11/14/2023 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota November 14, 2023 A Special City Council Meeting was held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers. City Councilmembers present: Acting Mayor Hansen, Councilmembers Fields, and Supina. Mayor Maguire and Councilmember Bakken were absent. City staff present: City Administrator Miller, Assistant City Administrator Alig, Finance Director Feldman, Assistant Finance Director Foiles, City Planners Schultz, Dudziak and Thomas, Community Development Director Hutmacher, and Sustainability Coordinator Catano. I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Acting Mayor Hansen acknowledged the absences of Mayor Maguire and Councilmember Bakken. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 3, Nay: 0. Motion carried. II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. JOINT MEETING WITH ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION (APC) Advisory Planning Commission members introduced themselves; present were Andrew Wegener, Christos Jensen, Brandon Block, Chris Whitfield, Carol Whisnant, Steve Schwanke, Simon Barnicle, and Dave Cherner. Planning Staff present were Pam Dudziak and Sarah Thomas. City Planner Schultz reviewed the work of the APC in 2023 and previewed the coming year. The Council thanked the Commission and staff for their work. IV. 2024 ECVB BUDGET ECVB President Brent Cory presented to Council on the proposed budget for 2024. Mr. Cory presented survey data on travel behaviors and economic impacts of travel on Eagan businesses. The 2024 budget would be very similar to the 2023 budget. The Council thanked the Chamber staff for their work. V. 2024 SUSTAINABILITY BUDGET Sustainability Coordinator Catano presented the proposed budget to Council. The sustainability fund was supported by franchise fees which are estimated to generate $1.5 million in 2024. Finance Director Feldman was present to provide additional detail on the budget. Highlights of the budget include funding for a consultant to conduct climate action planning, sustainability components incorporated into the Eagan Art House reconstruction, and support for fleet electrification and EV System Equipment. City Administrator Miller acknowledged this budget would be brought before Council on a future Consent agenda. The Council was supportive of the budget as presented. VI. 2024-2025 ENTERPRISE FUNDS, SPECIAL REVENUE BUDGETS Director Feldman presented the proposed budgets for 2024-2025. Enterprise Funds are funded primarily by user fees, and Special Revenue Funds are supported by specific funding programs. Rate increases are Special City Council Meeting Page 2 proposed and would be considered as part of the Fee Schedule at the December 12, 2023 Council meeting. These increases would help to finance maintenance and improvements to aging utility infrastructure. The Recreation Facilities budget would also anticipate an increase in user fees at the Civic Arena, Cascade Bay, and the ECC. Staff are also exploring new opportunities for revenue generation, including bumper cars at the Civic Arena. Other funds discussed included the ETV, Tree Mitigation, Cedar Grove Parking Ramp, and Opioid Prevention funds. VII.RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS AND EMERGENCY SHELTERS ORDINANCE City Planner Schultz provided Council with background and a brief overview of the proposed ordinance. Schultz highlighted the definitions and performance standards included in the draft ordinances. Schultz asked if Council was comfortable with a proposed capacity limit of 75 persons for Residential Shelters. The Council expressed agreement around this detail. A second policy question involved including large Residential Shelters within the Community Shopping Center district noting hotels being a similar use. Staff clarified the use within CSC zone district would be a conditional use and require Council approval. Council expressed agreement to include the CSC zone for large Residential Shelters. Administrator Miller noted Council could revisit the changes when the full Council was present to ensure all feedback was incorporated. Staff anticipated bringing the ordinance to City Council for consideration on December 12. VIII.OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. IX.ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Supina moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn. Aye: 3, Nay: 0. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm. ______________________ Date ______________________ Mayor ______________________ City Clerk December 12, 2023