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EA182402 - Fireworks - Indoor Retail Sales - Issued Date 05/10/2023
City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675-5675 www.cityofeagan.com Site Address: 3035 Lot: 3 Block: l PID:10-22508-01-030 Use: Sam's Club Description; Sub Type: Work Type: Description: Sales Dates: Comments: PERMIT Permit Type: Fireworks EAGAN Permit Number: EA182402 111111111111 IN 11111111111111111111111111111111 ®® a®® ® *EA 182402* Date Issued: 5/10/2023 Denmark Ave Addition: Eagandale Center Industrial Pk 9th 11111111111 IN 111111 111M * 1 0— 2 2 5 0 8— 0 1— 0 3 0* Indoor Retail Sales Indoor Display 05/0 V2023 to 07/08/2023 to to Sign Permit Required: N Tent Permit Required: N Temporary Event: N Number of Days: 0 Fee Summary: Firework Indoor Sales $104.00 0801.4097 Surcharge -Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 Total: $105.00 Contractor: _ Applicant _ Owner: TNT Fireworks Sams Real Estate Business Trust 4003 Helton Dr % Property Tax Dept Florence AL 35633 PO Box 8050 (256) 764-6131 Bentonville AR 72716--055 This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after started. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. GI tCCY AFT-tAVI IGD-� r For&wc;U-se--------- 11 EAGAN 1 Pesti Fee: $105.00 1 ECEIVE Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 I (651) 675-56751 FAX: (651) 675-5694 APR 2 1 200 3 I Staff: JHI buildingi� s[cDckgftaaon.com ----------------- BY: 2023 FIREWORKS SALES AND STORAGE APPLICATION Applicant rea rements - ❑ An application must be completed and approved at feast 30 days prior to outdoor sales and/or storage of fireworks. ❑ Applications ford{tidoor sales of fireworks must be submitted between April 1st and June 1st to obtain a permIL ❑ A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany mpany the application. ❑ A site plan and floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold and/or stored shall accompany the application. ❑ A M of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be Included. ❑ A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 387, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. ❑ The Fire Marshal will Inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing fireworks to determine if it Is a suitable Dation. ❑ A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. ❑ A color copy of the appllcanrs State drivers license is required. ❑ A copy of the City of Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Please check the selections that apply to this permit Outdoor Sales $420.00 Sign Permit Indoor Retall Sales $105.00 tm " L ' Display Address: �u UEI4MP�1C _rNcepc Business Name: Zoning applicable) so,,\, cS 4 8 { * A,= (N u-1 1 District i rr Display Retail seller selling exclusively consumer fireworks: Yes No Details, Indoor Sales Datn:lq1 122, to l�$� Outdoor Sales Dates: to to to Temporary outdoor event means an exhibition or sale with a duration of 10 or less continuous days which does not occur more than once every 30 days and more than three times per year or a combination of 20 days total to a calendar year. (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks). ffr� l Name: I RPtS�i) �y Address: H� y3 IN . W i N D -►-QR\L- MyJ 55 a L �ppllaant Phone: Altarnative Phone: INO�K 0 `1 ( ) b7,5 -,b( Li-`�'39q cg!tL> Fax: (n5 l -q-65-- 9255 Email: K ks&, (504132. US 61 S"CW 6. cow TENTS Will More be tents associated with the Sala of fireworks? ❑ Yes 0 No Does arty tent exceed 400 square feet? ❑ Yes ❑ No If you answer "yes," please have the tent contreolor apply far a Commerolal Building Permit. Date Applied for Commercial Building Permit SIGNS VM there be signs posted for the sale of fireworks? ❑ Yes M No If you answer "no," please proceed to the next Section. ❑ Provide a oolor Image of the signs ❑ Provide a site plan with the location of the signs ✓ No more than three signs are allowed to be posted. ✓ Combined square footage of signs cannot exceed 100 square feet ✓ Signs must be placed securely and in a sound rnanner to ensure safety to the public and in accordance with reasonable standards employed by sign makers. Flrewodw are regulated by MN Statutes 024.2M4.25. In addition to these state lam, all displays, sates, storage and use of fireworks shall empty with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 387, Section 6.53 Fireworks and NFPA 1124 Standards. I understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application and the requirements of the Issuing authority. X s 81Bnaturo You to receive an elect rdo no fon from the OW of proposed ordUartoes by signing up for an 9=0 update on the Cites webft at ww�a_atbratia�asn.c c dubsarme. 