2008.12.29.08 l ii:i:~:•. Il I ;I'+ I. L' •rh 4 r1 I' 1• rl, i,lQ~ I i,~l' _ rt,~ jrr _ ill' l( t '}Ilp w r,,it~r+LL + ;kl , rt.r.i I 1 t}'{1111 Ittlr. 1 11 t NrI j I + ( t t; , I I r + .Li~ 1 i, ~ rl ~ tt ! I~ ~1' 1.71f, , ,T f 4 ,r 1~, ,1 11, .1114 a + t ' ;t, r~ , 'i t 1+ lii Ill rtl l b' i\ /t e 4t ( a .,i I T:`, r fr. . ) r ` p li l t 11 4 I t r, ' Ir'1 4 •t1( ~ rM I i. .t 1 „ 1~: 'Itff'r;l li t ;alI+ I 1..1 i3yt11~ +i ' I.l't~ 1 1 +a 'fi 'sr Nk ltt ril I li lll r l ~ l , t r z': + 1 1 I' `•tfll ll '1 Iii I :r~rl ~ li;l+ i rr+ 't {E t' .1 r lt, f 1'f 1111 11, I ' I t :j tl I ~ t. .iNa y I 1 M -.I- ~+1{ I}'! ! I~..~, l u - I 4 11\ ~+1 i I ti i 1 I ill 1 i.f ~ li, , lti~ `il, ,r tit~till 4f 1,"Y I11'I . f 1 i'1 i.,I. I f i { r1 .411 t y.llr i' ry ~ ~i ,.1 j..~1 4ti t .p<. ~r; + Ir' i,,y ,!l..~i~t,t., :.'ilV r... •'ri .L' ;!1 1ft .J.t...i }'t ¢i, 'Y ~.r. ifl ~~N~ ? . 1' ,.tl' N'iK:. r k1iid j i1t re~¦j 1r/ I#y Terr:tnt t Mt iiid Leo Murphy prayed ni ctlvitte needed llahd froth ~ Mttt•ptiy lh IS jMtrrphy sdld about 19 walnut Intervention to stbli tree btittets eiillj' ig'gj tb l)tii koiitliedst nF ees; 12 cherry trees; too pines from tearing ddwil 4 rbw bf t r t i td 018 >l1 dcre iiatlite flt walnut. and cherr tl•bbs t he ; a?td otlfet .risks[ would have been Si At thy: [title,'( E~bittrtivbrsy''' ; lost by not changing the road. planted years dgd. broke biil'i' bet*eell ntighbors ['You're trading some loss gE As the tree grubbers hearer( 'trlil tlt btfit iAls E ekdi•ttig that 11Money for beattty and Integrity Within A few tent; Mutl~ItY s t dtcess; whiCtl corutects itd ~d for but children, Murphy. told (topes began to fade: Just then Fesidctitlal gtf cet ' Nbrghbrs council members. the engines quit. l lis tree's' Wern Whre tbHtefl ed fitioiat''i safet , 'I'tte road is the first plisse that saved, toll( ariJ~. whit ittcf f l bd trat[ic 1' 'y I 11 would take I si minute ih , Willl:tfif?; CEbss isslJe re§bIL! tr618d. fficludes h parking 'lot dils;ta bridge a td a canoe lair' ter•vention of flit. t ag<tii City it Of k1tl tiny' diid, Ills fieighlxiis It ding tit 13Eackttawk Lake. Money Council Sept. i0 to ensure the said. ttit~y Ikli6ved the 30-foot for the $470,Utx) host wilt come trees long-terns sut•vival. Mur- toad Wtottld cross a htiy field acid [torn the city's park site fund pity's northern ttpighttors, whose •i .save the oil , of trees. I11ey and d $140,000 state grant. homes will abut the street also becdtiie aldrmed' *heri surbey spoke out. stakes ~',V e t)Ianted 26 feet into The disntpiioh occttrr+d last the hadwbod stand Sept. 3. ' , week when cutters began cleat- t ~(g;,4i+cbtttpomise; ;Mtiiphy' ing a path off Murphy Parkway gAt+e hiA ddditibhal126-foot-Wide for a new entrance to sg lion tit kis propel ty to the city Rlackhawk Commniunity Park, if alldWh the f d 1.o move just north of lleerwcxxl Drive. Away frhrmt the trees. The city had purchased the This plague was given to me the evening of October 14, 1992. It is the most beautiful plague I have ever seen; gold plated set in polished walnut. To be given this by your own people, in the moat moving experience I have ever had. Leo Murphy Eagan O-Mn Current Wet fii n hy, ;PI )1. 