1973 1974 SCH. GROSS HSTD, HSTD. GROSS HSTD, HSTD. DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE RATE RELIEF RATE 196A 82.01 20.39 196NA 90.34 23.30 199A 71.56 17.75 199NA 79.89 20.67 200A 65.78 17.54 200NA 74.11 20.45 195A 76.05 21.74 195NA 84.38 24.65 659A 90.43 26.19 659NA 98,77 29.11 6 127,17 34.02 6/199 130.02 34.02 199A 91.90 21.65 199NA 100.23 24.57 197A 74.45 20.44 197NA 82.78 23.35 192A 66.11 15.82 192NA 74.44 18.74 196A 83.42 21.41 196NA 91.75 24.32 200A 67.19 18,56 200NA 75.52 21.47 20QA 68.53 200NA 76.86 195A 73.19 195NA 81.52 659A 87.57 659NA 95.91' 55.70 62.01 67.43 48.63 54.05 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE 61.62 67.04 53.81 59.22 48.24 53.66 SCIOTA 54.31 59.73 64.24 69.66 79.09 87.42 69.05 77.38 63.65 71.98 TWP. 74.35 82.68 88.50 96.84 SOUTH ST. PAUL 93.15 128.73 96.00 131.88 70.25 88.17 75,66 96.50 34.69 38,44 30.17 33.92 27.74 31.49 44.40 48.98 38.88 43.46 35.91 40.49 33.46 40.89 37.21 45.47 39.83 48.67 43.58 53.26 53.02 54.44 34.77 38.52 SUNFISH LAKE VILLAGE 54.01 72.39 32.35 59.43 80.72 36.10 VERMILLION TWP, 50.29 83.56 37.61 91.89 41.36 78.44 35.31 86.77 39.06 63.00 28.36 71.33 32.11 75.71 77,44 53.40 57.98 40.04 44.62 45.95 50.53 43.13 47.71 34.64 39.22 VERMILLION VLG. 19.03 49.50 63.84 28.73 35.11 21.94 54.92 72.17 32.48 39.69 WATERORD TOWNSHIP 20.74 52.45 72.58 32.67 39.91 23.65 57.87 80.91 36.42 44.49 25.19 62.38 86.73 39,04 47,69 28.11 67.80 95.07 42.79 52.28 1973 SCH, GROSS HSTD, HSTD, DIST. RATE RELIEF RATE 191A 85.18 22.86 191NA 93.51 25,77 191AWD 85.85 23.09 191NAWD 94.18 26.00 191CG7 102:73 25.77 196A 84.78 20.45 196NA 93.11 23.36 197A 82.75 22.04 197NA 91.08 24,`95 197AWD 83.42 22.27 197NAWD91.75 25.18 192A 61.09 14.07 192NA 69.42 16.99 196A 78.40 19.66 196NA 86.73 22.57 192A 62.37 14.52 192NA 70.70 17.44 194A 72.64 19.99 194NA 80.97 22.91 659A 88.47 25.51 659NA 96.81 28.43 192AR 71.97 14.71 192NAR 80.30 17.63 192A 84.42 19.07 192NA 92.75 21.99 659A 87.18 659NA 95.52 195A 92.07 195NA 100,40 200A 81.43 200NA 89.76 EAGAN 62.32 67.74 62.76 68.18 76..96 64.33 69.75 60.71 66.13 61.15 66.57 1974 GROSS HSTD. HSTD. RATE RELIEF RATE TOWNSHIP 79.58 87,91 80.17 88.50 96.11 81.04 89.37 80.85 89,18 81.44 89.77 EMPIRE TWP. 47.02 78.84 52.43 87,17 58.74 73.72 64.16 82.05 34.13 37.88 34.40 38.15 41.57 34,79 38,54 34,70 38.45 34.97 38.72 35.48 39.23 33.18 36.93 EUREKA TWP, 47.85 80.04 36.02 53.26 88.37 39.77 52.65 81.90 36.86 58.06 90.23 40.61 62.96 87.61 39.43 68.38 95.95 43.18 FARMINGTON VILLAGE 57.26 90.80 36.78 62.67 99.13 40.53 65.35 104.42 42.91 70.76 112.75 46.66 45.45 50.03 45.77 50.35 54.54 46,25 50.83 46.15 50,73 46,47 51.05 43.36 47.94 40.54 45.12 44.02 48.60 45.04 49.62 48.18 52.77 54.02 58.60 61.51 66.09 GREENVALE TWP. 25.05 62,13 86.77 39.05 47.72 27.97 67.55 95.11 42.80 52.31 HAMPTON VILLAGE 20.98 71,09 97.38 35.64 23.89 76.51 105.71 39.39 17,18 64.25 83.40 29.35 20,09 69.67 91.73 33.10 61,74 66.32 54.05 58.63 SCH. GROSS DIST. RATE 191A 191NA 196A 19 6NA 87.37 95.70 86.97 95.30 1973 HSTD. HSTD. GROSS RELIEF RATE RATE APPLE VALLEY 63.08 84,52 68.50 92.85 65,09 85.98 70,51 94.31 24.29 27.20 21.88 24.79 191A 91.31 24.68 191NA 99.64 27.59 191A/WD 91.98 24.91 191NA/WD100.31 27.82 191A/Ro 91.81 24,68 191NA/Ro100,14 27,59 191A/Ron.92.71 24.68 191NA/Ron101.04 27.59 194A 83.87 22.15 194NA 92.20 25.07 194NA/OS 101,42 25.07 194NA/MI92,70 25.07 196A 90.91 22.27 196NA 99.24 25.18 192A 59.62 13.55 192NA 67.95 16.47 195A 71.34 20.09 195NA 79,67 23.00 659A 85,72 24.54 659NA 94.06 27.46 196A 78.67 19.62 196NA 87.00 22.53 195A 80.60 23.33 195NA 88.93 26.24 200A 69.96 19,53 200NA 78,29 22.44 252A 77.28 21.26 252NA 85.62 24.17 BURNSVILLE 66.63 86.30 72.'05 94.63 67.07 86.89 72.49 95.22 67.13 86.73 72.55 95.06 68.03 87.48 73.45 95.81 61.72 94.74 67.13 103.07 76.35 97.98 67.63 103.50 68.64 87.76 64.06 96.09 CASTLE ROCK 46.07 51.48 51.25 56.67 61.18 66.60 COATES 59.05 64.47 DOU 57.27 62.69 50.43 55.85 56.02 61.45 77.36 85.69 70.78 79.11 84.93 93.27 72.91 81.24 S 79.07 87.40 65.09 73.42 82.78 91.12 1974 HSTD. HSTD. RELIEF RATE 36.34 48.18 40.09 52.76 37.00 48.98 40.75 53.56 36.17 39.92 36.44 40.19 36.36 40.11 36.70 40.45 39.97 43.72 41.43 43.91 36.83 40.58 50.13 54.71 50.45 55.03 50.37 54.95 50.78 55.36 54.77 59.35 56.55 59.59 50.93 55.51 34.82 42.54 38.57 47.12 31.86 38.92 35.61 43.50 38.23 46.70 41.98 51.29 32.59 40.32 , 36.34 44.90 35.59 43.48 39.34 48.06 29.30 35.79 33.05 40.37 37.26 45.52 41.01 50.11 1973 SCH. GROSS DIST. RATE 197A 95.80 197NA 104.13 1974 HSTD, HSTD. GROSS HSTD, HSTD. RELIEF RATE RATE RELIEF RATE WEST ST. PAUL 25,36 70,44 92.70 38.83 53.87 28.27 75.86 101,03 42.58 58.45 Court House Phone Number 437-3191 Dakota County Court House Phone Extensions Administrator Assesscr Auditor Attorney Clerk of Court Register of Deeds Sheriff Treasurer 46 and 58 21, 38, and 57 41 and 44 22 23 and 24 34, 35, and 20 48 53 and 54 :F* * ** ** ** :* * ** ** ** ** * ** ** * ** ** •F* ** * ** F*- * * * F ** ** ** :F ** ** m ** * * E ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** *:F ** •F k :F ** :F ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** :F* ** * ti ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** F F * ** .** ** -:F ** _ ** ., ** ** ** ** * :F IJ *c � ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** .* Ly .F -** ** ** * :i* ;;-* * ** * *N ** * *;- it ••* * f:f ** ** ** * ** ** ** / ** ** * ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** S * * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** * if`•;. "F :f-* ** * ** ** ** ** :F ** ** ** * ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** :F:F * ** r .r :tF .F# .F * :F * *: :FaF * - :F ;F :F ** * *: :F F ;F * ** * * ** :F : ** * * : ** :F : ** * :F : ;F :F * :F ** :F * * ** :F DAKOTA COUNTY MILL RATES *gin*= ** * * :F- -:L„ - `F COMPARISON OF 1973 -- 1974 ; ; * ;E * * - ** • * n ** * ** * — E :F ** -:F * C• L *i • * F:F * F:L * * * Carl Onischuck ** n •F County Auditor * * r:F ** * Robert J. Meiers County Assessor '.1*; * **** * * * •C;L .. ** • n - * ** * * .L •L ' • : - * ** * ** * * ** * ** * * ** * * I ** * * ** * S * * ** k ** * * :F * * ** * * 'F * :F * ** * ** * * :l-* ;. COMPARISON OF ASSESSMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF REAL ESTATE -- FINAL 19 1.,/ ESTIMAT D MARKET VALUE: $ / 1So -59 LIMITED MARKET: Land 5-0 //„21.�'. c� Buildings % 2Z,3, 3 26 9t f , Machinery TOTAL L.M. /7 22c `' /' Real Estate Assessed Value: $ 4 /C7J c), 7 Personal Prop. Assessed: $ TOTAL ASSESSED VALUE--19 /.1: $ ?...719 o1 5'' Remarks: REAL ESTATE -- VALUES AS OF ,S-� /Z 7 for 19 %Jre ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: $ ? LIMITED MARKET: Land Buildings Machinery TOTAL L.M. Real Estate Assessed Value: Personal Prop. Assessed: TOTAL EST. ASSESSED VALUE -- 2 o 7,,30.s ?TSB $ 7Z f.�2o370 $ EST. 19 771376,_370,/ DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1972 COUNTY Revenue _ 15.78 Road & Bridge _ 16.05 Welfare - 14.38 Co. Bldg. 4.73 Dak. Co. Ag (Fair) .34 Mental Health .90 2.00 Parks (2M) 1.89 Watershed - 3 53 Co. Library ---- 3.65 Transit - Co. Library Bldg. ----- .95 Mosquito A .54 58.67 Metro Council - •77 So. St. Paul Total ----- 54.07 CITIES & VILLAGES TOWNSHIPS Apple Valley 34.53 Burnsville 36.70 Castle Rock - 5.32 Coates 9.51 Douglas 23.86 Farmington (Rural) ----- 44.04 Eagan - 23.69 Farmington (Balance)--- 90.51 Empire 10.39 Hampton 60.15 Eureka 12.00 Hastings 90.57 Greenvale 7.95 Inver Grove Hts. 32.64 Hampton ____ 16.86 Lakeville (Part) 49.62 Lakeville (Part) 34.76 Lilydale 24.83 Marshan 23.54 Mendota - 10.49 Nininger 6.81 Mendota Heights 40.60 Randolph - 13.54 Miesville - 13.00 Ravenna- - 19.64 New Trier 35.57 Sciota _ 12.31 Randolph - 5.59 Vermillion _ 25.98 Rosemount - 12.77 Waterford 8.67 South St. Paul - 76.12 Sunfish Lake 1.55 Vermillion 34.91 West St. Paul 69.35 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 6 -232.19 191 Ag. _ 191.94 Non Ag. _216.94 199 Ag. 165.84 192 Ag. 14099 Non Ag.-190.84 Ag.Non - .200 Ag. 159.35 194 Ag. _ 185.04 Non Ag. _ 210.04 Non Ag 184.35 195 Ag. _ 142.50 252 Ag -121.48 Non Ag. _ 167.50 Non Ag-146.48 196 Ag. _ 188.90 659 Ag _ 197.14 Non Ag. _ 213.90 Non Ag 222.14 197 Ag. - 162.17 Non Ag. _ 187.17 TRANSIT COMMUNITIES Apple Valley Inver Grove Heights Rosemount Burnsville Lakeville So. St. Paul Coates Lilydale Sunfish Lake Eagan Mendota Hts. West St. Paul Farmington Mendota 1970 197 School Gross Hstd. Hstd, Grose Hetd, Hstd. Diet. Rate Relief Rate Rate Relief Rate :AGAN TOWNSHIP 191 315.35 89.38 225.97 337.62 94.68 242.94 191WD 317.35 90.08 227.27 339.64 95.39 244.25 196A 3640.39 100,35 264.04 347.98 90.78 257.20 196NA 389.39 109.10 280.29 372,98 99,53 273c4 197A 255.19 75.79 179.40 274.79 76,10 118q 197NA 280.19 84.54 195.65 299,79 84,85. ,2r'094 a 197AWD 257,19 76.49 180.70 276.81 78281 0 00 197NAWD 282.19 85..24 196.95 301.81 85.56 216.25 191NACG7 388.86 89.38 299.48 377:9*Od 282.71 EMPTRE 29 192A 224.2? 70, 4b 153.7254.32 81.19 /73.13 192NA 249,22 79,21 170.01 279.32 89.94 169, 4 196.E 352.17 97.53 254.64 333.48 88,15 245.33 196NA 377.17 106.28 270.89 358.48 96.90 261,58 EUREKA TOWNSHIP 192A 222.98 70.03 152.95 254,95 31,41. 173.54 192NA 247.98 78,78 169.20 279.95 90;;16 189.79 194A 313.96 85.04 228.92 309,94 87,18 222,76 194NA 338,96 93.79 245.17 334094 95.93 23901 659A 287,97 89.21 198,26 319.77 92,31 227.46 659NA 312.97 97.96 215.01 344.77 101,06 243 71 F.•� Div 192A 304,24 88, ,7331.85 98.36 233,49 192NA 329.24 97.21 232„03 356.85 107.11 249.74 r.� ace ALE TOWNSHIP 659A 299.41 93.21 206,20 325.31 94,25 231,06 659NA 324,41 101,96 222.45 350.21 103.00 247.31 HAMPTON TOWI`1,SH1 192A 230.82 72,77 158.05 260.95 83.51 177.44 195 210,49 60,18 150.31 245.93 71.26 174.67 200A 327.61 97.83 229,7C 285081 84.21 201.60 200NA 352.61 106,58 246,03 310,81 92.96 217.85 196A 371033 104.24 267,09 196NA 396.33 112.99 283.34 197A 262.13 79,68 182,45 197NA 287.13 88,43 198070 197/196AG 264.25 79.68 184,57 17/ a9ii A'2 289.25 88.43 200.82 199 29(8.03 85.78 234.22 `f-2.92A 265.26 84..83 180.43 T-192NA 290.26 93.58 196.68 T-194A 356.24 99.84 256.40 ' T-194NA 381.24 108.59 272,65 V6.194A 397,66 99,84 297.82 V-194NA 422,66 108.59 314.07 `. °-196A 393,21 111.90 281.31 T-196NA 418.21 120,65 297.56 V 197A 239.37 71.71 167066 197NA 264.37 80.46 183.91 197 NAWD 266,37 81,16 185.21. MARSHAN T)W HIP 200A 330.80 98.95• 231.85 289.94 85.66 204,28 200NA 355.80 107,70 248.10 314.94 94.4/ 220,53 School Dist. 1970 Grcco Rae Eatd. Hstd, Relief Rate � N V1Y.%AGE ty5 284.06 64.46 219.60 ZOA 401.18 102.11 299.07 200NA 426.18 110.86 315.32 CITY OF HASTINGS 200A 409.93 124.88 285.05 200NA 434,93 133.63 301,30 .I97 Gross Hstd, Hstd, Rate Relief Rate 317008 74.11 242.97 356.96 87.06 269,90 381.96 95.81 286.15 363.34 109.84 253.50 388.34 118,59 269.75 TNVER GCE BEI( 1TS VI34E 358.64 383.64 285.45 310.45 206014 311.14 330.31 290,37 315.37 345.36 370.36 370.89 089 9.53 394.53 96,96 105.71 82.28 91.03 02a 21 ' 91.03 91.18 261.68 277.93 203,17 219,42 203.00 220,11 239.13 93.81 195.56 102.56 212.81 99.58 245.78 108.33 262,03 99.58 271,31 108.33 297.56 100.77 268.76 109.52 285,01 288.37 83.30 205.07 313.37 92.05 221.32 315.39 92,76 222,63 NENDOTA V'1LLACp 197NA 282.64 86,86 195.78 298.51 66.85 211,66 SCHOOL GROSS DISTa RATE 191 196A 196NA 191 191WD 191110 191R0N 19?A 194NA 194NAMI 196A 196NA 192A 192NA 195 659A 659NA 324,89 373.93 398,93 324,00 326,00 326,64 331037 336,07 361,07 363,71 373004 398,04 223,78 248,78 203,45 288077 313,77 196A 360,32 196NA 385,32 195 20 A 200NA 252A 2.52NA 215052 332,64 357,64 289009 314,09 RIT.La RATE RAT: Arm vio"sy 92,87 BiA7----g4,95 103,84 270,09 355,31 112,59 286,34 380,31 WED. 98,70 94,80 103,55 • 93028 4072 348,59 100,45 93.,98 232,02 350,61 101,16 93028 233,36 350,77 100045 93.2s 238,09 35448 100,45 92,19 243088 334.78 95,35 100,94 260,13 355,78 104,11 100,94 262: 77 361,96 104,11 104,25 26C,79 358,,95 96•,55 111,00 285,04 383,0 105,30 Ham, RATE 246,25 260,51 276,7L 248,14 249,45 250,32 254,43 239,42 255067 257,85 262,,40 278,65 70031 15 ,4 3,91 81005 172088 79006 169,72 278,91 89080 189,11 57,72 145,73 238,89 68,80 170,09 C9,49 19 28 318,73 91,95 226,78 98,24 215,53 343,73 100,70 241003 gRaCALAggl 100,39 3 4; ,11 90,82 250u29 109,14 276,18 366-11 99,57 266,54 F1pi1 61,95 153,57 Z49,39 99„60 233,04 289,27 108,35 249,29 314„27 91,00 198009 291011 99,75 214,34 316,11 72;47 85,42 94,17 94,02 102,77 176092 203085 220,10 197,09 213034 SCHOOL GROSS DIST, RAT' HST . 10TD, GROSS KSTD O 'Ism. RELIF2 RATE RATE RELIEF R 197A 272004 $1,70 190,34� 293.56 81070 • 197NA 297004 90,,45 206,59 318,56 90,45 1.97AWD 274,04 82,40 191,64 295,58 82, 41 197N:I) 299,04 9101.5 207,89 320,58 91,16 20OA 326,95 204NA 351,95 200A 375099 200NA 400,99 211,86 228.,11 213,17 229,42 97,60 299,35 286,08 84,31 201,77 106,35 245.60 311008 93,06 218,02 114,77 2610Ti. 333,80 102,76 236,04 123,52 277047 363,80 111,51 252029 200A 317084 9.0 N 2 277069 81,37 196,32 200NA 342084 103,17 239,67 302,69 90,12 212,57 195 206,01 58,62 147,39 244,90 70090 252A 279,58 87,67 191,91 286,62 92,45 252 3A 304,58 96,42 208,15 311,62 101,20 174,00 194017 210,42 195218 rirlifff68 240,87 69049 171,38 200A 331,60 200NA 356,60 19lA 196NA 199 200A 200NA 348008 373,08 266,75 316,92 341,92 RAVI U A i 7.23 2 20 290,96 86,02 204094 107,98 248,62 315,96 94,77 221;19 OS8mt% 96010 251,98 331,97 87,62 104,85 268,23 356097 96,37 77,64 189011 303,64 81,84 94,09 222,83 277,67 81,36 102,84 239,08 302067 90011 244,35 260,60 221,80 196,31 212,56 196A 381,45 103,80 277.65 3 64, 39 94,69 269.70 196MA 406,45 112.55 293.90 389,39 103.44 285,95 1222. 2 971 School Grace Hratd. Uatd, Blot. Rate Relief Rate . 195 659A 659NA 6 5/199 199 205067 290.99 315.99 CI0TA iP 58.50 9027 200.72 99„02 216.97 Grose Hatd0 Hetd0 Rate Relief Rate 241.22 321.06 346.06 S nPAlJL 328.02 338.95 322„81 97.73 97,73 89,22 8LNr NH 107NA 262093 197A 192A 232„46 73.35 192Ni. 257.46 82.10 196A 360.41 100.42 196NA 385.41 109.17 200A 329.2.5 98.41 354.25 107.16 200A 347.74 200NA 372.74 . 195 659A 659NA 218.32 303064 328.64 230.29 241.22 233.59 388.94 399.08 364.97 69.61 92.76 101.51 171.61 228.30 244.55 110,23 278.71 110.23 288.85 92.72 272.25 !79063. 1 20 " 279.33 80014 199.19 254.33 71.39 182,94 �,�t`L L10N TQ� i 159.1? 270.21 86.75 183.46 175.36 295.21 95.50 199.71 259.99 349.37 93.71 255,66 276024 374.37 102.46 271.91 230.84 295.07 87.45 207.62 247309 320.07 96.20 223.87 MINILLION 104.88 242.8 337,09 102.16 234.93 113.63 259.11 362.09 110,91 251.18 62.93 155.39 237.78 94.70 208.94 317.62 103.65 225.19 342.62 68.41 169.37 91.56 226.06 100.31 242.31 gull? sx STQPAXTL 197A 304093 91.62 2 3,31 325.51 91.43 234.08 197NA 329.93 100.37 229.56 350.51 100.18 250.33 •• -,i'.->t-..rt'arink*IrtklsoirlINKIrtrit****Nillst,,.,4:140:1.,W,VOK.rtIt**Ittristtlrk.1;11.1,ericcsl*****4"Stiktrki r' / \ _...i.• 7 '.. — .!, C. ‘ Is i t le Z. ' ' I N C. ,, ttF. ... ... N f . ..,,,, ... c' i ' OA 4 qi‘ t.„ \ %. , ,:,... 0 \,, ....,,, ,,, _ $., ,„0. ,........,- ,..t ,.,./ ./ . m ,,c, 1kt .;,... 1; . .1 40•4( ..', ,.A. ,.....- 4 ..,.-.,..„....- ',.,. 4 ,. .1 ,t.•• .49" A fy ,1; e f c Ii I•ti \ t \ ) 4 ' \ \‘‘ 4 CfltalitRISON of Carl Oniudhuk--CO0Auditor kobert Keiers--CocAsseosor DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1971 Watershed Dist. COUNTY RATES Revenue Welfare Fund Road and Bridge Sanatorium County Bldg. Fund Agricultural Fund Mosquito Abatement Twin City Metropolitan Planning Comm. .79 County Library (except South St. Paul) Mental Health Parks County Library Building .97 Total County Rate 53.98 COUNTY RATE FOR CITY 2.02 OF SOUTH ST. PAUL 49.19 1971 10.69 12.30 16.77 .33 4.81 .37 .42 3.82 .78 1.93 CITIES AND VILLAGES 1971 Apple Valley 32.35 Burnsville 35.99 Coates 18.15 Farmington 88.05 Hampton 88.30 Hastings 94.68 Inver Grove Hgts. 35.68 Lakeville (Part) 72.10 Lilydale 38.60 Mendota 23.74 Mendota Heights 43.79 Miesville 17.42 New Trier 70.14 Randolph 12.09 Rosemount 41.43 So. St. Paul 75.13 Sunfish Lake 4.56 Vermillion 68.43 West St. Paul 75.74 TOWNSHIPS 1971 Castle Rock 10.11 Douglas 20.61 Eagan 25.02 Empire 10.52 Eureka 11.15 Greenvale 16.69 Hampton 17.15 Lakeville (Part) 46.57 Marshan 21.28 Nininger 9.03 Randolph 16.12 Rosemount 9.01 Ravenna 22.30 Sciota 12.44 Vermillion 26.41 Waterford .. 9.00 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1971 6 264.62 197 Agr. 195.79 197 Non Agr. 220.79 195 174.80 196 Agr. 268.98 196 Non Agr. 293.98 252 Agr. r 216.52 252 Non Agr. 241.52 191 258.62 191 H.O. Bonds 260.80 191 RON Bonds 264.91 1971 199 240.65 200 Agr. 214.68 200 Non Agr. 239.68 192 Agr. 189.82 192 Non Agr. 214.82 659 Agr. 254.64 659 Non Agr. 279.64 194 Agr. 244.81 194 Non Agr. 269.81 194 Maple Is. 271.91 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor DATA LOG DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1972 Watershed 2.00 Co. Bldg. 4.73 Transit 3.53 Dak. Co. Ag (Fair) .34 Mosquito A .54 Mental He,-:h .90 Metro Council .77 Parks (2M) 1.89 Revenue 15.78 Co. Library 3.65 Road & Bridge 1:" Co. Library Bldg. .95 Welfare ?3 58.67 So. St. Paul Total---- 54.07 CITIES AND VILLAGES TOWNSHIPS Apple Valley 34.s3 Castle Rock 5.32 Burnsville 36.70 Douglas 23.86 Coates 9.51 Eagan 23.69 Farmington (Rural) 44.04 Empire 10.39 Farmington (Balance) 90.51 Eureka 12.00 Hampton 60.15 Greenvale 7.95 Hastings 90.57 Hampton 16.86 Inver Grove Hts. 32.64 Lakeville (Part) 34.76 Lakeville (Part) 49.62 Marshan 23.54 Lilydale 24.83 Nininger 6.81 Mendota 10.49 Randolph 13.54 Mendota Hts. 40.60 Ravenna 19.64 Miesville 13.00 Sciota 12.31 New Trier 35.57 Vermillion 25.98 Randolph 5.59 Waterford 8.67 Rosemount 12.77 South St. Paul 76.12 Sunfish Lake 1.55 Vermillion 34.91 West St. Paul 69.35 6 191 Ag. Non Ag. 192 Ag. Non Ag. 194 Ag. Non Ag. 195 Ag. Non Ag. 196 Ag. Non Ag. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 232.19 191.94 216.94 140.99 165.99 185.04 210.04 142.50 167.50 188.90 213.90 197 Ag. 162.17 Non Ag. 187.17 199 Ag. 165.84 Non Ag. 190.84 200 Ag. 159.35 Non Ag. 184.35 252 Ag. 121.48 Non Ag. 146.48 659 Ag. 197.14 Non Ag 222.14 Source: Dakota County Assessor PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT QUOTES "A good case could be made for asserting that there is no thing out there to correspond to the term 'community' --or, at best, that what is out there is, in the vernacular, a can of worms. Yet planners and community organizers --and at times sociologists --seem to find little difficulty in speaking of the community interest, of planning for the community, of securing community participation, of implementing community goals. Is it not essentially fallacious to convert this can of worms into a unit by the more verbal magic of calling it a community, and then to treat the ^rd itself as though it represented some virtually tangible thing that has interest, has goals, resists this, supports that, has needs, is planned for, and so on?" Roland L. Warren - Truth, Love and Social Change, Chicago, Rand McNally & Co., Z97Z, Cited in Journal of the Community Development Society - Fall, 1971. "The best contributions to metropolitan architecture today have the exquisite appropriateness of a fine meal bestowed upon a prisoner to be executed in the morning." Lewis Mumford "...Flan must recognize the necessity of cooperating with nature. He must temper his demands and use and conserve the natural living resources of this earth in a manner that alone can provide for the continuation of his civilization." Fair'e Zd Osborn " If we do not protect what we have, and rebuild the land which can still be restored for productive use, the time inevitably will come...when limited states farmlands cannot produce enough for us and our decendants to eat and to wear. Report of the Soils Conservation Service to the Government. "The decline of urbanism is not going to be offset by a more attractive suburbia... mass transit is going to be more and more supplanted by the automobile, and the result will be more scatteration--no nice clean regional towns, but a vast spraw of subdivisions, neither country nor city...the anti -city bias of the rural counties remains one of the great stumbling blocks in the path of action that would help the rural counties as much as the cities..." William Whyte School Gross Bstd, 8std. Diet. Rate Relief Rate 191 315.35 89.38 225.97 191W1) 317.35 90.08 227.27 196A 364.39 100.35 264.04 196NA 389.39 109.10 280.29 197A 255.19 75.79 179.40 197NA 280.19 84.54 195.65 197AW0 237..19 76.49 180.70 197NAWD 282.19 05.24 196.95 191NAOG7 388.86 89.38 299.48 192A 224.22 7u,40 153.76 192NA 249.22 79.21 170.01 196A 352.17 97.53 254.64 196NA 377,17 106.28 270.89 192A 222.98 70�0 u-132 " 192NA 247.98 78.78 169.20 194A 313.96 85,04 228.92 194NA 338.96 93.79 245.17 659A 287,97 89.21 198.26 639NA 312.97 97.96 215.01 122114 Gross 88td. Hstd, Rate Relief Rate 337,62 94.68 242.94 339,64 95,39 244.25 347.98 90.78 257.20. 372;98. 99053 273445 274.79 76010 193c1rP 299079 84085. 2494 276.81 76.81 0%00 301.81 $3.56 216.25 377, 31,.{d 282.71 254.32 81.19 173.13 279.32 89.94 189,34 333.48 88.15 245.33 358.48 96.98 261,58 254.95 81,41 173.54 279.95 90.16 189,79 309.94 87.,18 222,76 334.94 05093' 239601 319.77 92.31 227.,46 344,77 101,06 ' 24.3"71 192A 304,24 '.7: 331,85'98,30 233.49 192NA 329.24 97,21 232.03 356,65 107.11. 249,74 659A 299.41 GREW 206.20�� 659NA 324 41 431.96 22245 MMLIME72 77 158,05� 192A 230.82 260.95 . 83.51 177.44 195 210.49 60.18 150,31 245.93 71.26 .174.67 200A 327.61 97.83. 22907E 285.81 84.21 201,60 200NA 352.61 106.58' 246,03 310.81 92.96 217.85 325.31 94.25 231,06 350.31 103,00 247,31 DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1971 Watershed Dist. ____ ____ 2.02 COUNTY RATES 1971 Revenue 10.69 Welfare Fund 12.30 Road and Bridge 16.77 Sanatorium .33 County Bldg. Fund 4.81 Agricultural Fund .37 Mosquito Abatement .42 Twin City Metropolitan Planning Comm. .79 County I.iary (except South St. Paul) 3.82 Mental Health .78 Parks 1.93 County Library Building .97 Total County Rate 53.98 COUNTY RATE FOR CITY OF SOUTH ST. PAUL 49.19 CITIES AND VILLAGES 1971 Apple Valley 32.35 Burnsville 35.99 Coates 18.15 Farmington 88.06 Hampton 88.30 Hastings 94.68 Inver Grove Hgts. 35.68 Lakeville (Part) 72.10 Lilydale 38.60 Mendota 23.74 Mendota Heights 43.79 Miesville 17.42 New Trier 70.14 Randolph 12.09 Rosemount 41.43 So. St. Paul 75.13 Sunfish Lake 4.56 Vermillion 68.43 West St. Paul 75.74 TOWNSHIPS 1971 Castle Rock 10.11 Douglas 20.61 Eagan 25.02 Empire 10.52 Eureka 11.15 Greenvale 16.69 Hampton 17.15 Lakeville (Part) 46.57 Marshan 21.28 Nininger 9.03 Randolph 16.12 Rosemount 9.01 Ravenna 22.30 Sciota 12.44 Vermillion 26.41 Waterford 9.00 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1971 6 264.62 197 Agr. 195.79 197 Non Agr. 220.79 195 174.80 196 Agr. 268.98 196 Non Agr. 293.98 252 Agr. ._ 216.52 252 Non Agr. 241.52 191 258.62 191 R.O. Bonds 260.80 191 RON Bonds 264.91 1971 199 240.65 200 Agr. 214.68 200 Non Agr. 239.68 192 Agr. 189.82 192 Non Agr. 214.82 659 Agr. 254.64 659 Non Agr. 279.64 194 Agr. 244.81 194 Non Agr. 269.81 194 Maple Is. 271.91 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor DAI{OTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1970 COUNTY RATES 1970 Revenue 11.36 Welfare Fund _ 11.87 Road and Bridge 17.93 Sanatorium .37 County Bldg. Fund 4.79 Agricultural Fund .39 Mosquito Abatement .47 Twin City Metropolitan Planning Comm. .70 County Library (except South St. Paul) 4.11 Mental Health .44 Parks 1.92 County Library Building .96 Total County Rate 55.31 COUNTY RATE FOR CITY Watershed Dist. 2.00 OF SOUTH ST. PAUL __ 50.24 CITIES AND VILLAGES TOWNSHIPS 1970 1970 Apple Valley 32.43 Castle Rock 10.23 Burnsville 31.54 Coates 18.82 Douglas 22.30 Farmington 90.69 Eagan 22.89 Hampton 90.84 Empire 10.67 Hastings 99.59 Eureka 9.43 Inver Grove Hgts. 29.83 Greenvale 20.87 Lakeville (Part) 93.13 Lilydale 7.07 Hampton 17.27 Mendota 25.34 Lakeville (Part) 51.71 Mendota Heights 39.74 Marshan 20.46 Miesville 16.61 Nininger 7.50 New Trier 65.65 Randolph 25.46 Randolph 12.79 Rosemount 39.95 Rosemount 6.58 So. St. Paul 67.71 Ravenna 21.26 Sunfish Lake 4.63 Sciota 12.45 Vermillion 37.40 Vermillion 18.91 West St. Paul 72.63 Waterford 25.10 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1970 1970 6 210.07 199 204.86 197 Agr. 176.99 200 Agr. 255.03 197 Non Agr 201.99 200 Non Agr. __._ 280.03 195 137.91 192 Agr. ._ 158.24 196 Agr. 286.19 192 Non Agr. 183.24 196 Non Agr. 311.19 659 Agr. 223.23 252 Agr. 211.48 659 Non Agr. 248.23 252 Non Agr. 236.48 194 Agr. 249.22 191 237.15 194 Non Agr. 274.22 191 R.O. Bonds 239.79 194 Maple Is. 276.86 191 RON Bonds 244.52 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor CO2sO+t oP ASs�i��s� .. :. ASSESS T DISTRICT OF (6:Czya441 Ou/kte-if 19.24 EquPli v.ed Valuation PERSONAL PROPELTY ADJ WaO rikROr MIS ASSS1 SSFD VALUE Class 3J Class 3 A 2 7 6/&d Class 4 c1/o, ? 9 5 Total REAL ESTATE Land Buildings Nachiiv ty Total TOTAL REMARKS: ,7, 63,C 3a .35 7'/ ? 7 3 g ADJUSTED MARRY VALUE ASSESSED VALUE 2 07, 537 tyq ADJUSTED tar= VALM ASSESS Vs#LUE /9.70 �/�37f/ 1921Ass©ssor°s Valuation ADJUSTED ,. • "gcli TAMEASSESSED VALUE 3n 9, -v63 /, S Z 8aJ �36 i g a/� zee ii4/4-ig3 /, soy ‘Ji ADJUSTED NAM= 1rh.LUE 9,403 79/ 0?3, 9'3‘, 7$ 3 33,972,,£4L •1 1 litoi I ASSESSED VALUE 1j_1Q5,,_7_3% PARKET ASSESSED VALUE 38,, 7L_ /3 s"/o, 3 �.' DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1969 COUNTY RATES 1969 Revenue. 10,57 Welfare Fund.... , 12.76 Road and Bridge. . 19.01 Sanatorium. . . . 35 County Bldg. Fund.. 3.85 Agricultural Fund. . . .33 Mosquito Abatement . .49 Twin City Metropolitan Planning Comm.. . .46 County Library (except South St. Paul). 4.40 Mental Health. . . . .58 Parks. 1.91 County Library Building. .97 Total County Rate. 55.68 COUNTY RATE FOR CITY OF Watershed Dist. . . 1.86 SOUTH ST. PAUL . 50.31 CITIES AND VILLAGES TOWNSHIPS 1969 1969 Burnsville. . . . .. 27.01 Castle Rock 7.75 Coates 21.68 Douglas 18.40 Farmington . . . . 73.49 Eagan .. 16.90 Hampton. . . . . . 89.76 Empire 12.02 Hastings 91.56 Eureka 9.61 Inver Grove Hgts.. . 24.93 Greenvale. . . . 14.43 Lakeville (Part).. 87.18 Hampton. . 12.72 Lilydale. . . .... . 7.78 Lakeville (Part). 54.99 Mendota 31.68 Lebanon. 32.56 Mendota Heights. 35.70 Marshan.... 15.58 Miesville 18.67 Nininger, 9.61 New Trier. 69.92 Randolph 10.84 Randolph. . 25.52 Rosemount. . . 5.22 Rosemount. . 28.76 Ravenna 16.46 So. St. Paul. 67.05 Sciota . . . 16.44 Sunfish Lake. 4.84 Vermillion. . . . . 16.62 Vermillion. . . 34.01 Waterford. . . . 8.80 West St. Paul. . . 51.58 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1969 1969 6. 177.02 199. 164.20 197 Agr 141.72 200 Agr. 197.80 197 Non Agr... 166.72 200 Non Agr222.80 195 ... 106.09 192 Agr. , , . . 125.33 196 Agr 203.27 192 Non Agr... 150.33 196 Non Agr... 228.27 659 Agr. . . .. 217.14 252 Agr. . . .. 156.68 659 Non Agr... 242.14 252 Non Agr... 181.68 194 Agr. 240.17 191 200.59 194 Non Agr... 265.17 191 R.O. Bonds. 203.38 194 Maple Is. . 267.96 191 RON Bonds. 208.47 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor DAKOTA COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR 1969 Watershed Dist. . . COUNTY RATES Revenue. Welfare Fund.... Road and Bridge. . Sanatorium. . . County Bldg. Fund Agricultural Fund. Mosquito Abatement . Twin City Metropolitan Planning Comm. .46 County Library (except South St. Paul). . , , 4.40 Mental Health. . . . .58 Parks. 1.91 County Library Building. .97 Total County Rate. 55.68 COUNTY RATE FOR CITY OF 1.86 SOUTH ST. PAUL . 50.31 1969 10.57 12.76 19.01 .35 3.85 .33 .49 CITIES AND Burnsville. . . Coates Farmington Hampton. . Hastings. . Inver Grovefgts Lakeville (Part). Lilydale. . . . . Mendota Mendota Heights Miesville New Trier. . . Randolph. . . . Rosemount. . . So. St. Paul. . Sunfish Lake. . V ermillion. . West St. Paul. • • VILLAGES 1969 27.01 21.68 73.49 89.76 91.56 24.93 87.18 7.78 31.68 35.70 18.67 69.92 25.52 28.76 67.05 4.84 34.01 51.58 TOWNSHIPS Castle Rock Douglas Eagan Empire Eureka. Greenvale. . . Hampton. , Lakeville (Part). . Lebanon Marshan Nininger Randolph Rosemount. . . . . Ravenna. Sciota Vermillion. . . . . Waterford. . . . 1969 7.75 18.40 16.90 12.02 9.61 14.43 12.72 54.99 32.56 15.58 9.61 10.84 5.22 16.46 16.44 16.62 8.80 6 197 Agr. 197 Non Agr.. 195 196 Agr 196 Non Agr. 252 Agr. . . . 252 Non Agr.. . 191 191 R.O. Bonds. 191 RON Bonds. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1969 177.02 141.72 166.72 106.09 203.27 228.27 156.68 181.68 200.59 203.38 208.47 199 200 Agr 200 Non Agr.. 192 Agr 192 Non Agr.. 659 Agr. . . . 659 Non Agr. 194 Agr. 194 Non Agr.. . 194 Maple Is. . 1969 164.20 197.80 222.80 125.33 150.33 217.14 242.14 240.17 265.17 267.96 CARL D. ONISCHUK Dakota County Auditor 196C Grosa Hstd, Head. Dist, Rate 191 191 WD 191 RO 191 RON 194 A 1.94 NA y[ 194 NAM 196 A 196 NA 250.75 251.60 254.80 262.42 274.75 299.75 303,80 258,84 283.84 192 A 19495 192 Nt, 219.95 195 168.95 659 A 273.03 659 NA 298.03 196 A 259.66 96 NA. 284.66 195 180.39 200 A 240,78 aO .NA 265,78 252 A 208.89 252 NA 233.89 19i 247.48 191 WD 248.33 196 A 255.57 196 NA 280.57 197 A 212,58 197 NA 237.58 197 AWD 213.43 97 NAWD 238.43 Relief Rate 1969 Gruse Hetd, Hetd. Rate Relief Rate BURNSV1LLE V ILIAGE 71.22 179.53 283.28 71.52 180.08 285.14 71.22 183.58 286.07 1.22 191..20 291.16 ryry (7.25 197.50 322.86 86.00 213.75 347.,86 86,00 217.80 350,65 77.79 181.05 285,96 86<.54 197,30 311.96 CASTLE ROCK TlyNSHIP 55:1 f13 9 68.76 63.91 156.04 213.76 52„33 116,62 169,52 83C08 189.95 280,57 92-83 2u6. 305.57 80.20 80.85 8'3:20 80.20 89.82 98.57 98.57 83.01 91.76 57.99 66.74 54.50 87.10 95,85 213.08 24.29 25;.87 210,96 233.04 249.29 252.08 2.32.95 219,20 13077 147.02 115,02 193.47 209.72 COATES V:i .I:AGE 78 : 0 8 . 280.63 81.15 199.48 86„83 197,83 305.63 89.90 2115,73 DOUGI,AS TPASHIP 56:33 124.06 63.51 177.27 72.26 193.52 6043 147,96 69.67 164.22 EAGA.N _Tt_ INSHIP 6935 178.13 69.65 178. 68 75.92 179.65 84.67 195.90 64.26 348.32 73.01 164.57 64.56 148.87 73.31 165.12 180.17 271„88 296.88 230.76 255.76 273.17 275.03 275,85 300.85 214.30 239.30 216.16 241.16 58.23 74.74 83.50 70.07 78,82 76.15 ?6.80 78.96 87.71 63.90 72.65 64.55 73.30 121.,.94 197.14 213.38 160:69 176.94 197.02 198.23 196.89 213.14 150.40 166.65 151.61 167.86 1968 S he 1 ; Hetd., Hatd.. Diet :..4te Relief Rate . CX A 237.46 200 NA 262.46 ,ic A 269.95 200 NA 294,95 200 A. Z35 ,11 200 NA 2E 1,11 195 172.38 252 A 200,88 1969 Gross Hetd. Hr$t Rate Relief Rate v rf. 7 .� 272.15 74.83 197,3r' 71.10 191.36 297.15 83.59 213.56 N! 4 TR)ERe�� VIId.AOGE cs�salary r 73,72 196.23 323,40 6 4`1' ..12,48 348,40 NINING i ?WISH'!" . 53 :.73 58 263.09 70. 28 189.83 288,0. WAOi WWW$Pp 53.5) ` 184d5 172,6a 58:13 142,75 223.20 RANDUIALEIWAGE 195 191.90 VO ,1 " 131.54 187,29 220 A 239.12 20 NA 264.12 196 A 196 NA 199 2200A 200 NA 196 A 196 NA 195 659 A 659 NA 242.98 267.98 225,51 2'3.17 248.17 92.7 r 2 0.6.:3 10151, 246 ;8'' 55.,58 117c(V1 67 i... 155: 0 61 72 126,57 6+6,93 Aio,19 269..94 74.,06 195,88 71.68 192,44 294.94 82.,82 212.12 72.24 170,.74 264.17 ea.:99 186.99 289.1.7 59.63 165.88 225.10 57,35 165.82 258.70 182.07 283,70 75.39 188.78 84.14 205.03 62.54 162.56 70.13 188.5" 78.89 204.8' UN, 264,42 79.15 184. 287.71 83 .) 63 a4:.08 289.42 88.50 200.92 312.,71 92.38 220.3 171.26 275.34 300.34 SCX9TA MGM 53.14 118.12 83.89 191.45 92.64 207.70 17&2. 289.26 314,26 57.54 320.67 90.14 199.12 98_89.5..� 5 � 1 Gro8 Dist. Rate 102 A 195.12 12 NA 220.12 L.6 A 249.32 1'46 NA 274.32 192 A 199,12 192 NA 224.12 194 A 269.23 i94 NA 294.23 659 A 171,20 639 NA 7102.20 192 A 252.31 192 NA 277.31 A )9 A 290,13 +:59 NA 305, .13 1.°z A. 203,34 95 177,.. 3,4 .Q A 237.43 200 NA 262.43 1'15 256.10 40 A 316.49 200 NA 341.49 2ctO A 301.64 200 NA 326.64 1968 1969 Hstd. Hetd, Grow Hetd. Hetd. Relief Rate Rate Relief Rate EMPIRE TCWHSHIE 55.22 139.90 193.03 63.97 156.15 218003 74.46 174.86 270.97 83.21 191,11 295.97 EUREKA TOWNSHIP 5g.62 142.50 190,62 65.37 158.75 215.62 75.32 193,91 305.46 84.07 210.16 330.46 84.54 192.66 282.43 93,29 208.91 307.43 PARKINGTOLV 64.99 187.32 254.50 73.76 203.57 279.50 59.49 133.54 68.24 149.79 77,77 193.20 86,52 209.45 58.64 131.98 67.39 148.23 83.73 221.73 92.48 237.98 87.75 194.68 96.50 210.93 69.69 184.81 78.44 231.06 =ENVALE P_ 8 . 7 1.9456 287.25 89.44 197.81 94 32 210..81. 312.25 98.19 214.06 HAMPPON T'IWNSHIP• 57.99 1.45.05 193.73 59.73 134.00 55.16 121.88 174.49 56.24 118,25 62.34 175.09 266,20 72.75 193.45 71.09 191.34 291.20 81.51 209.69 HGMPT'ON VILLAGE 59 »'7 196.93 251,53 66.35 250.14 343.24 75.10 266.39 368.24 61.95 189,58 78.46 264.78 87.22 281,02 CITY OF HAST NGS 82,33 219.31 345.04 98.46 246.58 91.08 235.56 370.04 107.22 262.82 School Gas Diet. Rate 196 A 246.96 • 196 NA 271.96 197 NA 228.97 199 ' 229.49 197(196)A 214.41 197(196)NA 239.41 (T)192 A 216.13 (T)192 NA 241.13 (T)194 A 286.24 T)194 NA 311.24 V)194A(Lt) : 312.32 (V)194NA(L+0)337.32 (T)196 A 270.33 (T)196 NA 295-33 191. 251.46 1.96 A 259.75 196 NA 284,75 197 NA 223.76 197 NAWD 224.61 200 A 236.55 200 NA 261.55 NA 23&3i. 197 A 219.65 197 NA 244,65 197 t1Ah1D 245.50 197 AWD 220.50 Hstd. Hetd.. Gress Ralisf Riitea Rate Relief Rate INVER (2i0VE HEIC fT5 ViLT AGE 82.29 82.38 189 58 308,88 91.04 70072 158.25 247.33 75,98 61.02 168.47 244.81 69.44 61.97 152.44 224.02 67.23 70 : 7 2 168.69 249.02 75.98 LI.LE V .57 153.56 236.00 71.32 169.81 261.00 81.27 204.97 350.84 90.02 221,22 375,84 81.27 231.05 383.03 90.02 247.30 408.03 81. 81. 188.52 313.94 90.56 204.77 338.94 =mat Tc1INSH1P 69.70 181.96 76.27 183.48 85,02 199.73 LILTEIALE VILLAGE ;•.8.90 154.86 69,20 155..41 M ARSHAN TaBELE 62.03 A174.52 70.78 190.77 288;83 291.51 316.51 73.71 82.46 107.55 98.00 107455 91.99 100.74 Hetd 201.59 217.84 17135 175.37 156.79 173.04 162.29 178,54 252.04 268.29 284_23 300.48 221.95 238:;20 80;29 208:,54 83010 208..4]. 91.85 224,66 230.18 69.97 160�21 232.04 70.62 161-42 269. -)6 73.75 195,31 294.06 . 82, 51 211.55 MENDOTA VIib= 74.00 164.34 254.08 MENDOTA REMITS VILLAC 9 52.96 233.1.0 75.44 169.21 258.10 75.74 169.76 259.96 66,99 153.51 234.96 78,34 175.74 68,.94 77.69 78.34 69.59 164.16 180.41. 181.62 165.37 • • %.• thocol Grtas 111.ot, RAtb Relief Rats Rat,e. „ 6f199 3058(.9 . tl,c) ne. ^— 1:70.1.7:H 4 47144. . • • =‘, :ino NA 19i 659 A 659 NA 211605 256,06 291) 245 40,45 279e72 m043 296.43 • • "7'"LI011 l'Car.,11.1711 6W—'156-Y''--71-Pi.6; .....„ „,..0 69,55 166„5-!. * , :: VERMILLIAN'TirLAGS 68.39 186.33 Aitl. 202-53 -7 t36 . , !44.Fr.' '111 2fTL62 7d. 19bJ1: '#;.,ti 435.16 JUo-62 96.22 2troLiy. OTT7 OF WEST ST: PAUI, 197 A 233036 69619 164,17 248,98 73% 175.A.,0 197 NA 258a36 4Jc48 82,73 191,',6 I; coThrR%sI 196� TAX RATES Ca Onischuk — Co, Auditor R. Meiers = Co, Assessor {,.vJl tits i u 7 lln CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD P. O. BOX 21 199 EAGAN, MN. 55121 Bea Blomquist 4504 0AK CHASE ROAD EAGAN, MN 55123 AGENDA THE MUNICIPAL CAUCUS Tuesday, September 20, 1983 10:00 A.M. St. Louis Park City Hall 1. Welcome remarks 2. Additions to the agenda 3. Approval of the Minutes of the August 16, 1983 meeting (attached) 4. Review present committee activity a. League Constitutional Amendments - Jim Spore b. Local Government Financing Policy - Mark Bernhardson c. Fiscal Disparities - Jim Brimeyer d. Development of Organizational Marketing Strategies - Jim Miller and Jim Andre 5. Report on the Status of the City of Ramsey's pending LGA lawsuit - Attorney Richard Rosov and Mayor Gerald Windschitl 6. Status report on MAOSC's latest LGA printout (to be provided) Howard Nelson 7. Official response from Department of Revenue regarding reduction in state aids (attached) - John Anderson 8. Change - send $200 dues for '83-84 to John Anderson at Shakopee 9. Review Purpose of the Organizational Meeting (memo attached) 10. Other business a. b. It. Adjourn John K. Anderson City Administrator City of Shakopee THE MUNICIPAL CAUCUS MINUTES OF AUGUST 16, 1983 1. The minutes of July 19, 1983, were accepted as presented. 2. John Anderson briefly mentioned the continuing need for member Cities to have their staff and Council members involved on AMM and League Policy Study Committees. 3. Barry Evans reported that the Department of Revenue had agreed with Minneapolis' interpretation of the law regarding Local Government Aid for 1984. This issue arose because there was a difference between the amount due cities under the formula and the amount appropriated. The method used to distribute this shortfall involves a reduction of preliminary amounts before the 6% maximum limitation on aid increase is applied, as opposed to a proportional reduction of the preliminary aid amount for all cities. A general discussion followed, during which several individuals commented on the amount of LGA their cities had lost. It was also mentioned that certain cities were considering a more active involvement in the political process, including the use of lobbyists. Jim Miller indicated that he was interested in seeing a more localized legislative effort, and that he was going to set a meeting with City Managers and Administrators of the southern and western suburbs to investigate means of initiating and coordinating the legislative efforts of those communities. The discussion ended with the point being made that each city should consider including money in their 1984 budget for lobbying. 