955 Cliff Rd - Septic Compliance Inspection Form 2017-11-14 NONCompliantNOTE: This report is not complete without the inclusion/attachment of the additional pages which consist of up to five (5) MPCA drafted Compliance Inspection Documents, one (1) Homeowner/Occupant Information Sheet (when obtainable), one (1) site diagram, one (1) log of soil boring(s), one (1) Brian L Humpal, Inc. Disclaimer Sheet, and one (1) MPCA License. Inspect Minnesota & Midwest Soil Testing P.O. Box 10853 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Brian Humpal 651-492-7550/Brian@Midwestsoiltesting.com MPCA Licensed Advanced Inspector SUBSURFACE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM COMPLIANCE REPORT Date: November 14, 2017 Time: 9:00 AM Owner: Ryan Kahre Inspection Address: 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 REPORT SUMMARY I have performed an “MPCA Compliance Inspection” on this septic system. This very old system consists of a pre-cast septic tank and a rock trench drainfield. My inspection indicates that this system is presently “non-compliant” in accordance with MPCA rules 7080.1500 Subp.4(B)(E) because of the lack of the required three foot separation between the bottom of the rock trench drainfield and seasonally saturated soils. In accordance with MPCA rules, I am sending a copy of this complete report to the City of Eagan. I cannot officially speak on behalf of the City relative to the upgrade requirements of these non-compliant systems. Please contact City of Eagan Building Official, Mr. Ron Wasmund (651-322-6626), to verify the City’s position. Please advise buyer, agents, lender, etc. to contact me at any time should they have any questions regarding this system. _________________________ Brian Humpal 1 of 9 www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats wq-wwists4-31 • 1/24/12 Page 1 of 3 Compliance Inspection Form Existing Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS) Doc Type: Compliance and Enforcement Instructions: Inspection results based on Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements and attached forms – additional local requirements may also apply. For local tracking purposes: Submit completed form to Local Unit of Government (LUG) and system owner within 15 days System Status System status on date (mm/dd/yyyy): 11/14/2017 Compliant – Certificate of Compliance Noncompliant – Notice of Noncompliance (Valid for 3 years from report date, unless shorter time frame outlined in Local Ordinance.) (See Upgrade Requirements on page 3) Reason(s) for noncompliance (check all applicable) Impact on Public Health (Compliance Component #1) – Imminent threat to public health and safety Other Compliance Conditions (Compliance Component #3) – Imminent threat to public health and safety Tank Integrity (Compliance Component #2) – Failing to protect groundwater Other Compliance Conditions (Compliance Component #3) – Failing to protect groundwater Soil Separation (Compliance Component #4) – Failing to protect groundwater Operating permit/monitoring plan requirements (Compliance Component #5) – Noncompliant Property Information Parcel ID# or Sec/Twp/Range: Property address: 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 Reason for inspection: Property Transfer Property owner: Ryan Kahre Owner’s phone: or Owner’s representative: Paula Karkee (Coldwell Banker Burnet) Representative phone: 952-594-4874 Local regulatory authority: City Of Eagan Regulatory authority phone: 651-675-5676 Brief system description: A pre-cast septic tank and a rock trench drainfield. Comments or recommendations: Certification I hereby certify that all the necessary information has been gathered to determine the compliance status of this system. No determination of future system performance has been nor can be made due to unknown conditions during system construction, possible abuse of the system, inadequate maintenance, or future water usage. Inspector name: Brian Humpal Certification number: L5342 Business name: Inspect Minnesota, Midwest Soil Testing License number: L2896 Inspector signature: Phone number: 651-492-7550 Necessary or Locally Required Attachments Soil boring logs System/As-built drawing Forms per local ordinance Other information (list): Report Summary, Property Information, Disclaimer, License 2 of 9 www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats wq-wwists4-31 • 1/24/12 Page 2 of 3 Property address: 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 Inspector initials/Date: 11/14/2017 1. Impact on Public Health – Compliance component #1 of 5 Compliance criteria: Verification method(s): System discharge sewage to the ground surface. Yes No Searched for surface outlet Searched for seeping in yard/backup in home Excessive ponding in soil system/D-boxes Homeowner testimony (See Comments/Explanation) “Black soil” above soil dispersal system System requires “emergency” pumping Performed dye test Unable to verify (See Comments/Explanation) Other methods not listed (See Comments/Explanation) System discharge sewage to drain tile or surface waters. Yes No System cause sewage backup into dwelling or establishment. Yes No Any “yes” answer above indicates the system is an Imminent Threat to Public Health and Safety. Comments/Explanation: None of the above found. 