09/17/1974 - City Council RegularA.A~• ~: . it ~J'~ A ~~V!~.~_lt.1`. Y:-...:~.~. ~.lY~ •.~~1 l.~t~ C~.L 'N \.:f i.:~:~~.1
S:-.p;,:e.abex I:?, 1974
'!'he rE:E^:? x m~2.atirg of the Ez~€n City Council was held :.n September 17, 19a~:•
at G;30 p.nz. at t.a Ci%y Ball.. All mea~ers were present.
Af::er fihe Plec:¢e of Alle;iance, upon mof:ion by Smith, Eeco::3ed RaLin; a3.I
rn~~r~'~ers votixi; ~•~s, :i.t was P~ESOLVFD that the minutes of the previous m e~L:i.~ag f~~
i`~Sr_.:. r~xi, 7,ra rnpeara3 as the Eagan Civt1 Defers? Director and requPSt=d u
cef:c•~~anstian of the G~~unci.l as to whether Eagsr. would join file DafsGta County
C:i.ti z.7~ afeuso Como>:. Organization. The Council had questions as f:o whether
?:cde.z•c.l fu~Zdi:~g would be used to contr3.bute toward tlzw salaries cf t.':;e ciTril
d°f~ se o:~ii^:.a'.s. Ti?.c matter was conMinue3 until the next nestir_g,
The F`r? Clz;ci, Bill Schultz, eppearsd and indicated that the f':i.re. is ~•~r: k
A~13`~S?.3 orc~cxed in. Ootober, 1973 has no-+7 been delivered an3 is eXpec.ted to be
v;)'.:3`.?_O:«1Z 'i,I: about 60 days.
1?a furtl~~: r~:~:,~i?ste3 that the Ccuncil au~:.lorize the ~u*:chase of a 4 inch
•~ ~ ch:.~: ~~ h~;:s r.~;~;r:.^;,ti:i~~ far the trs~~ in the swn of $425. QO ar~3 rare ~.o e u7. ,c~~~"
. _...._____--k___.__. _~.~._.... z_._...~.~.~...,~.._._,_-
tc~z_ at~pra~.is~.c.r~.~.~ ~~:U•3o00o Ur~on motion by Rydrych, sccand2d Smith, all nrvuabors
~~~a..-Lng ! a f.:~vaacr, ~i+.: way RESOLVED that the request of the above mentioned eq+.~i.pxei?t
LPL t1 ~.If.`~'.~1. J.7~:1.
S`i~e Chi,. f~::rvlier reco3nnended that the City approve the Dalcota C~~u~~y~y ~~~^i~~~~.
e~,:;.:j. r~,_,. !1?:.~cam~t 2S revised and upon the recoannertdation of the City Ai:::o~•zt~:;;~
~i~,rn r~nt.•.on d~:+.Iy mad4 by Smith, secor~led Rahn, all menbers voting yea, i : wa:S
~LS:?Lji;•~~ tl:~~ t.x:: .:gr.~ot,ient be approved and the Ci~:y officials be .1<ithori^-~ to
T.~rY (':~.;::~_~ was directed to forward a letter to the City E~~sjnecr .rensae^r~Tr.
i;ila~.; t-"r..z ~`yr. y~y~~~•! c..onir~~~st?m i:~ Fire Station ~~? be repa~.r~d in ±.•:~at :~.Y: hr,,
t]:7~ Z~~CLZ ~:'.1~.3^~:12^.. ~~:tl~~c '~:. [:. .'~:i.:C~ 1yy:£t~ A ~?~j. L7~~~:,. ~:L: j.? ~:. ii~)?'•~~.5': G::?v I%li .`„!!'N ~3~P'.
C ~ ~. =_t,.__,_.__.~ :'':_~~~•_s ~ 0 .part•~ent a~,p.- ~~r-~~. and su~a*_nifite3 ~.
s9.i~;l~e i)iC~a ~.~~~: a `-L,1~~,~ ray. fgam Ridgelale P~..d in Y.hE sLr-~ ci $3,>LU,S6 p~wr8ua*.~.
