2016_Lighting-Compliance-Form Compliance Forms I Lighting Compliance Forms Lighting Instructions The following compliance forms are provided to assist in understanding and documenting compliance with the lighting requirements of ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016.Electronic versions of the compliance forms are available for download from ASHRAE's website. The lighting forms are organized into eight sections on four pages,beginning with header information and mandatory measures and concluding with exterior lighting requirements. Header Information Project Name:Enter the name of the project.This should agree with the name that is used on the plans and specifications or the common name used to refer to the project. ProjectAddress:Enter the street address of the project,for instance,"142 First Street." Date:Enter the date when the compliance documentation was completed. Designer of Record/Telephone:Enter the name and the telephone number of the designer of record for the project.This will generally be an architecture firm. Contact Person/Telephone:Enter the name and telephone number of the person who should be contacted if there are questions about the compliance documentation. City:Enter the name of the city where the project is located,including the state or province and postal code, for instance,"Riverside,CA 94105." Exterior Lighting Zone:Enter the exterior lighting zone(see Table 9.4.2-1).This must be an integer between 0 and 4. Mandatory Provisions Checklist This section of the compliance form summarizes the mandatory provisions for the design of the lighting system.The mandatory measures are organized on this form in the same order as they are in the Standard. Check the box to indicate that the mandatory requirement applies to the building and that the building complies with the requirement.If the requirement is not applicable,then leave the box unchecked. Interior Lighting Power Allowance(Building Area Method) Complete this section of the form if the Building Area Method(Section 9.5)is used to determine the interior lighting power allowance.Complete a row in this table for each building type in your building.For instance,if you have a three-story building with the first floor retail and the upper two floors office,you would enter two building types. Building ID:An identifying number or designation that keys the building to the plans and specifications. Building Type:Select a building type from the first column of Table 9.5.1 and write it in this column. Lighting Power Density:Select the lighting power density from Table 9.5.1 that corresponds to the building type entered in the first column. Building Area:Enter the building floor area for this building type. Lighting Power Allowance:Multiply the lighting power density(LPD)times the building area to get the lighting power allowance and enter the product in this box.Once the lighting power allowance is calculated for each building type,then sum the values and enter the sum in the box labeled Total. 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-1 Compliance Forms I Lighting Interior Lighting Power Allowance(Space-by-Space Method) Complete this section of the form if the Space-by-Space Method(Section 9.6)is used to determine the interior lighting power allowance.Complete a row in this table for each unique space in your building. Building ID:Enter the room number or other designation that keys the space to the plans and specifications. Building Type/Space Type:Select a building type and space type from Table 9.6.1 and write them in this column.An example would be"Library: Reading Area,"where"Library"is the building type and"Reading Area"is the space type. Lighting Power Density:Select the LPD from Table 9.6.1 that corresponds to the building type and space type entered in the first column.This value should include the 20%increase for a high room cavity ratio when appropriate. Room Cavity Ratio:If the LPD is increased by 20%due to a high room cavity ratio,then the calculated room cavity ratio should be entered in this column.If no adjustment is made,this column may be left blank. Building Area:Enter the floor area for this space. Lighting Power Allowance:Multiply the LPD to get the lighting power allowance and enter the product in this box. Subtotal:Sum the lighting power allowance for each of the spaces and enter the total in this box.This is the lighting power allowance before possible credits for automatic controls. Controls Allowance:If additional power is being claimed for automatic lighting controls per Section 9.6.3,then the calculated watts from page 3 of the compliance form should be entered in this box. Total:Sum the subtotal and controls allowance.This is the maximum interior power,excluding special power for decorative lighting and display,which is treated separately in the use-it-or-lose-it category(see page 3 of the compliance form). Interior Connected Lighting Power Use this portion of the form to calculate the connected lighting power for the interior of the building.Fill out a row in this table for each type of luminaire you have.This list will generally match the lighting fixture schedule found on the electrical drawings. ID:Enter a code number or identification number that is consistent with the lighting schedule on the plans and specifications.This identification should enable a plan checker to identify the location of