4. Mark Bernhardson reported that the subcommittee on local government financing policy had met and was in the early stage of outlining areas on which to concentrate its effort. 5. There was no report at this time with regard to development of computer capabilities. 6. The effort to develop a marketing strategy for the organization was seen to be connected with the interest in a lobbying effort expressed earlier. Jim Miller and Jim Andre agreed to report back at the next meeting on any further developments in this regard. 7. It was decided that the AMM mailing list should be used to notify cities of the group's change in name and to invite new members. Hank Sinda moved that membership dues for 1984 be set at $200.00, second by Barry Evans. Motion passed. OVER The Municipal Caucus Minutes of August 16, 1983 Page 2 8. Howard Nelson extended an invitation to attend the annual meeting of the Minnesota Association of Small Cities, to be held at the Brainerd Holiday Inn on October 28 & 29, 1983. For additional information, contact Howard Nelson, Box 744, Lindstrom, MN 55045, phone (612) 257-1510. The next meeting was scheduled for September 20, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Louis Park City Hall. The meeting was ajourned. Ken Damlo Recording Secretary STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPAR1M[ NT OF REVENUE CENTENNIAL OFFICE BUILDING SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 551,1..3 PHONI. (612) 296-1022 August 31, 1983 Mr. John K. Anderson Shakopee City Administrator 129 East First Avenue Shakopee, Minnesota 55379-1376 Dear Mr. Anderson: Your letter of August 16, has been referred to me. r:r You are correct that in the past, if necessary to reduce local government aids, the department would proportionally reduce the distribution to every county, city or town. The 1983 legislature was aware of the method used in the past, but specifically provided for a different method of applying the reductions. See Laws 1983, chapter 342, article V, section 15. The department received several inquiries from the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. We did not seek them out to assist us in our decision making process. They sought to maintain contact with us so that they could monitor our progress. When the problem of how to reduce the aids became apparent, we contacted the League and, as a matter of fact, held up our final decision to allow input from the League's board of directors. We did not "consult with" Minneapolis and Saint Paul. We did, however, listen to them when they contacted us as we will listen to anyone who contacts us. As to a legal opinion on why we did not use the historic method of proportional reductions, I again cite you the 1983 law which requires a new methodology. The method was not left to the discretion of the Commissioner. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, DOROTHY A.1t'cCLUNG, Director Legal Research DAM:d1w At. L( t;;+! I;;d1I Y f:.t‘.-11 1 o; E.ti TO: Metro Area Suburbs FROM: The Municipal Caucus RE: Organizational Meeting DATE: September 7, 1983 You're probably asking yourself whether someone created another new group. The Municipal Caucus is not new, the name has just been changed. The Municipal Caucus is a group of concerned metropolitan suburban cities that has evolved from what has been known during 1983 legislative battles as the Metropolitan Losers Group. The latter group was formed in the fall of 1982 to address two issues, local government aid and fiscal disparities. Its initial membership included cities that lost over $1,000,000 in assessed valuation through fiscal disparities and received less than the median per capita local government aid allocation. Because of this initial criteria, the formal membership of the Metropolitan Losers Group was limited to approximately 20 cities. Before, during and after the 1983 legislative battles members of the Metropolitan Losers Group were frequently asked if they would consider broadening their membership. So, at the group's July 19th and August 16th meetings action was taken to respond posi- tively to this question by changing the group's name, sending invitations to all suburban cities in the metropolitan area, establishing 1984 dues at $200.00, and outlining activities to be focused on during 1984. More importantly, the organization clarified its role vis-a-vis other existing organizations in the metropolitan area. The organization will encourage members to maintain memberships in the League of Cities and/or the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM), and will function as an established suburban caucus within those two organizations. Regular meetings will be held so that suburban cities can focus their collective attention on matters that are crucial to them whether they are being con- sidered by the League, AMM, Legislature or other organizations. This letter is being sent to both Mayors and Administrators because one of our organizational goals is to increase the level of parti- cipation of elected officials. We sincerely hope to get two representatives from each city to attend our first meeting, so mark the date on your calendar, September 20, 1983, 10:00 a.m., St. Louis Park City Hall, 5005 I;innetonka Boulevard, St. Louis Park. TEN GOOD REASONS WHY H.F. 1234 SHOULD BE SUPPORTED LEVY LIMITS 1. It removes special districts, towns and cities under 5,000 population from levy limits 2. It authorizes new levies that will stabilize local finances - to cover decreased revenues from public service enterprises, municipal liquor stores, licenses, permits, fines & forfeits - to cover costs of shade -tree program - to pay for acquisition of betterment of property that could be better handled through bonding - to pay for state aid cutbacks in the previous year - to pay for reductions in federal revenue sharing 3. Its new levy limit base for 1984 is higher, and it eliminates the unfairness and inequity of the present limit LOCAL GOVERNMENT AIDS 4. It sets up a budget reserve - a major aid in planning local budgets since additional shortfalls in the state's budget would come out of the reserve. 5. It adds towns having the powers of a statutory city and a population of 5,000 to the definition of a city 6. It moves us toward a more uniform - apples & apples - definition of the purpose of local government aid 7. It provides for counties to receive a local government aids distribution equal to the amount of their initially certified 1981 distribution 8. It provides that towns will receive $12,500,000 in aids, with towns needing an equalized mill rate of 2 mills local effort to be able to participate in the distribution 9. It uses "household" instead of population as the basic unit - the cities provide service such as water, streets, etc., to households and this seems to be a better approach, more consistent and recognizable 10. By instructing the state auditor to prescribe uniform financial accounting and reporting standards which must be followed in order to receive aid the legislature can get better information to make a fairer and more equitable distribution of local government aids /Ope,°41; 01-Af71-/-4,44 414-P`n ./0/5"z- ..2 _ 3� tie s74s lids— 2 z.�i R (t<L2? 'ems- 2 '. 2i) q � � 2 2 et, dtz-7/- ,ter h 1A ,t•-- /lam(d- 4 I, 2 , aL 744 111'/ /124m-- 4/14- 7iff7j-e, c7e/aa- pve_ 1 1 EAGAN COMMITTEE (Chamber) I would like to expreshow pleased I am with te- .- ision of th Dakota County Chamber to form an Ea• ommittee. As most of you know, I have been attend •: "these meetings and am pleased with the activity and 41. ection you are taking. It is uniting the - business community and the City 'n a very positive way. all of you must be aware, even in a very slow economy the City of Eagan has been experiencing growth. We are perhaps the fastest growing community in the Late. During the month of January the City granted 39 building permits, in February 33 , and in March 70. L2.2.e, planning department received 15 applications for preliminary plats in January, February and March of this year. were approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. This month, there are 8 plat applications on the Advisory Plan- ning Commission agenda. Aith-eugh -ha-s--pla-ced additional work upon staff at City iall-, they have__been__ahl-e to cope with the work 1 --ar€ to -be commended- for thei----e€€orts d Lu cud—my quarters fe 1„w- Coiincilme .ieetings in Qrde .LAW141171S The City, staff and Council have' had to deal with and make decisions concerning a number of lawsuits which plague the City. At a time when Eagan is productive and progressive, we spend countless hours and dollars trying to settle legal disputes brought against the one during Tong council QL should be an City. Some seem to be very meaningless. In recent months, the City has spent 4n e-_�t_— `_mod--$ (-d`o.� and urs to defend these law suits. In one case alone whi11'7"ch44- took IAL- come to trial, it cost the Citytt(`2i� 0-0. y( 4Pga suits sare dismissed or thrown out court. I bring this to your attention because at a time when we ly years to ost cases, the) of are growing and need to be productive we are slowed down; and at a time when money is tight and we d-e net h..ewe--a-n abundance -a ic, we are forced to spend taxpayers' money in what I would term a wasteful way. LIBRARY The opening of the library March 20 was a happy occasion for Eagan. We now provide a service to our citizens and others that helps them and allows them enjoyment. We not only have the library, but we have a beautiful building that is an asset to Eagan. NEW CITY HALL The new City Hall will also be built on the land we•refer to as the government center. The building plans are on February 15, 1983, they have gone to bid the low bidder, The in and were approved and were awarded to Voronyak Construction, in the sum of $803,400. ground breaking was held April 6 and we hope to be in the new City Hall by community. JOB TRAINING November. Again, this Yam. 71,,�.,,d /ter �` `� Ze 7`rt asset to the aJ_ -du/ it'C • c a-z ‘.1 `- - ...ram - � ,� L-, . �- -� G_r`LE Cd,..c-ruce;e -4 7 Ce STATE AID jec wouta titre to spe i-s stdt-e-and uYu local government aid; [Currently, the legisla- ture is reviewing several bills Most are unacceptable to us. A concerted effort was to be made this year to distribute state or government more fairly. �::-- .ills that are to make the distribution worse. current system, Eagan receives a aid to local units being proposed seem To give an example, under the per capita payment pf $15 in comparison with Minneapolis which receives house file 5 "5 / _) $137 per capita, tinder GAY;a , tc. i AiUc ff4:3 j J ai-iI I727L-4-_,4?-q-4ex- ''-"e4-2, a-&-vcr- 2 L& t e _Acur rczai ,,, .r_zz---pw ,/..4„,,,,,.__.„ .___.ep., ii' (- ,,_ _,.._.di 6 <, L-i'2,‹ Gi, 6/,.-Z' 2 , i. a r . . L ..,- ../_m r1h. 1 i{� --C. i STATE OF ITY ADDRE - 1983 T}ie f• o in is a. • ine t jj-ri 'dko�l 'Js y speech at the Chamber meeting: Introducti•n Mayor Blo quist has delivered the tate of the City Address describing the main p• icy issues that our City Council is d li with on a day to day basis. 11 of these p• icy issues relate to our ommunity development and growth as -11 as - maintenance of a co st t level o ervice. A .Bea has stated, had worked on dividing our list o that each of - could speak to -ertain 'ssues and try not to redundant on the topics that are disc•ssed. Befor- I cover some n- r topics for the day ::a and I felt 1 s ould add a few com ents abo the formula and 1• al •- overnment aid. 3ca Government Aid plain the 20-50-50 Proposal/ and then : istribute copi- - of that mem p.dum fin ,,Se-/i. -Id then discuss the 20-5 -50 proposal in d ail. /(J aL The construction and opening of 494 has provided Eagan anot er attractive element to bring industrial and commercial growth. The interchange on the Bloomington side is scheduled to open in approximately two years which will provide an excellent traffic movement from the airport to Eagan and vice versa. in history 6onstruction of I-35E is in fast gear for the first time from its present terminus- with the Cedar Avenue Freeway to County Road 30�, ' L__ There will be a great amount of bridgework taking place with its overpass intersection at Cliff Road and Blackhawk Road this summer. On the north side of the City, 35E is under construction to tie in with I-494 and Lone Oak Road. The next segment to be constructed during the next two to through our community State of the City Notes 4-21-83 Page Two three years will be that area from Lone Oak Road to County Road 30. Cable TV For those of you who are unaware of what is happening with cable television in our city, the Cities of Burnsville and Eagan formed a joint cable commis- sion which has studied cable franchising for the two communities and then having written a bid proposal went to bid last fall and have received a favorable bid from Group W, a subsidiary of Westinghouse, which has been accepted by the joint commission and the city council of Burnsville and Eagan. The commission's legal counsel is preparing the ordinance and we will be negotiating the language of the ordinance with Group W. Assuming a favorable negotiation, franchising with Group W will take place soon and construction will more than likely begin in several months in the two communities. I have a brochure to pass out to each and every one that is here at the meeting. Industrial Expansion Industrial expansion is a real phenomena in Eagan with the semiconductor facility at the Sperry location, the new opening of Comsery and many other recent construction additions to West Publishing, Coca Cola and other in- dustries. A new hotel is under construction at Yankee Square and there are others being considered in the community. A letter was received from Larry Wenzel and Lannie Ross regarding the position of Eagan commerce and industry committee and 1 am happy to say that Mayor Blomquist and 1 shared that with the City Council Tuesday night and they feel very posi- tive about your willingness to interreact with the City in an effort to co- ordinate the new industry and commercial growth. State of the City Notes 4-21-83 Page Three Park Master Plan There is a city park master plan being proposed at this time. The park master plan has been prepared in draft by Tim Erkkila & Associates with the very close coordination of Ken Vraa, Director of Parks & Recreation, the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission and the City Council. There are a number of park developments that will take place this year. A park referendum is on the horizon to develop the various parks that. are going to be required with the new residential growth. The City has planned its community very well with the comprehensive guide plan and now the park master plan and the kind of development that we should experience will be very positive and very strong for our community. Summary In summary 1, too like the mayor, am ver positive : bout the Eagan Committee and other groups, committees, t►at might provid continuity a strong image fog our community. our City govern -nt is - tool for allof you to util ze and assist the development an abi ty to provide services to our co munity. '. o 0 Pm -Ta pki.-4)CYtpd IC 4t, I S 7 QQ Uck / LvAi---j_.) i _A2,1 tC64---- k J4---/ _61.12 ' A METROPOLITAN LOSER'S GROUP ADDRESS: 12305 Quentin Ave. S. Savage, MN 55378 AGENDA PHONE: (612) 890-1045 Metropolitan Loser's Group Tuesday, April 19, 1983 10:00 a.m. St. Louis Park City Hall 1. Approval of Minutes of the April 12, 1983 meeting (to be provided). 2. Report on Clawson Committee action April 13 and April 15, 1983. a. Copy of amended bill (attached). b. Copy of complete printout based upon 20-50-50 using house- holds instead of per capita (to be provided). 3. Report from sub -committee working on key committee member contacts (Lyle Olson). 4. Report from sub -committee working on April 26th legislative breakfast (Hank Sinda). 5. Other business. 6. Adjourn MAILING LIST - Losers Group April 14 Letter re April 26 Breakfast City of Afton George Billmeyer, Mayor Michele Nelson, City Clerk 3033 St. Croix Trail, South Afton, MN 56001 City of Andover Gerald Windschitl, Mayor Patricia Lindquist, City Administrator - Clerk 1685 Crosstown Boulevard, N.W. Anoka, MN 55303 City of Anoka Richard Blomquist, Mayor Jerry Dulgar, City Manager 2015-1st Avenue, North Anoka, MN 55303 City of Apple Valley Marlis Overgard, Mayor Richard Asleson, City Administrator 14200 Cedar Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 City of Arden Hills Robert Woodburn, Mayor Charlotte McNiesh, City Administrator - Clerk 1450 West Highway 96 Arden Hills, MN 55112 City of Bayport Raoul Robledo, Mayor Dorothy Smith, City Clerk 3rd Street & 2nd Avenue, North Bayport, MN 55003 City of Belle Plaine Frances Schuman, Mayor Larry Thompson, City Clerk Treasurer 420 East Main Belle Plaine, MN 56011 City of Bethel LeRoy Hutchins, Mayor 23719 Dewey Bethel, MN 55005 City of Bethel Patrick Driver, City Clerk Treasurer 23408 Monroe Street, N.E. Bethel, MN 55005 City of Birchwood Ernest Foltz, Mayor Nanette Mellgren, City Clerk 207 Birchwood Avenue Birchwood, MN 55110 City of Blaine Francis Fogerty, Mayor Leslie Johnson, City Manager 9150 Central Avenue, N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 City of Bloomington James Lindau, Mayor John Pidgeon, City Manager 2215 West Old Shakopee Road Bloomington, MN 55431 City of Brooklyn Center Dean Nyquist, Mayor Gerald Splinter, City Manager - Clerk 6301 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 City of Brooklyn Park James Krautkremer, Mayor Richard Henneberger, City Manager 5800-85th Avenue, North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 City of Burnsville Connie Morrison, Mayor James Spore, City Manager 1313 East Highway 13 Burnsville, MN 55337 City of Carver Robert Jordan, Mayor Brant Ball, City Administrator Carver, MN 55315 -2- City of Centerville Gary Savela, Mayor 7254 Mill Road Centerville, MN 55038 City of Centerville LuAnn Prachar, City Clerk Treasurer 1694 Sorel Street Centerville, MN 55038 City of Champlin Josephine Nunn, Mayor Daniel Hartman, City Administrator 12001 Jefferson Highway Champlin, MN 55316 City of Chanhassen Tom Hamilton, Mayor . Donald Ashworth, City Manager 690 Coulter Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 City of Chaska Tracy Swanson, Mayor William Radio, City Administrator 205 East 4th Street P.O. Box 116 Chaska, MN 55318 City of Circle Pines Marshall Dahl, Mayor Craig Rapp, City Administrator 9201 North Lexington Avenue Circle Pines, MN 55014 City of Coates Roger Franzmeier, Mayor 15896 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 City of Coates Bud Gores, City Clerk Treasurer 16180 Coates Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 City of Cologne Grover Knorr, Mayor 312 Paul Avenue, North Cologne, MN 55322 City of Cologne Margaret Boyle, City Clerk Box 195 Colgone, MN 55322 City of. Coon Rapids Robert Lewis, Mayor Robert Thistle, City Manager 1313 Coon Rapids Boulevard Coon Rapids, MN 55433 City of Corcoran Harold Schutte, Mayor Robert Derus, City Administrator - Clerk 9525 Cain Road Corcoran, MN 55340 City of Cottage Grove Roger Peterson, Mayor Carl Meissner, City Administrator - Clerk Treasurer 7516-80th Street, South Cottage Grove, MN 55016 City. of Crystal Peter Meintsma, Mayor J. T. Irving, City Manager 4141 Douglas Drive, North Crystal, MN 55422 City of Dayton Hilmer Hartman, Mayor Shirley Slater, City Clerk 16471 South Diamond Lake Road Dayton, MN 55327 City of Deephaven J. Edward Quest, Mayor Juliene Weidner, City Clerk Treasurer 20225 Cottagewood Road Deephaven, MN 55331 City of Dellwood Andrews Allen, Mayor 46 Dellwood Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 City of Dellwood Vera Anderson, City Clerk 38 Evergreen Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 City of Eagan Beatta Blomquist, Mayor Thomas Hedges, City Administrator 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 -3- City of East Bethel Roger Grams, Mayor Sharon Hauschild, City Clerk Treasurer 2241-221st Avenue, N.E. Cedar, MN 55011 City of Eden Prairie Wolfgang Penzel, Mayor Carl Jullie, City Manager 8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 City of Edina C. Wayne Courtney, Mayor Kenneth Rosland, City Manager 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 City of Elko Charles Day, Mayor Elko, MN 55020 City of_Elko. Mary Ellen Flicek, City Clerk Treasurer Elko, MN 55020 City of Excelsior Richard Knapp, Mayor Timothy Madigan, City Manager 339-3rd Street Excelsior, MN 55331 City of Falcon Heights Willis Warkentien, Mayor Dewan Barnes, City Administrator - Clerk Treasurer 1644 West Larpenteur Avenue Falcon Heights, MN 55113 City of Farmington Patrick Akin, Mayor Wayne Hennek, City Administrator - Accounting Clerk 325 Oak Street Farmington, MN 55024 City of Forest Lake John Skoglund, Mayor Robert Houle, City Administrator - Clerk 220 North Lake Street Forest Lake, MN 55025 City of Fridley William Nee, Mayor Nasim Qureshi, City Manager 6431 University Avenue, N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 City of Gem Lake James Terry, Mayor 3970 Scheuneman Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 City of Gem Lake John L. Hannaford, City Clerk_ 1330 Goose Lake Road White Bear Lake, MN 55110 City of Golden Valley Rosemary Thorsen, Mayor Jeff Sweet, City Manager 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427 City of Greenfield Gerald Schleif, Mayor Route 1, Box 269 Loretto, MN 55357 City of Greenfield David Wilde, City Clerk Treasurer Route 2, Box 298 Rockford, MN 55373 City of Greenwood Alan Albrecht, Mayor 5196 St. Alban's Bay Road Greenwood, MN 55331 City of Greenwood Julie Weidner, City Clerk Treasurer 20225 Cottagewood Road Excelsior, MN 55331 City of Hamburg Leroy Glander, Mayor Hamburg, MN 55339 City of Hamburg Brant Ball, City Administrator Box 156 Norwood, MN 55368 City of Ham Lake William Nelson, Mayor Mrs. Ann Roseland, City Clerk 15544 Central Avenue, N.E. Ham Lake, MN 55303 -4- City of Hampton Mrs. Colleen Marschall, Mayor Box 125 Hampton, MN 55031 City of Hampton Bonnie Bucher, City Clerk 23820 Main Street Hampton, MN 55031 City of Hanover Noel DeCambaliza, Mayor 11625 River View Road, N.E. Hanover, MN 55341 City of Hanover Gail Lippert, City Clerk Treasurer Box 406 Hanover, MN 55341 City of Hastings Lu Stoffel, Mayor Ed Kranz, City Administrator -Clerk 100 Sibley Street Hastings, MN 55033 City of Hilltop Frank Burak, Mayor Karen Danz, City Clerk 4555 Jackson Street, N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55421 City of Hopkins Robert Miller, Mayor William Craig, City Manager 1010 South 1st Street Hopkins, MN 55343 City of Hugo Mike McAllister, Mayor Mary Ann Creager, City Clerk 5524 Upper 146 Street Hugo, MN 55038 Treasurer City of Independence Marvin Johnson, Mayor Earl Taylor, City Clerk Treasurer 1790 County Road 90 Maple Plain, MN 55359 City of Inver Grove Heights Willaim Saed, Mayor Robert Schaefer, City Administrator - Clerk 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55075 City of Jordan' Gail Anderson, Mayor Bob Morgan, City Administrator - Clerk 210 East 1st Street Jordan, MN 55352 City of Lake Elmo_ Maynard Eder, Mayor Laurence Whittaker, City Administrator 3880 Laverne Avenue Lake Elmo, MN 55042 City of Lakeland Rodney Burt, Mayor 16139-2nd Street, North Lakeland, MN 55043 City of Lakeland Ruth Ann Brunckhorst, City Clerk 690 North Quinnell Avenue Lakeland, MN 55043 City of Lakeland Shores Leonard Boesel, Mayor Patricia Thron, City Clerk Route 1 Lakeland, MN 55043 City of Lake St. Croix Beach Ray F. Smith, Mayor 16717-20th Street, South Lakeland, MN 55043 City of Lake St. Croix Beach Dorothy M. Lloyd, City Clerk P.O. Box 158 Lakeland, MN 55043 City of Lakeville Duane Zaun, Mayor Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator --Clerk 8747-208th Street Lakeville, MN 55044 Village of Landfall James Hale, Mayor 14 G Landfall St. Paul, MN 55119 Village of Landfall Kevin Krueger, Village Clerk 14-2nd Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 -5- City of Lauderdale David Nelson, Mayor Mrs. LaVanche Peterson, City Clerk 1891 Walnut Street St. Paul, MN 55113 City of Lexington June Gallmeier, Mayor Brian Kranz, City Administrator - Clerk 3803 Restwood Road Lexington, MN 55112 City of Lilydale Robert Beaird, Mayor Harold Rehfeld, City Clerk Treasurer 855 Sibley Memorial Highway Lilydale, MN 55118 City of Lino Lakes Benjamin Benson, Mayor Randall Schumacher, City Administrator 1189 Main Street Lino Lakes, MN 55014 City of Little Canada Raymond Hanson, Mayor Joseph Chlebeck, City Clerk 515 Little Canada Road St. Paul, MN 55117 City of Long Lake Arthur Kunze, Mayor 162 Inglewood Street Long Lake, MN 55356 City of Long Lake Debbie Stinson, City Clerk Treasurer 1964 Park Avenue Long Lake, MN 55356 City of Mahtomedi Joseph Muhvich, Mayor David Pokorney, City Administrator 600 Stillwater Road Mahtomedi, MN 55115 City of Maple Grove James Deane, Mayor Douglas Reeder, City Administrator 9401 Fernbrook Lane Maple Grove, MN 55369 City of Maple Plain Jeff Walton, Mayor 5180 Highway 12 Maple Plain, MN 55359 City of Maple Plain Donald Loebrick, City Clerk Treasurer 1630 Maple Avenue Maple Plain, MN 55359 City of Maplewood John C. Greavu, Mayor Barry Evans,City Manager 1380 Frost Avenue Maplewood, MN 55109 City of Marine -On -St. Croix Dennis P. Leger, Mayor Route 1, Box 58 Marine -On -St. Croix, MN 55047 City of Marine -On -St. Croix Ginger Bolin, City Clerk Treasurer P.O. Box 234 Marine -On -St. Croix, MN 55047 City of Mayer Milfred Dalchow, Mayor 520 Ash Avenue, South Mayer, MN 55360 City of Mayer Lois Maetzold, City Clerk Mayer, MN 55360 City of Medicine Lake Neal Sorenson, Mayor Mary Ann Young, City Clerk 10609 South Shore Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 City of Medina Thomas Anderson, Mayor Donna Roehl, City Clerk Treasurer 2052 County Road 24 Hamel, MN 55340 City of Mendota Royal Bakke, Mayor 1373-2nd Street Mendota, MN 55150 City of Mendota Lorena Atkins, City Clerk Treasurer 1710 Highway 13 Q Mendota, MN 55150 45-",��441D City of Mendota Heights ox,Robert Lockwood, Mayor- 4-57-3403 Orvil J. Johnson, City Administrator 750 South Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 City of Miesville 0 Terry Jarvis, Mayor — 437 - a 9411 23845 Nicolai Avenue Hastings, MN 55033 Ctiy of Miesville Anita Freiermuth, City Clerk Treasu 14115-240th Street, East Cannon Falls, MN 55009 City of Minnetonka . Larry Donlin, Mayor _ 9 3j+ James F. Miller, City Manager 14600 Minnetonka Boulevard -; r1 Minnetonka, MN 55343 q3g-- $ ,4g City of Minnetonka Beach Daniel Lindsay, Mayor - 47/ - $a77 Judy Ryan, City Clerk h'J s. 2945 Westwood Road 379_ D,303 Minnetonka Beach, MN 55361 City of New Brighton '$regory Harcu s , Mayor - 63 I - 073 6 James Fornell, City Manager 803-5th Avenue, N.W. New Brighton, MN 55112 City of New Germany .Gordon Miller, Mayor-- /- 353-160 New Germany, MN 55367 City of New Germany 1 Ralph Stahlke, City Clerk \New Germany, MN 55367 City of New Hope s33 -% %66 rer ward Erickson, Mayor— niel J. Donahue, City Manager 4401 Xylon Avenue, North Minneapolis, MN 55428 • City of New Market iporbert Seurer, Mayor — 44 j 27 31 e/6/-3(45 New Market, MN 55054 City of Minnetrista Walter Clevenger, Mayor - 47a-MOS Charlotte Paterson, City Administrator - Clerk Treasurer 7701 County Road 110, West Minnetrista, MN 55364 City of Mound 47� -.rsap fg3ob Polston, Mayor Jonathan R. Elam, City Manager 5341 Maywood Road Mound, MN 55364 City of Mounds View \_juane McCarty, Mayor - 75k-0 7 f Donald F. Pauley, City Administrator - Clerk 2401 Highway 10 St. Paul, MN 55112 City of New Market Larry Caduff, City Clerk New Market, MN 55054 -7- City of New Prague 75$ ,X�$ Z Paul Flick, Mayor — 1- 0 Jerome Bohnsack, Admin/Clerk 118 Central Ave. No. New Prague MN 56071 City of New Trier .J rerome Lucius, Mavor - 4 37-5457 8645 240th St.E.,Hampton 55031 Mrs. Eileen Beissel, Clerk 23905 Hogan Ave.,Hampton 55031 City of North Oaks S4_1888 i,parren W. Johnson, Mayor - 4- City of Randolph 1 Duck Pass Road, St. P 55110 City of Prior Lake ��qq 47- 3S,,qq Ialter Stock, Mayor - T Michael McGuire, City Manager 4629 Dakota S. E., P.O.Box 359 Prior Lake, MN 55372 City of Ramsey 1 �6 Tomas Gamec, Mayor - 4„Z oyd Schnelle, Administrator 15153 Nowthen Blvd. N.W. P. O. Anoka, MN 55303 Arnold Ziemer, Mayor Mrs. Nancy Rozycki, Clerk/Treas Dennis Murray, Clerk 1 Pleasant Lake Rd., St . P 55110 Randolph, MN 55065 ;City of North St. Paul William Sandberg, Mayor-777-5443 'Robert Gatti, C. Manager Q .3 0 City of Robbinsdale 2526 E. 7th Avenue 11 �/R,ay Mattson, Mayor S3 7 " q S 9 7 North St. Paul, MN 55109 alter Fehst, City Manager 4221 Lake Road City of Norwood _ ,4453 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Donald Richter, Mayor-- i_%�7 a Brant Ball, Administrator N,G- Norwood, MN 55368 IS- 13404, 1-501-64'5 9414 or 0 S, City of Rockford William Jones, Jr., Mayor — 4-77 - 56 S 4 Ruth David, Clerk/Treas City of Oak Park Heights 6031 Main Street 'Frank Sommerfeldt, Mayor-431-2954- Rockford, MN 55373 LaVonne Wilson, Clerk/Treas. . 3 c7-,1075 14168 57th St. N., Stillwater55082'City of Rogers '� Edith Volkers, Mayor, Rogers 55374 City of Oakdale Daniel Vogt, Clerk/Admin Leo Huda11Q,,Mayor-733- 747+ 12913 Main St., Rogers MN 55374 Craig Mattson, City Administrator 1584 Hadley Ave. No. 1.00 City of Rosemount P. O. St. Paul, MN 55119 of eland Knutson, Mayor — 42 3 - 57° City of Orono 1367 145th St. E. Don Darling, Clerk ,\Mary Butler, Mayor -47/ — 979b Rosemount, MN 55068 Walter Benson, Clerk/Admin Box 66, Crystal Bay, 55323 City of Roseville dors. June Demos, Mayor - 4744 City of Osseo James Andre, City Manager p4rrnold Phenow, Mayor _4Z5---3224, 2660 Civic Center Drive Richard Setzler, Clerk Roseville, MN 55113 415 Central Osseo, MN 55369 City of Pine Springs ,Orank Bastyr, Mayor -777--70A-6 3498 Long Lake Rd. R. G. Zietlow, Clerk 3n60 nac'ale rr 09 City of Shakopee City of Plymouth r>Eldon Reinke, Mayor b�avid Davenport, Mayor-¢73-(o161 John Anderson, City James Willis, City Manager 129 East 1st Avenue 3400 Plymouth Blvd. Shakopee, MN 55379 Plymouth, MN 55447 ; t . T i City of Savage p' od Hopp, Mayor - 5'7O - 4 ' 7 Henry Sinda, Administrator 12305 Quentin Ave. So. Savage, MN 55378 - 44s_ 4..19� Administrator -8- 0 City of Shoreview Richard Wedell, Mayor q--623Li Gary Dickson, City Manager 4665 North Victoria Street Shoreview, MN 55112 City of Shorewood Robert Rascop, Mayor-J1LfI5I7 Douglas Uhrhammer, Administrator 5755 Country Club Road Shorewood, MN 55331 City of Spring Lake Park Don Masterson, Mayor 78L/- 0596 Donald Busch, Clerk/Treas 1301 81st Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 City of Spring Park Jerome Rockvam, Mayor y-7/--‘%5-17 Patricia Osmonson, Administrator 4349 Warren, Box 452 Spring Park, MN 55384 City of St. Anthony Robert Sundland, Mayor -NI 15 67 David Childs, City Manager 3301 Silver Lake Road St. Anthony, MN 55418 City of St. Bonifacius David Geyen, Mayor L/qC - »$ 4149 Highland Street Linda Zitzmann, Clerk/Treas 8655 Kennedy Memorial Dr. St. Bonifacius, MN 55375 City of St. Francis ���_ 1�g Steven Braastad, Mayor 2761 229th Ave. W., Bethel 55005 Sharon Fulkerson, Clerk/Treas Box 728, St. Francis, MN 55070 City of St. Louis Park Phyllis McQuaid, Mayor 9� j65a James Brimeyer, City Manager 5005 Minnetonka Blvd. St. Louis Park, MN 55416 City of St. Mary's Point. c Leonard Forciea, Mayor `/36`1 Stephen Popovich, Clerk/Treas P. O. Route 1, Lakeland, MN 55043 City of St. Paul Park _ Steve Abdella, Mayor y 9- r775 V Barry Sittlow, Administrator 639 2nd Street St. Paul Park, MN 55071 City of Stillwater Harry Peterson, Mayor - 43 1- 41 s0 Dorothy Schnell, Clerk 216 North 4th Street Stillwater, MN 55082 City of Sunfish Lake Duncan Baird, Mayor '/6-5- -7793 2144 Charlton Road, St. Paul 55118 Mrs. Myra Hamper, Clerk, 1633 Lamplight Dr., St. Paul 55125 City of Tonka Bay Glenn Froberg, Mayor N71/ ✓� -)‘-' Willie Norfleet, Administrator 4901 Manitou Road Tonka Bay, MN 55331 City of Vadnais Heights R. Hohenauer, Mayor 6/a9..5750� Gerald Urban, Clerk/Treas 687 E. County Road F St. Paul, MN 55110 City of Vermillion �- Elmer Kiekow, Mayor (/3-7" .�9-3 Mary Greenlee, Clerk Vermillion, MN 55085 City of Victoria David Boorsma, Mayor 0/3 - aO68 Larry Bodahl, Administrator 7951 Rose Victoria, MN 55386 City of Waconia Gerald Bailey, Mayor - 4 a - 4 2 0C Lamonte Eastvold, Administrator 233 South Olive Waconia, MN 55387 City of Watertown Dale Liestman, Mayor - I - `I� -144$ Tom Harmening, City Coordinator Watertown, MN 55388 City of Wayzata Bill Humphrey, .Mayor 4/ 73 - 40. 9* David Bangasser, City Manager 600 Rice Street Wayzata, MN 55391 City of West St. Paul_ Kenneth Kube, Mayor L 7-" X06 Thomas Hoban, City Manager 1616 Humboldt Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 City of White Bear Lake Brad Stanius, Mayor ya6" aq/ William Joynes, City Manager 4700 Miller Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 5' City of Willernie James VTestberg, Mayor t% ;): 1-• 4.5314 Sheila Davis, Clerk/Treas 111 Wildwood Road Willernie, MN 55090 City of Woodbury � Dani el J. Guider, Jr., Mayor -739- ©ya Lj James Lacina, City Administrator 2100 Radio Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 City of Woodland Alan Naylor, Mayor 1-176f I9/1J 2895 West Road Louise Pattridge, Clerk 2540 Cedar Ridge Road P. O. Wayzata, MN 55391 .798 53.365 309,140 18,079 2,715,817 41,977 1 ,091 ,555 36,487 67 53,567 8,682,593 231,906 90 252,309 -1 203,205 64,000• I62-38;779 5,476,329 177,596 96 180,982 3,003,818 85,818 92 9C, 144 —I ,382 .462 47, 64-5 91 -571,633 l 041,594 54, 268 104 50,173 291 ,557 41, 444 171 23,404 3,444,778 63,971- 69 88,359- 915,795 34,734 84 39,035 4,622.927 148,775 106 134,031 T.651 ,2.87 39,348 45 87,759 2 ,038,569 59,756 89 62,491 4068 ELYSIAN CITY OF 442 .710 46.935 1,237,421 57,482 130 42,062 6306 RED DIKE FALLS - le66-4 .71I 4E.715-,495-,253 - 171.995 103 15E, 188 4205 FLORENCF CITY 0 55 .774 46.705 101.541 1,946.200 5,253 95 5,227 2,054,685 3,694.715 52,237 91 54,112 1 Z33,64U- -.5b49.87Z- 39,7716 117 37,U5I 543 ,869 2,325.346 41, 133 151 • 25, 599 12,186 162 7,080 T4 724 74 I-8 3,678 59,146 119 46,485 130 .685 45.376 15,532 119 12,208 -91B CHTS-DER C TY11 -5792-13--T 44.999 832.378 - I33 534,933 7704 CLARISSA CITY 0 672 .669 44.656 2,155,825 3,208.074 78,695 117 62,722 93 7701 BERTHA CITY OF 521 .743 44.617 1,595,787 3,062.930 84,173 161 48,593 93 5616 NEW YORK-91E11S - 995-"-.7011-44..337 3,781,463 3,799.460 131,580 132 - 92,732 - 93 2211 .ALTERS CITY OF 117 .757 44.118 256,573 2,132.931 13,290 113 10,862 92 4302 BROWNTUN CITY 0 683 .730 44.061 2,252,280 3,797.628 66,718 97 63,377 92 69,826 102 -I4-13 RITTER DAL CITY- -753 :T117 -43.79(r--5'53,91-5- 212JL;Th5- 73,711 - 93 73,416 -- 92 24,765 47 3104 BIGFURK CITY OF 519 .733 43.470 1,713,495 3,235.751 41,243 79 47,897 92 42,925 82 )709 MANKATO CITY OF 28,489 2,926 642 102 2,629,027 92 .04�,9:L 107 --�1135-t RT CITV- 0f 78't - �3,267 188 ----- 7b:Z14 DTI -- 26,345 92 6022 NINGER CITY OF 197 779,079 3,954.715 17,731 90 19,.075 91 18,460 93 2313 PRESTON CITY OF 1,51? .673 42.816 6.647,846 4,393.512 135,112 89 139,783 91 141,019 93 Lb6 .817---92:Ot& 1-,725 r759---4 s5'J3 Tt2 ---29, 713-2 -- -1 rT-------7 4, ZI S --II ---- 31 . 071- i IS- 605 .746 41.352 2,112,727 3,492.110 74,507 123 54,737 90 77,657 128 674 .798 41.297 2 ,041 ,655 3,029.161 47,773 70 60, 949 90 49,682 73 769 .744 1:T63 3.4765,015T 3,983.775 4,935 -110 -69, 437 90-65:JT9 -f4 166 73,190 154 74.436 150 189 sS 81 69 ,703 135 III4 7T 113 1822,862 93 233 133 314 72,578 75,500 25,511 9, 385 149- - -136, 7131 1-P,tUJI.LIFD SIAI E A1D 70 PE, CAPITA 50 PER:ENI 9A51) 1 ESTIMATED SAIFS 3 YR POP 199(7 RAT1O AFMR 3108 CALUMET CITY OF 457 - D807 00FSSA"tTTT-D'r`—" -t70- 3126 NASHWAUK CITY 0 1,463 3605 GRACEV ILL E C II 756 3T37i 130V EY -CITY ITT` E34 312U KEEWATIN CITY 0 1,510 )603 CLINTON CITY OF 621 —6-94 7 M-CK TNL-TV- LTTV 1T 7 75- 5434 GARY CITY OF 231 6946 LEUNIDAS CITY 0 87 - 37I3 ITUFIL CITYOF T. 29 0865 CUMFREY CITY OF 536 3113 COLERAINE CITY 1,165 TDB ITs-MTJRF-Z1TY-Tr - 2H 2 6935 GILBERT CITY OF 2, 717 4206 GARVIN CITY OF 174 3135 TACON1TE-CITY Tf 377- .7 4 EZ. 78U .812 122.836 .760 103.660 .741 96.824 .815 85.135 . T6 9 137: TF 5 N ADJUSTED VAL/AI 10 ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION YALUA-TTDN PER -CAPITA 919,550 301 ; 0157 3,945,475 1 ,755,549 -7;T4I,58r 43/y- 7 $/G-e - 155- 50 PE7CENT (IASID 09 A1) PER POP PER HEMP PAOF PRESENT 93 AID ADJUSTED 84 AIt) ST PROJ 94 A(D 93 AID PER CAP 84 AID PER CAP 2,012.144 76,226 -1,77/.9742 26 1A6 2,636.838 220,609 2,322.154 61,376 l ,5b 7.850 L 1 Z, r 9T .829 77.163 3,252,535 2,153.996 171,467 . 