08/12/2024 - City Council Special Special City Council Minutes August 12, 2024 Eagan Room—Eagan City Hall City Council members present: Acting Mayor Bakken and City Councilmembers Fields, Hansen, and Supina. Mayor Maguire was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Miller, Assistant City Administrator Alig, Finance Director Feldman, Assistant Finance Director Foiles, Public Works Director Matthys, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Community Development Director Hutmacher, Communications and Engagement Director Ellickson, Deputy Police Chief Speakman, and Police Lieutenant Toko. I.ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Acting Mayor Bakken called the meeting to order. Hansen moved, Fields seconded a motion to approve the agenda (Aye: 4; Nay:0) II.VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III.COMMUNITY CONVERSATION CONSULTANT INTRODUCTION City Administrator Miller introduced the item and welcomed Paula Forbes and Robin Francis from The Finding Human Institute. Assistant City Administrator Alig provided additional background information on the consultants assisting the city with the Community Conversation effort. Ms. Forbes and Ms. Francis shared the proposed vision for Community Conversations and engaged the Council, seeking input on how these efforts can help us identify what each of us can do to ensure Eagan is an inclusive community where everyone thrives. The City Council discussed the Community Conversation effort that has begun and thanked Paula and Robin for their role in the project. The Council expressed enthusiasm for engaging students across the multiple school districts in Eagan. The Council voiced their support of the direction, timeline, and scope presented by The Finding Human Institute for Eagan’s Community Conversations. IV.PROPOSED 2025 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AND TAX LEVIES City Administrator Miller introduced the item, noting the Council is being presented the proposed 2025 general fund budget and tax levies. Miller added that the 2025 budget is the second year of the two- year operating budgeted presented in December 2023. Finance Director Feldman gave an overview of the proposed 2025 general fund budget and tax levies. The proposed 2025 budget and tax levies are 8.2%, which includes a 5.3% operating budget increase and a 3% increase for the 2024A Park Facility bonds. The bonds are paying for improvements at Goat Hill Park and the Eagan Art House. The City Council discussed the proposed budget and levies. Council voiced their support for a 5.3% increase to the general fund budget and a total 8.2% increase in the 2025 property tax levy (which includes the 3% increase forpark facility bonds). The Council noted their support of the proposed staffing additions andhad no objectionsto the continued use of the public safety funding the City received in 2023, or concerns with the phase-in of the tax levy to pay for the positions and programed being funded by the public safety dollars. The Council directed the preliminary 2025 general fund budget and tax levies be included on the September 3 City Council agenda for formal action.The final proposed budget and levy adoption is proposed for the December 3, 2024 City Council meeting. V.OTHER BUSINESS There wasno other business. VI.ADJOURNMENT CouncilmemberHansenmoved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion toadjournthe meetingat 6:25pm. 08/20/2024 __________________ Date __________________ Mayor __________________ City Clerk