3930 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAOAN, MN 55122 (651) 675-M76 1 FAX: (651) 6764M hUWn9ImRagj2m@mMmMan.corn if you have a heartng or spm disabNty, conk d us through your preferred telecommurdoadons relay swvloe. TNT FIREWORKS CORPORATE OFFICES P.O. Box 3417 • Industrial Park • Florence, AL 35631 256-7646131 February 10, 2023 ATTN: STORE MANAGER — With fireworks season quickly approaching, we need your help with ensuring a representative of your store completes the enclosed application and forwards it to the Fire Marshal's office located at 3830 Pilot Knob Road within a timely manner. We apologize for this inconvenience but know that strong 4t' of July sales will more than compensate. If you have any questions or if there is any additional information that the city may require you to provide, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1(800)243-1189. As always thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you this season. Sincerely, N &ju'' Nikki Newton TNT® Fireworks newtonb@tnffireworks.com Tennessen Warning License Application Minnesota law requires that you be Informed of the purposes and Intended uses of the Information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license aeon prods. Any Information about yourself that you provide to the City during the license application process will be used to Identity you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. if you wish to be considered for a permit to sell firework, you are required to provide the Information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply information requested by the City, it may mean that your application will not be considered. All individuals In the City who need to Imow information will have access. ApplicantWe ° Z� Signature Authorh adon and Consent for Release of Inbirmation Please provide a copy of your ftft driver's Ilasnse for purposes of this section. freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Ewan to conduct an Name of Individual authorking release Investigation to obtain the fbgowing Information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell firewor1w. Name: 9AS60P-1 Pg2_1 prNgE Last. First Middle Date of Birth: 09 �Ol I !q glv Drivers License * E075-OZ5-(ol5-5)'l state I also release time City of Eagan from any and all liability for Re receipt and use of Information and records received pursuant to this oonsent t further acknowledge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand Its term and legal significance, and execute it voluntarily. Executed this 2-0 day of W1 L .2023. 3ignatu^ re The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: _o Ift✓r'3 Ohv/4 gao V&-- Police Department Representative Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved by Eagan Police Department. x Yes No Zoning approval x Yes No Facility Inspection complete and all violations corrected Yes No Insurance policy approved x Yes No Need Site plan, sign permit and written permission of property owner x Yes No Building Permit Application for Tent Yes No License approved by JH Date approved: 5-10-2023 FIREWORKS SALES EAGAN s Outdoor Sales of Fireworks In addition to the requirements for outdoor sales of consumer fireworks as stated In Sec. 6.53 (see pages 3-5), outdoor sales of consumer fireworks shall be subject to the temporary outdoor event regulations set forth in City Code zoning regulations as follows: • No temporary outdoor events shall be permitted except in the public facility (PF), planned development (PD), limited business (LB), neighborhood business (NB), general business (GB), community shopping center (CSC), limited industrial (1-1) districts. • Sales with a term of at least ten, but less than ninety continuous days, require a Conditional Use Permit approval from the City Council. • Adequate off-street parking shall be provided ensuring that no obstruction or interference occurs with existing traffic patterns. • No portion of the sale or event shall take place within any public right-of-way. A minimum of ten feet setback shall be maintained from all property lines and no portion of the use shall take place within 100 feet of any property line of any residential use or residential zoned property. • The site shall be kept in a neat and orderly manner and the display of items shall not cover more than five percent of the total lot as to not interfere