EA190393 - Sign - Building - Skechers - Issued Date 04/24/2024 PERMIT City of Eagan , ® Permit Type: Sign 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Permit Number: EA190393 EAGAN Eagan, MN 55122 (651)675-5675 www.cityofeagan.com * E R 1 9 0 3 9 3 Date Issued: 4/24/2024 Site Address: 3965 Eagan Outlets Pkwy 255A Lot: 1 Block: 1 Addition: Paragon Addition P I D:10-56220-01-010 Use: Skechers * 1 0 — 5 6 2 2 0 — 0 1 — 0 1 0 Description: Sub Type: Building Work Type: New Feet Inches Description: Halo-lit/Reverse Channel Length: 22 9 Height: 2 0 Sign Message: Width: 5 0 SKECHERS SgFt: 45.50 Location: Front Elevation: 0 Electric: Y Double: N Comments: Please call(651)675-5687 for a final inspection. New sign faces require separate permits. Fee Summary: Base Fee-$2.50 sq. ft. $113.75 0720.4089 Copies $1.50 0201.4230 Total: $115.25 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Vector Sign Solutions Paragon Outlets Eagan LLC 1387 Clippership Alcove PO Box 6120 Woodbury MN 55125 Indianapolis IN 46206 (651)775-6745 This permit shall be null and void if work does not start within 180 days of issuance, or if work is suspended for 180 days or more after started. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature i Y'Y\ 42 AT ----------------, Feroiffc.Use � a393 ♦ ♦` ��1 I Permit#: I I I p&T*Fes: 115.25mAGA I I _ I 1 Date Received: 4-2 3-2 0 2 4 1 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 I I staff: JH I(851)875875 1 FAX:(65')875.6694 I I-----------------' 2024 SIGN PER IT APPLICATION Submit one(1)appl per building,pylon or monument sign O Submit one(1)appl per pylon or monument sign tenant nal replacement. Submit two(2)copies of rawing showing proposed sign and s plan or building elevation showing location on property. @ Submit one(1)separate n pian or otter containing the land Iding owners approval of the sign. d► Freestanding Signs ex Ing 7 feet in height require a merciai Building Permit. ® Building Signs- electrical boxes or conduit shall be fielded from view by painting to match the building or sign band area, or enclosing within the s n raceway. All raceways shall be of materials or painted to..atch the building or sign band area. 4 Pylon signs are a Condi I Use and subject to all conditions, ulations,and fees required for conditional uses. Temporary Advertising Signs-Please complete both sides the application. Applications submitted vi small are subject to an additional$ Spar page printing charge which will be added to the permit fee. 4 If any sign is placed,e d or Installed without first obtaining a gn permit,the permit fee shall be the amount equal to two times the permit fee,per Section 1 .70 Subd.28.1.2 Awning Length _ 9-�" x H fight x Depth �� p �C Building Canopy Total Square Feet -5. 5 Construction Lease Sign Message: Monument J Pylon Location on Structure: f k.. � + Temporary Use Days Z mporary Setback: X Has Electricity er Elevation: �, is Double Faced Date: �(�! y Applicant is: _ Owner _ Tenant Sign Company/Contractor Address where sign is to I a located: 1? Tenant or Business Name /« Tenant Contact Name: -/'-i n ,.., Telephone#: Email C'n-n , tC'6— sign Company/Contraeto: cs.6ai S fn/ ,o Telephone#: 6 S/-77f- C 7oZ7 Address: 3 7 G/41tjA4 Ak City: 4.