765 72.221 1,353,780 2,188.051 58,071 . 763 66T146 481, OU 7,131.333 57,675 .881 64.701 559,373 2,332.567 10,998 .773 61.714 354,912 4,079.448 27,345 • 787 -59.753- .275",117 +- -- 7 333:5%5 193/ 263 -- .639 5E.421 1,761,252 .735 55.509 5'340,091 .7713 5�045 581 ,1541 .763 53.654 8,485,719 7502 CHUK10 CITY OF 540 .863 51.550 3608 ORTONV ILL E CITY 2, 556 .765 50. 982 T20 M AV AAR C-CTTY OF 117T . 735 76J1 APPLETON CITY 0 1,836 .764 3113 OEER RIVER CITY 923 .732 -T4I9-Jt EN CITY tTF- 1811 IRONTON CITY OF 5315 MAPLEVIEW CITY -50-06--DR-A D-FIEAIIIIA -CT 1235 MILAN CITY OF 35J3 HALLOCK CITY OF r 50 TTAIJLUCK CITY O-F 7313 HOLUINGFORO CIT 47U3 COSMOS CITY OF TO ECTHII CTTY OF- 3706 MARIETTA CITY 0 6102 FARWELL CITY OF J5-i HEATON CITY OF 6505 FRANKL IN CITY 0 4514 V IK 1NG CITY OF 130,954 1,745.053 84 AIO PFR CAP 1 73 155 156 84 140-- ., 117 +'9 244 3 CL tAR rARE- CtTT 4309 STEWART CITY OF 5405 HALSTAD CITY OF r t UtN TALL -ET -CD 51..945 50.82U 49.756 521 . r25 4i9 T96 518 .735 4E.819 242 .832 4F.642 9I�. (69-TiE.59-R 404 .789 48.536 1, 399 .770 47.583 364 .BTYT ' l.56I 570 .742 46.568 1T8- .800 - E. 44 r 271 .812 46.010 75 .790 45.967 1, 946 .693 -4=-.525 653 .736 47.460 493 .734 45.811 .731 43.467 7T9--9 3 t 1 8 .719 42.846 .481 .UU9 1'463,897 199,475 2U 9b3.875- 3,285.917 56,379 4,513.691 120,486 2,067:553 77,645 3,123.562 330,256 1,776.666 8 ,434.21 ,T- 2,021.400 3,396.940 3,053.956 2,932.751 3,254.407 2,653.477 3,555.374 1,234.780 3,768.993 2,269.294 3,314.451 3,068.619 3,121.851 2,799.595 2 , 7 0 1 .-41T1T 30'I-0.425 2,979.507 1.534.423 3, 535: 8T 1- 153.832,179 5,399.704 —870,620--3 f/14.ROT- - 105 103 98 121 103 130 56, 317 119,504 28.575 274,411 17, 530 32,274 1 60 143 129 127 125 121 116 113 110 107 105 1 05 102 101 100 100 100 99 S8 66,03? 98 183,903 97 89,793 49;7T3 96 56,281 96 36,311 9b 66,844 96 35,612 95 147,737 95 40,688 95 61,10? 95 60,039 95 179,495 - 95 . 5,467 94 54,659 44 -41,363 94 42,941 94 11,493 94 150,998 94 61,723 93 13 41 79,139 26,477 278*595- 4.lA5 117;46? - 177,975 60,494 54,929 32,185 29,589 201,021 58,805 124,855 28,774 344,395 18,843 41,293 31.117 241,853 98 96 ;r 109 150 Ti 89 105 47 93 135 99 j='_t 95 , 122- tri 158 153 ; 77 125 15.570 119 , 8�13,825"— 149 11 81,957 121 76,669 147 96,465 96 13,836 118 139 328 155 109 1 07 162 126 108 114 68 94 164 100 41 0 0 0 • 411 s • • • e • PR(JJLCIF0 ST-T1 AID 20 PF9 CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALUATION 50 PERCENT BASED nN Al) PER POP PEP AEMR PAGE ? •I ESTImATEO SALES 3 YR FOR 19i82-It ATIC) - -- AFAR 2601 NURCROSS CITY 0 131 697T MCTLEY CITY TSF -43'2 6944 (1NNEY CITY OF 458 3407 PENNOCK CITY OF 430 1706 4ESTBRC'JtT1TV 930 4509 OSLO CITY OF 2512 WANAMINGO CITY 7i2-T4 TR-AU CTTV L0F 377 735 2,437 6401 BLLVIEF CITY OF 441 7705 EAGLE EENO CITY 590 4005 K11-KENNY CITY U 173 4011 WATERVILLE CITY 1,710 5001 ADAMS CITY OF 782 50J4 UEYTLR CITY ITF- 7205 HENDERSON CITY 46U1 CEYLON CITY OF 4T3 4-LAKE 13 EN UN C i 1 4707 GROVE CITY CITY 6014 LENGBY CITY OF 156 714 536 9)1 596 121 6JU3 CTI7TAx CITY" OF [74 8706 HANLEY FALLS CI 263 32J3 JACKSON CITY OF 3,824 7 39Z-57- 73 -47, 919 6407 MORGAN CITY OF 1,C50 5411 THIN VALLEY CIT 902 T501-141-CE 3 SO1-CT 201/4 KASSON CITY OF 6927 EVELETH CITY OF 3 10 r a Al_ UU R F CTTY IIF- 304 2, 736 5. 062 744 9702 CANBY CITY OF 2, 147 0602 BEARDSLEY CITY 373 2315 w YITIFFF CITY 7JT" .75 7801 BROWNS VALLEY C 894 23Ju LANESBCRO CITY 900 4 50 8 NEW I-ULOENZTTY 376 3915 SCANLON CITY OF L,061 6413 VESTA CITY OF 345 2605 HFkT1AN CITv OF 2805 HOKAH CITY OF 2209 KIESTER CITY OE 3508 LANC ASTER-CTTY- 3204 LAKEFIELO CITY 7505 MORRIS CITY OF 4.14U1 BCALKDICK LITY 50(1) LYLE CITY OF 6969 V IRGIN IA CITY 0 --r102-SACKTTS-C ITT -OF 2182 OSAKIS CITY OF 6951 MEADOWLANDS CIT 5 3J 5 tLTS1r0RTH CITY . 767 41.042 .767 4I.011 . 701 4C.950 .718 40.940 .840 -4-I : S l 9 .695 40.486 .818 40.436 .80-4- 40.222 .755 4C.054 . 743 40.003 . 6 4 0---34. 14 . 641 35.652 .819 39.545 . r 8 8 SS 5T0 ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID VAL13411-0N- PER ZATPTTA 83 AID PER CAP 411,161 3,138.633 I '571 54 3 ;603.776 2,153,330 l '794 .131 T,743'230 1 ,570,591 4'695.343 4,172.402 3 ,437 .344- 4'166.023 3.899,790 5,334.476 T,IfOT-;11311— 2,872.810 . 704 35.429 .665 39.312 . 851 34.i6V .778 39.230 .735 38.732 .695 38.716 .846 .898 . 1Z9 .712 . 781 .771 . 804 .805 .703 .872 .761 38.641 38.486 38.36tT 38.220 3E.178 38.069 37.9F7 37. 84 5 31.7Ur 37.615 31.482 .736 37.434 .812 31.330 .740 36.777 36. 5(59- 1,179,935 2,673.321 1 ,811 ,834 3'073.905 319,903 T36.953 6,264'344 2 ,785 •978 849,66I 1 '598,391 1,645.213 1 ,935,602 1 '457 ,429 271 ,695 T�065.015 875.908 14.032 ,563 25 r .837.1 40 4,140,896 2,314 '285 783,913 10,814,148 1 7 ,939,845 1T113,423 7'987.493 677 ,952 1 :5533,820 1.724099 2.970,860 .664 9511655 .721 36.432 3.615.416 .724 36.398 1,075r273 627 .881 iE:39 2,092.32I 3.663.359 3,563.910 3 ,475 :738-- 2,238.645 3 •069.427 3'450.766 2 .445.350 2.245.413 3,886.916 3.330.449 3,669.603 6.037.529 3,943.710 2'565.726 2,578.661 3,952.539 3,544.323 4.553.209 3.720.304 1,817.565 3 •222:778 1 ,953.677 3'300.955 2 .557.593 3,417.555 3►115.733 3 •337 035 650 .731 3E.320 1 ,569,9114 2,415.360 679 .758 36.157 2,253,497 3,314.429 -ITT--; 771 -3ETC E3-892.375- 2 •357.045 1,807 .875 36.082 6.996,537 3'871.907 5,290 .882 36.067 19,829,596 3.748.505 i:5-4 : 631- 3 E. 041 2 : 41-3 . ZA 6 3 , 693 .039 571 .825 35.531 1 9520,830 2'663.453 10,811 .783 35.517 54,531'325 5'044.059 25 4- 73 T 3t: 4.3 9- T i 0T ,'f'f9- 4 T242.3-5-8- 1. 383 .837 35.399 5'131,460 3,711•106 133 .698 35.212 331.22) 2'490.375 -6II5-- .795 1 ,�. 90T- 1 , Th6 ,BtT'J--Z;1703:97U 3623 SO INTL FALLS G 2,843 .889 34.762 8412 •OLVERTON CITY 183 .775 34.705 600, AUKKISTOWV C 11i` 640 .752 3*.51Z 3405 LAKE L ILL IAN C I 324 .680 34.413 3205 OKABENA CITY OF 261 .844 34.379 oy, ERR CITY-nF 2R•eT24'--'3' - 319 7 ,495 , 709 2 ,636 .900 568,664 3,137.453 2 , 054. 877-_,23-4 : T 8 r 1 .089,416 3.362.395 772.919 2.961.375 1, 3 I.3-41 T -' 4; S 4'5-: T8 8 L1. 708 - 35,372 22,1110 31, 446 T0O,960 44,715 60,992 285 86 45,092 70,981 1 8-49 91 ADJUSTED 84 A TO 84 AID PER CAP ST PROJ 94 AID 84 Al) PER CAP `', • 89 11.915 90 12,175 92 90 11.551 q0 36,784 83 49 41,278 90 22,849 49 73 38, 751 90 32,772 76 108 83,799 15- -1 05,41 - Ii3 118 33,828 89 46,756 124 82 65,922 89 63,665 86 ITS -2-1. 144 89 292,732 120 102 39,412 89 45,578 103 120 52,701 89 68,004 115 15,1I3 —_111— I6,502 95 176,689 103 152,230 89 183,974 107 66,108 84 69,544 88 68,775 87 -74; T33 96 27,757 -138 -21 ,775 81,772 114 63.428 98 85.318 119 31.493 5R 47, 559 88. 32,770 61 8-4-P7II5- - -99 75.480 -- - 88 ---8-8772 1 62,651 105 52,844 88 56,487 94 11.527 95 10,676 88 12,002 99 - 9-,683 20, 393 336,434 4, 2j6, 584 103, 264 71 77 87 74,171 88 20,T.rilf 23,184 89 21 ,214 8) 336,616 88 321,401 99 T.lTh.7T79 98 92.187 62, 353 69 79,165 24, T6T _ - 8I 26, 65I 179,587 65 239.671 471,072 93 442.821 z8:T45 -1 IT 71•313 207.137 96 187, 394 19,478 52 32.514 - 5I,II03- 109 41.385 115,812 131 76,945 84.415 93 77,909 -32;'369 83 -32, 462 122,179 115 91,533 29,978 86 29.752 5 T7 9 103 3407I 74, 592 114 63,668 37;-6 64- 218,540 520,396 "50.-687 37,076 1,435,581 -20: 01Z 93 Sb 120 98 92 64 132 78 129, 176 93 4,883 36 51,A37 85 200,083 70 10,055 54 ---44,-5175--- -69-- 2 1 594 66 14,143 54 31, 286-- 115 56,016 58,418 3Z,41I 15 5, 349 454.722 56,201 48.821 924,182 85 1.487.704 ZT• 59.5 ---85- 2IT•3i3 118,089 85 11,335 85 51, 401 -- --8� 241,216 84 15.516 84 '54,16[ 27.190 22.058 24,-TQ, 8- 84 —I� 102 60 84 68 95 87 4,4117,7d0 - 87 107.504 87 54,745 BT 25,805 87 187,279 87 490,297 87 87 215,94S 100 87 20,246 54 87 5ti,239. - 1114 87 118,435 133 86 88,154 97 36 33.633 8 86 127,507 120 86 3L,287 90 � 6 -67.33 3- 86 77,822 11.9 86 66,109 97 85 3r,-STIf - 8� 85 228,551 126 85 538,670 101 85----- 63,121 ----46 85 37,338 65 137 -3 134,957 97 5.010 37 54 ,16i 89 209,045 73 10.457 57 --84--45-; 3 T s /7 84 22,593 69 84 14,781 84 - 34,575 114 56 1 1 • PROJECTED STATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 50 PFRCTNI BASED CN ADJUSTED VALJATION ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION ---P P T9W2 WATTC----AFAk- -VA [UIITTUF-- R-ZJFTTA 4102 HENDRICKS CITY 737 .892 3-431 ALA --My- -GF-- - T, 565 . TT T 2,201 .816 1,038 .794 1 704 MOUNTAIN LAKE C 6404 LAMBER TON CITY C17 CITY OF- • 34.214 34.CS6 34.041 33.914 2,217,395 3,338.677 T.6 72 , I 71T-- 9,396,126 4,269.025 3,474,430 3,347.235 50 PERCENT AASE0 ON Al) PER POP PER AFMP PA;,F 3 PRESENT 83 A10 83 71TO *FR• rA15 76, 166 Z03.8 20 186,348 78,723 103 104 94 75 23J1 CANTON CITY OF 2213 WINNEBAGD CITY �7i E110E11 CITY OF- 3123 MARBLE CITY OF 5311 RUSE CREEK CITY 0 -6 EL-E-VA CT T Y OF 2307 MABEL CITY OF 1703 JEFFERS CITY OF 1004 SEBEKA CITY U - 6304 OKLEE CITY OF 5002 AUSTIN CITY OF 6 • H Ii-A-UA'T ZTTY 0 2305 MANIORVILLE CIT 6405 LUCAN CITY OF 6909 IIIWABIK CITY OF 4204 LYNU CITY OF 8703 CLARKFIELD C1TY HROP CITY 0 0701 AMBOY CITY OF J707 LAKE CRYSTAL CI COTTUNWUUU CITT 4613 WELCOME CITY OF 2364 CHATFIELD CITY 5409 SHELLY CITY OF 2810 SPRING GROVE CI 7911 WABASHA CITY OF 3202 HERON LAKE CITY 1705 STOROEN CITY OF 8401 BRECK ENR 1 Ul,E C I 4202 BALATON CITY OF 5110 SLAYTON CITY OF 3703 EAGLE LAKE CITY 3506 KARLSTAD CITY 0 8407 KENT CITY OF 94 .792 33.895 352 1, 89 1 245 .719 33.717 . 745 33.687 .780 33.671 752 .750 33.460 348 .85E 33.429 260 .680 337.-42r 852 .692 33.318 439 .879 33.305 739 .752 T33:T93 536 .722 33.017 22,639 1, 260 718 263 33Z ,358 1.217,977 7,120,363 3.535. (73 3,460.161 3,765.395 914,I38 3,731.17 4,425,932 1,137,516 1 .255 r367 3.5129450 L .322 ,582 1 081 ,473 1,859,537 .821 33.069 103,725,169 .670 33. 74,708 .749 33.011 .769 32.916 i, 3-89 .773- 32.801 3C3 .786 1, 124 .774 --1- 351 .713 605 .654 2,024 .752 TT�.832 32.142 32.665 32. 57 7 32.554 32.529 3/.613 831 .643 32.510 2,C43 .681 32.351 . :U1 32.201 283 .743 32.204 1,265 .835 32.142 1, 354 . /71 31.053 757 .807 32.C32 316 .738 32.005 3, 99I .806 31.935 717 .799 31.914 2,438 .850 31.816 1, 457 .730 3I.777 959 .764 31.775 124 .768 31.745 5614 RENNINL, CT7T OF 813 .7TJZ 3713 MAPLETUN CITY 0 1,513 .744 4612 TRUMAN CITY OF 1,483 .636 Z T T TI0--3II7 2601 ASHBY CITY OF 487 .766 4212 RJSSELL CITY OF 410 .791 71114 GREEN ISLE C'TT 33T.--.678 si.U25 0910 KETTLE RIVER CI 169 .818 31.007 2206 FROST CITY OF 279 .778 3C.564 65 1 J S ALR tU HEART CI -63t�750- 3t: S23 8509 ROLLINGSTONE CI 2603 ELBOW LAKE CITY 03U5 PL 4308 SLIVER LAKE CIT 1007 MAYER CITY OF 3,301 ,680 788,177 4,404,336 717,732 3,237,483 -v�088.026 2,432,115 7,653,686 3.434,686 31517,242 9,309,164 90?,652 812,216 4,562,680 1Ur/r3,623 2,698,883 1,474,758 II.354,T79- 2 ,128,778 10.312.820 5,985.547 3.268.724 4,828.33T. 4,122.593 3,312.715 2, I0-. 56 3,469.285 4,581.702 3,710.083 4.591.440 2,996.851 3,173.968 2 ,368.653 2,883.322 3,692.099 4.323.326 3.781.465 3,757.862 4,232.541 4,556.614 2,795.962 2,870.321 3,606.861 4,576./30 3,565.235 4,666.955 1.845.096 2,969.306 4,230.032 4 ,56I ,502 3,130.749 3,249.599 1,952.741 31.634 79,683 5.T43- 54 •34,998 99 140,587 74 Z ;38-4 103 56,922_ 75 AnJ USTEO -- -84 At0 62,184 165, 595 185.378 87,315 -7.905 29.548 15 8, 698 20. 5-S6 62, 958 30,392 8 7 25, 128 21,820- 91 21,13 87, 763 103 71.233 38,046 86 36,697 10.733 I19 40,182 74 2,292,638 101 1I0, 657 87 73, 310 102 23,897 Tag. 449 24,147 116,177 139, 76- 38,438 108,463 84,395 67,666 158,924 10,079 27, 112 139,998 7T.-1i70 5 64, 133 39,062 434,263 57, 282 285,690 57.804 3 r116,366 242.140 C,493,(25 31.412 6,050,604 31.284 5,907,127 31.Z55 Z,`r01 ,B1ZZ5S 31.157 1,640,742 31.041 1 ,171,541 1.5u,.834 785,118 1 1037086 -t 3,767.31Z 3 ,999.377 3,983.227 7 ,956.4TT 3 ,369.080 2,857.417 4 005.441 4,645.668 3,719.663 e , • 525 .773 3C.856 2.059,115 1, 359 .770 3C.844 6,335,528 361 . 643- It.769-- -T r623-1/74- 681 .703 30.721 29721,438 390 .772 30.707 1,799,641 1,329 •8C8 30.634 • , 3,922.123 4,661.904 4.506.'576 3,996.237 4,614.464 3 $617.3y8 61i 118 44, 707 1,887,944 10 5,031 59,839 90 21,898 99 115,518 79 25.184 103 93, 348 103 1-LLCM 63 50,185 53 167,855 97 75, 796 81 68.902 77 169,116 26,-779 23.389 104. 492 - 194, 261 84 62,458 123 26,063 - 108 321f.9b0 81 84 A10 PER CAP 79 117 62,904 65 9, 735 78 60,445 39 106,909 72 7� T3T ,971 55 46,097 112 Z 5. WI- T6- 13, 9 46 26,7 38 80, 3-01 29,369 128, 494 ,r3Z 71,795 20, 312 t9. 612 82 95 122-- 55 42,787 81 94 1 10, 745 81 57 2Vi 392 --HI 105 55, 423 81 52 31.734 81 59,085 82 200, 702 82 114,11111 R2 78.915 1 0, 200 6 6,-803 124,031 81 121,410 81 79, 845,6 81 �sr 02. 33, 481 Z r,268 13,794 22,763 33, 503 81 81 81 81 YU l U tI, 0 84 81 84 84 94 84 84 5,324 83 36,538 83 146,226 83 26,440 83 58,798 83 27,570 B3 24,659 83 91,667 83 39,704 81 94,642 83 41,891 83 2,386,035 83 107,364 83 76,557 83 24,992 83 143,729 83 25,193 83 121,453 82 133,A39 82 39,901 82 113,149 82- -- 87,8IS 82 82 92 82 82 82 82 82 40,736 ST PROJ 9t: AID 84 AID PER CAP , • 79,365 107 215,121 109 HN 151,271 71 1--", 82.204 79 j 56 ^� 103 ;°{• 77 {, 107 78 79 94 ' 107 93 1 24 78 ''- 1 05 85 106 2,, 95 103 83 108 99 65 55 96 70,767 85 • 118,81? 58 10,403 A 28,298 99 I 146,155 115 lz 268,703 114 66.714 88 128 Q. 431,242 - 1 9 59,640 83 297,601 122 60 T/0 41 82 65,638 68 82 10,159 81 82 837134 i32 62r770 41 111,294 75 r . 6 48,136 2•, 14,470 27,802 26,044 133,561 21 .426 74,919 21,229 125,043 142 57 117 85 99 49 98 5 110 54 • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • PkuJECTED ST AT F AID ?0 PER CAP! TA 50 PERCENT BASED TIN ADJUSTED VALJAT ION 50 PERCENT BASF) ON Al) PER POP PER AEMR PAGE 4 6 • • ESTIMATED SALES POP 1982RTIu 7793 STAPLES CITY OF 6 yU1--53EETGE R L! T Y (7 F 1123 wALKEk CITY OF 2418 Too IN LAKES CITY T1115- i 1MMERMAN LITY •. 221) MINNESUTA LAKE 8485 RI/TV/SAY CITY OF 3778 MAD IS ON LAKE -CT 6411 SANBORN CITY Of 3303 OGILV IE LITY OF 6414 17ABA9SO--CITY OF 5801 ASKOV CITY OF 4006 LE CENTER CITY SUIT NIELSVTLLE C1 8711 MOOD LAKE CITY 6702 BEAVER CREEK CI • • • • • • le 19 )i t. 3 YR AErIR 2,949 .656 3C.600 319 . E36-30. 53 U 974 .675 3C.527 202 .896 30.450 1, 138 744 460 561 506 405 .737 .756 . 734 .T43 .689 .682 ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION VALuATiuN PER CAPITA 3-C.335 30.325 30.307 VC-. 277 30.268 30.208 720 .774 30.168 359 .112 30.105 1,937 .694 29.907 142 . r,91 25. 236 411 .775 29.713 272 .722 29.705 3809 Twu HAR80RS CTT 4,u85 .ovo 1207 1206 1 3 Ui- MATSON CITY OF MONTEVIDEO CITY HAKMUNY-CIIY OF )713 ST CLAIR CITY 0 2332 UUUGE CENTER CI 699U 1)ULUTH CITY OF 3507 KENNEDY CITY OF 7202 GAYLORD CITY OF 226 5,898 1. 1ul 664 I.902 9Is699 397 1,904 .644 .831 .1548 . 780 .724 .742 .767 .748 L5. �Ss 25.546 29.486 25. 48f 25.435 29.431 29.385 25.302 29.291 8,802'481 T,180,834 6'015,277 1,184;595 5 ,3 77.9H1 2 9867 9962 1 ,766 9830 I ,670, 761 2 .421 ,448 1 ,114 9189 2 1539 ,667 1 .086 , 838 7.925,165 293 , yH6 1 .485.553 882 .529 L3.672.818 725,369 209859 1229 5,5221070 2.118,341 9,179,008 400.775,326 6113 VILL ARO CITY OF 6929 FLUUDMO3D CITY 3714 VERNON CENTER C 400E MUNTI,OMERY CITY 3705 GOOD THUNDER Cl 6503 DANUBE CITY OF 3705 PrAuTSUN LTiY OF 22U2 I3RICELYN CITY 0 5904 RUTHTON CITY OF 275 .714 25.157 659 .700 25.125 349 .614 28.961 Z.332 . r4Z 78.908 563 .658 2E.906 612 .746 2 8. 861 2,139 .e1r 28.832 493 .696 28.787 345 .800 28.784 1 r287,593 8'555,306 755,733 1 1932 1660 l ,946,003 ITTD81 .664 2 ,181 , 851 2,178.183 8 ,931 .735 1,968,137 868 .013 7 r05 GKtT EAGLE I,11Y 4614 TRIMONT CITY OF 8102 JANESVILLE C[TY 94U3 LAMPBELL LITT 0 4103 IVANHOE CITY OF 2402 ALDEN CITY OF 851J ST CHARM -CITY 4313 WINSTED CITY OF 4211 MINNEOTA CITY 0 b0I6 M61N1USH LITT U 76U7 KERKHOVEN CITY 7707 HEW ITT CITY OF 302 ATOM CITY OF 346 .7U2 LE.758 794 .688 1,883 .743 �T17 :HrB 746 .873 648 .737 28. 719 28. 707 zt.438 28.416 28.414 2, L'5I .692 2t:3 't 1, 501 .639 28.322 1,481 .835 28.156 695- .669 2E:T52 765 ..708 28.144 294 .637 28.083 8l9 . T73-2T.918- 8708 PORTER CITY OF 218 .854 27.869 1503 CLEARBROOK CITY 591 .700 27.827 3306 uGEAA t?TY LT F -221t- :7119-2t:780 3401 ATWATER CITY OF 7203 GIBBON CITY OF 112 POLIY C MY- -0T 1, 602 3,683 06 1,201 IUD► fv 5sL BENSON CITY OF' HECTOR CITY OFL NS Y 1 LT. t L ITT 993,158 3 .524,050 5.731 ,23) 696,5Zb 2 ,545 9121 2 .906 r370 I13,2E5.488 6 ,763 ,145 5,091,325 r,7135-•-I8-0 2.436.535 2,984.903 4.315.153 6,115.849 5,864.331 4,725.8I8 3,854.787 3,87,0.934 2'4 /8 .I)37 4r785.470 21751.083 31527.3I5 3,027.403 4,091.463 2,3 0,ART PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 AID N3-11111-"PER C ---174 7 11T PER ZAP--84-1T5 -PEP CAP 364,601 '31, 414 124,585 20,856 T►b, b 56 123 T210 127 103 40 239, 712 R1 73i 5-09 81 79, 101 81 16,392 81 92,239 H1 374,664 -34.433 129,574 21,737 64,238 86 60,299 81 66,935 27,626 60 37,273 81 28,780 -3547 PT b3 -4S 444► - - 8T 36-04 6 33,340 65 40,982 80 34.677 50,750 1,25 32, 783 80 53,018 76,834 -106 52,257 80 61 -,908 17,924 49 126,587 65 4u3- 3,614.484 3,244.591 3 ,347.079- 3,239.597 3,536.661 5,015.504 3r193.272 4,825.976 4,370.552 3,243.307 4,493.332 2,749.120 2,932.716 5,575.939 4,752.000 3,875.401 3.559.122 4,175.659 3,992.164 2.515.994 13,676 521,159 109,838- 34,859 149.121 1,076,4i5 19, 449 187.617 18,485 52, 990 12,523 29,028 80 18,641 156,296 80 131,968 66 IT,4-417- Ha- 9,81T 48,798 118 33,095 80 50,855 21,362 78 21,899 80 22,249 5L7, Eros T29 32E, 392 -SO- 537, 60 18, 165 80 14,187 88 473,799 80 535,546 99 138, 435- Bff -11416-85 52 53,309 80 32.338 78 152,695 80 156,231 127 i61 133 107 89 62 68 130 94 51 68 123 81 62 90 04- 48 82 103 98 7, 358, 45-- 0 9,462 48 31,828 80 20,216 98 152, 630 80 185,035 67 221013 80 19,249 80 35 L30,390 98 L,8►U.398 4,438.350 3,043.669 2,4[6.719 3,411.690 4,485.138 .56'7.412 4.535.759 3,437.761 28,436 50 43,526 71 ZZ. Z44 T1I3 42,000 85 22,973 66 35,8bl- T03 50 97 69 52,736 80 55,073 83 27.877 79 12.920 37 t l36;-77'3- 79 -29 9 . 813 I 44,945 79 29,596 48.834 -ITO. 679 39,307 27,506 27, 578 79 45,355 74 -1,366 79 43,731 79 23,932 T9 7, 30 88,048 110 63.260 79 84,437 125,563 66 150.013 79 131,34? 21,844 79 22,798- 79 -71, 72,902 97 59,244 79 75,907 59,778 92 51.457 79 51,636 I55, 5 T 67 T4 162 ,34-7- 2 ,453.496- 3.185.013 649,026 2,207.571 r , , .21511 657,022 1,629'770 421 ,810 3,313.862 2 ,757.648 853.041 177, 413 115, 440 -55,575 60,240 11,359 55,206 1,127 .629 2 7. 641 4,979,953 4,418.769 809 .780 27.599 3.325,358 4,110.454 #29 .692 27.511-- , , 24.953 .733 2 7. 507 12 .022 , 2 56 3,264.256 .741 27.464 6,027,689 5,018.891 .ErSI 118 119,080 77 117,287 79-55,039 78 60.574 38 23,265 -67 64, r39 19,880 91 17,210 63,563 107 46,636 12, -578- 55 T r t78-r 93,058 82 88,753 59,243 73 63,680 t6 90- 140 128, 115 317,473 86 289,632 94,885 79 94,397 56;829- ---9T -4-5.7ut 52 74 108 88 69 106 69 101 79 79 178,04? 113 79 120,400 81 - -79- 57 043 --t3 79 62,832 82 79 11,854 40 79 78 78 78- 78 78 78 78 --78- 20,738 49,436 13,057 97,202 61,780 287,175 99,167 E,4,659 95 83 86 76 77 82 6 2, 1 1 PRuJICI ED STATE AIV 20 PFP CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASE() CN ADJUSTED VALJATION 50 PERCENT BASED ON AID PER POP PER AEMR PAGE 5 3408 PRINSBURG CITY 7,771 t-?7Y--t111' 3702 BOY() C!TY OF 5505 0UVER LITY OF CIE AOJ ASSESSED —pUV -1982 7fATTIT - 7itMx VALULTI03 6004 CR00KSTON Cl Y 8773 GRANITE FALLS C -39U4 L.ARITIIN 'CITY Uh 3121 3619 2406 2514 7317 0724 6311 6604 LUNSDALE CITY U 23U3 HAYFIELD CITY 0 I71-P11 AIR TZ -LTTY- ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR 549 .646 27.294 r 455- : 73 r 27.256 299 .692 27.216 329 .698 27.131 -71 l z 4 8, 592 3, 402 -FTC, 1, 223 1,283 . ILS .709 .836 .75N .700 .733 V ALJ AT ION PER -t"APIT AC PRESENT 83 AID 2,864,148 5.217.027 47,427 4,21: 0t-5,6-35;376--3130394 913,502 3,055.190 29.100 1 .297.527 3,943.851 38,995 lE.y86 er415.U1I 26.577 32.646,527 26.894 17,025,316 16:795 74 . 345 2 6. 766 4 .785 ,098 26.747 5,553.170 Z .558 , 647- 51F .702 26.729 NURTHOME CITY 0 313 .826 26.610 EMMONS CITY OF 471 .756 26.566 ZJMBROTA LITY U -7.776 .85I MELROSE CITY OF 2.416 .746 26.538 PEMBERTON CITY 205 .682 26.453 FTISSTUN CITY DF 1, 582 . 71 7 2bT�ag- 5705 ST HILAIRE CITY 5406 HENDRUM CITY OE �DO1 LLEVEtATTITLTTY 1011 .+ACJNIA-CITY OF 2,640 7608 MURDOCK CITY OF 334 TP-3 -- 893 3703 DAMSON CITY OF 1,953 b415 NALNOT GROVE CI 746 3ri1T2 -CL EMEN,T 5 CITY 0 --724 2212 WELLS CITY OF 2.127 3613 LITTLEFORK CITY 920 375 .749 2E.430 352 .777 2E.426 732- . 74 Z 26.41J .720 26.356 .742 26.249 . IZS 21.243 .847 .735 . 745 .726 .906 26.200 26.122 26.065 25.996 2 5. 994 44 It�, 2204 EASTON CITY OF 2595 2312 531J 4705 5305 3331 5311 4105 PINE ISLAND CIT RUS HF0F0 CITY 0 MURTHINGIUN LIT DASSEL CITY OF ELKTON CITY OF BAUDET T E CITY II RUSHMORE CITY 0 TYLER CITY OF 5603 FARIBAULT CITY 1116 PINE RIVER CITY 4-6UL UONNtLL CITY OF 6507 NORTON CITY OF 1311 FREEPORT CITY 0 3539-iaNVILLE LITY 0 3611 INIL FALLS CITY 2505 GOODHUE CITY OF 53111 ADRIAN LITT Tat 3412 SPICER CITY OF 1975 F_AS TINGS Y CIT0 7UB�U1 ECLE-PLATNE-LI 4917 JPSALA CITY OF 2101 ALEXANURIA fL Y 8301 ALTUKA LILY UF- 2602 BARRETT CITY OF 274 .640 25.976 1.880 .799 25.935 1.555 .708 25.871 IL.45E .805 25.865 1, 101 .723 25.811 137 .7E0 25.796 1. 148 .797 25.789 401 .761 25.772 1.359 .839 25.676 878,515 076,339 26.55T 12 r381 , 7D5 1 9 ,734 .095 872*322 5,lb.r938 1 .169.668 931,289 Z,421..756 19,213,706 1 .117,953 —7,853.365 10.378 ,237 2.784 r171 734.052 10,073,353 2,055.777 1 634,485 9,744,684 7 .422r824 48TM,378 4.725,716 815,092 3.762.908 1 ,220.660 4.591,922 r -TS .519,311 16.104 .798 25.558 895 .696 25.522 zz u 519 546 1 r 508 .DUO .715 .755 . 781 5. 717 . 760 25.249 652 .803 25.C91 1,327 4697 /5.069 z .. 4n0 25.333 2 5. 308 1. 948 .719 25.028 12.790 .673 25. 015 2, 830 .796 74.59 389 .740 24.581 7,405 . 161 24. 975 337 .7 7 .24.969 375 .792 24.565 3409 RAYMONC CITY OF 751 .686 24.953 72 .469 $555 3,813,790 986,675 1,513,120 2 9027,794 5,6U3,907 37 ,311 .093 3,009,136 3,96Z.34U 3.799.209 5.004.502 3,677.740 3,912.590 4.329.269 4 039.4-63 IMIr 63`I 542,628 242,311 6-0 ; 7U - 32,387 86,173 76. 8 53- 2,806.760 18,9 14 3.983.734 46,211 83 A10 PER --LAP-- 5,443.116 4,029.012 4,255.229 3 .264.75T" 3.119.114 2.645.707 3,308.409 7.277.918 3,346.865 3,195.257 5,313.997 3,732.132 3.277.317 3,693.932 2,234.540 5,965.273 5.186.002 4,773.520 4,655. 16 4.292.203 5 ,949.576 3.Z77.794 3,044.039 3.378.897 5.8Z3.381 4,530.096 4,257.865 4,484.886 2,915.452 3,713.908 3,716.118- 6,526.341 4.613.708 4.I1U,lU1 3,114.10Z3 5.747.319 6.062.572 T9,637,447 6,226.540 T37527.413-4 18T5.O9r6- 1 .771 ,989 4,555.241 43 0833,333 5,911.423 2;3M:1 ,869.997 1,236.136 3►296.362 2.583 9897 3,440.600 j93T.7YV 641i 504 47.461 - Z0T,132 251,708 7,880 14T.-Y58- 5, 89 1 21.511 —76, 371- 177, 742 28, 572 59,166 123,982 65.489 16,J57 ADJUSTED ETD P6 41.070 70 349,363 96 23.437 118 25,764 85 16601182 98 6 TT, H56 71 265.738 613 3E,117 26 95,398 67 100,058 51 40; 317 60 24,372 98 36,657 90 177,124 104 187.989 38 15,933 93 -- .-- -122, 976 15 29,143 61 2 7, 354 36 54,878 254,881 53, 516 67 204,985 85 25.905 66 61-,- Z6 0- 63 151. 390 87 57, 781 T3- I7: 338 93 210,925 58 71.160 84 AID PER CAP 21, 570 ----2T, I1[T. 1310384 69 145,307 81,114 52 120,105 %5T;7Mt1 91 807 706 94,195. 85 84,982 7, 105 51 10, 570 113.981 24,104 83r 356 Z3U,613 1.6111y285 87,819 99 2 60 30.938 61 1049 743 W6 2055.184- 101 j.719.54h 98 68.861 16. ZUZ -T3 t6. 03- 50, 554 97 39, 850 31.737 58 4 1,909 137.956 - -91 115;746 112 438,505 72 49,924 9b,482 --7f-IIII9-589 49,577 52 72.534 925►401 72 978.470 IT9, 63 -2T .Tarr 35.826 P.24.036 zri9913 19,012 48,567 86 9II8-- 92 2 C, 748 108 566,253 -133---- 251766 50 28,672 64 57, 418 IL() 55,157- ST PROJ 84 84 A19 PER 78 49,319 78 328,059 78 30,208 78 36,235 -I-88476 18 "8'78 , 0'03' 78 252,605 T8 67,78S 78 33,756 77 89,927 TT 27,545 7T 19,685 77 41,961 77 -.- 216,139 77 211,949 77 8,201 77 145.404 77 6,061 77 22,386 71 27,423 - 77 183,270 77 29,731 77 - - --61: 509- 77 128,298 77 68,418 77 ------IT-034 77 231.090 77 55,857 77- 22 , 44 3 77 133,881 77 84,290 77 9999396 77 98,156 77 _ 7.330 TT 118,505 77 251114 77 54,105 76 r913- 76 Jr 702.3 71 76 77,367 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76- 76 76 76- 76 76 52 .759 33.096 114,366 611.140 49,314 100,566 51.400 963.877 I77,134 34.844 AID CAP 89 73 101 - 110 BB '71 102 74-'a 71 27 70 - 53 6? 89 94 87 40 91 16 63 37 69 89 68 >> 65 S 91 7-15 84 60 T - -, 71 54 95 89 53 103 62 39 90 105 86 6 10l 60 89 117 75 54 75 89 113 1.7 2.76A- 19,793 50,679 90, 7IV 52 67 • • c • • • • • i • • • • • PROJECTED STATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VAl1ATION 50 PERCENT BASED ON AID PER POP PER AFMR PAGE 6 • • • �' • • ,R •�' ,1 • 2, T2 • 2 • 2. • 31 • 36 31 • 3. • 2 • ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR AOJ ASSESSED VALLIAT 1 ON PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID 5T PROJ 84 AID 2108 KENS INGTON CITY POP I 71rATT0- 329 .858 AFPIK 24.911 VALUATION 819.051 Pt11-C1AF'IIA 2.486.477 83 AID 16,923 -53,-477 PER CAP T4 LTU TIER 51 25.140 -82-44,273 CAP 76 84 AO 17,670 PER CAP 53 ' 1T373 PV U0T LAKFS C1 15J5 GUNVICK CITY OF 2001 CLAREMONT CITY -645 359 610 .650 .627 .715 24-.ECI 24.862 24.841 41414,466 1,162,365 2,06i.848 6,g4Ti.9DW 3.237.785 3.380.078 28.866 35.189 80 27,418 57 46,578 76 76 76 76 76 76 55.4'7 30.087 36,697 85 83 60 - - - 83 1 41 65 95 82 43 8 10g WASECA C IT OF 3404 KANUIYOHI CITY 7004 JORDAN CITY OF 8, 334 446 2,760 .770 .668 .774 24.809 24.709 24.623 40 .392 .006 2.120.357 11,974,213 4.846.65T 4.754.163 4.338.4,82 668, 228 19,470 172,322 II- 636,-137- 43 34.002 62 210,233 _ 695, 9F4 18,522 179.892 5203 ZTWAY ETTE CITY 0114 MCGREGUR CITY 0 4536 HOLI CITY OF 493 440 124 .67 r .821 .664 14.552 24.537 24.510 2-,78(,016 1.325,091 185.052 4.638.977 3,013.843 1.492.354 45,202 35,055 5,197 91 79 41 _ -37,52T 33.483 9.433 76 76 47,085 36,474 5,350 510B LAKE W IL SON ITT 5107 10NA CITY OF 6968 TOWER CITY OF 353 249 609 .743 .791 .739 24.499 24.432 24.352 1 .161 ,790 608.168 21599.537 3.291.189 2.442.441 4.266.891. 25. 15T 15.58E 41.370 TI 62 67 2G Kt 18,925 46,245 76 76 75 15,762 16,251 43,002 72 65 70 7805 HANSKA CITY UT 3)01 BRAHAM CITY OF 1303 CH [SAGO CITY CI 410 1.028 1,643 .61Z .811 .777 14.351 24.257 24.247 1,98),062 4,41B.103 7.967.767 4.829.419 4,297.765 4.849.523 33,487- 146.064 1301782 81 142 79 1T;113 77,981 124,618 -75 75 75 34,8855 143,488 136,513 A5- 139 83 8513 WINUNA CI1Y-Mr 1009 NORW000 CITY OF )509 SAUK RAPIDS CIT Zi.74T► 1,230 5.539 .b97 .764 .757 24.Z35 24.104 24.C84 UI9.964,695 5,787,654 23,119,758 4.848.233- 4.705.409 3,872.870 3,765.807 3.636.723 3,336.653 4.453.861 4,597.320 5,214.774 2,980.441 3,243.326 3,575.686 4.193.804 7,523.223 2.477.664 2,292,924 70.690 446,655 92 57 75 1,R7-5r567 9 3, 143 449.655 75 75 75 75 75 75 1-.30'6-.2.57- 47,556 466,503 - I70.0 ! 6,908 13,550 95 38 78 -- -.6-' 61 75 61U8 STAR BUCK CITT 0 1404 COMSTUCK CITY 0 3201 ALPHA CITY OF i,242 112 179 .823 .718 .840 Z4.t56 24.053 23.590 -.,sll,133 407,313 597,261 132,017 6,611 13,029 106 59 72 94,0U4 8,475 13,537 11U1 8LUt tAKTH LITT 1805 CUYUNA CITY OF 5602 BATTLE LAKE CIT 42tid 153 723 .108 .765 .697 13.9DS 23.944 23.895 ie,382,180 703,390 3,770.282 314,7bT 15,448 53,514 20, 755-- 451,239 47.845 16 100 74 - ----R4 97 58 II--G 368 11,564 54,619 "" - TR* TM/ - 349.729 61.658 75 75 75 - -75 --- 75 75 -374;543 14.941 55.550 97 76 5704 HOLLANU CITT OF 5925 ELY CITY OF 6502 BUFFALU L AK E C I 240 4.633 817 .815 .770 .681 z3.890 23.818 23. 801 715.306 15.012.432 2 ,921 036 11.113 469,890 49.747 101 60 7301 ALBANT CITY OR 6289 ST PAUL CITY OF 1,605 267, 290 1,620 .TTO .758 .703 23.758 23.695 23.610 6,731.057 2,0L0.88? .370 4,013,816 114,914 22.037, 176 TT 110 102 --t7t.051r 20. L45.Qm 122,001 75 75 75 75 75 75 -119;770- ago 753,52J. 1391984 115 85 5821sA oSTON-E CTTV 166.471 4910 L1I11t FALLS 1.1 4505 GRYGLA CITY OF 3305 ISANT1 CITY OF 6,959 209 914 .835 .632 .789 Z3.4Z4 23.422 23.418 30,601.347 - 542.553 4,275.089 4.397.5LU 2,595.947 4.677.340 786.200 21,202 168,679 TI2 101 184 372,446 15.705 6 8, 678 -671,195 19.247 159,408 '5 92 174 14UI UILWURIH CITY U 5003 BROWNSDALE CITY 8618 WAVERLY CITY OF L OOS 678 447 .7U4 .762 .698 13.405 23.368 23.330 7,641.71u 2,925,307 1 .686,521 2.935.731 4,314.612 3,773.201 181,v15 41.137 73,615 69 60 164 I95,579 50,915 33.553 T5 75 75 189 728 35.325 54.471 52 121 JZOZ BETHEL L I I Y OF 6504 FAIRFAX CITY OF 4304 HUTCHINSON CITY 180 1,381 9,301 . IZI, .688 .714 Li.189 23.259 23.230 1 ,I86,97T 6 .146 1337 49.749.505 4,Z317.189 4,45).642 5.348.833 14, 142 102.587 627,383 50- 74 67 Z1.0U8 103,580 69 7. 377 75 75 74 14.66TT- 106,7'45 574.48? 77 61 2000 HUUSIUN LITY OF 5314 WALTHAM CITY OF 8104 NEW RICItAND CI 1.043 174 1,276 .1113 .786 .748 23.1T4 23.194 23.183 3,s55,u31 573,282 4.850,276 3.214.794 3,323.459 3,801.156 3I858 094- 4,085.380 4.018.759 104,b1v 10,489 69.616 100 60 54 78TT41- 13,040 95.624 -t98T13I-------- 86.147 261,807 -TC- 74 74 92,405 10,897 72,516 -88- 62 55 2313 SPRING VALtEY C 5901 EDGERTON CITY 0 0808 SLEEPY EYE CITY 2.644 1.150 3.496 .194 .011 .626 24.1TT 23.148 23.120 t0,t# 7-T 4,698.188 14.049,583 212 '374 57,308 338,010 80- 49 96 74 74 74 T6O,939 59.730 316.092 - Z. 51 90 6697 10Rtr. 7t!LV CITY 4207 GHENT CITY OF 8002 M£NA4G4 CITY OF 12.04I 355 962 .7wr4 .782 .780 1'9.0e4 22.973 22.973 48.52t.966 1,133,620 3,000.506 9,118.752 3,193.295 3,119.029 T26,495 19,820 97,332 70 55 101 960;588 26,540 71,922 74 74 74 74 74 . 20,609 82,257 58 85 tT07 4INOOM CITY Of 1409 FELTON CITY OF 5622 UNDERW000 CITY 4, 474 260 320 .813 .686 .680 22.93.6 22.912 22.824 21 ,T93-r8?1 738.400 1'052,504 4 ,8TL . L05 2,840.300 3,289.075 295,11-6- 16,552 27,879 66 63 87 134,-41t - 19,423 23,882 L31,T05 17,227 29,078 66 90 8801 ALOMRTVitti Cli ♦905 MILACA CITY OF 3601 BIG FALLS CITY 565 2,006 496 .700 .678 .899 22.3.11 22.657 22.616 3,8 5;tt4 10,815,292 933.925 6,5i2.376 5.391.471 1,882.913 -3titt 258.411 34,701 TO 128 69 42.TO9 149,422 36,932 r4 74 74 -iT:35V 194,81? 32.636 97 65 45 • • • s • • • W 1,003 7, 1 5U, • • • • • • • • • PRUJECTEU STATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 20 1309 07 5103 7903 50 PERCENT BASED CN ADJUSTED VALJAT ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR POP I48[ RATTU AIREP ADJ ASSESSED STACY CITY OF 948 .745 22.530 tt NG-PfTTR-TE rtr 13- 58'r E-2-2. 45-6- CURRIE CITY OF 363 .788 22.440 PLA1NVIEd CITY 2,355 .681 22.400 Ti E,tKMANT Lir 7606 HOLLOWAY CITY 0 6406 MILROY CITY OF %AkVER CiTr-Or 1013 YOUNG AVER ICA C 5205 NORTH MANKAIII r -CTir OF 6005 EAST GRANT) FORK 5706 THIEF RIVER EL Lr ROT tllti OF 6103 GLENWOO D CITY 0 3116 GRAND RAP IDS C I 1012 WATERTOWN CITY 1106 CASS LAKE CITY 36 U 141 244 65u 1,260 9, 249 373 8, 436 8.677 S30 2.436 8, 184 1,850 994 . 195 . 728 .682 .711 .788 .700 .704 .726 .734 .767 .773 . 697 . 786 .626 IZ.LY1 22.262 22.197 zt.t?8- 22.177 22.162 22.14o 22. L45 22.085 22. L79 4916 S1.ANVILLE LITY L9l T 1911 50 ST PAUL cITY 20,900 24 3903 BARNUM CITY OF 462 :• 8301 BUI ItKI1tLD LIT 6Z1 . rs 2716 LONG LAKE CITY 1,820 :x 7326 ST JOSEPH CITY 3,030 S. 4602 ANNANUALE CITY `I.321 6959 PROCTOR CITY 0 F 3, 231 7201 ARL INGTON CITY 1, 753 1YOT-MENDUI A CITY OF tZU 1201 CLARA LITY CITY 7405 MEOFORC CITY OF 3 TO I tsELL INt.T1M -CTT-1r 1, 582 791 1302 CENIER CITY CIT 469 2411 HARTLAND CITY 0 324 S613 FERLJS-FALt5 tt- —rr592 2506 KENYON CITY OF 1r 526 7303 BELGRADE CITY 0 833-F 59u5 IFILEN CITE O132 591) WOODSTOCK CITY 46(31 NORTHRUP CITY 0vt Intl KIKTuN CTTT 0 11 1307 RUSH CITY CITY 1,162 .781 3612 MONTICELLO CITY 2,875 .888 -T502 UA1.LEY LTTY OF Ii-2 T :&U2 5701 GODURIDGE CITY 176 .764 20.636 2404 CLARKS GROVE CI 587 .788 2C.504 TOB-CUTZ-WATIOO-CT Of--494 .821 2C. 466 . 583 .695 .640 ▪ T5 .796 .748 . 7D0 .765 .669 22.028 21.999 21.939 21.930 21. 822 zL.181 21. 706 21.694 1•6tir VALJAT ION A-- VALUA r ium- vtx C1PTT- 2.065,734 t 2 ,08,T31— 1 059 , 2 3? 11.628,713 11457011 548.642 19089,464 ,3o„ 5,413,725 45.595,261 9-57 , 5 90 41 ,756,902 41 ,592 1543 3 :839 .tTB 10,953'394 60.362.645 9,245,247 21.648 21.641 C1.636 21.442 21.435 8,041 .652 2.298.833 l r-249.982 127r741.389 1 ,560,835 1 ,970,035 .6515 21.430 .738 21.274 .747 21.248 . ,718- 21 .21 .782 21.149 .728 21.1C8 . 720 z 1. roo .807 21.063 .686 21.010 197 .739 2C.582 263 .634 20.93T 2 C. 864 20.810 zC.683 14,450,893 6 ,923 .954 r .553 .701 12►795,453 71479,152 10660,659 5 .751 .592 3 0048 .160 1 '003,799 2 ,147 ,006 1 ,553 .031 2 r947 .187 7 0628 0990 3,246,223 598.555 1 .343 .353 2,183.099 25,057 r1I27279 753,079 2,917.994 22.467 4,937.882 135.220 3,y77.n03 3,391.078 4,455.316 -5, .if 4,693.432 4.93).283 ,30 1 . 4,496.467 7,375.689 4,499.903 4,346.838 20312.739 4,295.470 6,112.028 3,378.430 3,172.359 7,940.051 2,285.133 4,966.272 3,960.214 4,266.487 7,548.450 3,635.709 3,953.552 3,574.782 i ION PRESENT 83 AIO ADJUSTED R4 AID ST PRDJ 84 At • 83 -A1171,ER tAP -"- 84-111U -PER LAP 84 Al 5 PER CAP j) , 26 70,518 74 26,267 27 �`• --86 ------7I8,35t 74 Z57.490 8T 6l 26,972 74 22,661 62 1. fp 57 174,903 74 141.383 60 T2, 557 saw z6.7T73 74- I3,063 361 7,490 53 10,453 74 7,752 54 j • 14, 468 59 18,078 74 15 , 019 611,, Z.TiA7",� 34 93. 339 74 26,778 --- ----AI- ,11 66,366 52 93.339 74 69,274 54 • 7 34. 504 79 684�967 74 747.749 80 ,R 3Tr.�tr 81 27,627 �s 29.163- -8 4.949.846 662.863 78 624.701 74 675,160 80 4.793.424 625,746 72 642,105 74 365,588 42 4.226: t98-- 5t,TT, 54 68, 8T 7 7'3 53.211 57 260,500 106 180,148 73 241.159 99 604,573 73 604,969 73' 631,598 77 169,--*06 82 151.813 73 1-67,859- 81 106,478 57 136,498 73 103,951 56 225,204 226 73,338 73 180,096 181 45,273 -T53 71,-45T 73 38,121 131 _ L'L 1.539.779 73 1,429,841 68 49 34,033 1- 23,836 1-31-1 Tom- 45,T44 —73 39-12Tl- —CJ 42 133.985 73 79,010 43 63 223.089 73 194,092 64 77 TIT, 469 - 73 -12 rg 233- 47 237.326 73 158,92? 74 125.750 73 137,030 4TT 1.615T► 73 -9.TD7- 99,728 63 115,S76 73 57.818 73 57,968 73 46,378- 165 20,512 73 4,577.837 4.793.305 5,797.108 1, 543. 463 22, 836 47, 5TU- 76,932 192, 524 1 1 7, 293 152.568 131,254 31877 50 PERCENT BASED ON AID PER POP PEP AFMR PAGE 7 4,999.338 3,897.026 0393.636 30338.862 5,096.399 4.369 6r124.94 7 ,172 .044 51 ,881 .059 61ELT ,9T3 233,785 2 ,316,51 7 6,172.154 18.045.585 5,756.4Tb- 1.311.278 3,946.366 3,325.603 26.516 4896 PRINCETON CITY 3,206 .633 20.454 7319 PAYNESVILLE CIT 2,178 .743 20.445 Z719 41RNt1 uNR A BEAC. . 442 0s 20, ,I EST CONCORD C I 745 .710 20.413 3809 SPRINGFIELD CIT 2.244 .675 2C.302 -4 TU3 tLLtNUA,Lt t 11T 533 .796 2C.290 1412 HAWLEY CITY OF 5805 BRUNO CITY OF 20 • -rr t W 7rU TiURN C TT7 1.599 .665 20.211 13l .651 20.174 321 *Oro 2C.128 18,259,086 8,959.543 l-t-7232 r 4 OS 30106035 8,367,986 7:t43 tt6 4,989,257 332,270 5.695.285 206,197 4,113.656 139,756 7T1-5:91-7- 3716450 4.169.845 45.848 3,729.049 181,973 4 r015.22 7 4665 3,123.235 2,536:412 86,480 17.853 29, 330 29, 780 t.482i#t5' 83 49 78 41 104,067 65 36.469 45 41.19[ 14 62 34, 329 73 26,081 55 91 23,703 73 28.514 88 -ITT --921 T►i3 73- 1 , 3 3 T.493-- 102, 481 67 111. 589 73 106081 69 48.535 58 60,877 73 50,591 60 7.429 —58-- 9 866- 73 7;751 14.322 72 14.392 73 14,920 75 8.198 31 19,202 73 8,549 32 9, 9-93 86 B. 392- 72 I Oi 32T- 121,341 104 84, 770 72 126,143 138,198 48 209,521 72 140,355 178, 651 - 139 -93, 261- 72 165,300 17, 142 97 1 2, 106 72 13,605 36,348 61 42,645 72 37,917 53 35, ►172 r2 27, 108 48 129 77 64 64 232, 768 72 113,486 35 64 158.121 72 126,538 58 66 - --4T, 356---72 311.67i- 61 54.065 72 47,718 64 81 162. 642 72 185055 956 82 t37 31623 54 136 49 115,770 9, 478 ill 3152 72— iH s 0T 72 73 ,720 46 72 14,342 109 7t T6.�3'r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PROJECTED STATE AID 20 PER CAP I TA 50 PER:FNT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALJAT [ON 50 PERCENT BASFD nN A!') PER POP PER AFMR PATE 9 40 1 3810 -5620 • • • • • • • • • • • 401J 2711 -5016 2802 8216 T386 1411 7 333 EST [MATED SALES PtTP-- I982-RA Till 3 YR AOJ ASSESSED VALUATION AEMR- VlittJRTt0N---PER- ON---PER-CA-PTTit S ILVER BAY CITY 2,959 .678 2C.042 PERHAM CITY-f3T'- - 2:15S .702-70.037 NE.. PRAGJE CITY 3,035 .692 20.024 MAPLE PL AIN CIT 1,420 .705 2C.022 RALTNE C11T 17 - 2'1 .805 t4.977 CAL EOONIA CITY 2.747 .814 ,IILLERN[E CITY S AR -TELL Lily TIT- 4,117T .TTe GLYNDUN CITY OF 874 .620 WAITE PARC CITY 3,553 .709 55U1 BTRU 1SL)1NT7 C1T 5812 HINGKLEY CITY 0 4305 LESTER PRAIRIE 5(05 HTCL1 LI1Y UT- 1305 CULL) SPRING CI 1306 NORTH BRANCH CI 1, 3T6 941 1,233 bIC 2, 336 1,550 15.960 650 .687 IS. 854 I5.848 15.841 19.829 . 742 IS. 7T-Is .660 15.676 .696 19.636 9,071,528 3,065.741 1 0 ,251 ,'74's -4 73 ;733- 16,532,211 5,447.196 12'048,882 8,485.128 1 ,414,Uti 10,215,791 3,197,4387 /0-;my 36- 2,295,100 19,225,655 5,062,6'JI 5 ,651 ,246 5,713,798 t, r,121 )6 2912 NEVIS CITY OF 8206 FUREST LAKE CIT S2)6 ST PETER C11Y-n 3406 NEW LUNDON CITY 8304 LEWISVILL E CITY 134TTrtENNEY--1 1T'Y- DF- S1U1 GYRUS CITY OF 4708 LITCHFIELD CITY 6 EYDTA Li17--U . 753 1 9. 58t 2 ,21T, 359 302 .789 4,770 .699 835 .