with pedestrian safety, vehicular movement, emergency access and existing business activities. • All signs for the event shall comply with City Code sign regulations. A sign permit is required to post any signs. Signs must meet the following requirements: Temporary signs for special business sales (Outdoor Fireworks Sales) A Sign Permit is required Allowed to have up to three signs with permit The temporary signs shall not exceed 25 square feet in area. Signs may not be displayed for more than ten days within a 60 -day period. The 60 -day period shall commence on the first day of posting a temporary sign and conclude 60 days thereafter. The sign permit application shall specify the days, not to exceed ten, on which the temporary sign will be displayed. All signs must be attached to the sales tent. • Tents and temporary membrane structures having an area in excess of 200 square feet and canopies in excess of 400 square feet shall be subject to a building permit. • The owner and/or operator of the sale or event shall have the written permission of the fee owner of the property on which the sale or event is located to use the specific site. • Hours of operation shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m. • No parking shall be permitted on any adjacent parcel without the prior written permission of the adjacent parcel owner. 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122 (651) 675-56751 FAX: (651) 675-5694 buildinginspection ofeagan.com If you have a hearing or speech disability, contact us through your preferred telecommunications relay service. Examples of Legal and Illegal Fireworks Examples of "fireworks" that are now legal to seU, possess, and use by the public on/or after April 80, 2002 as peed by A16nnesota Statute 624.20 (c) Examples of fireworks that continue to be Illegal to sell, possess, and use, except as permitted .under Minnesota Statute 624.20 Vire or wood spartders of not more than 100 grams of • Any fireworks that are explosive mixture per mom 1 . Any fireworks that are aerial Other sparring Iterns which are non -explosive and non - aerial and contain 75 grams or less of a chemical mixture per tube or a total of 200 grams or less for multiple tubes and include: • Cylindrical Fountain - Upon Ignition, a shower of colored sparks or smoke and sometimes a whistling effect Is produced. Cone Fountain - The efts Is the same as that of a cylindrical fountain. When more than one cone is mounted on a common base, total pyrotechnic composition may not exceed 200 grams. • Wheel - Pyrotechnic device Intended to be ached to a post or tree by means of a nap or string. Upon Ignition, the wheel revolves, producing a shower of color and sparks and sometimes a whistling etie. • ground Stinger - Small device venting out an orifice usually on the side of the tube. Similar In operation to a wheel, but Intended to be placed fiat on the ground and ignited. The rapidly spinning device produces a shower of sparks and colors. • Flitter Sportier - Narrow paper tube attached to a stick or wire that produces color and sparks upon Ignition. The paper at one end of the tube is ignited to' make the device function. • Flash/Strobe - Emit a bright light Novelty items such as snakes and glow worms, smoke devices, or trick noisemakers which Include paper streamers, party poppers, string poppers, snappers, and drop pops, each consisting of not more than twenty-five hundredths grains of explosive mixture. • Firecrackers (any stye) • Ladyfingers • Sky rockets • Bottle rockets • Missile type rockets • Helicopters, aerial spinners, planes, UFOs • Roman Candies • Mines or shells (heavy cardboard or paper tube(s) ached to a base - upon Ignition stens, balls or report are propelled Into the air) • Chasers • Parachutes • 1.30 display (special or class B) fireworks • Aerials shells • Theatrical pyrotechnics (see MN Statute 624.20 to 624.25) Basically, any fireworks listed above are still not legal for public sale, possession, or use, except with a permit and by a iertified operator according to MN Statute 624.20 (I.e. these fireworks are stili not legal unless a permit has been Issued by the local jurisdiction and they are used by a state oertlfled operator). ORDINANCE NO. _ 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER SIX ENTITLED "OTHER BUSINESS REGULATION AND LICENSING" BY AMENDING SECTION 6.53 REGARDING FIREWORKS REGULATIONS, AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 6.