01/10/2023 - Eagan Historical SocietyEagan Historical Society Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2023
Present: Pat Geagan, Lori Tripp, Joe Reid, Ashleigh Walter, Paula Nowariak, Mary Ellen Voracek, Lynae
Gieseke and Kim Hazel.
1. Meeting is called to order at 11:05 a.m. We welcomed 2 new members and introduced
ourselves to them and them to us. Welcome to Jodi McMaster and Tim Dulac.
11. A. New Business
1. Mary Ellen has placed a call to the realtor selling the property on Lemay Lake (1360 Lone Oak Rd).
She has not heard back. She did some digging and found out one of the owners on the property had
died in 2019, Edward J. Easton. We are assuming his wife Marcia Easton is still alive and living in the
home as the property is homesteaded. Several children were listed in Mr. Easton's obituary.
Questioning, if any are still in the Eagan area? The property sold in 1990 for 120,000.00, it is listed for
1,250,000.00 today. Jodi McMaster said she would do some research and do a title search as that is
what she used to do for a living.
2. Pat, Lori and Lynae have been trained and have been working on the scanning. Leslie has been
trained as well. Lynae had trouble logging in to scan. She contacted IT and waited around. Lori
suggested she try the other computer if it happens again.' We need to add a link to the Historical society
web page to link the items that have been scanned into the system. Ashleigh will look into this.
3-4. Lori passed out 2023 volunteer hour sheets and turned in the sheets she had collected for 2022.
The historical society had just over 500 hours logged. Lori had the most with 250 of volunteer hours.
Thank you Lori!
5. Kim and Lynae will work on moving the toy display to the new cabinet once it warms up. This way
the children will be able to see it better. Lori painted the cabinet that was formerly white to brown to
match in interior of the OTH. It is in the OTH and she organized that corner so it doesn't look so
cluttered. We possibly might be getting some 100 year old glass bowls from Leann Lehman.
6. We need to find a way to transfer current emails to laser fiche when they come in with a description
of the photo and the photo. Especially, the emails we get from Jack Kennelly. Joe said he has kept all of
Jacks emails in a file on his computer if we are missing anything from him.
7. Ashleigh thinks she can get into Joanna's old files and find agendas and minutes from past meetings.
We need to find a way to add agendas and minutes to the Eagan web site.
*Brian Kelley joined the meeting at 12:00. He was inquiring about a "U Pick It" farm back in the mid 70's
early 80's. When he was a child they came and picked organic vegetables. He thought it was over
where the Vikings training facility is now located. The farm name was called Timber -Doodle Farm. Pat
did not think it was in that area. Many members don't recall such a farm. He stated he got an article
from Joanna about the farm. He is going to send Mary Ellen a copy of that article. Joe suggested he talk
to Rebecca Snyder at Dakota County Historical Society.
*We had a discussion on photos and asking permission to use them whether it is electronically or
publishing in newsletters, brochures, etc.
*OPEN HOUSE will be on May 7 from 11a.m. to 2p.m. Date was picked so we could get that info in the
Eagan Newsletter.
*Paula Nowariak announced she will not be leading the group anymore. She will be leading the Caponi
Art Park group. So, Ashleigh will be our staff liaison. Paula said she will stop in and say "Hi" to us.
*Kim said Dawn Simpson is going to step down for now. She may reconsider rejoining the group in the
B. Old Business
1. The Parks Staff put clear plexi glass behind the wagon wheels on the outside of the OTH. Lori still
thinks we should get some sort of stakes with locks on them to secure the wheels so they are more
secure and can't be moved or stolen.
It was noted the building has some peeling of paint issues on the exterior. Ashleigh will check with
Building Maintenance staff to see if they are the ones to take care of that issue and pay for it.
C. December Dakota County Historical meeting was cancelled. Joe Reid said the grand Re -Opening of
the S. St. Paul building will be.on Jan. 215t. Pat Geagan brought an article from the paper about the
grand Re -Opening and mentioned we should see if we could get a private tour. Joe Reid is going to
check on that for the group.
D. Next Meeting will be February 14t" at 11 a.m.
E. Adjourn 12:45 p.m.
Minutes Submitted by Kim Hazel