Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Articles of Incorporation of Mutual Fire Inurance Company, Eagan, Dakota, Minnesota (handwritten) - 4/19/1897Patch T/ Transfer Patch / c j1— L3 '• • - .6 C1 ■77 r:-. t.: • r � . 11Ij :il 1 _ •� II III 1 • c- r } ' 9 11.u7•r . • r• r '•a[ r..' M H —F• L•1 • I n IIf' = tr {' Rlt+} •. . gym, �i! T. 1 > 1 • 1 - •'1 �. �••.li- rl h ti • l` 1 11 I - "•I _ 1.1 I'_�4. 1. ^`li' ' 11: •-�a11�t' ` I. �, .. ; .,^ I. n° 9 ,� - •S• y 1�1-• r• till T`�I� uJ' 1-I~ •• it II 1 O. • Y "- *. 1 lj�y —1 L " la, v I r All u4�67 I 1 .� l +�. I'o 1•°' .. at' - n -,.if ▪ C•I. ..W1.' LL �■ . ti F r dh 'I 1• r .t i..... ,,r Ir , uy . .'4 T y. rI I ■ lr ... C -. I n fiaA s 1 fz ■ • ' I •" I' l l . '1., I , 4-7 .7 �T. ▪ .2'��I L is—_ •1 - ti 1; )• 9-6 .• t I� I 0 0 47 b 0 c 0 0 0 O 0 pro 0 0 w 0 0 a. w 0 a G 0 a n C 0 0- O V 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0. a 0 O n 0 0 O 0 0 CD 0 w 0 a 0 0 0 w 0 0 n O r O w 0 w CO 0' 0 w to 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0' w 0 0 0 0 or 0 0 w 0 0 G C O C '4 O 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 -n a ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 1 0' 0 0. 0' O' w d ' �'' w 0. 0 O 0 a Cr a ao • 0-wc?....Y..... q.— „'samoq 8atajo fps„ embrace the name of the town pun 'saollviodaoo 0 ssassod pas `avews siamod tsnsn aQ1 0' 0 a O 47 c9 B 0 ro a 0 a goealaoa 'pan 0 4o 0 waos o' 'l000'sa*) slet 0 '4 0 0 0 r 0 0 0' 0 0 O 0 w 0 0 0 0 Gn 0 C1 E a w 0 'E 0 0 a 0 0 0 e 0 cn 0 w 0 a (0 f/l 0 w 0 '4 n 0 G 0 0 O 0 0 0 is ci O 0' O n 0 ti w M 0 0 '0 0 O 0 0 5 C 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 c" 0 0 C. 0 0 0. 4 0 0 0 0 0 ro 0 4 0 Cr. Q C 0 w 0 a `o .0o o ' Ca <" O m 4 0 n �+ 0 0 0 A w • A O 0 0 `. p rD 0 oCD a r0 0 o M 4 0 CD ti 'C O 5 '0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0' 0 m 0 4 ro 0' M 0 a 0 OO 0 w ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Eitoni all 211en b, tl?esc presents, That we, whose names are hereunto subscribed, and who are residents of the towns repsectively herein named, in the Counties of and State of Minnesota, and who collectively own property within said towns of the value of more than Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars, which we desire to have insured against loss or damage by Fire, Ilail and Lightning, do hereby associate ourselves together as a body corporate, and for that purpose do hereby adopt and sign the following articles of incorporation: I. The name of the said corporation shall be The.... Mutual Fire Insurance Company, andshallcomprise the towns of ariz/ CC1cC� i�ilJ?tJ ryNl��'�sILC�_.....�D�s�Xk�Y.._P 'f ••mo 0 . lW' II. The business of said corporation shall be the insurance of the members thereof against loss or damage by Fire, Hail or Lightning that may happen to detached dwelling houses and their contents, and farm buildings and their contents, and hay and grain in the bin, stack or mow, and live stock while upon the premises of the assured or running at large: agricultura implements, and all other farm property in said buildings. III. The place of transacting the office business of said corporation shall be at and within the town of 2 in the County of .., � j�/ . and State of Minnesota, and the business office of said corporation shall be located in said town; and no person shall be eligible to membership in said corporation except residents of said towns and non-residents who own property thefein. IV. The time of the commencement of said corporation shall be on the .day of (kGZI&t 1s. , and the same shall continue for the period of__ dQr years from said date. V. The names of the persons forming said corporation, all of whom are residents or property owners of the towns below maned, are as follows, viz: _ / i. ����� i L - jl- 0 �lL�ili, , `, , J5. /i f -. )11�. 