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Eagan City Code Chapter Six is hereby emended by amending Section 6.53, Subd. 3, to read as follows: Seo. 6.53. Fireworks Subd. 3 We of Consumer Fireworks A Permit required. it Is unlawful for any person or entity to, directly or Indirectly, keep for rail sale, sell at retell, store or display for sale, or otherwise dispose of any consumer fireworks without first obtaining a permit therefore from the City. B. Consumer fireworks pMM application. Applicatiion for a permit to sell consumer fireworks hereunder shall be made on a form provided by the City. The application shall contain the full name of the applicant, the wOcant's residential address and telephone number, the name of the business, the address and telephone number lbr which the permit is sought and any additional information the City deems necessary. Upon receipt of the completed application and the permit fee, which shall be in an amount set forth by City Council resolution, the City Fire Marshal or a design (hereinafter collectively referred' to as City Fire Marshal) shall have the authority to take action on the permit application whereby the City Fire Marshal shall grant or deny the permit as provided M this Section. if the City Fire Marshal determines that an application Is Incomplete, he or she shall return the application to the applicant with notice of the information necessary to make the appiicatio i complete. C. Action on consumer fireworks permit - application. The applicant shall be surly to a criminal background investigation. The City Fire Marshal may either approve, or deny the permit or he/she may delay action for a reasonable period of time as necessary to complete any investigation. The City Fire Marshal may either approve or deny the permit or it may delay action for such reasonable period of tinge as nary to complete any investigation of the application or the applicant as it deems necessary. The City Fine Marshal may deny a permit on the fo8owing grounds: 1. The applicant Is under the age of 18 years. 2. The applicant has been convicted within the past five (5) years of any violation of federal, state or local law or ordinance provision or other regulation relating to fireworks or consumer fireworks. 3. The applicant has had a Poense or permit to sell consumer fireworks or has had a permit for fireworks displays revoked within the preceding twelve (12) months of the date of application. 4. The applicant fair to provide Information required on the application or provided false or misleading Information. 5. The applicant is prohibited by federal, state or other local law or ordinance or other regulation from holding such license or permit D. Consumer fireworks permit conditions. A consumer fireworks permit shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. A separate consumer fireworks permit shall be Issued for the retail sale of consumer fireworks at each fixed place of sale or business and no permit shall be Issued for a mobile business location. 2. The permit holder shall comply with all federal and state laws and regulaations regarding fireworks or consumer fireworks and -all provisions of this Section. 3. Consumer fireworks shag not be sold to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years. Photo Identification of each purchaser shall be checked at each sale. 4. Indoor retail sale of consumer fireworks shall occur only on property zoned GB (retall sales), NB, CSC, PD (retell sales). No sale of consumer fireworks shall occur on property zoned residential or on property with mixed uses of which include residential. 5. Outdoor sales of consumer fireworks shall be subject to the temporary outdoor evert regulations set forth in the City Cade zoning regulations, In addition to the following requirements: a No outdoor sales of consumer fireworks shall occur within 1,500 feet of any other permitted outdoor sales of consumer fireworks under this Section. In the event that there are two or more applications for a consumer fireworks permit for outdoor sales of consumer fireworks to which the 1,500 That radius requirement would apply to the pending applications 9 approved, the 1,500 foot radius requirement would not apply to the applicant who submitted the pending application earflest in time, and thus would apply to any otter pending application(s) filed after the first applicant. b. AN consumer fireworks kept outdoors In a structure during the permitted period .of the temporary outdoor event shall be stoned In a metal container approved and required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1124 between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 am. and any other times that the permit holder is not open for businessrsales. Arry structure In which the outdoor saw of consumer fireworks Is to occur shad comply with the requirements of NFPA Standard 1124. The storage container required hereunder shall be permitted notwithstanding any other zoning regulation to the contrary. 