08/12/1975 - City Council SpecialP~iII:1UTFS OF A SPIaCTAL• ;~~ ; '~':~~t0 OF TrIB isliGAiV CITY CCL^dC;CL ;af.C~td, i~i~l:tJl~I~SC`i'A 1~~~~ s ~ ~, 1 gl~ A speUi,a1 mee+,ing of the Eooan C:;.ty Co-~~31 was bald oYx A±z~ist 12, 19?5 at 6030 p~m. at ~thQ Ci±y Ha? 1 pug. suant to xGa~i ed not;icon„ All m~~irers wex~e rresexzt except Coarrci.lmGn Rahn.. 'PF.~k~ZI1S°ICTOT~. ?+J31].iax~< Erickson submitted a report on ds.~~osod trees on priva~;e uroperty. He a1.so discussed the px•chlem cn park propQrty e: p~sci.al:ty i.n Bl?ckh~Pr=t Park. He w31.1 report baoY t•o the Cc~~n~;i.l on the estimate of ~.Lnds nec~.ed to t-ry ana sa.~e a vix~ ~ e':m. He will also check into the possi.b:~lity o~ obta=u~3ng Stat3 ~ a ? :For a por-t.ioxt of the Pxps3r.!ses incurred in assiQt3.ng homeowners. PAP.T~~ :mi~HOV'~+~TF,tiT'P BILS. The Park Committee re~crnianended that the ..s.-. - --_n...~ _.:_. r_.on.sts:~?eti_cm._ of Pilot Knob Park be dropped at this time and the con- tract be awarded to the law bidder. They further recomn;ended that the Ci~~,y FZ,;ineer get ~st3m.ates for t:~e repair of the brokan storm sewer i.n Pilot Knob Park aTid suc-h repair be paid from the sewer ar_d water .~^vnd. Revisions may be made to the Pilot Knob plans and then bid at a later date. RP,sidents adjacent to Blackhawk Park comp~.ained abrn;:t the proposed drainage of the project in that area because of the ;aa.ter prohlEm in that area. Upon motion of Councilman Wachter, secor..ded by Councilman Smith, all members voting aye, it was :'SOLVED t,:±at the construction of Pilot Knob Park be dropge4 and the contract be zT~rarded to the low bidder B-TU-I~lIX in the amouxit of $61~,;x2t~ x~rhich i~.c;~Tades the alternate, it was further ~~ESOr,VED that the City Eng;i.neer get estimates on the repair of the storm sewer in Plot Snob Park and f„rtY?~r that he stuff' tho d~'a~na.ra Fror7Pm :~3i S'..a.^Yh~:.~.k: }'?xk and de?o:i;e ~Lhac part of th3 G~?*ri,ra~~;; i~' r.~:,~asrx~r. Tr,e mayor thin statt;d i•liat tkze meetir; had been ca7.led. to re~ri.°<•a thc~ D~` 3:~ss fcr tra~..?.s and land rse -7.r_ and a_djuoent t^, the ?^• "'f• ,^_,?.^k .'3.''7. fh° ~'9<±;irJ ZGJe ~'~.i~'1.1~? i-i_ ~:1iTi,~-~:u::. F'o;::r.~,t`3st, n:~'~x~ys'si a',.;.d Tnz^upkr~; wsra p~?^eser..t. r^ark C:,:~:~.s"o::l ~:i.:.~ tzr, ~.~.nc~s n, C:,a ar.d Cocper t~ e~ p .. sort A? sc ~;1^osc~l: t t3e'.:"P., ~ er~~z Voss, I.ldo?a Nz.` olor_, I-tobert ~.os~._ cp Jef:~ Cof?~.^.~.1, Da'~ota Cett:'ity Plar±.~_~.r~s D~raz•t:, crt and Pc'o::r~~ Fc~::a?•ritz, Zc: ~7.o~'iGa1 Dcarca, DA~,OT.t~ COL'i,1Z`~ Pl~:'~S PI~P.i`dS. Jiff Cannc:~t r~,ri.eT,rcC. th:: i~ra .t~e., F:l.a,;z f^r tha Coi~.ty Paj^k which ha:: been szrb:n:~},t~3 to ±3:e i~4e}.,ro Cot;~2~;~1 i^,r a.Nnroval. I~-sr. Voss re•~_ewec? the Eat;an t~:•a:~__l ~tst~n. Tt was u~t.z~~'t~1Q3 that both the City staff and Co~:.r..':~r st~:f wo~i?.d r~~;;;t and tz~ and coordir_ave bot?~ plar_^. 'i'Y:~:_~^ be~.azg no further bts~nuss th? rre?ti::g wa; adjc,~zz~nd. Au,:,~st 12, 1975 l~ E'2~ .-~ ,%-~ -~_f ~__ ~ t: ~~ E r ~ _ ~._... ------ p ;