▪ 664 264 .528 8605 CUKATO CITY DE )9J5 CLOQUET CITY OF 1,355,941 37,420,559 t9.365 28,933,310 15.289 3'284'516 19.284 1 $128,539 19 .788 I5.267 51,723 341 5,936 -t, 264 111068 1U06 KAMERA-T-L 11 Y TJT-- 2606 HUFFMAN CITY OF 3801 BEAVER BAY CITY 5613 RA -FIRERS P7tAT1T-IE 7331 SAUK CENTRE CIT 4806 UNAMIA CITY OF L LU3 BENA LITT OF 1416 MOORHEAD CITY 0 8606 DELANO CITY OF 311-5 5TTLLWATER-LITY 5101 AVOCA CITY OF 7501 ALBERTA CITY OF Z412 HAYWARV-LITT ut 4U3 MAHNUMEN CITY 0 2726 RU8BINSDALE CIT 61 U3 L TTTLF LAN"71174---L 0301 CALLAWAY CITY 0 8613 MONTROSE CITY 0 1btT U7ATONN8 LITT II 1311 TAYLORS FALLS C 1806 DEERW00D CITY 0 5611 EL 11-AETETET CITY 5608 3137 T4De 2405 )205 3 312 .704 15.566 12,620,799 .742 19.561 7,289,060-I �87-, ,379 19.412 1S.392 1 ,143'688 29 $250.240 PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 Ai0 - $3--AT0 -PER_-LA P - _ 134 AID - E'ER LAP 160,790 I33:410 1'�3,099 65,741 4,745.036 8, 24 3,718.990 4.919.135 4 ,159 .750--- 2,627.116 5,411.386 3,674.365 6,005.574 4,631.628 3,65I:4-4 213,251 32, 397 180,1757 47, 167 296,242 9 4, 7 43 5'4)2:739 4,702.619 5 ,056.732� 4'499.870 7,844.183 3,213.740 3,933.552 4,274.768 2,722.526 3,353.923 4,927.601 .075,157 4,315.155 2, CO9 9,205,482 4,592.619 66,066,134 5,969.112 2,339,265 4,973.468 644 .846 18.944 2,333,517 3,618.815 278 .628 18.936 1,299,383 4,674.039 9- 65.7I5 I8.9ZZ 2 ,923,404 3,093.549 3,676 .651 18.921 17,291 ,972 4,704.018 716 .692 18.852 2,472,858 3,453.712 I48- . TO b-1 > .-872 1T3- 813 1 , 5'3 0 . U 8 7 .763 15.180 .822 19.073 .T43-19.00T . 820 18.SS4 .678 18.985 48D .T66 18.9T1 29,832 .717 1E.778 119,697,926 2,377 .700 18.138 11 ,896,675 4,012.400 5,004.911 17,-446 .6739 1 t .73Ti 88 .345:93 T r ,0v8. DEER CREEK CITY WARBA CITY OF MOON-tNG PRAIR I CONGER CITY OF �L.LLli$!A HE=S'iJiI. G tt 01CT-C T -CITY 91, 105 79, 640 49,59-9 54 213,811 72 62-155,587 77 63 219, 237 72 46 102,561 72 71; 51- -- 72-- 77 198,296 72 49 46,859 36 35T,T4 53 63,003 83 256,065 bH 99,1747 96 67,692 64 88,660 -81- 43, 835 162,865 69 167.831 110,671 71 111,355 I, 102, 109 Sky 9UT. 729 40,610 319,265 441,117 60, 378 16,245 1, 32ts 69 24.0 79 70 429,561 72 44 , 8 20- 33 165,065 82 1,100,599 99 24,341- -50 52,220 81 23,034 82 ST,O77 64 332,206 90 39,0 54 54 13, 92T 191 .772 18.734 498,465 2,609.769 141 .858 18.708 375,674 2,664.354 29T : TU8 18.6:BT- I i6r7�994--57366.982 1,311 .668 18.597 14,030 .808 18.519- :T5718.470 246 .741 18.432 775 .736 18.432 TVLS 6 :Tt2-TT3'SS- 601 .773 18.347 560 .783 1 E. 328 204 .1-19 TE.263 -- 396 .693 11.210 146 .742 18.189 : t .946 701 to Y t7 174 .705 18.154 19,670 .891 18.147 OF 377 'tat 1-t.089 4.985.883 3,803.877 90,493,610 6,457.007 574857':047 3,024.555 734,630 2,986.300 1,93).529 2,491.005 108 i392 -14'0 r- 5i338.3913 4.215,853 7.014.730 2 ,841 ,906 5,374.832 ---- 315-E84 e-TV3-0- .2-37 1,365,515 489,268 9,217,3'3O- 789,737 113,865,883 -Y,05!,694 1,986,714 179,586 815,44V 1 3, 400 5.137 20,viv 150, 148 871,090 240,052 21,142 36,714 1,354,381 53,699 38,487 1I,57 3,448.272 12,052 3.351.150 5,756 -4 , 738 4.538.718 17,001 5,758.809 1,449,524 2,752:5153 t9,251- 134 21,656 66 341,964 -411----545, 327 - 72 59,794 61 18,904 T: 358- 24,387 423,978 -90,211 143, 357 789,672 34.Z4T- 45, 927 19,921 -67, 377 262,081 51,006 94- 10, 53B- 66 2,123,303 75 169,096 65- 8115,3103 70 13,585 36 10,026 TT 20,b96 114 93,107 62 995, 396 33-- ----5Ir,702 85 17,435 47 54.933 -TT- 17349044 89 42, 549 68 39,639 5 7 - 1--4-1 30 30 2 7, 991 39 10, 316 T4 15 r, 50T 97 12,290 73 1, 389, 319 5T 2&i603- ST PROJ A4 94 AV) PFR 91,29) 14I,115 201,094 68,154 8 -6-03- 204,135 Alf) CAS, Ti 30 -; 65- 66 N 4 47 28 74 72 33,554 51 77 Ili7.�f3�3 38 72 49,278 56 72 266,222 74 7T -998, 739 -" --TT 71 94,872 100 71 82,375 66 7T - 51,041 11 71 166,330 71 7!" 100,379 64 7T T I7►9;T5T- 71 37,768 125 71 290,135 60 7/ -- 4-i 07l s 6 6T- 4 71 62,929 _ 75 71 16,835 63 71 -1 7380- 71 25,135 73 71 368,032 62 6+6-,795 -3 71 137,386 68 71 1,151,501 104 --71 -75367 5 71 38,874 60 71 18,830 67 71 - 63,878 67- 71 293,777 79 71 40,618 56 -7I --W9T7 -60 71 1,905,243 63 71 187,022 78 71 T9i-: 82 3 71 13,781 71 5,330 13-.44 71 134,101 102 70 906.761 64 7D 31,893 70 21,592 TO 35,292 10 I ,i 98Q TO 55,758 9? 70 33,447 59 Ill - 1T,931 58 • d 70 12,525 31 70 5,960 4D TO -Tim", 70 17,721 101 10-_. 1,371,249 69 711 IV,822 - 1 1 1 • 0 0 0 • 141, O '" • Nk17.11 L1 1 U S [41 I A 1 U 20 PfR CAPI TA 50 PER:ENT BASED CN ADJUSTED VALJAT ION ES T IMA TED SALES 3 YR - -TT OP IC8711ATIO A Mk 5708 KENNETH CITY OF 1308 -S-glAV•A CTTV-IIF-- 421J MARSHALL CITY Tl 4714 ROYALTON CITY 0 1-6TW II TN CITY OF 2508 RED KING CITY 0 6409 REDWOOD FALLS C 7504 TIRTIDTtN CTTYTiF - 7803 OUMONT CITY Of 5976 JASPER CITY OF ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION VA ILA T I Oh -PET -C AP T T A 97 .695 [8.061 455,801 T87-.5-95 18.07g 1153,45T I I, 354 . 747 11.0O2 62,949,338 645 . 726 17.995 2 ,593 ,586 4Zr .645 1 r.9r9 t ►4013,T6T 13,696 .889 17.938 5,071 .754 17.909 ctt .T48 17.802 171 .737 1 7. 796 72 7 .736 1 7. 708 Z4UI ALBERI LEA-CTTT ITt,542 .7i6 17.690 5607 DALTON C (TV OF 250 .676 6972 HOY T LAKES C (TV 3. 136 .872 79U t tL GIN -CITY 665 . 776 192 .562 .921 29,363,606 2.34r,371 17.685 17.669 11.b2i-- 40J7 LE SUEUR CITY 0 3,747 .611 17.574 3212 NEI.POR1 CITY OF 3,320 .707 17.543 590,951 2 .80L ,853 iLI ,V83-,2s1 789,474 14 ,337, 334 2,857,21U 20,39.,403 27,011,391 >6 2709 ExCEL5IOR LITY -2.4r0 6508 OL IV IA CITY OF 2, 786 5204 NICOLLET CITY 0 721 5907TP1PE5TUNE CTTV -4,835 6606 NERSTRANO CITY 258 35U4 HALMA CITY OF 91 1103 LARLUS LT1Y tit 1063 CHANHASSEN CITY 8095 W KDENA L ITT (IA 86T4 HANUVI:K LITY UT 6403 UELHI CITY OF 6)1J FISHER CITY OF .1/I-IT.54o CZ,ZfT.840 .745 1 7. 533 121905,142 . 672 17.477 3►045,273 .719 IT.468-Z17745S'42? .691 11.468 1,375,295 .776 17.436 38t . r97 L r.331T- 6.810 .735 17.223 4, 593 .859 1 7.171 660 .r51 11.13r 94 .687 17.C74 457 .742 1 7.052 22. 16 1> . „ 34 )9 • • • 43 6294 WHITE BE -AR EKE ZZ.480 8005 VERNOALE CITY 0 483 19J2 FARMINGTON CITY 4,410 -T6t 1 MAPLt LWE--CTTY- lT1r+r $938 1j[Ra1111: rOF 20,989 2745 MEOINA CITY OF 2,630 4603 FAIRMONT -CITY 0 , 11, 347 6412 SEAFORTH CITY 0 91 6410 REVERE CITY OF 157 1312 NYUMINU CITY UV 4512 STEPHEN CITY OF 1916 THOMSON CITY OF A6 ., A. (DU4 UAIVYtKJ LI1T OF 1919 APPLE VALLEY C1 8404 DORAN CITY OF 4515 N AITKEN -CITY- uF . 85-5-1 T. U44 .826 17.016 .670 17.011 . 846--i 884 191,635 994.344 58,2031263 16 ,632 .305 3,743,152 523,324 1,285,115 1ir9103,561 .579 16.868 . 768 1.6.792 .592 16.770 .672 16.769 .662 16.709 1,614 .T43 Ib.691 855 .747 16.663 152 .947 16.626 159 23,480 81 8610 HOWARD LAKE CIT 0201 ANOKA CITY OF 7 5I8-NETr-MUN1[wt IT7- 7905 MAIEPPA CITY OF 7321 R1CHM0ND CITY 0 7314 K[MSALi LITT uF 1702 BROWERVILL E. CIT.. 7004 5AVAc r,IY 9+ L sUis USIKATMUER-t7TT . (ZZ tb.617 .696 16.625 .770 16.624 1, 0b5 .653 IE. 18 1, 219 15, 560 292 1305 COLOGNE CITY OF 1403 BARNESVILLE LIT 2758 MINNEIKISTA LTU 1 v423,156 29,783 *331 b.195,364 126 ,908,473 28,764,884 Tr. .8IS,734 455.319 698,422 9,1691 44 3 1114 ,598 1 0091 /008 PRESENT Ti3 AT0 4,709.288 6,044 4'553.1)09 11,569 5,544.155 691,163 4 1021.06 3 23,541 3.150.Z48 14,059.792 5,789.904 3,775.9013 12.269 980,409 359,967 50 PERCENT BASFD ON AID DER POP PER AFMR PA;,E 9 83 AID ADJUSTED PER -CAP 144 AID 62 6r941 56 13,187 60 800,546 36 45,475 27 11,5D9 71 70 +t.13S -114 3,455.853 11, 336 3,853.993 81, 277 5.5a3-. I20- [ VT r3A5 3,157.896 14, 745 4,571.853 4 . 294-; 56r-- 5,440.192 8.135.961 9,023.987- 4.632.139 4,223.679 4,230.134 5,330.600 2.105.879 2,609.826 8.545.734 3,621.229 5,666.896 5,535.361 2,812.067 6,098.912 2,940.281 6,754.723 5,430:543 6,046.427 10,937.218 6,598.513 5,003.505 4,448.547 5r5ib.tag t 3,642.804 7,177.684 190,543 60 - 38; 4II8 57 297,905 79 235,441 70 16T vrJ 65 227,014 81 480872 67 9I 13,869 53 2,889 31 16, 3'- 199,978 296,415 t3,5IT.-- 9, 329 12,627 ti97, r t'S 36,448 256. 449 138;619 L902- R8 9l T613 893,935 7,740 10,742 66.Z09 66,803 7,637 541,507 -4- 011.358 601ST- 150'133,015 .723 16.614 .772 16.604 .742 687 .696 926 .760 63., 41714 694 4, 290 6.393.952 LL3r 234, 2031092 2.470.271 2,988 b r359,U5D-3-i079.441-1151•6' 6 7,017,116 107.202,831 it' .'J 89 9tT • 3?1 16.474 2 ,431 ,804 16.462 3,529,501 T C . 3157` -7 55 ,143 .659 16.330 3 1059 #418 .699 16.301 381622,011 172 .061 16.1 550 .723 16.160 2, 20.2 .598 16.129 3,Z613- .EU1 1to 1 , 3177 , 2Ssb 3,106,024 7,1671319 3-6.897r5r`T 5,756.452 6,889.642 3•1*l.613 3.539.743 3,811.556 3 , $ 2:11-5-9-- 4.408.383 9.002.799 ,5v7:023 5,647.316 3.254.413 iT ,3I8.199 10 2. 366 854, 141 t7 � ltO 31.700 61,388 -70; 8162- 53, 118 1212 ,_�.111. 28, 141 100. 336 1TI,9415 964,633 357, 138 61,751- 66 12.026 111 51,077 -103 - I; 302, 414 58 17, 560 220,226 bb'5- 262.820 232, 760 -173.156 195, 323 50, 514 3381713 18,071 6,371 -42---" -2 6 , 646 29 475, 570 -6-4- 320, 600 70-46.064 99 6,552 27 31, 1153 34 1. 566-, 572 75 3 3, 649 58 307. 189 77 T9, 35R 90 1,459,513 34 2, 678 78 7811; 070 85 6, 318 68 10,895 41T T1Z:693 78 59,307 50 10, 535 -3Er Ile 027- 26 1627.832 36 84 AID PER CAP ST PROJ 84 AID 44 413 PEP CAP 70 6.294 70 8.414 70 719,581 70 23,295 70 12,764 70 1,003,096 70 283,993 70 49,111 70 11,805 70 66,626 70 - 1.964,555 70 15,383 70 172,571 Tli 39,453 70 228,415 70 244,761 70 166;413 70 236,094 70 50,921 70 401'105 70 14,452 70 3 , 00! 69 I7, 035 - 69 152,170 �- 254,736 64 13.955 --- 21 69 7,942 84 69 13,139 28 69 5T9,388 69 38,018 78 69 Z47.5L0 56 69 92,212 80 69 1,977,404 94 N 69 93,442 35 64 133,150 69 8.055 88 69 11,13D 70 ,. b9 -613, 723- 42 69 60,656 70 )) 69 7,879 51 64 44 63 35 25 73 r564'II 7R 1�1 69 �'=1 91 I06 !_: 61 55 60 71 60 67 84 > 70 83 id 56 32 44 h. 69 -6,405 69 637.990, e 69 3,103 78--1-43,168- - 69- 121,845 60 0,1z34 46 47,542 66 64,073 32 -43;11'2 76 4 7, 940 28 96 2 47 51 45 52 1 T; 778- 37r911 15 1, 744 Z24r352- 83 84,500 69 59,448 54 1,078,451 69 886,781 6V 18,125 40 27 38 69 33,031 69 64,002 b9 69 28.540 69 1 68 68 ET/ 48 56 -62- 48 69 14 41 29 2 29.227 53 93 045 42 I58,7,5- 48- itt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • CaD PKUJECIID STA1F AID 29 PER CAPITA S0 PER:rhT BASE) (:N ADJUSTED VALJATION 50 PERCENT BASED ON AID PER POP PER AEMR PAGE 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ESTIMATED SALE S 3 YR ADJ ASSESSED VALJAT ION PRES ENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 A11T _ 1-1 • _ - 4913 -5H04'BR-17CK-P1IRX-CITT---223 6906 2733 - RANDALL CITY OF AUkU&A CITY OF SI LOUIS PARK ,C PUP I'( WATIU 550 .795 --ITERR 16.076 -VALURIlUN 1,781,054 PtR ZAPIT1 3,218.280 BYSITU 23,173 7EK VEP 42 q-q 72 49 11-4 ATII -PER 37,875 CAP - 68 68 68 68 -14 11, 23,161 - 17,645 171,029 2,186,882 PER CAP 42 102 65 51 l � , t -; 2,573 42.340 .707 .753 .822 1F;069 16.064 1E.045 105,9RT 8,618,713 421.416,289 2,325:048 3,349.673 9.953.148 -12,u'+5 187,567 2,108,823 9,-468 177,165 2,913,991 . . 8222 551) . LY LTTT-UF CGTTAGE GROVE C SIEWARTV1LIE CI IL( 19,650 3,886 .%lY .757 .719 Ii.Ol9 15.966 15.946 314,984 121'782,709 16'891,755 [,b'1.17U 6,197.593 4,346.823 3,90Z 922,842 221,431 33 46 56 8,052 1,351,240 267,173 6$— 68 68 4,063 961,158 195,118 -14 48 50 ,19. ;; 7" m ® 3-406 FOXROMI CITY OF 4401 BEJOU LITY OF 3415 0I1LMAk CITY OF ---T68 111 16,583 . r69 .723 .729 1-5.P59 15.858 15.824 1t3+,5`14 180,424 86,934,551 1,694.1A1 1,625.441 5,242.389 7,073 14,071 1,127,027 TiT- 126 67 -11,53T 7,622 1,138,362 ER 68 68 -6,8'f- 10,963 1,087,254 4-6 98 65 m • :' 5619 8507 ' tNMAN CITY PELICAN RAPIDS LEV,.ISiON CITY 0 8U.5 1,844 1,199 .b93 .720 .697 15.7ttr 15.786 15.738 2,441 .509 7,679,173 6,059,862 3041.838 4,164.413 5,0.54.096. 108,974 122,901 59,040 135- 66 49 55, Iuu 126,528 82,218 -68 68 68 -73,T26 114,806 50,545 -9I 62 42 " ;� 111 • • 2729 J304 BPmon—.ITT OF SI BUN IFACIUS C FRAZEE CITY OF T,bl3 890 1, 294 .708 .837 .759 T5.701 15.684 15.680 7,712,u43 5'636,076 3,539,382 4,75t.feu 6,332.669 2,735.225 5,115.632- 2,515.059 3,716.802 3'819.285 5,370.965 7'381.596 3,556.203 4,313.626 3,913.390 11956.178 4'146.983 6.651.218 2'638.968 9.381.269 8,664.115 89.u78 23,066 76,083 54 25 58 TTT;-743- 60,984 88, 675 68 68 68 84-,183 23,915 77,365 --5-I- 26 53 T T ® 8505 8709 1701 0.,UULWItM [.ITT 0 ST LEO CITY OF BINGHAM LAKE CI z.b3.4 152 218 .r35 .838 .794 15.592 15.567 15.566 I3.474,575 382,289 810,263 Y1,902 4,744 9,749 34 31 44 --TSII.29Z-- 10,400 14.916 b8- 68 68 --i5171-- 4,947 10►122 36 32 46 L 7- , 5 1822 TRUMMAL0 CITY 0 7008 PRIOR LAKE CITY -NCQMKtST 326 87 7,560 .789 .759 .736 1`.530 15.511 155.474 1,245,087 467,274 55,804,363 22.193 6,139 232,303 68 70 30 -22796- 5,947 516,661 -61- 68 68 16,811 6,409 241'63, 5V 73 31 " • • 2 ® . 6709 1119 CITY 0 LUVERNE CITY OF REMER CITY OF [11 4,665 384 .695 .787 .703 15.473 15.465 15.434 751'359 20,109,074 1,464,34? II, 47-7- 403,412 28,500 54 86 74 -T4-1;421 318.813 26,231 68- 68 68 --ii66T 375,080 24,030 41 80 62 ' " • 13216 •'r1 WINTON 1.11Y OF 240d GENEVA CITY OF ST FRANCIS CITY 236 420 1,360 . r74 .705 .732 I 42b 15.414 15.369 559,467 1.741,733 9,041.557 17,U43 20,738 43.543 59 49 32 19 536- 28,684 92.823 68 68 68 1-5,T32- 21,565 44,931 52 51 33 3, =� '=J 6321 5508 2714 TRAIL CI 0 _ KOCHESTFR (ITY 96 .720 1!.355 57,945 .636 15.348 15,C40 .833 15.335 253,341 485,652,558 130,305.300 1—.38,.944 7,019,144 53 ,801 ,674 2,218 y.445,8L5 867, 187 23 76 57 6,551- 3,953.678 68 68 ,4,608sH094 68 68 68 68 2,300 23 79 41,-,� 894,263 59 ;. 73,92?--------57-:• 93.252 40 F= 1,116,965 101 Z. HOPKINS 0119 OF 1,02E,023 --"---28,434---"-"-- 158,622 749, 898 ,. 1., R 79J3-1C tt18GG-C1TY 0f 8683 ROCKFURD CITY 0 3401 BEM IDJ 1 CITY OF 41•7--.73fr--t5.2E7 2,327 .701 15.257 L 1. 008 .618 15.211 3,323.601) 3,016.391 4,887.506 c1:-9-67 108,590 1' 317, 676 -55 46 119 7; ; 4934 82)1 1812 FIE BURG CITY AFTON 0179 OF JENKINS CITY OF 271 2,570 220 .733 .705 .692 15.174 15.130 15.111 1,014,927 26'574,387 722'563 4,282.577 10,340.228 3,284.377 10,580 49,588 7,614 42 19 34 T7.085 174,862 14,968 68 68 68 10,422 50,741 7,893 41 19 35 ., '° s: ,a 7; r9r8 7601 )110 ML1NtISKA I.IIY BARRY CITY OF COON RAPIDS CIT ` [SU 43 37,820 .745 .734 .812 L5.C-88 15.C88 15.065 570,6Zt 1 71 ,971 213,815.729 40139.392 3,999.325 5,553.539 3,8/4 983 1,824,934 79- -- 22 49 8,547 2,923 2,571,625 6N- 67 67 - 5,V7, 1.009 1,634,845 30 23 43 ,_, ` ,. ., T. 7; 33U1 2733 3620 MUKA L1IT OF TONKA BAY CITY RANIER CITY OF AAIKINS [,818 1,340 232 .6b5 .799 .888 I7.U34 15.009 15.005 Ib.[98.445 18'803,058 847''010 2.879,9r,3 389,717 59,964,239 S,r8s.ru2 14.032.132 3,650.905 . 56.618 11,266 5 42 48 —T11j,566 91.020 15,763 67 67 67 154.543 58,155 9,963 54 43' 42 , W ., 41UY 5104 L802 LITT 1TF DOVRAY CITY OF BRAINERD CITY 0 8U4 86 11,016 .753 14.573 .755 14.914 .688 14.E72 3.552737 4,531.593 5,443.376 -39,823 5,258 941,036 49 61 85 - 54,317 5,835 747,235 67-- 67 67 -37 815 5,476 838,522 47 63 76 .. =' 6, .. 51 u117r 3413 6018 HILL CITY I.ITTA SUNBURG CITY OF MENTOR CITY OF fR1k1NE-CITY- f 517 �74.0-L4.852 131 .689 14.851 213 .700 14.827 5746- 3,Zest.939 327,065 547,345 6.Ts8.a*4 2,496.679 2,569.694 31.5u7 8,490 3,195 60 64 15 - 4-3-- 19 52 37.U56 8,882 14,440 —3 ct.041_------Br_ 179,559 145,607 6T 67 67 32,665 7,964 3,298 63 60 15 B5 `- 6; '-. 2754 3203 INDEPENDENCE CI LEX1NGTON CITY CITY 0 :-674--14-8@tr 1 .9t5 1--5- 2,650 .765 14. 794 21 068,089 2,150 .782 14.744 9083,058 9-s37i -Oft t 8,063.429 4,536.771 24, 815- 51,143 112,134 67 67 Z5,840 52,327 85,519 44 19 39 .., =° L• s� - f' LUIu 4803 5302 YICIU*1* tr830 ISLE CITY OF 553 BIGELOW CITY OF 259 fi#0-t 7t9--tti965,b06 .654 14.706 3,935,487 .755 14.698 829.753 ---Ti � ��-hhR s 4ra. 5 5,045.73Q 7,116.613 3.233.679 . 48r0'f� 58,972 15,029 ow 2>3 - 158 123,8aV 17,529 61 67 67 49,559 11,60441,614 ZI 474 44 " �-- 3912 NOOSE t"A' t a. rYt-�..3i — O 7 1 1 1 1 1 8 G 4 i 4. PkVJELIED STATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALJAT ION • FSTIMATFD SALES 3 YR AOJ ASSESSED VALUATION 9IIP-I58T12A TTtr A-EItR- -VAtUA T I UN PF R C A PT I A 4303 GLENCUE CITY OF 4,397 4 9T2 P T ERZ- - , 0 C7 9305 ()DIN CITY Of 124 J606 JUHNSON CITY OF 57 PAULP71RK CI 4, 81U . 647 :705 .568 .723 14.650 14.640 14.639 14.638 50 PERCENT BASED ON 41) PFR POP PER AEMR PAGE 11 PRESENT 83 AID 113 It T O - PEP-C71P 24 ,366,335 5,541.581 274, 471 -4- 81B , 85 73T:94U 54, 215 641 ,193 5,170.911 6,365 145,943 2,577.994 1, 437 62 297,419 53 - 68,7E3 51 8,386 25 3, 854 375;760 0917 WKENSHALL CITY 358 8308 ST JAMES CITY 0 4,275 26 2 -11-CAIN , 39 0 )213 LINO LAKES CITY 5,460 2717 LURETTU CITY OF 300 4-TTl1TAAZTTY-- W 7703 BURTRUM CITY OF 8211 MARINE ON ST CR 7 308 EL RUS A -CITY ELF 6213 VAUNAIS HEIGHTS D303 DETROIT LAKES C 2732 CHAMPLIN CITY 0 2701 8ROOKLYN CENTER 8213 MAHTOMEDI CITY -T91J RUSIIIlZETT-ETTY 2413 HULLANDALE CITY 5606 CL ITHERALL CITY 5TZ- UT7CA CITY U F 6704 HAROWICK CITY 0 7327 SI MARTIN CITY T824 I MTLY CITY OF 3301 GRASSTON CITY O 2732 SPRING PARK CIT 33 FR 5817 PINE CITY CITY 2.411 2725 RICHFIELD CITY 37,230 --4 8 0 2-ECIRTSTUN--C TTY 0 274 820 660 )215 2750 - -ZT5 2 HILLTOP GITY OF GREENW000 CITY MINNETONKA CTTY- 2314 WHALAN CITY OF )28T SPRING LAKE PAR 513 STRARIIDUTST CTT 5201 COURILAND CITY 2503 DENNISUN CITY 0 . I11 .590 . 623 14.584 14.510 14.510 14.4TF 14.436 14.418 11T .675 14.398 . r71 .771 .818 191 .706 14.359 540 .708 14.327 218 .730 14.326 6,160 .793 14.234 7,C56 .766 14.192 9, 340 .806 -T4. 191 30.820 .825 14.134 3,900 .720 14.072 5,-3/0 .644 14.C4U 290 .683 14.034 123 .718 14.030 246 .701 14.025 Lb,3U3,417 5,457.140 Z57.437 53 3,289,561 9,198.717 13,346 37 24,168 67 14,013 39 21s532,842 5,036.922 347,798 81 288,660 67 171,435 43 168s/83,971 5.55 .T213--17/3-2151- 33 2,-650 45 67 827,655 21 31,141,961' 5,703.657 171,011 31 368,322 67 177,80? 32 2,336,101 339,290 285,598 5 ,581 ,991 982 ,72 7 44,247,868 36,839,939 48 ,589,068 219'079,407 280355,055 49;71?,292 275 .732 13.576 233 .743 13.964 559 .715 13.928- 126 .690 1 3. 91 5 1,400 .793 13.860 2 ,210,506 222 r651 T,323.346 1.015.075 959,119 6,064,353 369,759 15,703,779 -318 r063 . 714 13.742 13 ,523 , 838 .809 13. 720 258,8551735 . 631 13:W5W I'180.438 .738 13.697 4'771,516 .819 13.672 8,873,987 39, 270 7,781.003 23,555 78 2.899.914 4,577- 38 1,5)1.036 7,679 40 L0,337.020 15,772 29 4,5J71-27- 1,388- 16 7,183.795 160,916 26 5,221.079 657,704 93 5,202.253- 93ITT-f7 7,108.351 1107,078 7,273.526 161,537 9,257.410 T46,170 7,622.434 15,920 54 1,810.170 10.622 86 5,379.455 13,663- 55 3,641.181 18,601 67 4,116.390 8.417 36 10,868.016 12, 1-64 2I 2,934.595 9, 402 74 11,216.985 51,523 36 19,925.500 2,562 94 5,609.223 192.498 6.953.148 2,47 1, 766 4,338.167 17,561 5,818.921 45,182 13 ,440.889 21,190 .791 1 3. 653 433 ,724 ;151- 11 ,044.666 1,833,313 118 .762 13.633 389,106 6,450 .772 13.605 37.126,664 I32 .680 -13. 560 192 ,01-0 391 .686 13.528 172 .780 13.515 8205 UELLHUUU 4.11Y 0 760 8203 BIRCHWOOD CITY 1,050 1004 MA 8,630 691�1 CUOK CITY OF -$03 J301 AUDUBON CITY OF 389 2766 DAY TUN CITY OF 4,129 1-913 P 1 18.4UU m CC 1 1 1 Q 1906 LAKEVILLE CITY 7323.51 ST EPHEN TT' . 651 i i. SLT- .687 13.502 .825 13.460 . 723 33.455 .742 13.444 1,491,540 .802 13.425 21 ,283,270 . 65Y 13.3t0 L49-033,031 2,373,344 865,928 5,892i473 20,911.605 9,539.285 9,035.033 48,539,198 5,624.472 2 ,779.704- 3-1-45T-b48- 15.380 .636 13.273 100.585,977 447 .733 13.221 1,602 ,941 Y OF 83 .714 13.156- 319,819 8381 URMSBY CITY OF 175 8225 WOODBURY CITY 0 11, 110 UUNI -I.TTT OF 1917 SUNFISH LAKE Cl 5304 DUNDEE CITY OF .581 13.097 .690 13.071 9.34U .846 I3.U66 340 .718 13.023 133 .778 13.018 901 .429 110.375,491 Zt, �T143.033 6 .469, 603 226,149 , 6-7,52r.402 3,834.293 5,154.582 8.115.i25 6.543.350 3,585.997 3,353.140 5,151.322 9,934.877 7,IS6.641 19,028.244 1,700.368 79 66 -�5 55 32 20,230 12,872 36,368 14,6W5 414,456 4 74,522 -TT /226, flf 52 2,071,003 41 261,857 36- ---36-01-315 1 9,459 8, 254 16r506 19,443 15,623 37.391 8,444 93,731 1 735 1611211 2,488,570 18,310 54, 797 44,076 67 15,879 52 67 4,707 40 67 8,013 41 67 16,219 30 3,297.508 3,901 5,755.071 186.201 1 ,45 4.6II 8iBF9 6,069.933 15,941 5.040.279 11.556 2qT8'86 46 33 28 61 40 67 39 2, 622.277 7, 818 430,522 8,E05- 26,070 11,466 --51763T 28,343 26 69,982 218,8218,836 L..L 5 74, 966 17T 3 ZIT - T-5 -5 4D 4- 17,146 44 25,911 65,333 15 274.971 54 1, 273, 56-5 413 9,291 2, 6q1 5,6 75 375,848 315,60f 5,537 41374 T 8 BTT3 67 3,695 16 67 81 ,208 13 67• 473,280 67 67 3� 32 67 1,647,459 53 67 119,772 30 67 206.05.2_ 39 67 16,521 56 1-- 67 8,510 69 ITa Z7 -TT , 4 47 3 67 15,513 55 67 8.785 37 6? 12,242 21 67 8.541 61 66 52037 37 66 T.664 102 4 66 147,365 60 66 2.573,565 69 66 13,691 66 47,069 66 21,555 66 T-16.634 ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ P4 A10 1T4 ATUVERCAPP - - 84 AT7 PER CAP 'Th` , 67 255,765 58 ; • Z7 29.939 29 - : 6T 6,593 53 E• - 67 1 ,49. 25 �. • , 6T2-5 �.23� 52--} • 49 57 32 33 66 3,447 29 66 161r357 25 66 6:443- - 52 66 16.538 42 66 10,672 62 66 30,321 39 66 29,173 27 --CUL..- 227,189 66 6-4-4 66 17,844 66 67,757 66j,. - 30 1,022.183 66 483,793, 20 29,690 66 9,658 37- - 3,506 -66-- 2.795 32 11.602 66 5,891 33 736,377 66 292,701 33 6117; II87 66 -377, 02T 16 22,511 32 8.811 ZZ 1,501,734 66 5,514 66 4,207 66 445 r 31 21 33 33 26 1 • • • • • • 41 • • • • • PROJLGTEO STATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED CN ADJUSTED VALJATION 50 PERCENT BASED ON AI) PEP POP PER AEMR PAGF 12 • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 AID 7134 BUT-1982 RATIO ELK RIVER CITY 6,E97 .839 AEMR 12.983 VALUATION 46,6649034 PER CAPITA- 6,765.845 83 AID PER 229,823 CAP 33 84 AID 456,672 PEP CAP 84 Al, 66 239,367 PER CAP 34 39- 21 35 -Th 1. Lj 2415-AAN-CHEST EIT- LZTY- 7003 ELKO LITY OF 3505 HUMBUL OT C ITY 0 96 :T23 280 .748 109 .783 -12.906 12.902 12.884 72T,699 1,348,239 333 ,895 2 9309.364 4,815.139 3,363.256 4,427 5.932 3,861 -4-b 21 35 6,350 18,520 7, 207 66 - 3,745 66 6,10? 66 4,003 63II2 W[[TRAMI CITY U 123 .631 12.F67 817.Z48 6,412.7/5 69366 49 13,525 66 6,5-00 50 7315 LAKE HENRY CITY 93 .732 12.850 292,342 3,143.462 2.126 22 t,146 66 2,207 23 ° 6202 NORTH ST PAUL C 11,900 .807 12.847 69,263'579 5,820.477 489,660 41 786,583 66 443,711 37 , UDTI-ATTIC IN CITv Ur 1, r6Z . (T4 11.838 111,U90-7861 5,726.'147 129, rTr -I- 30 T16,45T --b-b 10;775 r 7- ,3 2901 AKELEY CITY OF 483 .844 12.837 1,269,263 2,627.873 49,194 101 31,923 66 36,707 75 ' 6211 MAPLEW000 CITY 27, 190 .703 12.814 316,137,708 11,626.984 1,138,261 41 1, 796,082 66 9939679 36 ,s 1813 GARK151311-C-TTY U I68 .618 11.814 1,41:18.191 8,381.U95 I0,676 63 11,096 66 6,617 39 8615 ST MICFAEL C11't 1,522 .744 12.804 7,411,474 4,869.562 72,997 47 100,549 66 64,089 42 8202 BAYPUKT CITY OF 2, 880 .662 12.790 21 ,306,882 7,398.222. 124, 437 43 1909 213 66 124,982 43 • 1918 BURNSVILLE CITY 36,910 .681 12.772 161,122,40U 9,81-3.956 1,296,926 34 74_43SI,3497-. 29 :, 8226 trR1 FALL 6-rTT-Irr 12,620 .710 12.742 77,014,666 6,102.588 4g7,I' 9 39 833,033 66 372.683 29 : 0206 CIRCLE PINES CI 3,350 .811 12.699 17,635,441 5,264.310 173,929 51 2219012 65 157,919 47 =. 3912 ALLLLAMS CITY 0 224 .802 12.696 522,154 2031.341- 13,098 38 16,777 65 10,618 4T l_ 1905 INV-ER GROVE HT 17,610 .693 12.678 117,2B3,664 6,660.060 561,417 31 19161.429 65 543,19R 30 =5 2. 141U GEORGETOWN CITY 125 .671 12.664 488 9839 3,913.712 4,311 34 8,241 65 4,482 35 , •• ZROT LA LRESCENT CIT TJ6r2 .r56 12.583 14,i09,144 4005.758 165,836 45 24T;9-04 -65---74,4'1 0 zn 6217 MOUNDS VIEW CIT 12,520 .823 12.51E 69,723,880 5,567.330 512,665 40 824,050 65 345,151 27 °° ) 2561 BELLECI'ESTER LI 225 .784 12.517 605,334 2.690.373 7,510 33 14,810 65 6,078 27 a 7% 5624 V IN INO CITY OF 100 .689 12.464 267 ,981 2'679.810 6,805 68 69576 65- 6,5505 65 `a )- 5823 r1 ILLOW RIVER CI 308 .699 12.462 1,1669836 3,788.428 23,640 76 20,256 65 17,852 57 1r 7, 2801 BROWNSVILLE CIT 416 .850 12.452 1 4559580 2'777.836 17, 718 42 27, 358 65 17014 40 ;6 ,. 3514 SI VINCENT CITY 139 .752 12 448 212.964 1,532.115 4,794 30 17; T4W 65---- 4-,073 28 2,_, 6205 FALCON HFIGHTS 5,170 .638 12.444 34,823,035 6,735.596 181,972 35 339,940 65 122,694 23 6301 BROUKS CITY OF 170 .643 12.350 845,996 4,976.447 4,351 25 11,162 65 4,095 24 5809 FINLAYSUN Cuur 211 .718 12.341 I ,025.186 4.835.783 14, 181 65— I3,9ZO 65 11.821 55 3002 CAMBRIOGE CITY 3,333 .766 12.258 17,72953 5,319.517 233,237 69 218,634 65 175,640 52 ; 4004 K ASOTA CITY OF 721 .618 12.199 19878.684 2.605.664 35r384 49 47,263 65 29,107 40 .. 4336- PLAIU LILY OF 588 .661 12.195 1.b599346 4,276.664 15,453 3-7- —73,430 65 161341 41 2703 CRYSTAL CITY OF 24,910 .763 12.187 160,808,541 6,455.581 1,233,870 49 1,632,440 65 1,284093 51 1109 HACKENSACK CITY 277 .707 12.185 2,107,746 70609.191- 9,568 34 18,150 65 99871 35 �. 1115 PILLAGER CITY O 346 .713 12.120 608,051 29321.985 10,987 31 22,787 65 11,41W 32 L" m 2723 OSSEU CITY OF 2,900 .806 12.C74 19,833,205 6,839.336 101.701 35 180,763 65 99,458 34 5 2749 BROOKLYN P ARK C 45.280 .800 11.989 285.429.451 6.373.653 1 568 0 34 959 713 65 L 6279175 35 ,7. ©j 2728 ROGERS LITY OF 660 .765 TI .881 6,534.904 9,901.3617 , '2 3Tj ,07f 65 4, 9 36 33 m 8604 1305 CIEARV ATER CITY LINDSTROM CITY 372 2.027 .672 11.835 11.785 3033,376 119212,357 9,493.322 5,531.503 21,743 58 24,263 65 6,498 17 !' 1 .750 119,273 58 132,142 65 80,733 39 7111 KAMStY CITY OF 1U, 5IU .805 11. r64 54,51t, tiT— 188.1T9 159, r44 15 684,489 65 164.800 15 S •7010 2711 SHAKOPEE CITY 0 GOLDEN VALLEY C 10,230 22,380 .702 11.746 11.723 97,5429294 290,3549582 9,534.926 388,498 37 666.471 65 256,345 25 ' 1 .731 T9t 12,973.841 2- R4-t-:232 1,166,445 5, 105--- - --- 52 37 — 1,457,395 —Ito3;T3— 65,.. 1,206,961.• 53 67I1mTtEN LtTI OF 159 . 11 .613— 451-,756 — 65 —5:3I13 33 4. a:5602 1909 DUNDAS CITY OF RANDOLPH CITY 0 438 350 .657 .693 11.653 11.647 2,374,235 1,6069340 5,420.627 4,589.542 18.451 7,302 42 28,504 65 19,168 43 i 20 22,774 65 7,548 21 s, 1753 SHOREw0uD CAI, ►ttf b.,e-I1.o36 49,034;3T0'-i7;tIt943 -T58:769- 35 305939-5 65 141.69r 30 ss, 0305 LAKE PARK CITY 747 .727 11.630 2,411,310 3,227.991 53,191 71 48,601 65 44.478 59 2 )20-8 FRlDtEY CITY OF 29,920 .756 11.614 269,332,359 9,031.749 19521.966 50 1.945,913 65 1,578,644 52 .: gro 6936 3132 180L HEKin ANtUwN [,ITT SQUAW LAKE CITY BAXTER CITY OF 6,426 172 2,644 .78D- .710 11.612- 11.610 11.488 39 144,239 234,063 169009,926 6,445.R90 153.831 .3 6,055.192 1r3T418 1,801 110,996 5 10 391,940 11.188 65 2E139605- 65 1.858 47 10 tl ' i .686 41 171,690 64 77,735 29 17 3Y06 CRunwELL CITY 0 221 .65 1 1.462 TT2 • 33 i494.719 4. 254 19 14,349 64 4,391 19 ,3 Q 2705 OEEPHAVEN CITY 3,680 .782 11.467 48,474,828 13,172.507 1592,792 43 238,833 64 92,135 25 41 5612 ERHARD CITY OF 191 .715 - T+FA 11.426 1 1 - Otil 332,622 1 .3A• . a z . 1,741.476 . - c s �� 7,231 Fw 1-.. 37 • 12,393 64 5.933 31 5,545 • . 8 1 PROJECTED STATE A1D 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALJAr10N 50 PERCENT RASED ON A10 PER POP PER AEMR PAGE 13 ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 AID ----_---- PUP 1`iJ KATIU AtI9K VALUATIUW PER t4PItA 93-11T0—PER CAP 84 ATD—P W CAP 44 AT- PFR CAP T? 5303 BREWSTER CITY 0 581 .703 11.389 2.237,550 3,851.376 20,767 35 37,681 64 16.005 ?7 6u-LURK tiL i.ITY TJF 80 . r50 11.36/ 139,538 1,744.tt5 E,657 33 - ;IHM 44- 2►275 to 11J2 BIG LAKE CITY 0 2,355 .817 11.293 9,975,100 4,235.711 91►097 38 152,542 64 94,897 40 '-'1 2791 ST ANTFONY CITY 7,140 .782 11.222 72,127,858 9,319.844 250,159 32 500,786 64 214,944 27 CITY 111 500 .748 11.213 l,8U1.6111 5,603.236 14,385 28 37.349 64 14r862 29 ,_1 5609 DENT CITY OF 179 .702 11.156 510,732 2,853.251 8,321 46 11,573 64 7,439 41 ;° 2407 FREEBORN CITY 0 333 .741 11.088 1,229.879 3,693.330, 16,154 48 21,511 64 16,256 48 , ----5-,740 VERMILLTON LITY 450 .6r5 II.Cr8 t,315,101 5,146.893 (,774 17 21,064 64Er .' 1916 M�EN�00TA HEIGHTS 7,370 .693 1C.S68 87,063,080 11,913.172 251,225 34 475.200 64 174.4727 23 1601 dIAND MARAIS CI 1,391 .755 1C.536 7,392,250 5,314.342 140.564 101 89,672 64 100,664 72 E31)2 DAKFUiF CITT OF I Z7 .535 IT .-9Z6 777.859 69124.8T4 -7,913— 62 6',114 64 8,292 65 m� ,. 5408 PERLEY CITY OF 125 .755 10.842 4939333 3,946.664 6,261 50 8,046 64 6,502 52 al ,, 8707 HAZEL RUN CITY 91 .744 IC.824 327,615 3,603.164 5,346 58 5,857 64 4,983 54 IC Z3J7 YtTtuSur CITT U Z91 .736 iu.r13 19108,418 39608.996 9,601 31 19,719 64 —11,1,2 9- 29 EC '7" 2742 NEW HOPE CITY 0 22, 880 .800 1C.770 173,263/102 1,572.688 958,004 Al 1,471,621 64 964,943 42 1E k' 2111 MILTONA CITY OF 191 .789 10.767 832,396 4,358.094 6,281 32 12,283 64 6,537 34 Et EZ —64-1.,,M1AL4, {{ , 1 r41, L1LU 4 cll.- nit 870 .764 10. r5 r dal , 857 .994 10 ,527.177— 3. Ov �1 r5 37 5. Z6,744--- ., 29 =s r 276) EDEN PRAIRIE CI 18,120 .647 10.635 283,089,435 15,623%037 452,036 24 1,163,004 64 100,685 5 Ir4809 WAHKON CITY OF 253 .623 10.617 1,450,605 5,733.616 15.394 60 16,238 64 12,052 47 m — ',2 -3 0i1 RINNESOTA-LITY 164 .741 10.5r1 794,230 3,008.446 6,4W 24 16 931i 64- 6,689 25 EL , 3 4501 ALV ARACO CITY 0 387 .695 IC.506 1 .013.745 2 ,611.744 13,799 35 24► 807 64 6,965 17 1 �. 2134 WAYZATA CITY OF 3,500 .780 10.409 56,212►057 16,060.587 119,590 34 223,960 63 121,916 34 a 7913 LUMBAM FALLS LI 144 .712 10.402 751 ►023 3,871.252 5,148 76 120417 64 5,360 ET 7. 3206 WILDER CITY OF 114 .797 10.402 399,110 3,492.192 5,940 52 7,296 64 4.702 41 ! 7. 2756 CORCORAN CITY 0 4,370 .837 1C.339 26,461,672 6,055.302 61,801 14 271,479 63 63,908 14 m# ,. 2746 ORONO CITY OF 6,820 .801 I0.329 9T,544,925 14,595.030 236,905 34 4357965 63 224.76 32 i. 3707 NASSAU CITY OF 112 .810 10.298 405,702 3,622.339 3,234 28 7,158 63 3,353 29 Fi 5; 1 110 LONGV Ill E CITY 195 .645 10.297 2 ,025 ,984 LO ,394.789 6, 730 34 12,460 63 69908 35 ., 7322 ROCKY ILL E CITY 637 .681 10.261 2,317,825 3,638.659 19,245 30 40, mil 63 17.558 6206 LAU DERDALE CITY 2,020 .821 10.229 14,829,141 7,341.158 53,601 26 128,999 63 52,292 25 CS ,7 8207 HUGO CITY OF 3,840 .694 10.222 26►132,021 6.805.213 79,468 20 245,192 63 82,355 21 ,. 50IZ SARGEANT CITY U 9/. .740 1MIT 5 6,5,967 7,191.I38 1,542 21 -5,442- 63 2 252 23 „ 6212 SHOREVIEW CITY 17,820 .823 1C.045 132,691,309 7,446.201 506,346 28 1,135,125 63 244.767 13� ,6 6234 �15FV ui F rive 35,570 .787 1C.021 377,922,861 10,624.764 945,440 �_, 2,264,781 �3_ 777 099 21 m „ 1920 -9. 13,590 .653 1U.ULZ ZZr,U19,114 9,6Z3.531 15 1.501 : : 63 —I3 . )204 CENTERVILLE CIT 860 .724 9.899 4'867,613 5,660,015 22,403 26 4,676 63 18,957 22 ; , 6954 MOUNTAIN IRON C 4,155 .702 S.891 22,655,97/ 5,452,702 80,877 19 264,145 63 ., )408 KILLIHLM LITY O 331 .641 5. r83 r51,lbb Z,2I1.981 13,2r4 40 21 UTY 33 11,4 34 ;, 4907 HILLMAN CITY OF 54 .751 S.754 119,978 2.221.814 1,770 32 3,425 63 1.118 20 7 :z 4301 BISCAY CITY OF 112 .706 9.662 285,167 2,545.133 1,470 13 7,098 63 1.504 MI 13 Z913 PARK 1441,1U5 1.11 21876 .796 S.63I' 16,U59,843 5,584.Uff9-7717,092 97 112,207 63 233.855 II in2316 RUSHFORD VILIAG 704 .669 5.628 5,839,279 8,294.430 10,511 14 44,590 63 10,843 15 a 4901 BOWLUS CITY OF 272 .753 9.620 888,731 3,267.393 7,879 28 17.228 63 6,375 23 ' 5306 KINBRAE CITY OF 40 .734 5.616 205,502 5,140.35F 807 20 2,531 63 417 10 61 :� 2755 GREENF (El D CITY 1, 420 .781 5.599 10,761 .143 7.578.269 21.418 15 89,908 63 22.081 15 M :, 2409 CIENVILL E CITY 772 .696 5.545 2,889.297 3,742.612 34,196 44 48,850 63 24,714 32 3 .J 7747-53, 9Z0 .857 9.3N6 338,4360103 9,9r 7.479 .7yy.324 I T P T 63 580.457 I 3 ;o 4405 WAUBJN CITY OF 373 .731 9.515 1,028,461 2,757.268 16,426 44 23,593 63 12,372 33 -; , 8617 SOUTH HAVEN CIT 198 .729 S.513 753,593 39806.025 18,025 91 12,522 63 13,870 70 .. „ IIl7 LA1C'E sTI.RE CTTf 542 .660 9.4566— iu,b 2,3uu 18,061.517 /7,3•an --Z9 3r,395 6T' 17,507 29 6416 WAN DA CITY OF 118 .703 9.437 425,066 31602.254 4,469 37 7,454 63 4,268 36 ,. 6201 NEW BR IGHTON CI 23,22C .828 9.357 162 ,575 ,559 7 031,535 722,607 31 1,465,469 63 437,209 18 -33,9 „ 551Z uRURUL.0 CITT OF 566 .T3Z 9.258 3,I39.7Z6 5,547.219 , 63- 33,302 5: s, 8511 ST•OCKTON CITY 0 509 .789 9.279 1,194,409 2,346.579 8,344 16 32, 095 63 7,360 14 W — 5402 BORUP CITY OF 158 .765 9.244 332,956 2,1D7.316 5,765 36 9,957 63 4,103 25 IT )ZU • A ,s • • • • • O • • • • • ,840 .814 5.2Z6 51 .749,334 5 ,259.578" 12 61 6 • PROJECTED SIATF A10 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED AI ION 50 PEICFNT BASF() ON AID PER POP PER AFMR PAGE 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR 4DJ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 AID 3502 450T 6973 J217 SUP TVH2-Xb-TTM DONALDSON CITY 87 .761 AEWA 9.166 —4911.04TTIII9—FEWTA'iTA 465,608 5,351.816 TT3 A117—PFR 1,532 75,575 40,979 158,241 CAP--- 17 T1 1 7 19 WV ATO PER 5,475 72.57D 150,586 511,986 CAP 62 67 62 62 84 AI) PFR 1,565 17,414 8,819 164,665 -T08.I75 9,516 5,513 CAP 17 4A 3 20 '. 1 ', MIDDLE -TM ET TI 8488117 CITY OF HAM LAKE CITY 0 35S 2, 396 8,150 .666— .745 .801 .CbF 81 OT3---2-,751:3-74 S.039 7'715,785 3,227.277 9.010 41,806,737 5,129.660 2:16u3 2303 671U 61ITT-AK 3504 1319 BUFF AL L1T1 OF FOUNTAIN CITY 0 MAGNOLIA CITY 0 4,S68 345 242 .7C"7 . 685 .636 8.971 25'444,481 E.969 1'464.013 8.904 1,289,622 5,5,0.157 4 ,243.515 5,329.016 213,674 90401 5,341 46 27 22 - 2B6,805 21,659 15,178 62 62 62 27 �--,° 22 , �0-' 8 _• 50 7" „ 72 PAhx fiFTGHr ELBA CITY OF BREEZY POINT CI 2, r3u 196 406 .855 .762 .689 8.836 51 ,117,589 6.806 463,762 8.707 10,288,056 18-i77r,.'39/ 2,366.132 25,340.039 82, 374 2,319 25,185 30 11 62 TTU,998 12,277 25, 378 57 62 62 R7,755 1,636 20,416 4 . 8214 8208 6809 LANUF7CCIJ tTTY-11 LAKE ELMO CITY RUSEAU CITY OF 6IU 5,440 2,29? .535 .691 .649 8.667 6,618,110 8.557 41'539,662 8.534 11'742,103 9,877.7 -6 7,635.967 5,120.847 21,638 122,523 146,767 - -77B7S. 32 22 64 41•084 339,599 143,112 62 62 62 8,781 102,949 99,055 13 18 43 -28 20 17 ' [' ,1' `l . a 6813 5617 7214 STWATHLONA CITY OTTERTAIL CITY EAST BETHEL CIT -CITY 48 255 6,860 .711 .676 .800 E.378 69,099 8.325 2,312,579 8.302 35,188,783 1,439-367 9,068.937 5,129.560 5,370 117,129 42 21 17 908 15,865 426,793 62 62 1 85 5,279 122,043 zn , 1304 1126 6884 HARRIS OF CHICKAMAW BEACH ROOSEVELT CITY 100 119 128 .729 .784 .730 8.Z91 3,919,987 8.234 768,292 8.216 244,016 5,599.98T— 6,456.235 1,906.375 2,912.771 4'285.164 2,847.875 4,251.144 4.075.573 4,430.275 3,523.312 6,774.505 4,147.879 6,895.950 25,628.140 5.909.570 wpm- 2,108 3,532 27 17 27 43,546-- 7, 395 7,954 62 62 62 a2----_-- 62 62 l6 650 1,122 2,28? 1.744 ---- 5,284 2,090 23 9 17 -1H 19 13 zs L. za :J" 4 7 z 0421 7312 49J3 50LW-AY CITY OF GREENr.AL 0 CITY LASTRUP CITY OF 92 267 153 .655 .736 .748 8.214 267,975 E.136 1 ,144, 139 8.087 435'775 2, 654 5,097 3,415 Z8 1.9 22 5,71-5 16, 572 9,499 :, : 3140 5623 6408 ZEMPLE CITY OF VERGAS CITY OF NORTH REDWOOD C 69 279 200 .771 .702 .736 7.71U- 293,329 7.770 1,137,085 7.674 585,055 915 7,298 2, 307 13 26 11 4,259 17,230 12, 333 61- 61 61 -4730 3,921 2.372 ri 14 - 11 6 , 7328 8219 5313 ST ROSA CITY OF LAKELAND CITY 0 ROUND LAKE CITY T7 1,860 506 .733 .702 .730 7.648 278,972 7.628 12'600.581 7.616 2,098,827 2,573 25,920 14,453 —33 13 28 4,74-5- 114,639 31.183 61- 61 61 l,995 13,053 9,215 25 >> 7 '�= 1.8 7 2 1903 1825 2803 HAMPIUN CITY OF CROSSLAKE CITY EITZEN CITY OF 300 1.Ot1 212 .663 7.583 2,U68,785 .609 7.570 25,910,050 .761 7.539 1'252.829 --611063.510 14,19Z 27,969 5,327 41 27 25 18,477 62,211 13,048 —61 61 61 3, 61 61 6,131 160766 4,436 20 E. 15 ; 20 6 2707 B303 6816 EDINA DUN' OF LA SALLE CITY 0 OARROAD CITY DF 45,370 111 1,198 .798-7.477 .476 7.398 .603 7.310 938,451 7,000,131 14,790.908 8,454.513 5,943.181 T,015,608 3,925 88,050 27 r 2:701,591 6,817 73,514 177-.1-00 3,600 45,561 21•., 32.J 38 w 73 „ . 4213 1816 1901 TAUNTON Cr,♦ OF NISSWA CITY OF COATES CITY OF 1T6 1,406 210 .736 .710 .632 7.29, 7.228 7.2C8 651, 55 17,363,822 1,411,503 3,704.863 12,353.358 7.007.157 4,723 240015 4,344 26 17 20 10,T9T 86,155 12,866 s(" 61 61 3,014 24,485 3.177 17 17 15 ., E ,0 = 5824 2106 0725 MUCK CKFER CITY GARFIELD CITY 0 SKYLINE CITY OF 899 283 400 .686 .767 .715 7.167 6.577 6.885 5,6I1.357 983,929 2'253'128 6,13J.541 3.476.780 5.632.820 ZT, Z37 5,281 5,214 Z3 18 13 55,Us3- 17,285 24,398 61 61 60 —7.-339 2,999 2,998 8 10 7 .3 -' s6 , 37u4 1914 0918 LOt.'1SbuRG CITY I.ILYDALE CITY 0 WRIGHT CITY OF 51 420 152 .795 .604 .689 6. a74 6.829 6.779 319 91T613 10,567,917 447,722 b 9[72.313 25,161.707 2,945.539 2, 580 8.103 1,965 50 19 12 5,108 25,579 9,257 -450— 60 60 1,725 663 33 4 �* L" S4 . . 19U8 NEW TRIO( CIEY 8209 LAKELAND SHORE 1301 BRANCH CITY OF lit/ 170 1,912 .69Z .747 .735 6.776 6.771 6.655 456,in 1 0616.844 11'752,997 3.8111.4615— 9,513.847 6,146.464 3,208 1,789 32,251 76 10 16 7,30T 10.349 116,255 617 60 60 -- 1-;-072 502 29.509 15 2 15 6, ;2 H. 61 6. 2131 3618 6210 WUUULAND LITT U MILPAH CITY OF NORTH OAKS CITY 520 128 2,890 .159 .757 .891 6.646 6.645 6.598 1T,425,113U 165,462 47,764,358 Z3,159b.211 1,292.671 16027.459 Lit IIT 1,983 43,250 21 15 14 31,58 7,782 175,506 60 60 60 1,182 7,810 9 2 , "• 471J 4801 7316 -9UU3 KIN1,SILV CITYTJ BUCK CITY OF METRE GROVE CIT 136 101 170 .734 .647 .753 E.5313 6.501 6.441 3tf2.815 337,857 532,330 ZK714.616 3,345.118 3,131.352 1.797 --73- 4,604 45 4,369 25 8,255 6,128 10,304 60 60 60 1.092 2,700 1,951 8 26 It ' =° r NI Mill t.TTT uF 7332 SPRING HILL CIT 8218 ST MARYS POINT b 7IFT Mini Iv ,a„ i ' 1, 67 102 350 .._ cSn .764 .737 .743 - ,ZR 6.385 6.385 6.261 R 7S.t 213,039 370,841 2.367,312 e.- , .,,. 