-a cs State: Zip: Email: aver ' _ Gum+ Property Owner. Si �-+ /7iw.u�... Q..x'/e�fl Telephone#: �-ji 7- L 3 6 Address: �5 ��* list, da. S� City. State_L^,.y ap: S/C20 y Email: 'w• /fin S� .ti . c.o— Fee:$25.00 #of Signs: (maximum of 3) Sizes of theSign(s): 1. 2. 3. ■ Total Sq.Ft.of all signs: (A 113 signs cannot exceed 100 square feet) Frost Day of F lacsment: ■ Signs can be placed for 14 days ou t of a 60-day period which commences the first day a sign is Sign Permit E Xpiration Date: ■ Sign permits)expires 60 days frorr first day of placement. 14 Days Sign i Will Be Placed: Sign(s)will attached to: building elevation pylon monument free standing ■ Signs must be attached to the build ng or to an existing monument or pylon sign. Sign(s)will b i attached using the following nu thod: Signs must be placed securely and in a sound malriner to ensure safety of the public&in accordance with reasonable sh,ndards employed by sign makers. Person respor sible for placement/removal of sig : Telephone M E mail: Ma4ennt (If applicable) Telephone# Apth building Owner or Management C mpany may be required. Check your base or call your Mant pany for additional information. You may subscriive electronic notification from the City d p ordinances by signing up for an small update on the City's website at CALL BEFORE Gopher state One Cal at(651) or for protection against underground utiNty damage. ContacOne Ciel 46 hours before you Intend to receive locates d underground utilities. 1 hereby admowt I road this appNcAm,state the app tion Is correct,and agree to comply with Eagan,MN laws regulating constuction endnt. e.—, -jZ yet -zt- x4 Applicant's Printed Name App cant's 81gnaturs sl w i i i i BRAND STANDARDS CLIENT COLORS PAM TRIM CM _ P1 SW 6524 COMMODORE BLUE TU BRUSHED CHROME P-2 MP TO MATCH BRUSHEDALUMNUM TC-2 BLUE JEWEIITE TWMCAP PJMP BLACK TC1 BLACK JEWELTTE TRIMCAP Q P4 MPWHITE IIIA U-1 PREEFINISHEDIUNJWNED P-1 SW 852A Cd.IM000RE BLUE ALUMINUM(RETURN') VINYL UT 2 PREFINISHED BLUE _W 3M 3630.137 EUROPEAN BLUEHERON IRETURNS) Q V-2 3M OPAQUE WHITE lily RT' PRE-FINISH ED BLACK _VJ 3M 3630.22 BLACK VINYL (RETURNS) —V4 3M2208/OPAQUE LIGHT ORANGE M 3M M30-121 SILVER VINYL I DIGITAL PRIT _DP-1PRINTTOMATCHEUROPEAN BLUE(PMS281 C) )OTA T mf AW —00.2 PRINTTOMATCH PMS 200 C RED 'PLEASE NOTE GNAT THIS A4 THE COMPLETE UST OF COLORS 6 MATERIALS EACHRAGESOULD NAVEA COLORIMATERIALS LIST THAT ONLYSHOWS THE COLORS/MATERIALS USED FOR THAT SPECIFIC SNNI • SERPENTINE BOLD EUR0STh-E F>CTENDED CLIENT FONTS CLIENT FONTS REWIRED Deb/Desig— Dab:08.22.23 JD CLIENT FONTS ADDED TO SUITCASE Dele/De i9mr. Oeb:08.22.23 L3esIg—JO `PLEASE NOTE THAT TMSIS THE COMPLETE USTOFFONTS 'EACNPAGE SHOULD INDICATE TREPONT OR FONTS U3 FOR THAT SPECIFIC SIGN ,DIB♦.234'"2LvaamAPPROML °Are SKECHERS MEETWA.fER JONES SIGN DAE mzazoz4 ❑P SUNVEY ❑PAINT COLOR ❑ERNS 3965EAGANOUTLETSPKWY 4.0 DESIGNER.JED ❑VECTOPARTWORK ❑CLEMPMSCOLgM ❑ENONEERWG 11221A Your Vision.Accomplished. aRITAPPRGWA ...�e...a. S LES REP.WA OTHER: FAGAN,MN 56122 PRW MGR-A LUTHER JON ssI6NPe mm Nen rry ew ane aPcerrpmJa wi mrrta p 25iedmeµrcnm yee Drawee.JONE55 GNw uneawr rocbzyYmaiOcn wlae,ncq swn epee en.vhcanrwter uamee evn mercrrea demruna ompmM rynrvMac®e maenalaamiin pv mann Cnrenaonax rmrdMb4erfcemcePomdpgen�ue namMwmenrmiu B roue wareaaceie SOUTH ELEVATION N� EO TZ®b IIB' EO T 114 �N /•pa•d Aa Ilwa-Uilm JAM d a®•f a B•JBmrlr wa.Fw.sr,rwr aeres.la•ae..rrtaAuro a�J.