EA190126 - Fire - Commercial - Vacancy Prep - Issued Date 04/10/2024 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Fire 3830 Pilot Knob Rd em�� ' ��tl�MF EAGAN Permit Number: EA190126 Eagan, MN 55122 (65 1)675-5675 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 www.cityofeagan.com * E A 1 9 0 1 2 6 * Date Issued: 4/10/2024 Site Address: 1301 Corporate Center Dr 190 Lot: Block: Addition: PID: Use: Vacancy Prep * �c Description: Sub Type: Commercial Work Type: Alteration Description: 25 Heads Construction Type: Occupancy: Zoning: Sprinkled Area Updated Building of Permit Totals Stories: 0 0 Square Feet: 0 0 Percent of Bldg: 0 0 Comments: Please call(651)675-5900 for a final inspection. Fee Summary: Fl -Permit Fee% $65.00 0801.4096 Valuation: 3,775.00 Surcharge Based on Valuation $1.89 9001.2195 Total: $66.89 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: The Fire Group 833 3rd Street SW#4 New Brighton MN 55112 (612)242-4676 This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after started. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature ® ® e ------------ ® ® 9 I ® For Office U e — �o w� • • Permit#: I EAGAN Permit Feer 10 , W C� I I I I Staff: i 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 1 FAX;(651)67 5. :ss rss rssm ass a 5-5694 I Payment Recvd: build' ins ections cit ofea an.com I __ Yes ____.No I I I I Plans:_Electronic- paper j 2024 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PER Date: 4/9/24 site Address: 1301 Corporate Center Dr IT APPLICATION Tenant: Vacancy Prep. E3 Requirements: one electronic set of drawl suite#: 190 Name: ngs, specifications, cut sheets on materials and components Property owner Phone: Address/City/Zip: A licant is: Owner 600' Contractor Type of Work Description of work: Turn 23 pendants to uprights and relocate 4 ssps for ne Construction Cost: 4/19/24 w wall. Estimated Com Dletlon Date: 5/10/24 Name: The Fire Group Inc W St 3rd S License#: C 190 icontract+t�r Address' 833 Brighton New Bri city: g State: N ZIP: 55112 Phone: 651.302.3977 Contact: Dan DelMonico dan.delmonico@thefire rou i FIRE PERMIT TYPE Email: g p nc.com Sprinkler System(#of heads 25) WORK TYPE Fire Pump _Standpipe _New Addition Other: ✓ Alterations _Remodel DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Other: FEES ✓ Commercial Residential Educational $65.00 Permit Fee Minimum (does not include State Surcharge) 3775.00 Contract Value$ Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 x.01 If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge -$ 65 g Permit Fee =$ 1.88 $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) Surcharge 3/4"Fire Meter- _$ 66.88 $310.00 TOTAL FEE $ Fire Meter You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances b _$ TOTAL FEE v`"—^'w.citvofeaaan com/subscribe. I herebya y signing up for an email update on the City's website at apply for a Fire Sup System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance and codas of the Cat hity Eagan and with the Minnesota BuildingpFire Codes;that I understand this is nota permit,but only an application for without 8 peRTllt;That the Work Will be it ehe Minnesota to the approved plan In the case of work which requires a review and approval of piens,permit,and work Is not to start X Applicant's Printed Name ant's re PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Fire g 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Permit Number: EA190129 ®®��` :p®'.� EAGAN Eagan, MN 55122 (651)675-5675 *mmp" www.cityofeagan.com Date Issued: 4/10/2024 Site Address: 1301 Corporate Center Dr 117 Lot: Block: Addition: PID: Use: Vacancy Prep Description: Sub Type: Commercial Work Type: Alteration Description: 25 Heads Construction Type: Occupancy: Zoning: Sprinkled Area Updated Building of Permit Totals Stories: 0 0 Square Feet: 0 0 Percent of Bldg: 0 0 Comments: Please call(651)675-5900 for a final inspection. Fee Summary: FI-Permit Fee% $65.00 0801.4096 Surcharge Based on Valuation $2.40 9001.2195 Valuation: 4,805.00 Total: $67.40 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: The Fire Group 833 3rd Street SW#4 New Brighton MN 55112 (612)242-4676 This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance,or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after started. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature --------' For0"CeUse �� ®• ®®r� � Permit#.. � Permit Fee:A4'-�D 4 0 I EAGAN I I -�.... I Staff: i 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I cons cit DiesEAaGn.AcoNm, MN 55122-1810(651)675-5675 IFAX, (651)675-5694 I1�Payment Recv"d:buildi —_Y_es II —No i I j Plans:_Electronic1 p -----------==Paper --- 2024 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS -� PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 4/9/24 Site Address: 1301 Corporate Center Dr Tenant: Vacancy Prep. Requirements: one electronic set of drawin s 9 , 17 specifications, cut sheets on materials and Name: components Property Owner Phone: Address/City/Zip: A licant is: Owner Contractor TYPO of Work Description of work: Turn 32 pendants to uprights and relocate 5 ss s f Construction Cost: 4/19/24 p or new wall: Estimated Comlotion Date: 5/1 O/24 Name: The Fire Group Inc CdlltraCtpr Address: 833 3rd St SW License#: C 190 City: New Brighton state: M---N--_Zip: 55112 651.302.3977 Dan DelMonico Phone: Contact: FIRE PERMIT TYPE Email: dan.delmonico@thefiregroupinc.com ✓Sprinkler System(#of heads 25) WORK TYPE Fire Pump Standpipe New `Addition Other: ✓ Alterations Remodel DESCRIPTION OF WORK; _Other: FEES ✓ Commercial Residential Educational $66.00 Permit Fee Mini m (does not include State Surcharge) Contract value$4'805.00 Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 _$ 65 x.01 If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) _$ 2.4 Permit Fee Surcharge 3/4"Fire Meter- =$ 67.40 $310.00 TOTAL FEE $ Fire Meter You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the Ci of ro '$ www cih'ofeaaan tom/ b cn ty p TOTAL FEE I hew' e I posed ordinances by signing up for an email u v PPY for a Fire Suppression System permR end acknowledge plate on the City's website at and cedes of the C ge that the Information is Complete and accurate;that the work will be In conformance with the ordinances ht h Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire approved Codes;that 1 understand this Is not a without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan In the case understand work which requires i review and approval annot start of plans. fit)lv-��a ArNll�ant s Printed Name ants �re