2. Tank Integrity – Compliance component #2 of 5 Compliance criteria: Verification method(s): System consists of a seepage pit, cesspool, drywell, or leaching pit. Seepage pits meeting 7080.2550 may be compliant if allowed in local ordinance. Yes No Probed tank(s) bottom Examined construction records Examined Tank Integrity Form (Attach) Observed liquid level below operating depth Examined empty (pumped) tanks(s) Probed outside tank(s) for “black soil” Unable to verify (See Comments/Explanation) Other methods not listed (See Comments/Explanation) Sewage tank(s) leak below their designed operating depth. Yes No If yes, which sewage tank(s) leaks: Any “yes” answer above indicates the system is Failing to Protect Groundwater. Comments/Explanation: Lowered underwater camera into tank - baffles and tank walls OK. 3. Other Compliance Conditions – Compliance component #3 of 5 a. Maintenance hole covers are damaged, cracked, unsecured, or appear to structurally unsound. Yes* No Unknown b. Other issues (electrical hazards, etc.) to immediately and adversely impact public health or safety. Yes* No Unknown *System is an imminent threat to public health and safety Explain: c. System is non-protective of ground water for other conditions as determined by inspector Yes* No *System is failing to protect groundwater Explain: 3 of 9 www.pca.state.mn.us • 651-296-6300 • 800-657-3864 • TTY 651-282-5332 or 800-657-3864 • Available in alternative formats wq-wwists4-31 • 1/24/12 Page 3 of 3 Property address: 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 Inspector initials/Date: 11/14/2017 4. Soil Separation – Compliance component #4 of 5 Date of installation: Unknown Verification method(s): Soil observation does not expire. Previous soil observations by two independent parties are sufficient, unless site conditions have been altered or local requirements differ. Conducted soil observation(s) (Attach boring logs) Two previous verifications (Attach boring logs) Not applicable (Holding tank(s), no drainfield) Unable to verify (See Comments/Explanation) Other (See Comments/Explanation) Shoreland/Wellhead protection/Food Beverage Lodging? Yes No Compliance criteria: For systems built prior to April 1, 1996, and not located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Area or not serving a food, beverage or lodging establishment: Drainfield has at least a two-foot vertical separation distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock. Yes No Non-performance systems built April 1, 1996, or later or for non-performance systems located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Areas or serving a food, beverage, or lodging establishment: Drainfield has a three-foot vertical separation distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock.* Yes No Comments/Explanation: “Experimental”, “Other”, or “Performance” systems built under pre-2008 Rules; Type IV or V systems built under 2008 Rules (7080. 2350 or 7080.2400 (Advanced Inspector License required) Drainfield meets the designed vertical separation distance from periodically saturated soil or bedrock. Yes No Indicate depths of elevations A. Bottom of distribution media See Attached Boring Log(s) B. Periodically saturated soil/bedrock C. System separation D. Required compliance separation* Any “no” answer above indicates the system is Failing to Protect Groundwater. *May be reduced up to 15 percent if allowed by Local Ordinance. 5. Operating Permit and Nitrogen BMP* – Compliance component #5 of 5 Not applicable Is the system operated under an Operating Permit? Yes No If “yes”, A below is required Is the system required to employ a Nitrogen BMP? Yes No If “yes”, B below is required BMP=Best Management Practice(s) specified in the system design If the answer to both questions is “no”, this section does not need to be completed. Compliance criteria a. Operating Permit number: Yes No Have the Operating Permit requirements been met? b. Is the required nitrogen BMP in place and properly functioning? Yes No Any “no” answer indicates Noncompliance. Upgrade Requirements (Minn. Stat. § 115.55) An imminent threat to public health and safety (ITPHS) must be upgraded, replaced, or its use discontinued within ten months of receipt of this notice or within a shorter period if required by local ordinance. If the system is failing to protect ground water, the system must be upgraded, replaced, or its use discontinued within the time required by local ordinance. If an existing system is not failing as defined in law, and has at least two feet of design soil separation, then the system need not be upgraded, repaired, replaced, or its use discontinued, notwithstanding any local ordinance that is more strict. This provision does not apply to systems in shoreland areas, Wellhead Protection Areas, or those used in connection with food, beverage, and lodging establishments as defined in law. 4 of 9 Inspect Minnesota & Midwest Soil Testing Subsurface Sewage Treatment System Owner/Property