02/14/2023 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota February 14, 2023 A Special City Council Meeting was held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Eagan Room. City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Hansen, and Supina. Councilmember Fields was absent. City staff present: Assistant City Administrator Alig, Community Development Director Hutmacher, Finance Director Feldman. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Hanson moved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 4, Nay: 0. Motion carried. II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. MINNESOTA VALLEY TRANSIT AUTHORITY (MVTA) UPDATE Assistant Administrator Alig introduced MVTA Chief Executive Officer, Luther Wynder, who was present and gave an update to the Council on MVTA operations. Mayor Maguire proposed, and the Council was in agreement, to modify the agenda to move the Opioid Prevention Budget earlier on the agenda, and make the Northwest Central Commons item the final item on the agenda. IV. OPIOID PREVENTION BUDGET Fire Chief Searle, Police Chief New, and Finance Director Feldman presented to the Council on the Opioid Crisis in Dakota County. Eagan is a party in a class action lawsuit which resulted in a settlement that will distribute funding directly to Eagan. The City is due to receive $812,111 over the next 18 years, or roughly $40,000 per year. One requirement for using the funds is that the City adopt a budget or separate resolution authorizing expenditures during a specific period of time. Chief New responded to a question from Mayor Maguire regarding how the city is coordinating with other entities to ensure the funding is most effective and is not diffused. Chief Searle added that the State of Minnesota would be retaining 25 percent of the total settlement funds to do statewide programs. Director Feldman discussed limitations on use of settlement funds. Staff are seeking direction from the Council on the use of funds and would return with a formal budget for approval at a later meeting. Special City Council Meeting Minutes Page 2 V.NORTHWEST COMMONS SMALL AREA PLAN Community Development Director Hutmacher addressed the Council and reviewed steps that have been taken thus far on the planning effort. Representatives from Bolton & Menk were present and introduced themselves. Andrew Dresdner, Project Manager with Bolton & Menk, presented an overview of the Northwest Central Commons site in Eagan. The Council discussed various policy questions presented by Bolton & Menk. The Council agreed on a general openness to changing land use of the site, with individual Councilmembers expressing emphasis on different elements such as balancing city expenditures with tax revenues, willingness to consider uses such as light industrial, and a need to remain patient in waiting for developments that fit the city’s vision. The Council agreed that there were pros and cons to the City taking a powerful role in redevelopment through purchasing the property and controlling outcomes on the site. The role the City plays would likely be determined by the market value of the property and whether there are interested parties in the private sector. Communications & Engagement Director Ellickson responded to a question regarding public engagement and summarized efforts to engage a broad audience to gather feedback on the plan. VI.OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VII.ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:47pm. ______________________ Date ______________________ Mayor ______________________ City Clerk March 7, 2023