~:~ a regR~et £~;z isi'~s to approx~.alateiy 7 uato2aobile dealers. UPo±z notion by Rah^;
:ecc;.u;~;:d i?ysx;~~.h, s11 r~r.!vor,~ vc %n ~P FESOI,VEll t:~.~t `' ~+'d cf ''~~~'a~~
L' g ~ a, it u,as ~n~ t;.. ,..,. ~..
?..-.? ~ T'ol:~i i.n t?~~~ txm u; $', ~20o~b be app~r.~:v~cd and wuthox~ized.
t`~~ ~'~."Z. ~;~.'a~.ci: appeac~.d for i:he Utility ~J2partm:,nt and itc'icate3 Lir~Y. .~~_
adp?R~~d c'.tis :xpo;a re<i+inst for a ut:~l.i~.y ptolc-up tL,uck with a low b'dfr^m.
-~'.:'"'~"':.a1.~ boa-~~ =.xt tre :;t~l of $3,479.00. Upon motion by Rahnr secorae3 ivuci~itexy
a•~•L 1*s~~='.y~s •"~.~~'~.~.g i.n favor, 3.t saes ~ZFS~JIVED that the acquisition a`' ~.i a trur_k:
,. ,~S ~
L~:,_ ~~_~c.'a ir..3.cat.d that the i•~~rro Sower Boapd t~Ad as?cc~d wh~i'~._~r Ea~sr ~tio~:.~:y
°~~: +.~y~.~r~z.~.~~.1 ~.zl ~.s•sng some of i.he fL ash from the St?re~& ~vr~stc. 'ro'c„~^tBTie: ~~'.-Y~.•..
''~"s'~ Co~ti;z~.:i?. '. l~ct.ted "chat it had uo u3a for the fLy-as:l at the present t:t:~ ,
TAaL., Pr~xh1 .La_~~st~e~, sppeared for the Park Cc2m~ittae aQu ic~clicaLe;~ t at ~:"rla
c^.~.::i.t.{.;:e r ~:o~~: cx:'.~.a •t3:a4 t?ae grcrexf:jr propusea to be de~eioped by ~.f.? .3'~J
c':._rto~.~:'-y l~a~~~:. ~~'. .^.~ Tiinl:yc•ta Zoo bu reta:~.n~3 for a::~lk purposes aL rea.:~~~n~jec~
~:Tf.rAA>t~a •~~:~,~,:*;~,~ t*•y ~:~acnter, se oaded Sms th, upon reronrmFadati on oz the P~;:xh
~~~^l:., 1. y«.l..l. ~ h. •~'~:tJ IiJIJVJ J A R f b
~~ } J"'D that th Ciry Attor`~ be authorizcl co a~.te~i•i Fa_:~ck
v `':~:'.s:e:F3~^. r^ci:1.?:3~f3 t ~:~ ti1C- purpO4C Of Z~ ~~ar~.n~ m.'.~.11LItQS aL:G CC3Z!^`~L'G,~a ^~;~ntl trJ '.:~:.a
sJ,::o~~. ,~a~:'r~,. ''`-`y i~~~~itcr, seconded Fahn, it eras RESOLVZ;D that tb.s Cou:~ciL b
.~.:. : ~c:n:~:~. reglc~;:%~.;:r~ Qusistance frori P.a~COta Cour!.f,y i.n carr;yrirg out the tfFe
':i.`%'____,.. ;i`:~C9~Y_°.i1'L~ ~.kl, ~:.~ii3 ~',.ry.