luminaires of this type on the plans. Luminaire Description:Provide a description of the luminaire,including information such as the number of lamps,watts per lamp,type of ballast,and type of fixture. Type:Select one column to indicate the type of lighting source used for this luminaire.The choices are incandescent,fluorescent,high-intensity discharge(HID),line-voltage track,low-voltage track,and other. Number of Luminaires:Enter the number of luminaires of this type that are located in the building. Watts/Luminaire:Enter the total watts of power per luminaire.Be sure to include consideration of the ballast and any other factors that affect input power. Total Watts:Calculate the total watts of power for this luminaire by multiplying the power per luminaire times the number of luminaires. Total:Calculate the total installed watts for the building by adding the total watts for each luminaire type.In order for the building to comply,this value must be less than the total lighting power allowance calculated with either the Space-by-Space Method(Section 9.6)or the Building Area Method(Section 9.5). Forms-2 90.1-2016 User's Manual Compliance Forms I Lighting Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance—Control Credits Use this portion of the form to calculate any additional power due to the installation of automatic lighting controls meeting the requirements of Section 9.6.3. Building ID:Enter the room number or other designation that keys the space to the plans and specifications. Building Type/Space Type:Select a building type and space type from Table 9.6.1 and write them in this column.An example would be"Library: Reading Area,"where"Library"is the building type and"Reading Area"is the space type. Control Type:Select a control type from Table 9.6.3. Control Factor:Select the appropriate control factor from Table 9.6.3.This may vary with different spaces. Installed Watts:Enter the installed watts that are controlled. Additional Allowance:Multiply the control factor times the installed watts to determine the additional power. Total:Sum the additional power for all controls and carry this value to page 1 of the compliance form,where the interior lighting power allowance is determined using the Space-by-Space Method(Section 9.6). Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance—Decorative and Display Use this section of the form to identify additional lighting power that is permitted by Section 9.6.2.This section of the Standard allows additional lighting power for decorative purposes such as wall sconces or chandeliers and for display lighting in sales areas.These special lighting power allowances may only be used for their intended purpose.If the installed power is smaller than the allowance,the surplus power may not be allocated to another portion of the building.This type of allowance is often called a"use it or lose it" allowance. Space ID:Enter an identification code for the space where the special allowance applies.This code should be consistent with the numbering scheme on the plans.Typically,the room number from the plans will be entered in this box. Space Name:Enter a descriptive name for the space.This should be consistent with the name used on the room schedule on the plans.The Space ID,however,is the principal link back to the plans from the compliance form. Type:Enter the type of special allowance that applies.Choose just one.The choices are decorative and display lighting.See Section 9.6.2 of the Standard for more details on these allowances. Area:Enter the applicable area for the special allowance. UnitAllowance:This allowance is fixed.Enter 0.75 W/ft2 (8.1 W/m2)for the decorative allowance or either 0.45,1.05,or 1.88 W/ft2 (4.8,11,or 20 W/m2)for the display lighting allowance.See Section 9.6.2 of the Standard for more details. Allowance:Calculate the allowance by multiplying the area times the unit allowance.Enter the product in this box. Luminaire IDs:Enter the identification numbers of the luminaires used for the intended purpose.If the allowance is for decorative lighting,the ID should reference a chandelier or wall sconce that satisfies the decorative lighting requirement.The IDs entered in this column should be consistent with those used in the lighting schedule on the plans and in the section of the lighting compliance form labeled Additional Interior Connected Lighting Power. Installed Power.Enter the lighting power actually installed in the room for the intended use.If the allowance is for decorative or display lighting,this value should represent the lighting power for the qualifying fixtures. This value must be lower than the allowance for each type of allowance and within each room.In other words,the value in the last column must be less than the value in the next to last column in every row of the table. 