07/10/1973 - City Council SpecialP~Zi~UTES of A SPECI~I, ML'ETING OF VrLLAGH CO ~~CiL VIL..~GH aF F~1,vIyi1, BA~OTe~ C4UItI'1~!, MIN~P~ES{~~'.'~ July 14, 1973 A Specia~,~aeeting of the Hagan Village Council was held on July 1D, x,973 at the ~~ gan Village Ha11. Those present were Mayor Pa3,zin, Couneilinen Rahn and Wachter; abs,:nt were Councilmen smith and Rydrych. Mayor Polzin presided. The Council reviewed the p~,ans fox the Lexington Avenue street improvement, xmpmvement Project #x.14, which had been submitted by the Dakota County Engineer. Mr, Rosene, Village Engineer, recommended approval,. Upon motion of'~'auncilman Wachter seconed by Councilman Rahn it was RESOLVHD that the plans for Lexington Avenue street improvement, Project X114, be approved and the village Engineer authorized to sign the necessary plans for the Village. The Engineer next presented plans and specifications for Improvement project #11aA, water main for LeTenc~Xe Road and central storm sewer trunk. Upon motion of Mayor Polzin, seconded by Councilman Wachter, it was RHSOLVHD that the p~,ans and specifications for tMprovement Project #110A be approved. The Clerk presented sa..appl~.Cation fora 2b x Z4 attached gerege permit for Gerry Ac-gers in Section l,U. upon motion of Councilman Rahn seconded by Mayor Polzin it was RESOLVED that the building permit b~ approved subject however to the gr~arting of an additional 15 foot easement fox street purposes along his property where it i$ necessary to make the fulleasement dedleation the required 30 feet. There being no further business upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. Dated; ;fuly lo, 197 / ^ ~r .~ ~. V~.l~.age Jerk