3.179.686 3,635.696 6,763.748 E545--- 12 1,540 15 6.532 18 40u56 6,177 21,161 60 60 60 884 1,027 562 13 10 1 =' ,9 i ,vc� aa,»o. , PROJECTED SLATE AID 20 PER CAPITA 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALJATION 50 PE?CENT BASED ON Al) PFR POP PER AEMR PAGE 15 ESTIMATED SALES 3 YR PDP 1982 RATIO- �iE R1t- 7902 HAMMOND CITY DF -6-10-4-1 ON G AFALTTZITY- 1508 SHEVLIN CITY OF 7906 MILLVILLE CITY 7 truFS-trT 168 .766 E.229 252 . 764-- E.ZUN 188 .659 E.159 177 .724 E.069 287 .683 5.981 4902 BUCKMAN CITY OF 183 .719 5.971 7715 WEST UNION CITY 75 .782 5.859 8220 LAKF3T CR0IX W 1,170 .726 5-.1 1104 BUY RIVER CITY 54 .737 5.771 6912 BROUKSTON CITY 116 .754 5.766 KERRIZR-MY OF 80 .753 5.687 AD,/ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID VATU[ TTUN- PEk L APTT A 413,561 2,461.672 -1 , 59v , TI3 3 ,34-37.-055 359.987 1,914.824 687,911 3,886.502 4,709.657 15.4)3.954 846,525 4,625.819 254,051 3,387.346 6,143,191 5,250.590 118,753 321 .579 203 •884 0115 PALISADE CITY 0 148 .784 5.559 406,142 8502.OAKOTA CITY OF 361 .805 5.546 1,257,597 4807-PEASE CITY OF 180 .640 5.474 7437143 3804 EVAN CITY OF 88 .631 5.435 547,876 6111 aESTPORT CITY 0 52 .774 5.303 162,946 5621 RXCHV ILTE-CITY 132 .717 5.238 268.191 6218 GEM LAKE CITY 0 400 .775 5.137 3113 MCGRATH CITY OF 79 .773 4.906 0422 TENSTRIKC CITY 163 .669 4.796 2735 MEDIGINF LAKE_ C 420 .827 4.767 5013 TAOPI CITY OF 88 .769 4.699 6.146,725 167,504 -653.234 7605 OE GRAFF-C-TTY-Q 7101 BECKER CITY OF 3612 ISLAND VIEW CIT 610 T-3- u IIN-t1 T Y OF 3304 QUAMBA CITY OF 0120 TAMARACK CITY 0 5822 STURGEON LAKE C 6940 IRON JUNCTION C 7603 CLONTARF CITY 0 2105 FORA0A-CITY OF 1507 LEONARD CITY OF 5106 HADLEY CTIY OF 4915 SOBIESKI CITY 0 2112 NELSON CITY OF 2911 LAPORTE CITY OF 1809 FORT RIPLEY CIT- 8409 NASHJA CITY OF 4003 HE10ELBERG CITY 0503 GILMAN CITY OF- 5603 BLUFFTON CITY 0 3410 REGAL CITY OF 1915 HIESVILLE CITY 1671- .719 4.668 644 .994 108 .795 62 .774 4.653 4.597 4.462 115 .648 4.298 81 .755 4.221 219 129 199 188 47 138 230 208 153 81 88 102 174 206 65 .641 . 817 .719 .776 .662 .756 . 745 .761 . 794 .684 .668 .640 . 724 .696 .694 4.097 4.074 4.029 4.019 3.972 3.969 3.907 3.751 3.721 3.612 3.594 3.240 2.989 2. 785 2.671 2,199.129 2,772.232 Z'548.550 2,744.202 3,483.648 4.136.644 6,225.863 3,131.653 2,031.753- 15,366.812 2,120.303 4,007.570 4,107,937 9,780.302 252,508 2,869.409 553,382 3,293.940 95 ,488.537 148,274.125 2031,930 21,591.944 192,085 3,098.145 335,554 351.446 834,063 509,593 539,440 905 .992 133,347 399,730 829,299 685.182 446,670 378,508 714,787 219,648 744.751 630.185 339,821 21917.860 4,338.839 3,808.506 3.953.333 2,710.753 4,819.106 2,837.170 2,896.594 3.605.647 3,294.144 2,919.411 4,672.438 8,122.579 2,937.725 4,280.173 3,059.150 5.228.015 83 AID -PER UNIT - 84 AID PER CAP 6,359 37 10,152 2,96R 11 - 15,774 5,309 28 11.353 4,650 26 10,672 4 , 8-69 16 17, 27T ST PROJ 84 AID 84 AI 5 PER CAP 60 4,167 6D 60 3,587 60 4,490 60 3,385 18 1 1, 019 60 1 .599 8 �` 964 12 4,508 60 999 1_3 1-7 22,98I- 14-- 70,338 60 7,529 6i 1,296 24 3,241 60 835 15 ,s 3,294 28 6,964 60 1,379 11 2,939 36 5,798 31 -2,007 25 IL 1,926 13 8,859 59 1,984 13 - 4,854 13 21,607 59 2,867 7 3, 7,1 T4 "- -39- I0.762 59 3,71 8 20 =' 2,090 23 5,256 59 1,018 11 2' 1, 9 39 3 7 _ _ 3, 100 59 1 ,145 22 2: 2,075 15— 7,866 59 769 5 4,645 11 2 3, 790 59 926 11 4,684 59 611 -- 01-C1-6- TT 9, 632 59 1,075 6 8,951 21 24,854 59 885 10 5,202 59 2,732 16- 9,928 59 525 34,747 2,053 1, 27-4 1,884 4.437 4.490 3, 540 2,526 2,804 1, 342 2,885 2,767 4,941 5,345 87F 1,620 935 1,"9 15 2,730 699 4702 CEOAR MILLS CIT 1105 EAST GULL LAKE JluI WOLF LAKE -CITY 1 323 PLEASANT LAKE C 0801 COWAN CITY OF 56r6 JR8ANX -1. ITT OF 8221 PINE SPRINGS CI 4906 HARDING CITY OF ''AN NUS KY till T uF 5820 RUTLEDGE CITY 0 4903 ELMOALE CITY OF 110T FEUERA1. 0AX CTT 18O .6br 72 .689 565 .575 69 .T36 119 .762 73 .621 IOU 280 94 I10 192 127 rlr .bTe Z.513 2.493 2.400 2.377 2.375 2.300 2.179 .763 2.017 . 718 1.999 .75II-'- 1. e38 . 708 1.735 .715 1.615 . 1Zb T.b'lU 1,386.638 7,703.544 395,290 5,490.138 12,763.170 22,589.681 157033 2.r75.8iu 421 ,862 484,280 3,545.058 6,633.972 3 r9 . z76 3 ,Ttf 2.760 3.052.622 10,902.221 494,945 5,265.372 4575-28 3 ,853.93 470,685 2,451.48 594,006 4.677.21 4-Vr,566 1-,59'7.017 4 2 3,863 1.200 14,199 TS5 85T 1.486 I,9LR 3,068 1,577 1, iHr 1,670 1, 538 13 10 21 16 25 -17 7 20 10 16 1r 8 12 53 37,824 58 19 6,370 58 I ?, 631 - 16 6.759 58 54 4,755 58 20 12 BIZ— —5 27 7,557 58 12 11,653 58 14 11,007 58 28 2, 748 58 20 8,072 58 12 t 3.443 58 23 12,131 58 34 1,918 58 10 4,713 58 18 5,118 58 9 5,903 57 11 10, 034 57 11,844 3,729 10.514 4. 120 32,274 3,941 6,799 4. 165 5, 6Y / 15,910 5,340 6, 574 10.866 7,182 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 5b 56 56 136 56 56 • • • • • 7 }. 71. • 3 1" „ • 854 2,149 4-75 1 •073 1.274 633 1,226 2,893 2,558 229 7 '• 26 1 t 8 t2 6 .. 13 E 9 .. 1 t 2 ;. • • • • • SI 5. • w 11 GI 74 • • • • • l • PRUJELIEt) STATE ATO 20 PER CAPITA t 1 50 PERCENT BASED ON ADJUSTED VALUATION 50 PERCENT BASED ON AID PER POP PER AEMR PAGE 16 ESTIMATEO SALES 3 YR ADJ ASSESSED VALUATION PRESENT 83 AID ADJUSTED 84 AID ST PROJ 84 AID PUIf-19B2R1-iID AERR VALURIIUN PER I,APITA 83 AID PER CAP g471-ID PER CAP 8ATTPER-"--Z71Ts 49J5 GENOLA CITY OF 82 .691 1.247 639,743 7,801.743 1,292 15 4,605 56 • �425 5-4-TIT-ON CITY OF Irb .6 1 I.062 957.ru3 57 3T.rzi T.bZ3 9,858 56 • i )413 TJRILE RIVER CI 67 .639 1.042 338,388 5,050.567 1,006 15 3,750 55 6 4704 OARWIN CITY OF 253 .733 1.034 1,058,575 4,184.090 4,940 19 14,166 55 1324 Sr AN1HUNY Lily re .rl6 1.051 its0155 Z,YU6.5Z5 84U ll 4,367 55- 211J MILLERVILIE CIT 123 .764 .493 55 • ` 365 , T65 2.9�73.699 1, 404 1 1 6, 830 , 5903 HATFIELO CITY 0 89 .715 .000 718,353 80071.382 1,235 13 4,904 55 10 5811 REARTFTIE LITY 62 .69Z .UDC/ 15I,880 2.449.677 761 12— —3,,417 �j • 17 3114 EFF IE CITY OF 147 . 724 .000 463,715 3,134.122 2,123 14 8102 55 2 3404 FUNKLEY CITY OF 19 .687 .000 75,014 3,948.105 247 13 I,045 55 rs13 NUS tut T:ITY T7F LvT r4T .QUU 415,UZ9 Z,81i.jZ6 1154Z Ir 11,102 55 • �. 1814 MANHATTAN BEACH 60 .684 .000 814,874 13,531.233 680 11 3,303 55 1, 3507 RUNNEBY CITY OF 57 .752 .000 112,385 1,971.666 765 13 3,141 55 1F 5tru-r UtNF7IfT (ITT OF S1 .715 .tu0 r82,579 5,5iv.to.. TTo 15 2$TJq- 55 • , 9301 ALDRICH CITY OF 87 .756 .000 264,253 3,037.390 I, I03 12 4,795 55 1, • 19 20 21 • 2.t • 3, 137, 894 21,951 ,845,848—231,0170776 TOTAL PEOPLE UNITS 64,459,419.046 NET LOSERS 286 NET GAINERS 569 26 27 2. • S9 ]0 • 33 • • 39 36 • • • • • 37 3a 39 228, 04'14 300 228-.-1 34,561 ,5 12 AID PER CAPITA PER AEMR 3.583 2 Y .2 AA .9 66 T 6, ,6 93 92 3, cc a u 7 1 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • . . --*_ N ,4f1ecr v f �h�gi,'1 /l/7n � US' -taru1 LC) -f(G m j OaPi r►:k TO 4 - seho/c O 0 N NAME 1981 9ASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 PER HH MILL PATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT CD AID AID X POP AI0 CAP AI0 POP BASISezr AID X HH AID HH AIO HH BASIS CHNG 10 HH V2 PAGE C ADA 202944 39300 98744 79784 217828 42800 117173 113827 273800 55972 ADAMS 648E2 15540 34098 34785 _ 84523 13900 33020 33050 79970 -4553 ADRIAN 94874 26540 50437 67755 - ,_ 144732 25600 53010 75832 154v41 9709 e AFTCN 478E9 51400 43582 39401 134383 38800 35846 27007 101653 -32730 AITKIN 226247 35240 30238 48774 114252 39650 37070 74274 150993 36T41 AKELEY 48577 9660 7544 29138 46342 8900 7574 29751 46225 -117 O ALBANY 112943 32100 43822 60E70 136592 27600 41054 53953 122607 -13985 AL9FRT LEA 1851348 370840 49E838 534434 1402112 371050 541659 643597 1556306 154194 AL0EET4 5028 2820 4605 8390 15814 2550 4537 8252' 15339 -476 • ALBEFTVILLE 39207 11300 ,19634 13733 44667 7700 14578 7670 2994E -14719 ALDEN -.} 59054 12960 23828 22904 59692 13350 26745 29234 69329 9636 AL0RICH 1091 1740 0 4541 6281 1700 0 5214 6914 633 O ALEXANDR/ A 791315 148100 228393 198315 574807 157900 265323 271168 694390 119583 ALPHA 12783 3580 6196 8505 18281 3600 6789 10345 2C734 2453 ALTURA 27627 6740 9365 7776 23881 6300 9538 24011 129 III o 8173 ALVAPADO 13626 7740 1733 23490 32983 7150 1764 24113 33027 44 AHBCY 37642 12100 26910 23858 62868 12750 30896 31565 75511 12E43 ANOCVES 122931 196500 117017 296616 610434 123450 79980 140396 343826-266607 1 O ANNANDALE 115317 30420 54368 48552 133340 28700 55830 51985 13E575 3235 ANOKA 835596 311200 319278 358033 988511 269100 300821 322032 891953 -96557 APPLE VALLEY .6 469600 527959 582155 1579714 318800 390531 322736 10329E7-547647 ID APPLETON 173493 36720 115279 97581 249580 39150 133920 133430 306500 56919 ARCC 5023 1880 5050 4215 11145 2300 6732 7588 16620 5475 ARDEN HILLS 164386 1E9000 68451 117545 354996 114200 50399 64564 2291E3-125833 II ARGYLE 85584 14460 25842 29147 69449 13350 25936 29884 69231 -218 APLINGTDN 129274 35060 55364 65136 155560 34750 59791 76972 171513 15953 ASHY 26479 9740 18509 22515 51164 8750 18117 22246 49113 -2051 II ASKCV 17586 7180 11632 18799 37611 7300 13946 27376 49221 11610 ATHATEP 91700 22540 43002 40433 105975 21750 45213 45287 112250 6275 AUDUOON 15834 7780 7496 16083 31359 7100 7453 16112 30566 -693 ID AUROPA 184428 51460 67171 121772 240402 46782 66535 121057 234374 -6028 AUSTIN 2250977 452780 782589 _ 783321 2018690 456800 860276 959060 2276136 257446 AVOCA 13200 3820 4243 11602 19665 4050 4901 15687 24638 4974 II AVON 54166 16380 28775 26986 72140 12400 23735 18603 547.37 -17403 AA9pITT 39999 47920 49433 117951 215305 39200 44061 94945 178206 -37099 BACKUS 19446 5080 13520 9492 28092 5500 15950 13383 34833 6741 II fAOGEF 37916 6380 13934 12595 32909 6650 15824 16460 38934 6026 pAGLEY 175038 25620 36832 54061 116513 27350 42842 74109 144301 27788 BALATON 562E4 14340 3E980 38284 89604 14900 41866 49719 106485 16881 40 BAFNESVILLE 98976 44040 57150 107248 205438 39850 56346 105628 201824 -6614 BA0Nur 224E7 9240 16218 21679 47136 8900 17020 24194 50114 2978 BAPPETT 18673 7500 12349 18035 37883 7000 12558 18898 38456 572 40 BAQPY 952 860 693 1704 3257 850 746 2003 3559 342 BATTLE LAKE 52406 14460 23217 21979 59656 14850 25980 27884 68714 9057 BAUDFTTE 111797 22960 54717 55523 133199 23400 '60761 69372 153534 20335 BAXTER 109275 52380 46731 69222 168893 40200 38758 48122 127080 -41813 BAYPORT 121627 57600 39838 61713 159201 33850 25541 25637 85029 -74172 BEAPOSLEY 19100 7460 19564 32533 53557 6782 19379 32342 58503 -1054 II BEAVER, EAY 22673 5560 6961 9429 21950 5050 6889 935? 21296, -654 BEAVER CREEK 20990 5440 8265 13290 26995 4950 8195 13236 26381 -614 • 0 0 0 0 0 • • PAGE 2 I: 003 L1•] O CV NAME CO s1- O 2(CONT.1 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AID AID X POP AI0 AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AID MILL RATE X HH AID • AV PER HH AI0 PAGE 2 TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH BASIS CHNG 10 HH e BECKEC 30895 12880 7152 689 20721 9950 6020 494 16465 -4256 e BEJOU 13900 2220 1704 10826 14750 2450 2049 15860 20359 5610 BFLGRADE 47727 16660 21892 33886 72438 15650 22407 35969 74026 1588 41 13EL1E. PLAINE 176897 56600 87155 93155 236910 47100 79024 77597 203721 -33189 S BELLECHESTER 7399 4500 2613 13258 20371 3400 2151 9104 14656 -5716 BFLLINGHAM 45713 5600 6125 12419 24144 5600 6674 14939 27212 3068 40 BELTRAN! 6251 2580 1727 3189 7496 2550 1860 3747 8157 661 0 BELVIEW 44489 8820 24224 26152 59195 7100 21247 20385 48731 -10464 BEMIDJI 1298321 220160 227357 357051 804568 182700 205576 295773 684030 -120518 41 BENA. 13770 2360 5985 12682 21626 2650 5838 12227 20715 -912 S BENSON 313354 73660 151659 178866 404185 74900 168029 222462 465351 61206 BEPTHA 83174 10420 26804 26966 64189 10700 29930 34204 74893 10704 40 BETHFL 118.30 5600 5822 10471 21893 4650 5267 8684 18602 -3291 40 BIG FALLS 34218 9420 12027 41760 63707 9550 11294 37316 57161 -6546 0IG LAKE 89525 47100 51233 88140 180474 38700 45868 71579 156146 -30327 • BIGELOW 14843 5180 4493 12816 22489 4700 4442 12632 21834 -655 0 BIGFORK 40456 10380 18338 24964 53682 8000 15399 17038 41237 S12445 BINGHAM LAKE 9549 4360 8610 9298 22268 3650 7854 7839 19342 -2926 • BIRCHW000 '27522 21000 15838 18322 55160 16300 13345 13278 42973 -12187 0 BIQD ISLAND 93150 27520 40980 59286 127786 26400 42834 65629 134863 7077 BISCAY 1445 2240 2719 6973 11933 1950 2580 6357 10896 -1046 • BIWADIK 133593 27780 66038 69444 163261 26800 69416 77744 173960 10699 0 BLACKOUCK 59744 13080 26041 28097 67218 11200 24296 24780 60277 -6942 BLAINE 1005677 607800 374786 867410 1849996 423700 284673 507047 1215420-634576 BLOMKEST 11327 4220 3824 9406 17450 3200 3160 6506 12865 -4585 BLOOMINGTON 3036229 1637400 1245798 1232885 4116083 1433000 1187966 1135883 75-359233 BLOO1ING, PRAIFIE -r' D-r- 38920 47332 65131 151383 36050 47769 --0218^ 151037 -346 40 BLUE EARTH 307691 82160 1385E6 146246 367172 80650 147846 168690 397186 30014 0 BLUFFTON 2692 4120 452 10675 15248 3100 371 7270 10741 -4507 BOCK 4541 2020 621 4787 7427 2100 703 6223 9026 1599 41 BOPUP 5684 3160 1504 11886 16550 2700 1400 10438 14538 -2012 0 BOVEY 110813 16680 87879 51488 156047 16450 94432 60238 171121 15074 BCWIUS 7751 5440 3558 13197 22195 5200 3706 14505 23411 1216 40 BOY FIVER 1279 1080 378 3893 5350 1200 457 5781 7438 2088 O BOYD 28455 5380 13050 15515 34544 6650 15812 23079 45541 10996 BFANAM 143946 20560 37717 37919 96196 21350 42676 49186 113211 17015 41 BRAINNERD 927947 220320 244291 320823 785434 • 232900 281377 431246 S45523 160089 0 BF.ANCH 31458 38240 20320 49310 107870 24850 14388 25049 , 64287 -43584 BRANDON 26020 9880 19009 23549 52437 8850 18553 22728 50131 -2306 40 BRECKFNPIDGE 427828 79320 214047 222379 516247 72400 211544 220078 504022 -12224 0 BPEEZY POINT 24279 8120 4055 2540 14715 6600 3541 2019 12210 -2505 BFEWSTEQ 20441 11620 7236 23915 42771 10300 6989 22603 39892 -2880 41 BFLCFLYN 41256 9860 19352 19577 48789 9500 20316 21861 51677 2888 0 BROOK PAQK 11932 2460 2500 8387 13347 2100 2325 7352 11777 -1570 BROOKLYN CFNTFR 159E294 616400 54C877 687343 1844620 537550 513949 628802 1680301-164319 41 BROOKLYN PARK 1535072 905600 725700 1138738 2770038 763400 666558 973382 2403341-366697 0 BROOKS 42E0 3400 2062 5416 10877 3000 1982 5072 10054 -823 BROCKSTON 3238 2320 536 6633 9490 1300 478 5352 7730 -1759 41 BPOOTFN 70394 12440 11849 26128 50417 13350 13855 36196 63400 12984 (� BROWERVILLE 52628 13880 12083 24957 50920 14850 14086 34363 63299 12379 • 0 0 dcn LC) O QCV . NAME CD mot' 0 2(CONT.) o BROWNS VALLEY BROWNSDALE BROWNSVILLE BkOWNTON BPUNC BUCKMAN 0 BUFFALO LAKE BUFFALO BUHL t) BURNSVILIE BUPTRUM BUTTERFIELD 0 BYRON CALEDONIA CALLAWAY CALUMFT CAHBcIOGF CAMPBELL O CANOY CANNON FALLS CANTON •, CARLOS CARLTON CAR VF° 0 CASS LAKE CEDAR MILLS CENTER CITY 0 CENTEFVILLE CFYLON CHA NRL IN 0 CHANDLER CHANHASSEN CHA SKA 0 CHA IFIFLO CHICKANAI 3EACH CHISAGO CITY 0 CHISHOLH CHOKIO CIRCLE PINES 0 CLARA CITY CLAREMONT CLARISSA 41 CLARKFIELD CLARKS GROVE CLFAF LAKE 41 CLEARBROCK CLEAFWATEP CLEMENTS 41 CLEVELAND CLIMAX o 41CD t. 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AIO AIO X POP AIO AV PER CAP AIO TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AI0 MILL RATE X HH AID AV PER FIN AID PAGE 3 TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH BASIS CHNG TO HH 1141E4 17680 58663 71142 148185 17750 64172 87104 169026 20841 40623 13360 18413 _ _ 24911 56885 13550 20048 29322 63520 6635 17443 8320 6578 23741 38638 7500 6461 23206 37167 -1472 65874 13660 46778 32834 93273 13850 51679 40603 10E131 12858 17620 2620 2183 8188 12990 2050 1861 6030 9940 -3050 3324 3660 1361 6272 11293 3150 1276 5588 10014 -1278 46931 16340 42198 36222 94760 14500 40801 34311 89612 -5148 210605 91360 61961 130007 283328 81150 59967 123385 264502 -18826 189642 25160 109921 80906 216687 23850 110460 82780 217091 404 125736� 98 738200 648699 596407 1330 604000 578324 480282 1662607 -320699 7559 3820 ' 3747 20172 27739 2950 3153 14471 Z0574 -7165 46929 12420 17765 31033 61218 11500 17923 32004 61427 209 87858 32460 57527 54147 144134 26100 50400 42110 118610 -25524 210447 54940' 86471 117099 258511 51750 88748 124976 265474 6963 20820 4320 5921 13059 23901 4150 5442 11176 20769 -3132 74659 9140 78644 36005 123789 8309 77900 35794 122003 -1786 229805 66660 71856 99328 237845 63050 74054 106891 243995 6151 22525 5740 11551 18747 36038 5300 11621 19226 36147 109 203723 42940 101887 91488 236315 44850 115954 120058 280862 44547 226354 53300 129447 72549 255296 50500 133636 78341 262476 7180 34470 7040 15788 16127 38955 8450 20647 27948 57046 18091 16072 7620 8466 23143 39229 7150 8656 24511 40316 1087 59203 17489 37045 37674 92199 14350 33137 30541 78028 -14171 252E2 13000 22366 19796 55163 10900 20434 16741 48075 -7088 222437 19880 34728 68136 122744 19250 36641 76848 132738 9994 1177 1440 0 2079 3519 1250 0 1884 3134 -385 P8917 9380 11022 16241 36643 7250 9282 11671 28203 -8440 21935 17200 8326 24087 49613 10700 5643 11213 27557 -22057 30915 10720 26380 27683 64783 10650 28556 32867 72072 7289 2892E9 1E6800 189383 284620 660803 136650 150952 183214 470816-189987 22014 6520 6166 13531 26217 6600 6801 16679 30079 3862 195947 135200 115492 126315 /11AM 103750 95858 88167 287775 -90232 21__,.43?9 172600 162694 243242 578536 150300 154367 221872 52E539 -51996 157199 40860 67276 71078 179214 38000 68173 73949 180122 908 2060 2380 1029 2922 6331 2250 1060 3141 6451 120 1287E6 32360 51115 53709 137685 25800 43729 39827 109356 -28328 786628 118580 3667E3 265829 751172 116400 392277 308115 816792 65620 36054 10800 35874 42350 83024 11500 41622 57760 110882 21858 171160 67300 47672 100882 215553 46100 35740 57450 139290 -76263 98176 31640 46368 68981 146989 30150 48143 75345 153639 6650 34620 12200 21543 28610 62353 10300 19818 24530 54648 -7705 77318 13440 37282 33207 83930 12650 38235 35387 86272 2342 114578 22480 61971 61E64 146315 22800 68485 76549 167834 21519 35771 11740 15429 23580 50750 11450 16396 26981 54827 4077 29312 5320 10000 9151 24471 4800 . 9831 8961 23592 -879 62842 11320 19364 33975 65153 11550 20617 39023 71189 6031 0 21415 7440 3398 6209 17647 7100 4157 6802 18059 412 16070 4480 7878 10836 23194 4400 8431 12574 25404 2210 25871 14640 28906 35075 78621 11750 25278 27178 64206 -14414 19283 5480 10672 11175 27327 5600 11883 14038 31521 4193 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 • n, r r a PAGE 4 d CD CD ON NAME 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID PER HH MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 NET EFFECT C.0 AID AID X POP AI0 CAP AID POP BASIS AID X HH AI0 HM AI0 HH BASIS CHNG TO HH O 21CONT.) e CLINTCN 57070 12420 65795 44593 123208 13900 80233 67789 161922 38714 CLITHERALL 10415 2460 1846 _ 10772 15078 2650 2167 15036 19854 4775 CLONTARF 24E9 3980 612 11638 16230 3400 570 10216 14186 -2044 II CL70UET 1U86322 221360 289498 293947 804805 207450 295614 310546 813610 8805 COATES 4221 4200 1858 4751 10809 3250 1566 3422 8238 -2570 CO9CFN 1451 1460 522 1744 3726 1150 448 1302 2900 -827 0 COKATO 162869 40180 49626 69499 159304 36300 48851 68233 153384 -5920 COLD SPRING 160356 46720 60863 68544 176126 34800 49396 45746 129942 -46185 COLEPAINE 117797 23300 93571 40292 157163 20850 91234 38810 150894 -6269 O COLCGNE 27649 11300 9302 15439 35742 10100 9307 15657 350E4 -678 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 1429636 353400 385848 538673 1317920 367150 392365 564380 1323895 5975 COMFREY 55476 10720 30517 25859 67096 11850 36756 38010 86615 19519 0 C0r'STOCK 6517 2240 4168 4882 11290 2350 4764 6464 13578 2288 CCNGEP 16718 3480 3660 6078 13218 3650 4183 8042 15876 2658 COOK 11928 16060 14077 36774 66911 15200 14517 39625 69342 2431 O COON RAPIDS 1792521 756400 667373 1060506 2484279 516800 496826 595502 1609129 -875150 CORCC4AN 60291 87400 61259 114408 263067 62150 47464 69589 179203 -83863 COPFFLL 2617 1600 1169 7271 10040 1550 1234 8208 10992 952 O COSPCS 515E5 11400 41150 25068 77618 10600 41690 26070 78361 743 COTTAGE GPOVE 906753 393000 414409 502631 1310040 256350 294534 257252 808136 -501904 COTT"NWCCO 82844 18280 37331 38558 94169 18100 40275 45472 103847 9679 O COUPTLAND 15602 7820 7647 10212 25679 6850 7299 9425 23574 -2105 CFCtIFLL 4142 44211 4389 10025 18834 3400 3678 7136 14214 -4620 CPCCKSTOK 821302 171960 320503 358560 850923 154900 314756 350383 820039 -30884 O CFOSDY 177613 42480 80711 84979 208170 47050 97403 125398 269851 61681 CROSSLAKE 26810 20220 _.,.. 11212 6254.,__ 37686 23200 14018 9903 47121 9435 CRYSTAL 12120E9 498200 355814 611713 1465728 448850 349290 597271 1395411 -70317 II CUPRIE 22128 7260 9592 19721 36573 7000 10077 22054 39131 2558 CUYUNA 151e1 3060 2762 5276 11098 2450 2409 4068 8928 -2170 CYF,US 23712 6820 9006 16118 31944 7250 10432 21910 39592 7648 II DAKOTA 4768 7220 3576 16428 27223 6500 3507 16016 26024 -1200 DALTCN 14512 5000 5858 12550 23409 5450 6958 17936 30344 6935 DANUBE 47788 12240 20436 27260 59936 10600 19284 24592 54476 -5460 II DANVERS 6042 3180 2418 6190 11798 2450 2030 4419 8900 -2888 DAPFUR 7823 2540 2319 3287 8145 3150 3133 6081 12365 4219 DAPHIN 4878 5060 334 9586 14990 5650 406 14377 20433 5453 II DASSFL 92600 22020 39474 40665 102158 19850 38772 39749 98371 -3787 DAWSON 121016 39060 79419. 58263 176742 39200 86845 70587 196632 19890 DAYTCN 63922 82580 53451 126988 263019 58850 41505 77577 177932 •85087 II DE GRAFF 2707 3360 841 8085 12287 3200 873 8822 12895 608 DEEFHAVEN 155918 73600 49859 44289 167747 61150 45136 36775 1430E2 -24686 DEER CREEK 11817 7920 9603 18206 35723 7550 9975 19901 37426 1697 ID DEER RIVET 83767 18460 52776 44961 116197 17550 54670 48d83 121103 4505 DEERW000 37874 11200 14342 17493 43035 11650 ' 16255 22768 50673 7637 DELANO 176436 47540 80514 75291 203345 42450 78335 72212 142997 •10348 II DELAVAN 23263 5200 12846 8537 26582 5650 15208 12123 32991 6398 DELHI 9179 1880 1876 2692 6448 1850 2012 3136 6997 549 0E11H000 28605 15200 10203 5762 31164 11150 8155 3729 23034 -8130 II OENHAM 762 1020 0 1459 2479 800 0 1080 1880 -599 DENNISON 11345 3440 1649 5410 10499 3100 1619 5285 10004 -495 • CO O + • C•3 NAME d'- O 2(CONT.) 0 PAGE 5 1481 BASE PER CAPITA MILL PATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 PER HH MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT AID AID X POP AID CAP AID POP BASIS AI0 X HH AIO HH AID NH BASIS CHNG TO HH DENT 8197 3580 2280 9945 15805 3600 2498 12097 18135 2390 DETROIT LAKES 649549 141120 192253 _ 214244 547617 145400 215831 273582 634814 87197 DEXTER 24442 5120 11743 11678 28541 5250 13121 14770 33140 4599 Q DILWORTH 178939 52060 95715 140562 283337 44250 88645 122156 255051 -33286 DODGE CENTER 147388 38040 95406 62479 195925 32350 88405 54354 175109 -20817 DONALDSON 1476 1740 1252 2577 5569 1500 1176 2304 4979 -589 O DONNELLY 9811 6480 12134 18437 37051 6550 13364 22659 42573 5522 DORAN 2927 1620 2241 __ 5198 9059 1650 2497 6487 10624 1564 DOVER 38463 6580 7872 13225 27676 5700 ,. 7430 11937 - 25067 -2609 C5 DOVPAY 5166 1720 1551 3009 6280 2000 1965 4893 8858 2579 0ULUTH 8927253 1833980 4247932 3326120 9408032 1768150 4462388 3718906 9949444 541412 DUNCNT 11137 3420 4326 7844 15590 3250 4479 8521 16250 660 C5 DUNDAS 18083 8760' 6254 12810 27824 7050 5484 9980 22514 -5309 DUNDEE 4309 2660 2049 _ 12400 17109 2650 _ 2224 14804 19678 2569 DONNELL 15876 4400 7406 7776 - 19583 4750 8712 10902 - 24363 4781 0 EAGAN 3453E0 471900 360725 388600 '1221126 341200 284245 244475 869920 -351206 EAGLE DEED T48 11800 36160 30458 78417 12550 41903 41443 -41856 17479 EAGLE LAKE 56953 29140 67036 73777 169953 24250 60785 61460 14E455 -23458 O FAST BFTNEL 115132 137200 64354 212009 413563 97750 49958 129452 277159 .436403 EAST GRANO FOFKS 6519E8 1E8720 _ 2.96083 _270181 734984 151250 _ 289206 261180 701637 -33347 FAST GULL LAKE 13867 11300 1225 + . 3565 16490 " 10450 _ 1235 4079 157E4 -727 O EASTON 21173 548.0 9388 7282 22149 5300 9893 8193 23386 1237 ECHO 39022 6760 25035 14E81 46476 7600 30667 22321 60588 14113 EDFN PRAIRIE 439042 362400 264502 183866 810768 269150 214043 121995 605188 -205580 0 EDFN VALLEY 83993 15380 27958 30586 73924 15050 29809 35230 80089 6165 EDGERTON 5E349 23000 42273 44625 _ 103898 21350 _ 42756 46253 1103E0 462 ^ EDINA 983844 907400 - 447196 -486277 1840873 898050 482242 572948 1953240 .112367 O FFFIE 2100 2940 0 7436 10376 2250 0 5239 7489 -2887 EITZFN 5225 4240 2375 5687 12303 4850 2961 8951 16762 4459 ELBA 2278 3920 1900 13132 18952 3350 1769 11536 1E655 -2296 • E190H LAKE 126001 27180 62970 46213 136363 29050 73333 63502 165885 29521 ELGIN 37689 13300 17105 24519 54925 12450 17447 25845 55741 817 FLIIABFTH 11512 4080 5764 21501 31344 3600 5541 20136 29277 -2067 O ELK RIVER 225818 137340 10E382 161E02 405924 105400 88569 113495 307464 -98460 ELK0 5757 5600 4246 9218 19065 4000 3305 5658 129E3 -6102 ELKTON 6915 2740 4605 3650 10996 2500 4578 3656 10734 -262 • ELLENDALE 45852 10660 12971 21044 44675 11150 14783 27694 53627 8952 0 ELISWCRTH 51095 12100 25496 33028 70623 11550 26517 36199 742E6 3E43 ELMDALE 1516 2540 ' 178 4305 7022 1900 145 2897 4942 -2080 • ELMCFE 58027 17860 37051 44305 99216 17850 40348 53235 111433 12217 ELFOSA 3485 4360 6634 7666 13650 3550 5895 6114 15549 -3111 ELY 443292 92660 162437 226664 481761 98900 188910 310613 598423 116661 • EIYSIAN 56641 8840 19314 25029 53183 5650 20592 28827 58069 4886 EMILY 11549 11160 S869 _ 8139 29168 '11900 11466 11132 34499 5330 EMHCNS 45607 9420 14430 18743 42593 9100 15189 21040 45329 2736 • ERHARD 7133 3120 2727 17387 23934 3600 2800 18575 24975 1041 ERSKINE 24377 11520 10433 27464 49386 12600 12397 39521 64518 15132 EVAN 2044 1760 668 2241 4669 1800 744 2819 5363 695 • EVANSVILLE 56156 11640 18217 27858 57715 10650 18161 28052 56863 -852 EVELETH 462544 101240 304317 226431 . 631988 103150 337838 282747 ' 723735 91747 • O 0 O C' CD O C N NAME CD O 21CONT.) 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • EXCELSIOP EYOTA FAIFFAx FAIRMONT FALCON HEIGHTS FAPIRAULT FAPNINGTCN FAFWELL FEDERAL DAM FELTON FEPGUS FALLS FEPTILF FIFTY LAKES FINLAYSCN FISHER FLE.NSEIIPG FLOCOW000 FLORENCE FOLEY FOCADA FOREST LAKE FOcESTON FORT PIPLEY FOSSTCN FCUNTAIN FOXHOVE FRANKLIN FFANKLIN FRATEE FPEFP0RN FPF.FPCRT FPI OIEY FROST FULDA FUNKLEV GAFFIELO GARISON GAP VIN GAR Y GAYLCPO GEM LAKE GFNEVA GENCLA GEORGETOWN GHE NT GIBBON GILE'EPT GILNAN GLENCOE GLENVILLE 1981 BASE PER CAPITA HILL RATE AID AI0 X POP AI0 AV PER CAP A10 TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AID HILL RATE X HH AI0 AV PER HH AID PAGE 6 TOTAL AIO NET EFFECT HP BAST_ CHNG TO HH 1570E9 49400 50906 43406 143712 57450 64506 70617 192572 48860 44147 25280 33321 49906 108507 20300 29154 38710 88164 -20343 100703 27620 46288 49190 123099 28900 52773 64782 146455 23357 880519 226940 218301 272599 717841 230750 241853 339012 811615 93774 177851 103400 75270 121681 300351 94700 75113 122775 292588 -7763 1606010 322080 571430 567312 1460822 291800 564092 560135 1416027 -44794 251978 88200 103616 103500 295316 75550 96707 91348 263605 -31711 12022 1500 3521 6809 11930 1450 3709 7654 12813 982 2793 2240 800 4936 7976 2050 798 4973 7821 -155 16252 5200 8773 14513 28486 4600 8456 13662 26717 -1769 1458899 251840 351121 344344 947306 234300 355935 358522 948757 1451 47777 17260 34844 48715 100819 18300 40253 65874 124427 23608 4610 5740' 3206 2773 11719 5300 3226 2843 113E9 -350 13959 4240 2433 6950 13623 4600 2876 9840 _ 17316 3693 12395 9140 9729 25763 44632 7450 8641 20590 36680 -7952 10408 5020 3490 9291 17802 4450 3371 8783 16604 -1198 51956 13180 34846 35623 83648 13850 39898 47318 101066 17417 5158 1100 3298 4723 9121 1300 4247 7935 13482 4361 161904 32580 52005 67516 152101 27400 47656 57442 132498 -19603 2754 3760 931 6184 10875 3350 904 5905 _ 10159 -716 314045 95490 91419 96391 283210 87600 .91466 97763 276829 -6381 17607 5488 4889 10082 20452 5150 5006 10711 20868 416 855 1620 326 2748 4694 1450 318 2648 4416 -278 146042 31640 59766 76819 168225 31650 65142 92463 189255 21030 9225 6900 4364 12889 24153 6350 4376 13130 23857 -296 6974 3360 3294 15722 22376 3000 3205 _ 15076 21281 -1095 58229 9860 33293 26231 69384 10200 37527 33767 81493 12110 ?513 520 460 207 1187 600 579 331 1510 323 748E9 25880 30675 74998 131553 22800 29446 70020 122265 -9288 15885 6660 5454 14293 26408 5900 5265 13493 24658 -1750 31223 10920 23010 23306 57236 10050 23074 23746 56870 -366 14892E7 598400 422049 526920 1547369 520800 400228 480100 1401128-146241 26228 5580 12329 11891 29800 5700 13723 14925 34348 4548 117965 26580 50599 58242 135421 25550 52996 64735 143281 7860 244 380 0 763 1143 350 0 779 1129 -14 5198 5660 2449 12904 21012 5550 2616 14925 23091 2078 10507 3360 2183 3177 8720 3400 2407 3914 9720 1000 1'776 3480 13540 15526 32546 3750 15898 21686 41334 8788 30363 4620 17618 15370 37608 4500 18698 17541 40738 3130 185100 38380 68436 67175 173691 35750 70005 71219 17E974 3283 4473 8000 2095 4127 14221 5900 1683 2700 10283 -3938 20344 8400 11303 16056 35758 7750 11362 16440 35552 -206 1268 1540 177 1666 3484 1250 147 1164 2562 -922 4228 2500 2124 5067 9691 2350 2175 5336 9911 220 19442 7100 11073 17624 35797 6400 10876 17225 34501 -1296 58283 16180' 36427 31201 83808 17150 42070 42167 101386 17579 0 324901 54340 155507 137895 347742 51850 161675 151020 364546 16804 1884 3480 493 6445 10418 2950 456 5571 8976 -1442 270695 87940 71225 125786 284951 83550 73733 136578 293861 8909 0 33695 15440 8225 32700 56366 14450 8388 34453 57290 925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • • • 0 0 • 0 • NAME 21CONT.) GLENW000 GLYNDCN GOLCEN VALLEY GCNVICK GOOD THUNDER 0000HUE 000CFIDGF GOODVIEW GFACFVILLE GRANADA GPANO MAFAIS GRANO MEADOW GF.AND QAfIOS GRANITE FALLS GRA SSTON GREEN ISLE GREE*'DUSH GFEENFIEIC GREENWOOD GREENWOOD GREY EAGLE GROVE CITY GFYGLA GULLY HACKENSACK HAD LEY HALIOCK HALMA HALSTAD HAN LAKE HAMSUPG HAMMOND HAMPTON HANCOCK HANLEY FALLS HANCVER HANSKA HARDING HAD CWICK HARNCNY HAPRIS HAPTLAND HASTINGS HATFIELD HANLEY HAYFIELD HAYWAPD HAZEL RUN HECTOR HEIDELBERG 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID AID AID X POP AI0 CAP AI0 POP BASIS PER HH AI0 MILL RATE X HH AID AV PER HH AI0 PAGE 7 TOTAL AI0 NET EFFECT HM BASIS CHNG TO HH 0 0 2567E3 48720 91424 85885 226029 51650 105606 116110 273366 47337 0 46489 17480 45344 52740 115564 14250 40277 42162 96689 -18875 1135E44 447600 347242 273465 -1068307 • •379850 321085 236)05 937839 1304E7 28379 7180 13467 17577 38225 7500 15328 23071 45858 7674 0 27921 11260 19857 23030 54148 10750 20656 25250 5E657 2509 46523 13040 24187 22403 59630 11900 24050 22443 58393 -1237 16934 3520 3614 21278 28412 3500 3915 25305 32720 4309 0 90306 52680 75943 81E25 210248 43)00 68956 68185 181041 -29207 60552 15120 67639 51611 134370 14750 71896 59081 145727 11357 29973 7460 9166 23033 33659 7250 9706 26168 43124 3465 0 138725 27820 32621 41494 101935 26800 34240 46320 1073E0 5426 63060 18280 57766 38445 114491 17400 59911 41900 119211 4721 595847 1E3680 241609 175903 581192 210300 338237 349292 897829 316638 0 233308 68040 112071 107766 287877 66950 120156 125512 312617 24740 9272 2520 1886 6807 11213 2200 1794 6240 10235 -978 251E1 6680 12492 11752 30924 6600 13449 13800 33849 2924 0 107770 16060 13420 41863 71343 14700 13384 42189 70273 -1070 20831 28400 17873 29705 75978 20100 13783 17898 51781 -24197 4985 5340 3231 9878 18449 4000 2637 6667 13304 -5145 0 20335 13200 12874 7784 33858 11700 _ 12433 7357 31430 -2368 33455 6920 11769 19109 37798 7150 13249 - 24540 44939 7141 61891 11920 28934 38638 79552 11700 31009 44778 87487 7934 0 20911 4180 6513 12763 23457 4400 747C 17011 28882 5425 3833 2340 2402 6890 11632 2600 2908 10231 15740 4108 9312 5540 4704 5771 16015 6300 5829 8977 21106 5091 0 2840 2760 718 7553 11030 2300 652 6309 92E1 -1770 146911 27980 84599 67116 179695 , 27900 91915 80273 200088 20393 2831 1820 1972 6850 10642 1900 2243 8981 13123 2481 0 46870 13480 33349 35273 82102 13300 35851 41305 90456 8354 155344 1E3300 96016 251871 510888 111300 71436 141261 323957 -186891 23933 9600 10429 15614 35643 8650 10239 15249 34137 -1505 CO 5295 3360 4613 10819 18792 3650 5460 15358 244E8 5676 13978 6000 4006 6897 16903 5050 3674 5877 14601 -2302 38355 17280 47672 44636 109587 16250 48847 47482 112579 2991 0 20013 5260 20122 12519 37901 5850 24384 18626 48861 10960 131E6 13200 12392 18463 4+056 9700 9923 11993 31616 -12440 32910 8200 14252 13459 35911 8800 16665 18645 44110 8200 Q 1556 1580 158 2830 4868 2050' 187 4048 6285 1417 18326 5500 4377 11811 21688 5200 4509 12699 22408 721 108193 22020 45146 34800 101966 23450 52386 47475 123310 21344 0 15708 14000 8853 19816 42670 10900 7511 14449 328E0 -9810 29344 6430 8860 10716 26056 6800 10131 14194 31125 5069 25.58E10 302921 325E37 884358 210050 . 271030 264123 745203-139155 0 9o122222 1780 0 1748 3528 1500 0 1493 —29 -535 85397 31980 42354 81240 155574 30600 44158 89472 164229 8655 84837 25660 55447 46992 128039 22700 53445 44237 120383 -7716 11 20658 5820 5945 8287 20052 5800 6456 9900 22156 2103 52E4 1820 1247 4007 7074 1650 1232 3962 6844 -231 93573 24020 47765 37535 109721 25750 55793 52442 133986 24265 11 918 2040 763 5504 8307 1550 632 3822 6004 -2303 O . 