1025 Wescott Rd - Septic Maintenance Form 2016-10-11 2010-07-04 02:54 » 6516755694 P 2f3 --------------------- For Office I t I 1 Data Received; City of Eapn i---------------------1 3630 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN $6122 Phone: (651)675.6675 Fax:(851) 975.5e94 Email: commdeyelop It an.. SEPTIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FORM Date Pumped: I V I I 16 #of Tanks Pumped: L Total Gallons Pumped; 9� Site Address: owner's Name: Owner's Address(if different from site): Maintainer's Name: �,,Juv j j���� �U i 6 Llcense Number; L z�G Private Residence: Commercial: Disposal Location: 'L Condition of Baffles pv J) Type of Tanks: ef'- ) Li d Size of Tanks; 2*0 Pumped Through: /,q I,>yele Effluent Sewage Discharge: Yes; No: Comments: gj P-3 Please submit completed forms to the Building Inspections Division vie mall,fax or smell.