EA182938 - Sign - Other - AT&T - Issued Date 05/25/2023 PERMIT
City of Eagan Permit Type: Sign
3830 Pilot Knob ,•.,• • ,. EAGANPermit Number: EA182938
Eagan, N 551222 •••• ••-•
(651)675-5675 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
www.cityofeagan.com * E R 1 8 2 9 3 8 *
Date Issued: 5/25/2023
Site Address: 3344 Promenade Ave 104
Lot: 1 Block: 3 Addition: Eagan Promenade ���
Use: AT&T * 10 - 22472 - 03 - 0 10 *
Sub Type: Other
Work Type: New Feet Inches
Description: Chanel lit letters Length: 10 3
Height: 3 4
Sign Message: Width: 3 1
SgFt: 34.00
Location: Front
Setback: 10
Elevation: 0
Electric: N
Double: N
Comments: Please call(651)675-5687 for a final inspection.
New sign faces require separate permits.
Fee Summary: Base Fee-$2.50 sq. ft. $85.03 0720.4089
Copies $1.50 0201.4230
Total: $86.53
Contractor: - Applicant - Owner:
612 Signs Eagan Promenade Inc
7435 Washington Ave S %Invesco Advisors Inc
Minneapolis MN 55439 2001 Ross Ave Ste 3400
(612)503-5030 Dallas TX 75201
This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance,or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Applicant/Permitee: Signature sued B : Signature
For Office Use
I Permit#:
) gZg3g
rn j Permit Fee: 86 . 5 3EAGAN
_ I
Date Received: 5/16/2 0 2 3
3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 I I
(651) 675-5675 1 FAX: (651)675-5694 Staff: JH
signpermitso_cityofeagan.com ———————————--————J
❖ Submit one (1)application per building, pylon or monument sign.
Submit one (1)application per pylon or monument sign tenant panel replacement.
Submit two (2)copies of drawing showing proposed sign and site plan or building elevation showing location on property.
Submit one (1)separate sign plan or letter containing the landlord/building owners approval of the sign.
Freestanding Signs exceeding 7 feet in height require a Commercial Building Permit
Building Signs—Exposed electrical boxes or conduit shall be shielded from view by painting to match the building or sign band area,
or enclosing within the sign raceway. All raceways shall be constructed of materials or painted to match the building or sign band area.
•: Pylon signs are a Conditional Use and subject to all conditions, regulations, and fees required for conditional uses.
Temporary Advertising Signs—Please complete both sides of the application.
❖ Applications submitted via email are subject to an additional$0.25 per page printing charge which will be added to the permit fee.
•:• If any sign is placed, erected or installed without first obtaining a sign permit,the permit fee shall be the amount equal to two times the
permit fee, per Section 11.70 Subd. 28.1.2
Sign Type Dimensions of Sign &Sign Message
Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches
Awning Length 10 2-7/16 x Height 3 4 x Depth 3 1/2
Canopy Total Square Feet: 34.01
Logo + AT&T
Lease Sign Message:
Pylon Location on Structure: Front-Parking Lot Facing Temporary Use Days
Temporary Setback: 10 ft Has Electricity
Other Elevation: SW Is Double Faced
Date: 5 /11 /2023 Applicant is: Owner Tenant Sign Company/Contractor
Address where sign is to be located: 3344 Promenade Ave. Ste. 104
Tenant or Business Name: AT&T
Tenant Contact Name: Heather Sonsdek Telephone#: 312-380-5144
Email hsonsedek@priorityinc.com
Sign Company/Contractor: 612 SIGNS Telephone#: 612-503-5030
Address. 7435 Washington Ave S City_ EdinaState: MN Zip: 55439
Email: lisa@612signs.com
Property Owner: EAGAN PROMENADE INC Telephone#: n/a
Address: 2001 ROSS AVE STE 3400 City: Dallas State: TX Zip: 75201
Email: n/a
Fee: $25.00
#of Signs: (maximum of 3)
Sizes of the Sign(s): 1. 2 3.
■ Total Sq. Ft. of all signs: (All 3 signs cannot exceed 100 square feet)
W First Day of Placement:
N Signs can be placed for 14 day, gut of a 60-day period which commences the first day a sign is
W placed.
Z W Sign Permit Expiration Date: _
Z Sign permit(s) expires 60 days )m first day of placement.
m 14 Days Signs Will Be Placed:
Q Q Sign(s)will be attached to: building elevation pylon monument free standing
a70 Signs must be attached to the building or to an existing monument or pylon sign.
11L u) Sign(s)will be attached using the following method:
Wp Signs must be placed securely and in a sound manner to ensure safety of the public& in accordance with
reasonable standards employed by sign makers.
Person responsible for placement/removal of sign:
Telephone#: Email:
Management Co. (if applicable) Telephone#:
Approval of the building Owner or Management Company may be required. Check your lease or call your
Management Company for additional information.
You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Contact Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 or www.ciopherstateonecall.oro for protection against underground utility
damage. Contact Gopher State One Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state the application is correct, and agree to comply with Eagan, MN laws regulating
construction and placement.