Information This information will be used for the purpose of conducting an MPCA Compliance Inspection. Date of Inspection: November 14, 2017 Time: 9:00 AM Property Address: 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN Zip: 55123 Property Owner: Ryan Kahre Phone: Tank(s) Tank(s)Material Soil Treatment System Other Septic 1 Fiberglass Rock trench Alternative system Aerobic Plastic Gravelless trench Experimental system Lift Metal Chamber trench Cesspool system Holding Concrete Seepage bed Other system Other: Block Mound _____________________________ Other At-grade _____________________________ Are the tank maintenance covers accessible? Yes No *If no, proper maintenance must be performed through the maintenance holes. Maintenance hole covers should be made accessible to the ground surface to facilitate access and proper maintenance of the system. Year house built: 1956 Year septic installed: Unknown Tank size (gals.): 1200 Est How long has seller owned the property? Number of residents in home? Number of bedrooms? 3 Are all floors drained by gravity? Y Garbage disposal? Whirlpool bath? More than one system (laundry, etc.)? Does this property have any footing drain tiles connected to the septic system? Are any buildings on this property such as garages or out-buildings connected to this system? Are there any additional systems on this property serving other buildings? Location of septic system on lot? North Side Location of water well on lot? South Side Is the well a deep well? Y Have you ever experienced any problems with the system such as: tree roots, sewage back-ups, surfacing of sewage onto the ground, septic tank overflowing, etc.; or have any repairs been made to the system? If yes, explain: When was the system last pumped? Name of pumper: How often pumped in previous years? Is system on a monitoring plan? Have you received notices from any government agency concerning this system? Is your property located in a shoreland management area? Y Do you have any additional information that should be given to the new owner? I hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that if the system is considered “non-compliant/failing” per MPCA rules, that the inspector must by law submit a copy of this report to the local government unit within 15 days of the date of inspection completion. I also agree that unless otherwise noted in this report, that I/we are ultimately responsible for payment of all fees for all work performed relative to this inspection by Inspect Minnesota and Midwest Soil Testing. Owner/Occupant: Date: 5 of 9 NO SCALE House Drainfield Area Septic Tank Driveway Well B-1 By Inspect MN N 955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 6 of 9 Date:11/14/17 Hand/Bucket USDA 1 0-10 10-20 20-34 34-44 44-54 54-60 44" -38" =6" 60" 44" None Bottom Of Distribution Medium At:38 Inches Standing Water Present At:Standing Water Present At: Log Of Soil Borings End Of Boring At: 10YR 2/2 Sandy Loam 10YR 4/3 Loam (Moist) 10YR 4/4 Clay Loam 10YR 3/4 Sandy Loam With Trace Of Gravel Boring Number: 10YR 3/4 Sandy Loam With Calcium Carbonate, And 7.5YR 5/8 & 10YR 6/2 Redox Depth In Inches 7.5YR 5/8 & 10YR 6/2 Redox Surface Elevation of Boring Trace Of Gravel, Cemented Pieces, Soils Encountered Borings Made By: Auger Used: Same ground surface as last drainfield trench 10YR 3/4 Sandy Loam With Classification System: Inspect Minnesota Surface Elevation of Boring Depth In Inches Trace Of Gravel, Cemented Pieces, And Redox Present At: Location of Project:955 Cliff Rd, Eagan, MN 55123 End Of Boring At: Redox Present At: Boring Number: Soils Encountered Depth To End Of Boring Or Redox Depth To End Of Boring Or Redox Depth To Bottom Of Distribution Media Depth To Bottom Of Distribution Media Elevation Of Boring Relative To System Elevation Of Boring Relative To System Of Separation Same Of Separation 7 of 9 DISCLAIMER Brian L. Humpal, Inc. dba. Inspect Minnesota, Midwest Soil Testing Relative to Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) Compliance Inspections 1. This inspection/report is being performed for only the seller/owner of the property on which the SSTS is located. In such case that another party is paying for the inspection, the contract is between only said party and Brian L. Humpal, Inc.; there is no contract between Brian L. Humpal, Inc. and any other party unless otherwise noted. 3. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. has not been retained to warranty, guarantee, or certify the proper functioning of the SSTS for any period of time beyond the date of inspection or into the future. Because of the numerous factors (usage, maintenance, soil characteristics, previous failures, etc.) which may affect the proper operation of an SSTS, as well as the inability of Brian L. Humpal, Inc. to supervise or monitor the use or maintenance of the SSTS, the report shall not be construed as a warranty by Brian L. Humpal, Inc. that the SSTS will function properly for any particular party for any period of time. 4. