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05/22/1973 - City Council Special
r~r~l~~ of s~EC~A~ M~E~~Nr or ~,rra~ t~TL~~acE coL~xc~~ VxLLAGE 4F EAGAN, DARiOTA COUNTY, MIr1NESOTA ray 22, 1973 A special meeting of the Village Counc'~1 ryas held on the 22nd day of May, x,973 at b;30 P~M4 at the Village Hall. A11 members ~rere present, After the Pledge of Allegiance, the Mayox submitted a proposed Resolution to the Village Council members relat~.ng to the proposed establishment of a V~.Il~ge o:~ Eagan A~.rports Control Commission to investigate tend study the operations of a~~~ airport or a~.r traffic system that has an effect on the Village of Eagan and parr ticutarly in relation to the preferential rutu~ay system at the Minnc:apol3.s-St. Pacll international Airport. It eras noted that the Council had nit informally on Monday, May 14, 1973 and had discussed the proposed Resalutf.on. After considerable discuss~.on concernin the lack of action on behalf of MASAC as it related to a very severe noise problem over portions of the Village of Egan and the adverse impact that it has an the residents causing noise pollution, aircraft danger and property value depreciation, upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the foxmal Resolution attached to these minutes creating a Village of Ragan Airports Control Commissi.vn to consider and make recomarendations according to the provisions included in the Reso~.ution be, and it hereby is approved; further RESOLVED that the members of the Village of Eagan Airport Control, Commission inc],ude Councilman Rydrych from the Village Council, Ghairmat~ Marble of the Adv~.sory Plann~-ng Commission and additiox~l n-bers Robert Losinski, Donald Giblin, Roger Sperling, William Sker, Marvin Green and Leo Murphy. Dpon nation by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Councilman Rahn, all members voting in favor, the motion was approved. ., ~, Upon motion by Mayor Po1ziN, seconded by ~;cunc:i],men Ryd~y-ch it was RESO~,VED that a statement pxepared and xeviewed by the Couaacil concerning the ti~~ithdrawal of the Village of Eagan from Ml'~3AC, a copq of which is attached to these minutes be, and it hereby is approved and that the withdrawal of Eagan from MASAC for the reasons therein stated be appraved. AlY members oared ayes f Members of the Park Co~arnittee appeared request~.ng authorisation of funds is the sum of $1,320.00 far the summer recreation prograsn~ such funds to ~he used for the director and aides salaries and also materf.als nAedad iu the pro~ra~a. The Council felt the length of the program could be cut from 8 wee~:e to 6 weeks sad tha daily hours Qf the personnel could be showteued~ Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rahn, it was REuOLtiED that $800.00 be allocated for the summer recreation program instead of the $1,320,00 requested. All members Voted aye. Members of the Eagan Vo~.unteex Fire nepsrtm~ent appeared in relat~,on to their request for the acquisit~.on of resue truek~ Rids far the truck were submitted as follows; 8111 Boyer Ford ~ $4,364.43 Bob Caxtex Ford w $4,780.00 Westdale Ford • $x,339,00 Bids far body and accessories from LaHags Corporation for $2,990.00, be;tng the $o~.e bid for the reason that thexa did not appear to be any other bidders in the area, Upon motion by Councilman Rydrych, seconded by Council~~an Rahn, all members voting yea, it was ~VED that the bids be, and hereby are accepted and that the low bid of Westdale Ford in the aura of $4,339*Oa for a rescue truck be, and it hereby is approved and ordered and that the bid of La~iass Corporation for $2,990.Oa fox body and accessories be, and it hereby is approved and ordered The Chairman then ann©unced the accertaace and openiAg of bids for $2,210,000.00 of RefF~ading Bo;u3s of 1973. Mr. James Qlsen appeared and .2.. reviewed t?~e ~abu~.at:ion of 'v' ic~,~ ~ x~~dr ~_ it. a ~- ~; ~~ r: ~,,, ~;~ ': r ;:~ ?;ai.~ ~ Ka:~man and t~ua~. gnd First National Bank ~f Ito ~~~bu:~. as -i.~i~~T; ~ana;~~rs ~~,ai.th ~ b~.~~ of ~2,1b5,9b5 at net interest rate of 5.279%. 7're uE;C:~. fi.: ~~.~~ ~~.~a, tiro: Banc Northwest an3 John Nuveer: and C~n~,~an~~ as ~oin* r.za.n?~:Prs ?.°: the ;~u:~, of $1,172,430 r:t a net ~,r~z~:rest race of 5.18.%. After tabulaca,or and upon motion by Counc~.l~~Gn '~al:n9 seconded b~, CounciZm-an smith all ~~embers vctin~; in favor, it ~~as nM~O~.-~LD that ~~~±:~. iora bid of Banc Northwest and John Nuveen and Company as ,~o~.r~t: ~uanagers ~e, and it 1_ie~r;~~z, ~.~ arr,-,ntod and ap»reved accord:tnF?; to the RAsc~lut~.a:~~ at ~a~~~eu ~~a ~i~F.~e mir~:~ ~~es. A11 tilei~bers vot~:~i in favor. ~t~e Mayor thon announced the opening and acceptance c-f the bads for ~~: ~~k :inprovE,nent Bofids of 1973 its the sum of X422, QO{1, i~r, James Olae~ rece~.ve~. tha bi,dq -.