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-3 Compliance Forms I Lighting Additional Interior Connected Lighting Power This portion of the compliance form provides additional documentation on the lighting equipment installed for the additional decorative or display lighting allowance.Multiple rows must be completed in this form for each space type on page 2 of the form,where an additional power allowance is claimed for decorative or display lighting.This form lists all the luminaires used for each application.Essentially,it documents the Installed Power field of the previous page. Space ID:This field should correspond to one of the Space ID fields on the previous form.The luminaire described on this row of the form is used for the decorative or display allowance claimed on the previous page. Luminaire ID:Enter a code number or identification number that is consistent with the lighting schedule on the plans and specifications.This ID should enable a plan checker to identify the location of luminaires of this type on the plans.This ID is also entered on the Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance section of this form. Luminaire Description:Provide a description of the luminaire,including information such as the number of lamps,watts per lamp,type of ballast,and type of fixture. Type:Select one column to indicate the type of lighting source used for this luminaire.The choices are incandescent,fluorescent,LED,high-intensity discharge(HID),line-voltage track,low-voltage track,and other. Number of Luminaires:Enter the number of luminaires of this type that are used for the special purpose. Watts/Luminaire:Enter the total watts of power per luminaire.Be sure to include consideration of the ballast and any other factors that affect input power. Total Watts:Calculate the total watts of power for this luminaire by multiplying the power per luminaire times the number of luminaires.This column should be summed and the total entered at the bottom of this form. Exterior Building Lighting Power Allowance(Tradable Lighting Applications) Use this table to calculate the lighting power allowance for exterior lighting in tradable applications.For each of the tradable lighting applications listed in Table 9.4..2-2 that occur in the project,enter the application type (e.g.,building entrance with canopy),enter the allowance from Table 9.4.2-2,enter the length(ft.or m) or area(ft'or mz) as appropriate,multiply the allowance times the length or area,and enter that result in the Tradable Power Allowance column. Exterior Building Lighting Power Allowance(Nontradable Lighting Applications) This table is identical to the previous table except that the nontradable lighting applications,as listed in Table 9.4.2-2,are to be entered here. Exterior Connected Lighting Power(Tradable Applications) Use this table to list exterior lighting equipment used for tradable applications as identified in Table 9.4.2-2. ID:Enter a code number or identification number that is consistent with the lighting schedule on the plans and specifications.This ID should enable a plan checker to identify the location of luminaires of this type on the plans. Luminaire Description:Provide a description of the luminaire,including information such as the number of lamps,watts per lamp,type of ballast and type of fixture. Number of Luminaires:Enter the number of luminaires of this type that are used for the allowances listed above.For example,if the same type of luminaire is used for pathway lighting and entrance lighting,count only the luminaires that are used for entrance lighting in this table. Watts/Luminaire:Enter the total watts of power per luminaire.Be sure to include consideration of the ballast and any other factors that affect input power. Forms-4 90.1-2016 User's Manual Compliance Forms I Lighting Total Watts:Calculate the total watts of power for this luminaire by multiplying the power per luminaire times the number of luminaires. Exterior Connected Lighting Power(Nontradable Applications) This table is similar to the preceding table except that the lighting application needs to be identified along with its corresponding luminaires because each of the nontradable applications must comply individually. Exterior Lighting Compliance Test Each of the conditions in this table must be met for exterior lighting systems to comply with the Standard. The tradable exterior lighting applications comply if the connected lighting power is no greater than the total allowance.All or a portion(or none)of the base site allowance can be used to achieve compliance. Connected lighting power for each of the nontradable applications must be no greater than their corresponding allowances.Here additional base site allowance can be applied to achieve compliance.The total of the base site allocations used for both the tradable and nontradable applications must be no greater than the base site allowance taken from Table 9.4.2-2 for the applicable exterior lighting zone. 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-5 Compliance Forms I Lighting Lighting Compliance Documentation , of 4 Project Name:Kohl's Department Store Sephora Remodel Project Address:1350 Town Centre Drive, Eagan, MN Date:01/18/22 Designer of Record:James Norman Email:james.norman@thecdcompanies.com Telephone: Contact Person:James Norman Email:james.norman@thecdcompanies.com Telephone:314.821.1100 City:Eagan, MN Exterior Lighting Zone: Mandatory Provisions Checklist ❑ Lighting Control(Section 9.4.1) 0 Interior Lighting Controls(Section—See worksheet. ❑ Controls for parking garages(Section 6d Automatic lighting shutoff per Section ❑ Occupancy-based automatic lighting power reduction. ❑ Separately controlled transition areas. ❑ Perimeter daylight responsive control as required. 