Lisa Murphy- Digitally signed by Lisa Murphy-
x Lisa Murphy-Salvador xSalvador bate:2023,05.1610:06:27-05'00'
Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature
Work Type: Description Inspections Fees
Change Existing _Aluminum pan F.C.O.Aluminum _Footings $ 85 . 03
CUP/Ftg. Ins. _Banner _Halo-lit/Reverse Channel x Final $
Move _Board x LED/Electronic Copies$0.25/page $ l . 5 0
60 Days _Canister —Plastic cutout TOTAL $ 86 . S3
x New _Cabinet/Logo _Plastic molded
x Channel lit letters Plastic Panel REVIEWED BY:
_Channel lit/raceway _Routed JH Planning
—Flex Face —Vinyl graphics Building Inspections
City/State: Eagan, MN
Address: 3344 Promenade Ave. Ste. 104
Creation Date: 01/18/2023
Revised: 02/03/2023, 02/07/23, 02/08/23
03/16/23, 03/27/23
= Z M��
Allowed Currently Current Proposed E
Ground Signs by Code Installed % Utilized Proposed % Utilized 0 (%Delta) E;
Height ft): 0 0 NA 0 NA 00.0 N
Number: 0 0 NA 0 NA 00.0 N
Square Footage(ft.): 0 0 NA 0 NA 00.0 =
Allowed Currently Current Proposed
Wall Signs by Code Installed % Utilized Proposed % Utilized 0 (%Delta) V
Height(ft.): NA - NA T-4" NA 100.0 E:
Number: 1 1 0 1 100.0 100.0 N
Square Footage (ft.): - - - 34.01 - 100.0 N
Allowed Currently Current Proposed T
Total Signage by Code Installed % Utilized Proposed %Utilized 0 (%Delta)
Number: 0 0 0 0 NA 100.0 —
Square Footage ft): 0 0 0 0 NA 100.0 N
% Delta is calculated: proposed signage/current signage —� —
Branding Rationale / Comments
Branding Rationale
Revisions: X File Location: STND
x x Drive/Clients/ CSTM_ Date: 01/18/2023 City/State: Eac
PPRIORITY x x ❑AS ACR :0 EN Designer:CXJ PM:HS Address: 334
Site ,
•- ',L....=—��r � �' 4 �5's.r,., , rya z.t ;
. ,"Opp
f • •••
Revisions: X File Location: STND_
Drive/Clients/ CSTM_ Date: 01/18/2023 City/State: Eat
PPRIORITY X X AS ACR 0 EN Designer:CXJ PM:HS Address:334•
S1 Relocate 191-01,
Illuminated Letterset
Installation Guidelines �"Game •
• Remove existing letterset,
patch and repaint fascia
(SW9089)to like new condition
• Relocate remote wired
illuminated letterset from 1023 Building facade and fascia must be repaired
East Blue Earth Ave, Fairmont and painted to cover all preexisting damage
MN 56031 or ghosting from previous signs, and protect
• Remove vinyl from "AT&T" the structure from weather.
faces and clean of all residue
now at I
yns mus a No signs or combination of signs mounted upon a
orkmanlike manner of sound and sufficient building shall cover in excess of 20 percent of the gross
aterials and in accordance with all reasonable area of a side where business signs are1 allowed.
andards employed by professional sign makers.
— All busir ;s signs mounted on a building shall Globe Specific+
I exposed electrical connections shall be placed be simile in design. Building facade signage on 1/4
side the cabinet, shrouded, or otherwise painted to multi-ter It buildings shall be evenly distributed 1°Jewelite trim cap with color matching
titch the freestanding sign. betweer II tenants. .040"aluminum returns painted Mat
MP77101 Blue,satin finish;high refl
F white interior su
B __._ _- D — __ E _ AgiLight6500KWhitt
.063"pre-coated white aluminur
C 1/4"dia.weep hole with light
(min.2 holes per
Mechanical fastener per site cont
.118"Opti'2406LD white acrylic fac
B A 3M*3630-7775 Blue fMl
�AT first surface(to match PS
Letter Specific
C. 1/4
P'Jewelite black tri
.040"aluminum returns p
Matthews MP59262 Black,satin
high reflective white interior su
I L-Rmt-24-B_60 .118"Optix 2406LD white acryli
REMOVE 3M#3635-222 Black Dual-Color on first st
A B C D E F sq.ft.(BxF) AgiLight6500KWhitt
2'-0" 3'-4" 8" 61116" 1 6'-31116" V-27 16" 34.01 .063"white pre-coated aluminur
Mechanical fastenerpersitecont
1/4"dia.weep hole with light
(min.2 holes per
Revisions: X File Location: STND_
Option selected w/rcwy.cxj.20230207 X Drive/Clients/ CSTM_ Date: 01/18/2023 City/State:Eac
PRIORITY Removed rcwy.cxj 20 X
Client wants white faces.s.cxcxj.j.20230327 X E]AS Q CR 0 EN Designer:CXJ PM:HIS Address:334