02/08/2022 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission�e ea es os EAG N ESiq OLI5HE0 1060 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, February 8, 2022 MINUTES OF MEETING OFFEBRUARY 8, 202i A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) was held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at Eagan City Hall. Those present were Member Robicheaux, Member Ziese, Member Dugan and Member Oldenburg Giebel. Commissioners absent were Member Sood, Member Swanlund and Member Ferber. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Andrew Pimental and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Jared Flewellen. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Dugan asked if there were any changes and Assistant Director Flewellen stated none. Member Oldenburg Giebel moved, Member Robicheaux seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Robicheaux moved to approve the minutes from December 14, 2021 meeting, Member Oldenburg Giebel seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the minutes presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 There were no visitors to be heard. VISITORS TO BE HEARD PRESENTATIONS City of Eagan Fleet The City of Eagan Deputy Director of Public Works Tim Plath and Brian Thom Chief Mechanic / Shop Supervisor presented information regarding the City Fleet including miles per gallon, replacement plan and evaluation tool and future integration on electric vehicles. Energy and Environment Advisory Commission February 8, 2022 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Two sub -committees have been created to assist in completion of the approved 2021-2022 EEAC goals Education & Outreach — Commissioners: Robicheaux, Oldenburg Giebel, Swanlund and Dugan Developed a series of draft webpages for updates. Timeline for updates to be completed by April. City electric vehicle use and charging infrastructure conditions — Commissioners: Sood, Ziese, Ferber and Dugan Met to review research done on city ordinances and electric trucks coming to market. Met with Fresh Energy to review code that is being discussed on a State level. - Discussed final outcomes of sub -committee. There is no new business at this time. There is no new items at this time. NEW BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE DEPARTMENT UPDATES Assistant Director Flewellen previewed the April meeting agenda and highlighted the Commissioners who term will expire in 2022. Director Pimental discussed the timeline for Carbon Solutions Group to present information to the City on a charging program. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Robicheaux moved, Member Oldenburg Giebel seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Secretary Date Energy and Environment Advisory Commission February 8, 2022 Page 3 Not Approved