+•s•wT..asrJf _ . YrYle N�iOe�amlr/1l�CwwWPIr11M rbAlle+u� YudareAr4•s1Y•Ps�✓AnOYNM�alwww earrrlM.a ew•IP�PrNwPa.aw.rwr. OMw�ralYMwtmwlab•Pa NPFfelAbndrn wlWr 00 SOUTH ELEVATION-PROPOSED SIGNAGE y -=MON SCALE:NTS ® PROPOSED REPRESENTATION IS NOT TO SCALE AND PROPORTIONS MAY VARY FROM ACTUAL SONG By WaltonJ of 4:58:14 PM,3/13/2024 imt.299414_112 `A1DL0R0"'"P"Or"` SKECHERS � JONES SIGN DnTe MIDAIA ❑FTEWEURJEY ❑PAMTCDLDR ❑FONTS 3965EAGANOUTLETS PKWY 5a� Your Vision.Accomplished. "51"NEN.JED ❑VECiDRAR1W0W( ❑CLENTPMS COLgt ❑ENGNEERNG CtENTAPPRDVII FACA ouLIS—i s<LES RE,F.WA OTHER: EAGAN,MN 55122 PRUJMGRA,LUTHER JONEssGrv�mMmq aw am erare�eso.B nnem2aMi�p em35Mdme�oameP�eman�ve brvE55Guw wnxwrrocb�ieh e.xrq S.wnwe ePecmertwe c+n a an,xeuw mwCasmrerov MiM�wna�mueeae ee ms.ea nveneom we.m.eWmrcenrawrcepm ne eyerp opre'cempanvwmow nx ewass vn nen pem,+erona ��Py aw9ew vm me m,meewlenttatuen'nB eua sue wa.ectxak. CLA 24"HALO LIT CHANNEL LETTERS(0ty 1) OVERALL SQUARE FOOTAGE:45.5 ............. ............ Z- 4 ................. z /............. ..................... . ....... L RI FRONT NEW SIDE VIEW VIEW SCALE;318"=1-V SCALE:3W V-0` SCALE NTS Building facade and fascia must be repaired and painted to cover all preexisting damage or ghosting from previous signs,and protect the structure from weather. 3 2 2 1 IIIG-X�ALUMI UM RETURNS STITCH WELDED TOALLMINUM FACE�I(INTERIOR P-1 M 6524 COMMODORE BLUE 3 PAINTED 2. ALUMINUM)FACES P4 Pd MPWHITE 3. I,W-WH ITIEPOLYCA KNAMWKMKSCREWEOTOp UMIMUMTABS(NO MORE 110 THAN 24 APART) 4. WHITELEDS NOTES: ICE AND WATER SHIELD DONUTS WITH WASHER 5. M'I.D.I 1rr1-PVCSPA ERB PAINTED TO MATCH MOUNTING SURFACE TH S SIGN IS TO BE INSTALLED INACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS WRE REQUIRED TO ALLOW COMPRESSION TO 6. MOUNTING HARDWARE TO SUIT FIELD CONDITIONS OF ARTICLE 6W OF THE NATIONAL E ECTRICAL CODE 114 SIGNAGE FASCIA AT ALL BUILDING PENETRATIONS. 7. 114-Ik MEP HOLES IN BACK AT BOTTOM.N3 DRAIN HOLE COVERS(EXTERIOR _GRO NDOMD BONDED PER NEC 6M.71 NEC 250 APPLICATIONS EMS NGBRUICHCIRCUTTWCOMPUAACE NTH 9 a Vr&U INUM TABS FASTENED TO RETURNS W1 COUNTERSUNK SCREWS NEC WO.5,NOT TO EXCEED 20 AMPS B. 7WE CTRICAL HOLE f VT COUPLER WITH FLEXIBLE CONI TO POWER :r1ftN.11TO�1EE�ULS.11;E1 PER NECMA SUFFLYBOX CH PER NEC 600. (IN MIDDLE OF LETTER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE).INSTALLER TO FOLLOW LOCAL CODE. U CON 10.LED POWER SUPPLY INSIDE POWER SUPPLY BOX REQUIRED PER SIGN COMPONENT BEFORE LEAVING 8 GYOMPOY1bWbbbR 11.TOGGLE SWITCH MOUNTED TO POWER SUPPLY BOX(IF REQUIRED ON LETTER MOUNTED 1 MANUFACTURER.FOR MULTIPLE SIGNS,A DISCONNECT TO TOP) IS PERMITTED BUT NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH SECTION bibIIN. 12 15 MIN.MPLENGTH.IFMMARYELECTRICISLWAnDWIMIN6FT.OFTHEPOftR -THEL TONOFTH DWONNECTSWrTCHAPIER SUPPLY BOY,ELECTRIC TO BE CONNECTED BY INSTALLERS,INSTALLER TO FOLLOW UIETXE%�l NS=ALVECk0`R`WLy`VBEETN REMU0VMA(A)(1)PER NEC P-ft�& NiNoE LOCAL CODE EXISTING SIG ED 0. -.406 13.POWER SUPPLY BOX W--.k 14.RIGIOCONDUI THROUGH WALL WITH IIT-1•STUB BEYOND INSIDE WALL.15 FT.MINIMUM Sim WHIP LENGTH FOR LOW VOLTAGE WIRE. CROSS SECTION VIEW NO 5: 1. ETL/ULSTICKERTO BE PLACEDON BOTTOM OF SIGN VISIBLEFROIAGROUND SCALE:NTS By WaltonJ at 4:58:04 PM,311312024 "4:29341I-R2 SKECHERS W—R JONES SIGN -- 0 0 FAINTCoUN [I PDVTs 3955 EAGAN OUTLETS PKWY