03/12/2024 - Eagan Historical SocietyEagan Historical Society Minutes March 12, 2024 Present: Lynae Gieseke, Joe Reid, Mary Ellen Voracek, Tim Dulac, Ashleigh Sullivan, Jack Kennelly, Connie Keane (new member) 11:20 a.m. meeting was called to order New Business Ashleigh gave a brief update on the MNHS information from Charles Rodgers regarding preservation of articles – more details at our next meeting. Joe brought us up to date regarding the Partnership Grant that DCHS is seeking from the MNHS. DCHS sought applications from organizations who could help create a plan for recognizing the upcoming Semiquincentennial (250th anniversary) for the United States on July 4, 2026. Two organizations responded. The project was offered to the Amplifier design team. Sunday, May 19, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., was chosen as the date for our OTH Spring Open House. We needed to choose a date with lead time to take advantage of City advertising. We need to decide who will be available to staff the Open House. Tim and Connie may be available. Ashleigh will get name of contact person for former ArtWorks building to see if we can use their parking lot for our Open Houses on weekends. Kim will check into scheduling OTH window washing on May 14th (during our regular May meeting). We will ready the OTH for Open House during that time also. Ashleigh received a phone call from Ron David inquiring about the Mayflower Society and its possible connection to Eagan. EHS member, Greg Oxley is a member of the Mayflower Society and will contact Mr. David. Briefly discussed possibility of hosting Eagan’s Senior Group for a tour and possible short program at the OTH. More information is needed including possible dates, times of day, method of transportation to OTH, parking (ArtWorks bldg/now clinic) is open M – F, 8 am – 4 pm so probably would not be available, etc., etc. Will discuss more at later date. All members were reminded to RSVP for the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, April 11th at the Eagan Community Center. Jack K. gave our EHS a flash drive with historical aerial photos of Eagan and surrounding area from 1970 through 2000. They are from the Bordner Aerial collection. We will view them at our April meeting. Old Business Joe’s January 16th presentation to the Senior Group at the Community Center, subject Eagan Rural Schools, was very successful. There was a large crowd of approx. 40 people on a day when the temperature was around 10 degrees below zero. An article about Patrick McCarthy’s wishes for his 134 acre property appeared on January 18, 2024 in the Minneapolis Star Tribune https://www.startribune.com/after-property-owners-death-and-battle-o ver-his-will-eagan-green-space-will-be-preserved/600336729/ A newspaper article appeared in the January 5, 2024 edition of the Sun Newspaper featuring Rosemary Diffley Sterns. The article titled “Celebrating a Good Life” included Rosemary’s comments on how Diffley Road was named. 4. We have not yet located the Adelman Farm Stand sign. 5. Lynae continues to work on the Laserfiche project DCHS Updates Joe met with DCHS regarding the Partnership Grant Next Historical Society Meeting Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Adjourn: 12:30 pm Minutes submitted by Mary Ellen Voracek