0 O co O 0 PAGE 0 Ca C=D NAME CD O 2(CONT.1 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AID AID X POP AID AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AID MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT X HH AID HH AID HH BASIS CHNG TO HH 0 0 O HENOEPSON 80489 14280 40996 50562 105838 14500 45357 62709 122566 16729 CO HENDRICKS 74873 14740 35848 __ 38833__ 89421 17100 45314 62868 125281 35860 HENDFUM 21119 7040 13544 21092 41676 6450 13521 21297 412E7 -408 O HENNING 78433 16260 33585 42019 91864 18000 40510 61940 120451 28587 HENRIETTE 756 1240 847 4012 6100 1000 745 3139 4884 -1216 HERMAN 63522 12540 27424 29786 69750 12350 29428 34752 76530 6780 O HEPMANTOWN 26'552 120520 1210E2 147062 388643 102850 112568 128830 344249 -44394 i 0 HEFCN LAKE 62938 15140 32988 33660 81789 14750 35018 38431 88199 6410 HEWITT 11183 5880 21254 21113 48246 5750 22646 24286 - 52682 4435 O HIBBING 1865475 419780 451412 550304 1421496 393400 460947 581375 1435721 14226 CO HILL CITY 30816 10340 15938 12911 39189 10450 17550 15863 43863 4674 HILLMAN 1747 1080 477 3853 5409 800 385 2543 3728 -1E82 O HILLS 48858 12200 17673 26484 56357 10300 16258 22707 492E5 -7092 CO HILLTOP 44439 16400 9037 22340 47777 22650 13599 51258 87506 39730 HINCKLEY 89502 18320 26814 24840 70473 20200 31358 34422 85980 15507 O HITTEFDAL 23364 5060 14273 18221 37553 5250 16136 23594 44980 7427 HCFFNAN 51570 12880 12367 28212 53458 12400 12973 31454 56826 3368 HOKAh 73417 13000 43132 42662 98794 13050 47177 51713 111941 13147 O HOLDINGFCPD 57643 13060 42185 33160 88405 11200 39419 23335 79954 -8451 HOLLAND 19927 4800 7436 12766 25002 5450 9200 19796 34446 9444 HOLLANDALE 15586 5800 5749 6031 17580 5950 6426 7635 20011 2431 O HOLLOWAY 7313 2820 3556 5745 12121 3050 4191 8083 15324 3203 CO HOLT 5118 2480 2782 13172 18434 2150 2628 11909 16687 -1748 HOPKINS 843644 300800 279127 275190 855117 353050 356964 456014 1166028 310911 O HOUSTON 103475 20360 33347 51433 105640 21000 36579 62702 120281 14640 HOWARD LAKE 101215 24380 22234 _ 33571 80184 24450 24295 _ 40614 89360 9175 HOYT LAKES 186547 62720 79213 108741 250674 49100 67568 80163 196830 -53844 • HUGO 77693 76300 46250 89454 212504 54100 35499 53395 142994 -69510 HUHfOIOT 3775 2180 1807 5641 9628 1800 1626 4626 8052 -1576 HUTCHINSCN 618426 186320 394216 275664 855900 174800 403628 292801 871228 15329 0 IHLEN 7311 2640 3315 10009 15965 2500 3421 10797 16718 753 0 INDEPENDENCE 49365 53000 59182 52100 164282 39450 47998 34722 122170 -42111 INTL FALLS 633151 114340 204966 133870 458176 109550 213974 153343 476867 18691 Q INVEP GROVE HT 551332 352200 337417 419171 1108788 277550 289724 313129 880403 -228385 IONA 15331 4380 9587 16162 30729 4600 9649 16587 30836 107 IRON JUNCTION 3486 2580 630 5177 8387 2200 586 4528 7314 -1074 0 IRONTON 53095 10360 29104 23097 62561 10950 33517 31038 75505 12944 ISANTI 166351 18280 25677 30978 74935 15250 23340 25934 64524 -10411 ISLAND VIEW 19E7 2160 668 793 3621 1850 624 700 3173 -448 0 ISLE 581E1 11060 10159 12319 33538 12950 12961 20315 46226 12688 IVANHOE 71610 14920 28401 34664 77985 14800 30697 41029 86526 8541 JACKSCN 331E08 76480 205535 165193 447215 76350 223570 198043 497962 50748 Q JANESVILLE 123908 37560 104193 98076 233929 33850 ', 102043 95312 231204 -8724 JASPER 80155 14540 10898 29904 55342 15050 12291 38539 65880 10538 JEFFEPS 37457 8780 17870 23100 49750 9250 20513 30842 60605 10855 Q JENKINS 7473 4400 3371 10613 18390 3650 3047 8790 15487 -2903 0 JOHNSON 1409 1140 838 3505 5483 1036 830 3485 5351 -132 JORDAN 169709 55200 78436 100851 234488 44650 69130 79373 193153 -41335 o KANCIYOHI 19219 8920 14354 14872 38146 8550 14991 16436 39977 1831 KARLSTAD 61923 19180 40437 46784 106401 16850 38707 43434 98991 -7410 0 0 L.l7 Cn O N NAME CLD e 2(CONT.) • KASCTA KASSCN KEENATIN KELLIHER KELLOGG KENNEDY KFNNETH KENSINGTON KENT KENYON KERKHOVEN KEF RICK KETTLE RIVER KIEETER KILKENNY KIMSAII KINBRAE KINGSTCN KINNEY LA CRESCENT LA POR.TE LA PRAIRIE LA SALLE LAFAYETTE LAKE BENTON LAKE B?ONSON LAKE CITY LAKE CRYSTAL LAKE [INC LAKE HENRY LAKE LILLIAN LAKE PARK LAKF SHORE LAKE ST CROIX BE LAKE WILSON LAKEFIELC LAKELANC LAKELANC SHORE LAKEVILLE LANBERTON LANCASTEF LANOFALL LANESBORC LASTPUP LAUDEFDALE LE CENTER LE ROY LE SUEUR LENGBY LEONAPD 1931 !LASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AID AI0 X POP AI0 AV PER CAP AIO TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AI0 PAGE 9 MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT X HH AID HH AID HH BASIS CHNG TO HH 348S3 14420 9929 43866 68215 12400 9303 39018 60721 -7494 176677 54720 157854 109736 322310 49450 155432 107800 312682 -9628 167901 30200 154175 111133 295508 28250 157141 116975 3023E6 6859 13075 6620 4732 23722 35074 6150 4790 24627 35567 493 225E8 8340 11662 19890 39892 7750 11808 20660 40218 326 19072 7940 17878 19405 45223 7850 19259 22816 49925 4702 5933 1940 2061 3265 7266 1500 1736 2348 5585 -1682 16670 6580 12812 _ 20976 40367 6650 14108 25772 46529 6162 9584 2480 4252 10067 16799 2100 3924 8683 14706 -2093 100359 30520 58068 48390 136977 31700 65717 62796 160212 23235 59275 15300 32525 38077 85902 14700 34050 42280 91030 5128 2896 1500 635 4976 7212 1300 562 3952 5814 -1398 13651 3380 8158 5767 17305 3800 9934 8768 225E2 5257 62854 13580 31577 32477 77634 14900 37751 47030 99681 22047 15568 3460 10887 14382 28729 3700 12685 19783 361E9 7440 20434 12680 17381 25952 56013 11700 17474 26578 55753 -260 784 300 325 1234 2359 550 243 701 1495 -864 17E6 2720 1267 7659 11647 3000 1523 11208 15731 4084 21555 9160 37338 15464 61963 8327 36985 15374 60686 -1277 163642 73440 80212 145321 298973 _ 64650 76938 135465 277053 -21920 5,271 3060 360 8308 11728 3050 391 9929 13370 1641 26033 10360 18785 16625 45770 9418 18607 16527 44553 -1217 3840 2220 10E5 2081 5366 2250 1176 2572 5398 631 44420 9860 13666 16847 40374 9400 14196 18419 42015 1641 83747 17020 60207 39095 116322 18100 69764 53185 141049 24727 24345 6080 16811 18689 41580 6900 20787 28954 5E641 15061 310075 89100 148516 129535 367552 88550 160824 154375 403749 36197 106744 40480 103430 84852 228762 40050 111500 99911 2514E1 22699 1205E3 108800 55479 112939 277218 84350 46865 81655 212871 -64348 2092 1860 1902 4690 8452 1450 1615 3429 6454 -1958 21314 6480 12667 15276 34423 6650 14164 19352 401E6 5743 52453 14940 9719 36686 61345 13900 9852 38199 61952 607 16766 11340 6398 5196 23434 11600 6830 6000 24430 995 22558 23400 7889 35325 66615 19850 7292 30578 57720 -8895 24812 7060 14055 17003 38119 7700 16703 24329 48732 10614 215E14 36140 115160 73985 225285 39150 135929 104438 279517 54232 252E1 37200 13742 43526 94468 27500 11069 28612 67181 -27286 II 1739 3400 1547 2834 7781 3250 1612 3114 7976 195 465379 307690 276854 372808 957261 216850 212661 222874 E523d5 -304876 77551 20760 52983 49161 122904 21000 58398 60511 139908 17004 II 32191 7540 12454 25249 45243 8650 15568 39973 64190 18947 20916 13400 •0 10753 24153 15500 0 17306 32806 8654 83164 18000 43007 43223 104230 19250 ' 50114 59464 128829 24599 41 3365 3060 11E6 8517 12743 2400 997 6302 9699 -3044 52195 40400 25226 43621 109247 40450 27520 52602 120571 11325 124498 33740 94646 75052 208438 37050 98627 82575 218252 9814 II 50273 18600 35041 35714 89355 20350 41773 51424 113547 24192 294318 74940 92769 109189 276898 69700 94013 113618 277330 432 11323 2420 6327 8543 17290 2450 6979 10532 19962 2672 II 1324 940 431 2626 3997 1000 499 3575 5074 1078 e 0 0 0CZ) C= N NAME CO cr e 2(CONT.) PAGE 10 1981 RASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 PER HH MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT AID AID X POP AID CAP AID POP BASIS AID .X HH AID HH AID FIN BASIS CMNG TO HH j 0 0 0 II LEONIDAS 26970 1740 6201 3381 11322 1500 5824 3022 10347 -975 0 LESTER PRAIRIE 78407 24660 43268 42203 110130 _ 21100 40338 37166 98605 -11526 LEWISTON 58143 23980 22253 37608 83842 22950 23205 41436 57592 3750 II LEWISVILLE 15813 5280 7933 9790 23003 6350 10395 17034 33779 10776 LEX:NGTON 110593 43000 30989 74147 148136 37300 29289 67113 133702 -14434 LILYDALE 7766 8400 2764 2646 13810 11100 3980 5558 20638 6828 0 LINDST40H 117761 40340 31932 58093 130564 42200 36218 75719 154137 23572 0 LINC LAKES 167742 109200 122253 151757 383210 69400 84657 73731 227788 -155422 LISMOPF 27149 5640 18128 21675 45443 5050 17686 20903 43639 -1804 O LITCHFIELD 4233C4 118720 1329E8 190471 442659 114150 139304 212374 465828 23168 A LITTLE CANADA 236675 144200 163390 142437 450027 146800 181239 177572 505610 55583 LITTLE FALLS 775692 139180 177039 250870 567089 134450 186345 281608 602403 35314 ID LITTLEFCGK 52E95 18400 27637 65269 111306 16550 27085 63518 107153 -4153 O LONG BEACH 2925 5040 1311 6293 12644 5750 1630 9853 17233 4589 LONG LAKE 74538 36400 58732 36338 131470 29300 51512 2E322 109133 -22336 II LONG PRAIRIE 249282 58760 71137 113262 243153 55450 73145 121325 249920 6761 0 1ONr,vILLE 6517 3900 4314 2974 11188 4200 5052 4149 13411 2223 LONSDALE 31845 24460 56693 49553 130707 19500 49247 37884 106631 -24076 ID LOPETTO 23150 6000 3391 6107 15498 5450 3356 6061 14868 -631 0 LCUISeURG 2531 1020 442 1289 2751 _ 1300 613 2519 4432 1681 LOWY 24849 5700 15899 14790 36389 5250 15955 15093 36298 -91 ID LUCAN 23577 5260 14636 13912 33809 5400 16372 17638 39410 5601 O LUVEFNF. 395021 93300 90699 171562 355561 94550 100149 211938 40E637 51076 LYLE 36601 11420 26773 33986 72179 10600 27077 35222 72893 720 ID LYND 23767 6060 13102 20279 39442 5400 12721 19370 37491 -1950 0 M85E1 86478 17040 40412 32763 _ 90215 17400 44963 41093 103456 13241 MADELIA 167039 41100 61748 72413 175260 42050 68835 91178 2020E3 26803 II MADISON LAKE 35304 11220 19233 29862 60315 9900 18491 27966 56357 -3958 S MADISCN 218270 42780 82644 81207 206632 44700 94090 106649 245440 38808 MAGNOLIA 5217 4840 2807 7199 14847 4300 2718 6835 13853 -994 ID MAHPOMFN 148064 26220 33113 54637 113970 25700 35364 63142 124206 10236 0 MAHTOMEOI 159518 78000 _ 54590 85037 217627 61950 47242 64525 173717 -43910 MANCHESTFR 43E2 1920 1274 6590 9784 1750 1265 6586 9601 -183 0 MANHATTAN REACH 673 1200 0 700 1900 1300 0 989 2289 388 II MANKATO 2876521 569780 1279337 836406 2685522 498450 1219452 769970 2487872 -197651 MANT04VILLE 72224 14360 29198 24753 68311 12350 27361 22023 ' 61734 -6577 , MAPLE GROVE 50E814 453600 466699 477648 1397947 311950 349715 271744 933409 -464538 0 MAPLE LAKE 8E992 22520 24773 33308 80900 20250 23952 31549 75752 -5149 MAPLE PLAIN 64296 28400 33665 26530 88595 23250 30029 21388 74668 -13927 II MAPLETOK 53217 30260 75700 59978 165937 27350 74550 58938 160838 -5099 0 MAPIEVIEH 40917 4840 14402 31843 51085 4950 16049 40065 61064 9979 MAPLEWOOD 1111972 543900 421962 370725 1336497 440300 372261 292347 1104909 -231578 II 11A48LE 55470 15040 59434 20255 34729 13673 58872 20136 92681 -2048 0 MARIETTA 40510 5420 14762 21212 41393 5650 16767 27727 50144 8750 MARINE-01+-ST CRO 15301 10800 9670 8281 28752 10050 9805 8626 28481 -271 0 HARSHALL 679850 227080 252787 324E56 804522 190400 230944 274554 695858 -108624 0 MAYER 20027 7800 24289 13398 45457 7100 24090 13354 44544 -943 MAYNARD 63134 7960 23362 20400 51622 8300 26880 27364 62544 10922 Q MAZEPPA 311E1 13740 15227 30768 59735 13200 15939 34158 63298 3563 0 MCGRATH 908 1580 653 5907 8140 1400 631 5578 7609 -531 ,.,! 0 0 A fit V1` CC, . © N NAME CO e 2(CONT.) 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AI0 AID X POP AIO O MCGREGOR. 34409 MCINTOSH 54662 MCKINLEY 51820 • MEADOWLAIDS 4726 MEDFCRD 57304 MEDICINE LAKE 8819 • MEOINA 88153 MFIFE GPOVE 4338 MELROSE 248951 • MFNAHGA 96086 MENDOTA 8587 MENDCTA HEIGHTS 245553 • MENTCF 3111 MIOOIE RIVER 252E1 MIFSVILLE 3739 • MILACA 255053 MILAN 33556 MILLEPVILLE 1384 • MILLVILLE 4558 MILROY 141E9 MILTONA 61E7 • MINN CITY 5310 MINN LAKE 63146 MINNEAPCLIS 49133754 • MINNEISKA ` 1 MINNECTA 113585 MINNETONKA EEACH 36612 • MINNFTONKA 1794157 MINNETPISTA 167975 MIZPAH 1955 • MONTEVIDEO 513337 MONTGOMFFY 226239 MONTICELLO 132410 • MCNTFOSE 36252 MOORHEAD 1958082 MOOSE LAKE 7-211 • MORA 267021 MORGAN 101419 MOPFIS 513E20 • MOPPISTOWN 43750 MOPTON 49773 MOTLEY 34825 • MCIINO 308510 MOUNDS VIEW 504455 MOUMTAIN LAKE 184280 • MOIINTAIN IRON 77807 MURDOCK 28048 MYRTLE 2637 • NASHUA 1554 NASHMAUK 215659 • 8800 13900 4500 2660 15320 8400 52600 3400 48 220 19240 4400 147400 4260 7180 3600 40120 8380 2460 3540 4880 3520 5280 14580 725.4200 2600 29520 11400 785400 65200 2560 117360 46640 57500 15500 596640 27500 56360 21000 105800 12800 10380 8760 186800 250400 44020 83100 6680 1660 1760 29260 18378 29063 17168 8169 26471 1830 62926 834 91772 27842 6707 104715 4558 4454 464 41477 30243 233 2137 6262 2757 4603 27425 13432117 2045 48213 12210 630106 54392 954 242822 89161 84531 16834 988314 27530 45626 55521 237750 40443 17483 13042 192647 161795 92418 119491 12315 1437 443 159545 AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AI0 POP BASIS PER HH AID MILL RATE :X HH AID • AV PER NH AID PAGE 11 TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH EASIS CHNG TO HH 23144 50322 9050 20594 29444 59088 8766 44906 87869 11950 27224 39925 79099 -8770 16565 38233 4250 17667 17773 39690 1457 8466 19295 2900 9704 12105 24709 5413 32541 74832 13800 25160 29785 68745 -6087 6807 17038 8100 1923 7614 17637 600 38120 153646 38250 49858 24248 112356 -41290 8607 12891 3050 864 8331 12245 -645 95062 235154 41450 85777 84146 211373 -23781 48895 95977 19200 30274 58571 108045 12068 4620 15727 4000 6644 4593 15237 -491 98903 351019 110500 85534 66860 262895 -88124 13140 21998 4500 5292 17638 27430 5432 25161 36795 6800 4596 27148 38544 1748 3704 7769 2450 344 2064 4858 -2911 58984 140581 43000 48437 81504 172941 32360 28223 66546 9300 37928 44975 92203 25657 6557 9250 2150 222 6025 8397 -853 7220 12897 3400 2236 8011 13648 751 8663 19805 5550 7760 13479 26789 6984 6948 13525 4000 3145 9164 16309 2784 13911 23794 4450 4227 11886 20563 -3231 30597 72902 15050 30223 37651 82924 10022 7266670 27992987 8092900 16238138 10760109 35091148 7098160 4695 9340 2450 2.099 5015 9564 224 _ 68295 146128 28500 50546 76057 155103 8975 4585 28196 9350 10912 3710 23972 -4223 563661 1979167 633350 553645 440912 1627907 -351259 45661 165254 48700 44267 30644 123611 -41643 15E98 13211 1950 792 10956 13698 -5514 264375 625153 118600 266014 321476 706090 80932 77797 213597 45700 95191 89847 230738 17141 25257 167338 47900 76773 21083 145736 -21582 49322 81656 12550 14851 38895 66296 •15360 1178658 2763612 490200 884751 957057 2332008-431604 40798 95828 26250 28633 44715 99598 3771 77240 179226 60000 52924 105301 218226 39999 42208 118729 19600 56462 44228 120230 1561 223721 567271 95400 233587 218807 547794 -19478 31371 84613 12000 41312 33166 86478 1865 28221 56084 10800 19820 36750 67370 11286 19268 41070 8350 , 14357 23656 46862 5793 206E94 58E340 169200 190130 204184 563514 -22826 40 356399 768594 212400 149537 308465 670402 ...98192 81734 218171 46500 106371 109707 262578 44407 120801 323392 73450 115078 113522 302050 -21342 40 15820 34815 6400 12856 17468 36724 1909 3415 6512 1950 1839 5668 9458 2946 1718 3921 1650 453 1816 3918 -2 40 86000 274805 26600 158036 85495 270131 -4674 Q • • INN 0 PAGE 12 0000 co O N NAME GD mmr O 21CONT.1 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AI0 AID X POP AID AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AID MILL RATE X HH AID AV PER HH AID TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH BASIS CHNG TO HH. e NASSAU 3163 2240 1650 4902 8791 2550 2046 7641 12237 3446 NELSON 4854 4160 1681 10010 15851 3400 1497 8043 12940 -2911 NFFSTPANO 13E34 5160 7270 7673 20103 4500 6908 7020 18428 -1675 e NEVIS 40000 6040 7236 10E63 23939 7150 9333 17974 34457 10518 NEW AU9UFN 15692 6460 10538 20762 37760 6450 11464 24897 42812 5052 NEW DRIGHTON 708294 464400 238908 525749 1229057 386950 216900 439068 1042918 -186139 O NEN GERNANY 12324 7200 8183 14347 29730 6500 8049 14066 28615 -1115 NEW HOPE. 937993 457600 313738 478973 1250316 381350 284895 400147 1066382-183934 NEW LCNDCN 59367 16700 18018 33652 68370 14850 17457 32008 64316 -4054 • NEW HAPKET 10226 6000 3765 10458 20222 4950 3384 8562 16896 -3326 NEW ML'NICH 17528 5840 6412 14735 26986 4950 5921 12734 23605 -3381 NEW PRAGUE 189711 6070G 6E367 88328 215395 54300 64689 85025 204014 -11381 O. NEW RICHLAND 63411 25520 48965 53216 127701 24100 50383 57088 131571 3870 NEW TPIER 31E3 2400 750 4982 . 8142 1550 535 2500 _ 4584 -3557 NEW Ulm 1085849 274020 485387 429528 1188935 246900 476532 - 419467 1142899 -46036 • NEN YCRK MILLS 130256 19300 54639 41516 116055 19750 59086 49189 128025 11970 NEWFOLOFN 31776 7520 21623 23306 52449 8050 25221 32126 65397 12947 NEWFORT 230907 66400 67917 64690 199007 57650 64250 58658 180559 -18449 • NICOLLET 48039 14420 19715 27062 61196 12600 18770 24854 56224 -4973 NIFLSVILLE 9257 2840 4990 _ 10818 18648 3000 5743 14521 23263 4616 NIMR00 834 134b 871 3340 5551 1500 1062 5035 7557 2046 O NISSWA 23059 28120 17140 18043 63303 25850 17168 18341 61359 -1944 NO DPANCH 108990 31000 27111 52252 110363 32750 31208 70150 134109 23745 NO MANKATO 723330 184960 306951 297362 789273 162900 294563 277460 734923 -54351 • NO OAKS 41221 57800 26391 27721 111911 40500 20148 16371 77020 -34891 NO PFOWOCD 2238 4000 3156 _ 7157 14312 3350 2880 6038 122E8 -2044 NO ST PAUL 481126 238000 172706 324114 734820 199000 157344 272570 628914 -105906 41 NOFCFCSS 11486 2620 5476 6617 14713 2650 6035 8143 16828 2115 NORTHF:Etc 713602 256920 445900 538716 1241436 158500 299850 246825 705175 -536262 NU-THOME 18571 6260 15044 17679 38983 6000 15711 19536 41247 2264 41 NOFTHPOP 80E4 5260 7876 8181 21317 4700 7668 7857 20225 -1092 N0FW000 69859 24630 26028 41440 92067 22100 25477 40231 87808 -4259 OAK PA°K HEIGHTS 78071 54600 38178 23113 115892 47750 36380 21264 105354 -10497 41 OAKCALE 489855 252400 169017 327835 749252 ; 200200 146074 248103 594377-154875 ODESSA 25854 3400 15634 15218 34251 3050 15281 14730 33061 -1190 OOIN 6220 2480 3067. 3802 9349 2950 3975 6470 13395 4047 4111 0GEP.A 12318 4560 14962 19537 39059 4100 14658 18999 37757 -1302 OGILVIE 50017 8100 15040 23338 46478 7900 15983 26704 50587 4109 OKA9ENA 13944 5220 18798 13972 37980 4800 18824 14211 37835 -145 410 OKLEF 39520 10720 21022 24493 56235 11300 24145 32736 68182 11947 OLIVIA 223777 55720 83336 95347 234403 52450 85473 101626 239550 5146 ONAMIA 38311 14320 17604 32865 64789 12700 17011 31095 60806 -3983 0 ORMSBY 5558 35J0 2235 5386 11171 3550 2525 6665 12741 1570 OPONO 223146 136400 80614 74073 291086 114550 73766 62842 251157 -39929 OPONCCO 35377 11320 8377 16175 35873 10700 8628 17384 36712 840 Q ORP 32618 5780 8433 10079 24291 6700 10651 16290 33641 9349 ORTONVILLE 2281E0 51120 187837 119284 358241 46473 186060 118584 351116 -7124 OSAKIS 127318 27660 52410 59078 139143 27150 56053 68469 151671 12523 Q OSLO 44109 7540 34093 14346 55969 7300 35935 16176 59430 3461 OSSEC 99273 58000 53415 67222 178638 50750 50926 61909 163585 -15052 0 o e PAGE 13 CO O O • O N NAME 1991 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID PER HH MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 NET EFFECT. 0 CD AID AID X POP AI0 CAP AID POP BASIS AID 'X HH AI0 HH AIO HH BASIS CHNG TO HH mt' 0 2(CONT.) O OST;ANDEF 11724 5040 OTTEFTAIL 5208 5100 OWATONNA 1330170 381120 0 PALISADE 1872 2960 PARK PAFIDS 275675 57520 PAPKERS PPA'_RIE 60262 18900 0 PAYNFSVILLF 137852 43560 PEASE 7011 3600 PELICAN PAPIOS - 121015 - -- 36880 0 PEMPERTON 7717 4100 PENNCCK 30917 8600 PEQUOT LAKES 52334 12900 0 PFRHAM 133128 43100 PEPLFY 5153 2500 PETERSON 9444 5920 0 PIFP7 53545 20340 PILLAGED 10770 6960 PINE CITY 189620 48220 0 PINE ISLAND 123453 37600 PINE FIVER 85624 17990 PINE SPRINGS 3004 5600 0 PIPFSTOKE 436513 96700 PLAINVIEW 133396 47100 PLATO 15171 7760 0 PLEASANT LAKE 841 2380 PLUI'MF4 20213 7220 PLYMOUTH 581015 678400 0 PORTER 19564 4360 PRESTON 133037 30260 PFINCETON 203480 64120 0 PFINSDUF.G 45527 10980 PFICR LAKE 227953 151200 PROCTOR 143926 64620 0 QUAMPA 1852 2300 RACINE 8116 5960 RAMSEY 155472 210200 0 RANDALL 22815 11000 RANCOIPH 7121 7000 PANIEF 11073 4540 0 RAYKOND 47810 15020 RED LAKE FALLS 159335 33280 RED WING 946317 273920 0 REDWOOD FALLS 354722 101420 REGAL 686 1300 REMER 28078 7680 0 PENVILLE 136049 30160 REVEPE 10500 3140 RICE 14021 10000 0 RICHFIELD 2427892 744500 RICHMOND 60379 18520 0 5690 2614 553198 2216 50854 36210 56755 999 36860 6963 15738 15616 60745 1929 3845 12572 13163 33512 63116 32343 513 125993 69363 6297 392 13602 497755 6429 80116 76653 18858 144217 115420 759 6265 155765 8587 4534 3232 24371 914C1 468142 138570 159 5698 45734 5007 9253 700673 20484 7257 17987 5150 4458 12172 4750 531098 1465416 337300 8550 13726 3400 81648 190023 60750 48427 103537 19050 83534 184249 39250 6865 _ 11464 _ 3300 "` 70197 143937 38550 7637 18301 3000 16338 40675 7150 14938 43454 14150 71812 175658 40900 5021 9450 2400 12111 21776 5450 34028 66940 19650 23759 43882 7150 68140 149872 50650 57469 158186 34500 33323 83566 17350 4071 10185 3850 181164 * 403857 100250 75607 192069 42450 14383 28439 6400 5321 8093 2150 12699 33521 6200 538945 1715101 524550 11467 22255 4400 54630 165006 29100 89240 230022 60950 16682 46531 9350 162361 457777 115b50 129339 309378 58500 6248 9307 2300 9956 22181 5000 321142 687107 133000 26925 46513 10150 12089 23623 5500 10074 17916 3300 34603 73994 14500 97648 222328 31100 154427 896463 259250 138846 378835 99800 1971 3430 1050 15964 29342 8400 64331 140225 28550 5595 13742 2850 14146 33399 7850 848831 2294104 762900 38514 77518 14350 6335 2653 533458 2774 58522 39768 55721 998 41932 5233 14257 18663 62809 2018 3923 13233 14734 38355 63101 34158 385 142321 68116 5659 385 12727 419355 7069 83948 79402 17507 120192 113850 827 5727 107387 8634 3881 2857 25636 93066 482767 148574 140 6791 47171 4952 7914 782213 17294 9114 4651 500 394 13569 109554 59181 81973 20599 12054 1371152 19743 228827 117998 17E944 6939 11237 92260 172791 4919 13151 13584 34991 21620 • 54434 77789 181438 _ 5566 _ 9984 12775 22148 38203 710d6 30161 52045 90435 179440 58200 155602 37658 89167 2315 6550 234216 476707 73876 184441 11768 23827 5224 7759 11264 30191 387592 1331498 14048 25516 60773 173821 96994 237346 14551 41408 114261 350102 127507 299857 7516 10643 8429 19156 154655 395042 27576 46360 8978 18359 8127 14785 38792 78927 102575 226741 166396 908413 161724 410098 1547 2737 22972 38162 69342 145064 5544 13346 10486 26250 1071861 2616974 27814 59458 2E13 -118 •94264 6017 38804 14461 - 7305 -227 28854 •9149 -5685 10980 5841 534 372 4146 8163 29567 -2384 5601 -3635 72930 - 7628 -4613 -334 -3330 - 383603 3261 8814 7324 - 5122 - 107675 -9521 1336 - 3026 -292065 -153 - 5264 -3131 4933 4413 11924 31262 -693 8821 4 83 9 -396 -7149 322871 -18060 0 n O 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 O • 0 0 0 0 PAGE 14 o� o 0 e N NAME 1981 SASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 PER HH MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL A10 NET EFFECT' 0 LID AI0 AI0 X POP A10 CAP AIO POP BASIS AID X HH AID HH AID HH BA5I5 CHNG TO HH Gar e 2(CONT.) 0 0 RICHVIILE 2046 2640 831 10299 13770 1950 .669 6759 9378 -4392 CO RIVERTON 9742 2300 2649 2976 7926 2091 2624 2959 7674 -252 RODDINSCALE 855435 280500 392364 344832 1017796 285250 434603 428658 1148511 130715 e R0CF•ESTER 4347933 1158900 1332640 1096013 3587554 1098000 1375734 1183469 3657203 69650 CO ROCK CREEK 20818 17980 5870 23247 47097 14100 5016 17197 36313 -10784 ROCKFORD 107475 46540 37541 122298 206378 40250 35376 110034 185660 -20719 e ' ROCKVILLE 18916 12740 11924 27753 52417 9700 9892 19353 38945 -13472 CO ROGEFS 22828 13200 12341 10567 36109 10500 10697 8043 29240 -6869 ROLLINGSTONE 29047 10500 21736 21220 53456 7800 17593 14086 39479 -13577 e RONNEBY 757 1140 0 4583 5723 950 0 3828 4778 -945 0 ROOSEVELT 3414 2568 941 10E44 14145 2250 901 9891 13042 -1103 ROSCOF 2525 2940 2557 8254 13751 2350 2227 6344 10920 -2830 • ROSE CREEK 30042 6960 20282 16878 44119 7100 22543 21127 50770 6651 0 ROSEAU 144805 45860 32612 70986 149458 44650 34596 80942 160188 10731 ROSEMOUNT 1943E7 107400 97580 91559 296940 72800 72070 50825 195695-101244 e ROSEVILLE 9224E7 711400 437670 530731 1679801 643800 431568 522850 1598218 -81583 0 ROTHSAY 27151 9200 9386 18986 37572 10150 11283 27798 49231 11659 ROUND LAKE 14203 10120 12730 19339 42189 9550 13089 20716 43355 1166 e ROYALTON 231E5 12900 14878 25429 53206 13000 16336 31064 60401 7194 0 RUSH CITY 119003 23240 30786 29846 83871 23850 34424 37810 96085 12214 RUSHFORD 79519 31100 48348 51E42 131090 29400 49800 55514 134714 3624 0 RUSHFCRD VILLAGE 10229 14080 13132 13455 41367 11200 11988 10241 33430 -7938 e RUSHMORE 23652 8020 13853 20884 42757 8100 15245 25624 48970 6213 RUSSELL 45411 8200 15171 22747 46118 8500 17135 29401 55036 8918 e RUTHTCN 22577 6900 13702 21738 42340 7450 16120 30483 54053 11713 e RUTLEDGE 1648 3340 828 12416 17084 3491 820 12343 1E654 -430 SADIN 12045 8940 13972 22494 45406 7000 11920 16589 35509 -9897 e SACRED HEART 79119 13120 27257 32618 72995 13500 30559 41542 85601 12606. e SANBORN 32714 10120 20294 16762 47177 10200 22287 20483 52971 5794 SANDSTONE 164327 32400 46590 103653 182643 23900 37447 67845 129192 -53452 e SAPGEANT 2470 1360 1073 2072 5025 1650 1026 1320 4556 -429 e SARTELL 177301 97420 112547 181320 391287 53500 67345 65779 186624 -204663 SAUK CENTRE 327856 73520 111617 123884 309021 67100 110998 124130 30222E -6793 O SAUK PAPIDS 440097 118780 172751 241854 533385 97150 153952 194617 445719 -87666 41 SAVAGF 118431 85900 98086 75542 251428 61700 76855 46991 185546 -73883 SCANLON 120290 21220 53096 49361 123676 17650 48120 41078 106848 -16829 Q SEAFCRTH 7553 1820 2213 2883 6916 1800 2385 3392 7577 661 O SEBEKA 892E5 15180 40279 46090 101549 16050 46404 61978 124432 22E83 SFDAN 1213 1240 447 3172 4860 1200 472 3574 5245 386 Q SHAFFR 10447 3740 4670 6496 14906 2950 4014 4861 11825 -3081 CO SHAKOPEE 380605 204600 179059 170086 553745 161300 153812 127161 442273 -111472 SHELLY 26E96 5660 9499 15E32 30791 6100 11155 21841 39095 8304 Q SHEPBUPN 109254 25200 53874 53839 132913 26100 60797 69471 1563E8 23456 CO SHFVLIN 7234 3760 1446 15565 20770 3350 1403 14862. 15615 -1155 SHOREVIEW 497440 356400 194024 379387 92)811 297700 176588 318415 • 792703 -137108 () SHOPEWCOC 163996 94200 68035 71E93 233927 74200 58391 53507 186098 -47829 CO SILVER BAY 158016 59180 10E676 153010 318866 46950 92213 115843 255006 -63860 SILVER LAKE 70678 13520 29790 27015 70425 14350 34198 36073 84621 14197 Q SKYLINE 5112 8000 3863 11258 23121 6250 3289 8265 17804 -5317 0 SLAYTCN 280756 48760 93175 91369 233304 48250 100461 107621 256331 23028 0 0 0 0 0 ti N NAME CO Q 21CONT. ) PAGE 15 1981 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID PER HH HILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT AID AID X PCP AI0 CAP AID POP BASIS AI0 X HH.AIO HH AID MN BASIS CHNG TO HH 0 0 0 SLEEPY EYE 333494 69920 101164 137908 308992 67150 105861 153005 326017 17024 0 SO HAVEN 17790 3960 2356 8247 14563 3650 2366 8428 14445 -119 SO IkT•L FALLS 197213 56960 152655 170920 380435 46650 136465 138392 321506 -58928 O 50 ST PAUL 1521530 418900 510330 542089 1470419 387400 515347 560100 1462847 -7572 0 SOBIESKI 2722 4600 960 10112 15672 3d50 875 8521 13246 -2426 SOIkAY 2613 1940 835 5007 7702 1400 709 3487 5546 -2106 SPICFP 48491 18960 36027 24789 7'3776 18100 37474 27175 82749 2573 (� SPRING GROVE 137882 25300 80525 _ 55599 _ 161424 27050__ __ 93808 _ T6453 19T311 35887 SPRING HILL 1512 2040 1097 4448 7594 1700 996 3715 6411 -1173 0 SPRING PARK 492e0 28000 26805 19786 74591 34200 35674 35508 105382 30791 0 SPRING VALLEY 210629 52880 80240 109210 242330 50250 83081 118626 251956 9627 SPRING.FIELD 179229 44580 77754 95397 218030 45600 86079 118464 250143 32113 0 SPRNG LK PRK 182312 129000 80709 177641 387350 99600 67898 127383 294981 -92469 0 SQUAW LAKE 1753 3440 2879 20037 26356 2500 2280 12730 17510 -8846 ST ANTHONY 243956 154900 83842 131671 370313 152250 69849 153211 395310 24997 O ST ANTHONY 883 1560 381 4251 6193 1350 359 3830 5539 -653 0 ST 90NIFACIUS 22561 17500 32119 22280 72199 14050 2T624 16698 58372 -13828 ST CHAPIES 153158 45020 89511 78249 212780 40500 87738 76174 204413 -8367 0 ST CLAIR 34446 13280 22393 32995 68668 11200 20578 28230 60008 -8660 CO ST CLOUD 4197007 858380 1330T15 1132566 3321661 696000 1175655 _ __855676 276T331-554330 ST FRANCIS 42388 27200 23156 32415 82771 17750 16465 16605 50820 -31951 0 57 HILAIRE 5715 7500 18726 19059 45285 6450 17547 16956 40953 -4332 0 ST JAHES 344655 85500 82420 134549 302469 86700 91065 166424 344158 41719 ST JOSEPH 189733 60600 94920 210204 365724 27200 46421 50940 124562-241162 40 ST LEO 46E7 3040 2421 9581 15042 2850 2473 10129 15453 410 41 ST LCUIS PARK 2063056 846800 878867 674373 2400040 883450 999055 882939 2765444 3654C4 ST HAPTIN 8288 4660 4320 8973 17953 3950 3990 7755 15695 -Z258 0 ST HARYS POINT 6392 7000 2675 8203 17879 5700 2374 6543 14616 -3262 0 ST HICHAEL 71855 30440 25011 49549 105000 21850 19561 30710 72121 -32879 ST PAUL 2�4.12.756 5345800 6948508 5632335 1792E643 5311150 7521989 6687571 19520710 1594067 40 ST PAUL PARK 254221 96400 89845 140020 326266 75550 76722 41 103451 255723 -70543 ST PETER 435538 180060 266990 444105 891156 129150 208659 274833 612642-278513 ST ROSA 2532 1540 756 3369 5666 1200 642 2461 4303 -1363 0 ST STEPHEN 9111 8940 7623 19761 36324 6900 6318 13752 26870 41 -9454 ST VINCENT 4226 2780 2258 14382 19421 2600 2301 15133 20034 613 STACY 24720 18960 27426 68935 115321 15150 23878 52944 91973 -23349 O STAPLES 359422 58980 88612 156623 304214 55000 90036 163832 308867 465340 STARBVCK 130196 24940 34190 52285 111304 26850 40256 73483 140589 29284 STFEH 5017 3180 2924 8872 14976 3300 3306 11492 18099 3123 0 STETHEN 65856 17100 19279 37208 73587 16v00 20146 41168 77714 412740 STFkA?T 732E1 12100 34994 27465 74558 12100 38129 33037 832E6 8708 STENAPTVILLE 218710 77720 99821 141723 319264 64900 90824 118876 2T4599 -44665 41 STILLw4TER, 802047 249920 251597 277959 779476 203250 223842 222921 650013-12846341 STOCKTON 9215 10180 7414 34387 51981 8200 6507 26838 415v5 -10436 STORDEN 35430 6320 12242 1073. 29296 6900 14563 15391 36854 7558 0 ST2AND0UIST 8775 2640 1903 14386 13929 2850 2238 20167 25255 6327 S STRATHCONA 2001 960 336 5286 6582 800 306 4416 5521 -1061 STUPGEON LAKE 4425 4380 779 9116 14271 3382 T68 9062 13812 -459 0 SUNBURG 8352 2620 , 2374 8318 13312 2750 2715 11023 16488 3176 II SUNFISH LAKE 5202 6800 5736 2533 15369 5350 4917 2109 12376 -2992 0 • 0 ON C• O 0 N NAME CC ft;J' e 21CONTO PAGE 16 1981 BASE PER CAPITA HILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AI0 PER HH HILL RATE AV PER TOTAL AID NET EFFECT AID A10 X PCP AI0 CAP AID POP BASIS AID X WC AID HH AID HH BASIS CHNG TO HH 40 SWANVILLE 44655 5820 5445 10740 22005 5600 5709 11961 23270 1264 TACCNITE 40832 6440 21014 6052 33506 5855 20815 6017 32616 -820 TAMARACK 4375 1620 320 2560 4899 1750 377 4154 6281 1381 0 TAOPI 870 1760 675 4862 7237 1650 690 5140 7480 183 TAUNTON 4650 3520 1681 7531 12732 3800 1978 10557 1E335 3603 TAYLCPS FALLS 52602 12020 18941 13582 44543 12650 21720 18096 524E5 7922 40. TENNEY 1302 380 412 1106 1838 450 531 1866 2848 949 TENSTPIKE 2734 3260 0 6448 9708 3650 . 0 9723 13373 3665 THIEF RIVER FALL 617523 173540 258360 286968 718868 174900 283714 350624 809238 90370 O THONSON 7433 3040 3727 3357 10125 2350 3140 2413 7903 -2222 CO TINTAH 4441 2340 2625 6396 11361 2700 3301 10243 16244 4882 TONKA BAY 54863 26100 22783 15139 64722 24750 22925 15531 63206 -1515 4D TOWEP 405E8 12180 18624 22626 53430 13350 22242 32697 68289 14859 0 TRACY 276245 48740 139031 134480 322251 49750 154626 _ 168539 372916 50665 TRAIL 2170 1920 1810 5767 9497 2050 2106 7908 12064 2567 0 TRIMCNT 86882 15880 31746 28360 75986 16450 35832 36607 88889 12903 0 TRCMMALO 6046 1740 1085 2568 5392 1500 1019 2296 4814 -578 TPO KY 1458 2320 290 4769 7379 2250 307 5396 7953 573 0 TRUMAN 104994 29660 62144 59022 150826 24550 56046 48641 129237 -21589 CO TUPTLF RIVER 995 1340 0 2103 3443 1450 0 2962 4412 969 TWIN LAKES 20507 4040 9226 5461 18726 4200 10451 7099 21750 3023 0 TWIN VALLEY 616E7 18040 47589 55732 121361 17900 51450- 66004 135353 13993 TWO HAPPCPS 519617 81700 188785 193480 463955 80500 202678 225950 509127 45163 TYLEP 82532 27180 45937 63761 136878 27600 50826 79086 157512 20635 0 ULEN 46953 10420 38274 31127 79820 10150 40622 35527 86299 6479 0 UNDERW000 27412 6400 10827 15424 32650 7050 12995 22513 42558 9908 UPSALA 35266 7780 8205 13538 29523 8750 10055 20598 39403 9880 0 UPBANK 1903 2000 187 4180 6367 1700 173 3633 5506 -861 0 UTICA 13433 4920 4427 7249 16597 4150 4069 6204 14423 -2173 VADI'AIS HEIGHTS 151224 123200 91981 135950 351131 88000 71587 83436 243023-108108 O VEPCAS 7175 5580 2241 10852 ' 18674 6100 267C 15601 24370 5697 0 VEPMILLICN 7585 9000 6032 13E60 28892 6150 4491 7785 18426 -10466 VEFNDALE 35866 9660 12711 26042 48412 10100 14481 34244 58825 10412 o VERnON CENTER 12189 6980 13665 9922 30568 7350 15679 13235 362E3 5696 40 VESTA 29516 6900 20123 17548 . 44772 7150 22947 22666 527E3 7991 VICTORIA 46754 36500 34799 47986 119385 21350 22118 19641 63110 -56275 O VIKING 15313 2600 6133 13431 22164 2400 6169 13766 22335 171 CO VILLAFD 11159 5500 7872 15864 23236 4950 7720 15457 28126 -1109 VINING 6708 2000 1291 5916 9207 2200 1547 8610 12358 3151 0 VIRGINIA 1403494 216220 5975.74 339778 1148572 237850 710256 494582 1442688 294116 CO WA3AS1A 2534P3 47380 111652 81538 240271 43650 112793 84311 240754 483 WABASSO 75953 14400 40500 32359 87259 13300 42290 35749 91838 4579 0 WACONIA 172896 52300 78836 57505 119201 49400 80429 60551 190380 1179 CO WADENA 232238 91860 86038 201071 373969 90850 92716 236579 420144 41175 WAHKON 15128 5060 2712 6995 14767 5100 2978 8548 16626 1859 O WAITE PARK 291718 71060 72065 104087 247212 63050 69671 98570 231291 -15921 0 WALDORF 28204 4880 11960 8477 25317 5000 13353 10704 29057 3740 WALKEP. 122240 19480 40765 25002 85247 20600 46971 33632 101203 15957 0 WALNUT GROVE 64545 14320 29975 31688 76583 17100 37433 50070 104603 28020 0 WALTERS 13053 2340 8836 8458 13634 2300 9463 9829 21592 1958 0 0 i/ O 0 © M ti CV NAME CID Rth (5 2(CONT.) 1981 BASE PER CAPITA HILL RATE AID AID X POP AID AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AID POP BASIS PER HH AI0 MILL RATE X HH AID AV PER HH AI0 PAGE 17 TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH BASIS CHNG TO HH 4 0 0 O WALTHAM 102e0 3480 8548 8300 20328 3400 9099 9530 22030 1702 () WANAMINGO 60061 14700 42745 21966 79411 14400 45624 25356 85380 5969 WANDA 4354 2360 1551 5193 9104 2200 1575 5428 9204 100 O WAPBA 5623 2.320 3304 6907 13131 2800 3452 7639 13891 761 0 WAPPEN 159640 41100 30454 106306 178060 39750 31938 118457 190144 12084 WARPOAD 86865 23960 9054 32503 65517 22600 9305 34785 66690 1173 4) WASECA► 656523 1E6580 284393 272597 723670 153350 285092 277556 715997 -7673 0 WATERTOWN 1049E9 37000 36806 67470 141275 32900 35660 64169 132728 -8547 WATEFVILLE 173513 34200 85763 - 73499 193962 31900 87162 77443 19E506 2544 o WATKINS 342E8 16080 14127 35583 65790 14150 13545 33144 60839 -4950 0 WATSON 13384 4520 8523 11163 24205 4900 10067 15780 30747 6542 WAUEUN 16188 7460 4019 21446 32925 6750 3962 21120 31833 -1092 O WAVEPLY 72764 8940 14199 18781 41919 8100 14017 18545 40662 -1257 WAYZATA 115015 70000 52201 34547 156749 78000 63379 51599 192977 36228 WELCOME 66761 16620 36739 31125 84484 15950 38417 34482 88850 4365 o WELLS 2515E7 54540 97600 117032 269173 55550 108314 146040 309904 40732 S WEHOELL 24943 4900 7666 10410 22975 4300 7330 9643 21273 -1703 WEST CONCORD 45017 14900 19919 28323 63143 15600 22724 37347 75670 12527 O WEST 57 PAUL 979436 368000 325658 359409 1053 375050 361633 449056 1185739 132672 0 WEST UNION 942 1500 1324 3510 6334 1700 1635 5423 2424 WESTRPOOK 994E5 18600 47390 42276 108266 20650 57327 62682 140658 32392 O WESTPORT 1911 1040 310 2632 3982 800 260 1874 2933 -1049 0 WHALAN 3839 2360 1616 5673 9649 2550 1902 7967 12419 2771 WHFATON 142451 38320 149221 92630 280772 40450 168983 120357 329790 49018 0 WHITE PEAR LAKE 884148 449600 332726 584324 1366650 356200 287223 441181 1054605 -282045 O WILCEP 5852 2280 1389 5175 8844 2100 1394 5281 8775 -69 WILLEPNIF 31659 13000 7851 20948 41738 11800 7764 20761 40325 -1473 O WILLIAMS 12916 4480 2887 15234 22600 4650 3265 19742 27656 5056 0 WILLMAR 1108779 331560 329904 501468 1163032 289950 314255 461033 1065238 -97794 WILLOW RIVER 23311 6160 3105 12888 22154 6500 3570 17262 27332 5179 0 WILHONT 18940 7540 7892 21713 37145 6900 7869 21873 3E642 -503 O WILTON 1590 3520 128 5165 8814 3150 125 4976 8251 -563 WINDCM 291815 89480 135272 145606 370357 90850 149648 180553 421051 50694 41 WINGEP 17415 3940 10357 7897 22194 4800 13748 14099 32647 10453 41 WINNEPAGO 137949 37320 97781 79614 215215 36950 104091 91412 232453 17238 WINCNA 2251186 494880 974581 809089 2278550 439300 942637 766914 2148852-129698 41 WINSTFO 175064 30020 55806 52811 138637 24750 50131 43180 118061 -20576 41 WINTHROP 133228 27020 68751 58009 153779 28900 79845 79275 187920 34141 WINTON 16791 ' 5720 4728 23178 33625 5950 5358 30167 41476 7851 41 WOLF LAKE' 772 1380 334 4806 6490 1650 346 8265 10311 3821 41 WOL1.EF'TON 9865 3560 7068 9336 20064 3700 7785 11477 229E2 2898 W000 LAKE 47976 8220 14563 18026 40810 8900 17181 25420 51501 10691 O WOOCRUPY 366731 222200 195911 177281 595391 161600 155246 112794 429640-165752 O W000LAND 10575 10400 3737 3450 17587 9150 3583 3212 15945 -1E42 W000STOCK 14075 3340 5472 10277 19689 3650 5524 10609 19783 94 O WOPTHINGTON 942826 209160 335625 355334 900119 195200 341287 372278 908766 8647 0 WREI.SHALL 13220 7160 7317 6176 20653 4850 5400 3409 13659 -6994 WRIGHT 1931 3040 975 8181 12196 3050 1066 9905 14022 1826 II WYKCFF 51187 9500 26147 23365 59012 9250 27740 26646 63636 4624 ID WYOMING 64833 32480 40692 45598 118769 24300 33171 30701 88172 -30597 O 0 0 1--- O N NAME CD 2(CONT.) 0 SUM TOTAL • SUM • • • • • • • • • 0 0 YOUNG AMFFICA ZEMPLE ZIMMF4MAN ZUMOFO FALLS 7UM EFOTA 1951 BASE PER CAPITA MILL RATE AID AID X POP AI0 AV PER CAP AID TOTAL AID POP OASIS PER HH AID MILL RATE X HH AID AV PER HH AID PAGE 18 TOTAL AID NET EFFECT HH OASIS CHNG TO HH 65353 252.00 30774 42559 98533 20700 27544 34543 82787 -15747 877 1380 1494 2573 5437 1050 1230 1792 4072 -1365 45464 22760 45365 38175 106300 16250 35292 23408 7490 -31350 5057 3880 2831 7944 14656 3700 2942 8690 15332 676 203905 45520 123604 66324 235449 42400 125447 69220 23T067 1618 2271109078 62757880 82620843 82602188 227980912 57624368 85062436 85172156 227858960 -121952 727009078 62757880 82620843 82602188 227980912 57624366 85062436 85172156 227858960 -121952 A n 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 City of cRolEau BOX 307 ROSEAU, MINNESOTA 56751 TELEPHONE 218-463-1542 Josephine Nunn, President League of Minnesota Cities 183 University Avenue East Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear President Nunn: APR y 61983 o -�Y ti CITY Or tHAKopEE Ppril 1, 1983 On 30 March 1983, I participated in a session at headquarters (a beautiful building built by the majority of cities in Minnesota) concerning LGA. In attendance were the LGA team, members of the Metropolitan Loser's Group, and Association of Small Cities. LMC the LMC the The meeting ended in a vote by the LMC Committee to make no recommendations to the LMC Board. I find it rather interesting that three groups were represented, but only the votes of the LMC team were considered when making recommendations to the LMC Board. I personally closed my business for two days, expended funds to fly down and back, and for an overnight stay in St. Paul, just to listen to a group of individuals insensitive to the basic issue of proper distribution of Local Government Aid as recommended by the Metro Loser's Group and the Minnesota Association of Small Cities. For three years the MAOSC has tried time and time again to present very fair formulas for changing a very unfair LMC Local Government Aid structure. More recently the Metro Loser's Group has presented equally fair formulas. The attitudes of the LMC Minneapolis and Mankato representatives were indicative of the reasons LMC has problems being responsive; the leadership is not coming to grips with nor willing to negotiate issues that face our small (and not so small) cities. I fully expected to enter a phase of negotiation at our 30 March 1983 meeting, but instead ran into individuals who had closed their minds to any change in an inequitable LGA formula. COUNCIL Bernie Burggraf Rcdney L. Norquist Mary Ellen Kindzerski Norman A. Hayes MAYOR Milton A. Arneson CLERK -TREASURER Leland E. Lunos CITY ATTORNEY Patrick D. Moren I'm not going to be politic in my views because I believe very strongly (as evident in the number of computer runs - seven plus - which have been produced by MAOSC to date) that there are blatant discrepancies in current LGA, which have been there since 1967. The comments of certain individuals in the LMC that cities who have low mill rates, or none at all, do not deserve state aid, is ludicrous. The problem with the individuals who espouse these views is that they have not the slightest understanding of how small cities work, how they accomplish the necessary city functions. As stated, the current LGA has been in existance since 1967 and has provided unfair distribution to a majority of the cities in Minnesota, a few have received monies above and beyond what they deserved. Having lived in this "lap of luxury" they object to all formulas that will provide fair distribution. They (names known) support any plan which continues this imbalance or provides them with more funds. As an aside, I remarked at the meeting, that the cities in Roseau County could exist for many years on just the salaries of the individuals in Minneapolis who go after and obtain monies through grants. Of the approximate 855 cities have populations of 5000 or less. be) that larger cities have staffs sources, Federal and/or State, in Minnesota, approximately 756 It is quite evident (or should that continually pursue funding for all aspects of city functions. Thus, there is an inequitable distribution of funds in categories other than LGA, which have not (to date) been subject for discussion. The concern here and now is LGA - It is my view that the criteria for development of a LGA distribution formula should include minimally; 1. No grandfather clause (already included in LMC position), 2. No discrimination based on level of mill levy, 3. A transition period from current formula to new formula of not more than three years, 4. Standardized unit of measurement for establishing the formula, what is applied in one city must be applied to all. The formula must not address any subject, or item which cannot be defined with clarity, for instance, the term need must be dropped from LGA terminology, because need has not, and can not be defined except in parochial terms. There is nothing I would like better than to see the reuniting of our groups, the LMC, the Metro Loser's Group and the MAOSC, but if meetings continue without recognition of the associations represented, then those in LMC leadership positions must bear the responsibility for the future of LMC. Here's hoping we can come up with a LGA formula that recognizes every city in Minnesota, as a city, and recommends to the legislature one they can understand and support. Sincerely, M1 ton A. Arneson -Mayor, City of Roseau POLICY NO./ PRIORITY I-A-1 /D I-A-2 /D I-B-1 /A I-B-2 /A I-B-3 /B I-B-4 /B I-B-5 /C I-B-6 /B I-B-7 /B I-B-8 /C I-B-9 /C I-B-10 /A POLICY DESCRIPTION PROGRESS/ COMMITTEE 8% Levy Limit Repeal Levy Limit Alternative Realistic Levy Base Realistic Levy Base Index Tax 4...