16, '19c)2 - 11A To the Editor: A great controversy has arisen in Eagan as to the location across my farm for the access road to Blackhawk Park. On September 4 the aes't. park diector, Steve Sullivan, showed me the steaks where the street was to be constructed. To my dismay, it was going thru my walnut tree grove destroying many of them. My immediate response "No way in this street going thru my walnut trees; Ilia immediate reply, "Oh yes it is;' After several hours of "No it isn't and yes it is", he made this part- ing statement;, "If you want to save your walnuts, then start praying for Divine Intervention. I did. On September 8 the big tree remo!?sl machine and chain saw gang came in and started cutting trees at the edge of my woods. Trees were falling on the right of me. Trees were falling on the left of me. Twenty feet from the walnut trees the machine broke down and was down for several days. This gave me time to get to our City Administer, Tom hedges. He in turn contacted Councilman Ted Wachter. Thru their great effort, a on-sight meeting was arrranged for the forenoon of September 10 for City Officials the public and the newsmedia. At the Council meeting that evening, I pleaded my cases Mayor and members of the City Council! I come before you tonight to receive a message from you, a message that I can take back to my Walnut trees. Will that message be one of death and destruction so that I will have to sing a funeral dirge to them, or will your message be one of life and growth, that the Walnut trees will continue to produce their walnuts and continue to grow into large beau- tifil majestic trees of great beauty. All of you are familiar with the beauty of objecta made from walnut wood. That beauty extendp through- out the whole Walnut tree, yes,unto its farthest branches. It must have been the Walnut tree that Joyce Kilmer was thinking of when he wrote his famous poem, that concluded with these words "Only God can make a tree" God must have put a little more effort and time in creating the Walnut tree. When you stand near the base of one of the large, mature,' majestic Walnut trees and look up at it, It seems like one is looking kip into Heaven. Yes members of the governing body of Eagan, their fate lies in your hands. Thank you. The Council voted unanimously to save the walnut trees. The Power of Prayer. I wish to express my sincere thankyou and I am sure I speak for many generations to come who will be able to look up at these beautiful, megnificent trees, to Mayor Tom Egan, Council members Pam McCrea Pa- tricia Awada, Tim Fawlenty, who is seekin eli to the Stae Legislature, and especially to Ted. Wachterr,whoethrunhis effort, much beauty and many trees remain. Leo Murphy Past Mayor of Eagan and Dakota County Commissioner, 3rd; District. TREES Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see A tree that may in summer wear A poem lovely as a tree. A nest of robins in her hair; A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; Who intimately lives with rain. A tree that looks at God all day Poems are made by fools like me, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; But only God can make a tree. Co c, o a o vto mmm m o 0 0 0 00 I rr / ~ j I 00 rm L VL - 1f .gym / Odin 0 ' 1 r 2 j OD KIO 11Y .0o, 0 woe 000 0 .00, yg, 0 ti .11 V o ti 4~ LA, ~y J# S V 03 ed .4. _4' Ile To- LL) LA SPRINGBROOK CORPORATION REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING July 21,1997 Mr. Craig Knudsen Engineering Department City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Dear Mr. Knudsen, On