EA181379 - Mechanical - Furnace - - Issued Date 02/16/2023PERMIT City of Eagan , ®® Permit Type: Mechanical 3830 Pilot Knob Rd ° °°° + ®°: Permit Number: EA181379 Eagan, MN 55122 °-®® --®•EAGAN (651) 675-5675 111111111111 www.cityofeagan.com * E R 1 8 1 3 7 9 Date Issued: 2/16/2023 Site Address: 1540 Thomas Lake Pt 101 Lot: 6 Block: 1 Addition: Thomas Lake Pointe PID:10-75975-06-217 Use: *10-7597E-06-2 17* Description: Sub Type: Furnace Work Type: Replace Description: Comments: Fee Summary: ME - Mechanical Residential Alteration $64.00 0801.4088 Surcharge -Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 Total: $65.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Heating & Cooling Two THOMAS LAKE POINTE APARTMENTS LLC 18550 Cty Rd 81 3410 WINNETKA AVE N STE A Maple Grove MN 55369 NEW HOPE MN 55427 (763) 428-3677 This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after started. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature ssued B :'Signature 3830 PILOT KNOB' ROAD I EAGAN.MN.65i22-wo (651) $75-66'5I 'FAX:'('661) 676-5694 Email: h0ftains--. dim Gancom r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I For Office Use - - - I permit I Permit Fee: Date Received: t Staff: ------------ RESIDENTIA1 M;:r-WAfJ1f%,ft1 DCORMT AMW t9ftA-rtr%L1 a ff"n 5 a %F a V oats: 2/16/2023: Site Address: 1540 Thomas Lake Pt Rd ung101 Applicant Is: ❑ Owner 0, contractor Thomas Lake Ponte Apartments LLC Nationwide Hsg. Corp Name: i."P, 3410 Winnetka Ave N Ste A New Hope Address: City: MN 55369 763-428-3677 permit@heatcool,-2.com State: -ZI p: Phone: Em,11. M New 60" Replacement Repair Alteration Remove AW Replace Furnace -Doseliptl on of work: V'F:uMaW Heat Pump _k iN, Air Conditioner Other ,Z4 Heating, & Cooling, Two, Inc. Linda Locke A11 Contact: ll 18550 Cty Rd 81 III.: 'Address. Maple Grove - city, MN 55369 763428-3677 permit@heatcoOI2..com, Wis.,: zip* Phone: Email: MB 003.401 ExpirsOon Date: RESIDE"AL FEES $450.00 New Residential (includes State'Surcharge) $65.00 Residential alteration, furnace. air conditioner, ductwork, or any combination (includes State Surcharge) $100.00 Residential fireptace(s) (includes State Surcharge) TOTAL FEtS You may subscribe to rec- elve an afo*onlc notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email upda te on the CIVs website at I hereby 8CMOWW90. "I this Information Is completeand accurate; that the wo*,wfll be in confemonce with the ordinances codes of the City of Esgatij'that I Wderstan4ithis4t not azoir-mll, butonly an,applic"60 for,o parmItand"rkjs,n a it-, that the '*W.drkW9l-be In accordance Otto toe Perm,, with the-6ppro4ed approval Of plans. XLinda ,.L I .Locke ApplIcatif'r-Ptinted Name 'App -1117t' Signaturi—