E~h% C?.P~ec r~aa. a Letter from the Urban Council on T.:~bi.~.xr3* requetin a
.a''.^C:,%s:Ty Zs~.bi1'=%? bi~.Lbc~lyd Cdilcer:~3n_g highwFy COi?5trl:Cto7ll in tt7.P F'..3f';(d:~ a;:t=.^
rw:voOSeo 4:J ~i'1° :.;'~~*'.e,r: ai: i`.ln° $GL1ihFYESi~ .^..JYISEK' C'~ I~i3_^_L?~g.:$:Fli:'ta~`l L~r. C.~~Rr .Averlu~
aria tiluq: C:~?~^., tl;,.~.:~.:'S~?'t'3 ~r ~ ~ ~e t~~~~i.~?a. ~~::e~.' rcnsi.'l~ra7'_^ Cl~.SCt:^+Si0:1 CO11CE'+ni'_?.~~
a'"1e i*aplit:,=.'~iony cf N'.7.1`T3.Ll.u the f.~a fs~r the '~i? lboard, upOtY YaotiC:~ by Wao.tar,
se:^owded Sx1i'th, aI.L mQrbers toting in fsva:~, it wan RESCL'JED that the Coanoil ::e
cn *_-e^_ord savor%ng the construction of C~da~~ Avenue Bridge, that r"r:~ effar of
n%.-.~gele Sign Cckpany for tho t~mYOraxy use of the sign witY~out chsrge ry Pb.~e~;e".°.
,; ?cc~Ytad ?~;~ the City of Eagsn and the Kermit be held by the City, su~~h ci~;,.~ cavns'd.c:
ra ~.ccate3 at tn~ Sou°~hwest corner of Nicole Station and Cedar Ave:~ue o;.i lsstc! ~:! !~~
.I~~:.~~;;ed f::~e og charge to the City and further that the format and wording of ti.:tr:
sign h.: 3uI:::.i~:s-cd. L.pcn tr~•o week nr~tice f;-om tlia U::ban Council on Picbility *_o LI.~
::3.ty Ccunc; ~:. z:~r Yeview eXCSpt in the went where the wording indicates a meeti..~~
ar haar~.n data r.alative r_o Yiighway carst~uction in the area.
,gyn. applicu~c~~on of William Hexza far a ep .rmit for a resi.d~nr~, os~ a 10 ac~'a
,gar^el o;an:d by hire on County Road ~k30 to be placed or. only 2 acres was ;~~.,.:i
inotio~. 'oy Szeitib, seconded t~7schter, all members voting in favor, approved su:~ jec~:
x.;cc~e•~er to *_'a~o Grant cf a full 50 £oc~* right-of~way on County F.oad ~~3~3 by the
c~ti~rar and furtl~A^r tha: the residence be built on no leas thar_ 5 acsey according
{:.o r_.l:e oxdi :mice t,rvv3.s:i.rons,
!7p^n ~^tic~^, •~ '~ Waohcsr, seconded Rshn, all mem'~ers vc': ing yea, it cans
F:B~Oi,IrL' '.hu*_ ',~:~~u*-3 P~:-rron, 4000 Dodd Road be granted a building permit for a
~_~:~.li.Y.;~ Lj~sc Bola building on hi3 property consisting of 10 scbes.
T-~.~. A~:.x~:.r-1 T,ati~_art of 4393 Dodd Road appeared and requested a buildinU pet:•mir
~:~z a :~tilitd% i~:-3.~.2' ~.~.g on a 5 acre pa?-ee1 owned by him West of Dodd Road, OF°o'~~
x~ct~.o%~ 'o:~ Ra.sa-±., :icGL'G:ZLad WaeS~ter, all mesn~ers votin; in favor, it was R~SOLl1~.n
fat ~'~ bt';s.i.Gi:.ag n-:Ymit be granted subject, hocaever, to the gran` by t'.:e ~~pt:'.:b~:a:x~-
;,f ade~<~.ate ri.g:ht~-of=~~ay to the City to provide for a fi0' ri.ght~ci~-way 2.~? jaeer:~
~o .si.s p:!°opc~'L'y which had been granted earlier.
... A 3.~tt;^r i::{~~~ ~'i~:~a F'3Ci~A Fed: ~: ? wc'~:i rP.cl'j ~j- i:fl° Clerk :~t?.~i~.r~i`s.it? ~ r'1%F2t' ii:
coax?d rot acc:F~pt a.,y c:.:':cr si:;erraf;~~~~e site plan for She propose3 2~Iynneseta Federal
~~i=il3ing on Ruin RR4d ad Hi.g>:wa;~ ;~13 odor than the crig'rsl plan a;1;I the plan
running the service road 9a° South of thc~ original exit lucatior. Representatiees
of r:inn?cta Fecid?~al and DCR Co. appeared and requested that the CoLrc•~1 recor_s~!cex
i~ae~.r decision cf S~P4:ember 3rd to pexmit access as requested. 1`here was furth~.r
z:?.sw::sc~io~i cnizcv-rs~..:rg L•he East-West road axul tiie Council again reiterated its
r~gaest to nlaw~ the area accoi-ding to the motion at the true of approv.=~1 of the
rA~'::~~?a s bui lc:;ing, A s~°presentati~ae of DCR Co, indicated that DCR mould sub:ntt R
3°eq~i~st for ;.i^p~°o-ya1 of the plat. There was fu!~ther o'iscussion cor..erring procr~-
d+aral probye~~s relat-ia~, to rescinr:in; Earlier action. Rydrych moved and RaY:n
:° cun~led s mr?t,ion to rescind the ao*~.c:x of the Council of September Ord deryiY~4
is}:e, 4pplication for approval of the psrxnit and site plan for Minnesoa.a :~edc.:~a':.
Tx~.ree m-ar~bers vGte+3 in favor and two against. The motion died because of" l~~.k cf
2./s ma,~oiity. ~:'ac-iter then moved and Rydrych seconded a motion that the act;on
c, Sc,.~:e:~r,et. 3rd. be rescinded relati;ig to the application of Minnesoc;a Fedaral~
leer°€~ x,Ta:°a four a~•.:s aid oi7~ no. Tile motion to rescind xaas approved, M~;~or Po~.~i~r,
;her.. rioE*s~3 am -yc~~ ~c:li sacord d a motioxx to appr:,ve the applicat+on that was
:~:n:rg'.~:tad tc t~a.~ Cczu7~i.1 on September 3rd far building perxsit and site plan apprc•;ra3.
b~~ N~ nn~s::ta rE:ieraa. These voting in favor were Po1~in, Rydrych, Rahn; L•h,se
€~a:~-r_st csero F~ac.it~:r an3 Smith. Tho applioation was granted.
W~.` .iax., E, Baa~ccarison appeared on behalf of his application for aii on-sale
?. `' r`~"~~'~. ? icr:^s y for Isis o D's Pizza, Inca at 3904 Beau d' Run Dri4ae, Sm:i.th movE3
t•c dt1ia~,~ the a*~rlicatiUn until Ootober 1st until. the Council ha~f a chance ~~4
re~~:~.e~~; t'.:a app3.i~,dS:i.or.~, Rahn sacondLd the motion. Those in favor w.::~e S~r.:iL~'i a..c~
_R~~r.:.1, ~:iicse against; were Polzin, Wachter and Rydrych. S'he motion d; ed. 4'acz:~:nr
:'r~ac~ ricse4 Yo aat'~orize the granting of the.. license ~pcl Rydrych secor~d~d; there
_,~~,:e ~:^. .z~ :x~Pa'3 &x!d one no.
I+~~Tiz~s~~€B -SS~:~.te appea~•ed at tT,e x•aquas of the Coan::il ccncerrding the grant
of buildi.n,~ per.~i.ts in I,c~res~ide Estates ~.dclition. 'rIe inCicated that he has beEn
ceiling 1 lots far s_~.he construction of one residence rathsr than ene on every
two lots us eari.ie~ agreed upon with the Council. He stated that financially th4
return is very r~,rginal and requested that the large lots be permitT:ed *_o be
c'~:velopcd ind'.vid:sally and smaller lots on the basis of 12 lots per residence.
TJI:o:: motion by Pol.zin, seconded Wachter, all menbers voting in favor, it was
Iti:SCLV~ that tha ma{ter be referred to the City Engineer and City Isuildiai
:C~spa_cLor fcr ;-evat~;a and recommendations.
M:~~ Harr~~ Itay appeared on behalf of his client, William Smif:h, objecting to
th? a~=s•~sexent for ?r.~p~Project ~~'122-A tdescott Hills Drive scree" {r-u~ros~:ments.
i?e LequostE3 a meeting with representatives of the City Council ar~d rE~ou~msnaeu
>iaic t`se aase..sments for M~:. Smith relating to Carriage Hills Go~.f !;o+.:r: ~ ?o
dete.zmi,.ed on Lhe basis of the original estimates and further *hat Mt. Smi~.h would
scree t~~ assec3me:~*s for future road improvements on Tslescott Hills Drive,. A
meeting tias later Net for 4:00 p. m. on September 24th at the site -~i.tl: the
repr•~:sa~ntativcs c:~ thy: Council and Mr. Smith,
J?~ope;~ ty ezvr:.eS~s .~t 3i3 ac.chawk Ii:~,lls A~!dition appeared and requested that cup°b
;nL. ~`xt~:er f •r street m~~, Project ~~1.5t~ for El.ackhawk Hi11s Addition be deleted
£xrra 1:L:e c:,n~.rsct and further that the extension of an additional 500 feet re
anprove.l by the Counezl. Upon mot:~on by Rydrych, seconded Folrin, all m~.mbers
•?o~,:ing yea, it wa« fiESOI;J:~D that the request of the owners for d4letion of curb
and g•,:tter bP granter: provided that all owners sign a cozaser~t to the change,
furs?.~~:: i:hat tl~s st-eet improvement be extended an additional 500' as req~zestc.d
ar::~. i'u.*°•whEr i rovi;'_ed tF~aic the contractor consent in writing to the dciation ann
exttPnsic~s as pro~V:.c.oti above. It was ur_derstood that the con:.ract will have to uo
r ~; iced to ~~cver ~:hese changes.
Tha Clcr.~: t'iF~r~ s:xbtnitt.ed a requesi. from t?~:.e Dakota Co'1r3wy Bo:±ri that the
Citcy Council. ap~:ro•~e tze coarty Res~~~.~rce R:covery Syste:u for the County Aba:,dor:~4
Motor Vah;c'..~ Fr•~g*°a~?, Chief DesLauri.ers appeared and recor~e..ded that the Coun^il.
request than the cou,.zty slept an ordinance regarding abat.donacl ve::icleo and
policing thEir r~.m~~val. Upon motion by L~achter, seconded Polzin, all members
votiireg yea, it was RE^OLVED that this recommendation be made to the Dakota Coc::atr
yosrc ar..d furt:zer that the City Attorney review the possibility of a' proposed
a?:andcred. vehicle ord:~nance for the City.
Upon m~tiort by Wachter, seconded Polzin, all members voting in favor, it wa:b
RESOI•V,?.D 1_hat the plans a:td specification3 prepared by the City Engineer for Irap+
I'ro scr ~~1~6 -sewer, water and storm sewer for River Hills 9th Addition be
approved axtd accepted aYtd that the C1Er~, be authorized to advertise for bids to
b~: ;;ported an October 15th at 3;00 p,m. at the City Hall..
the proposed House Numbering Ordi_^.~.nce was continued until the next mFet?ng.