\'JILevy Base Growth Factor —Residential/People Commercial/Industrial - Levy Base Growth Reverse Referendum Special Levy - Mandated State and Federal Programs Special Levy - Decreased Non -Tax Revenue Special Levy - Energy Special Election Funding Service Shifts - Levy Limit i. Local Government Aid Tax - Loc. & Urb. Tax Tax Tax Tax PAGE 1 of 7 AGENDA ITEM 8 A AMP LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS CHAPTER/ BILL NO. HF 545 SF 487 HF 850 SF 778 SF 801 SF 801 AUTHOR Tomlinson D.Johnson Brandl Berglin Berglin Berglin STATUS/COMMENTS Prelimint.ry discussions on Levy Limit issues I -A and I-B are being held with approprit:te Legislators and committees. All L.L. Bills provide at least a base of Levy plus aids with a minimum of population growth factor. Gov. Tax bill, provides implicit price deflator as index, No floor, currently running 6% or less, (AMM will lobby to improve). Provides Levy base growth for greater of population or household; plus annual 8% increase. This provision is included in HF 850/SF special levy. Re-establishes this provision. SF 801 Berglin Restores this special levy. Loc. & Urb. HF 767 Loc. & Urb. SF 753 LOG & Urb. HF 850 Tax SF 778 Loc. & Urb. HF 842 SF Tax HF 545 Tax SF 487 P,PcEachern Schmitz Brandl Berglin Johnson Tomlinson D. Johnson Small Cities Formula 778 and SF 801 at one half of expired Minneapolis Formula plus L.L. of 8% with increases for the greater of pop. or household incr. plus 1/2 of commercial industrial special levy. LGA for Towns at $250 per road mile. Gov. Tax Bill. Gov. LGA Formula plus L.L. as per Irnplicit Price Deflator using 1983 base and population for increase. 1' POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY I-B-11 /B Federal Revenue Sharing Replacement Funds I-B-12 /C Special Levy - Natural Disaster and Lawful Order I-B-13 /C Special Levy - FICA I-C /D Local Government Aid - 4 % of State Revenue I-D-1 /C I-D-2 /C I-D-3 /C I-D-4 /B I-D-5 /D I-D-6 /C I-D-7 /C I-E-1 /A Tax Exempt Property Maintenance of Real Property PAGE 2 of 7 AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS PROGRESS/ CHAPTER/ AUTHOR STATUS/COMMENTS COMMITTEE BILL NO. Public Property Revisor Acquisition Property Tax Distribution From the County Railroad Property Taxation Previous Year Data on Tax Statements Unit Assessed Value for Budgeting Coefficient of Dispersion Tax.Com. Penalty Preliminary discussions are being held with the appropriate legislative committee: Governors budget provides shared risks if Revenues fall and LGA amount at approximately the 1983 level with a distribution formula change in 1984. Bill drafted by AMM. HF 211 Scheid Repeals the co-fficient of Dispersion penalty provi.,ion. SF 267 Pogemiller Delays penalty one year. SP 801 Berglin Delays penalty one year. POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY PROGRESS/ COMMITTEE AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS CHAPTER/ AUTHOR BILL NO. STATUS/COMMENTS PAGE 3 of 7 I-E-2 /B Sales Ratio Equalization I-F-1 /C Tax Increment Financing OK No bill.Meets policy. I-F-2 /A Fiscal Notes dx FF 680 Himle Statewide 3% Hotel/Motel Tax-95% to Tourism-6 cities grandfather @ 30%. I-F-3 /C Hotel/Motel/Amusement fax S1'I'L Langeth Provides statewide 39 Hotel/Motel permissive tax authority. .4 Tax Tax HF 191 Eken The bill also provides other business incentives and border city help. Several individual city bills have been submitted. I-F-4 /C Electronic Transfer of Revisor Bill draftee; by AMM. Funds I-F-5 /C Investment Options S. Floor SF 369 Wevscheid Meets AMM Policy. House committee to hear on 3/29/83. Loc. & Urb. HF 603 Cohen I-F-6 ID Federal Revenue Sharing U.S.Senate Duren- S. 41 berger Would renew federal ravenue sharing for three years at current funding level.This ��,nn program funding is contained in President Reagan's proposed budget. II -A /D PELRA Employment SF 862 Chmie es'-.i 'Tightens Supv. def. to hire & fire only. Allows honoring of picket lines (AMM Labor & Mgt. HF 748 Begich opposes). II-B /B Police and Fire Pensions Provisions II-C /D Cable Communications OK No bill.Meets policy. II-D ID _',. IDR Bonds Loc. & Urb. HF 331 K.Clark Requires a 5 year agreement to give first priority in hiring to a locally designated public employment office as a condition of issuing IDR Bonds.(AHM oppos II-E /D ppose Municipal Bond Judiciary HF 469 Clawson Grants power to Att. den: to be bond counsel upon request (AMM opposes). ASale - State Control II-F /D v`/ Public Works Projects - Loc. & Urb. HF 343 Schreiber Requires a city to take bids on any project over $50,000 other than routine maint _,( Day Labor enance and pay at the same wage rate required of private contractors. POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY II-G /B II-H /C II -I /C II-J /B II-K /B II-L /C II-M /C II-N /D II-O /C II-P /B II-Q /C II-R /C II-S /D PROGRESS / CHAPTER COMMITTEE BILL NO. Oppose State Licensing - Econ. Dev. General Trade Contractors Com & Econ. Uniform Building Code OK Minnesota Municipal Board Veterans Preference Governor to sign AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS AUTHOR STATUS/COMMENTS PAGE 4 of 7 SF 426 Sanuelsoi Provides state licensing of trade contractors. Prohibits local licensing (AMM oP] HF 887 Jacobs No bill.Meets policy SF 39 Davis Territory of a joint annexation agreement between a city and town cannot be HF 56 McEachern modified by Board. Employee Disability - Local Police and Fire Funds Police Officer Eligibility and Recruitment Judicial System Judiciary SF 196 Dicklicci Expands rights of victims. HF 218 Kelly Uniform Information Practices Oppose Elimination of OK Sale of 3.2 Beer Oppose Initiative/ Referendum for zoning Shade Tree Disease Control Program Tree Removal and Licensing No bill.Meets policy. Tax SF 801 Berglin Continues shade tree special levy. OK No bilL Meets policy. No bill.Meets policy. Oppose Local Audit OK Proposal by State Auditor AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PROGRESS/ CHAPTER/ AUTHOR STATUS/COMMENTS PRIORITY COMMITTEE BILL NO. PAGE 5 of 7 III -A /- Examine Local Housing OK Policy suggests local units examine local requirements and modify where they go Requirements beyond basic needs. III-B /B Mandatory Standards and Revisor 3i11 drafted by AMM. Alternative Housing III-C /C Program Latitude III-D /D Renewal of Federal and State Funding III-E /B Local Housing Programs - Authority/Responsibility III-F /B Metropolitan Bond Guarantee Fund III-G /- Practices which increase OK No Bill. Policy calls for Metropolitan and State Agencies to examine practices to not add to housing cost the cost of housing. III-H /B Rental Housing IV -A /- Purpose of Metropolitan OK No Bill. Philosophical Statement. No action needed. Agencies IV-B /A Criteria for Extension OK No bill or new Metropolitan Council program meets policy. of Power IV-C /B Comprehensive Governance No Bill Final report of Commission 1s consistant with A.i policy. Study this session. IV-D /D First Class City Rezoning Requirements St. Paul asked for this policy but has not yet introduced a bill. The AMU will support if a bill gets introduced. AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PROGRESS CHAPTER/ AUTHOR STATUS/COMMENTS PRIORITY COMMITTEE BILL NO. IV-E /C IV-F /B IV-G /B IV-H /C IV -I /A IV-J /C IV-K /B IV-L /B IV-M /B IV-N /C IV-O /C IV-P /B Growth of Development Problems in adjacent Counties Federal A-95 Review Phase Out OK Comprehensive Planning - Environmental Review Process Comprehensive Planning - OK Local and Regional Interaction Hazardous and Solid Annropriation / Waste Planning and Finance Disposal Metropolitan Council Budget Procedures /Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) PAGE 6 of 7 No Bill. The AMM and LMC are working with EPD and the AMC and MICA to develop a state proce to replace the Federal A-95 procedure when it expires on 4/30/83. No Bill. ..feets nolicy HF 76 Long Consistent with AMM nolicy. SF 220 Merriam Needs to be amended to retain caps on municipal liability. OK No Bill. OK No Bill. This does not require legislative action. We will continue to monitor this activil with the Metropolitan Council. Met Council Staff in process of making study of this issue. Metropolitan Parks and Due to financial problems, the Met Council and Counties are not going to press for Open Space Funding funding this session. Impact of Regional Parks on Host Communities Surface Water Management MWCC Treatment Charge Rate Regulation vi Metropolitan Council -* Redistricting OK Due to new chairman at Met Council and many new Council Members to be appointed,no action on this policy until summer. No bill. Meets policy. Floor H. HF 22 Osthoff Conference Committee report on floor of both houses. Floor S. SF 15 Schmitz Report consistent with A11II policy. POLICY NO./ POLICY DESCRIPTION PRIORITY V-A /A MNDOT Highway Funding V-B /B MNDOT Transit Funding V-C /C Rideshare Program V-D /C City/MNDOT Cooperative Project Payments. V-E /B State and County Highway Turnbacks V-F /B '3C' Transportation Planning Process V-G /A MTC Funding PAGE 7 of 7 AMM LEGISLATIVE POLICY STATUS PROGRESS/ CHAPTER/ AUTHOR STATUS/COMMENTS COMMITTEE BILL NO. Transportation HF 60 Jensen Provides $400 million Bond authority. Restricts use to $100 million/year on SF priority T.H. and increases gas tax from 15 to 180 in next 4 years. Transp. HF 388 eT nsen Removes 5% Bond Interest rate limit from Minn. Statutes. Finance SF 319 Schmitz Conf. SF 342 Purfeer-Increases gasoline tax. Committee HF 371 Jensen V-H /C Taxi Cab Regulations Transp/Pub.utl. SF 379 D.Moe Bill as amended is about 90% consistant with AM! nolicv. Do not expect passage this Com. & Econ. HF 963 Cohen session. V-I /C Light Rail Transit Alternatives BOD-1 / Oppose Local Authority OK No bill.Meets policy. to set speed limits EOD-2 / Local Government Aid Study BOD-3 / Contracts Subject Governor to HF 68 Berkelm:in Increases from $10,000 to $15,000 the contract threshold requiring sealed bids. to sealed bids. sign. SF 62 Davis BOD-4 / Filing requirements Passed H. HF 463 Pauly Redefines requirements for filing certain planning and zoning documents for zoning doc. Loc. & Urb . SF 725 Storm Tarn P 3 MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF SMALL CITIES 611 Iowa Avenue Staples, Minnesota 56479 April 15, 1983 The Honorable v Dear Mayor v: I am writing this letter to ask for your support in our efforts to achieve a more equitable distribution of Local Government Aid to cities in Minnesota. The Minnesota Association of Small Cities, jointly with the Metropolitan Losers Group, has proposed legislation (H.F. No. 767, S.F. No. 753) to accomplish that goal. The proposed new formula (referred to as the 20-50-50 formula) would allocate the LGA money to cities as follows: A. $20 per capita for each city. B. Remaining balance of appropriation proportionally among cities: 50% on basis of 3-year average equalized mill rate x population. 50% in inverse proportion to each city's per capita valuation as compared to all cities. Attached is a copy of the printout page showing the result for your city. (A recent Legislative Committee amendment has changed the per capita above to "per household" -- see attached copy of that printout for comparison.) Should you have any questions about this new formula, please feel free to call me at (612) 257-1510 (evenings). A key legislative committee member on this matter is your V. v Committee will be meeting on this beginning the week of April 18. Please contact v as soon as possible and ask v to support this legislation. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Howard Nelson, Liaison Officer Minnesota Association of Small Cities cr Enclosure Avery Hall Mayor of Waseca 223 Vistavilla Waseca, MN 56093 Representative Schoenfeld a Bob Carlson Mayor of Thief River Falls Box 188 Thief River Falls, MN 56701 Representative Sparby avl'atrick Bastianelli Mayor of Eveleth 400 Van Buren Avenue Eveleth, MN 55734 Representative Begich avl-larol d Weismann Mayor of Richmond Richmond, MN 56368 Representative Brinkman WORichard Peterson Mayor of Pelican Rapids Pelican Rapids, MN 56572 Representative R. Anderson av0rville Meints Mayor of Clara City 114 N.E. 3rd Street Clara City, MN Representative G. Anderson avStephen Heath Mayor of Big Lake 110 Lakeshore Drive Big Lake, MN 55309 Representative Bergstrom avSig Stene Mayor of Lindstrom Lindstrom, MN 55045 Representative Clawson al'1orris L. Lanning Mayor of Moorhead 2018 - 3rd Street South Moorhead, MN 56560 Representative Hoberg VH . A. Beth Mayor of Caledonia 123 North Winnebago Street Caledonia, MN 55921 Representative Johnson avAndrews Allen Mayor of Dellwood 46 Dellwood Avenue Dellwood, MN 55110 Representative=Levi aalmer Eichelberg Mayor of St. Michael St. Michael , MN 55376 Representative McEachern 7/"Josephine Nunn Mayor of Champlin 401 Elm Creek Road Champlin, MN 55316 Representative Nelson avVida Hendrickson Mayor of Litchfield 410 South Austin Litchfield, MN 55355 Representative Kvam 7Bernard Gratzek Mayor of Sauk Rapids 420 South 8th Avenue Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Representative Marsh avboris Grindland Mayor of Fountain Fountain, MN 55935 Representative Redalen avlu Stoffel Mayor of Hastings 1171 Southview Drive Hastings, MN 55033 Representative Sieben avPaul Flick Mayor of New Prague 310 Lyndale Avenue North New Prague, MN 56071 Representative Vanasek v (ale Corcoran Mayor of Cook Cook, MN 55723 Senator Doug Johnson a Robert Kind Mayor of Silver Bay 34 Field Road Silver Bay, MN 55614 Senator Doug Johnson alynn Iverson Mayor of Lanesboro Lanesboro, MN 55949 Senator Benson avbon Ramsey Mayor of Rushford Rushford, MN 55971 Senator Benson avliarold Johnson Mayor of Stewartville 401 N.E. 4th Avenue Stewartville, MN 55976 Senator Benson avJames De Meyer Mayor of Hutchinson 105 - 2nd Avenue S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Senator Bernhagen av ti chard Morel an Mayor of Paynesville 722 Stearns Avenue Paynesville, MN 56362 Senator Bertram avA1 Wilhelm Mayor of Princeton 1102 North 3rd Street Princeton, MN 55371 Senator Davis aAenneth Neilsen Mayor of Wyoming 26911 Forboro Avenue Wyoming, MN 55092 Senator R. Peterson VKermit Cary Mayor of Twinn Valley Twin Valley, MN 56584 Representative Eken avClayton Hartman Mayor of Moose Lake Moose Lake, MN 55767 Sentator Chmielewski avJohn McGaheran Mayor of Owatonna P. 0. Box 631 Owatonna, MN 55060 Senator Frederick and Representative Shea avSig Stene Mayor of Lindstrom Lindstrom, MN 55045 Senator Peterson and Representative Clawson T April 15, 1983 The Honorable v Dear Mayor v: I am writing this letter to ask for your support in our efforts to achieve a more equitable distribution of Local Government Aid to cities in Minnesota. The Minnesota Association of Small Cities, jointly with the Metropolitan Losers Group, has proposed legislation (H.F. No. 767, S.F. No. 753) to accomplish that goal. The proposed new formula (referred to as the 20-50-50 formula) would allocate the LGA money to cities as follows: A. $20 per capita for each city. B. Remaining balance of appropriation proportionally among cities: 50% on basis of 3-year average equalized mill rate x population. 50% in inverse proportion to each city's per capita valuation as compared to all cities. Attached is a copy of the printout page showing the result for your city. (A recent Legislative Committee amendment has changed the per capita above to "per household" -- see attached copy of that printout for comparison.) Should you have any questions about this new formula, please feel free to call John Anderson (City of Shakopee) at 445-3650. A key legislative committee member on this matter is your V. v Committee will be meeting on this beginning the week of April 18. Please contact v as soon as possible and ask v to support this legislation. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Eldon Rienke, Mayor City of Shakopee cr Enclosure avJames Krautkremer Mayor of Brooklyn Park 6425 Shingle Brooklyn Park, MN 55455 Representative Scheid avaymond Hanson Mayor of Little Canada 699 La Bore Little Canada, MN 55117 Representative Valento avConni e Morrison Mayor of Burnsville 909 West 155th Street Burnsville, MN 55337 Representative Halberg 'avLarry Donl i n Mayor of Minnetonka 14600 Minnetonka Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55343 Representative Knickerbocker av,Jolfgang Penzel Mayor of Eden Prairie 7236 Ticonderoga Trail Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Representative Pauly av'kobert G. Lockwood Mayor of Mendota Heights 2 Hingham Circle Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Representative McKasy avGregory Harcus Mayor of New Brighton 1620 Sioux Boulevard New Brighton, MN 55112 Senator Novak avJames Lindau Mayor of Bloomington 8789 Walton Oaks Drive Bloomington, MN 55431 Senator Belanger Mon Masterson Mayor of Spring Lake Park 809 Ballantine Lane Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 Senator Frank avJames Deane Mayor of Maple Grove 9228 Rice Lake Road Maple Grove, MN 55369 Senator Jude a'vHarry Peterson Mayor of Stillwater 922 North William Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Senator Laidig Robert Lewis Mayor of Coon Rapids 401 - 97th Avenue N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Senator Merriam and Representative Jacobs avJames Lindau Mayor of Bloomington 8789 Walton Oaks Drive Bloomington, MN 55431 Senator Belanger, and Representatives Himle and Blatz avHarry Peterson Mayor of Stillwater 922 North William Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Senator Laidig and Representative Hoffman Present VIII. Cap Yes H.F. 937 MASC/MLG Yes (6%) . No Note: A cap negatively affects developing cities 'and skews the results in later years, also hides. long .term:, formula capacity. IX. Rewards spending more X. Allows for fees for service Yes Yes No (based gn`. pure f o rmu l a) No No :Yes '`' Frequent questions: Does per capita or households measure need? Does present spending measure need? Is ability to pay equal ;to the assessed value per capita? Does mill rate measure need or is it one of the many revenue sources -- Should fees for service:be included as revenue or tax effort? Does aging housing stock, unemployment, number of senior citizens; crime statistics, etc., 'measure need? If so, should it not applyr. to all cities? Can you justify sending..more money to Edina and call it tax relief? Can you justify sending -more money to cities that do not presently tax? Should cities be rewarded for big spending? HOw can anyone expect Minneapolis and St. Paul to take major cuts in LGA and survive? What is the affect of the average mill minus: 11 mills multipled by the municipalities equalized assessed value from the adjusted local revenue base, a formula designed to address municipal overburden? COMPARISON OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID FORMULAS MASC/MLG (H.F. 1234 and S.F. 753) The Metropolitan Losers' Group and the Minnesota Association of Small Cities supports the following state aid formula: --$55 distributed per household as a state aid base. --Fifty percent of what is left would be distributed based on valuation per household, with cities with a low valuation getting more money than those with a high valuation. --The other 50 percent would be distributed based on the level of taxes already being paid. H.F. 937 Formula Housefile 937 is similar to the governor's bill and the Minneapolis formula and distributes aid equal to the amount obtained by subtracting 11 mills multipled by the municipalities equalized assessed value from the adjusted local revenue base (Levy Limit + LGA). MASC/H.F. 937 FORMULAS COMPARED The following chart indicates differences between the present formula, H.F. 937 and the MASC/MLG formula: Present bill H.F. 937 MASC/MLG I. Range of all $7 to $314 $0 to $328 $44 to $209 cities per capita per capita* per capita** LGA LGA LGA II. Maximum range $181 per $189 per $42 per disparity for capita capita* capita** cities with the same eqalize mill levy *Per capita based on governor's formula similar to H.F. 937. **Original per capita MASC/MLG 20-50-50 formula III. Number of cities N/A 82 0 reduced to $0 aid by formula IV. Number of cities N/A 216 (25.3%) 66 (7.6%) that lose thru new formula V. Highest percent N/A 1000 43.2% of aid lost by new formula VI. Affected by a No No Yes (include definition of general goy' essential public safe( services public work:: health/welt, excludes }),1 & rec, yarl), enterprise, airport, etL- VII. Grandfathering Yes Yes Yes (for cities of 1( than 2,500 population) MINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF SMALL CITIES METROPOLITAN LOSERS' GROUP AGENDA April 26, 1983 - 7:00 a.m. 1. Welcoming remarks, Milton Arneson, Mayor of Roseau 2. Introduction of 20-50-50 formula, Howard Nelson 3. The Savage Story: Negative impact of state and regional policies, Hank Sinda 4. Comparison of state aid formulas (copy of 20-50-50 is in LMC Bulletin #15) , John Anderson 5. Agenda for remainder of day, Hank Sinda 6. Adjournment 7. Howard Nelson and John Anderson will remain to answer questions on an individual basis after adjournment •F.r DAKOTA COUNTY JOHN S. VOSS COMMISSIONER -THIRD DISTRICT 270 RIVERWOODS LANE BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 TELEPHONE: * DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER RESIDENCE 890-9099 1560 HWY. 55 - HASTINGS. MINNESOTA 55033 - PHONE 437-0427 OFFICE 890-2320 437-0418 April 18, 1983 The Honorable Bea Blomquist Mayor - City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Mayor Blomquist: I am in receipt of your letter of April 11, 1983, inquiring about the Status of Dakota County as a Service Delivery Area and also what action has been taken for selecting a PIC. First, the status of our application for Service Delivery Area designation is still at the State level and they have not made any decisions on it as of this date. On April 7, 1983, Commissioner Streefland signed our application request for SDA and Mr. Zachary hand -delivered it to the State, i.e. Dixie Diehl and the Governor. Second, we have a PIC selected by local elected officials to complete the transition year FY 1983 as directed by the Department of Labor. We have not made any plans for PIC selection for FY 1984, the initial year for the Job Training Partnership Act Programs. We feel that it is premature to do so until Service Delivery Area designation or other directive action is required. When we find out what our status will be, we will address the process of PIC selection. Third, your request for a meeting with the Mayors, Dixie Diehl and representatives of Dakota County to further discuss the Job Training Act is perhaps premature until the final decision is made c.oncarning our status. I hope that this letter sufficiently answers all of your inquiries; if not, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Respectfully, Johih S. Voss Commissioner - Third District JSV:ja cc: Commissioner Russell Streefland Commissioner Joseph Harris Commissioner Gerald Hollenkamp Commissioner Steven Loeding Mr. Frederick W. Joy, Jr., County Administrator Mr. Percy Zachary, JTP Director Mr. Mark Ponsolle, Attorney's Office tt- MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: APRIL 25, 1983 SUBJECT: LGA DISTRIBUTION/MEETING TUESDAY A.M., APRIL 26,at 7:00 AM Just a reminder that the breakfast meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. at the Department of Transportation Building in the cafeteria. There are over 200 persons representing elected and appointed positions throughout the state planning to be in attendance. This may well be the largest gathering of mayors and city councilmembers regarding one legislative issue to appear at the state capitol in recent history. Mayor Blomquist and the City Administrator are planning to meet at City Hall at 6:30 a.m. to car pool to the state capitol. City Councilmember Thomas has in- dicated that he will be meeting and car pooling as well. If City Councilmember Egan wishes to car pool, please indicate the same to either Mayor Blomquist or the City Administrator. Enclosed is a copy of the letter was received from the Minnesota Association of Small Cities. Mayor Blomquist and the City Administrator met the mayors of Burns- ville and Bloomington this morning in Bloomington to meet Bill Strusinski who is the principle for Capitol Hill Associates, Inc. Mr. Strusinski appears to have the knowledge and contacts to be effective for the three cities and all other cities which are affected by proposed legislation that may reduce local government aid. The mayors will discuss further Mr. Stru'sinski's proposal and decide tomorrow morning whether they are hiring his services to assist in salvaging a local government aid formula that assures some tax distribution to the small cities and the "losers groups". As a reminder, the Joint Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission/City Council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening. Please note the meeting is to be held at the Police Department Building due to the Advisory Planning Commission meeting being scheduled at the city council chambers. All the public hearings were completed last week, and though there was a small turnout, those persons who were in attendance were very positive about the consultant and commission's attitude about the park master plan project. City Administrat r DATE - April 19, 1983 FR0r : THE IiINNESOTA ASSOCIATION OF SMALL CITIES 611 IO'.1A AVENUE PO BOX 122 STAPLES, EINNESOT4 56479 TO: ALL ADVANTAGED CITIES, STATE CF MINNESOTA SUBJECT: LGA DISTRIBUTION, THE 20-50-50 FORMULA There will be a. meeting sponsored by of Small Cities and the Metro Losers This breakfast meeting will be held at the Depa.rtment of Transportation The cost of the breakfast is $2.00 per plate. The Department of Transportation Building is located between the Capitol Holiday Inn, and the State Capitol. The purpose of this meeting is to impress upon our elected officials, the value and fairness of the 20-50-50 formula for distri':ution of Local Government Aid. Request your legislator to attend this meeting. i::ake your reservations by calling 612-257-1510. This is the Howard Nelson residence in Lindstrom. .Either Howard or Ers. Nelson will be happy to take your reservation. Please make your reservation by noon on P.;onday the l5th. This meeting is of extreme importance, and your attendance is imperative. de must have a good turnout to show our legislators where we stand! the Minnesota. Association Group. on April 26th, at 7:00 AN, Building, in the cafeteria. There are 649 Cities that will be advantaged by the 20-50-50 formula.. de must turn out as many of those Cities as we cant If you are not now a member of the FIAOSC , isn't it time you joined? Dues are $30.00 per a.nnum, plus $.02 per capita as per the 1980 census. Join nowt de :rust show strength on the 26th. Respectfully submitted by the Board of Directors Minnesota "association_ cf Small Cities 611 Iowa Avenue PO Box 122 Staples, L;N 56479 (218) 894-3278 Leave a message en the recorder, we will contact you. AGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 26, 1983 7:00 P.M. EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING I. Update & Review II. Results of Neighborhood Workshops III. Special Facility Section (Section F) A. Minor Facilities B. Major Facilities IV. Acquisition & Development Ranking System (Section I) V. Review the Proposed "Study Outline" for Implementation Section VI. Discussion on Concept Plans & Park Site Recommendations VII. What's Next! 9. 1g69 Jq7 1l INVEAORY = (TOWN, ROAD, FIRE, POLICE) 7.7' '�`;t.�. H. E. PALMER ENGINEER DAKDTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HASTINGS, MINNESOTA Jul, To the TO4N BOARDS of LIZAh0N & EAGA1 DAKOTA COUNTY, Mk4NESOTA This is to certify that 1 have examined the grading construction on JOB L -47, extending; from the center of Section 14- T 115 h- R 20 4 to the 4 corner between Sections 32 & 33— T 27 h- R 23 +J and find that the following work has been done, including previous estimate, by the contractors, ;NGSTRO . & CARLSON on said job in accordance with plans for same; CLEARING 1.7 acree 125.00 - - 212.50 GiUB ING 1.7 rr 125.00 — — — 212.50 CLASS"C" EXCAVATION 39,000 cu.y.d 6 0.18 - - - 7,020.00 REMOVE PORTABLE CULVERTS 110 lin.ft. 0.50 - I -55.00 F LAY n n 90 rr rr 040 - - 36.00 INSTALL CORF'.MET. " -18" 26 rr rr 0.30 - - - 7.8O n n n n —24" 122 ri n ix 0.40 - - - 48.80 TOTAL VALUL OP bJ RK 7,592.60 ALLO4Ai3LE PAYT TO CONTRACTOR (100%) 7,592.60 PREVIOUS PAYMENT - Partial Estimated 1 6,235,75 BALM CE DUE ON THIS ESTIMATE 1,306.85 Signed H.E.PALwER, County Highway Ensr. f AvA fi 4 1956 work D&KOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Date Oct, 10 , 1957. Mr., 11.E G. Manz County Auditor Hastings, Minnesota Kindly issue your warrant on the Road & Bridge Fund in favor: of Eagan Twp. in the sum of OW._1� „_ _ as payment of gas s tax or appropriation due said governmental unit for the following» - - Grading_,tn. fountry.Aome He&ght . Addttj,on - 96 l,J.1..00 Rt pairing rge washouts. in Sses . 27 and .34 - 1536.50 1957 work - - .Gray; ng.,__culverts and .gravel _ti .& .,S road, Sec.20 - 1694.37 Pdyabl.a....506(_ ag uktove HEP:18 Paid w .dan-ant No„ o / f Dated / o - i o - f1 4 3.674.87 as 1$3 7.43 Yours very tru HQ E. Palmer. County Highway Eginee January 6th 8 EAGAN TaiNSHIP 2,214.75 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Grading <:. Gravel urfacing as follows: Test from E . Corner Section 8 (Stiff Road);-0.5 mile;Section 14 - escott 1;ardon Lot - 0.3 mile; Cliff +:oad - 0.2 mile. J. E. Gabiou, Z1::{J.12A COUNTY, MINNESOTL To the "i,' 7fA CuUNTY. This is to certify that G7/2c- Township has expended the folly.?winamounts during the year of 195 for work describe J bel cwa 7 AP Z/4.L..4-‘1-41A4 4441,'-7. miles LOCATION of Work Length To' width of roadhe:. width of ight of way including backslopes 2.s fee 0-4 t7, f c'-, e depth of ditches below centerline of road. - s' ei Total Cost of Grading No. of lineal ft, Total Cost of Culverts .L:r.CI;':i 9 „os. of %}®s024„, of gravel Y (or) rock (Check type of material) unerushed (or) crus a Total Cost of Surf< i BRIDGES s Length overall. fto Width of road between curbs .m_ fto Type of niers or abutments Type of superstructure or floor system Total cost of Bridge For the above construction the TOWNSHIP of c A ft claims the sum of $ ggLi-~ (50' of above listed costs o not to exceed allotment to the Twro by the County) from funds so allotted to date, See accompanying Balance Sheet. Signed Recommended for 'oroval 195 by Town Cleric per County Highway ':ngineer Payment approved by County Board 195. Warrant No. EAGAN TOtiNSHIP 9,525.50 CULVERTS - No. of lineal ft. 12 2 of 30" used - Total Cost of Culverts 207.71 from C ounty SURFACING - No, of cu.yd,s 250 of gravel (i Ci f1 (Check type of material.) X. X ifti.h ( Total Cost of Surfacing v 278.30 10,011.51 BRIDGES - Length overall ft, b:idth of road between curbs ft. Type of piers or abutments Type of superstructure or floor system Total cost of Bridge $ For the above construction the TOn3HIP of Eagan claims the sum of $ 5,005.76 (50% of above listed costs - not to exceed allotment to the Twp. by the County) from funds so allotted on 195__ Signed _ Recommended for approval Feb. 9th __195, by • ty Highway Engineer Town Clerk or Chairman DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA February 9th 195 9 To the DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD: This is to certify that Eagan Township has expended the following amounts during the year of 1957 for work described below: LOCATION of Work mile on Cliff Road between Sections 27 & 34 - (Job No. 3) GRADING - Length 0.5miles. Top width of roadbed 26 feet Average width of right of way including backsloc:es 100 feet Average depth of ditches below centerline of road _ 2 - 3 feet Total Cost of Grading $ Payment approved by County Board __ ��195. 