04/30/1974 - City Council Special y i 1 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA April 30, 1974 The Eagan City Council met for a special meeting pursuant Co notice mailed to all members. All members were present. The Mayor indicated that one of the main reasons for the meeting was an informal presentation by two members of the District #9 Minnesota Highway Depart- ment and Mr. James Gabiou of Dakota County Highway Department together with the Eagan City Engineer concerning proposed plans for upgrading the intersection of Highway #13 and Cedar Avenue area. Discussion also centered around the proposed improvements of Beau d'Rue Drive and the need to acquire the triangular piece of right-of-way of Lee's Restaurant property with the potential of acquiring the right-of-way directly West of Beau d' Rue Drive and Cedar Avenue for a future extention of Beau d'Rue Drive westerly and for additional access to the Standard Oil station. Mr. Gabiou stated that it was the opinion of the Dakota County Attorneys office that the installation of a median barrier from Highway #13 to Beau d'Rue Drive could be installed without serious threat to claims by property owners on either side of Cedar Avenue. The City Attorney indicated that progress was being made on the acquisition of easements on Cedar Avenue at the Northwest corner of Cedar and Highway #13. It was further stated by the Highway Department personnel that federal funding appeared possible on a 90/10 basis with Dakota County and the Eagan sharing on its normal city-county basis covering the 10%. Bid letting for the Minnesota Highway Department portion would be made in July and it would proceed in spite of the fact that the easements for Beau d'Rue Drive may not have boon acquired by then. It was projected that Beau d'Rue would be a state aid street. -1- Af*er discussion, upon motion by Ry~lryc:~, seconded Rahn, all members voting in fa•~ar, :i* was R~30LVED that tha nrel•i~sinar.~,~ report as subr,-itted by the Cit, Engi:~eer covering :roject ~~139 for Beau d'Riie street improvements from Cedar t_,~_ c c: Avenue ~t5terly be srd it heraby is ?ccepted and that a public hearing be sc~aciuled for riay 21, 1974 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall. ~e Min.nesota H_ghway Department rEpresentatives further indicated that the nte:lian will end at Cedarvale Drive to avoid the federal regcirement for public haaring ~~rhich would stall L•he pro;~cic but that 90/10 funds would be used as far So~~t~h as BEfi+.s c' Rue Drive further that access to Cedarvale Drive would not be aff.cted at ~;he present time but could ~e a: a later time. Upon notion by Rydrych, seconded Wachter, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVID that ttie Ci`;~ Ccurcil. be ors record concurring with the plan of t:~e Mirnpsota highway Department and Dal~ota County Engineer office and rcco~r~~ere3+=.1 that plans be prepared and that abree:~ents between the county and the ci_y be prepared for review and approval at a later time. Mr. Luther Stallard, the devoloYer of Hillandale Addition, requested an e~:usnsion of 4~irae for payment of pa~~k donations as designated by the Ci.tty Council at an earlier time to provide for an extension of May 1 to 3une 1, 1974 for pay- merdt, Upo:~ motion Ly Wachter, seconded Rydrych, all members voting i.n favor, {.t was RESOLVED that such extension be granted. Rahn abs~~ained. tTpor, motion the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. p~,ril 30, 1974 ~~, ,~,~ / ,~.e~~ ~:~1._~ -2-