04/10/1973 - City Council SpecialI~N'JTEv CF SPFCI.'~L 1~~~''TIS~~tG GF CO~TPtCIL
VILLAGE OF L~,~G.~N, T~~~~CTA CO`J~'1'`~r I~i~i~~;aOTA
:3pr:.t% l(~, 1973
At 7.00 P.rI. a Spec~~,al I~eeti~ of tre Eag2n ',l~xli~gp CoGnci~. met with
members of the Planning Con~iss~.~~t~ pr ~~narily to LevieY~ tlse Goals & Poli~~.es
~.epcrt prepared b~ Urban P1Anrin~~ and Design ir, l~avembe~• 1972. All Countll
:~~~m'~ers were presen4 and those Pl.ar.~zng ~o;.ssion membFrs ~~aere Marble, F~urphy
and Dembroski~
The Village Attorney presented a letter concerning thw pLopased Unif~~~~,}
Metro Rate Auth®rity Franchise Agreement with i~7SP and Joint and Cooperative
;ygree~nent for municipalitieu in the Metropolitan area. The purpose of the Agree
went and Fra~hiee is #or municipalities in the metropolitan area to deal directl~r
t~ith Northern States Power Company far purpose of setting electric rates. ~"he
matter was scheduled for the regular Council. meeting on April 17th.
~~ ,~ohn Voss of Urban Planning and Design then reviewed ~~ith the
Council and Planning Camtnission membaxs present the Goals and Policies Report
prepared by Urban Planning and Design in 1972 t~hich had been accepted by the s
Village Council but not formally adopted, Changes in Che report were discussed
snd Mr, Voss was instructed to prepare a revised draft to be submitted to the
Planning Commission and Council, It was also suggested that a Civic Center and
xalunicipal Facility area be incorporated into the ne~:t draft report,
The Council further discussed the proposed hearing on street improve-
gents on Lexington Avenue scheduled for April 11th. It was wed that 45% of the
cost of the improvements would be born by the Village and 5S% by Dalcota County,
C id~rable discussion involved around the breakdown of assessments
for industrial and residential property. It was noted that the estimated cost
of the preliminary report do not include acquisition of any right-of~-c~~ay and that
the total l00 foot right~of~~~lay is required on Lexington Avenue, Cne suggestion
was to assess the industrial land in full and the residential land on the basis
,~ 1 .
of an eruivale:?t residential street assessme*~t but to defer the residential
assessment until such time Fs it is rezon~:c?, o~ d.~veloped as industra.al ~~ith
intierest to be charged back to the date of the approval of the assessment roll.
~~to formal action was takeno
Upon mot i.on the m~e t ink ad ,~a~~~ned,
~at~ed; April. 1.0, 193
~~ -,~
// -_ ~-
Alyce B Ike, Village Clerk