behalf of our clients, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murphy, we hereby request that you proceed with the purchase of Parcels 47A and 48 S.P. 1982(35=390) 904 containing 0.69 acre, more or less, from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $5,500.00 as a deposit to cover the purchase price of the parcel as established by MnDOT and also to cover incidental costs incurred by the City in processing the transaction. The deposit is being paid with the understanding that upon receipt of a deed for the referenced parcel the City of Eagan will in turn, deed the parcel to our clients, Leo F. Murphy and Ardelle M. Murphy, as adjoining property owners. It is further understood and agreed that any portion of the deposit not spent for the above stated purposes shall be refunded to Springbrook Corporation. For the record, Springbrook Corporation has an agreement to subsequently purchase the parcel from the Murphys. It is our intention to combine it with adjacent lands in an application for preliminary plat for single family residential lots at the NE corner of Deerwood Drive and Murphy Parkway. It is understood that the conveyance will be subject to the following restriction: No access shall be permitted to Trunk Highway No. 35E from the lands herein conveyed. Sincerely, Springbrook Corporation Howard R. Kyllo cc: Leo F. Murphy 10640 LYNDALE AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 3, BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420 612-881-1800 FAX 612-884-8766 800-419-9105 Qf l L f s` r Al a b k T r7 I yji f e e' a 7`lte ca ~t~F ~s s T ell, 6- s~~«~ l2 ~a1• / / / 1 s"e 9 u e 1z 7 fft~`' ec~t s7` Fc~ e_c+ a 3 ~QT (li'Lc~f/>/cy /JdilC~ar~J a s s G~ ; s -7- f hr ~a f J~a a a 7`-~ f E Sys 7~e a ~r 6 S~_uc~~~~~faZC PaE-t< 2G F-oSS 1t~ Yto! 257 <-mf ~2p of 71~y ~~f 7•t f~f a2cc ~S S S F r` `rt- C /t't ce t 2kL C, F, s Z-e- ;Lc- Al. C-1 /,a1- e-eI Is f~,R- ft7 /a l f Q F, f lea f C~ b e fsf, d S ~l-ems 1c~vSS y J -i 7.r. 2-7 -11, s )714 e lj~ah /r /Je . o .a Cc7 / c,,-e7f e ~ / tvo k a G~l a a h J /k? ,sf%~e7 ~vc>.d ~~r-f ~~r a 7r~c, /dk~ aul~ u a r6~„ ~lz e. t~ee.$ 7~/ rlre c11-1-c; tvok/d dv~ia eQ s 3S Fevt c 6 . ~77`~ c~uT area y } I c' f~e._ ~ (ec_z. ~ 7c t Kfa f f. - c ~/d had cS 14> t~~~~e[+ r ~,s~-Lai a a/lF 3s`~. !~'z 6Q~ ?v ~a~~C c~ti ~'L~~o7 c e._ Y~+~'s hafFo~c s~,~ a lakd• ~ke~ lac~e_a~l~ .~`avd, (~d/e (see e c/~s e<4 lec'-~~~ r.1 (s7u-~.~c~ fe a_x~ l~ a u e G~ ea~~~ ~-o ~ k Q_ >-x Q d u i 77i y lu h I-!; f e. czrt c~ ; } , c (7 p k `')7l c~ t~ t k fr a~ fO ,rte s t S _ a f P J rli c~ S cam, e I 7`o F~l Le e i,r I- Se C: k9 us f ~~F- f o O c{ c~ E , pct f61~ 1cr o Cc~a / Y [ m~-s- f a(-C-.- ,ice/ hp '7 e es~ e~ 1 ,2- fed 7`~~_ yd I } f d F A t e y l' f ^2~ ~o f t7 T c C_ S u o -Y [G E?- rs'y ~f v1 p/ e S / e L k/ s d F f a K 7' ( c=' < / s /6 N r a/~ d a G 1~ y a 14s e s aid sf~aw 6ef-/-/es e~<< a(/y f i~-~ eau ~~~`e 33 E fc_ ve h j e 1 J S E 7 i s C~C-aC. S i t cif l~ t, d 6 3 c A- o L, ~ lr e c' ~4_ ! f 1~ _ ~ r e_ hro w a ~7 /c Y /11 i s Q c~ f. z~~ . 6 !t e- / $ ~to~ro i r~ f c> Q oho t ( ~~.~e( 1u 2' Cock At It -I' -7~ t (I w 70 ~~a u S eF 7` ~a the ~lac-kk w Alf-C4: s~fNe7 2 s-~c s~ kq fie C'~ty 7`~ tf~3 s S-ef ?`~C~s s r 6-? -lc f 7n a Z2 d cvs7 / fk e- ~fY r¢ S t S/ Zr l TJie s !~c«~~ /ceT fAccrs C r~l~ ' c[C o7. N.Q I y /-o/i -r ~v . ,a , `J `J T s ,Y 1' :U ~ J`