04/09/2024 - Eagan Historical SocietyEagan Historical Society Minutes April 9, 2024 Present: Ashleigh Sullivan, Mary Ellen Voracek, Connie Keane, Kim Hazel, Dawn Simpson, Joe Reid, Lori Tripp, Tim Dulac 11:11am meeting came to order New Business Charles Rogers looked though some of our files. He has a few items he would like to take and have scanned for the MN Historical Society’s records. The MN Historical Society is very interested in minutes from council meetings when Eagan was a township not a city. When they are scanned, they will not be taken apart like the company that scanned all our files. They have a different process. The City Council has to approve him taking any of our documents. Ashleigh emailed the clinic and asked if we could use the parking lot when we have open houses. They said no problem. But, they would like us to put up a sign saying “Eagan Event Today”, when we are having an event. We are assuming so the neighborhood does not think it is the clinic having the event. We will check the signs we have at the OTH (Sandwich type), and see if they say “City of Eagan” on any of them. We reviewed the photo’s Jack Kennelly brought on a flash drive to the last meeting. Thank you very much Jack! We all found them very interesting. Brought back many memories of past Eagan businesses. A German bible from 1893 is being offered to us through an Eagan citizen. Mary Ellen will contact the donor and find out if it has any relation to an Eagan family or church. If the bible does not have any ties to Eagan she will redirect them to Dakota County Historical Society or MN Historical Society. Old Business OTH Open House will be on Sunday, May 19 from 11am-2pm. Volunteers will be: Mary Ellen, Connie, Tim, and Joe. They are going to see if we get a rush again at 1:30-1:45pm. If that is the case we may consider changing hours. We checked the City’s event schedule and we will be having the open house the same day as Holtz Farm’s Spring Event. Window washing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st @ noon. Kim will be with Adam from “Pane Masters” while he washes the windows. Lori and Kim will go to the OTH on Saturday, April 27th and spray Home Defense around windows, foundation, and door inside and outside. If that day does not work out, Kim will get it done prior to window washing day. Kim will buy a shop vacuum to keep at the OTH. Joe has no new information from DCHCS. Greg Oxley called Ron David and gave him the information on the Mayflower Historical Society. The senior group would like to schedule a tour/private open house for late summer or early fall. We gave them dates on Tuesdays -our meeting dates: August 13, September 10 and October 8 to pick from. 10:00 or 11:00AM and lasting an hour to an hour and a half. We would ask them to car pool as we cannot use the clinic parking lot during business hours. We would serve coffee, water and Danish/doughnuts. Kim will check the supplies for plates, table clothes and napkins. We will hold off on a Fall Open house date until we find out if the Eagan Art Block is being planned this fall. None to report Other Notes of Interest Lori was contacted by Margo Danner about the McCarthy property to go through and see if there is anything the EHS would be interested in. Lori will call her and set up a time. She will also contact DCHS and MNHS to see if they are interested. Mary Ellen would like to see if we could get the sign hanging on one of the buildings that says “McCarthy Stock Farm” it would fit in with our farm exhibit at the OTH. Tim said they have been cleaning up the property. Trucks have been hauling lots of scrap metal, old rusty cars, junk, etc. off the property. Lori learned of another house off Lone Oak Road and Woodlark Lane that is also a McCarthy house. She said that house has lots of things in it too. Kim found some old pictures from maybe 1979 of the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge and the new Cedar Ave Bridge being constructed that she had taken from a boat. Kim asked why the City Flag has changed to a green background. Ashleigh thought it had something to do with the being able to see logo better. Tim asked Kim if we had heard anything from Wayne Beirman from the American Legion about donating a couple flags for the OTH. Kim said she had not. Tim will contact him and ask him if they would like to donate to EHS. Next EHS Meeting: Tuesday, May 14 at the OTH @11AM dress accordingly we will be doing some cleaning and prep. Adjourn at 12:55pm. A few members went down to the basement to look for some items. Minutes Submitted by Kim Hazel