6. Retail sale of consumer fireworks shag occur only on the premises for which the permit is issued. 7. Smoking within fifty (50) That of the retail consumer fireworks sale and storage areas is prohibited and the sale and storage area(s) shall have signs designated °No Smoking" in red letters not less than two (2) inches in height on white background. All signs shall be maintained In legible condition and all signage must be approved by the Fire Chief or his/her designee. 8. No consumer fireworks shall be discharger!, exploded or used within 100 feet of the building In which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored. e. The bullding or outdoor sales structure In which the consumer fireworks are sold or stored shall have at least two (2) 2 % gallon pressurized fire extinguishers in the area where the consumer fireworks are sold or stored In accordance with the 2000 International Fire Code. 10. The building or outdoor sales stricture In which the consumer fireworks are being sold or stored shall have at least two exits to the outside and all consumer fireworks display ables shall be a minimum width of 48 Inches. The height of the consumer fireworks display shall not exceed six (6) fleet. 11. AN consumer fireworks fuses shall be covered or arranged so fuses cannot be touched directly by a person handling the consumer fireworks without that person puncturing or tearing the package. 12. In buildings In which consumer fireworks are sold or stored, and do not have an approved automatic sprinkler system, consumer fireworks sales, displays or storage shall be limited to fifty (50) pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 200 pounds gross weight, if the pyrotechnic composition weight Is unknown. In buildings with an approved automatic sprinkler system, fireworks sakes, displays and storage shall be limited to 100 pounds net pyrotechnic composition or 400 pounds gross weight, If the pyrotechnic composition weight is not known. 13. A list of all consumer fireworks displayed for sale or stored on the permitted property shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the display and storage areas. The list shall contain the name, weight and quantity of the consumer fireworks and shag be accompanied by the material safety data sheets. Upon request, samples of the consumer fireworks shall be made available to the Fire Chief or his/her design for testing. 14. A permit granted under this bion shag not be transferable. 15. The building or outdoor sales strucftire in which retail safe consumer fireworks are pernrltW hereunder shall meet all applicable provisions of the State Building Code and Fine Code. 16. The permit holder shall be responsible for the actions of its employees or agents with regard to the sale of consumer fireworks on the licensed premises and for purposes of this provision, the sale of consumer fireworks by an employee or agent will be considerer a sale by the pem* holder. 17. The permit holder shag maintain at all times during the duration of the permit and as a condition thereof, general liability, bodily irdury and property damage Insurance approved by the City In a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per claim and for each Incident. The City shall be named as an additional Insured and the permit holder shall provide to the City Clerks a current certificate of Insurance. The permit holder shag notify the City Clerk at least thirty days in advance of any Insurance cancellation or threat of cancellation of insurance. 18. The permit shag be effective fora period of twelve (12) months, expiring Manch 316t of each year. ec#an 3. Eagan City Code Chapter Sic Is hereby amended by adding Section 6.53, subd. 5, to read as follows: i • ;! Jam. �� .