06/13/2023 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota June 13, 2023 A Special City Council Meeting was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Eagan Room. City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Fields, Bakken, Hansen, and Supina. City staff present: City Administrator Miller, Assistant City Administrator Alig, Parks & Recreation Director Pimental, Recreation Program Manager Mozingo, Parks Superintendent Fleck, Finance Director Feldman, Communications & Engagement Director Ellickson, and Community Development Director Hutmacher. I.ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 5, Nay: 0. Motion carried. II.VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III.PARK FACILITY / ECC STUDY UPDATE Mayor Maguire invited Parks & Recreation Director Pimental to present to the Council. Director Pimental introduced Farrell Bueller from 110 Percent to provide a presentation on the progress of the study and next steps. Recreation Program Manager Mozingo presented to the Council on the Eagan Arthouse. JLG Architects have been hired to do the redesign at the Arthouse and are pursuing sustainable design that will serve the community in the future. Mozingo confirmed the intention is to keep the current building operational during construction of the new facility. Staff would return to Council in September to preview drawings of the new building with the hope to obtain bids next winter. Parks Superintendent Chris Fleck presented on the Goat Hill Project. Staff have advanced the timeline for the rink roof for construction this year due to feasibility with building materials and the desire to avoid additional disturbances with the construction of a park building in future years. The bid opening was yesterday for the roof work. Finance Director Feldman presented to Council on the financing mechanism for the park facilities. Per Council direction, the intent is to use tax abatement as the primary financial tool for the project. Councilmember Bakken added that the Council had previously discussed that the option to use a bond referendum for phase two projects remains on the table. Director Feldman stated that staff have begun to make preparations for the tax abatement and there would be a public hearing this fall before Council would formally approve the list of parcels that would be part of the abatement. Communications Director Ellickson discussed the engagement plan for the facility improvements. Council thanked staff for the updates. Special City Council Meeting Page 2 IV.NORTHWEST CENTRAL COMMONS SMALL AREA PLAN Mayor Maguire invited Community Development Director Hutmacher to present. Director Hutmacher asked the Council to consider specific aspects of the three plans that would be presented, specifically what items were appealing about each or aspects the Council was not interested in seeing. Director Ellickson provided an overview of the engagement efforts to date regarding the small area plan. Andrew Dresdner with Bolton & Menk presented to the Council on project goals and principles and gave an overview of the site constraints and opportunities. Dresdner then presented three different concepts for the area. The three concepts shared common elements including a mix of jobs and housing, preservation of the core of the park, trail connections between existing adjacent parks, and new public streets. The Council discussed the concepts and provided feedback on the differences between them. The Council recommended keeping the concepts in their current form for public engagement purposes. Staff noted they will bring back to Council a single concept that incorporates feedback from Council and the public. V.2024 – 2025 BUDGET UPDATE Administrator Miller stated the purpose of the update was to provide a brief verbal update, and that staff would be returning in August with a more complete presentation on the budget. Finance Director Feldman was present for questions. VI.OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VII.ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ______________________ Date ______________________ Mayor ______________________ Deputy City Clerk July 11, 2023