04/29/1975 - City Council Special~-~T~'L`3^!~ !?i~ A SF~CIx'yI i~"~"'x~~A?~G n~' 7:'-~ F:.ACAP7 LI"!'Y C4~'J'd~,`:i
E~iCAK, NIi~A~Si~i:9
rpril 29, 1975
A special uepti.~g of the Eaba~i City Council was held on April ~;', !S~':a ~:~:
S <30 p.m. af: the City Ha31 p:~rsLar~: ~o -~^ilo3 r_otice. All members ware rreso:;::.
~;l.yce Bolke and Paul Haugs were a~.s~~ present.
CHAR AVENUE BUSIIv'ESSES. Dale 5r:~le and Dale Peterson reviewed a video ta..~F
szc.pared at the direction of the Council cove:ring the area of Cedar Avenue be~ses:~.~
-.'~e railroad right-of-way North of Highway ~~13 to Cliff Road including tha pro l'+_~
fcLa?-:tca or sigxis and general condition of filling stations sites. The Council
%~is.u:~srd in detail possible violations occurring on sites on Cedar Avenue a~..d
:~s,~a-s ~^yi~n b J, P.yclrych, seconded Wachter, all members voting in favor, it was
R.r~sCi,V~'D what special use permits for filling station sites be held up uzt'.1
:..vsew ob possible violations including sign permit violations for filiir..g ~:.~~~..:~.~ ~~
sy~es and tt.~ general condition of the filling station sites on Cellar ATJen.sze ~.s
accc:rpi{shad; further that the managers of the Skelly station, Standard and
Pt:?.llip 65 staticns on Cedar Avenue be requested to appear before the City Co~ir..c l
to Ziscuss general appearance of the~.r oites. The Council also asked that Dale
B~-c:1e a„d Dale ?eterson review potential sign violations on the filling station
sites at~d cii.scuss with the managers and owners these issues in an attempt to
elim~.ra*e cuch potential violations.
~'^G CAT^Iy~R. The City Clerk indicated that the dog catcher that was hired a~
~~!: iact. r~*gr~?.ar m.:eting has resigned the position before starting and the Cle+~
way rcnctes~:~~1 tc~ advertise for a dog catcher for the city.
Ii'..~:-?^C?' ~5~i - PFOJECT 154 CONTRACTS. Upon motion by Smith, seconds: Rr:r..,
all merr•~ar3 t*oting in favor, it was RESOLVID that the contracts eoverin~ ti.e
follo•~ring projects be and they hereby are approved and ordered signcc~, bw ~.'~.e
apprc~px~iaf~e ofzic•'a?,s:
1. Project ~~I56 - U'~~+jd.aL•e 3rd Addition, Kaffar, Inc.
2. Project ~f157 - scwa~: ~~.d saate~: impro;tements for Pilot Knob ~i~~".~?:i~:s
~+t-h Addition with r~cGrar~d and Frovarp.
~'URDiITURE FOR L'TIL7TY BIJILDT.~TG. Bill Branch appeared and requested
asthorization to acquire furniture for office purposes for the new utility t~:xild ~.~~
U',~on motion by Polzin, seconded Wa:.b.ter, r+ll members voting yes, it was Ru30LVr'~3.
i=~!~%. Bill Branch be authorized to acquire necessary furniture.
CI'!.'Y GRAVEL ROEIDS. Mr. Branch fus~:h;r requested authority to use existing
rn3d snd bridge funds to upgrade the gravel roads of the city including remoc:%ng
:5-a~; and scar:~.fying. P4r. Branch was directed to use funds .from the road and bx'-a
1:a."s:l:X fa,: t_ti:.ti~ purpose.
UYOa motion, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Ap:~°il ~9, I975 ,/ >-.. _ t, .~....a