LTpor. moicic~-3 by Polzin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting yes, it was
YWSOLJED than Cho ~1^ns and snecificatians for Imp. Pro jaot ~~153 of se~•er and
:pater l.ypresvet~~;~~.s to the Bo:~ckter`-Ir~g~r5o11, Inc. property be accepted and
;^:p~~:oved. ??por. moY:.on by S~rit~h, secortdrd T~lachter, 3.t was RESOLVED thaC tha
~:•":~.r~,:~c order to the Jda::ienal Building Center Corp. sewer and water Imp. Project
~,`i_~i incorporating Imo, Project ~'=153 relating to Borchert-Ing::rsoll, Inc. be
s~tlt~~r3,za:i ar~d approved,.
Ttte C1ccld thEn sYSbmitS~ed the bids relating to Imp. Project ~~T39-,A regarding
x<::at:: ci',Y~2 Dri~::e street impro~~ements according to the bid tabulation atcachad to
t'ro ±rAixiutess ihQ loT~° bidder *.~'as F~.scher Construction Co. at $173,569.22. Ugo~:t
::^_ourc~>~Ei3ati~an of !-na E~~gl.neer and cpon motion by Polzin, seconded Rydr;~ch, al.l
-s~em±:ers votitxo ita fMvot:, a.t r~ras RESOLVED that the low bid of Fischer Consta~uctio
Co, ac agg:.~o.-ed and the contract be awarded.
Tie R:.ecuii:~:~ ci the contract concerninb a~.p. Project ,~k150 bE:gardirg
Blackhawk ~i11s Addi.ti.or_ street in~arovemen"s was continued until the next meer:.nz.
Upon mo~:aon by Rahn, seconded Smith, it was RESOLVED that the contract
regarding I~up, Pro;~ect ~~~.~+9 for public works ~ara~e addition be approved and
or3erpd execu~,ed. A11 members voted yes.
Upon motion by Smith, seconded Rahn, all members voting; yE~s, it was RESOi:V~il
tY~st the fi.nal~ayments for the fr~llowinb projects be ap~~roved:
a. Tm~. Project ~~105 - Cedarvale Streets - $7,176.23
b~ Tipp. Project ~~120 -Pilot Knob Heights sewer and water - $7,555.92
c. 3.>74 Seal Coat Project - Y2?,,779.75
Upon motion by Wachter, seconded Smith, all menbers ~rc~tiag yesA it was
RESOLVEil that tl-,e requesi: of the Lez:irg~.on Park Booster Cl.~~b for a temporary 3eR
oee*~ ii.cer.~sc~ ~ermi.t for September ?.2nd only ir. Lexington Park be ar.,~rov?~'~
Upon motion by Ra1:n, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOIVID
that the application of National Building Centers for sign permits for t?area s:.;;::~s
on the building, IJo*-th of Yankee Doodle Rcad and one free standing wign on the
propert.•;~ ba appro+rad.
Upon motion b;,' Sulith, seconded Polzf.~~, all members voting yes, it was RESGi.~LL'i~
t;iat the aaplica~tion of Iindsas~ Water Conditioni.n~ for a si n on its building ut
<<?.15 Cedar Avenue be approved provided it is not on the roof of the building.
li;•o~i mc;:ion by Polzin, seconded Rahn, all members voted in favor, it was
~:h'SO:~,Vr~,J than the request of Perkin's Pancake House for a sign permit for a free
sf:4r_di~zg sign. on its property on High~•~ay ~~13 be approved, I`our menbers voted
3.~i f3Yi/, :a , Cale 4galiau a~..
~iJl~:.iz kotion u~t Ra?~n, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it wao
;?.ESCT~'~4~D that a~a. assessment heari~ covering street improvements for Eirene F.^a3
be scheduled fer October 15, 1974 at 9:00 p.m. at the City Hall.
