912 Lakewood Hills Rd - Septic Maintenance Form 2012-08-07AUG-7-2012 03:34P FROM: + + + + + + + + ++ IP City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675 -5675 Fax: (651) 675 -5694 Email: commdevelopment (a?citvofeagan.com Date Pumped: Site Address: Owner's Name: Maintainer's Name: Private Residence: Condition of Baffles: Pumped Through: Comments: Owner's Address (if different from site): 0 0- ilec A141'; Commercial: NIL 0,40 C ) TO:6755694 P.1 SEPTIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FORM 41 1- # of Tanks Pum aDD 4L.t4 I A 912 Lakewood Hills Road geck - 611cKexs� Eagan, MN 66123.1912 Disposal Location: Type of Tanks: u For Office Use Date Received: B/6/1 2._ Staff: Total Gallons Pumped: &t9-0 b dtia Effluent Sewage Discharge: Yes: Size of Tanks: License Number: Zish Please submit completed forms to the Building Inspections Division via mail, fax or email. 0 No: