04/26/1973 - City Council Specialr MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTX, Ml'~1NESOTA April 26, 1973 R Special Meeting of the Council, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held at 7:00 P.M. on April 26, 1973 at the Village Hall. All Council members were present except Councilman Rydrych. Mayor Polzin convened the meeting and sated the purpose of the meeting was to consider the refunding bonds of 1973 which refund the Sewer and Water $2,740,000.00. Temporary Issue of 1970. A park bond issue for the second phase park land acquisition and development. Upon motion made by Councilman Rahn seconded by Councilman Smith, ~,1 members voting in favor, it~ ~~as SOLVED that ~~e Village Clark be, and she herby is, auth~rizec~ to ad~re;°tise fox bids for the sale rf refunding bonds in the amount of $2,210,000.00 to be sold as one issue, and park acquis~.tion and improvement bonds in the anxaunt of $422,000.00 to be sold as another issue. The bids are to be opened May 22, 1973 at 7:00 P. M.. Tt was noted that James Olson, Fiscal Consultant, was present and presented ha.s report and projection on bond retirement which was received and approved. New bids on a revised plan far remodeling the dispatching area of the Police Department were then presented as follows: Fred G. Linkert, Contractor, $1,100.00; Eagan Construction C4. $1,962.00. Upon motion of Councilman Wachter seconded by Council Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of Fred G. Linkezt in the amount of $1,100.00 be accepted. The application of Don Tietjen, 555 Chapel Lane for a variance from the front property line setback to 8 feet 7 inches from the front yard property line setback for an attached garage was next considered. It was noted that Mr. Tiet jen is ur.4er a hara~i~1p ~a.t~~ation becau~ae of the road grades in front of his home. The Advisory Planning Committee and village engineer recoma~ended approval. Upon ~-tion of Cow~ciltt~n Rahn seconde8 by Councilman Wachter it was RES4L'S~D that the variance prom front property line setback be approved. There being ~ further official business, upon motion duly made and seconded, the meet~.ng adjourned. Dateds April 2b, 1913 . '~. ~ ,~~ -... ~ ,.~..x.._~.. ~.,.,.......~..r..,.........., f •zw