07/24/1973 - City Council SpecialP:.:.'r;;TR~ OF S~CT.~^.L I~ETI~~ QF FAGAN COU11^TL VILLAGE OF FAGAN, pAI~4TA G4JN~~, t~NPffiSOT~. ,7u1y 2~+, 197'3 A s~~:cia?, meeting of the Council, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, i~ir.~- esota, ryas re~.d on July ~~+, ~9~3, aC b;3d P Vii. at tt~ Village NaI1. All mer~ber5 were present. The a~e~tf~ was cotsced with the Pledge of Allegiance Upon u~ot:ton by Qouricil~aat~ Rshn~ seicotrled by Councilman Wachter, all memo u~r.~ vo~:in~ ~:es, the mi~-utes of the July 10th Special Meeting were approve~~ Ti2~ Mayor then reviewed the proposed easement to be acquired from Mr. :~~:~:y Flwel~. covering property North of the railroad right•of•way between thy. Y~#.nnesota River and the railroad right-ofwway for storm sewer dreiaagp purposes. ~,f~:er considerable discussion and review of the demand of the n;~~~er upon motion by Co«i~cilms::r Wachter, seconded by Councilman Raha, it was RESOLVED that :. the Village Attorney be autborixed to offer ~5,000.0o to the E1a~~:11 family for the stoma sewer easement «ith the understaadiag that is the event the Village Wca~.d desire to dig a channel through the property far easeme~at purposes tba`: this would be permitted, All members voted~in favor, Tie plans and apecificatfoas for ImprovAm~eat Pro~,~ct~ X113 cc~.r~Qis~:xry of e~Eae.: and ~-~atpr improvements to the Doaaywood Addition » LeMay Ls~g area were s4bmittred ~ Uaoa Motion by Councilman Raha, seconded by+' Councilman Smith, alZ masers voting i, favor., it was RESOLVED ~~ fihe plans and specif'icationa be aria they hereby ~#e approved and accepted aAd the C~l~rk be au~horized to ad~ v~rtise far b:~ds to be opened oA August 24th at 3;p.m. at the Village Hal?. Upon :~urti~e~~ mo~:fon by Councilman Raha, seconded by Caucc~.'ma~t~ Rydrych, alp. members voting gY~a, it was RESOLVED that the plans and specifications fox the Silver R~:lx R^~~d street ~aprovements Pr~ect #12$A be and the~• hereb~~ ~cp ac~e~ted and a~~~o*1ec; an-d that the Clerk be authorised to advertise for b:ids to be opened an Friday August 24th at 3:00 P.M, at th9 Village ~~a~.l. the Counc;.l then discussed in detail the proposed franchise with Northern. S~a4es Power Company end the Metro Rake Authority Joint Agreement concerning e?act~Aic td~.~~~n~..°.~~U i~ eras n~~:ea~ ~~aat a+~w4o~.:~steiy 3ti~;~ c~~ ti~P el~,$i~~.e cssCcra~s.~~ ~.r~ tt~e ~~~.~;~wop~~~.~.tau a:,:e~: i,~~ nor poi''! t'~e ~~xt~~c~~lty, UpA~ a~~~:~.on by~ Gc~t+ur:~!~?:~.m ~:~~~:~, aecundid ~- CiSuaea ~t~eha, ell r~c~~~ w~~i.~:~ ra ~e`~*^~~, ~~: C1M~ ~i~~ t~'#at the V~1~t Ua ~dgett~ alptbe~ a~ Mdapt ~:~ ~'~~~~ ~l~~t~i~ ~~'xanMh~.se t+etw~pn i~S~ and l~~.Cttt~i~ ~ alto ;~bi~t a +6vo~~ca~i ,, , ~.`~,,.i4,~uilGii%- ;~~~ ~~~~.h~ t~.~h1e ~he~k~'~~:Jhl~ho~i~ tQ.bi~tb f~r~ah~~e i~ the .l~~al .. u~~~r~p~anar" pith +the .cost ~o be pail for ~ !~ ~i~e ",`~tA+R'+r~~1 i~Ai,.~ ~i1~01~r 41 ~~~~ ~~~ ~l~N ~~ N~tin Mei:ropai~.taL~ ~~~~~~~~:r poa~d iep~r~i~~r~Cat~`~e~ bi~to~ec~p the Mayor ~~tipi gb$er KefiL®ni~e~ei;~ ;A~,y~e Bo~.~e 3i~d haul I~aufe ~o~~~i~ feat of +~~~~rxed eearex cherge~, il~ems~+ in the Hr:e~in GsuALjt Dia~ri~t ~ov~rt S1~ charge taae ead pa~paeat ~ charEes ~~ ~raa~ ~'enuezy l; 1913 to tie prraeat, It ~raa aroted t'~et ~aga~ oeae tt~e ~r~ct cosy unify. that t!ad met z~ri~t~i tha l~ttc- Sen~x ~oesd 11u1d s~d~ a p~poBal concerning . pays . taent of deferred +~h~~gee and it was pxopoaed ~ the Vitlsg® ead accepted ~~~ the •~ thax rho: clef~xty~rl charges bM paiu on a ~c~aeted baaie ove~~c ~ 15 year pe~.izfd~ ~e t-IS~ indicated tb~rt interest on ~lAC chatgea~ o~ould be tbar~;ed after September Iz 1913 in the ergot wAC char~e~ are ~~t peir2 ~ t'het t3~. ~'fter ~coas~Cterable d~.scucsion4 upon wotioa by Q+oaae~~a ~el~, cecoaded by~~Cavacil~za Stith, thc~s* vo~~.ng in fa~~~ow wer.