� � c ��r: �i� 1 • I � : i Il:"1 iLl= 1� I � .L[ � = �1L 11 � _ _ L c a i o Section 4. Eagan City Cate Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code including 'Penalty for Violation'" and Section 6.89, entitled "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. Wholesale Distributor Projected Order TNT000 OC TNT FIREWORKS NEWTON --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account No Date Location J14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1410002 2/10/2023 SAM4738 Sold To: WALMART - CORPORATE 00001 Ship To SAM'S CLUB 4738 702 SW 8TH STREET 3035 DENMARK AVENUE BENTONVILLE AR 72716 EAGAN MN 55121 --------------------------------------------------- Item NoDescription *********************** ASSORTMENTS 102688P PPK FREEDOM FTN PAK BOX SS J21 102744P PPK START THE SHOW SS J22 102747) PPK MEGA STAR SS ALL J22 102750) PPK BEST ONE YET ALL SS J22 102817P PPK TNT SUPER POWER ALL SS J22 *********************** BASE FOUNTAINS 201578P PPK ROCK'N 4 PK J22 CLUB *********************** CALIFORNIA CANDLES 230034P PPK NEON SWORD CLUB 5PK J23 *********************** COUNTER CASES 674216 PPK- COMBO:72SNP72SPK CLUB J22 ------------------------ 4yt------ Tota. CasesWeigh 1 .22 LB.c 3 696.00 LB.c 3 1,828.13 LBc 2 1,122.86 LB; 5 1,577.14 LB: 1 417.00 LB61 1 29.76 LBS E 380394 #8 SPARKLER CLUB J22 144.00 LB; 320784 SNAPS CELLO CLUB J22 144.00 LB: TOTAL CASES TOTAL WEIGHT OF FIREWORKS TOTAL WEIGHT OF NOVELTIES 17 5,671.11 LB: 288.00 LBC. TOTAL NEC 1,417.78 LBc R CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE JIM= DATE`! 1 11/1/2022 THIS CERTIFICATE 18 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT. If the ceulificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the pollay(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WANED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the cerl(floate holder In lieu of such endomeme s . PRODUCER LII Companies CONTACT 3280 Peachtree Road NE, Suite #250 Adanta GA 30305 PHONE F No OWE= (404) 460-3600 ACUREWl 1 VD2093 EACH OCCURRENCE B 1 000.000 INS s AFFOROM COVERAGE MAIC S INSURER A: Everest JnckrnnitV InsuraIm Comany 10851 eEKAGGFMMTEUMITAPPLIESPE1t POLICY ❑ JPETT ® LOC QTHM IrleuR® American Promotional Hvents, Inc. INSURER 5: INSURER c: 1359629 DRA .INT. Fueworltg, lac. P.O. Box 1318 4511 Holton Drive Florence AL 35630 WSURM D, INSURER E : NOT APPLICABLB IN8URER F 1liGIT/;I:,clrl4= 117(N -b1=1 III"1:1dc�row-T1 7:Ji r-1 rel"II I11:5(a=rXIIIIIIIIIIII6Ti��-' THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR NBR TYPE OF INSURANCE AWL BUSH POLICY NURI�R POIJCY MMMDPnMrn POLICY E10+ LDATB A X COMMMIAL GENERAL LIABLny aAaas 1/ADE FA OCCUR N N S19OLOO242221 11/1/2022 1 VD2093 EACH OCCURRENCE B 1 000.000 $ 500,000 MED EJB ane 0 5,000 PEIMONAL &ADV INJURY 8 1000 000 eEKAGGFMMTEUMITAPPLIESPE1t POLICY ❑ JPETT ® LOC QTHM GENERALAGGREGATE s2.000.000 PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG i7,000,000 $ AurolSDatLS LIABILITY ANYAUTO OWNEDAUTOS "M NON -OWNED AUTOSONLY NOT APPLICABLB & BODILY INJURY(Farpmon) $ )DCXXX BODLLYINJURY(ParacddarQ i s )OOOUQIX 8 )a0nnQx UItBREtIA LU18 E+XCE88 LU►B HCLAIMS-MADE OOWR NOT AITUCABLB EACH OCCURRENCE $ ❑ ❑aQ AGGREGATE 3 DED I I RETENTION'S 0 WDIOUM COMPENSATION AND BNPLOYEW LL48U N ANY In NH) YIN ��ss p� DEBLRIPT UOVOPERATIWNSbslaa NIA I NOT APPLICABLE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 41 )CKXX2= E.L. DISEASE -EA EMPLOYEEi EL DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT t DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS l LOCATIONS l VEHICLES (ACORD 181, Additional Remarks sotwdab, poly be adached N mon space Is Inquired) Certificaln holder is an additional inmtted on the Oennal Ibbiility as required by written contract subject to policy toms, cond(itons, and exalnsions. CERTIFICATE HOLDER f-AUMI 1 A*nnu 01888-201aACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2018!03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES 13E CANCELLED BEFORE 12290313 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BB DELIVERED IN SAM'S CLUB 4738 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. CITY OF EAGAN ADTNORMDMW 3035 DAVE ME EAGAN MN 55121 M?20 4 4 ' 01888-201aACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2018!03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD TNTC FIREWORKS .t* Plan Wofthew AbDRESS.W?)157 •�MRNI� me. cItyh9jG . AT STATE —PHONE STORE NAME I LOCATION #.8ftml 5ffifttftj TYPE OF EVENT: In -stere sales of improved fireworks NORTH -sbvrH SPECIAL INSTUR60NS SIG STORE MANAGER / TNT® RbpmsenNo WINN'. x= -M I..a an mu amft. =1 Fix m W. Skim. immmm=mm M, 11,_ low _.C, Nll —MW=AM am M SE- I M=e 0 mmm pal mm Mr.-. Id II rr�.c sm s"i.,..r r!!