07/09/2024 - Eagan Historical SocietyEagan Historical Society Minutes July 9, 2024 Present: Connie Keane, Ashleigh Sullivan, Joe Reid, Pat Geagan, Dawn Simpson, Kim Hazel 11:05 meeting came to order New Business The event with the Eagan Seniors will be on Tuesday August 13th, @10AM. Members of the EHS are asked to arrive at 9:15am for set-up. Members should park on the street so the seniors can park in the parking lot. We need to make an “Event” in our guest book so the seniors can sign in. Erica will be sending Kim the exact head count before the event. We have limited it to 25 visitors. We have 12 chairs that can be set up. Kim will get napkins, water, cookies, and coffee to serve. Kim, Dawn, Pat, Tim, Lynae and Mary Ellen will be present to answer questions. Connie might be available, if she is she will come. Lori and Joe will be election judges that day. Sunday, September 29th will be the OTH Fall Open House 11am-2pm Old Business Connie would like to be trained on the Laser Fiche project. Lori will work out details and training times for her. No updates from DCHS. 1. The group congratulated Ashleigh for her receiving the Aaron Sather Award she received in May. Pat would like to donate his plaque with all 4 of his badges to the EHS. We all agreed we would like to have it. Joe will make a descriptive sign about the history of the Reid property to hang with the display. He will get it to Kim before the senior event. Connie wants to do something with the 2 slices of the “Original Lone Oak Tree” that are in the building. Kim read the update from Tim’s email about the McCarthy property. Meeting adjourned 11:45am Next Meeting will be on Aug. 13th @ 9:15AM at the OTH Minutes submitted by Kim Hazel The group then did some light cleaning, Dawn watered plants that are out in the washtubs in the front of the building. Kim sprayed Home Defense around interior and exterior of the building. Connie vacuumed up a few bugs. Lori arrived and she talked with Connie about Laser Fiche project. Supplies needed for the Eagan Senior Event Kim will pick up. Kim learned on July 17th on the Original Cedar Grove FB page that Ted Ringberg’s daughter Tracy passed away unexpectedly. Kim will try and get more details. Sending our Deepest Sympathy to the Ringberg family.