1.arrant No. DAKOTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HAS1INC6 r:TNNESO A STATEMENT OF GAS TAX ALLOTMENTS DATE TO Eagan Township c/o A. F. Rahn Town Clerk Balance - as of January 1st 2,396.84 2nd half 195 6 Gas Tax Feb., 1957 , 1,290.11 1957 Gas Tax Aug., 1957 1,355.05 TOTAL amount available to township since 1-1 195 7� 5042.00 LESS Payments to Township: County Warrant No. dated 195$ for County ti►arrant No. dated 195 for Total payments to townships 4 4 BALANCE available to township as of October 1st 195 7 5,042.00 H.E.Palmer, Co.Highway Engineer A 'Mlle WIN �- - INVENTORY PUBLIC :,LURKS DEPARTMENT Dated: August 23, 1971 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 can Spray Adhesize, 15 oz. 2 cans Spray Silicone, 16 oz. 1 can Contact Cement, 1oz. 8 cans Spray Degreaser, 23 3/4 oz. 3 Wings 3 singles way plows 2 V plows 1 grader blade for Ford tractor 3 spreader boxes 2 over -size bucket attachmant (Ford tractor) 1 sweeper for Ford Tractor 1 chisel 1 ball peen hammer 1 fire hydrant 2 extension }pipes for hydrant 81 2 pipe elbows 8 collar for culverts 91 rolls of snow fence 14 rings cement 48 sewer tops 4 sewer collars 2 square grate 1 square collar 53 cement blocks 8 cesspool blocks 128 cement blocks 18 culverts 1 cement storm sewer exit 164 fence roots 12 50 gal. drums 2 30 gal. drums 1 spartan trailer 1 probe 1r 1 grate valve wrench l Truck 2 1 locator 1 hydrant wrench 1 flash light 1 tree nippers 1 shovel 228 flat " washers 7 bolts 4 x 4 3 nuts II;" 13 b9 1 t s x 1,1 127 nuts 66 bolts z x 136 lockwashers 14 bolts x t; 12 bolts 1{ ` x 5/16 694 nuts 5/16 7 bolts 4 x 4 72 bolts z x 3 503 lockwasher 5/16 202 bolts 5/16 x 10- Page 2 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 70 nuts 3/8 189 b9lts 3/4 x 4 37 bolts 5/16 x 2 78 bolts 3/8 x 2 98 belts ;/16 x 3 34 bolts 4 x 3 2 boxes - towels No. 232 2 gal. of N & L Concentrate 1 box of flares 3 cans multi -.tube 24 oz. 1 extension Ladder 35 hydrant markers 2 aerators 1 hydraulic for grader wing 1 fan for spreader 4 shoes for snow plows 2 spreader Fears 1 wing nydralic for Dodge 1 counter balance for tractor ,; bag of dot; food 1 pipe 201 x 8 guards for Bickel 1 grease gun 2 tow chain 1 rivet ease 1 vise 1 sledge hammer 1 square nose shovel 1 pick 5 gate valve keys 1 screw driver 1 tow chain 4 flares 2 hard hats 1 pair boots (short) 1 safety harness 2 flags 1 tire iron 1 hydrant washer (big rubber) 501 nylon rope 1 spare tare 1 welding bench 4 shoes for plows 4 shoes for plows 2 edge protectors 12 snow plow blades 2 cutting edges for bucket 12 cutting edges for grader lbox box bolts 14 - x 2 8-3/+x2 22-5/8 x22 100 - ';/8 x 2 1 set set grader chains 1 set Dodge chains 1 set tractor chains '1 r Page 3 QUANTITY ITEM & .UE;;CRIPTION 2 shield for ,rr;icier motor 1 gas can - 5 gal, 1 gas can - gal. 1 dip stick for gasoline 1 shut off valve wrench 15 gal. ,.rum - Gil (30) 1 box steam cleaning compound 1 15 gaL. drum of slip off 1 sickel bar 1 section of H,)0 Hose 1 pring bar 1 extension ladder 1 rim 1 chain for sander 1 fire extinguisher 2 gack stands 8 tires 1 galvanized bucket 4 shovel handles 1 open end wrench 4 1 open ,end wre-:cn 15 /16 1 oi)en end wrench 1 i/16 1 open end wrench '/la 1 onen end wrench 11/16 1 pliers 1 vise grips 1 box end wrench 3, x 9/16 2 McCulloch guide bars 1 sissors 1 14" pipe wrench 1 10" pipe wrench 1 brace 2 8" pipe 4rench 1 C clamp 2 filter tightener 2 magnets 1 roll of masking tape 8 lack saw blades 1 pipe cutter 1 flanging tool 2 welding tip 1 battery carrier 2 electrical testers 7 Phillips screw drivers 1 combination square 3 flexible cork screws 1 brake tool 3 bundles rode:, for H2O tower 1 square shovel 1 monitor 6 phone books 1 file 1 b, It cutter 2 cans spray detergent 23-3/4 oz. 1 can spray silicone 16 oz Page 4 QUANTITY & DESCRIPTION 1 can wheel bearing grease 1 link chain for sweeper 1 Aurora pump IS BF 1 pair welding gloves 1 bucket (2 compartments) 1 tin snips 1 wire brush 1 knife 2 hacksaw 1 tube Pipe Joint compound 2 pair side cutters 1 screw driver 2 adjustable wrenchs 10" 1 putty knife 1 pliers 1 C clamps 3 paint brushes 2 open end wrenchs it 1 open end wrnech 1 1 open end wrench 7/8 1 open end wrench 1- 1/16 1 oen end wrench 1-1/8 1 open end wrench 5/8 1 open end wrench 13/16 3 open end wrench 7/16 1 open end wrench 9/16 1 open end wrench 1/2 3 open end wrench 3/8 1 socket 7/16 1 19/32 socket 1 11/16 socket 1 1-1/8 socket 1 1 socket 1 1-1/16 socket 1 1-1/4 socket 1 15/16 socket 1 5/8 socket 1 3/4 socket 1 1/2 socket 1 7/8 socket 1 15/16 socket 1 13/16 socket 1 2 socket 1 9/16 socket 1 p socket 1 universal (- ) 2 extensions (;) 1 1-" rachet 2 j" breaker bars 2 89 adjustable wrench 2 files 2 Alen wrenches Page 5 QUANTITY ITEI4 & )ESCRIP'TION 2 punchs 2 chisels 1 tape measure 2 oil cans 2 12" adjustable wrenchs 1 battery cleaner 7 screw drivers 2 pair pliers 1 pump homelite 1 pump hose 1 sheel barrow 3 big chisels 1 snow blower 1 5 gal. gas can 1 piece of fire hose 1 sickel grinder 5 raincoats 2 probe 1 dust roan 1 swedish saw 1 electric cord 2 pair grinding goggles 1 table light 2 chamois 1 brushing harness 1 tree nippers 1 gear puller 1 graft hook 2 24" pipe wrenches 1 sponge kit 2 w ,od saws 1 crow bar 1 T square 1 body repair kit 1 speed wrench 2 files 3 punches 2 chisels 1 small screw driver 1 11/16 socket 1 belt 356 x 2 25 H (mm) 2 boxes teeth 220521 (rrin) 1 box rivets 9/16 1 box knife sect. 141198 1 box rivets 141115 1 box rivets 141012 1 drive arm 5 guards 1 bag bolts 1 acet. cap 1 grinder 1 linkchain batteries 1 battery charger 1 big boy jack pc);;i pc�urulr:� Page 6 QUANTITY ITIIM & DESCRIPTION 1 big hydraulic jack 3 street sign top if parts 1 battery testing kit 1 grease gun 1 thermostat 1 water Lose clamp 1 tool box 1 coaster wheel 1 pipe holder 2 boxes assorted pump parts 1 water valve attachment 1 creeper 1 bag of oil absorber 1 3/4 small drum of absorber 1 1/4 small driirn of sweeping compound 1 cone 1 rubber hammer 1 ball peen hammer 1 claw hammer 1 square wedge hammer 2 clipping hammer 1 sheet metal hammer 1 body hammer 1 rawhide mallet 1 clinton 3.5 HP gas engine 4 cans gold seal hand cleaner 25 lbs. Bx hand soap 25 ft 3 str. manila rope 4 pieces plastic sheet 1 piece screening (metal) 4' x 2 pieces plast 9 x 5 1 box rags half full 2 grader stacks 3 filter bags No. H-8095 1 16 lath nails 2 spark plug cables C4TZ 12259-C 10 ft jointing cord 2 gal. window washer solvent 1 gal. bulk fuel additive 3 propane fuel cylinders 1 propane torch head 1 81 oz can of 6-12 insent repellent 2 trigger sprayers 1 15-3/4 oz can of 5th wheel lube no. 19912 2 1 lb cans of 1arlin t1ue Spray Paint 866 1 1 lb can of Red Primer Spray Paint 769 1 gal Prestone anti -freeze 2 12 oz cans of radiator flush AC-615 1 posthole digger 1 5/64 bits 1 1/16 bit 1 1/2 bit 1 3/16 bit 1 7/32 bit 9 Alen wrenches 2 brush grinder Page 7 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 3/8" drill 1 tweezers 1 tap & easy -out 1 plastic cover for welding mask 4-; - 54 2 sanding discs 12 electrical screw caps 1 rotating flasher 1 tool box 1 point file 1 hammer handle 1 can Brasso 1 tube All purpose flux 5 masonary bits 3 cement chisels 1 tip cleaner 1 23/64 bit 1 3/8 x 16 tap 1 comb. screwdriver 2 hinges 1 drill key 1 easy out - 4 1 small open end wrench 1 roll soder 2 welding tips 4 small bits 1 1/16 sockets 1 1/8 socket 1 3/8 socket 1 t socket 1 4 socket 1 5/16 socket 1 9/16 socket 2 bags grass seed 1 5/8 socket 1 7/8 socket 2 15/16 sockets 1 3/4 drive extension 1 tool box 1 torque wrench 2 3/8 drill bits 1 11/32 drill bit 1 20/62 drill bit 1 5/16 drill bit 1 19/64 drill bit 1 9/32 drill bit 1 17/16 drill bit 1 u drill bit 1 15/64 drill bit 1 7/32 drill bit 1 13/64 drill bit 1 3/16 drill bit 1 11/64 drill bit 1 5/32 drill bit 1 1/0 drill bit 1 7/64 drill bit 1 box cotter pins Page 8 QUANTITY ITETvJ & ,DFSCRIPTION 1 box grease fitting No. 5469 8 brooms 4 brushes for washing trucks 1 tin pan 2 sections water rose 1 nozzel 1 paper rack 1 welding stand 2 idiot sticks 2 tanks 1 section of welding hose 1 cutting torch 1 cutting tip 2 gauges 1 set welding glasses 2 ignitors 1 coffee pot cord 1 mail box 1 funnel 1 hacksaw 2 tape (broken) 2 chain saw chains 13 saw blades for brusher 1 pick handle 1 arc welder 1 welding rusk 8 clip boards 1 chain saw 1 oil pan 1 electric water pump 1 3/4 drive rachet 1 switch C8tZ 13480-B 70 Ford 1 Holley rotor 29-3 1 thermostat 3 boxes set scres (55) 1 tube contact cement 3 boxes locker hooks S7311 1 PCV #V-50 DOAZ 6A666A 1 economiser CE-73 C5AZ-0A56A-B 1 box keys WK-1 2 MC muffler clamps 1 can Asbestos furnace & Retort cement 300 3/16 - 18x3 bolts 1 key lock C58,65 1 linoleum knife 1 clevice 15 snap pins 11 water hose clamps 1 hose nozzel 1 box stem packing a 7 chain hooks 1 roll foam inouiation 2 holley condenser 28-10 680-388175 1 shutoff valve (1") Page 9 QUANTITY ITEX & DESCRIPTION 1 clevic kit AP11 582-A 1 6-12 vt DC switch 35 amp 2 rubber seal plugs for hydraulic 9 springs (brake) 1 193319 3 boxes 1 x 5/16 3 boxes 5/6 lockwashers 1 box cap screws 5/ 3 X 2 14. shear rin 1 5 gal gas can 28 Alen wrenches in green box 2 flexible radiator hose 1 coffee not cord 1 tube paste solder 1 can grazing compound 116 5 oz. 2 fan motors 1 can nails 2 lbs. 1 rear view mirror 1 tube solder d flux 2 rolls masking tape 1 roll electrical 1 starter solenoid 1 bag cement nails 11 weight limit signs 3 water pump filters 1 8 oz pipe joint compound i 1 3 oz rubber patch 1 2 oz epoxy cement 1 65 ft - 3/16 rlas'i.c tubing 1 Jabsco service kit SK 61-77 3 rolls solder 1 lb. 1 can swift solder 1 ib. 1 starter solenoid ST103 1 10' electrical wire 1 switch BC159 1 spindle bolts & bushing kit C3TZ3111A 1 ignition coil for Ford Tractor 1 starter solenoid 8BA12029 1 tube windshield sealer 1 box stool rings 1 stone 8" x 2" x 1" 1 carb Kit CG186 1 box welding rods AP 6013 1 tube of brazing rods 1 tube 1/8 weld 59 1 axe handle 1 set jumper cables 1 cable a 3 pt. hitch part for Ford 1 0xygen tank top 1 belt of snow plows 1 5 gal. grease G5-155 PC AY No. 2 1 5 gal. surface Seal coating L120-361 70M 1 2ga1. 10w30CENEX 2 gal, 80-90 oil 12 gal. Gulflex POLY 2 grease pumps Page 10 Q,UANTITY ITEr': DESCRIPTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 6 6 2 2 2 1 4 4 4 4 24 25 ft. 1 1 1 4 7 8 oz 8 1 11 3 3 7 1 15 ft 1 1 1 box syphon Plastic tube crack sealer funnel ;ricks belt 120804 belt 172856 grader belts belt 172856 copper ring for grader 5 gal can fuel oil 5 gal YoCui1och oil 2 gal, gulf universal tractor fluid propane blow torch brusher sick.el glades (m&m) jack stands grinder mask for grinding 8" brushes No. 364 N seal beam lamps No. 4416 seal beam 1rrps No. 4412 seal beam lamps No. 6013 red stop lights fog lights & covers light mounting bracket 509 read out cords 409 read out cords 15t read out cords read out recEpticals Plugs for to,e above ,aa.ter hose 39 -'level funnel 8 oz. brake fluid oil filter cartridge NO. RV 40-54 oil filter cartridges No. 1060 oil_ filter cartridges No. 35A5533 car wax oil filters 1092 grinding shield protector oil filters No, 1015 oil filters No. c6NN 6714 A oil filters No. C5NN 6714 B window squidgy 300 watt bulbs flare kit torch kit first aid kit hydrant wrench 8" level 7/16 cable blinker back-up light misc. for spreader Page 11 QUANTITY ITE2v1 & DESCRIPTION 1 belt EAF 8577A 1 power sc w cleaner 1 big turnbuckle 1 cable with turnbuckles 13 sa.mll wire wheels 1 hachet 1 machete' 1 swedish saw blade 5 cutting wheels 2 wire buffers 1 belt 15�524 1 grinding stone 3 belts 108458 4 belts 164080 1 axe 2 spreader parts (boxes) 1 bag grader chain parts 1 box attachment parts for Ford tractor 2 chain tighteners 1 grease gun 1 tube grease gun 1 canvas top for Ford tractor 3 2 gal. gas cans 1 piece of clear elastic 1 section water hose 1 nozel of gas pump 2 slow moving vehicle signs 2 hydaulic lines 1 ash ray 1 spicet 1 gal. pink 1 gal. orange 93 55546-H 1 gal orange 93082 3 gal yellow 1 gal exterior latx 30-4774 1 gal glamortex enamel 102812N 1 gt, highway orange DOE 60373 1 gt. linseed oil 2 gal N-L concentrate 750 ft nylon rope 75 roller pans 6 rollers 10 gal 3045 gen. maint. CLNR 4 gal white seal 5192 2 gal Light green f,-8 1 wheel puller 8 trowls 2 camp shovels 1 exhaust ;pipe 3220-1 1 1u wrench 4 funnels 1 wire wheel 1 pkg. steel w' of Page 12 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 tube roofing cement 1 roll sheet packing 1 pt plastic cleaner 1 pt plastic cement 7 cans low 30 oil 1 qt plastic pipe cement 2 sets blades for sirip 1 set blades for whirlybird 1 box welding rods 5/32 1 wire VACS; stripper No. 1900 1 set files H4 15470 1 holub stripper No. 221 1 hand drill 1 adjustable pliers 1 14" screw :.river 1 aul 2 ridged E110 pipe wrenches 1 flash light 1 3/4 comb. wrench 1 7/16 comb. wrench 1 x 9/16 open end 1 No. 5 wood bit 1 backhoe book 1 Swenson spreader book welding book 1 Harris pump book 1 Clyton steam cleaner book 1 Wisconsin motor book 1 snowblower 2 oil filters 3D1311 3 gal black paint 634 1 gal aluminum 470 1 gal thinning oil 633 4 gal marlin blue 866 3 gal hydrant red 1210 7 gal white 2764 1 pal red primer 1069 1 qt green 29245 2 gal paint thinner 1 gal paint remover 1 gal inertoi No. 49 1 refrigerator 1 garden tractor 1 20' extension cord 1 pair high rubber boots 1 oil can 1 holley carb 1 roll 10' gas pipe wrapping 1 file & joint No. 61034 1 Ford 4000 book 2 Dodge truck books 1 LW :now w i nor book N2 3 3/4 Chev Page 13 QUANTITY ITEM & DFCCRII TI ON 1 hydaulic spreader book 1 69 tune-up spec. book 1 Ford book 1 four wheel drive book 1 sewer tap h:B book 1 hydrant wrench 1 H6D1 diesel book 1 400H motor grader book 1 H-Nh book 2 LW grader book 1 time clock. 1 radio 1 plastic wastepaper basket 1 picnic table 1 w0rk bench 1 storage bin for nuts a bolts 1 storage bin for bigger items 1 telephone 5 telephone books 1 chair 7 5 gal. buckets 1 torch carrier TIMAP,RLINF 4 rolls 2" fire hose 4 rolls 1" water hose 4 rolls 11," hose - reservoir 1 air com;;ressor 1 8" test ball for sewer 1 air pump 1 compressed air sprayer 1 lawn sprinkler 1 Homelite air pumper 1 Ma.rathon electric motor 3HP 4 gal white high gloss point No. 2766 1 pa nt brush 1 hack chemical tester DR-A1197 425 coups. 5 PM-2R 1 Hack dissolved oxygen test kit N OX-2-P 21 sacks Poi;tland cement 1 sack concrete m x 1 sack sand rnix 1 sewer snake 1 super range clamp 8" dia. 1 super range clamp 1?" dia. 1 super range calmly 6" dia. 1 float & Healy Huff water level control div. 1 super range clamp 18" dia. 2 10 hydrant extensions 5 12 hydrant extensions 8 18 hydrant extensions 2 hydrant valve seats (1 new) (1 old) 1 valve seat removal wrench for hydrants 8 steps Page 14 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 3 4 1 can 13cans 2 2 5 2 gal 3 rolls 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 9 1 15 ft 1 1 1 1 201 1 bag 1 box 1 bottle 10 9 1 bag 5 2 L 20 10 2 16 4 8 2 rolls 10 1 11 1 sand extractor 3/4" F-600 Ford copr, stops 1" flange joints extension ladder sewer tap machine water tap-rn., chi ne 4" water meter 3" water meter 4" tee elbow for hydrant mounting space heater push on pipe joint shower tap joint compound water tap collar (6x12-15-C) water tap collars (6x8-4) water tap collars4 x 18 - 24 _D) tneme - gloss enamel 1" orange fire hose bolt down hydrant collars (flange) 2" stop 2 " water turn off taper seal (1004) taper :;eal s (1006) taper seals (14 6) taper seals (10405) taper seals (10403) shingles length of green water hose plastic 1" hose circular water valve turnoff water inspection cover garbage can cover 4" black writer hose plastic piping 3/-" nuts 67 bolts 2-3/4" 48 of each (W1010, V 2010CA) hydrant parts (W14 brass turnoffs & 7 extension ;;Apes & 2 rings SA10 oil hydrant clamps orange caps (61069) "breakable sleeves" stand pipe bolts & Nuts flange gaskets nuts - bolts for upper stand pipe glange lock rings 4" hydrant caps 4" gaskets flange connectors valve rod extensions 3/4" copper tubing coupling pins main valve washer rubber gaskets (6") air hose for manholes Page 15 QUANTITY ITEM ,x DESCRIPTION TOWER 1i 41 gate valve extensions 10 18" gate valve extensions 10 24" gate valve extensions 6 26" gate valve extensions 16 gate valve caps 3 12' flanges 10 shut off for property line (outside) 3 3/4" shut off vlaves Ford 6 1" shut off valves Meullar 3 3/4" shut off vlaves Meullar 6 1" flange connectors 1 circular shut off wheel for water .gain 15 shut rods for inside easting 24 nuts & bolts 1 pipe coupling 2 x 2,—� 1 3" pipe x 2" 13,x2 n 2 4 x 2" 1 5 x 2" 1 6 x 2" 1 5 x 1-3/4" 1 coupling /4" 1 pipe 13" x 1-3/4" 2 pipes 10" x 1-3/4" 3 pipes 9" x 1-3/4" 2 3/4" couplings pipes 18 x 1-3/4" 3/4" couplings 1 pipe 23" x 2" 1 2' coupling 1 2" flange 1 3/4" flange 1 61" ;:ine x 1 " 1 4—," coupling~ 2 1-3/4" coupling 4 2" couplings 1 pipe x 1-3/4" 1 pipe 11" x 1-3/4" 1 pipe 15" x 1-3/4" 1 coupling 1-5/4 1 pipe 15" 4 curbstop covers 5 1-3/4" reducers 1 cover mounting casting 3 (81-1141) pipes OLD TOWN HALL 2 warning vests 10 flashing barricades 2 flag stands Page 16 QUAN'i'1TY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 28 cones — blaze orange 1 men working signs 1 equipment working signs 100 green posts 36 black ;posts 4 curb boxes 2 curb boxes bottoms 5 barricade cross bars 12 barricades (stands) 1 tractor tire 1 tractor cab Ford 1 grader step 14 balloting boxes 1 box mounting brakets for tractor cover 2 5 gal buckets of paint: white 3569 2 gal zone marking white T7990 3 stop signs (oversize) red 5 stop signs (regular) red 1 yellow stop signs 1 straight ahead arrow sign 1 S curve sign 44 3 ton axle limit signs 2 watfh out for children 2 yield signs 2 fresh oil signs 3 curve 4 stop ahead signs 2 "T" signs 3 Road Closed signs 1 Road construction sign 2 Dead End signs 25 shooting reg. by ordinance signs 7 pedestrian only signs 3 "No parking at any time" signs 6 " No dumping allowed" 3 35!V PH signs 1 20 MPH 1 45 'MPH 1 50 MPH 5 30 MPH 1 deer crossing 1 sharp curve to left 8 no parking any time signs on post 1 watch for children 1 road intersect at right 1 Silver Bell 2 Coac man Road 2 Lassie Lane 2 Sherman Court 6 Chapel Lane 8 Lexington ;Are. 4 Highsite Drive Page 17 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 2 Lone Oak Road 4 Pineridge Drive 2 McCarthy Road 12 Pilot Knob 8 Plarice 2 Wren Lane 1 No. Truck Parking 2 Diamond Pt. 4 Carnelian 6 Lawrence Av. 2 Sibley Hills :;rive 11 County Ro d 7 4 Turdy Road 6 Rahn Road 2 Lindy Lane 2 Random Rd 2 Shale lane 4 Beau'd Rue 8 Yankee Doodle 2 Roll Lane 2 Donald Av. 2 LeTendre Street 2 Rita Court 6 Highview Ave. 6 Co. Rd. 30 6 Blackhawk 2 Knoll Ridge Dr. 4 4 Oaks Road 1 flag 1 cone 9 sign holders (long) 10 sign holders (short) 43 sign dividers (black) 1 plow blade 20 double sign rods 10 single sign rods 30 single rod bases 30 sign rod nuts 40 sign dividers (silver) 1 scare fire teeth 2 sickle bar section 3 fuel oil smudge pots 1 box dividers & nuts & bolts (60 dividers, 100 NUTS, 100 bolts) PUMP HOUSE 3 fire extinguishers 1 bottle red ink 1 open end 9/16 wrench 1 syringe 1 dust pan 1 fire extinguisher 1 clock 1 clip board Page 18 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 washing brash & handle 2 cans Layngrease 1 gal turbine oil 2 Layne pump pickings 3 H-78 3 containers Hydroflosilcic Acid 2 chlorine tanks covers 3 pcs aluminum tubing 2 shut off valves 1" 2 superior clamps 1 clip board 2 bottles 8 oz. Amonia Aqua 1 bottle Meriam 2 Pusetron FRS10 1 roll thread seal tape 1 tube 56.7 grs. pipe joint 1 9/16 open end wrench 1 7/16 square wrench 1 W & T book 1 plastic bag of washer for chlorine & florine Pumps - Part No. 101A712U01 333C347122 101A723U01 101A708UO1 101A720U01 864-0029-730 101A729U01 333C350P01° 101A721U01 3/1E CHIV 1 curb box ehut off wrench 2 tire irons 1 8 ton jack 1 tow chain 5' 1 10" pipe wrench 1 Teleread meter 1 test grow meter 61040 1 No 8 wood bit 1 No 10 wood bit 1 Irwin E88 Extension 1 3/8 ma.sonary bit 1 4; masonary bit 1 meter sealer R t INVENTORY ROAD & BRIDGE EQUIPMENT -- EAGAN TOWNSHIP August 1971 1965 LeTourneau Grader Westinghouse 440-HC 46091 $17,534.00 Plow S/N S183 Model No. 23 (P80K3H65912) 1969 Ford 3/4-ton pickup S/N F25BPF 10364 2,592.63 1961 Ford Tractor with blade plus mower - 149713 3,916.00 Loader 2970 Bucket 7283 Tractor 1970 D5o11F S/N C258539 5,270.00 *balance on W/S Loader 19-401 S/N 5122 19-434 1-yd. bucket w/extension to 2-yd. Backhoe 19-552 S/N 1131 1965 Ford 12-ton truck with dump box hoist 60MP580147 Plow No. B-31-58-8092-0 Box No. 842129 Sander No. 68M 268-86 2,500.00 300.00 1970 Ford F103 1-ton pickup (Bill's) S/N F10ALJ 35080 704.00 *balance on W/S & P/W 1953 Ford F800 truck with dump & hoist S/N M804-65912 1,175.00 Control Box S/N 9-152 Sander S/N 65L-195-80 Box S/N Y42898 Plow s/N B31-58W-6647-3 Wing S/N 177 1970 Dodge Truck S/N 81H0PJ08948 Plow S/N 630K-222M0 Box S/N 15627J Sander S/N 12406 Wing S/N 10ARO-168Z-MO Radio Motorola 18 Watt, UHF Base Station, Desk Top Type w/microphone used antenna with mounting clamps - 55' tower - 4 used RCA CMU-15C Mobile radios, 15 watt 12,154.59 1,564.00 654.56 *balance on W/S 1953 Ford Tractor S/N NAA76773 995.00 Blade S/N 4592 12 foot Grader Wing Extension for Grader Chains for Grader (4) 1962 Snow Plow 111.94 71.03 750.00 ROAD & BRIDGE EQUIPMENT INVENTORY Cont'd. 1959 Snow Plow 1965 Swenson Spreader 8' 1967 Swenson Spreader (to G. 0hmann 2/1/66 HD 9' Wing McCulloch Power Saw Model 1-41 McCulloch Chain Saw (used) Model 1-50 Clinton Engine (Steam Cleaner) Shovel 2 steel post drivers Grinder for mower sickles 1971 Selcto Spreader & Valve Box 2 service master cross boxes Material Spreader Tractor Show Blower Welding Units Trailer hitch Parking curbs 448.04 4+49.13 245.98 249.5o 120.00 38.95 4.10 5.00 42.00 1,210.00 212.00 453.37 159.95 1,400.00 184.75 912.00 94.6o INVENTORY PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT -- EAGAN TOWNSHIP August 1971 1970 Ford F103 --ton pickup (Bill's) S/N F10A1J35080 $ 704.00 *balance on R/b & W/S INVENTORY GENERAL August 1971 Electri Clock 2 lateral 3 drawer files 3 self units 1 United Steno post chair 1 coat rack Alyce's desk chair 2 united side chairs HON 2-drawer index card file 8 single drawer file cabinets 2 shades fire extinguisher Drapes Dale's desk $ 16.00 127.50/each 52.70/each 38.80 16.65 173.40 66.30 26.50/each 8.42 16.00 61.90 128.24 681.90 148.75 INVENTORY POLICE DEPARTMENT -- EAGAN TOWNSHIP 2 - two compartment shelf units 1 Royal standard typewriter 1 electric clock 1 executive arm chair 1 desk with typrewriter return Martin's desk Steel cabinet 5/8 2 united side chairs 1 Tiffany stand $ 35.70/each 125.00 16.00 74+.30 216.65 205.40 15.60 26.50/each 17.06 INVENTORY WATER & SEWER EQUIPMENT -- EAGAN TOWNSHIP August 1971 Adler Electric 21 Typewriter & stand S/\T 7691092 $ 394.61 Tractor 1970 D5011F S/N C258539 Loader 19-501 S/N 5122 19-434 1-yd. bucket w/extension to 2-yd Backhoe 19-552 S/N 1131 5,270.00 *balance on R/B 1970 Ford F103 ?-ton pickup (Bill's) S/N F1GALJ35080 704.00 *balance on R/B & PW 1968 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup S/N CE238J127603 2,957.34 Radio Motorola 18 Watt, UHF Base Station, Desk Top Type w/microphone used antenna with mounting clamps - 55' tower - 4 used RCA CMU-15C Mobile radios, 15 watt 654.56 *balance on R/B Power Drill Shewer Tap 1,995.00 Addressograph 970.80 Portion of cost for Copystat 238.50 100' sewer rod 22.00 Bill's desk chair 148.75 47.00 Desk in Timberline 20.00 Chair 20.00 Flow Meter Extension ladder Tractor & mower Lorna's chair HON 2 drawer index card file Cole 2-drawer Card file 1 Olivetti Adding Machine S.N 1D371053 Meters -- 3 - 2" Rockwell 1 -1i" n 6 - 12 n rr 4 - in 2 - 3/4" 10 - 5/8" rr 7 - 5/8" American -Buffalo 26 - Copperhorns 4 - hydrant meters 1- trident 4$239.75 @$ 82.25 • 161.00 • 80.93 @ 55.12 @ 49.6o @ 49.6o @ 7.47 @375.00 581.35 30.93 925.00 38.8o 8.42 13.15 350.00 719.25 82.25 966.00 323.72 110.24 496.00 347.20 194.22 1500.00 page 6 QUANTITY Vault 10 48 4 25 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 sets 1 set 4o 4 9 2 1 2 1 1 1 Old Town Hall 1 ea. 1 roll 4 Pcs. Misc . 3 qts. 1 1 1 set 18 sacks 13 8 1 Bbl. 7 3 3 10 1 4 Lagoon #2 2 20 ft. 1 1 1 ITEM & DESCRIPTION 75' Teleread cords 50' Teleread cords 60' Teleread cords 15' Teleread cords copperhorns 3/4" meters 1" meters 1,÷" meters 14," Meters 5/8" Trident meter 5/8 Buffalo 3/4" Meter horns 1" Meter horns Plastic screws Teleread hood Hydrant meters Hydrant wrenches 21" Gate valves Adapter - 21" Female 21 Male fire thread 3" male pipe thread, 3" male pipe thread 4" Rockwell meter fire thread, 22 male pipe thread - 24 male pipe thread 22 male fire thread - 21 fire hose couple Log chain 1"x20' Wires for snow fence Sign posts Street signs Oil for grader Grass cutter - model 908 Trailer for lawn tractor Chains Chloride Ballot boxes Voting booth boxes 30 Wt. oil - almost empty Warning lights Highway flares Sign post tops Sign post brackets Pressure tank Sealed beams. Motors SUTO.R. Ser. 28418 air mover 600 cable for electric motors Wheel barrow Fork - 10 tines Aluminum shovel 2 Square shovels - small page 5 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 2 gal. Distilled water 1 gal. Windshield washer solvent 11 cans Heet 6 cans Radiator flush 4 gal. Anti -freeze 1 BTh1. 30 wt. oil (Part) 1 B1 . 20 wt. oil (Part) 1 Bbl. Solvent (Part) 1 Bbl. 10 wt. oil (Part) 2 ea. Post hole diggers 4 ea. Small square shovels 2 ea. Small round nose shovels 1 ea. Small spade 1 ea. Small round nose (short handle) 4 ea. Square shovels 3 ea. Squeezees 3 ea. Pick heads 5 ea. Brooms 2 ea. Rakes 1 ea. Double edge ax (broken) 1 ea. Pick 1 ea. Sledge hammer (Handle broken) 2 ea. Pick handles 1 ea. Pry Bar 1 ea. Washing brush (Grader windows) 1 ea. BB1. Steam cleaner soap (powder) 2 ea. Aluminum scoop shovels Bill's Desk 1 Berger pocket level (#40) 1 set 1/8" Steel letters - Youngs 1 set 1/16" Steel figures 1 1/16" steel letters 1 set 4" steel figures 1 Hydrant wrench 1 Post #7311 Engineer's ruler 1 Stanley 12 ft. powerlock PL12 1 Keuffel & Esser Map Measure #62 0330 1 Badge marked 'Public Works Eagan Twsp. Meter Dept. 1 Bade No. 1 - Water Dept. Eagan Township 1 Roll Scotch tape 1 set 12 Dri Mark water color sketcher set 1 Stapler - Swingline 77S 1 Lufkin 1 Teleread water meter read-out 1 Label tape printer Dale's Desk 1 Line Level Berger Mod. 40 1 Brooks #1 Lead Seal 1 Lufkin HW100 100' Steel tape 1 Stanley 62100 100' Steel tape 1 Curb Box Key 1 set Utilities Dept. Keys 1 Post 7311 Engineer's scale rule 1 Badge 1 Hydrant wrench INVENTORY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dated: April 21, 1970 ITEM QUANTITY SIZE DESCRIPTION 0R TTEM Sockets Grader Socket Set Box & Open End Wrenches 2 2 2 lilt 1 sm. extension 15/16" 1 lge. extension 1 1/16" 1 med. extension 7/8" 1 speed handle 13/16 2 breaker bars 3/4" 2 ratchet handles 11/16" 5/8" 19/32" 9/16" fir 2 7/16" 13/16" 1 ratchet handle 2 1 1/8" 1 extension 2 1" 1 1/16" 1 3/8" 1 15/16" 1 9/16" 1 5/8" 1 7/8" 2" 11" 1" z 3 ea. Putty Knives 1 ea. Wire Brush 1 set Tractor Chains (801) 1 ea. 8" Cresent 1 ea. 10" Cresent 1 ea. 12" Cresent 1 Ea. Body Hammer 1 ea. Chipping Hammer 1 ea. Square Wedge Hammer 1 ea. Lge. Square Wedge Hammer 1 ea. Ball Peen Hammer 1 wa. Claw Hamner 2 ea. Small Magnets 1 ea. Circut Tester 1 ea. 3L330 V Belt 1 pr. Side Cutters 1�", 7/16" u 1 1/8", 3/8" 1 1/16", 11/16" 1", 15/16" 7/8", 13/16" 3/4" , 11/16" 5/8", 9/16" 1/2" - Box only page 2 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 ea. Black & Decker 7" Heavy duty grinder, ser. no. 5932091 1 ea. Muller Drilling & Tapping Machine 1 ea. 20 ton hydraulic jack 1 ea. 5 ton hydraulic jack 1 ea. 4-sided speed lug wrench 1 ea. Sicle grinder - Model No. 33 (no motor) 1 ea. Wissota grinder No. BF-175 & 1/3 h.p. motor 1 ea. Torch set, cutting torch, 3 welding tips, cart, goggles, 2 strikers. Air products gauges, oxy. number 1101, Ace. Number 1131 2 tanks oxygen, 2 tanks acetylene 2 ea. 25' Drop cords & trouble lights 2 ea. 50' Drop cords 1 ea. 1/2 ton Come Along 1 ea. 24" Pipe wrench 1 ea. 20" Cresent wrench 1 ea. 4" Vise No. 604-M2 1 ea. 24" Square 1 ea. 12" Level square (combination) 17 ea. Brush saw blades 1 ea. Soldering gun set (Weller #8200-N) 1 ea. Small oil can 1 ea. Battery puller (strap type) 1 ea. Whisk Broom 1 ea. Tube cutter, Flanger set. 1 pr. Tin snips DS-10 1 pr. Channel lock pliers #13-2728 1 ea. Battery terminal cleaner 2 ea. Globemaster Pipe Wrenches (second rate) 4 ea. 100 watt bulbs 2 ea. Paint brushes 2 ea. Oil can (large) 1 set Cotter Keys (Assorted) 1 ea. Short Chain with 2-grab hooks 1 ea. Large putty knife 3 ea. Hack saws 1 ea. Chain tightener 1 ea. Battery charger - 10 amp. model No. WS1010 2 cases Masking tape 1 ea. Small pry bar 1 can Body putty 1 can Penetrant-Lube 1 can Roller Chain Lube 1 can Luberplate 1 can Wheel Bearing Grease 1 can Easy off liquid wrench 1 ea. Large chisel 7/8" Davie #112 2 ea. Mill Bastard Files 1 ea. Roll 3-M Electrical Tape 1 ea. Proto Body Dolly 1 ea. Combo. File 1 ea. Point File 1 ea. Needle Nose Pliers 1 ea. Large Pliers 1 ea. 5/32" Long Nose Punch 1 ea. Center Punch 1 ea. 5/8 Cold Chisel page 3 QUANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 ea. 5/32" Short Punch 5 ea. Hack Saw Blades 1 ea. Set Hex Wrenches 5/64"-4" sizes (7 pcs.) 2 ea. Large Hex Wrenches (Grader Tandems) 1 set Hex Wrenches 5/16"-.050" sizes (19 pcs.) 2 ea. Phillips Screw Drivers 11 ea. Screw Drivers (Large to small) 1 ea. Wire Scrub Brush 2 ea. Circular wire brushes 3 ea. Rubber cups 2 ea. Cup discs 12 ea. Wire wheels 1 ea. Anti freeze checker 1 pr. Tweezers 1 ea. Mirror on long handle 1 ea. Solder Paste (Small tube) 1 ea. All purpose Flux (Small tube) 1 ea. Gap wrench 1 ea. Set Hex wrenches (odds & ends - 9 pcs.) 1 ea. Welding torch tip cleaner 1 ea. 4" Easy out 1 ea. #7 Easy out 1 ea. Homak Tool Box - model 922 1 ea. Black & Decker Reversible drill - Ser. No, 9534193 1 ea. Black & Decker 3/8" Drill - Model No. 7100 1 ea. Drill Bit Set 1/16"-4" (10 pcs.) 1 ea. Drills 3/8" - 7/16" - 1/2" - 7/16" - 7/32" - 1/8" - 11/64" 5/64" - 1/16" 2 ea. 4" Masonary bits 2 ea. 3/8" Masonary bits 2 ea. 2" Masonary bits 1 ea. Used clutch plate (snow blower) 1 ea. Hand saw (rip) 1 ea. Riveter for sicles 1 ea. Gasoline nozzel & hose 2 ea. Hard hats 4 ea. Shoes for plows (600 & 800) 3 ea. Searchlight heads 2 ea. Batteries 1 ea. Flashlight 2 ea. D S-ize Batteries 1 can Anti -spatter compound 1 ea. Air products A.C. welder - Model No. AC225 1 pkg. NIC-L-'n-eld Special Alloy Cast Iron Rods 1 roll Plastic film 12"x100" 1 gal. Grey sealer 1 gal. Rust primer 2 gal. Lacquer reducer 3 gal. Enamel reducer 2 ea. Jack stands 1 ea. Welding helmet 1 pr. Welding gloves 4 gal. Orange enamel paint 4 ea. Rain coats 4 pr. Firemen's boots 7 ea. Sicle bars 4 ea. 5-gal. cans hydraulic fluid 1 case Rubber Rope 2 ea. Snow fence wire tighteners 2 ea. Safety vests page 4 liANTITY ITEM & DESCRIPTION 1 ea. Snow blower (Western) Ser. No. 975 1 ea. 1-way Plow & Hitch for Ford 600 1 ea. 1-way Plow & Hitch for F800 & wing & V-Plow 1 ea. V-Plow for grader & wing 1 ea. Clinton 3.5 h.p. gasoline engine 1 ea. Extra sander chain 1 ea. Sealed beam headlight 1 ea. Old wheel puller 4 ea. lengths of hose 1 ea. 2-quart oil can 1 ea. Motor for Aerator 1 ea. Ford F-250 Pickup log chain & flashlight 7 ea. Oil filters for snow blower 1 set Bernz-o-matic torches, 2 cans gas 18 ea. Oil filters for trucks (etc.) 2 ea. Special Oil Filters (Chev. P.U.) 3 ea. Clocks 1 ea. Mail Box 2 ea. Seat belts 4 cans Go -Jo Soap 1 ea. Go -Jo Dispenser 5 ea. Funnels (assorted sizes) 3 ea. Grease guns 4 ea. Tubes grease 1 ea. Brace 1 ea. Battery Tester Kit 1 ea. Dust pan 1 ea. Old carburator (Ford 600) 2 ea. Oil Catch pans 1 ea. Variator for Welles Aerator 1 ea. Pump 2" #D0225-1 H5-BFC (Pressure Pump) 1 ea. Homelite chain saw & chain 1 ea. Brush saw & harness 1 ea. Ladder (2 pes.) 1 ea. Gas can (jeep type) 1 ea. Gas can (safety type) 2 ea. Sweeping compound (1 full & 1 part) 1 ea. Floor dry (part) 1 set Grader chains 1 ea. Emergency sign post & stand 1 ea. Trash pump (Homelite) 3" 1 ea. Suction hose 1 ea. Discharge hose 1 ea. Air pump (Homelite) 1 ea. Air line 2 ea. Swenson speaders (with attachments) 1 ea. flag pole & accessories 1 ea. Cutting edge (snow bucket) 1 ea. Cutting edge (loader) 1 ea. Cutting edge (F-600 snow plow) 1 ea. Grader wing boom 1 ea. Simplicity riding tractor, model 3012 with grass cutter on. 1 ea. Ford 1953 F-800 Truck, log chain & flashlight 1 ea. Ford 1965 F-600 Truck, log chain & flashlight 1 ea. 440-H grader, log chain 1 ea. Small Ford tractor, sicle attachment & grader 1 ea. Ford 801 powermaster with bucket & snow bucket 1 ea. Shop creeper INVENTORY FOR SEWER AND WATER 1968 QUANTY NAME 1 2 cell flashlite 1 6 volt spot & blinker lite 1 hacksaw 1 oilcan 1 wire brush 1 4" paint brush 1 1" paint brush 7 ScrewDrivers (Various Sizes) 1 Aluminum torpedoe level 1 Large chrome pliers 1 8" Crescent wrench 1 24 oz. Ball Pean Hammer 1 8# Mall 1 6# Pick 1 longhandled shovel 2 18" Pipe wrench 1 3/4 " Chisel 1 Crow Bar 1 36" Curb Box Wrench 1 12" Crescent Wrench 1 Torpedoe Level 1/ A C./A , ,,. .., : C E a 3 K J I ( °3 INVF:"1TORY Equipment Py :` urniture - F,ag n Trip. January, 1966 Old : iling Cabinets 1960 2 Legal size Filin=v Cabinets 200.00 1959 "dimeograph L.achine (at tallands office) 445.60 1960 IJlectric Water Cooler 154.00 1957 4 Units Voting ?ooths - used 200.00 1957 6 Ballot Boxes 37.50 1960 ap Fil© Cabinet 225.00 1959 'tat rook 37.00 1960 2 Fla¢a 9.90 1961 2 Folding Tables 105.90 1963 Used Victor I+ddinr -achine 20.00 1964 3 :jingle i•rawer (F►rey) 5x7 Filing Cabinets 17.78 1 Double i;rav er (Frey) " " VI 1964 2 Double Drawer (tan) +' 14.93 1 otapler 1.95 1 ale rks :jea l 2 Dog Catcher Badges 15 redvrcod iark :'ionic rnbies 400.00 1965 2 :-ecretarial Chairs (wed) 20.00 40.00 1 " i=-esk " 20.00 2 Door :eats 39x2.2 w 15.00 30.00 1 Door t. at 32x22 10.00 1 Chalkboard 4'x6' 65.00 1 vrrey Customer (coat rack) 12.00 2 ' aper rowel Containers 3.50 7.00 1 :yetal Shelving 18x36x6' 26.00 1 isulletin Board 3x4 22.00 1 Leig7e Elec. Clock 4,2912 13.00 1 Four drawer Filing Cabinet (Police) 105.00 Cage 2 INVENTORY Equipment s. r urniture - Eagan Tv p, January 1966 1965: 9 Lxecutive Chairs Mack t930 = 1'50.00 P450.00 100 Tan Folding Chairs il4000 360.+00 Council Table (3 Parts) 22.5.00 L.C. Smith Typewriter 177.75 1 -irror 16x20 5.53 1 L,irror 22x26 9;95 1 30" leust Mop 4.50 2 16" Push i'rooms w4.50 9.00 Lucket on wheels16.00 1 et . op 2.50 1 40 cup coffee 1 rn 13.50 2 taste baskets f1.99 3.) 2 ►paste iiaskets 1.29 2.58 5 Ash trays 15 .75 Carden Hose 6.98 prinkler 9.95 3 Aqua este baskets e1.99 5.97 1 Metal Garbage Can 3.98 nqA-rs (otf,c.e) G L-s- D .4-tr i R ,¢ a s_c P. d,flierdar PA- j /. - /71•e Page 3 Inventory 6/7/66 File Cabinet (Used) $ 50.00 8/6/66 Edison Voicewriter & carrying case 304.00 9/20/66 Kodak doppactteco Readyprint Copier 295.00 (Le,a1 Dispenser, cover, etc.) 25.00 Cabinet for Copier 59.95 10/1/66 3 Stationery Dividers 4.95 14.85 10/6/66 Curraanco Letter Tray 9.45 11/1/66 10.50 11/1/66 Iwo -drawer Card Cabinet(Police) - Cole 11.35 2/14/67 (2) HON Desks 0401 (Black) 275.00 3/8/67 Utility Table (police) 24.95 3/67 Tiffany Typing Table 22.95 4/5/67 Currranco Letter Tray 9.45 4/5/67 Cole Two -drawer Card File (Police) 13.15 4/5/67 Adler Typewriter (Universal 20, Elite) 175.00 4/67 Mutual 3-hole punch 4.10 4/67 Iyiutual 2-hole punch 3.50 5/67 HON #4221 Swivel Chair (Tangerine) 47.00 5/67 HON #4262 Secretarial Chair " 35.00 3/67 (2) Wooden Stationery Trays 7.00 4/67 Stapler (Black) 7.95 INVENTORY ROAD EgUIPMENT -- EAGAN T0'NSHIP January 1966 1953 Ford Truck 1175.00 1965 LeTourneau .estinghouse Grader 440-HC46091 $17,534.00 1961 Ford Tractor 861-149713, blade, Mower & loader 3,916.00 1953 Ford Tractor NAA 76773 995.00 1962 now Plow 750.00 1959 Snow Plow 1965 18' Swenson Spreader 448.04 fScCullock power saw :model 1-41 249.50 1964 Chain Saw(used) '.odel 1-50 120.00 `IG S Used Sre -. ale 4/ 3/1966 Gas Burner 21.98 1/4/66 Gas Burner for Garage 125.00 2/1/66 H B 9° Wing 245.98 6/1966 100' Sewer rod - Steam Cleaner 22.00 9/20/66 Extension for Grader 111.94 10/4/66 Shovel 4.10 1/1967 Swenson Spreader (to G. Ohmann) 449.13 2/1967 Clinton engine ( Steam Cleaner) 3/1967 Used Ford Dump Truck (Ser No 60MP580147) 2500.00 F 600 2/1967 Chains for Grader (40 71.03 INVENTORY Equipment & Furniture - Eagan Twp. January, 1966 Old Filing Cabinets 1960 2 Legal size Filin 7 Cabinets 1959 Mimeograph Machine (at Stallands office) 1960 Electric ',rater Cooler 1957 4 Units Voting Booths - used 1957 6 Ballot Boxes 1960 Map File Cabinet 1959 Plat Book 1960 2 Flags 1961 2 Folding Tables 1963 Used Victor Adding achine 1964 3 Single Drawer (grey) 5x7 Filing Cabinets 1 Double Drawer (grey) 1964 2 Double Drawer (tan) 1 Stapler 1 Clerks Seal 2 Dog Catcher Badges 15 Redwood t'ark .'icnic Tables 1965 2 secretarial Chairs (used) - 20.00 1 n Desk It 2 Door Mats 39x22 $15.00 u 1 Door at 32x22 1 Chalkboard 4'x6' 1 grey Customer (coat rack) 2 Paper Towel Containers 1 ri,fetal Shelving 18x36x6' 1 Bulletin Board 3x4 1 Beige Elec. /Clock i;2912 ,c / A;i Pp / r «) n 200.00 445.60 154.00 200.00 37.50 225.00 37.00 9.90 105.90 20.00 17.78 14.93 1.95 400.00 40.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 65.00 12.00 7.00 28.00 22.00 13.00 INVENTORY ?age 2 Equipment & Furniture - Eagan Twp. January 1966 1965: 9 Executive Chairs Llack 7,930 50.00 100 Tan Folding Chairs 4000 Council Table (3 Parts) L.C. omith l.ypewriter 1 ,uirror 16x20 1 mirror 22x26 1 30" Lust Mop 2 16" Push Brooms 44.50 bucket on wheels 1 +et Mop 1 40 cup coffee Urn 2 ,caste Baskets 2 vwaste Baskets 1.29 5 ash trays :.15 Garden Hose sprinkler 3 tiqua ':caste baskets 0 $1.99 1 ;,fetal Garbage Can R..Ghe r 444 rs (of{;(cj /L fists T,e -4- /s (/3 /a t K) S d. /F r D4n % :! vs C' /. .3J` *450.00 360.00 225.00 177.75 5.50 9195 4.50 9.00 16.00 2.50 13.50 3.9f' 2.58 .75 6.98 9.95 5.97 3.98 6 &s- . ,�o ,,1 Page 3 Inventory 6/7/66 File Cabinet (Used) $ 50.00 8/6/66 Edison Voicewriter & carrying case 304.00 9/20/66 Kodak doprchtecc Readyprint Copier 295.00 (Legal Dispenser, cover, etc.) 25.00 Cabinet for Copier 59.95 10/1/66 3 Stationery Dividers L 4.95 14.85 l0/6/66 Curmanco Letter Tray 9.45 11/1/66 " " " 10.50 11/1/66 Two -drawer Card Cabinet(Police) - Cole 11.35 2/14/67 (2) HON Desks #7401 (Black) 275.00 3/8/67 Utility Table (Police) 24.95 :/67 Tiffany Typing Table 22.95 4/5/67 Curmanco Letter Tray 9.45 4/5/67 Cole Two -drawer Card File (Police) 13.15 4/5/67 2 Adler Typewriter niversal 20, Elite) 175.00 4/67 Mutual 3-hole punch 4.10 4:S7 Mutual 2-hole punch 3.50 ./67 HON #4221 Swivel Chair (Tangerine) 47.00 ;;/67 HON #4262 Secretarial Chair " 35.00 3/67 (2) Wooden Stationery Trays 7.00 4/67 Stapler (Black) 7.95 Desk 50.00 Typing Table 22.95 Typewriter - Adler 175.00 3/19/68 Olivitti M Printing Calculator 175.00 3/19/68 Two -drawer Index Card File 12.55 MEMORANDA 9/7/6s' f l�Sr 3 f,^r,,.. 9 y 1 I T LOUIS FISCHER OFFICE OF CLERK EAGAN TOWNSHIP 0- / 4�� �,�� / e-P 1pa 6 ,-✓ A fr - ce-4-/-/-0 ige44 aa,/./ /0, ROUTE 1, ST. PAUL 11, MINN. DL. 1-1661 i 9.5"q io 1166 /75 crt 7 j) ,&et-g-rd:g-e4 aji_07„A /a�9y zs � �O .�el� ✓���o. LVJ er.. 4K' / /z°/6U 0.-4 -YL�e) 11/7/4/ y1/S d D s-f ✓ry a o 44-e-A-J- ` ` F© as oo,00 as bz7 114 /5 a6 .. 40 D6,Ov 3.0,ecv- bo 37s• 9.9d /O.S . 7 2 G 2- try V 1 J.-4A-4 6/0. 77ef *L / 4 /j /�V� / Tw,, , iy 93 • 4101/ 4 y 1960 Rote . Adecp -6/ / , jp7�3 z'tXrc ijaii-eca et/ ?tie .1 it A l/ LOUIS FISCHER OFFICE OF CLERK EAGAN TOWNSHIP ROUTE 1, ST. PAUL 11, MINN. GL. 1-1661 Z C 0-4--:7 A*1411 1 Aar' &-tke4, 711 ale'4L7 o� G „oo L/d �D q7*-oa of 24ta-6,e-4cael /6—cc, loo /0,,w€,4.,