~ ~*~ 5a<~th P+ol~ia; those ~agafaet ~+ere Wac1~-:e:~ ~ Rydry~h. 4 't+: ~+~a~ ~~BS ;;~l'.rD tfirat the Village pay e11 st1C charges Collected by the Vil~"sage s:~nce ,~ai~u~r~. -., ~.~~''s to be paid by August Z5, l9~'3 provided that sa ac~ep~a~le Agre~m~r~~ :oncerni~~ the payment of t'he ~A~ chaxges is eat®red into and t'nat reps f~i.ant to the fir`°`.l~age be made together ~aitb iete~re~ati i~ the gent ~tt~t ~t'~6 Cav.rt detern~y.nev th~4 the ae~vice ,~~ail~bility Chexge fa ir~-xoper ~*ertiher 'it way c~s~Ci r ~:.au~ ~x ag;;eement bo eat®red #~tto between the Village ar~~ ~:~e i~i~'~.. rapoii.tan 5~:w~r Bo~~ co-zcernit~ payment of the deferred ehaxge~s eccarci~ing 'to ~ilt~ p~Cp~~-~l b1~.~Q'aitt2d t0 ~h@ ~ Trio Co~incil then determined that a p~~oposed appoint~eut of e~..8agan re3ider~+:, p~~.~~w sly ~ ;mile to t~~ Dakota ~~c~~aaty Leal Aid BoeYd ba caz~idered :again a+: th'~ =:r:~;~.1~~ 7tI~ ~egu~.ar m~:etiu~g. «~~~- Mr. arl.as ;~~~".' s ChRirnaan ~f *Ile Park Eoard appear~~, a~~th a recom~nda~~ Lion frosa the P^rh Committee ths.: an additional appraise~e ~:~ :audition to Ed I~antx~ be },.red to make approximately gix appxaiaal• four ~'3 food applicat;vn pur;~oses. Tt was rec©m~et~ded that M.M. C.R. Felton of St.Psul be hired according ., . ~. „ to hiss rid. In addition Mr, Kell recomaaeuded tout the Clerk be authorised to ~axite. the Dakata County 5uxveyor requeeting that the Tim~~~drline at~d ~lac~chawk ai:e ~arlc s•xtes be surveyed by tine Dakota County Sur~r+eyc~. Up+~~ ~aation by Counci. man t~lachtwr, seconded by Cpu~i~lmen R~~a, alb ors ~v~o~;ing a3+e, it Mas RE~~LitED ,,. ~:n.at C.1'., Fenton be t~~,~~pd to ca~Ioct app~.oxi~tely elac.(,dppxale~,als nccordiag ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ,. to his. bid for HCD~ pt~posea and furthar that the Clerk be eut~orired tQ contract the Dakota .County ~Sarveyor quad regt~st Chat suxveye for tha two park sites a~-ovp meat ioaed be prepared . l~or the Village. ; ~ ~ . The Tillage E~ineer epbmitted ~th~ prelitrery r®ptnct concerning' sewer, ~~ grater, storm Sewer aad etxt lsaprovements in ~tood~ete llddition consist~.ng o~ Project X126. Upon oration by Cous~i~~ ~,ydrych, recaoded . Couaci`l~aea Wac~tter, .~ all rnembera voting yeas it was r''RBS~LVED that the report be ~,eccepted and that a t hear~.ng on tl~, preliraistetry rapoxt be asd~rled fox Ae~gwt 21, 113 at 1:~p P.M. at the Vi~.18ge_ Hall. ~ ~ ~ : ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ,~"~ The '~f ~lage Engineer then sulmitted ~;~rrapa~ed chas~gt o~a~; to the paxk ~ , Zmprovemert Pro je~ct 19 with Metro Eaginoering, Inc, co~aaiating of Change order ~3. in the sum, of $200, 00 for guard rail uprights in ~loodhaven Pa~rlc. Upan s~otiot~ by Counci~.msn N;achter; eecoaded by founcilman Rahn, all ~~bers voting in favor, . it a~ac F~SOL, ghat Chs~e order #3 be approved, i~rs, 6~1illet appeared anct i~ndicited that she was iAtere$ted in collect~,ng histo4 ic$! information concerning the village and ae~ced for sppro~ral fxom the Council to .coamence the tic. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, secoctlea by Councilman Sm~.th, all memhexs votl.ug ot~aagly in favor, it ass RfKS~vED -that Mrs, I~1ill.et be eneouraged~ ~o co~o-mence collecting historical dart co~ernfng the. ,.. . , ~.. .. 