4�10e- (/r 1 / of the Town of it tt tt to to tt oi u if tt tt w N r9 IP /r ,/ / // „ /, N of ,/ a H F/ ,, r/ A /r PI J /, 11,/,1/LI �I T/stl. Lea. cgalcifti: lilt V//s Ae—i'L' „ h /, ,/ r/ !/ /. it 2 / 'r, z. (11 r/ (�! tv� �] r r�C •2.Q/1e‘l rz ` .0/ L I ) VI. The government of said corporation, and the management of the affairs thereof, shall he vested In a board of ilvc Directors, all of whom shall be actual residents of the towns aforesaid, who shall be elected by the members of said corporation as foiiow8: on the first Monday of___ _._____.._._._..-____.___in each year. VII. The names of the first Board of Directors are 7,: r le/rJ > .f �71Ci If 3n Cestimonij Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals in the County of_.... day of C.;fj//ad.-�1 fr`. f'(i ( e >4' iv'! '!i7 J ✓-( Jo"/r0 L%% r4' l��l(Ltil/ 7/1 firL ikiga,:k 3 J s,2'e? i)/ J 1,1'ftyr= J - 2/ �J� C viz 0 ///ram .4-7%- t C?0Yl1.-/ i `/t l/1442/ Cflit f n _ JJ`9-1. %/// Ll� Signed, sealed and executed in the presence of A D State of Minnesota, on the 614. f �A - 41 t3i, .e// sD SEA! J *vita ///!. 8E��%12�}iHit .csett XXJJJ 047 EAL ��l/iG?/ i yam SEAL BE,LGicra za72.ii.J1/22.11d11; President. Post office address of Secretary is at �t (LaL.-11UL sr;AL, !t [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] Secretary. State of Minnesota, ti SS. County of__. 4 /%!Ji T--___.____........._....._._..._....__ ) ~ 23e it 22emenibereb, That on the_.. A. D. 18 % , personally appeared before Ine, the undersigned, a within and for said County, day of sA'lam /142, ad/2i diael‘s -it.eb PI eie#t J ,tt�rrl.�j.rlivtlj2 , 6!�'�'%-�CfeG'�-,���.CG� �/ 2jt .0 ;r /". ✓. ),.:I,ir is .;_ / ra71!G C X aA04tn-, 4, '�// 2% ?ti" 04-/. _,///i "e'l, c 2i it-5-!,14-1, ar Ch-O-J-tin-I .C.7641-frfri-aopoi--- eig; __Icid /4,04 �� _ A , ,,1 _; ,— ,i-d-zawoz.iiai, i-iii/J (pLiY . 4-5����CJ i ' y who executed the foregoing instrument, and each for himself acknowledged that he signed and sealed the same as his own free act and deed, for the purposes therein named. -GiediPadda,&2a4P/7 --6--.26112z417 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. ST. PAUL, MINN., 18 I do hereby certify that I have examined the Articles of Incorporation of The Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and I find the same to be made in accordance with the requirements of the act entitled "An Act authorizing the formation of Town Insurance Companies," and the acts amendatory thereof, and not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this State or of the United States. Attorney General. l 1 F 1 CA ootrii 404 „dca, axaVilide. 76)ioaiv atta444/4 r;it-d-04e61- leozd 74/-1 42,-;/eiiodeld kip, 491d• eho/ .44/AL- W&ori. .QffridaAa4ezfri/ /hm , yi4/ 614a40-4 Ae/ 4tide-n- 7/4,01/4, ead eviJ 04041 9/1.; sLda 6g) YatLiz, ,g11w. 16 ve-- d2em Ole „A600itiaL 24A14400_,Att. ,60-id;vhaz,, ecti,44y RI_Ltict) uffLe, ' J `� e a62-LeA Vec“.e, I. ‘ciet-rx_ Ai-1,1e/ le, te, te‘e_ iday (f—f-f?"e0-ececed Ada-(P cttUda-z-e_ e42 -4__?) et 1444-e-e14€0-C, &ca. /tf-to. 10. zt., ea. e(1-ti 14-cte-c-4,/ •-fel Azrl aJ- y7a,a6, elf_A_•41 &re-77 eel&t;eiezZ,r. • /zligia-wei-‘?z` te."-61 eaS. iv_zzze 4444.44.e.t e_uf 40-ej /(f- ---1/ da,a z, c &Le4_t /46d.t- ct-eey eezei-e ege-e-yeito 2e- J 91 28 24 36 • !7 29 so aLu 'Co6 V• U-u2�..�e f 6,66,64.7 a2,�� v�// urP«�4, 2-0 e " i . v yht I4 I f{,�f 7 Gr. ,u, - e,afr eU- � G aaV-etktZal . /o ZT- Llc� / -Gcc 1 1 z 8 9 10 11 22 14 16 16 17 18 19 :0 91 22 04-1 as. ai teJ/ a.&0_64,J 4/4"- Ot& '1474 k7-iced eae_a_J XI� i &ems & • L/ i e xis w_cv- 4-t,4_1_ ti);t /t(47 6-d &,_e_a_ a--1 w'c Y/// (-C> feA1 ty°7Z_t_ 1-1-1 -0 n C tk_ G1-c e 4 E. ` ""`_ 1 3 4 pt 10 1 18 18 14 ♦A 17 le 12 2!1 21 22 :rs 24 28 2d 2J 30 v� -y et e 4 /Gi z v d 46,/ 41 Q.0 44.40��. XIX• 71-16-Q- , X X ct_z c a-w mod'- ems. u-fttdida.I '74 6- 54);/ tJ ,ieezza -IA -eL.? zTtEer- c&--LeA e-cc 4. d1 LT c6,ito a," etax /00a-c.pe _•z,c,e4ct heiwttae,-, ez.46/ e- alLa et-eiJet4-i6e et-6cu_ 0(4.-a-w-t4 , Oua-Gfee-te.e eec-1,.//60 7/ Iu eaS • L.