0 Separate lighting controls independent of general lighting(Section ❑ Display/accent,display cases,nonvisual lighting,and demonstration lighting applications. ❑ Guestroom lighting and receptacle automatic OFF.Separate bathroom automatic OFF. ❑ Task lighting,undershelf,and undercabinet lighting has an integral or wall-mounted control device. ❑ Exterior lighting controls including automatic shutoff and bilevel as required(Section ❑ Daylight responsive shutoff. ❑ Automatic facade and landscape lighting shutoff. ❑ Automatic lighting power reduction for lighting other than fagade and landscape lighting. ❑ Exterior lighting power(Section 9.4.2)—See worksheet. ❑ Functional controls testing completed(Section 9.4.3). Interior Lighting Controls Section Control Function z O > > U_ N N O a E c c LL a; as $ $z o . ..��I ca O rn o � h o O a toLL L U) 2)75 Z � d O)r O� a3H E N _ 3� O O O6 L D D IL LLQ � 4 c a) 6 -a rn� v o L O rn ami 6 U U C U.O J O .O N a3 N a5 N a3 C 3 C O U m O E E E .Q j_ O 'O O Space Building Type/Space Type o aa) m 6 11 2 2 � o = o � o ami u aa)i ID (Table 9.6.1) � WU W I mu) QU QU ¢ v Q<n U)U) Sales Retail O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-6 Compliance Forms I Lighting Lighting Compliance Documentation Project Name:Sephora Beauty Interior Remodal Contact Person:James Norman Email:james.norman@thecdcompanies.com Telephone:(314)821-1100 Interior Lighting Power Allowance (Building Area Method—Section 9.5.1 Lighting Lighting Power Building Power Building Building Area Type Density Area Allowance ID (Table 9.5.1) (W/ft'or W/m2) (ft'or m2) (W) Total Interior Lighting Power Allowance (Space-by-Space Method—Section 9.6.1 Lighting Lighting Power Room Space Power Space Building Type/Space Type Density Cavity Area Allowance ID (Table 9.6.1) (W/ft'or W/m2) Ratio (ft'or m2) (W) SALES RETAIL 1.22 81975 100010 Subtotal 100010 Controls Allowance(Section 9.6.3) Total 100010 Interior Connected Lighting Power Type U U � H � O O N a) N 6 N O O Luminaire Description a P > > (including number of lamps per fixture, ° 3 ❑ o r Number of Watts/ Total ID watts per lamp,type of ballast,type of fixture) S J LL = J J O Luminaires Luminaire Watts A 2 X 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 716 34 24344 B 2X2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 17 1921 L2X 2'CORNICE LIGHTING(2 LAMPS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 24 120 M,c3X, X CORNICE LIGHTING(2 LAMPS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 34 4964 L4x,cox. 4'CORNICE LIGHTING(2 LAMPS) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304 42 12768 TS2 2'RECESSED LIGHT(1 LAMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 21 42 TS3 3'RECESSED LIGHT(1 LAMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 17 119 TS4 4'RECESSED LIGHT(1 LAMP) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 12 276 WRL,WRl WALL WASHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 239 24 5736 Total 50290 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-7 Compliance Forms I Lighting Lighting Compliance Documentation Page 8 of 4 Project Name:Sephora Beauty Interior Remodal Contact Person:James Norman I Email:james.norman@thecdcomapies.com Telephone:(314)821-1100 Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance Section 9.6.2 —Decorative, Display, and Retail Type ra c N M V j J 2 2 2 9D Unit o m — — — — Area Allowance Installed Space Space (ft2 or (W/ft2 Allowance Luminaire Power ID Name 5 m2) or W/mz) (W) IDs (W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance (9.6.3)—Control Credits Additional Space Space Control Type Control Factor Installed Watts Allowance ID Name (Table 9.6.2) (Table 9.6.2) (W) (W) Total Additional Interior Connected Lighting Power Type U U _ F � C (D N U 0) 0) Luminaire Description o o (including number of lamps > > Watts/ Space Luminaire per fixture,watts per lamp, cO w o (D 3 - Number of Lumin Total ID ID type of ballast,type of fixture) _JiZ = J J O Luminaires -aire Watts SALES TO DOWNLIGHTS O O O O O O O 25 24 600 SALES JR1 DECORATIVE PENDANT LIGHT O O O O O O O 1 96 96 SALES XAL4 4'LINEAR LIGHTS O O O O O O O 2 44 99 SALES XAL5 5'LINEAR LIGHTS O O O O O O O 7 55 385 SALES XAL8 8'LINEAR LIGHTS O ® O O O O O 36 88 3168 SALES NFL Track Head(wattage based on 288'of track) OO O O O O O 8640 8640 O O O O O O O Total 12988 Forms-8 90.1-2016 User's Manual Compliance Forms I Lighting Lighting Compliance Documentation Exterior Building Lighting Power Allowance Tradable Lighting Applications Area or Length Tradable z ft Power Application Allowance or rn orr m Allowance Tradable Power Allowance Exterior Building Lighting Power Allowance Nontradable Li hting Applications Nontradable Area or Length or Power ID Application Allowance per Unit Quantity Allowance Nontradable Power Allowance Exterior Connected Lighting Power Tradable Applications Luminaire Description(including number of lamps per fixture,watts per lamp, Number of Watts/ Total ID type of ballast,type of fixture) Luminaires Luminaire Watts Total Exterior Connected Lighting Power Nontradable Applications Luminaire Description(including number of lamps per fixture,watts per lamp, Number of Watts/ Total ID Nontradable Application type of ballast,type of fixture) Luminaires Luminaire Watts Total Exterior Lighting Compliance Test Tradable Tradable Power Connected Lighting Power Allowance(Watts) Base Site Allowance (Watts) + > Nontradable Nontradable Nontradable Power Connected Lighting Power Application Allowance(Watts) (Watts) Allocated Unallocated Base Site Allowance Base Site Allowance 90.1-2016 User's Manual Forms-9