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. is unable to verify the frequency and/or, quality of prior or future maintenance of the SSTS. Maintenance of the tank(s) must be performed through the tanks maintenance hole. The removal of solids from any location other than the maintenance hole is not a compliant method of maintenance. It is strongly recommended that maintenance covers be made accessible to the ground surface to facilitate proper maintenance. 5. Minimum Compliance Inspection requirements relative to this inspection and this report include only verification that the SSTS has tank(s) (septic tanks, lift tanks, dosing tanks, stilling tanks, etc.) which are watertight below the designed operating depth, the required separation between the bottom of the subsurface soil distribution medium and seasonally saturated soils, no back-ups of sewage into the dwelling, no discharge of sewage/effluent to the ground surface or surface waters, and no imminent safety hazards. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. does not inspect plumbing or pumps prior to the first SSTS component as these are plumbing components. The performance of exterior pumps and associated components are not inspected as they are considered to be maintenance items. Additionally, no indications relative to compliance with electrical code requirements have been made. It is recommended that any other applicable plumbing, electrical, housing, etc. inspections be performed by a qualified inspection business. Sewage back-up verification is limited to observing the floor drain area and/or the information supplied by the last occupants of the building prior to inspection. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. cannot guarantee that the information given to them by the last occupants of the building prior to inspection relative to back-ups is accurate. 4. Certification of this SSTS does not warranty future use beyond the date of the inspection. Any SSTS, old or new, can become hydraulically overloaded or discharge sewage/effluent to the ground surface as a result of more people moving into the house than were previously occupying the house, improper maintenance, heavy usage, leaking plumbing fixtures, groundwater infiltration, tree roots, freezing conditions, surface drainage problems, poor initial design, poor construction practices, or unsuitable materials used in constructing the system; the system can also simply stop working because of its age. An SSTS that has been properly designed and installed, properly maintained, and used in the manner for which the system was designed can be expected to provide service for twenty to twenty-five years on average. Some parts of the SSTS such as alarms, switches, pumps, filters, etc. will most likely have to be repaired or replaced over the lifetime of the system. 5. A Compliance Inspection is not meant to be a test or inspection for longevity of the system; a Compliance Inspection is strictly for the purpose of determining if the SSTS is protective of public health and safety, as well as the groundwater at the date and time the inspection was performed. This inspection is not intended to determine if the SSTS was originally designed or installed to past or present MPCA or other Local Government Unit code requirements. This inspection is not intended to determine if the SSTS was designed and/or installed to support the anticipated flow from the building as the use of the building may have changed since the design and construction of the SSTS due to the addition of bedrooms, occupants, etc. In addition, this inspection is not intended to determine the quality of the original SSTS design, the quality of the construction practices used while installing the SSTS, or the quality of the materials used in constructing the SSTS. 6. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. cannot guarantee the performance of SSTS products/components such as: gravelless pipe, chamber trenches, effluent filters, tanks, sewage pre-treatment components, piping, etc. Products such as gravelless pipe are no longer approved for installation in the State of Minnesota and may have a significantly reduced performance and/or life expectancy. 7. WINTER WORK: By accepting this report, it is understood that inspections conducted during winter months (approximately November 1st through April 1st) are more difficult to perform because of possible snow cover and/or ground frost. SSTS components such as tanks, maintenance covers, tank inspection pipes, subsurface distribution medium inspection pipes, and soil treatment areas are more difficult or impossible to locate due to snow cover and/or ground frost. In addition, soil borings are more difficult to perform due to snow cover and/or ground frost. Brian L. Humpal, Inc. will attempt to use the same level of standards when performing work during winter periods as when performing work during non-winter periods. However, the recipient of this report understands that because of the aforementioned considerations, the same level of standards may not be possible. 8. By accepting this report, the client understands that Brian L. Humpal, Inc. will not be responsible for any monetary damages exceeding the fee for the services provided. 8 of 9 9 of 9