EA189800 - Zoning - Residential - Issued Date 03/22/2024 ChIcKen Perml+ ! PERMIT
City of Eagan • , , , Permit Type: Zoning
3830 Pilot Knob I - EAGAN Permit Number: EA189800
Eagan,MN 551222 •-•• •--•
(651)675-5675 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
www.cityofeagan.com * E A 1 8 9 8 0 0
Date Issued: 3/22/2024
Site Address: 4037 Northview Ter
Lot: 6 Block: 2 Addition: Lexington Parkview
Use: * 10 - 4503S - 02 - 060 *
Sub Type: Residential Construction Type:
Work Type: Chicken Permit
Description: Renewal
Census Code: - Occupancy:
Square Feet:
Fee Summary:
Contractor: Owner: - Applicant -
Stuart A Hansen
4037 Northview Ter
Eagan MN 55123
This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance,or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature
3830 Pilot Knob Road Chicken Permit License Nbr:00006259
Eagan,MN 55122
651-675-5000 Applicant: 1399
To renew license(s):make any necessary
corrections,complete and sign form and
return to the City of Eagan along with
the license fee by'
Stuart Hansen
4037 Northview Terrace �R 1 9 2014 Make check payable to City of Eagan
Eagan MN 55123 f
' Current License Expires: ' 414024
Description Fee Type Lic Units Amount
Issued To: Stuart Hansen Chicken Permit Base $25.00
Address: 4037 Northview Ter Total Due: $25.00
Eagan MN 55123 0401.4116
Name: Stuart Hansen
Address: 4037 Northview Terrace .__..._ �
Eagan MN 55123
On-Site Manager:
Telephone: (612)4194914
Fax: -- —
eMail: shansen82@gmail.com
Federal Tax ID:
State Tax ID:
Please review the attached site plan.If you plan to make any changes to your coop/run or its location,please submit an
updated site plan with your application.
Number of chickens on the property
Application for Chicken Permit Renewal,Pike l tf 2
When the City of Eagan("City")collects private/confidential data from an individual about that individual,the City is
required under Minn. Statute§ 13.04,subd.2,to provide a Tennessen warning Notice. The purpose of this Notice is to
enable individuals to make an informed decision about whether to give data about themselves to the City.
Classification of Data Provided
Under Minnesota Statute§ 13.4 1,subd.2,regulating licensing data obtained by a public entity,names and the
designated contact address and telephone number are public data and available upon request. All other information
provided on your application prior to licensure approval is classified by law as private data and is accessible to you,but
not to the public. Upon license approval,all information provided on your application is public data,EXCEPT for:date
of birth,social security,non-designated or secondary contact address and telephone number,financial data,state and
federal tax ID's,or data classified under Minnesota Statute§ 13.02,subd. 12,as private or subd. 13 as protected
Purpose and Intended Use
The data requested on each application will be used in determining whether you meet the City qualifications and
requirements for the license for which you are applying. Data from your application will also be relied upon for contact
and communication purposes by the City and for the Eagan Police Department to perform the background check
required by Eagan City Code§5.02.
I have read and agree to all ordinances associated with this license.I certify that I have read the above questions and that
all tl�fe a wers are true correct to the best of my knowledge.
Sima dfApplicobt
Applicationfor Chicken Permit Renewal,Page 2if'2
Stuart Hansen–Chicken Coop Permit Application
4037 Northview Terrace, Eagan, MN 55123
�a !p to 5 chickens,currently only need to move 4 from St Paul
Simple 53"x 123"coop/
run combo
- At least 5 set
back from the
property line
—0. - Constructed of
wood, metal
' metal roof,and
metal hardware
Wood:siding is
` reo stained finished
s. eSe`�a cedar' lower
sn t this part of th n?; P �o�
t need dime s' '` s and r_ `�� portion is
tlso needs to setback �` pressure treated
l0 from the r ar 4'
/ ground contact
)roper ty line. rated lumber,
insides are 2x4
Simple combination of
chain link panels and
chickenwire purchased at
Tractor Supply Co.to keep
hens contained in a space
bigger than their coop/run
in the main structure.
11 129
L t' � Db �
Simple 53"x 123"coop/run combo Stuart Hansen—Chicken Coop Permit Application
4037 Northview Terrace, Eagan, MN 55123
- At least 5'set back from the Up to 5 chickens,currently only need to move 4 from St Paul
property line
- Constructed of wood,metal
Simple fence made from
screws/hinges,metal roof,and
just metal posts and bird
metal hardware cloth netting top and sides for
- Wood:siding is stained finished day-time foraging.will be
cedar, lower portion is pressure adjusted occasionally
treated ground contact rated U� n—tom
lumber, insides are 2x4 �T�C
construction, plywood sheathing c
outside and in
� eSe�baok
r Yoe
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