4' ~d3.I~a~,e and ~~at the v311age cooperate fn ell ways. with her and ot'ber~s ;w'hQ a.ia in~:etasted ~t~ }~uraving the project. , The Village ts:eer',than nubmitted a preliminary-report co*Ce ruing'°High■ view Avenue stree t. •improvemtents 'consisting of Project`125. Upon motion by-Counci man Icahn, seconded`-by •Cousrdtiman° th, it'vas;RESOLVED 'that -a plic'bearing -concerning the project =be asst tfor'August :21, `1973 4t1110`7130°P.It it*the'Village IIaIl and °-that ;.the 'Prelistinery repert 1be ::accepted. JIM ve rs 'voted lay`s. The bids concerning water and seAvsr "improvemaats :for'Surrey'Heights '4th and 5th Additions coetsisting :Of Project U-whirl Were opened on Jriiy -24, '1973 were submitted according to the list attadhed to the minutes. Wen motion by C:.unc iiman Smith, .saw by'Councilmen Bee. ell members voting 'yea, it was RESOLVED that the :low bid Of E. D. Clieleant Construction Co. for $67,438.25 be end it hereby is approved and o erde4. Upon :recommendation of the Village Engineer and upon motion bp Co"ustcilman Rah*, seco:vied Councilmen Smith, all weals voting aye, it title 'RESOD that the ;:Contract for Project 1110E consisting of street improvements an Donald Aire- nue and LeeTendre Sheet in the sum of $61,497.50 be and it hereby is awarded to the low bidder, Fisher Construction Co, Councilman Wachter then proposed that an ordinance be drawn regulating hunting to the Village. No action was taken. The Mayor indicated he had been receiving many complaints concerning dust problems Village gravel roads. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Mayor Polzin, it was RESOLVED that the Village be authorized through the road supervisor, Bill Branch, to apri kle cloride on a test beats in certain residential areas on collector gravel roads in the Village. All members voted in favor. The Viliago attorney than indicated that the &tooth& of the Melte Gov park acquisition. was scheduled for July 26, Upon motion by COtitienteetri Stitch, secoudeck by Councilman Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the final payment to Mrs. Alexa Burow in conjunction with the :settlement concer- icing the cJudemnatian case be, and it hereby is authorized. :. The Clerk announced that a request for a refund for overpt of Federal • ~e•~reraue ~harir~;; carer{ng eatitl~xaents ~l, 2a and 3 i.:~ the 3u~a of $12,257~~J was rQqur.•:sted, ~3~~n ~:atian by Cowc~citr:.a~a Raba se~ond~d by Councf l~A Smith, aa.l m~mhefis ~,t~~irg yes, it Wes 1tg50~,V8D that th+~ a~ o! $12,257`,00 be repaid accordi~ t^ the request of tie l~deral go'a~eut~ Upo~z,a~t~an by Councils ~Ot1tb, ~Co~d b~ ~o+n~i~wta Rydry~h, a11~ me~beLs ~otint; des, it Was Rg~Di tit the lt~1 of ~i~~b~ ' fledey be ~ar~d to the ~~;~iA ~oa~Yeg t~.4n that hes r~ t0 tt~ tha ~'1,11ag~ ria~l +ra Sunday forer~~7oris .~"~~ f:.: ~~ith the uoclerstandiag that the ~ftl~ Cci~ left ~at~ainete the agreement 3 ~: t~~e event it becomes impractical- tr ~atf~u! atraagement. Upon matioa by Couaci,ho ~~ ior~ottdod ~ ~~ Po~,tin, all members voting in favor except Cot~a~cilman ~'achto~, i+t~ met dL'~Q ~h~t ~ building permit for g]aaer Scott f of an ag' r#,culturel build i~ ~~ ~ feet by 26 feet on . agricultural. land ,oAly ~ appt`o'VlI~ ac ~ utet o~ Septe~er 1972, atul that the permit not. ba rm i~pdic~tioa o! ibr ~o~cil~ ~tteng,r~o change the zunirg ofr tae ~ropeity, A request o~ .the develop~x of Swrzey ~eigbte .lld~itioa for a sign on the ~~~rner of Blackha~wk Road and ~~way 13 !br ditioeal purposes was .contsnued u~*i~ the nAxt meet#;t~g, Upon uMtion the meetit~ a•1~tned. Dared duly 24, 1,9'3 f .g.