~ :~ollowso Dain, Kalman and (~f~ail algid k'i~:st National 'dank ;~f 5Y, x~a:~l as point mai,ah2rs in the surn ut~ ~!~~~ ~~?7fio s.t a net intereu*. rats of ".301%. the secon~ t, c~ f ~ o*n Banc Plorthw4s" ,~ _ , :~ ;s'^~~ N~tveen Grid Company s.s i o~.nt mana~~ers ~.n the $u~t JI $~~14, $G'v • at the`.~~~ ~.i:~.t,. ~'.?~; i r~.~.;: Vr 5 ~ 24~a~ ., Af tez reV:+.i:W ?.tl~ ~;1 .::ot:~on by Councilman Wachter, sncanded Councilman Rydrych all mAr~~~ers voting yes, ~.t ~~~as RESOL~I~D ti~~at the ~.ow bid of Banc North~~est a~td John ~luveen ~E~.~y Co~.n~.~.jr ~~.~ ~; ~,~.~~~~ ~.anage~.~s t;e and it hereby is accepted and approved accord~.n~; ± o txae ~'~~-;~lu#~:.c,n attached to Ll~ese minutes. Tie '~ayor then announced the conve~:irag of the publ~,c hearing for Improvement prod ect ~~107 consisting of sanitary sewer, water aMd storm s~~~~Ter anc~ street ir.-provem~ents in t~~~escott ~Iilis Addition, 7:here ware n© ab,3ections to th~~: i~npra-aemcnt. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded Councilman. Pa?iuy a? ?. mcmb2r3 voting a~~e, it was P,.~50I~VED that the pro, ect be or. dered ~.n but t~~at sanitary sower and water latezals through the townhouse area in Wescott ~-:il~u Add~.t~.on be installed at such tide as the developer and the Village Br~g~;.neEr jo~.ntly determine that the instal:iatxon is tc be uccorap~.ished. All m~amhers ti ~ ~~ ~: y'~ S . M3.. The public hearing concerning rrprove~nt Project X120 consisting of water and sewer improvements in Pilot Knob Heights Addition was next convened« There were no objections to the project, After discussion, upon motion by Councilman Rehr, seconded Counci:~man Rydrych all. members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that Che project be ordered in but that the water main off Denmark Avenue be delayed for construction purposes until construction time ~,s coordi~ nated between the dev©ioper and the Village Engineer. Members of the Council ind~.cated that they have received numerous complaints of the residents in M,eKee Additi ~ .concerning the operation of motorr• bikes and motorcycles on the 60 foot buffer strip North of McKee Park. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded Councilman Rydrych all members voted in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Clerk instruct the Police Department to post the 64 foot buffer to prevent the area being used by motorbikes and motorcycles. Mr. Fred Katter of CreAtive Designsi Inc. appeared concerning the read for variances from the normal, single family restrictions consisting of S foot var~.ances from side lot lino with 35 feet between buildings in Donn~~~ood Addition South of LeMay Lake. The Council indicated that it had no objection to the variances and because the area was zoned P~ that strict compl3.ance with the ord~.nance was not necessary. Tt was understood, however, that there would be a minimum 20 foot say-Aeration between al,l buil.d~.ngs in the subdiv~.si,on. A report from the Eagan Police Department, Chief Martin DesLauriers, concerning a violation of state law in regard to the operation of Jane's Sauna on Cedar Avenue was next reviewed. The Police Chief indicated in his report that the citation together with other alleged infractions appeared to be serious enough to recommend that the Council. revoke a special. use permit of 1971 granted to Jane's Sauna znc. ar~d its owners and that notice b© sent to the operators of Jane's Sauna immed lately according to the Agreement of April 22, 197x giving them notioe of the Council's decision to revoke the special use «4~. permit end to dose the sauna After discussion a~ad upon motion by Councilman Wachter, seconded by Councilman Rydrych all members vot~,ng yes, it was R~SOLV. that the recordation of the Police Chief be and it hereby is accepted and that Jane's Sauna be ordeared closed im~nediate~.y for the reasons mentioned above. The V~,llage Engineor submitted preliminary reports for certain projects as follows; Improvement Pxoject ~~105, Cedarvale Shopping Center flor street imp.; Imps Project ~~121, sewer, water and storm sewer imp, Surrey Heights 4th and 5th Additions Imp, Project ~1~,5~ water, sewer and storm sewer imp, Wilderness Run 4th Addition. Upon motion by Councilmen Rahn, seconded Councilman Wachter, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing preliminary reports be and they hereby are accepted and that the public hearings concerning each of the projects be scheduled for June l9, 197`3 at the Village Hall at 7:30 P.M, Upon motion the meeting adjourned, The Council members then left to attend a special meeting of the Inver Grove He~.ghts, Rosemount and Ragan Village Councils regarding the proposed joint pol~.ce faeflity between those comr~unit ie s. Dated; May 22, 193 ~~~ ~,~..