� �• i1 'l� of •i• Q 1 (f y'. !li vigil JILL UJ 10Z �W_ s f - M�, • ;jU_ mmmeSQTA DRc�sE ._ 1RASSURY 04743 W WIN 7111 -1. .. EAGAK UN 56422. ~ 4ams E07542 514. moos4bEVwig 23 4 cuss O - as oNONE +2REM 2 b IGMT i-0, B�O: NN � Wh a eamEtlYos spa AA00 b�.OVMAbO�IN! �@ilt Car. Laws i American Protnotional Events Coneumet Fireworks IAG Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Paas 1 of 7 C014A Hazard•Comirhurilw0on Standard A -CFR 1810.1200. Prepared to ©HS R&W& Produdt Trade Nome or Identifier: Consumer FlreWoft UN0336, I AG Manallhaturec ANCO Far East Importer: American Promotional Events, d.b.a. TNT Fireworks Distributor. American Profrrotional Events, d.b.a. TNT Fireworks Other responsible party: N/A Addy: Corporate Office - 4511: Helton Drive, ' Florence, AL 35630 - - O ontattinfordmUon:'800 -"89 •/ www:tntflrewoft.com - _ For Product Information/Emergency Phone Number: Normal Business Hours — 1-800-243-1158 After Hours - Chem -Tel - 1-800-255-3924 Description: Manufactured articles containing pyrotechnic composition§ Recommended use: For use by consumers / general public for entertainment purposes. Product Contains Pyrotechnic Composl0on / A solid mbdure of oxkrker And fuel that wHI burn vigorously N Ignited by flame or high temperature. These Items are classed as 1.4G explosives by U.S. DOT. ' 'No chemical cwnipw1Vc; ► Is 6W6spd during normal hbridling, transportation end storage. Signal Word - WARNING UN0336, FIREWORK I AG (DOT) (Consumer Plmwar m) Siownents-- Fire or Prion Hazard Precad4onary Statements Keep awpy frgm heatleparki/open flames/hot surfaces — NO SMOKING Risk Phrases' Harmiul If swaAowed Irritating to respiratory system and ekiri 8atet Xisop out of reach of children Keep away ftfn n sources of Ignition — NO SMOKING American Oromotlonal lEvents. Coir Wm er FUeworiw 1.4G Sdfety Dafs•Sheet (SDS) Consuineir Flrawgrks bontain pyrotechnic compositions in solid form corielsting of mbdures bf fuefs, bxidizers, acid oth®r chernIbMs'anit are deplaned to produce visible and or audible effects when lgniteii. Tyro or chore of the fogcwirig chemlcals are present in these producfs: '"Trade Secret Claim: Ingredlent percentages are oomparry prrlprieta ry. Phyalal.Appearpnce: Devices consist of one or mere cardboard or plastic tubes•contalnlno various pyrotechnk composMons, generaeliy wAb o deeoralw. paper outer_wrapping.bearing-taudongiy viarNng -- - labellng. No ohemlcW composition is exposed during normal handlin transportation and storage. All IndMdOal Iteriis Tabeled and marked in accordance with regulations 611the U.S. Coiiwmer Fsrcduct Safely Conunialori. All outer shipping packages are manufactured, sealed, label6d and marked In accordance with all applicable DOT requirements. American PramoEOnbl Events Coniumir Firewort 1 AG Safety Data Sheet (SDS) All chemical composlp9n)s contained w ithin the device, and there should be minimal-tano exposurs io the chemicals under normal cpndfdons of handling of the type typically Imrolvecl in handiing, transporbMbn and. ribli sales operations. Skin Contact; Contents (If spilled) should be Washed'immedlately from the exposed area with slap and water. If Mallon perslsts, seek m6dical attentlon. Eye Contact* (if contents. are spilled) flush eyes for a minimum of 15 minutes. If irruption persists, seek medial attention. 1nhAla Npne fLjpm un(gnk9.d davices. When:the deuices.are,igp d a user produced. People With respiratory conditions such as asthma should avoid breathing any smoke, Including that produced by fireworks. ingestion: if accidentally ingpsted, seek medial attention as soon as possible Delayed Effects: N/A Required Treatment: Seek medical treatment If required. Flammability Limits (volume %): NIA Lower. IIA Upper. N/A Extinguishing Techniques: Flood with Water Special Find Fighting Procedures: Protect surrounding area Special Egplpment. No special measures or equipment required. — standard eye protectlon and other PPE should be used by'ali emergency responders Chemical Hazards from Fire: Hazardous decomposition or byproducts; sihoks, nitrogen oxides and sulfur Oddes m aj U'produdsd f6 -a fffii.