Your)Lision,Accomplished. �111"" �— R JED OCARTwGRK C1cuENTPVSCaoR DE�RSNG CUENT— 24 F #225A 6.0 SALEI RE'WA OTHER: EAGAN,MN 55122 IRIIJMGR A,LUTHER 77,7110hut t 4 46 t.... M,I, 12 2LI141 TWIN CITIES PREMIUM OUTLETS' A SIMON CENTER Date: March 13, 2024 From: Judy Walton To: Erin Wallin Senior Tenant Sign Manager Company: Skechers Premium Outlets Email: erin.wallin@skechers.com jwalton@simon.com 40* SIMON PREMIUM OUTLETS Tenant: Skechers, Suite#225A CC: aluther@ionessian.com Twin Cities Premium Outlets THIS NOTICE, TOGETHER WITH THE ATTACHED, MARKED-UP SIGN DRAWINGS, CONFIRMS LANDLORD'S WRITTEN APPROVAL(AS NOTED)OF THE SIGN DRAWINGS AND ELEVATION FOR THE STOREFRONT&BLADE SIGN FOR"SKECHERS SUITE#225A,AT TWIN CITIES PREMIUM OUTLETS. Tenant is authorized to proceed with installation of its signs in accordance with the drawings,and as otherwise noted by Landlord. Tenant or its contractor must field verify mounting height and special mounting conditions with onsite management team of all signage included in this approval. Tenant's sign contractor must make an appointment with Landlord's onsite management team(612)284-5044 at least 48 hours before arriving to install the signs to confirm the actual location of all signs on the building. The contractor will be required to sign all necessary forms and provide required Certificate of Insurance and a copy of Tenant's sign permit at this meeting. Be prepared with plastic or tarps and painter's tape to protect and cover all surfaces from dust and debris. NO duct tape or blowers allowed. All signs shall be installed prior to Tenant opening at a place or places designated by Landlord. Tenant is responsible for their sign installer to provide watertight installations from both the inside and exterior side of the wall penetrations and proper cleanup of all surfaces upon completion.Tenant's installer must provide labeled photos of proper sealing from inside and outside of sign install, making sure sleeves are shown where needed at eifs facades,to LL at time of install. Tenant shall also be responsible for any and all costs associated with illuminating their sign(s). Keep in mind, work needed may include an electrician if circuit is not near location. Signs MUST be lit for opening. Finally, Tenant and its contractor are hereby notified that any work, which involves cutting into or penetrating the existing roof structure and/or roofing material must be performed by Landlord's Roofing Contractor at Tenant's Expense. Tenant shall be liable for all damage resulting from unauthorized roof penetrations and their consequent effect on the integrity of the roof and the warranties offered by the installer and manufacturer. Therefore, if it is determined that roof penetration is likely required,Landlord must be notified in advance so that scheduling of its roof contractor may be available. If penetrations/raceway not sealed properly by LL's roofer,then Landlord will correct on Tenant's behalf,and Tenant will reimburse Landlord for the cost incurred. Note:Landlord's approval herein means Tenant has met Landlord's sign requirements;it does not mean that Tenant has complied with,and Tenant continues to bear full responsibilityfor compliance with,any regulatory,code and permit requirements related to Tenant's signage. 3965 Eagan Outlets Parkway,Eagan,MNT 55122 • (612)284-5044