04/05/1975 - City Council SpecialSPECIAL MEETING OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL
April 5, 1975
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on April 5, 1.975 at
the Eagan City Hall at 9:00 o'el®ek A.M. All members were present.
JULY 4th. Mr. Grant Lundberg, President of Eagan Jaycees presented plans
for the July 4th celebration which will be held July ~+, 5 and 6. The coirunittee
requested use of Cedar Pond Park instead of the Rahn School and Park area be-
cause of the limited access to that site. Upon motion by Councilman Wachter,
seconded by Councilman Smith, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the
July 4th fes~ivities be held at Cedar Pond Park.
Upon motion of Councilman Rahn, seconded by Councilman Smith, all members
voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the City would furnish snow fencing for the
fireworks area and also assume the expense for the leasing of satellites.
KAHN' SCHOOL ACCESS. The Council discussed the single access to Rahn School
from Sandstone Drive and expressed their concern for safety because of the
amount of traffic and the congestion in the area during peak hours. The clerk
was instructed to write a letter to Independent School District 191 requesting
them to put another access road into the property from Rahn Road with the
suggestion that by petition this could be constructed as a general improvement
project which would be assessed against benefited property.
RECRE.9TION DIRECTOR. The Council next reviewed the job description for a
part time recreation director and the application submitted by Barbara Schmidt
for the position.
Upon motion of Councilman Wachter seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all
members vo ting yes, it was RESOLVED that, because of her experience, Barbara
Schmidt be hired effective immediately ~n a part time basis.
Upon motion of Councilman Rydrych seconded by Councilman Smith, all members
voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the part time Park Director work on an average
of 20 hours a week,
Upon motion of Councilman Wachter seconded by Councilman Rydrych, all members
voting yes, it was RESOLVID that the salary for the part time director be set at
$5.75 Per hour.
Barbara Schmidt indicated she would resign as chairperson of the Park Board
but requested that she be allowed to remain as a member of the committee and this
request was approved.
The Council authorized the clerk to advertise the Fire Chief's 1966 che~,r_^olet
station wagon for sale for X250.00.
CIVIC CENTER. Mr. Dale Everson next presented slides and other data concei^n-
ing the proposed community Civic Center which would emst in the neighborhood of
X2,100,000.00 It was proposed that a referendum be held in the fall of 1975• No
formal action was taken.
The maintenance and condition of graveled roads wa.s discussed with Mr. Branch.
Their being no further busines3 the meeting adjourned at 12s30.
April 5s 1975 , i. .: /-"1 < ~ ~ ~_