--- Unusual Fire and Mcploslon Hazards: Fireworks will bum rapidly In the event of a fire, do not use suifbostion methods since buming devices produce their own oxygen and the fire may become more violent If ionfined. American Promotional Events Cottaliurrisr Ffrevuodis 146 $aiPety•Data Sheet (SDS) Protective Egrilpment natural fiber non.sparidng brush. Clean vp Pr9ocidures: Sweep up any spilled exposed / loose ch®mic W ccmposifipns with a natural fiber non -sparking Mush. Avoid flames, sparks, friction, or Impact near any exposed pyrotechnic composftm Proper Meffidcle of Con ainmerrty Sturdy cardboard boxes with lids closed and sealed. Approved DOT fiberboard packaging should be used for transportation Avoid smoking, open -flame and •excessively high temperatures (above 200 degrees F) In the vldnity of fireworks. Keep shipping cartons in a cool, dry location Do not drop or throw packages of fireworks - Do not use bale hooks or other sharp device - Keep cartons closed and sealed for storage Incompatibllldes: Exposure to water may cause flreworka to deteriorate. If fireworks become wet due to fire -fighting efforts or for -any other reason such qs a mod, they should be removed for disposal in accordance with all applicable requirements. Exposure Guidelines: WA for Intact devices Engineering Owitrolet WA for Intact devices Respiratory Protection: N/A for Intact devices — Eye ! Pace Protection: WA far•intact-devices Sidn Protection: WA for Intact devices Arnotloan Promotional 9vente' _ Consumer FUaworlcs l Ad Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Peas 6 of 7 Physical Appearance: Flieivorks compositions are generally not exposed in Intact devices, but are contained In cardboard tubes or other sealed 'containers. If exposed, they are generally gray or black powders or granula Odor. None pM.1 close to no" (7) Specille:0mvlty/Denelty: N/A Watgr 861091ty: Oxidizers will dissolve to some extent in water Melting Point: >20QF Vapor Prdssura.: minimal at room temperature Percent Voldtiles by Volume: generally <1% by weight (mainly moisture) Flash Pow N/A Expioston Umtts: Lower: N/A Upper. WA AutolgnHton Temp: >260F Conditions to Avoid: ignition sources, Open flames, smoking H rdous R ctlons • Materials / Chemicals to be avoided: Store away from any heat or flame sources Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen may form in a fire Hezardops Poly'm®c onfV1 jll W occur __ _ American Promodorlal Events Consumer Fireworiw 1.4G Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Routes of Exposure: NIA Chemical com*Mo.n Is not exposed in intact devices Related Symptoms: NIA Acute & Chronic Effects: NIA NuMerical Mbaeuree of Toidclty. NIA Canc"enfclt . NIA Proddeb Consumer Fireworks Recommendation: All Consumer Fireworks are sold under a guaranteed sales program in whiph the customer returns any unsold products to American' Promotional Events. Other disposal of consumer fireworks should be done In. accordance with all local, state and Federal regulations. Uncleaned Pa0kagloge: Typically no residues are present in packaging Recommendation: NIA Shipping Name: imbGnMOACAOIUS DOT - — - Proper Shipping Name Fireworks Haza S Class, 1.4G ID Numiier MOW -Pacf'tagTikb Group American Prorimot4onal Events Consulter Flrevirorlo 1.40 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) MS. Federal Redulatidris: CPSC The U.S. Consumer Product S.affity Comas slot (CPSC) has issued mandatory safety regulations for flraWorks devices. •The CPSC enforce Its ftworks regulations under the Federal Hazardous Subslance6 Act (FHSA), 15 U.S.C. 91281. and Title 18, Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Parts 1500 and 1507. DOT. Consumer firewoi h are considered hazardous nu tarlais (hazmat) Division 1.4G expioshrIN, and their safe transport is regulated by the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) 49 CFR Parts 171-180). Other Regulatlons:. L• awe g9iOW1g theaale artd ondumerfIfew6ftvaryfrom-s� safe=the �- State Fire Marshal is generally the enforcing officer In an Individual state. EuropearAnternadonal Regulations: WA Inventory Information: N/A This SDS was prepared on: 04/24/15 This SDS was last revised on: 02/27/17 'By: CLW - APE/TNT By: CLW - APE/TNT The Information contained herein is believed to be accurate and -represents the best Information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or- any other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to such lhibrmation, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. .Users should make their -own Investigations to determine the suitability' of the Information for their paMcular purposes. In no event shell American Promotional Events or its affllliates be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third early br for lost profits or any special, Indirect, incidental, ponsequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if American Promotional Events, its affiliates or consultants have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Key L6§6nd Tmifoh M#on — WA Not Applicable TLy - Threshold Limit Value OSHA - O'cdupetional Safety and Heplth Adminiu#tnti lon