~•'~e ~:ayor '::heir reviewed a req:iest of Mrs Thorp on Bla~ic:~z<<a?c ;_2.lls Drive
raquasc:i~ag ~:n.at she Qe p.x~itted ~o make a partial paym~t of the street asses^m
' +-d that the balance of the a,~ses~ment br s~.~rGad over the I1GY°mal
mints in 1 ~ ~• a.. ~ 4°
assessmeat period. The Council than ci~.scussed the implications cf granting tY:iS
k9.rLd of req~.~est in the future in that t:he policy in the past has been to not
cr~.~.t partial pa~+ment of assessments except annuli installments or coWplete pQJ•~
ms.:.~ of ~:he assessment balance. Upon mo~:.ion by Polzin, seconded Smith, all r•.erzbe~z
voic:~.b~ in favor, it wyas RESOLVED that partial payment of assess~Ients for Blaa'rl~r~•-~:
Ht.1~.s Brit°e tip gratated if paid within 30 days of adoption of the roll i~I that t~~:~
few resident?.sL owners involved have large paI°cels and may wish to make partia3.
;~aynel:i~s and further that a review of this policy for future assessment rolls
be made.
A le*ter. from TJorth Star Special`ies Co., the owner of properC;~ on IC^nt+..'-c:
nri~e gas next xea3 reruesting that its street assessment be waived adjoining its
property cla?ming no benefit to the property. The mati:er was referred to t~:e
City Enginee:c xor a_ report
A regees`. oi'.Arnold Carlson for preparation of plans. and sp~:ci:~.rations by
±hc City Eigi^eez for ctrect and utility improvements in Wilder~.~ess Pant Additia~z
;~i.t`.I co.-IStruc;:ion by the developer was submitted. Upon motion by Rahn, sFCOnde3
~7~Y'j7C61, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED that tre request ba gY:arte3 and
that t'_:e t~.~t-ter be xeferred to the City Engineer for preparation of plans an.~i
il~~on mot~.on ~y Polsin, seconded Rydrych, all members voting in favor, it w:~s
RESGL"vED tba* *h~ ~i.~~al plat of Br~~;stle's Addition be approved subject to fine?
arprc,rw?. by the Wiry Engineer.
.A ;:eq+.~es~ fwam tiie P~Zetro Transit Commission for t:Ic installa*•ion of a new
~hus ~out2 to allow buses on the West Service Road, Fzga~.~. I~:dr:.atx~.al I:oa.d a;.l
EagandGle Buul~vaxd waa upon motiar. by Pal.zin, seconded Rydrych, all mett~bers
voi:ing yea, approved.
Upon ~n:ion n;~ P•.uhn, seconded Smith, all members voting aye, it was FESOLVED
that the p*~+:olic hearing regarding tha proposed Zoning Ordinance ~~52 and public
hea:-ir~g relating to the prroposed net*ised Eagan Zonng Map be schedu?ed for 7:00 pa a.
on Octcber 8, 1974 at the City Ha 11. Tho Council will also review a proposed
Ac~~rl.sc~r3, Planni.r..g Commission Organization ordina::ce at that time.
The City Attorney submitted a draft: of a Quit Claim Deed running from the
Ci?~y of Eagan to Sperry Rand Corporation covering the former water easer.~ent on
the Urivac pro~,erty on Pilot I:nob Road and recommended that the quit claim deed be
2.pproved and signed. Ha also indicated that an easement from Univac to Spn_rry
Rand Corporation r_overing the water lirie and an additional water li::e had been
signed and s€.b~nitted to the City. Upon motion by Smith, seconded [aach*e: , a.:?.
atembQrs voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Quit Claim Deed be approved and
ordered signed and the easement be accepted.
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded uJdchter, all members voting yea, it was
R%S4LVED that t:e hills according to the fol~.owing schedule be ordered pzid and
chat the m~.eti_:~g be ad;jaurned: ~~259 thxcugh ~~272; ~~542 through ~~593; ,13043
tlr:,u ;h ~~131b9.
The mee~:ing adourtied at approximately 11:30 p.m.
September '~7, 1974